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Every organization needs to have well trained and experienced people

to perform the activities that have to be done. If the current or
potential job occupant can meet this requirement, training is not
important. But when this is not the case, it is necessary to raise the
skill levels and increase the versatility and adaptability of employees.
Inadequate job performance or a decline in productivity or changes or
training and development efforts. As the jobs become more complex,
the importance, development also increase. In a rapidly changing
society, employee training and development are not only on activity
that is desirable but also on activity that an organization must commit
resources to if it is to maintain a viable and knowledgeable workforce.

Employee Training is often used interchangeably with employee

development even though they in fact are not the same. Training is the
imparting of proficiencies and knowledge that are specifically related
to a relatively narrow area of employment, whereas development
implies individual growth and self – realization in a broad area.


Training is a programme that helps employees learn specific knowledge

or skills to improve performance in their current roles. It helps the
employees to understand the complete job requirements. It helps
people to adapt to a role behaviour that will be useful to the
organization. Training is an expensive

Many Organizations organize a training program for the new recruits

just after their selection and induction, to let them know more about

the rules, policies and procedures for directing their behaviour and
attitude towards their superior subordinates and colleagues. It helps
to groom them their prospective jobs. It’s a systematic process of
changing the behaviour, knowledge of employees to improve the match
between employer characteristics and employment required.

By training people can learn new information, new methodology and

refresh their existing knowledge and skills. Due to this, there is much
improvement and add up the effectiveness at work. The motive behind
giving the training is to create an impact that lasts beyond the end
time of the training itself and employees get updated with the

According to Cascio, W. F. (1986), “training consists of planned

programs undertaken to improve employee knowledge, skills, attitude
and social behaviour so that the performance of the organization
improves considerably”.


It refers to learning opportunities designed to help employees grow.

Such opportunities do not have to be limited to improving employees’
performance on their current jobs. People who work with organizations
seek more than just employment out of their work; they look at holistic
development of self. At Ford for example, a new system analyst is
required to take a course on Ford Standards for usual Manuals. The
content of this training is needed to perform the systems analyst job
at Ford. The system analyst, however, also may enroll in a course “self –
Awareness”. The content of which is not required on a current job.

Money is not the sole motivator at work and this is especially very true
for the 21st centuary.



Training and Development is any attempt to improve current or future

employee performance by increasing an employee’s ability to perform
through learning, usually by changing the employees’ attitude or
increasing his or her skills and knowledge. Technically, training involves
change in attitude, skills, knowledge of a person with the resultant
improvement in the behaviour. For training to be effective, it has to be
a planned activity conducted after a thorough need analysis and target
at certain competencies, most important it is to be conducted in a
learning atmosphere.

Training and Development is a vital part of Human Resource

Development. It is assuming ever important role in wake of the
advancement of technology which has resulted in the ever increasing
competition, rise in the customers’ expectation of quality and service
and a subsequent need to lower costs. It has also become more
important globally in order to prepare workers for new jobs. Most of
the organizations look at Training and Development as an integral part
of the Human Resource Development activity.

Many organizations have mandated training hours per year for

employees keeping into consideration the fact that technology is
deskilling the employees at a very fast rate.

Noted Management author Drucker, P. F. (1999) said the fastest

growing industry would be training and development as a result of

replacement of industrial workers with knowledge workers. In Japan,
for example, with increasing number of women, joining traditionally
male jobs, training is required not only to impart necessary job skills
but also for preparing them for the physically demanding jobs. They
are trained in everything from sexual harassment Policies to the
necessary job skills.


According to C.B. Mamoria & S,V,Gankar (2010) explains the purposes

of training in organization and the impact of training and development
in the organization. A programme of training and development becomes
essential for the purpose meeting the specific problems of a particular
organization arising out of theintroduction of new lines of production,
changes in design, the demand of competition and economy , the quality
of materials processed, individual adjustments, promotions, career
development, job and personnel changes and changes in the volume of
business. Collectively, these purposes directly relate to and comprise
the ultimate purpose of organizational training programmes to enhance
overall organizational effectiveness. The following are the purposes of

i. To improve Productivity

Purposeful instruction can help employees increase their level of

performance on their present assignment. Increased human
performance often directly leads to increased operational productivity
and increased company profit. Increased performance and productivity
because of raining are most evident on the part of new employees who
are not yet fully aware of the most efficient and effective ways of
performing their jobs.

ii. To improve Quality

Better informed workers are less likely to make operational

mistakes. Quality increases may be in relationship to a company
product or service, or reference to the intangible organizational
employment atmosphere.

iii. To help a company fulfil its future Personnel Needs:

Organizations that have a good internal educational programme will

have to make less drastic manpower changes and adjustment in the
event of sudden personnel alternations. When the need arises,
organizational vacancies can more easily be staffed from internal
sources if a company initiates and maintains an adequate
instructional programme for both its non-supervisory and managerial

iv. To improve organizational Climate

An endless chain of positive reactions results from a well-planned

training programme. Production and product quality may improve
financial incentives may then be increased, internal promotions
becomes stressed, less supervisory pressure ensure and base pay
rate increases result. Increased morale may be due to many factor,
but one of the most important of these is the current state of an
organizational educational endeavor

v. To improve Health and Safety

Proper training can help prevent industrial accidents. A safer work

environment leads to more stable mental attitudes on the part of
employees. Managerial mental state would also improve if

supervisors know that they can better themselves through company
designed development programmes.

vi. Obsolescence Prevention

Training and development programmes foster the initiative and

creativity of employees and help to prevent manpower obsolescence,
which may be due to age, temperament or motivation, or the inability
of a person to adapt himself to technological changes.

vii. Personal Growth:

Employees on a personal basis gain individually from their exposure to

educational experiences. Management development programmes seem
to give participants a wider awareness on enlarged skill and enlightened
altruistic philosophy, and make enhanced personal growth possible.


According To (DuBois, D. L., Holloway, B. E., Valentine, J. C., & Cooper,

H. (2002). Training of any kind should have as its objective the
redirection or improvement of behavior so that the performance of
the trainee becomes more useful and productive for himself and for
the organization of which he is a part. Training normally concentrates
on the improvement of either operative skills ( the basic skills related
to the successful completion of a task), interpersonal skills (how to
relate satisfactorily to others), decision making skills ( How to arrive
at the most satisfactory causes of action or a combination of these;

i. To impart to new entrants the basic knowledge and skill they

need for an intelligent performance of definite tasks.

ii. To assist employees to function more effectively in their present
positions by exposing them to the latest concepts, information
and techniques and developing the skills they will need in their
particular fields.

iii. To build up a second line of competent officers and prepare them

to occupy more responsible positions

iv. To broaden the minds of senior managers by providing them with

opportunities for an inter-change of experiences within and
outside with a view to correcting the narrowness of the outlook
that may arise from over specialization

v. To impart customer education for the purpose of meeting the

training needs of corporations which deal mainly with the public,
e.g., Hindustan Steel Limited, Gujarat State Road Transport
Corporation, B.ES. & T, Mumbai, Heavy Electrical, Bhopal, Gujarat
State Fertilizer Corporation, and all the state transport


Training and Development addresses weakness of employees when it

comes to their workplace skills. For example: an on – going workplace
programme allows you to find and address any weaknesses helping your
employees to be more all – rounded and better skilled at every factor
of their job. This benefits the Company in a way that projects will be
completed faster and employees will need less assistance on the tasks
that previously their skills may have been weak,

Training and Development helps in improving the employee skills in

order to help them deliver a better performance than before. For

example: training employees on the most basic of tasks and other
factors such as safety procedures can ensure that the tasks at work
are completed thoroughly without the risk of anything going wrong.
Training gives the employees more confidence in themselves as they
are more equipped to do their job, which can often provide the extra
push that many employees need in order to perform to the best of
their abilities.

Training and Development increases consistency. Having a structured

Training and Development Program ensures this. By ensuring that all
employees have consistent knowledge, helps to ensure that tasks are
completed on time and without issues. For example: Safety,
Discrimination, and Administrative tasks should be crucial tasks which
require training.

Training and Development brings about employee satisfaction.

Employees tend to work harder, are more comfortable doing their jobs
and there is less or no staff turnover and reduced absenteeism is
realized. For example: providing access to courses such as a CNNA
Voice training by Common Support Networks will allow employees’ to
further their development and work towards goals such as promotion.

Training and Development helps to provide an opportunity and broad

structure for the development of Human Resources. It also helps the
employees in attaining personal growth. Once an employee experiences
personal growth, she is motivate at the work place and this leads to
quality work produced and an increase in work output is realized.

Training and Development helps in the Development of skills of

employees at each level. It also helps to expand the horizons of Human
Intellect overall personality of the employees.

Training and Development helps in the creation of a healthy work
environment. It builds a good employee relationship so that the
individual goals align with organizational goals.

Training and Development helps in improving the morale of the

workforce. For example: an employee who has been trained and
developed at the work place, feels motivated and can decide to work
late until late hours. Because of this motivation He/ She is punctual on
duty; there is less absenteeism or no absenteeism witnessed and the
employee delivers quality and quantity work.

Training and Development helps in inculcating the sense of team work,

team spirit and inter – team collaborations. It helps in inculcating him
zeal to team with the employees.

The top Companies / Organizations invest in training Programs because

they know that investment pays off in individual and organizational
benefits. In organizations, training and development leads to improved
profitability and more positive attitude towards profit orientation. It
reduces employee turnover rates and deepens talent succession
pipelines. It also enhances the Company’s’ image, for example:
conducting ethics training.

Training and Development aids in organizational development i.e

organization get more effective in decision making and problem solving.
It helps in understanding and carrying out organizational policies and
also to update employees on the market trends, and other things.

Training and Development helps in the creation of a better corporate

image. For example: when employees are equipped with the necessary
knowledge and skills required. They tend to talk positive about the

organization and this helps in promoting the good image of

There is optimum utilization of Human Resources in training and

development. It helps in optimizing of Human Resource that further
helps the employee to achieve the organizational goals as well as their
individual goals.

Training and Development helps in removing performance deficiencies

in employees. For example: by giving training to the worker, He /She
acquires the necessary skills in a given career and becomes an expert in
the field which in return reduces common mistakes at the work place.
It improves employee performance, making the employees better able
to perform their duties. They become aware of safety practices and
proper procedures to basic tasks.

Employees with access to training and development programs have the

advantage over employees in other companies /organizations who are
left to seek out training opportunities on their own. The training
creates a supportive workplace. When employees are appreciated and
challenged, through training opportunities, the feel more satisfied
towards their job.

Training and Development leads to increased innovation in strategies

and methods, when employees are trained in various areas as pertains
to the organizations needs and development of employees also takes
place, they acquire new skills, knowledge and ideas which they can
innovate at the work place and also introduce new methods of working
and new strategies for the success of the organization.

Training and Development assist new employees to get accustomed to
new methods of working, new technology and the work culture of the
Company. This will enable them to be familiar with the company and
also easy time while working

Training and Development helps in bridging the gap between planning

and implementation. For example: plans made by Companies /
Organizations expect people to achieve certain targets within certain
quality for this employee has to be accurate and perfect. Training
helps in achieving this accuracy and perfection.

6.6.1Factors that contribute to the increased need to Training and

development in Organizations:

i. An increased use of technology in production. The organization

should always be on the alert for new technology on the market
which enables the production to be high and curbs competition from
the new entrants. For example the use of typewriters replaced by
computers. This enables e-filing, recruitment systems have changed
from manual to on line attraction of candidates.

ii. Labour turnover arising from normal separation due to death or

physical incapability for accidents, disease, superannuation,
voluntary retirement, promotion within the organization and change
of occupation or job.

iii. Need for additional hands to cope with an increased production of

goods and services

iv. Employment of inexperienced, new or badii labour requires detailed

instruction for an effective performance of a job.

v. Old employees need refresher training to enable them to keep
abreast of the changing methods, techniques and use of
sophisticated tools and equipment

vi. Need for enabling employees to do the work in a more effective

way, to reduce learning time, reduce supervision time, reduce waste
and spoilage of raw materials and produce quality goods and
develop their potential

vii. Need for reducing grievances and minimizing accident rates

viii. Change; It is one of the biggest factors that contribute to the

need of Training and Development. There is in fact a direct
relationship between the two. Change leads to the need for Training
and Development and Training and Development leads to individual
and organizational change and the cycle goes on and on. More
specifically, it is the technology that is driving the need; changing
the way how business function, compete and deliver.
ix. Development; It is again one of the strong reasons for Training and
Development becoming all the more important. Money is not the sole
motivator at work and this is especially very true for 21 st Century.
People who work with organizations seek more than just employment
out of their word; they look at holistic Development of self.

x. Spiritually and self-awareness; for example: gaining momentum

world over. People seek happiness at jobs which may not be possible
unless an individual is aware of the self. For example: At the
University level, an individual can enroll himself/herself in a course
on “self – awareness” which apparently seems inconsequential to ones
performance at work but contributes to the spiritual well being of
an individual which is all the more important.


Training is short term process utilizing a systematic and organized

procedure by which non-managerial personnel learn technical knowledge
and skill for a definite purpose while Development is a long-term
educational process utilizing a systematic and organized procedure by
which managerial personnel learn conceptual and theoretical knowledge
for general purpose.

Training refers only to instruction in technical and mechanical

operations while development refers to philosophical and theoretical
educational concepts.

Training is designed for non-managers, while development involves

managerial personnel. According to Campbell, J. P., & Dunnette, M. D.
(1968). Training courses are typically designed for short-term, stated
set purpose, such as the operation of some piece(s) of machinery while
development involves broader education for long-term purposes

Training focuses of the current employee needs or competency gaps

while Development concerns itself with preparing people for future
assignment and responsibilities.

Training is a program organized by the organization to develop

knowledge and skills in the employees as per the requirement of the
job. Conversely, Development is an organized activity in which the
manpower of the organization learns and grows; it’s a self – assessment

Training is a learning process for new employees in which they get to

know about the skills required for the job while Development is the

training process for the existing employees for their all round

Training is a short – term process i.e it can take 3 to 6 months, but

Development is a continuous process, and so it’s for the long term.

Training focuses on developing skills and knowledge for the current

job, unlike the Development which focuses on building knowledge,
understanding and competencies for overcoming future challenges.

Training has a limited scope; it’s specific job oriented while on the
other hand, Development is Career oriented and hence its scope is
comparatively wider than training.

In training, the trainees get a trainer who instructs them at the time
of training. In contrast to development, in which the manager self –
directs himself for future assignments.

Many individuals collectively attend the training program while

development is a self – assessment procedure, and hence, one person
himself is responsible for one’s development.

Training enhances the knowledge or skills Development for a particular

job or role while Development focuses on career building and
progression. Training may not include Development but Development
includes training wherever necessary.

In training, the initiative is taken by the management while in

Development the initiative is take by an individual. For example: Many
organizations organize a training program for the new recruits just
after their selection and induction to let them know about the rules,
policies and procedures for directing their behaviour and attitude as

per the organizations needs while in Development an individual decides
to develop or equip total personality.

Training is meant for operatives while Development is meant for

Executives. Training is carried out on new staffs that are joining the
organization while Development is meant for senior managers who want
to develop their skills.

Training is reactive process while Development is a proactive process.

Training is short term process for example: induction or orientation of

new employees can take 3 to 6 months while development is a
continuous process. You can decide to develop your career for a long
time depending on your capability.

Trainings’ objective is to meet the present or immediate needs of an

employer while the objective of Development is to meet future needs
of employee activities are futuristic.



Tracey, W. R. (1974).says that every employee from the clerk to

company president gets some on –the- job-training, he/she joins an
organization. Tracey, W. R. (1992). Call it the most common, the most
widely used and accepted and the most necessary method of training
employees in the skills essential for job performance

Trainees earn as they learn under the watchful eyes of a master

mechanic or craftsman, receive immediate feedback,, practice in the
actual work environment and associate with the same people they will

work with after training. Under this technique an employee is placed in
a new job and is told how it may be performed. It is primarily
concerned with developing in an employee a repertoire of skills and
habits consistent with the existing practices of an organization, and
with orienting him to his immediate problems. It is mostly given for
unskilled and semi-skilled jobs-clerical and sale jobs

Employees are coached and instructed by skilled co-workers, by

supervisors, by the special training instructors. They learn the job by
personal observation and practice as well as occasionally handling it. It
is learning by doing, and it is most useful for jobs that are wither
difficult to stimulate or can be learned quickly by watching and doing

6.8.2 Advantages of on-the- job training.

The on the job training technique advantages are explained according

to C.B. Mamoria & S,V,Gankar (2010).

i. The main advantage of on-the- the Job training is that the trainee
learns on the actual equipment in use and in the true environment
of his job. He/she therefore gets a fell of the actual production
condition and requirements. In this way a transfer for a training
centre or school to the actual production conditions following the
training period is allowed.
ii. It is highly economical since no additional personnel or facilities
are required for training. The organization uses the initial
materials and same resources for training. It cannot incur more

iii. The trainee learns the rules and regulations procedures by
observing their day-to-day applications. He can, therefore, easily
sized up by the management
iv. This type of training is a suitable alternative for a company in
which there are almost as many jobs as there are employees.
v. It is most appropriate for teaching the knowledge and skills which
can be acquired in a relatively short period e.g. a few days or
6.8.3 Disadvantages of on-the-job Training Methods

i. According to C.B. Mamoria & S, V,Gankar (2010). The principal

disadvantage of on-the-job training is that instruction is often
highly disorganized and haphazard and not properly supervised.
This is due to such reasons as the inability of the experienced
employee to impart skills to the trainee; the breakdown of the
job for the purpose of instructions, and the lack of motivation on
the part of the trainee to receive training. Moreover, learners
are often subjected to distractions of a noisy shop or office.

ii. Low productivity especially when the employee is unable to fully

develop his skills.

6.8.4Examples of on-the-job Training Methods:

(a) Job Rotation: According to C.B. Mamoria & S, V,Gankar (2010).

In this method, employees are put on different jobs turn by
turn where they are trained in all sorts of jobs of various
departments in order to gain knowledge and experience from
different job assignments. This method helps the trainee to
understand the problems of other employees. He objective is

to give comprehensive awareness about the jobs of different
Advantages of Job Rotation
i. The employee gets to know how his own and other
departments function. Interdepartmental coordination
can be improved, it instills team spirit.
ii. Boardom , monotony are reduced and since job rotation
permits a greater understanding of other activities
within the organization people are prepared more rapidly
to assume greater responsibility, especially at the upper
iii. It also injects new ideas into the older departmental
personnel who may otherwise fall in rut. New concepts
are infused into them and they care diffused throughout
the organization.
iv. Though this system, a man does not end up in just one
place. He gets a chance to step into a higher position. In
this way, an organization gains management strength in
v. Job rotation ensures the avoidance of the problem which
arises when a newly promoted manager is required to
supervise his former peers.
vi. It makes it possible for the management to compare one
man with another and gives everyone an equal chance for
vii. It does not develop “Specialists” but produces “generalist
“that is, men who take a broad company-wide point of
view, men whose chief ability is to handle people and
make decisions.
viii. Awareness of what is happening elsewhere and familiarity
with other task centres helps a balanced and informed
attitude to enterprise goal and activities.
ix. Each manager’s abilities and talents are best tested in a
variety of jobs, so the enterprise can secure his best
utilization in the ultimate assignment.
Disadvantages of Job Rotation:
i. It may become too much for an employee to learn. It is not
focused on employees own job responsibilities. The
employees’ basic talents may remain underutilized.
ii. It upsets family and home life, because many a ime
transfers are effected to different geographical areas
iii. It undermines organizational morale, efficiency since
“executive may have
(b) Job Coaching: in this method, an experienced employee can
give a verbal presentation to explain the nitty-gritty’s of the
job. A senior person who is the coach, teaches his junior
regarding how the work must be handled and how decisions
must be taken, the different techniques that can be used on
the job, and how to handle pressure. In this method,
sometimes the trainee may not get an opportunity to express
his ideas.
(c) Internship and Assistantships training: this method uses
instructions through theoretical and practical aspects as
provided to the trainees. Usually, students from the
engineering and commerce colleges receive this type of
training for a small stipend.
(d) Planned Progression: In this method, juniors are assigned a
certain job of their senior in addition to their own job. This
method allows the junior employee to slowly learn the job of
his senior so that when He / She is promoted to his senior job,
it becomes easy for Him / Her to adjust to the new situation.
(e) Junior Board: In this method, a group of junior employees are
identified and they work together in a group called junior
Board. They identify problems, study the problems and provide
suggestions. This method improves team work and decision
making and also build a good working relations since trainee
needs to work together as a team.
(f) Under – Study: In this method, training a junior is deputed, he
takes orders from the senior, attends meetings for him, learns
about decision making and handling of day to day problems.
This method is used when the senior is on the verge of
retirement and the job will be taken over by the juniors.
(g) Apprenticeships: The method uses both theory and practical
sessions are conducted. The employee is paid a stipend until he
completes training. Generally, fresh graduates are put under
the experienced employee to learn the functions of job. It’s
the oldest method found in Industrial Organizations. A worker
called an apprentice works alongside or under the supervision
of a skilled person, usually the immediate supervision. It’s
often used where the skill to be mastered is highly complex,
requiring relatively a long period of time to attain proficiency.
The effectiveness of the apprenticeship depends on the ability
of the supervisor to guide and supervise the learning process.
The Government recognized Apprenticeship which in the
Kenyan case requires sitting for grade tests, plumbing,
masonry, electronics, mechanics and carpentry.
(h) Job Mentoring
This method involves providing an employee with an
experiences coach to oversee his or her learning experience.
The mentor or coach provides advice and instruction, but is not
performing the job with the employee as in the on –the - job
Training. The trainee employee learns the job first hand and
may consult the mentor or coach at any time for assistance.

Off Job training is means that training is not a part of everyday job
activity. The actual location may be in the company class-rooms or in
places which are owned by the company, or in universities or
associations which have no connection with the company..

6.9.1 Advantages of the off-the-job training

(i) It is systematically organized. They are provided with a

programme in the form of a timetable table which enables
them to be on time. For example conference, it goes with time
and it does not take long hours making the participants
(ii) The efficiently created programs may add a lot of value. The
program makes the participants work harder to meet their
deadlines especially the lecturers should go for a certain
period to give way for another lecturer. It give a time
management schedule.
(iii) The trainers are usually experienced enough to train. People
going for conference are going to be trained what they had
already studied. Therefore it gives them easy time to
concentrate and come up with the best results.

6.9.2 Disadvantages of the off-the-job training according to C. B
Mamoria & S.V Gankar (2010).

(i) The management process has become complex, but on the-job

training does not allow adequate facilities, environment and
teaching expertise
(ii) Though the main objective of management development is to
improve behavior of the managers in different environment, in
actual practice, this objective is not well achieved.
(iii) Modern tolls and techniques of managers development are more
sophisticated and highly developed and their handling needs
specialized field instructions.
(iv) Technology developments demand that managers need to be
placed in a highly manoeuvred and stimulated atmosphere to
derive the maximum from training techniques. This is not
possible on the job training
(v) In group or participants from different spheres of management
and drawn from different enterprise culture, the participants
are exposed to new ideas, new way of anlaysis and divergent
experience of member of the group. This provokes
introspection and generates impulses to behavior chanfe.

6.9.3 Examples of off-the-job Training Methods:

(a) Classroom Lecturers

Lecturers are regarded as one of the simple ways of imparting

knowledge to the trainees, especially when facts, concepts, or
principles, attitudes, theories and problem-solving abilities are to be
taught. Lectures are formal organized tasks by the training specialist,
the formal superior or other individual specific topic.

It is a verbal lecture presentation by an instructor to a large audience.
It is a traditional method of teaching in the education system and is
used in many training programs. This method is used to teach principles
and practices of different subject areas. This method is suitable when
the numbers are quite large. Lectures can be very much helpful in
explaining the concepts and principles very clearly, and face to face
interaction is very much possible.

Importance of using lectures include:

i. Reducing anxiety about upcoming training programmes or

organizational changes by explaining their purposes

ii. Introducing a subject and presenting an overview of its scope

iii. Presenting basic material that will provide a common background

for subsequent

(b) Simulation

It involves creating atmosphere which is very similar to the original

work environment. This method helps to train the manager in
handling stress, taking immediate decisions, handling pressure on the
job. An actual feel of the real job environment is given here.


Conferences are conducted by various Companies to have elaborate

discussion on specific topics. The Organization which organizes the
conference invites trainee manager and calls for experts in
different fields to offer presentations or lectures.

(d) Committee

This is a group of people who are officially appointed to look into a
problem and provide solutions. Trainee managers are put in the
committee to identify how they study a problem and what they learn
from it.

(e) Business games

This method involves providing a market situation to the trainee

manager and asking him to provide solutions. If there are many to be
trained, they can be divided into groups and each group teaches a
separate team and play against each other. They will discuss and decide
about various subjects like production, promotion, pricing e.tc. This
gives result in co – operative decision making.

(f)In basket training

In this method, the training is given to the manager to handle files

coming in and to finish his work and take decisions within a specific
time limit. The trainee manager is taught how to prioritize his work,
the activities which are important, and his job and how to take
decisions within the time limit.

(g)Vestibule Training

In this method of training an atmosphere which is similar to the real

job atmosphere is created. The surroundings, equipment, noise level will
be similar to the real situation. When an employee is trained under
such conditions, he gets an idea about what the real job situation will
be like. Similarly, when he actually starts doing the job, he will not feel
out of place. It is used for teaching or training specific job skills. This
method is used to train Pilots and Astronauts. In some places, graphics
are also used to create the artificial surroundings. This method

involves heavy investment. Examples of Organizations that have used
this method successfully are: Kenya Ports Authority, Kenya Power and
Lighting Company Ltd, Kenya Railways and Kenya Breweries.

(h) Grid Training

It is a continuous and phased programme lasting for six years. It

includes phases of planning, development, implementation and
evaluation. The grid takes into consideration parameters like concern
for people.

(i) Management Education

At present Universities and Management institutions gives great

emphasis on Management Education. For Example: Mumbai University
has started Bachelors and Postgraduate degree in Management. Many
management institutes provide not only degrees but

(j) Incident method

In this method incidents are prepared on the basis of actual situation

which happened in different organizations and each employee in the
training group is asked to make decisions as if it is a real life situation.
Later on, the entire group discussions, the incident and take decisions
related to the incident on the basis of individual and group discussions.

(k)Case study method

Case study deals with any problem confronted by a business which can
be solved by an employer. The trainee is given an opportunity to analyze
the case and come out with all possible solutions. This method can
enhance analytic and critical thinking of an employee.

Training is a process characterized by acquisition of specific skills or
knowledge in order to perform specific tasks. The overall objectives
are improved organizational performance.

While Training and Developed programs may differ, both are useful to
the employee and the organization.


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