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1. What is Obesity, its yogic 3-4
2. |What is Yoga and how it 5-7
develops our personality
Obesity is a condition in which excess body fat accumulates to such
an extent that health may be affected. It is commonly defined as a
Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30kg/m2 or higher. Obesity, in absolute
terms, is an increase of body adipose tissue (fat tissue) mass.


Acombination of excessive calorie consumption and a sedentary

lifestyle are the primary causes of obesity. In a few cases, increased
food consumption can be attributed to genetic, medical or
psychiatric illness. Excess fat accumulation may be due to imbalance
between energy intake and energy expenditure. Some patients may
be obese due to the abnormal secretion of the Thyroid gland or due
to hereditary causes. Actually, there are no specific causes but
factors influencing are: Diet: Consumption of high calorie and low
fibre diet. Sedentary Lifestyle: significant role in obesity. Genetics:
Polymorphisms in various genes controlling appetite and metabolism
may predispose to obesity. The excessive fat accumulation can be
measured through the following means:
" Some expression of weight in relation to height, especially one to
referred to as the body mass index (BMI). A BMI of all round
25kg/m2 is considered normal.
Skin fold measurements.
" Various body circumferences, particularly the ratio of the waist to
hip circumference.

Pg. 3
1. Om chanting and prayer.
2. Shodhanakriyas Kapalabhati, kunjal, agnisara, Nauli.
3. Suryanamaskara
4. Yogasanas:- Tadasana, katichakrasana, Pavanamuktasana,
Sarvangasana, Matsyasana, Halasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana,
Supta- vajrasana, Paschimotasana, Ardhamatsyendrasana,
Ushtrasana, Mandukasana, Mayurrasana, shavasana.
5. Pranayama: Nadishodhana, suryabhedi pranayama, Brahmari,
Sitali, Bhastrika.
6. Special Practice: Yoganidra.
7. Dhyana (Meditation)
8.Yama and Niyama: will help to have controlled behavior and would
pacify the wondering mind. It also helps to have control over the
eating habits of a person.

Asanas f Obesity studycbsein

Tadasana Kathaknnans

Dhanurasana Pach rasana

Pg. 4
Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle
science, which focuses on bringing harmony between mind and
body. It is an art and science of healthy living. The word 'Yoga' is
derived from the Sanskrit root 'Yuj', meaning 'to join' or 'to unite'.


Yoga is considered as an effective tool for development of
personality of children. Yoga acts on all five koshas (sheaths)
surrounding the self. Asanas are the tools which mainly influence
annamaya kosha by bringing flexibility, relaxation, toning, strength,
balance and general fitness. Various researches have revealed that at
the pranayama kosha or the subtle energy level, pranayama restores
harmony to the flow of prana (vital force) by removing blocks and
imbalances. The manomaya kosha works at two levels, the level of
mind and the level of emotion. At the mental level, dharna, dhyana
and Samadhi facilitate channelization of thoughts and then focus on
a single thought leading to the state of super consciousness. At the
emotional level, BhaktiYoga is good for culturing emotion. It gives
emotion the right direction for growth. By devotional practices,
negative, harsh and violent emotions can be replaced with the
positive, soft and gentle emotions. Thus, Dhyan and Bhakti Yoga
facilitate the mental and emotional development of the children.
Dhyana and Jnana Yoga are helpful to reach the level of higher
buddhi. Good intellect, intuition, wisdom, higher knowledge and
psychic abilities shine out from the innermost sheath (anandmaya
kosha). Love, compassion, joy, accomplishment and mutually
fulfilling relationships get evolved from the crude level to a more
refined level. This will help to evolve better intra-personal and
interpersonal relationships. Ananamaya kosha (bliss body) is the

P&. 5
ineffable experience of peace, love and ecstasy from being in contact
with the ultimate consiciousness which can be reached by attaining
the state of Samadhi.

Yoga for Physical Development -Physical growth for an ideal body

means proportionate body with all the muscles relaxed in a normal
state, all systems and organs of body with least abnormality and
absence of ailments. Yogic practices can play positive role in
promotion of wellness and in preventing and curing various ailments
of the body and in helping the body work more efficiently. Well
proportionate body and flexibility in the muscles and parts of the
body can be attained with the help of various asanas or postures.
Contribution of Yoga to the physical development of personality has
been proved time and again.
Yoga for Cognitive Development -Mental development is the growth
and change in cognitive processes such as attention, memory,
thinking, perceiving, imagination, reasoning and problem solving. It is
a continuous process which continue without any interruption during
all the stages of life. Surya Namaskar, Tratak and Pranayama helps to
maintain the pineal gland (responsible for development of cerebral
faculty) and beneficial for learning, retaining information and

Yoga for Emotional Development -Emotional development can be

considered in terms of control and expression of emotions as well as
management of relationships with oneself and others. Stretching
exercises, relaxation techniques and pranayama are good tools for
conditioning of the autonomic nervous system. These yogic practices
have been found to bring significant positive changes in the
emotional states of anxiety, stress, depression, regression, fatigue,
guilt and arousal.
Yoga for Social Development -Social development refers to the
development of attitude and behavior in relation to others behavior.

The process by which attitude and behavior of a child are brought
into harmony with others is called socialization. Yama, Niyama,
Pratyahar and Dhyana of Ashtang Yoga are important tools for social
Yoga for Spiritual Development - The texts on Yoga describe the
spiritual health as self-awareness of one's natural state of
contentment. Spiritual development takes place in the form of habit,
values, ethics etc. Good habits and a strong value system inculcated
right from the childhood willhave lasting effects on the personality
of a child. Dhyana is a powerful tool for a spiritual growth. Teaching
and practice of Yama, Niyama and Meditation (Dhyana) are
beneficial for spiritual growth.

Pg- 7

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