the rules, policies and procedures for directing their behaviour and
attitude towards their superior subordinates and colleagues. It helps
to groom them their prospective jobs. It’s a systematic process of
changing the behaviour, knowledge of employees to improve the match
between employer characteristics and employment required.
Money is not the sole motivator at work and this is especially very true
for the 21st centuary.
replacement of industrial workers with knowledge workers. In Japan,
for example, with increasing number of women, joining traditionally
male jobs, training is required not only to impart necessary job skills
but also for preparing them for the physically demanding jobs. They
are trained in everything from sexual harassment Policies to the
necessary job skills.
i. To improve Productivity
ii. To improve Quality
supervisors know that they can better themselves through company
designed development programmes.
ii. To assist employees to function more effectively in their present
positions by exposing them to the latest concepts, information
and techniques and developing the skills they will need in their
particular fields.
example: training employees on the most basic of tasks and other
factors such as safety procedures can ensure that the tasks at work
are completed thoroughly without the risk of anything going wrong.
Training gives the employees more confidence in themselves as they
are more equipped to do their job, which can often provide the extra
push that many employees need in order to perform to the best of
their abilities.
Training and Development helps in the creation of a healthy work
environment. It builds a good employee relationship so that the
individual goals align with organizational goals.
organization and this helps in promoting the good image of
Training and Development assist new employees to get accustomed to
new methods of working, new technology and the work culture of the
Company. This will enable them to be familiar with the company and
also easy time while working
v. Old employees need refresher training to enable them to keep
abreast of the changing methods, techniques and use of
sophisticated tools and equipment
training process for the existing employees for their all round
Training has a limited scope; it’s specific job oriented while on the
other hand, Development is Career oriented and hence its scope is
comparatively wider than training.
In training, the trainees get a trainer who instructs them at the time
of training. In contrast to development, in which the manager self –
directs himself for future assignments.
per the organizations needs while in Development an individual decides
to develop or equip total personality.
work with after training. Under this technique an employee is placed in
a new job and is told how it may be performed. It is primarily
concerned with developing in an employee a repertoire of skills and
habits consistent with the existing practices of an organization, and
with orienting him to his immediate problems. It is mostly given for
unskilled and semi-skilled jobs-clerical and sale jobs
i. The main advantage of on-the- the Job training is that the trainee
learns on the actual equipment in use and in the true environment
of his job. He/she therefore gets a fell of the actual production
condition and requirements. In this way a transfer for a training
centre or school to the actual production conditions following the
training period is allowed.
ii. It is highly economical since no additional personnel or facilities
are required for training. The organization uses the initial
materials and same resources for training. It cannot incur more
iii. The trainee learns the rules and regulations procedures by
observing their day-to-day applications. He can, therefore, easily
sized up by the management
iv. This type of training is a suitable alternative for a company in
which there are almost as many jobs as there are employees.
v. It is most appropriate for teaching the knowledge and skills which
can be acquired in a relatively short period e.g. a few days or
6.8.3 Disadvantages of on-the-job Training Methods
to give comprehensive awareness about the jobs of different
Advantages of Job Rotation
i. The employee gets to know how his own and other
departments function. Interdepartmental coordination
can be improved, it instills team spirit.
ii. Boardom , monotony are reduced and since job rotation
permits a greater understanding of other activities
within the organization people are prepared more rapidly
to assume greater responsibility, especially at the upper
iii. It also injects new ideas into the older departmental
personnel who may otherwise fall in rut. New concepts
are infused into them and they care diffused throughout
the organization.
iv. Though this system, a man does not end up in just one
place. He gets a chance to step into a higher position. In
this way, an organization gains management strength in
v. Job rotation ensures the avoidance of the problem which
arises when a newly promoted manager is required to
supervise his former peers.
vi. It makes it possible for the management to compare one
man with another and gives everyone an equal chance for
vii. It does not develop “Specialists” but produces “generalist
“that is, men who take a broad company-wide point of
view, men whose chief ability is to handle people and
make decisions.
viii. Awareness of what is happening elsewhere and familiarity
with other task centres helps a balanced and informed
attitude to enterprise goal and activities.
ix. Each manager’s abilities and talents are best tested in a
variety of jobs, so the enterprise can secure his best
utilization in the ultimate assignment.
Disadvantages of Job Rotation:
i. It may become too much for an employee to learn. It is not
focused on employees own job responsibilities. The
employees’ basic talents may remain underutilized.
ii. It upsets family and home life, because many a ime
transfers are effected to different geographical areas
iii. It undermines organizational morale, efficiency since
“executive may have
(b) Job Coaching: in this method, an experienced employee can
give a verbal presentation to explain the nitty-gritty’s of the
job. A senior person who is the coach, teaches his junior
regarding how the work must be handled and how decisions
must be taken, the different techniques that can be used on
the job, and how to handle pressure. In this method,
sometimes the trainee may not get an opportunity to express
his ideas.
(c) Internship and Assistantships training: this method uses
instructions through theoretical and practical aspects as
provided to the trainees. Usually, students from the
engineering and commerce colleges receive this type of
training for a small stipend.
(d) Planned Progression: In this method, juniors are assigned a
certain job of their senior in addition to their own job. This
method allows the junior employee to slowly learn the job of
his senior so that when He / She is promoted to his senior job,
it becomes easy for Him / Her to adjust to the new situation.
(e) Junior Board: In this method, a group of junior employees are
identified and they work together in a group called junior
Board. They identify problems, study the problems and provide
suggestions. This method improves team work and decision
making and also build a good working relations since trainee
needs to work together as a team.
(f) Under – Study: In this method, training a junior is deputed, he
takes orders from the senior, attends meetings for him, learns
about decision making and handling of day to day problems.
This method is used when the senior is on the verge of
retirement and the job will be taken over by the juniors.
(g) Apprenticeships: The method uses both theory and practical
sessions are conducted. The employee is paid a stipend until he
completes training. Generally, fresh graduates are put under
the experienced employee to learn the functions of job. It’s
the oldest method found in Industrial Organizations. A worker
called an apprentice works alongside or under the supervision
of a skilled person, usually the immediate supervision. It’s
often used where the skill to be mastered is highly complex,
requiring relatively a long period of time to attain proficiency.
The effectiveness of the apprenticeship depends on the ability
of the supervisor to guide and supervise the learning process.
The Government recognized Apprenticeship which in the
Kenyan case requires sitting for grade tests, plumbing,
masonry, electronics, mechanics and carpentry.
(h) Job Mentoring
This method involves providing an employee with an
experiences coach to oversee his or her learning experience.
The mentor or coach provides advice and instruction, but is not
performing the job with the employee as in the on –the - job
Training. The trainee employee learns the job first hand and
may consult the mentor or coach at any time for assistance.
Off Job training is means that training is not a part of everyday job
activity. The actual location may be in the company class-rooms or in
places which are owned by the company, or in universities or
associations which have no connection with the company..
6.9.2 Disadvantages of the off-the-job training according to C. B
Mamoria & S.V Gankar (2010).
It is a verbal lecture presentation by an instructor to a large audience.
It is a traditional method of teaching in the education system and is
used in many training programs. This method is used to teach principles
and practices of different subject areas. This method is suitable when
the numbers are quite large. Lectures can be very much helpful in
explaining the concepts and principles very clearly, and face to face
interaction is very much possible.
(b) Simulation
(d) Committee
This is a group of people who are officially appointed to look into a
problem and provide solutions. Trainee managers are put in the
committee to identify how they study a problem and what they learn
from it.
(g)Vestibule Training
involves heavy investment. Examples of Organizations that have used
this method successfully are: Kenya Ports Authority, Kenya Power and
Lighting Company Ltd, Kenya Railways and Kenya Breweries.
Case study deals with any problem confronted by a business which can
be solved by an employer. The trainee is given an opportunity to analyze
the case and come out with all possible solutions. This method can
enhance analytic and critical thinking of an employee.
Training is a process characterized by acquisition of specific skills or
knowledge in order to perform specific tasks. The overall objectives
are improved organizational performance.
While Training and Developed programs may differ, both are useful to
the employee and the organization.