Wolfe Human
Wolfe Human
Wolfe Human
nental philosophy but also in certain wings the PBS series Nature. Similarly, it owes its
America and abroad. There has been a spate of lor, Gary Francione (Animals as Persons),
conferences on the topic, beginning roughly Stanley Cavell and cocontributors, and Mat-
with Millennial Animals, at the University thew Calarco, among others. Equally striking
of Sheffield in 2000, and extending to what is the number of special journal issues over
promises to be the largest academic gather- the past few years, including Animal Beings,
ing on the topic ever, Minding Animals, to a special issue of Parallax edited by Tom Ty-
be held in Australia in 2009. In between have ler; DerridAnimals, for the Oxford Literary
been events at York University; Vanderbilt Review, edited by Neil Badmington; recently
University; the University of Wisconsin, Mil- published special issues of Configurations
waukee; Harvard University; the University of titled Thinking with Animals and edited by
Texas, Austin; and many other institutions; an Richard Nash and Ron Broglio; and not one
ongoing panel stream at the last few confer- but two special issues of Mosaic devoted to
ences (both national and international) of the the topic (The Animal). And there is the new
Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts; online journal Humanimalia (www.depauw
and growing interest at the Association for the .edu/ humanimalia), the robust H-Animal
Study of Literature and Environment. Two of corner of the H-Net humanities online fo-
the earliest book series were Harriet Ritvo’s rum (www.h-net .org/~animal), the Journal
Animals, History, Culture, at Johns Hopkins for Critical Animal Studies, published by the
University Press, and Animal, edited by Jona- Institute for Critical Animal Studies (www
than Burt and handsomely published by Reak- .criticalanimalstudies .org/ JCAS), and Soci-
tion Books, which takes the unique approach ety and Animals, published by the Animals
of devoting each volume to a single animal (so and Society Institute, which operates under
far, entrants include dog, oyster, ant, rat, and the rubric of “human-animal studies” (a label
more than a score of others). Other presses whose stakes I will revisit in a moment). And,
have an ongoing if not dedicated relation to if this reading list isn’t long enough for you,
work in animal studies, such as the University a massive bibliography on animal studies is
of Illinois Press (Animal Studies Group; Baker, available online (Kalof et al.).
Picturing; Fudge, Renaissance Beasts; Linzey), Across the board, it is certainly true, as
the University of Chicago Press (Wolfe, Ani- Erica Fudge (a leading British historian of an-
mal Rites; Kuzniar; Grenier), Routledge (Har- imal studies) has noted of her discipline, that
away, Primate Visions; Tester; Fuss), the State new work on animals such as Nigel Rothfels’s
University of New York Press (Steeves; Scapp moves “away from an earlier form of history
and Seitz; Mitchell, Thompson, and Miles), which focused on human ideas about and at-
and MIT Press (Thompson; Burghardt; Dia- titudes towards animals in which animals
mond, Realistic Spirit; Kac, Signs of Life). were mere blank pages onto which humans
Of particular note is the series Posthu- wrote meaning” and instead “traces the many
manities, at the University of Minnesota ways in which humans construct and are con-
Press (which has published Donna Haraway’s structed by animals in the past” (“History”).
When Species Meet and reprinted Michel Ser- But the larger question—and it is perhaps
res’s The Parasite and plans forthcoming titles marked by the use of the cultural studies tem-
devoted to the topic by younger scholars such plate, associated with ethically and politically
as Nicole Shukin and Tom Tyler). Columbia attuned scholarship, to assimilate animal
University Press, under the leadership of studies—is how the internal disciplinarity of
Wendy Lochner (senior executive editor for history or literary studies or philosophy is un-
religion, philosophy, and animal studies), has settled when the animal is taken seriously not
124.2 ] Cary Wolfe 567
just as another topic or object of study among on a massive scale and the Holocaust of World
to make the same kind of shift in the ethics of extended in a rather classic sort of way.
reading and interpretation that attended tak- In piggybacking on the cultural studies
ing sexual difference seriously in the 1990s template (if you’ll allow the phrase in this
(in the form of queer theory) or race and context), animal studies too readily takes on
gender seriously in the 1970s and 1980s. In itself some of the problems that have made
such a genealogy, animal studies is only the cultural studies a matter of diminishing re-
latest permutation of a socially and ethically turns for many scholars. Ellen Rooney, for
responsive cultural studies working to stay example, has observed that cultural studies is
abreast of new social movements (in this case, “perhaps even more intractably caught than
the social movement often called “animal literary criticism in the dilemma of defining
rights”), which is itself an academic expres- its own proper form”; it is “a welter of com-
sion of a larger democratic impulse toward peting (and even incompatible) methods, and
greater inclusiveness of every gender, or race, a (quasi-)disciplinary form increasingly dif-
or sexual orientation, or—now—species. ficult to defend, intellectually or politically”
Such a genealogy, appealing as it is, ought (21). Even more pointedly, Tilottama Rajan
to give us pause, however, for at least a cou- has argued that this “dereferentialization”
ple of reasons that have to do with the overly and “inclusive vagueness” has allowed much
rapid adoption of the cultural studies template of cultural studies to be appropriated for the
for animal studies. The rubrics animal studies ideological work of the neoliberal order, in
and human-animal studies are both problem- which capitalist globalization gets repackaged
atic, I think, in the light of the fundamental as pluralism and attention to difference (69).
challenge that animal studies poses to the As “a soft-sell for, and a personalization of, the
disciplinarity of the humanities and cultural social sciences” (74), she writes, the effect if
studies. In my view, the questions that occupy not the aim of cultural studies in the human-
animal studies can be addressed adequately ities “is to simulate the preservation of civil
only if we confront them on two levels: not society after the permutation of the classical
just the level of content, thematics, and the public sphere” into an essentially market and
object of knowledge (the animal studied by consumerist logic of “representation” (69–70).
animal studies) but also the level of theoreti- For my purposes here, the problem, in other
cal and methodological approach (how animal words, is not just the disciplinary incoherence
studies studies the animal). To put it bluntly, or vagueness of current modes of cultural
just because we study nonhuman animals studies; the problem is that that incoherence
does not mean that we are not continuing to or vagueness serves to maintain a certain his-
be humanist—and therefore, by definition, an- torically, ideologically, and intellectually spe-
thropocentric. Indeed, one of the hallmarks of cific form of subjectivity while masking it as
humanism—and more specifically of the kind pluralism—including (in this case) pluralism
of humanism called liberalism—is precisely its extended to nonhuman animals. In this light,
penchant for the sort of “pluralism” that ex- animal studies, if taken seriously, would not
tends the sphere of consideration (intellectual so much extend or refine a certain mode of
or ethical) to previously marginalized groups cultural studies as bring it to an end.5
without in the least destabilizing or throwing This is so because animal studies, if it is
into question the schema of the human who to be something other than a mere themat-
undertakes such pluralization. And in that ics, fundamentally challenges the schema of
event pluralism becomes incorporation, and the knowing subject and its anthropocentric
the projects of humanism (intellectually) and underpinnings sustained and reproduced in
124.2 ] Cary Wolfe 569
the current disciplinary protocols of cultural coalesces around questions of agency and the
human from the animal of animal studies ity for thought or language “determines so
and thus reinstates the human/animal divide many others concerning power or capability
in a less visible but more fundamental way, [pouvoirs], and attributes [avoirs]: being able,
while ostensibly gesturing beyond it. And it having the power to give, to die, to bury one’s
is the tacitly assumed schema of subjectiv- dead, to dress, to work, to invent a technique”
ity underwriting such a disciplinary prac- (27). What makes Bentham’s reframing of the
tice (the picture of the human as constituted, problem so powerful is that now “[t]he ques-
for example, by critical introspection and tion is disturbed by a certain passivity. It bears
self-reflection that is, after all, a hallmark of witness, manifesting already, as question, the
humanism) and not just the range of its in- response that testifies to sufferance, a passion,
terests (however putatively progressive, mul- a not-being-able.” “What of the vulnerability
ticultural, or antianthropocentric) that must felt on the basis of this inability?” he contin-
be fully examined. It is a question, as Derrida ues; “what is this non-power at the heart of
has put it, of the nature of the “auto-” of the power? . . . What right should be accorded it?
human as the “autobiographical animal,” of To what extent does it concern us?” It con-
“what calls itself man,” the concept of the hu- cerns us very directly, in fact, for “mortality
man that “man” “recounts to himself” to then resides there, as the most radical means of
enable his recognition of the nonhuman other thinking the finitude that we share with ani-
in a gesture of “benevolence” wholly charac- mals, the mortality that belongs to the very
finitude of life, to the experience of compas-
teristic of liberal humanism (Animal 29–30).
sion” (28). Instead of recognizing the moral
I invoke Derrida here in part because his
standing of animals because of the agency or
late essay “The Animal That Therefore I Am
capabilities they share with us (which has been
(More to Follow)” (and the recently published
the dominant strategy, most obviously in the
book that shares its title) is arguably the sin-
animal rights philosophy of Singer or Regan),
gle most important event in the brief history
Derrida fundamentally questions the struc-
of animal studies. In that essay, the force of
ture of the “auto-” (as autonomy, as agency,
Jeremy Bentham’s famous question about the
as authority over one’s autobiography) of hu-
standing of animals—the question is not, can
manist subjectivity by riveting our attention
they talk? or can they reason? but can they
on the embodied finitude that we share with
suffer?—is that nonhuman animals, a finitude that it has been
the business of humanism largely to disavow.
the word can [pouvoir] changes sense and sign
here once one asks “can they suffer?” The word
(And in this Derrida has been joined by other
wavers henceforth. As soon as such a question important philosophers, such as Agamben,
is posed what counts is not only the idea of a Cavell, and Diamond, to name just three.)
transitivity or activity (being able to speak, to But equally important for the matter at
reason, and so on); the important thing is rather hand (and this point is often overlooked in
what impels it towards self-contradiction, some- Derrida’s later work on “the question of the
thing we will later relate back to autobiography. animal”) is that there are two kinds of fini-
(Animal 27–28; emphasis mine) tude here under which the “man” of the “hu-
manities” labors; and the first type (physical
For Derrida, putting the question in this way vulnerability, embodiment, and eventually
“changes everything” because “from Aris- mortality) is paradoxically made unavailable
totle to Descartes, from Descartes, especially, to us, inappropriable by us, by the very thing
to Heidegger, Levinas and Lacan,” posing the that makes it available and appropriable—a
124.2 ] Cary Wolfe 571
second type of “not being able,” which is the This is not to say that most of the work done
sense of some fantasy of transcending human philosophy of Singer and Regan: that it tac-
embodiment (as Katherine Hayles rightly itly extends a model of human subjectivity to
worries in How We Became Posthuman) but animals, who possess our kind of personhood
rather in the sense of returning us precisely in diminished form).8 This is not to repudi-
to the thickness and finitude of human em- ate humanism but merely to articulate how
bodiment and to human evolution as itself a many of its admirable ambitions and values
specific form of animality, one that is unique (kindness and charity toward the weak, the
and different from other forms but no more innocent, and the oppressed, for example) are
different, perhaps, than an orangutan is from undermined by the conceptual frameworks
a starfish. The implications of this fact for the used to make good on them. It is a matter,
first half of the term animal studies are brac- then, of locating the animal of animal studies
ing indeed, because if we pay serious atten- and its challenge to humanist modes of read-
tion to the diversity of animal forms and of ing, interpretation, and critical thought not
ways of being in the world, then we are forced just “out there,” among the birds and beasts,
to conclude, as Matthew Calarco puts it, that but “in here” as well, at the heart of this thing
“the human/animal distinction is, strictly we call human.
speaking, nonsensical. How could a simple
(or even highly refined) binary distinction
approach doing justice to the complex ethical
and ontological matters at stake here?” (143).
On the strength of that weakness, that break- NOTES
down, we are returned to a new sense of the 1. My title refers to Nietzsche, of course, and, more lo-
materiality and particularity not just of the cally, to the important collection Human, All Too Human,
in particular its introduction and first section, entitled
animal and its multitude of forms but also of
“Animal” (Fuss). For reasons that will become clear, the
that animal called the human. term animal studies should be taken throughout as fully
As for the second half of the rubric ani- marked by “scare” quotation marks; similarly, animal
mal studies, I want to emphasize that one can should be understood as shorthand for nonhuman animal,
again for reasons that will become clear in due course.
engage in a humanist or a posthumanist prac-
2. Works on the animal have appeared in all the ar-
tice of a discipline. That point is papered over eas just listed: literary modernism (Norris; Rohman),
by the generic moniker studies, which ob- American literature (Allen; Mason), British Romanti-
scures how the double finitude just discussed cism (Kenyon-Jones), metaphor and poetics (Malamud),
uniquely determines animal studies. Just film and mass culture (Burt; Lippit; Wolfe, Animal Rites
and What; Shukin; Clarke), art and display (Lippit; Baker,
because a historian or literary critic devotes
Picturing and Postmodern Animal; Kac, Signs and Tele-
attention to the topic or theme of nonhuman presence; Thompson; Wolfe, What; Rothfels), early mod-
animals doesn’t mean that a familiar form of ern and medieval culture and theology (Salisbury; Fudge,
humanism isn’t being maintained through Brutal Reasoning, Perceiving, and Renaissance Beasts; Tes-
internal disciplinary practices that rely on a ter; Daston and Mitman; Shannon; Boehrer; Agamben;
Linzey). This list is representative but not exhaustive.
specific schema of the knowing subject and
3. In Continental philosophy, representative dis-
of the kind of knowledge he or she can have. cussions include Lawlor; Calarco; Steeves; Acampora;
So even though your external disciplinarity Wolfe, Animal Rites and “Thinking”; in analytic phi-
is posthumanist in taking seriously the exis- losophy, Mack; DeGrazia; Rachels; Regan; Singer; Cava-
lieri; Steiner; Cavell et al.; Nussbaum; in law, Francione,
tence and ethical stakes of nonhuman beings
Animals as Person and Animals, Property; Wise; on food,
(in that sense, it questions anthropocentrism), Pollan; Marcus; Scapp and Seitz.
your internal disciplinarity may remain hu- 4. For a range of views on this question, see Cavell et
manist to the core. (Indeed, such is the stan- al.; Francione, Animals, Property; Wise.
124.2 ] Cary Wolfe 573
5. I say “a certain mode” here because, as has been duly ———. The Postmodern Animal. London: Reaktion, 2001.
ficulty of Philosophy.” Cavell et al. 43–89. mality and Human Nature in Derrida. New York: Co-
———. The Realistic Spirit: Wittgenstein, Philosophy, and lumbia UP, 2007. Print.
the Mind. Cambridge: MIT P, 1991. Print. Linzey, Andrew. Animal Theology. Urbana: U of Illinois
Francione, Gary. Animals as Persons: Essays on the Aboli- P, 1995. Print.
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2008. Print. life. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2000. Print.
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Temple UP, 1995. Print. Ohio State UP, 1999. Print.
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Humanity in Early Modern Thought. Ithaca: Cornell York: Palgrave, 2003. Print.
UP, 2006. Print. Marcus, Erik. Meat Market: Animals, Ethics, and Money.
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2006. Web. 20 Mar. 2009. Marx, Karl. “Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of
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124.2 ] Cary Wolfe 575
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