Digitalisation, Social Entrepreneurship and National Well-Being

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Technological Forecasting & Social Change 161 (2020) 120279

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Digitalisation, social entrepreneurship and national well-being T

⁎,1 1
Pedro Torres , Mário Augusto
University of Coimbra, CeBER, Faculty of Economics, Av. Dias da Silva, 165, 3004-512 Coimbra, Portugal


Keywords: This study examines the influence of digitalisation and social entrepreneurship on national well-being. Taking a
National well-being configurational approach, the results show that digitalisation can benefit national well-being if the country has
Digitalisation an adequate educational system, good governance, and a philanthropy-oriented financial system. Digitalisation
Social entrepreneurship can leverage these conditions in promoting national well-being. The study also contributes to entrepreneurship
Institutional theory
literature as it clarifies the role of social entrepreneurship. Social entrepreneurship impacts national well-being
when institutions are weak, but it is indifferent in developed economies, which gives support to the institutional
void perspective. This finding contributes to the ongoing debate on the role of the institutions on the creation of
social enterprises and advances knowledge on the social impact of social entrepreneurship. Additionally, the
results show that a combination of conditions is required to achieve high levels of national well-being.

1. Introduction consequences (Elia et al., 2020; Nambisan, 2017). Thus, more research
is needed to understand better the consequences of the increasing
In many countries, developing social entrepreneurship is a well-es- adoption of digital technologies, as well as their interaction with en-
tablished objective for policy-makers. However, the ultimate goal for trepreneurship.
governments should be social well-being. Thus, it is not surprising that The literature suggests that different institutional conditions should
well-being has recently moved to the forefront of entrepreneurship be combined to achieve high levels of entrepreneurial activity (e.g.,
research (e.g., Shir et al., 2019). Nevertheless, most studies focus on Torres and Augusto, 2019) and that the same holds regarding social
entrepreneurial well-being (e.g., Abreu et al., 2019; Fritsch et al., well-being (e.g., Deng et al., 2019a). This context may also enable or
2019); with few exceptions, research on national well-being has been constrain entrepreneurship (Welter, 2011). Entrepreneurial action can
scarce (Deng et al., 2019a). address several societal issues, in particular social entrepreneurship
The digitalisation provides opportunities for firms to access new (Smith et al., 2013). In fact, the primary goal of social entrepreneurship
markets and to expand their number of customers (Nambisan, 2017). It is well-being or social change (Dacin et al., 2010). The social en-
has been widely recognised that digital trends create new opportunities trepreneur is an individual who works for his or her own account while
for entrepreneurs; for example, they can leverage digital technologies to mainly pursuing pro-social goals (Bierhoff, 2002). Social entrepreneurs
finance innovation (Audretsch et al., 2016). The digital world enables can be seen as individuals who try to create social change (Barberá-
new activities, including the creation of digital products, services, and Tomás et al., 2019). Social entrepreneurs develop business models that
business models termed digital entrepreneurship. It has been emphasised aim to address social issues, which can make a social impact (Selsky and
that fast digital adaption plays a key role in achieving revenue growth Parker, 2010). Therefore, social entrepreneurship can be linked with
and improving users’ satisfaction (Dong, 2019). Similarly, digital national well-being. However, despite the growing interest in the social
technologies can also benefit society by providing easy access to public impact of social entrepreneurship (e.g., Nguyen et al., 2015), further
services, higher employment, and greater economic growth, which can research is needed to understand this potential relationship better.
lead to well-being (Galindo-Martín et al., 2019). Nevertheless, in the Previous research suggests that the institutional environment can
digital context, adverse effects on society may also occur (Shen et al., explain differences in social entrepreneurship (e.g., Kerlin, 2017). The
2018). Although digital technologies can have a profound effect on the institutional theory explains the emergence of social entrepreneurship
entrepreneurial process, there is still limited knowledge about their considering two divergent perspectives: the institutional void

This article belongs to the special section on Challenges and Opportunities for Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge.

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (P. Torres), [email protected] (M. Augusto).
Both authors contributed equally to this manuscript.
Received 16 June 2020; Received in revised form 10 August 2020; Accepted 24 August 2020
0040-1625/ © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
P. Torres and M. Augusto Technological Forecasting & Social Change 161 (2020) 120279

perspective and the institutional supportive perspective. The institu- study are presented.
tional void perspective suggests that weaker institutions and the lack of
adequate social responses drive the emergence of social entrepreneur- 2. Background
ship (Stephan et al., 2015). The void left by weak institutions creates
opportunities for social entrepreneurs (Urban and Kujinga, 2017). In 2.1. National well-being and institutional theory
contrast, the institutional supportive perspective advocates that
stronger institutions support the emergence of social entrepreneurship Well-being can be defined as a positive mental state of wellness
(e.g., Hoogendoorn, 2016). These divergent perspectives raised a de- (Deci and Ryan, 2000). This definition is broad enough to capture the
bate among researchers that is still ongoing (De Beule et al., 2020). hedonic, evaluative, and eudaimonic dimensions of the construct
Social entrepreneurship occurs in different contexts, and particu- (Shir et al., 2019). In psychology, it is usual to define well-being as
larly in emergent, rapidly emerging, and developed economies happiness (e.g., Kahneman et al., 1999). The present study will use this
(Sunduramurthy et al., 2016). Determining the contextual settings and broader definition. Nevertheless, it is important to understand the main
other country-specific features that favour or hinder social en- dimensions of well-being. The hedonic definition of subjective well-
trepreneurship is an important research question (Gupta et al., 2020). being considers the balance of positive and negative effects and mainly
“Few contemporary occupations are untouched by digital tools and regards pleasure and life satisfaction as components of a happy life
social enterprise is no exception” (Symon and Whiting, 2019, p. 660). (Kahneman et al., 1999; Diener, 1984). The cognitive evaluation of life
Digitalisation is shaping entrepreneurship (Autio et al., 2018). Digital satisfaction (i.e., how well one's life is going) is also a component of
technologies constitute material artefacts and materiality is an emer- well-being (Diener, 1984). These two dimensions (hedonic and eva-
gent research topic when studying meaningful work, such as social luative) constitute the core of subjective well-being. The eudaimonic
entrepreneurship (Symon and Whiting, 2019). perspective considers that subjective well-being is also reflected in
This study aims to contribute to the emergent research stream on positive functioning, arguing that a positive effect is not the opposite of
national well-being by taking a configurational perspective to address a negative effect (e.g., Keyes and Shapiro, 2004; Ryan and Deci, 2001).
these research gaps. The main objective is to determine the combina- The eudaimonic definition of subjective well-being includes psycholo-
tion of institutional conditions that influence national well-being, fo- gical well-being and social well-being (Büchi et al., 2018).
cusing on the importance of digitalisation and social entrepreneurship. Institutional theory (Acemoglu et al., 2005; Williamson, 2000;
The study considers other antecedent conditions, such as the educa- North, 1990) can be a suitable conceptual framework to understand
tional system, the philanthropic financial system, and the quality of better the combinations of institutional conditions that are necessary
governance. A qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) was employed, and sufficient to achieve high levels of national well-being. Institutions
in particular a fuzzy set QCA (fs/QCAs), to test the configurations (i.e., correspond to “humanly devised constrains that shape human interac-
a combination of antecedent conditions) that reflect the necessary and tion” (North, 1990, p. 3) and can either be formal (such as regulations,
sufficient conditions for the outcomes of interest (high and low national contracts, and procedures) or informal (such as culture or social
well-being). An fs/QCA embraces causal complexity, allowing the norms). Social entrepreneurial activity does not occur in isolation of
conjunction of simple antecedent conditions and recognising that dif- institutional frameworks (Tolbert et al., 2011). Williamson (2000)
ferent paths can bring about the same outcome or output (i.e., equi- provided a conceptual structure to the institutional framework that
finality) (Furnari et al., 2020), which can offer new insights. considers a four-level hierarchy (L1, L2, L3, and L4). This conceptual
The results show that digitalisation is part of the solution to framework can be used to explore the institutional conditions that
achieving high levels of national well-being. Furthermore, the results shape entrepreneurial action (Misangyi et al., 2008). The first level,
show that the absence of digitalisation combined with other antecedent informal institutions (L1), corresponds to “an evolutionary level in
conditions can lead to low levels of national well-being. The level of which the mechanisms of the mind take shape” (Williamson, 2000, p.
digital adoption can be a core condition. The results suggest that social 600). L1 is the basis of the entire system, including societal norms and
entrepreneurship can be indifferent to achieving high levels of well- culture. This institutional level reflects the spontaneous development of
being, but its absence can be part of the configuration that leads to low institutions over time (Selden and Fletcher, 2015), which is not influ-
national well-being. The other antecedents are important to well-being enced by human design. The level two (L2) comprises formal institu-
as well and are either present or absent in the combinations of condi- tions (the “rules of the game”), and the level three (L3) corresponds to
tions that result in high levels or low levels of national well-being, re- governance, that is the “play of the game”. Finally, level four (L4) re-
spectively. The importance of the educational system and governance presents resource allocation, which includes engaging in en-
are also highlighted. These findings advance the understanding of the trepreneurial action (Boudreaux et al., 2019). “The higher levels each
influence of digitalisation and social entrepreneurship on national well- impose constrains on the lower levels by decreasing the relative cost of
being and have implications for future research and for policy-makers, abiding action and increasing the cost of evasive action” (Bylund and
which are detailed in the final sections of the paper. McCaffrey, 2017, p. 464). L2 institutions are especially important for
This study makes several contributions to the literature. First, by entrepreneurial activity because they influence the portion of potential
focusing on national well-being, it advances the literature on this profits that entrepreneurs can claim (Estrin et al., 2013;
emerging topic. Second, the study shows that digitalisation can be a Acemoglu et al., 2005). However, each level includes institutions that
driver of national well-being, clarifying the importance of digitalisa- could be related, although not necessarily (Webb et al., 2009). Social
tion. Third, the findings suggest that social entrepreneurship can in- entrepreneurial activity does not occur in isolation of the institutional
fluence national well-being when institutions are weak, but that it is frameworks (Tolbert et al., 2011); the same happens with well-being.
indifferent in developed economies. This result gives support to the Thus, it is important to understand the combinations of institutional
institutional void perspective, contributing to the discussion on the conditions that explain well-being differences across countries.
institutional conditions that justify the emergence of social en- Past studies reported contradictory results on the relationship be-
trepreneurship. Furthermore, it advances knowledge on the social im- tween entrepreneurial activities and institutions, and knowledge re-
pact of social entrepreneurship. garding how different institutional dimensions interact with one an-
Following this introduction, Section 2 gives the conceptual back- other is still limited (e.g., Deng et al., 2019a). The present study focuses
ground. Section 3 describes the research design, namely, the variables, on the role of two possible antecedent conditions of national well-being:
the data sources, and the method used. Section 4 presents the results of digitalisation and social entrepreneurship. Recognising that the desired
the configurational analysis. Section 5 discusses the findings. Finally, in outcome may require the presence or absence of other institutional
Section 6, the main conclusions, contributions, and limitations of the conditions, the following antecedent conditions were also considered in

P. Torres and M. Augusto Technological Forecasting & Social Change 161 (2020) 120279

the study: the educational system, governance, and the philanthropic (Short et al., 2009). Thus, the presence of social entrepreneurship can
financial system. be useful in promoting national well-being.
The effect of education on happiness has yielded some controversy, However, results obtained by past studies suggest that social en-
but there is some evidence that the relationship is positive (e.g., trepreneurship could be either present or absent in configurations
Nikolaev and Rusakov, 2016). The positive effect of an educational leading to high levels and low levels of social well-being, depending on
system on entrepreneurial outcomes has also been reported in the lit- the institutional context (e.g., Deng et al., 2019a, b). It is difficult to
erature (e.g., Marvel et al., 2016), which suggests that there is a link sustain a circumstance where some combinations of conditions for high
between these conditions. Furthermore, past research asserts that in- levels of well-being require the absence of social entrepreneurship, and
dividuals are more satisfied with their lives in countries having better more research is therefore needed to understand better the role of social
governance (e.g., Helliwell et al., 2018; Ott, 2011). Governance can entrepreneurship in promoting national well-being.
contribute to national well-being in several ways; for example, through Social entrepreneurship does not occur in an institutional vacuum
higher control of corruption that potentially promotes economic (Urban, 2010). Social entrepreneurship tends to be more sensitive to
growth, while maintaining social trust (e.g., Helliwell et al., 2018). social needs than governments, and it frequently acts on behalf of
Moreover, the philanthropic financial system is more closely related to governments (Hoogendoorn, 2016). Thus, governments can make
social entrepreneurship than other financial sources partnerships with social entrepreneurs, funding their activities
(Sahasranamam and Nandakumar, 2020). Philanthropic forms of ca- (Stephan et al., 2015). The institutional void perspective claims that
pital include grants and donations (Block et al., 2018). Because phi- social entrepreneurship is driven by unfulfilled social needs (e.g.,
lanthropic investors are socially minded, they are likely to invest in Dacin et al., 2010). If the government is active, then the opportunity for
social enterprises that yield a social return (Sahasranamam and social entrepreneurial activity is reduced (Mair et al., 2012). Hence, it
Nandakumar, 2020). In this way, the existence of a philanthropic fi- can be asserted that social entrepreneurship may be indifferent in
nancial system can also have a positive influence on national well- contexts in which governments do a good job fulfilling social needs and
being. should be present when the opposite occurs. In contrast, the institu-
tional supportive perspective suggests that stronger institutions support
2.2. Digitalisation and national well-being the emergence of social entrepreneurship (e.g., Hoogendoorn, 2016).
These divergent views call for further research.
While digitisation refers to the internal optimisation of processes,
such as work automation and paper minimisation, the term digitalisa- 3. Research design
tion is broader, referring to the use of digital technologies and digitised
data impacts in terms of how work gets done. Tilson et al. (2010, p. 3.1. Variables and data sources
749) define digitalisation as “the sociotechnical process of applying
digitising techniques to broader social and institutional contexts that This study uses different publicly available data (World Happiness
render digital technologies infrastructural”. Report dataset; World Bank, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, United
This study focuses on digital adoption, and therefore the term di- Nations, and Charities Aid Foundation). A final sample of 27 countries
gitalisation seems to be appropriate. Studies that focused on the impact was obtained by combining these able datasets. The countries con-
of digitalisation on well-being are scarce, but there are a few excep- sidered in this study are given in Table 1, which shows the corre-
tions. Büchi et al. (2018) examined how social well-being is affected by sponding data. The collected data respects the temporal ordering. The
digital inequalities, but they did not find a significant net effect on outcome of interest corresponds to the average of 2016–2018 values
digital participation. Contarello and Sarrica (2007) studied the changes (the last available data at the time the study was performed). The World
on well-being in a sample of psychology students after they started Happiness Report suggests that well-being scores present some con-
using the Internet; their results suggest that the students felt more in- sistency over the years. In addition, the average smooths change. The
tegrated into communities, perceived that they contributed more to antecedent conditions should temporally precede the outcome; the lag
society, and felt that they had a better understanding of how the society should correspond to one year or more. This study uses the latest
works. Valkenburg and Peter, 2007 also found that Internet use posi- available data for each antecedent condition respecting this lag. Thus,
tively affects teenagers’ quality of life due to increasing time spent with the social entrepreneurial activity refers to 2015, the educational
their friends. Although there some evidence of positive outcomes, such system values are from 2013, and the other conditions (digitalisation,
as increased sociability, past studies also highlighted some negative governance, and philanthropic financial system) were measured in
effects, such as a decrease in the value attributed to face-to-face inter- 2014.
actions (e.g., Caplan, 2003). Furthermore, digital technologies are The national well-being is measured by the happiness score pro-
likely to have a significant impact on entrepreneurship, but knowledge vided by the Gallup World Poll and summarised in the World Happiness
of this impact is still limited (Elia et al., 2020; Nambisan, 2017). New Report dataset (Helliwell et al., 2019a). This score is computed, for
digital technologies support new ways of collaborating, organising re- each country, by the 2016–2018 average of the answers to the Cantril
sources, and developing new solutions (Markus and Loebbecke, 2013), life ladder scale: respondents were asked to think of their lives as a
which can not only promote entrepreneurial activity but also influence ladder, with the worst possible life corresponding to a 0, and the best
well-being. Beyond opening opportunities for innovation, the role of possible life to a 10. The English wording of the question is, “Please
digital technologies transforms organisations and social relationships imagine a ladder, with steps numbered from 0 at the bottom to 10 at the
(Nambisan et al., 2019). Thus, digitalisation can interact with other top. The top of the ladder represents the best possible life for you, and
institutional conditions in promoting national well-being. the bottom of the ladder represents the worst possible life for you. On
which step of the ladder would you say you personally feel you stand at
2.3. Social entrepreneurial activity and national well-being this time?” (Helliwell et al., 2019b, p. 1). As noted by
Deng et al. (2019b) the happiness score is better than other indexes
Social entrepreneurship can link different groups of stakeholders usually used to measure national well-being (such as the Better Life
and push existing social frontiers (Estrin et al., 2013). It relates to the Index, computed by the OECD, based on the opinion of the experts
creation of social value through innovative and entrepreneurial activ- about eleven distinct quality-of-life categories), because it is based on
ities (Austin et al., 2006; Peredo and McLean, 2006). Social value basic data collected from individual respondents in each country.
creation can result in combining resources to exploit opportunities to The digitalisation is measured by the digital adoption index avail-
solve social problems, which can contribute to human well-being able from the World Development Report 2016: Digital Dividends

P. Torres and M. Augusto Technological Forecasting & Social Change 161 (2020) 120279

Table 1 entrepreneurial activity measured by the involvement in social en-

Countries and data. trepreneurial activity as nascent or owner-manager.
Country WB SE DAI EDS GOV PFS Following prior research (e.g., Cullen et al., 2014;
Sahasranamam and Nandakumar, 2020), the level of a country's edu-
Argentina 6.09 4.56 .6421 .7834 −0.4158 .18 cational system is measured by the education index available in the
Australia 7.23 11.11 .6850 .9265 1,7995 .72
United Nations Development Programme, Human Development Report
Brazil 6.3 2.49 .6548 .6613 −0.0181 .20
China 5.19 6.56 .5010 .6097 −0.4647 .08
(2014). This index is computed using the mean years of schooling and
Colombia 6.12 10.82 .6060 .6022 −0.2147 .22 expected years of schooling. We used the data relating to this index for
Ecuador 6.03 2.59 .5248 .5938 −0.6323 .13 the year 2013.
Finland 7.77 5.92 .7900 .8151 2,0420 .39 The governance indicator is computed using the data source pro-
Greece 5.29 1.59 .5756 .7970 .2930 .07
vided by the World Bank in its worldwide governance indicators. This
Guatemala 6.44 5.04 .4350 .4839 −0.6342 .38
Hungary 5.76 11.31 .6364 .8049 .5995 .20 indicator reports on six broad dimensions of governance for over 200
India 4.02 6.65 .4423 .4727 −0.2805 .20 countries and territories over the period 1996–2018: i) voice and ac-
Indonesia 5.19 2.98 .3901 .6031 −0.2142 .67 countability, ii) political stability and absence of violence, iii) govern-
Ireland 7.02 11.09 .6386 .8871 1.6998 .67
ment effectiveness, iv) regulatory quality, v) the rule of law, and vi)
Israel 7.14 12.84 .7545 .8543 .8135 .47
Italy 6.22 5.52 .7347 .7895 .5283 .32
control of corruption. Using the data from 2014 and following
Kazakhstan 5.81 3.08 .6343 .7623 −0.4927 .35 Larsson and Thulin (2019), factor analysis was used to reduce the six
Malaysia 5.34 1.69 .6546 .6705 .5693 .58 dimensions into one: ‘governance’. This factor accounts for 83.66% of
Mexico 6.59 2.67 .5387 .6378 −0.2223 .23 the variance of the original variables.
Morocco 5.21 1.13 .5237 .4679 −0.2607 .03
Finally, following Sahasranamam and Nandakumar (2020), to
Netherlands 7.49 3.58 .8262 .8935 1.8930 .73
Philippines 5.63 10.06 .4392 .6100 −0.1772 .24 measure the philanthropy-oriented financial system, this study uses
Poland 6.18 7.47 .6507 .8247 .9868 .29 data related to the charity donation (%) by people in different econo-
Portugal 5.69 4.47 .7389 .7276 1.0735 .24 mies, in 2014, gathered by the CAF World Giving Index 2015
Slovenia 6.12 4.65 .6444 .8631 .9922 .42 (Charities Aid Foundation, 2015).
Spain 6.35 1.34 .7431 .7944 .8975 .35
Sweden 7.34 6.94 .8039 .8301 1.9453 .60
Thailand 6.01 2.86 .5672 .6080 −0.2765 .87 3.2. Method

Notes: WB = National well-being; SEA = Social entrepreneurial activity; Since the study takes a configurational perspective, a qualitative
DAI = Digitalisation; EDS = Educational System; GOV = Governance; comparative analysis (QCA), is an adequate method of analysis. This
PFS = Philanthropic financial system. Values range from 0 to 1, indicating non- method entails a reorientation of thinking in ways that differ from more
membership and full- membership on corresponding conditions, respectively.
linear approaches (Furnari et al., 2020). In QCA: i) asymmetrical
causality is allowed; ii) combinations of antecedent conditions are
(World Bank Group, 2016). The digital adoption index is a global index
considered to be linked to the outcome; iii) multiple causal paths can
that measures a country's digital adoption across three dimensions of its
lead to the same outcome; iv) links between the various combinations of
economy: i) people, ii) business, and iii) government. The index covers
causal conditions, and v) the outcomes are expressed as necessary and
180 countries and is expressed on a 0–1 scale. The digital adoption
sufficient conditions (Schneider et al., 2010).
index is the average of three sub-indexes. The digital adoption sub-
QCA involves the examination of relationships between the out-
index ‘people’ is the simple average of two normalised indicators from
comes of interest and all possible combinations of binary states of
the Gallup World Poll: mobile access at home and Internet access at
antecedent conditions, to identify configurations that indicate neces-
home. The digital adoption sub-index ‘business’ is the simple average of
sary and sufficient conditions for an outcome of interest
four normalised indicators: the percentage of businesses with websites,
(Ordanini et al., 2014). A configuration that is a consistent superset of
the number of secure servers, the speed of the download, and 3 G (third-
the outcome indicates a situation consistent with necessity, while a
generation) coverage in the country. Finally, the digital adoption sub-
configuration that is a consistent subset of the outcome indicates a si-
index ‘governments’ is the simple average of three normalised sub-in-
tuation consistent with sufficiency (Greckhamer et al., 2018). QCA does
dexes: core administrative systems, online public services, and digital
not use the conventional variable-based approach but rather treats
identification. As noted in the overview of the digital adoption index,
configurations as different types of cases; it is the combinations of at-
“each sub-index comprises technologies necessary for the respective
tributes that give each case its uniqueness (Fiss, 2011). Unlike a mul-
agent to promote development in the digital era: increasing pro-
tiple regression analysis, this approach takes into consideration the fact
ductivity and accelerating broad-based growth for business, expanding
that some cases may contradict the main effect (i.e., possible asym-
opportunities and improving welfare for people, and increasing the ef-
metric effects may occur). The present study uses fuzzy set qualitative
ficiency and accountability of service delivery for government”
comparative analysis (fs/QCA) to identify configurations of conditions
(World Bank Group, 2016). The index is available for 2014 and 2016.
that support high and low levels of national well-being.
We used the information available for 2014, given that our outcome of
In fs/QCA, the original values of the conditions must be transformed
interest, national well-being, is measured in the period 2016–2018.
into fuzzy scores (which are defined in the [0–1] interval). This trans-
The countries’ data regarding social entrepreneurial activity is col-
formation requires the specification of both the full membership and
lected from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) adult popula-
the full non-membership thresholds and a cross-over point of maximum
tion survey conducted in 2015. This dataset contains information for 60
ambiguity. Each of these thresholds translates into a specific fuzzy
economies. The data for each country is based on primary data col-
value. It is standard to use fuzzy values of 0.95, 0.05, and 0.50 for the
lected through an adult population survey of at least 2000 randomly
full membership and non-membership thresholds, and for the cross-
selected adults (18–64 years of age) in each economy. The GEM clas-
over point, respectively (see Ragin, 2008). Following previous research
sified the entrepreneurial activity according to the phases of the busi-
(e.g., Torres and Augusto, 2019), the thresholds for full membership,
ness process (nascent, new business, established business, and dis-
and non-membership, and for the cross-over point, correspond to the
continuation), the types of activity (high growth, innovation, and
ninetieth, tenth, and fiftieth percentiles of the values of the original
internationalisation), and the sector of activity (total early-stage en-
distribution of each condition. After transforming the original values of
trepreneurial activity, social entrepreneurial activity, and employee
the conditions into fuzzy scores, fs/QCA should begin with the analysis
entrepreneurial activity). In this study, we focused on social
of necessary conditions (Schneider and Wagemann, 2010). A condition

P. Torres and M. Augusto Technological Forecasting & Social Change 161 (2020) 120279

is considered necessary when the outcome cannot occur in the absence of ~DAI, ~EDS, ~GOV, and ~PFS or 2) the combination of ~SEA,
of the condition (Rihoux and Ragin, 2009). Ragin (2008) established ~DAI, ~EDS, and ~GOV. The core conditions are the absence of di-
two criteria for evaluating the necessary conditions: consistency and gitalisation (~DAI), the absence of an educational system (~EDS) or
trivialness of necessity. According to Greckhamer et al. (2018), it is the absence of governance (~GOV); that is, the opposite of the ones
good practice to establish different consistency thresholds for necessity obtained for high levels of national well-being (WB). Considering the
and sufficiency analyses and not to interpret a subset relationship that core conditions, there are three possible combinations in each config-
does not comply with these thresholds. uration, which correspond to six solutions (~WB1.1, ~WB1.2,
The consistency threshold used to assess necessary conditions ~WB1.3, ~WB2.1, ~WB2.2., and ~WB2.3). It must be highlighted that
should be larger than the one used for sufficient conditions (Torres and ~WB is the mirror opposite of WB1, but ~WB2 shows a different
Augusto, 2019). A consistency threshold of 0.90 is recommended for combination, in which the absence of social entrepreneurship is part of
the analysis of the necessary condition as is high coverage, which in- the configuration. Therefore, the analysis suggests that the solutions are
dicates that the potential necessary condition is relevant not completely symmetric. The two configurations show that ~DAI,
(Schneider et al., 2010; Ragin, 2008). For sufficiency analysis, the ~EDS, and ~GOV combined with either ~SEA or ~PFS lead to ~WB.
consistency values should be equal or higher than 0.80 (e.g., The consistency values of both configurations are higher than 0.85, and
Greckhamer et al., 2018; Ragin, 2009). In this study, for the analyses of the raw coverage is 0.550 and 0.490, respectively. Overall, the con-
necessity and sufficiency, a consistency threshold of 0.90 and 0.85 was figurations for ~WB present a consistency of 0.878, and the combined
set, respectively. Furthermore, to avoid the presence of relatively rare models account for 66.6% of the membership for this outcome. The two
configurations, the frequency threshold of at least two cases was set for models (~WB1 and ~WB2) are more or less equally represented.
a configuration to be included in the sufficiency analysis. However, considering the unique coverage, model ~WB1
(~DAI*~EDS*~GOV*~PFS) is the most frequent (C3=0.176).
An examination of the countries that present membership in each
4. Results
configuration can also bring some insights. There are seven countries
that present configuration WB1 (i.e., DAI*EDS*GOV*PFS): the
Table 2 presents an analysis of the necessary conditions. All the
Netherlands, Sweden, Israel, Australia, Finland, Spain, and Slovenia.
antecedent conditions are below the threshold of 0.90. Thus, none of
The latter (Slovenia) can be considered fully in, but the values are just
the conditions is necessary for the outcome of interest (high and low
slightly above the 0.50 threshold. Thus, the other six countries are
levels of national well-being — WB and ~WB). Nevertheless, the values
better examples of this configuration. Regarding the absence of national
suggest that the presence of social entrepreneurial activity (SEA), the
well-being, the model ~WB1 (~DAI*~EDS*~GOV*~PFS) includes the
presence of digitalisation (DAI), the presence of an education system
cases of Ecuador, Morocco, China, India, Mexico, the Philippines, and
(EDS), the presence of governance (GOV), and the presence of a phi-
Colombia. Model ~WB2 includes the following cases: Ecuador,
lanthropic financial system (PFS) are more closely related with high
Morocco, Indonesia, Mexico, and Thailand. Three countries (Ecuador,
levels of national well-being, while their absence (i.e., low levels of
Morocco, and Mexico) have greater than 0.50 membership in both
these conditions) is linked more with the absence of national well-
The results of the configurational analysis, presented in Table 3,
5. Discussion
show that only the combination that involves the joint presence of DAI,
EDS, GOV, and PFS leads to high levels of national well-being. Social
This study contributes to a better understanding of the roles of di-
entrepreneurship seems to be indifferent to achieving this outcome.
gitalisation and social entrepreneurship as antecedent conditions to
Furthermore, the obtained solution suggests that the core condition
national well-being. The results suggest that digitalisation can be im-
could be either DAI, EDS or GOV, which suggests that these are the
portant for promoting national well-being, while social entrepreneur-
most important conditions. Considering each of these conditions as
ship is indifferent. The social impact of social entrepreneurship con-
core, one by one, there are three solutions for achieving the outcome of
stitutes an emergent research topic (Nguyen et al., 2015). Social
interest (WB1.1., WB1.2, and WB1.3). The obtained configuration
entrepreneurs aim to make social change and address social issues that
presents an overall consistency of 0.958 and overall coverage of 0.596,
can make a social impact (Barberá-Tomás et al., 2019; Selsky and
which indicates that this configuration is sufficient to support high le-
Parker, 2010). Although these efforts are likely to yield positive out-
vels of national well-being (WB).
comes within a society, at the country level, the results suggest that this
Regarding the absence of national well-being (~WB), the results
effort is not required to obtain high levels of national well-being. This
show that two configurations lead to this outcome: 1) the combination
new insight advances understanding of the social impact of social en-
Table 2
The configurations for high levels of national well-being include
Analysis of necessary conditions.
digitalisation alongside the presence of an educational system, gov-
WB ~WB ernance, and a philanthropic financial system. Digitalisation can be a
Conditions C1 C2 C1 C2
core condition. Education, governance and philanthropic financing can
SEA .703 .689 .537 .574 be leveraged by digital adoption. This result suggests that digital
~SEA .565 .527 .709 .724 technologies, which are material artefacts, play an important role in
DAI .798 .789 .501 .541 society in terms of well-being. Therefore, government policies aiming to
~DAI .536 .496 .805 .813
increase digital adoption can also be justified by its influence on na-
EDS .784 .766 .479 .513
~EDS .502 .468 .781 .798 tional well-being.
GOV .721 .754 .429 .490 The results somehow corroborate the idea that in societies where
~GOV .512 .451 .785 .755 the government does a good job fulfilling social needs, there are lesser
PFS .775 .762 .514 .552 opportunities for social entrepreneurship (Mair et al., 2012). Thus, its
~PFS .545 .506 .778 .791
presence becomes indifferent. In contrast, in societies that show a low
Notes: WB = National well-being; SEA = Social entrepreneurial activity; level of national well-being, social entrepreneurship is absent in some
DAI = Digitalisation; EDS = Educational System; GOV = Governance; configurations that lead to this outcome. In this situation, social en-
PFS = Philanthropic financial system C1 = Consistency; C2 = Raw coverage. trepreneurship is either absent or indifferent. When social en-
The tilde “~” represents negation. trepreneurship is indifferent, a philanthropic financial system is absent.

P. Torres and M. Augusto Technological Forecasting & Social Change 161 (2020) 120279

Table 3
Configurations supporting high and low national well-being scores.
1 WB1.1 WB1.2 WB1.3 ~WB1.1 ~WB1.2 ~WB1.3 ~WB2.1 ~WB2.2 ~WB2.3

SEA ⊗ ⊗ ⊗
DAI ● • • ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗
EDS • ● • ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗
GOV • • ● ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗
PFS • • • ⊗ ⊗ ⊗
C1 .958 .882 .855
C2 .596 .550 .490
C3 .596 .176 .116
OC1 .958 .878
OC2 .596 .666

Notes: WB = National well-being; SEA = Social entrepreneurial activity; DAI = Digitalisation; EDS = Educational System; GOV = Governance;
PFS = Philanthropic financial system C1 = Consistency; C2 = Raw coverage; C3 = Unique coverage; OC1 = Overall consistency; OC2 = Overall coverage. Black
circles (“● “) indicate the presence of a condition; circles with a cross-out (“⊗“) indicate its absence; blank spaces indicate “don't care”.

This indicates that the absence of a philanthropic financial system or aiming to understand national well-being and should take into con-
the absence of social entrepreneurship, alongside other conditions, is sideration the national context when studying social entrepreneurship.
why some countries report low levels of well-being. This result suggests The findings give support to the institutional void perspective in ex-
that the institutional void perspective better explains social en- plaining the emergence of social entrepreneurship. Policy-makers
trepreneurship (e.g., Stephan et al., 2015), rather than by the institu- should take into account that a combination of conditions is required to
tional supportive perspective (e.g., Hoogendoorn, 2016). When in- obtain high levels of national well-being. Governments should be aware
stitutions are weak, social entrepreneurship can make a difference. of the influence of digitalisation on the latter, and they should consider
Furthermore, the results of the configurational analysis suggest that the relevance of partnering with social entrepreneurs in their country.
there are three alternative core conditions in the configurations that Policies aiming to raise national well-being should take into account
explain high and low levels of national well-being: digitalisation, edu- digital adaptation since digitalisation can leverage education, govern-
cational system and governance. These conditions are either present or ance, and philanthropic financing. If the government can fulfil social
absent in all the obtained solutions for the presence and the absence of needs, at the national level, social entrepreneurship is not so important.
national well-being, respectively. However, none of these conditions However, if institutions are weak, governments should promote social
can be considered necessary, and the presence or absence of other entrepreneurship, since its absence can be one of the conditions that
conditions is required. In addition to highlighting the importance of justify low levels of national well-being.
digitalisation, these findings contribute to clarifying the role of edu-
cation and governance. They corroborate the notion that an educational
system can benefit national happiness (e.g., Nikolaev and 6. Conclusion
Rusakov, 2016), which has generated some controversy, and they
suggest that countries with better governance have more satisfied citi- This study advances research on national well-being and clarifies
zens (e.g., Helliwell et al., 2018). the role of digitalisation and social entrepreneurship by taking a con-
This study responds to several research gaps. Research on national figurational approach. Extant literature reports contradictory findings
well-being has been scarce and previous studies noted the rising im- and perspectives regarding the influence of digitalisation and social
portance of digitalisation in society. Social entrepreneurship aims to entrepreneurship, which can either favour or hinder national well-
drive social change and can influence well-being. Nevertheless, despite being. Furthermore, the institutional theory provides divergent justifi-
the increasing interest on the social impacts of social entrepreneurship, cations for the emergence of social entrepreneurship (the institutional
few studies have focused on this emerging topic. Furthermore, there is void perspective and the institutional supportive perspective). Past re-
an ongoing debate among researchers regarding which of the two in- search (e.g., Sunduramurthy et al., 2016; Welter, 2011) noted that
stitutional perspectives better explain this phenomenon (the institu- context plays an important role and calls for further research.
tional void perspective or the institutional supportive perspective). The This study responds to these calls and makes clearer the role of
national context in which social entrepreneurship can emerge and can digitalisation and social entrepreneurship as drivers of social change.
make a difference remains unclear, and further research is needed. The obtained results suggest that digitalisation contributes to national
Considering the aforementioned, the obtained results make several well-being if an educational system, a philanthropic financial system,
contributions to the literature. First, they show that digitalisation and governance are also present. In contrast, social entrepreneurship is
benefits national well-being. Second, they clarify the role of social en- indifferent to achieving high levels of national well-being. The findings
trepreneurship in promoting national well-being. The results suggest give support to the institutional void perspective (Urban and
that the presence of social entrepreneurship is not relevant in countries Kujinga, 2017) thereby contributing to the ongoing debate on the in-
in which governments fulfil social needs, but its absence in countries stitutional perspectives that justify the creation of social enterprises
with low levels of digitalisation, bad governance quality and an in- (De Beule et al., 2020). The findings show that weaker institutions
adequate educational system can contribute to low levels of national generate opportunities for social entrepreneurs. Social entrepreneur-
well-being. Third, the importance of having a good educational system ship is indifferent to national well-being in countries that present high
and high governance quality is also highlighted, which contributes to levels of digitalisation, a good educational system, adequate govern-
clarifying their roles in explaining national well-being. Finally, the re- ance, and a philanthropic financial system, such as Finland, the Neth-
sults validate the relevance of taking a configurational perspective and erlands, and Australia, which are represented in the obtained models
show that a combination of conditions is required to achieve high levels for their high levels of national well-being. However, the absence of
of national well-being. social entrepreneurship can contribute to low levels of national well-
These findings have implications for both researchers and policy- being in countries that show low levels of digital adoption, poor edu-
makers. Researchers should include digitalisation in future studies cational systems, and inadequate governance, such as Thailand, In-
donesia, and Morocco. Thus, the results corroborate the idea that social

P. Torres and M. Augusto Technological Forecasting & Social Change 161 (2020) 120279

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