Determination of Hydroxy Methyl Furfural Concentration in Honey Using Ultra Violate-Visible Spectrometry in West Gojjam Zone of Amhara Region, Ethiopia
Determination of Hydroxy Methyl Furfural Concentration in Honey Using Ultra Violate-Visible Spectrometry in West Gojjam Zone of Amhara Region, Ethiopia
Determination of Hydroxy Methyl Furfural Concentration in Honey Using Ultra Violate-Visible Spectrometry in West Gojjam Zone of Amhara Region, Ethiopia
Department of Physics, College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Wolaita Sodo University,
Wolaita, Ethiopia
This paper aimed to determine the concentration of hydroxyl methyl furfural (HMF) using UV-visible
spectroscopy to assess the quality of honey. The honey samples were collected from three honeys productive
temperature zones: temperate, sub-tropical and tropical. Following the procedure of white method, the
concentration of HMF of temperate, sub-tropical and tropical zone honey are found to be 11.18 ± 0.052mg/kg,
24.95± 0.119mg/kg, and 56.94±0.366mg/kg respectively. There is statistically significance differences between
the groups in HMF concentration at 95% confidence level (p<0.05). All the samples are found to have HMF value
less than the maximum concentration of HMF in honey set by standard controlling international organizations,
which shows good quality of the honey in the study areas.
*Corresponding Author: Tezera Alehegn [email protected]
amount of HMF in honey (Tadesse et al., 2014; Experimental method in this work followed the
Shapla et al., 2018; Nicole et al., 2010). method established in University of Malaya Honey
Research Lab, Department of Molecular Medicine
In West Gojjam Zone, Ethioipa, particularly at (Machado De-Melo et al., 2017). This method was
Dembecha Woreda honey is harvested abundantly in used to determine the concentration of HMF in
all corridors of the Woreda but the quality and purity honey. Three solutions were prepared
of the honey has been evaluated ordinarily by tasting simultaneously. The firs solution is a 100ml of Carrez
and observing color of the honey. This paper was solution I was made by dissolving 15g of Potassium
intended to measure concentration of HMF in honey Ferro Cyanide (K4Fe(CN)6∙3H2O) and the second
solution is a 100ml of Carrez solution II was also LOQ was obtained from triplicate measurement of the
made by dissolving 30g of Zinc Acetate blank solution as:
Zn(CH3CO2)2∙2H2O)) in water and make up to a
volume of 100ml. The e third solution is a 100ml of LOQ= Standard deviation of blank×10 ……………. (2)
0.2% Sodium Bisulphite solution made by dissolving
0.20g of solid hydrogen sulfite, NaHSO3, in water. Recovery test
Recoveries were determined by spiking the sample
From each honey sample 5.0g was completely dissolved with the known concentration of HMF by preparing
in 25.0ml of distilled water. The mixed solution was then
on the same procedure of the sample in triplicate and
transferred into a 50ml volumetric flask and 0.5ml of
measured its value for recovery and accuracy test. The
Carrez solution I and Carrez solution II were again well
method can be an accurate if the recovery test can be
mixed by vortex. This mixture was then filtered using a
in the range 80% _ 120% (Ololo and Goroya, 2018).
filter paper. From the total mixed solution in the
The recovery test in this work was determined as
volumetric flask, the first 10ml of filtered solution was
𝑀. 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑘𝑒𝑑 −𝑚. 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑢𝑛 𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑘𝑒𝑑
rejected while the remaining solution after filtration was %𝑅𝑇 = × 100 … (3)
𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑘𝑒
Validation methods
Method validation is used to confirm the analytical Statistical data analysis methods
procedure employed for specific test is suitable for its All analyses were performed in triplicates and data was
intended use. Results from method validation can be presented as mean and standard deviation. Differences
used to judge the quality, reliability and consistency of between individual/group of honey samples were
the result. In order to validate the analytical method, the
analyzed using analysis of variance one way ANOVA,
following method validation parameters such as
SPSS Statistics (IBM) corporation version 20.
recovery test, instrument detection limit, method
detection limit, limit of quantification, precision and
accuracy and linearity studies were carried out.
Calibration Curve
To determine the concentration of HMF out of the
Limit of detection (LOD)
The limit of detection (LOD) is the lowest quantity taken in the measurement, the known
concentration of the measurement that can be amount of concentration of the HMF standard
detected at a specified level of confidence. In this solution were used. These known concentration and
work, LOD was obtained from triplicate measurement absorbance of the reading enables to plot the
of the blank solution as: calibration graph displayed in Fig. 1.
LOD = Standard deviation of blank×3 ……….……… (1)
Table 1. Absorbance of the HMF standard solution.
Limit of quantification (LOQ)
Limit of Quantification is the lowest concentration of 6 12 18 24 30
the measurement that can be measured with an
Absorbance 0.132 0.206 0.251 0.319 0.335
acceptable uncertainty. Similar to limit of detection,
by spiking the stoke solution with the sample as it The EU council directives 2001, Korean food code,
described in the methodology part. The recovery test International honey quality regulatory commission,
National food regulatory institution, limits the
ranges from 88.63% to 109.85%. This result shows
maximum concentration of HMF in honey for tropical
that the method was accurate because the recovery
climatic zone to be less than 80mg/kg.
test falls in the accepted range 80% - 120% (Ololo and
Goroya, 2018). Measurement of the experiment in Nuru (1999) observed that Ethiopian honey contains
this work gives% RSD of 0.528. This value of%RSD mean HMF concentration of 32.4mg/kg while Jose et
shows the measurements were precise, because RSD al. (2009) analyzed honey samples and found its HMF
value falls in the accepted range of less than 15% content ranged from 0.9 to 22.8mg/ kg. Similarly,
(Rehman et al., 2008). Tadesse and Gebremedihn (2014) reported that the
HMF concentration of their honey sample ranges from
Concentration HMF 8.32mg/kg to 45.26mg/kg. Results of current work are
The mean HMF concentration in the honey samples in good agreement with these previous findings. Table 4
collected from the three different temperature zones were shows short summery and comparisons of this work’s
determined and displayed in Table 3. Maximum of 57.547 result to the maximum limits of standards of HMF and
± 0.909 and minimum of 11.051± 0.513 was obtained. the result of other researchers.
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