Mastering Swiftui Sample
Mastering Swiftui Sample
Mastering Swiftui Sample
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Introduction to SwiftUI
Declarative vs Imperative Programming
No more Interface Builder and Auto Layout
The Combine Approach
Learn Once, Apply Anywhere
Interfacing with UIKit/AppKit/WatchKit
Use SwiftUI for Your Next Project
Chapter 2 - Getting Started with SwiftUI and Working with Text
Creating a New Project for Playing with SwiftUI
Displaying a Simple Text
Changing the Font Type and Color
Using Custom Fonts
Working with Multiline Text
Setting the Padding and Line Spacing
Rotating the Text
Chapter 3 - Working with Images
Understanding SF Symbols
Displaying a System Image
Using Your Own Images
Resizing an Image
Aspect Fit and Aspect Fill
Creating a Circular Image
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Using Label
Creating a Button with Gradient Background and Shadow
Creating a Full-width Button
Styling Buttons with ButtonStyle
Chapter 7 - Understanding State and Binding
Controlling the Button's State
Exercise #1
Working with Binding
Exercise #2
Chapter 8 - Implementing Path and Shape for Line Drawing and Pie Charts
Understanding Path
Using Stroke to Draw Borders
Drawing Curves
Fill and Stroke
Drawing Arcs and Pie Charts
Understanding the Shape Protocol
Using the Built-in Shapes
Creating a Progress Indicator Using Shapes
Drawing a Donut Chart
Chapter 9 - Basic Animations and Transitions
Implicit and Explicit Animations
Creating a Loading Indicator Using RotationEffect
Creating a Progress Indicator
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Delaying an Animation
Transforming a Rectangle into Circle
Understanding Transitions
Exercise #1: Using Animation and Transition to Build a Fancy Button
Exercise #2: Animated View Transitions
Chapter 10 - Understanding Dynamic List, ForEach and Identifiable
Creating a Simple List
Creating a List View with Text and Images
Refactoring the Code
Chapter 11 - Working with Navigation UI and Navigation Bar Customization
Implementing a Navigation View
Passing Data to a Detail View Using NavigationLink
Customizing the Navigation Bar
Building the Detail View
Removing the Disclosure Indicator
An even more Elegant UI with a Custom Back Button
Chapter 12 - Playing with Modal Views, Floating Buttons and Alerts
Understanding Sheet in SwiftUI
Implementing the Modal View Using isPresented
Changing the Navigation View Style
Implementing the Modal View with Optional Binding
Creating a Floating Button for Dismissing the Modal View
Using Alerts
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Understanding UIViewRepresentable
Adding a Search Bar
Capturing the Search Text
Handling the Cancel Button
Performing the Search
Chapter 24 - Creating a Search Bar View and Working with Custom Binding
Implementing the Search Bar UI
Dismissing the Keyboard
Working with Custom Binding
Chapter 25 - Putting Everything Together to Build a Real World App
Understanding the Model
Working with Core Data
Implementing the New Payment View
Implementing the Payment Activity Detail View
Walking Through the Dashboard View
Managing Payment Activities with Core Data
Exploring the Extensions
Handling the Software Keyboard
Chapter 26 - Creating an App Store like Animated View Transition
Introducing the Demo App
Understanding the Card View
Implementing the Card View
Building the List View
Expanding the Card View to Full Screen
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
All right reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced, stored or transmitted
in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the publisher.
Frankly, I didn't expect Apple would announce anything big in WWDC 2019 that would
completely change the way we build UI for Apple platforms. A couple years ago, Apple
released a brand new framework called SwiftUI, along with the release of Xcode 11. The
debut of SwiftUI was huge, really huge for existing iOS developers or someone who is
going to learn iOS app building. It was unarguably the biggest change in iOS app
development in recent years.
I have been doing iOS programming for over 10 years and already get used to developing
UIs with UIKit. I love to use a mix of storyboards and Swift code for building UIs.
However, whether you prefer to use Interface Builder or create UI entirely using code,
the approach of UI development on iOS doesn't change much. Everything is still relying
on the UIKit framework.
To me, SwiftUI is not merely a new framework. It's a paradigm shift that fundamentally
changes the way you think about UI development on iOS and other Apple platforms.
Instead of using the imperative programming style, Apple now advocates the
declarative/functional programming style. Instead of specifying exactly how a UI
component should be laid out and function, you focus on describing what elements you
need in building the UI and what the actions should perform when programming in
declarative style.
If you have worked with React Native or Flutter before, you will find some similarities
between the programming styles and probably find it easier to build UIs in SwiftUI. That
said, even if you haven't developed in any functional programming languages before, it
would just take you some time to get used to the syntax. Once you manage the basics, you
will love the simplicity of coding complex layouts and animations in SwiftUI.
SwiftUI has evolved so much in these two years. Apple has packed even more features
and brought more UI components to the SwiftUI framework, which comes alongside with
Xcode 13. It just takes UI development on iOS, iPadOS, and macOS to the next level. You
can develop some fancy animations with way less code, as compared to UIKit. Most
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
importantly, the latest version of the SwiftUI framework makes it easier for developers to
develop apps for Apple platforms. You will understand what I mean after you go through
the book.
The release of SwiftUI doesn't mean that Interface Builder and UIKit are deprecated right
away. They will still stay for many years to come. However, SwiftUI is the future of app
development on Apple's platforms. To stay at the forefront of technological innovations,
it's time to prepare yourself for this new way of UI development. And I hope this book
will help you get started with SwiftUI development and build some amazing UIs.
Simon Ng
Founder of AppCoda
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
As always, we will explore SwiftUI with you by using the "Learn by doing" approach. This
new book features a lot of hands-on exercises and projects. Don't expect you can just read
the book and understand everything. You need to get prepared to write code and debug.
This book is written for both beginners and developers with some iOS programming
experience. Even if you have developed an iOS app before, this book will help you
understand this brand-new framework and the new way to develop UI. You will also
learn how to integrate UIKit with SwiftUI.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
If you are new to iOS app development, Xcode is an integrated development environment
(IDE) provided by Apple. Xcode provides everything you need to kick start your app
development. It already bundles the latest version of the iOS SDK (short for Software
Development Kit), a built-in source code editor, graphic user interface (UI) editor,
debugging tools and much more. Most importantly, Xcode comes with an iPhone (and
iPad) simulator so you can test your app without the real devices. With Xcode 13, you can
instantly preview the result of your SwiftUI code.
Installing Xcode
To install Xcode, go up to the Mac App Store and download it. Simply search "Xcode" and
click the "Get" button to download it. At the time of this writing, the latest official version
of Xcode is 13.2. Once you complete the installation process, you will find Xcode in the
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Yes, you still need to know the Swift programming language before using SwiftUI.
SwiftUI is just a UI framework written in Swift. Here, the keyword is UI, meaning
that the framework is designed for building user interfaces. However, for a complete
application, other than UI, there are many other components such as network
components for connecting to remote server, data components for loading data from
internal database, business logic component for handling the flow of data, etc. All
these components are not built using SwiftUI. So, you should be knowledgeable
about Swift and SwiftUI, as well as, other built-in frameworks (e.g. Map) in order to
build an app.
The short answer is Both. That said, it all depends on your goals. If you target to
become a professional iOS developer and apply for a job in iOS development, you
better equip yourself with knowledge of SwiftUI and UIKit. Over 90% of the apps
published on the App Store were built using UIKit. To be considered for hire, you
should be very knowledgeable with UIKit because most companies are still using the
framework to build the app UI. However, like any technological advancement,
companies will gradually adopt SwiftUI in new projects. This is why you need to
learn both to increase your employment opportunities.
On the other hand, if you just want to develop an app for your personal or side
project, you can develop it entirely using SwiftUI. However, since SwiftUI is very
new, it doesn't cover all the UI components that you can find in UIKit. In some
cases, you may also need to integrate UIKit with SwiftUI.
This may be a good news to some of you. Many beginners find it hard to work with
auto layout. With SwiftUI, you no longer need to define layout constraints. Instead,
you use stacks, spacers, and padding to arrange the layout.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Chapter 1
Introduction to SwiftUI
In WWDC 2019, Apple surprised every developer by announcing a completely new
framework called SwiftUI. It doesn't just change the way you develop iOS apps. This is
the biggest shift in the Apple developer's ecosystem (including iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and
watchOS) since the debut of Swift.
SwiftUI is an innovative, exceptionally simple way to build user interfaces across all
Apple platforms with the power of Swift. Build user interfaces for any Apple device
using just one set of tools and APIs.
- Apple (
Developers have been debating for a long time whether we should use Storyboards or
build the app UI programmatically. The introduction of SwiftUI is Apple's answer. With
this brand new framework, Apple offers developers a new way to create user interfaces.
Take a look at the figure below and have a glance at the code.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
With the release of SwiftUI, you can now develop the app's UI with a declarative Swift
syntax in Xcode. What that means to you is that the UI code is easier and more natural to
write. Compared with the existing UI frameworks like UIKit, you can create the same UI
with way less code.
The preview function has always been a weak point of Xcode. While you can preview
simple layouts in Interface Builder, you usually can't preview the complete UI until the
app is loaded onto the simulators. With SwiftUI, you get immediate feedback of the UI
you are coding. For example, you add a new record to a table, Xcode renders the UI
change on the fly in a preview canvas. If you want to preview how your UI looks in dark
mode, you just need to change an option. This instant preview feature simply makes UI
development a breeze and iteration much faster.
Not only does it allow you to preview the UI, the new canvas also lets you design the user
interface visually using drag and drop. What's great is that Xcode automatically generates
the SwiftUI code as you add the UI component visually. The code and the UI are always
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
In this book, you will dive deep into SwiftUI, learn how to layout the built-in
components, and create complex UIs with the framework. I know some of you may
already have experience in iOS development. Let me first walk you through the major
differences between the existing framework that you're using (e.g. UIKit) and SwiftUI. If
you are completely new to iOS development or even have no programming experience,
you can use the information as a reference or even skip the following sections. I don't
want to scare you away from learning SwiftUI, it is an awesome framework for beginners.
If you are new to programming, you probably don't need to care about the difference
because everything is new to you. However, if you have some experience in Object-
oriented programming or have developed with UIKit before, this paradigm shift affects
how you think about building user interfaces. You may need to unlearn some old
concepts and relearn new ones.
So, what's the difference between imperative and declarative programming? If you go to
Wikipedia and search for the terms, you will find these definitions:
It's pretty hard to understand the actual difference if you haven't studied Computer
Science. Let me explain the difference this way.
Instead of focusing on programming, let's talk about cooking a pizza (or any dishes you
like). Let’s assume you are instructing someone else (a helper) to prepare the pizza, you
can either do it imperatively or declaratively. To cook the pizza imperatively, you tell
your helper each of the instructions clearly like a recipe:
On the other hand, if you cook it in a declarative way, you do not need to specify the step
by step instructions but just describe how you would like the pizza cooked. Thick or thin
crust? Pepperoni and bacon, or just a classic Margherita with tomato sauce? 10-inch or
16-inch? The helper will figure out the rest and cook the pizza for you.
That's the core difference between the term imperative and declarative. Now back to UI
programming. Imperative UI programming requires developers to write detailed
instructions to layout the UI and control its states. Conversely, declarative UI
programming lets developers describe what the UI looks like and what you want to
respond when a state changes.
The declarative way of coding would make the code much easier to read and understand.
Most importantly, the SwiftUI framework allows you to write way less code to create a
user interface. Say, for example, you are going to build a heart button in an app. This
button should be positioned at the center of the screen and is able to detect touches. If a
user taps the heart button, its color is changed from red to yellow. When a user taps and
holds the heart, it scales up with an animation.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Take a look at figure 2. That's the code you need to implement the heart button. In
around 20 lines of code, you create an interactive button with a scale animation. This is
the power of the SwiftUI declarative UI framework.
Auto layout has always been one of the hard topics when learning iOS development. With
SwiftUI, you no longer need to learn how to define layout constraints and resolve the
conflicts. Now you compose the desired UI by using stacks, spacers, and padding. We will
discuss this concept in detail in later chapters.
Communications and data sharing between views are now done via another brand new
framework called Combine. This new approach completely replaces the role of the view
controller in UIKit. In this book, we will also cover the basics of Combine and how to use
it to handle UI events.
With SwiftUI, Apple offers developers a unified UI framework for building user interfaces
on all types of Apple devices. The UI code written for iOS can be easily ported to your
watchOS/macOS/watchOS app without modifications or with very minimal
modifications. This is made possible thanks to the declarative UI framework.
Your code describes how the user interface looks. Depending on the platform, the same
piece of code in SwiftUI can result in different UI controls. For example, the code below
declares a toggle switch:
Toggle(isOn: $isOn) {
For iOS and iPadOS, the toggle is rendered as a switch. On the other hand, SwiftUI
renders the control as a checkbox for macOS.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
The beauty of this unified framework is that you can reuse most of the code on all Apple
platforms without making any changes. SwiftUI does the heavy lifting to render the
corresponding controls and layout.
However, don't consider SwiftUI as a "Write once, run anywhere" solution. As Apple
stressed in a WWDC talk, that's not the goal of SwiftUI. So, don't expect you can turn a
beautiful app for iOS into a tvOS app without any modifications.
There are definitely going to be opportunities to share code along the way, just
where it makes sense. And so we think it's kind of important to think about SwiftUI
less as write once and run anywhere and more like learn once and apply anywhere.
While the UI code is portable across Apple platforms, you still need to provide
specialization that targets for a particular type of device. You should always review each
edition of your app to make sure the design is right for the platform. That said, SwiftUI
already saves you a lot of time from learning another platform-specific framework, plus
you should be able to reuse most of the code.
SwiftUI is designed to work with the existing frameworks like UIKit for iOS and AppKit
for macOS. Apple provides several representable protocols for you to adopt in order to
wrap a view or controller into SwiftUI.
Say, you have a custom view developed using UIKit, you can adopt the
UIViewRepresentable protocol for that view and make it into SwiftUI. Figure 6 shows the
sample code of using WKWebView in SwiftUI.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Though SwiftUI is still new to most developers, now is the right time to learn and
incorporate the framework into your new project. Along with the release of Xcode 13,
Apple has made the SwiftUI framework more stable and feature-rich. If you have some
personal projects or side projects for personal use or at work, there is no reason why you
shouldn't try out SwiftUI.
Having said that, you need to consider carefully whether you should apply SwiftUI to
your commercial projects. One major drawback of SwiftUI is that the device must run at
a minimum on iOS 13, macOS 10.15, tvOS 13, or watchOS 6. If your app requires support
for lower versions of the platform (e.g. iOS 12), you may need to wait at least a year
before adopting SwiftUI.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
At the time of this writing, SwiftUI has been officially released for more than two years.
The debut of Xcode 13 has brought us more UI controls and new APIs for SwiftUI. In
terms of features, you can't compare it with the existing UI frameworks (e.g. UIKit),
which has been available for years. Some features (e.g. changing the separator style in
table views) which are present in the old framework may not be available in SwiftUI. You
may need to develop some solutions to work around the issue. This is something you
have to take into account when adopting SwiftUI in production projects.
SwiftUI is still very new. It will take time to grow into a mature framework, but what's
clear is that SwiftUI is the future of UI development for Apple platforms. Even though it
may not yet be applicable to your production projects, I recommended you start a side
project and explore the framework. Once you try out SwiftUI and understand its benefits,
you will enjoy developing UIs in a declarative way.
To access the full content and the complete source code, please get your copy at
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Chapter 2
Getting Started with SwiftUI and
Working with Text
If you've worked with UIKit before, the Text control in SwiftUI is very similar to
UILabel in UIKit. It's a view for you to display one or multiple lines of text. This Text
control is non-editable but is useful for presenting read-only information on screen. For
example, you want to present an on-screen message, you can use Text to implement it.
In this chapter, I'll show you how to work with Text to present information. You'll also
learn how to customize the text with different colors, fonts, backgrounds and apply
rotation effects.
Choose Next to proceed to the next screen and type the name of the project. I set it to
SwiftUIText but you're free to use any other name. For the organization name, you can
set it to your company or organization. The organization identifier is a unique identifier
of your app. Here I use com.appcoda but you should set it to your own value. If you have
a website, set it to your domain in reverse domain name notation.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
To use SwiftUI, you have to choose SwiftUI in the Interface option. The language should
be set to Swift. Click Next and choose a folder to create the project.
Once you save the project, Xcode should load the ContentView.swift file and display a
design/preview canvas. If you can't see the design canvas, you can go up to the Xcode
menu and choose Editor > Canvas to enable it. To give yourself more space for writing
code, you can hide both the project navigator and the inspector (see figure 2).
By default, Xcode generates some SwiftUI code for ContentView.swift . However, the
preview canvas doesn't render the app preview. You have to click the Resume button in
order to see the preview. After you click the button, Xcode renders the preview in a
simulator that you choose in the simulator selection (e.g. iPhone 13 Pro).
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Text("Hello World")
The preview canvas should display Hello World on screen. This is the basic syntax for
creating a text view. You're free to change the text to whatever value you want and the
canvas should show you the change instantaneously.
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You access the modifier by using the dot syntax. Whenever you type a dot, Xcode will
show you the possible modifiers or values you can use. For example, you will see various
font weight options when you type a dot in the fontWeight modifier. You can choose
bold to bold the text. If you want to make it even bolder, use heavy or black .
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
By calling fontWeight with the value .bold , it actually returns to you a new view that has
the bolded text. What is interesting in SwiftUI is that you can further chain this new view
with other modifiers. Say, you want to make the bolded text a little bit bigger, you write
the code like this:
Since we may chain multiple modifiers together, we usually write the code above in the
following format:
The functionality is the same but I believe you'll find the code above more easy to read.
We will continue to use this coding convention for the rest of this book.
The font modifier lets you change the font properties. In the code above, we specify the
title font type in order to enlarge the text. SwiftUI comes with several built-in text styles
including title, largeTitle, body, etc. If you want to further increase the font size, replace
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
You can also use the font modifier to specify the font design. Let's say, you want the
font to be rounded. You can write the font modifier like this:
Here you specify to use the system font with title text style and rounded design. The
preview canvas should immediately respond to the change and show you the rounded
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Dynamic Type is a feature of iOS that automatically adjusts the font size in reference to
the user's setting (Settings > Display & Brightness > Text Size). In other words, when you
use text styles (e.g. .title ), the font size will be varied and your app will scale the text
automatically, depending on the user's preference.
.font(.system(size: 20))
You can chain other modifiers to further customize the text. Let's change the font color.
To do that, you use the foregroundColor modifier like this:
The foregroundColor modifier accepts a value of Color . Here we specify .green , which
is a built-in color. You may use other built-in values like .red , .purple , etc.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
While I prefer to customize the properties of a control by writing code, you can also use
the design canvas to edit them. Hold the command key and click the text to bring up a
pop-over menu. Choose Show SwiftUI Inspector and then you can edit the text/font
properties. What is great is that the code will update automatically when you make
changes to the font properties.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Figure 8. Using the Inspect feature to edit the properties of the text
Text("Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be
trapped by dogma—which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don
’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most impo
rtant, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.")
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
You're free to replace the paragraph of text with your own text. Just make sure it's long
enough. Once you have made the change, the design canvas will render a multiline text
To center align the text, insert the multilineTextAlignment modifier after the .foreground
In some cases, you may want to limit the number of lines to a certain number. You use
the lineLimit modifier to control it. Here is an example:
Another modifier, truncationMode specifies where to truncate the text within the text
view. You can truncate at the beginning, middle, or end of the text view. By default, the
system is set to use tail truncation. To modify the truncation mode of the text, you use the
truncationMode modifier and set its value to .head or .middle like this:
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
After the change, your text should look like the figure below.
Earlier, I mentioned that the Text control displays multiple lines by default. The reason
is that the SwiftUI framework has set a default value of nil for the lineLimit modifier.
You can change the value of .lineLimit to nil and see the result:
As you see, the text is too close to the left and right side of the edges. To give it some
more space, you can use the padding modifier, which adds some extra space to each side
of the text. Insert the following line of code after the lineSpacing modifier:
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Figure 11. Setting the padding and line spacing of the text
If you insert the above line of code after padding() , you will see the text is rotated by 45
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
By default, the rotation happens around the center of the text view. If you want to rotate
the text around a specific point (say, the top-left corner), you write the code like this:
Figure 13. Rotate the text around the top-left of the text view
Not only can you rotate the text in 2D, SwiftUI provides a modifier called
rotation3DEffect that allows you to create some amazing 3D effects. The modifier takes
two parameters: rotation angle and the axis of the rotation. Say, you want to create a
perspective text effect, you write the code like this:
With just a line of code, you have created the Star Wars perspective text!
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
You can further insert the following line of code to create a drop shadow effect for the
perspective text:
The shadow modifier will apply the shadow effect to the text. All you need to do is specify
the color and radius of the shadow. Optionally, you can tell the system the position of the
shadow by specifying the x and y values.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Assuming you've downloaded the font files, you should first add it to your Xcode project.
You can simply drag the font files to the project navigator and insert them under the
SwiftUIText folder. For this demo, I just add the regular font file (i.e. Nunito-
Regular.ttf). If you need to use the bold or italic font, please add the corresponding font
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Once you added the font, Xcode will prompt you an option dialog. Please make sure you
enable Copy items if added and check the SwiftUIText target.
After adding the font file, you still can't use the font directly. Xcode requires developers
to register the font in the project configuration. In the project navigator, select
SwiftUIText and then click SwiftUIText under Targets. Choose the Info tab, which
displays the project configuration.
You can right Bundle name and choose Add row. Set the key name to Fonts provided by
application. Next, click the disclosure indicator to expand the entry. For item 0, set the
value to Nunito-Regular.ttf , which is the font file you've just added. If you have multiple
font files, you can click the + button to add another item.
Now you can go back to ContentView.swift . To use the custom font, you can replace the
following line of code:
Instead of using the system font style, the code above uses .custom and specifies the
preferred font name. Font names can be found in the application "Font Book". You can
open Finder > Application and click Font Book to launch the app.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
In iOS 15, SwiftUI has built-in support for rendering Markdown. If you don't know what
Markdown is, it allows you to style plain text using an easy to read format. To learn more
about Markdown, you can check out this guide
To use Markdown for rending text, all you need to do is specify the text in Markdown.
The Text view automatically renders the text for you. Here is an example:
Text("**This is how you bold a text**. *This is how you make text italic.* You can
[click this link]( to go to")
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
If you write the code in ContentView , you will see how the given text is rendered. To test
the hyperlink, you have to run the app in simulators. When you tap the link, iOS will
redirect to mobile Safari and open the URL.
Do you enjoy creating user interfaces with SwiftUI? I hope so. The declarative syntax of
SwiftUI makes the code more readable and easier to understand. As you have
experienced, it only takes a few lines of code in SwiftUI to create fancy text in 3D style.
To access the full content and the complete source code, please get your copy at
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Chapter 3
Working with Images
Now that you should have some basic ideas about SwiftUI and understand how to display
textual content, let's see how to display images in this chapter.
Other than text, image is another basic element that you'll use in iOS app development.
SwiftUI provides a view called Image for developers to render and draw images on
screen. Similar to what we've done in the previous chapter, I'll show you how to work
with Image by building a simple demo. In brief, this chapter covers the following topics:
To access the full content and the complete source code, please get your copy at
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Chapter 4
Layout User Interface with Stacks
Stacks in SwiftUI is similar to the stack views in UIKit. By combining views in horizontal
and vertical stacks, you can construct complex user interfaces for your apps. For UIKit,
it's unevitable to use auto layout in order to build interfaces that fit all screen sizes. To
some beginners, auto layout is a complicated subject and hard to learn. The good news is
that you no longer need to use auto layout in SwiftUI. Everything is stacks including
VStack, HStack, and ZStack.
In this chapter, I will walk you through all types of stacks and build a grid layout using
stacks. So, what project will you work on? Take a look at the figure below. We'll lay out a
simple grid interfaces step by step. After going over this chapter, you will be able to
combine views with stacks and build the UI you want.
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Chapter 5
Understanding ScrollView and
Building a Carousel UI
After going through the previous chapter, I believe you should now understand how to
build a complex UI using stacks. Of course, it will take you a lot of practice before you can
master SwiftUI. Therefore, before we dive deep into ScrollView to make the views
scrollable, let's begin this chapter with a challenge. Your task is to create a card view like
that shown in figure 1.
By using stacks, image, and text views, you should be able to create the UI. While I will go
through the implementation step by step with you later, please do take some time to work
on the exercise and figure out your own solution.
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Once you manage to create the card view, I will discuss ScrollView with you and build a
scrollable interface using the card view. Figure 2 shows you the complete UIs.
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Chapter 6
Working with SwiftUI Buttons, Labels
and Gradient
Buttons initiate app-specific actions, have customizable backgrounds, and can
include a title or an icon. The system provides a number of predefined button styles
for most use cases. You can also design fully custom buttons.
I don't think I need to explain what a button is. It's a very basic UI control that you can
find in all apps and has the ability to handle users' touch, and trigger a certain action. If
you have learned iOS programming before, Button in SwiftUI is very similar to UIButton
in UIKit. It's just more flexible and customizable. You will understand what I mean in a
while. In this chapter, I will go through this SwiftUI control and you will learn the
following techniques:
Once you save the project, Xcode should load the ContentView.swift file and display a
preview in the design canvas. In case the preview is not displayed, click the Resume
button in the canvas.
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It's very easy to create a button using SwiftUI. Basically, you use the code snippet below
to create a button:
Button(action: {
// What to perform
}) {
// How the button looks like
1. What action to perform - the code to perform after the button is tapped or
selected by the user.
2. How the button looks - the code block that describes the look & feel of the button.
For example, if you just want to turn the Hello World label into a button, you can update
the code like this:
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Now the Hello World text becomes a tappable button as you see it in the canvas.
The button is non-tappable in the design canvas. To test it, click the Play button to run
the app. For Xcode 12 (or lower), you can right-click the Play button and then choose
Debug Preview. You will see the Hello World tapped message on the console when you
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
tap the button. If you can't see the console, go up to the Xcode menu and choose View >
Debug Area > Activate Console.
For Xcode 13 (or up), it seems Apple has removed the Debug Preview feature. To see the
console message, you have to run the app on a simulator.
Text("Hello World")
If you want to change the font type, you use the font modifier and specify the font type
(e.g. .title ) like this:
Text("Hello World")
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After the change, your button should look like the figure below.
As you can see, the button doesn't look very good. Wouldn't it be great to add some space
around the text? To do that, you can use the padding modifier like this:
Text("Hello World")
After you make the change, the canvas will update the button accordingly. The button
should now look much better.
If you place the padding modifier after the background modifier, you can still add some
padding to the button but without the preferred background color. If you wonder why,
the modifiers like this:
Text("Hello World")
.background(Color.purple) // 1. Change the background color to purple
.foregroundColor(.white) // 2. Set the foreground/font color to white
.font(.title) // 3. Change the font type
.padding() // 4. Add the paddings with the primary color (i.e.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Conversely, the modifiers will work like this if the padding modifier is placed before the
background modifier:
Text("Hello World")
.padding() // 1. Add the paddings
.background(Color.purple) // 2. Change the background color to purple includin
g the padding
.foregroundColor(.white) // 3. Set the foreground/font color to white
.font(.title) // 4. Change the font type
You can change the code of the Text control like below:
Text("Hello World")
.border(Color.purple, width: 5)
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Here we set the foreground color to purple and then add some empty paddings around
the text. The border modifier is used to define the border's width and color. Please alter
the value of the width parameter to see how it works.
Let me give you another example. Let's say, a designer shows you the following button
design. How are you going to implement it with what you've learned? Before you read the
next paragraph, Take a few minutes to figure out the solution.
Text("Hello World")
.border(Color.purple, width: 5)
We use two padding modifiers to create the button design. The first padding , together
with the background modifier, is for creating a button with padding and a purple
background. The padding(10) modifier adds extra padding around the button and the
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Let's look at a more complex example. What if you wanted a button with rounded borders
like this?
SwiftUI comes with a modifier named cornerRadius that lets you easily create rounded
corners. To render the button's background with rounded corners, you simply use the
modifier and specify the corner radius:
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Chapter 7
Understanding State and Binding
State management is something every developer has to deal with in application
development. Imagine that you are developing a music player app. When a user taps the
Play button, the button will change itself to a Stop button. In your implementation, there
must be some ways to keep track of the application's state so that you know when to
change the button's appearance.
In SwiftUI, it comes with a few built-in features for state management. In particular, it
introduces a property wrapper named @State . When you annotate a property with
@State , SwiftUI automatically stores it somewhere in your application. What's more,
views that make use of that property automatically listen to the value change of the
property. When the state changes, SwiftUI will recompute those views and update the
application's appearance.
Doesn't it sound great? Or are you a bit confused with state management?
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Anyway, you will get a better understanding of state and binding after going through the
coding examples in this chapter. And, I've prepared a couple of exercises for you. Please
do spare some time to work on it. This would help you master this important concept of
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Chapter 8
Implementing Path and Shape for
Line Drawing and Pie Charts
For experienced developers, you probably have used the Core Graphics APIs to draw
shapes and objects. It's a very powerful framework for you to create vector-based
drawings. In SwiftUI, it also provides several vector drawing APIs for developers to draw
lines and shapes.
In this chapter, you will learn how to draw lines, arcs, pie charts, and donut charts using
Path and the built-in Shape such as Circle and RoundedRectangle . Here are the topics I
will go through with you:
Figure 1 shows you some of the shapes and charts that we will create in the later sections.
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Chapter 9
Basic Animations and Transitions
Have you ever used the magic move animation in Keynote? With magic move, you can
easily create slick animation between slides. Keynote automatically analyzes the objects
between slides and renders the animations automatically. To me, SwiftUI has brought
Magic Move to app development. Animations using the framework are automatic and
magical. You define two states of a view and SwiftUI will figure out the rest, animating
the changes between these two states.
SwiftUI empowers you to animate changes for individual views and transitions between
views. The framework already comes with a number of built-in animations to create
different effects.
In this chapter, you will learn how to animate views using implicit and explicit
animations, provided by SwiftUI. As usual, you need to work on a few demo projects and
learn the programming technique along the way.
Below are some of the sample animations you will learn to build. To access the full
content and the complete source code, please get your copy at
The loading indicator provides some kinds of feedback to users indicating that the app is
working on something. However, it doesn't show the actual progress. If you need to give
users more information about the progress of a task, you may want to build a progress
Delaying an Animation
By mixing and matching the values of duration and delay, you can achieve some
interesting animation like the dot loading indicator below.
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Understanding Transitions
What we have discussed so far is animating a view that has been existed in the view
hierarchy. We create animation to scale it up and down. Or we animate the view's size.
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SwiftUI allows developers to do more than that. You can define how a view is inserted or
removed from the view hierarchy. In SwiftUI, this is known as transition. By default, the
framework uses fade in and fade out transition. However, it comes with several ready-to-
use transitions such as slide, move, opacity, etc. Of course, you are allowed to develop
your own or simply mix and match various types of transition together to create your
desired transition.
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Chapter 10
Understanding Dynamic List,
ForEach and Identifiable
In UKit, table view is one of the most common UI controls in iOS. If you've developed
apps with UIKit before, you should know that a table view can be used for presenting a
list of data. This UI control is commonly found in content-based app such as newspaper
apps. Figure 1 shows you some list/table views that you can find in popular apps like
Instagram, Twitter, Airbnb, and Apple News.
Instead of using a table view, we use List in Swift UI to present rows of data. If you've
built a table view with UIKit before, you know it'll take you a bit of work to implement a
simple table view. It'll take even more efforts for building a table view with custom cell
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
layout. SwiftUI simplifies this whole process. With just a few lines of code, you will be
able to list data in table form. Even if you need to customize the layout of the rows, it only
requires minimal efforts.
In this chapter, we will start with a simple list. Once you understand the basics, I will
show you how to present a list of data with a more complex layout as shown in figure 2.
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Chapter 11
Working with Navigation UI and
Navigation Bar Customization
In most apps, especially those content based app, you should have experienced a
navigational interface. This kind of UI usually has a navigation bar with list of data and it
allows users navigate to a detail view when tapping the content.
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Chapter 12
Playing with Modal Views, Floating
Buttons and Alerts
Earlier, we built a navigation interface that lets users navigate from the content view to
the detail view. The view transition is nicely animated and completely taken care by iOS.
When a user triggers the transition, the detail view slides from right to left fluidly.
Navigation UI is just one of the commonly-used UI patterns. In this chapter, I'll
introduce to you another design technique to present content modally.
For iPhone users, you should be very familiar with modal views. One common use of
modal views is for presenting a form for input. Say, for example, the Calendar app
presents a modal view for users to create a new event. The built-in Reminders and
Contact apps also use modal views to ask for user input.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
From the user experience point of view, this modal view is usually triggered by tapping a
button. Again, the transition animation of the modal view is handled by iOS. When
presenting a full-screen modal view, it slides up fluidly from the bottom of the screen.
If you're a long-time iOS users, you may find the look & feel of the modal views displayed
in figure 1 is not exactly the same as the usual ones. Prior to iOS 13, the presentation of
modal views covers the entire screen, while in iOS 13, modal views are displayed in card-
like format by default. The modal view doesn't cover the whole screen but partially covers
the underlying content view. You can still see the top edge of the content/parent view. On
top of the visual change, the modal view can now be dismissed by swiping down from
anywhere on the screen. You do not need to write a line of code to enable this gesture. It's
completely built-in and generated by iOS. Of course, if you want to dismiss a modal view
via a button, you can still do that.
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I will show you how to present the same detail view that we implemented in the previous
chapter using a modal view. While modal views are commonly used for presenting a
form, it doesn't mean you can't use them for presenting other information. Other than
modal views, you will also learn how to create a floating button in the detail view. While
the modal views can be dismissed through the swipe gesture, I want to provide a Close
button for users to dismiss the detail view. Furthermore, we will also look into Alerts
which is another kind of modal views.
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Chapter 13
Building a Form with Picker, Toggle
and Stepper
Mobile apps use forms to interact with users and solicit required data from them. Every
day when using your iPhone, it's very likely you would come across a mobile form. For
example, a calendar app may present you a form to fill in the information of a new event.
Or a shopping app asks you to provide the shipping and payment information by showing
you a form. As a user, I can't deny that I hate filling out forms. That said, as a developer,
these forms help us interact with users and ask for information to complete certain
operations. Developing a form is definitely an essential skill you need to grasp.
In the SwiftUI framework, it comes with a special UI control called Form. With this new
control, you can easily build a form. I will show you how to build a form using this Form
component. While building out a form, you will also learn how to work with common
controls like picker, toggle, and stepper.
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Okay, what project are we going to work on? Take a look at figure 1. We're going to build
a Setting screen for the Restaurant app we have been working on in earlier chapters. The
screen provides users with the options to configure the order and filter preferences. This
type of screens is very common in real-life projects. Once you understand how it works,
you will be able to create your own form in your app projects.
In this chapter, we will focus on implementing the form layout. You will understand how
to use the Form component to lay out a setting screen. We will also implement a picker
for selecting the sort preference, plus create a toggle and a stepper for indicating the filter
preferences. Once you understand how to lay out a form, in the next chapter, I will show
you how to make the app fully functional by updating the list in accordance to the user's
preferences. You'll learn how to store user preferences, share data between views and
monitor data update with @EnvironmentObject .
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Chapter 14
Data Sharing with Combine and
Environment Objects
In the previous chapter, you learned how to lay out a form using the Form component.
However, the form is not functional yet. No matter what options you select, the list view
doesn't change to reflect the user's preference. This is what we're going to discuss and
implement in this chapter. We will continue to develop the setting screen and make the
app fully functional by updating the restaurant list in reference to the user's personal
Figure 4. The list view now refreshes its items when you change the filter preference
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Chapter 15
Building a Registration Form with
Combine and View Model
Now that you should have some basic ideas about Combine, let's continue to explore how
Combine can make SwiftUI really shine. When developing a real-world app, it's very
common to have a user registration for people to sign up an account. In this chapter, we
will build a simple registration screen with three text fields. Our focus is on form
validation, so we will not perform an actual sign up. You'll learn how we can leverage the
power of Combine to validate each of the input fields and organize our code in a view
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Before we dive into the code, take a look at figure 1. That is the user registration screen
we're going to build. Under each of the input fields, it lists out the requirements. As soon
as the user fills in the information, the app validates the input in real-time and crosses
out the requirement if it's been fulfilled. The sign up button is disabled until all the
requirements are matched.
If you have some experience in Swift and UIKit, you know there are various types of
implementation to handle the form validation. In this chapter, however, we're going to
explore how you can utilize the Combine framework to perform form validation.
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Chapter 16
Working with Swipe-to-Delete,
Context Menu and Action Sheets
Previously, you learned how to present rows of data using list. In this chapter, we will
dive a little bit deeper and see how to let users interact with the list view including:
Figure 1. Swipe to delete (left), context menu, and action sheet (right)
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Referring to figure 1, I believe you should be very familiar with swipe-to-delete and action
sheet. These two UI elements have been existed in iOS for several years. Context menus
are newly introduced in iOS 13, though they look similar to peek and pop of 3D Touch.
For any views (e.g. button) implemented with the context menu, iOS will bring up a
popover menu whenever a user force touches on the view. For developers, it's your
responsibility to configure the action items displayed in the menu.
While this chapter focuses on the interaction of a list, the techniques that I'm going to
show you can also be applied to other UI controls such as buttons.
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Chapter 17
Understanding Gestures
In earlier chapters, you got a taste of building gestures with SwiftUI. We used the
onTapGesture modifier to handle a user's touch and provide a corresponding response. In
this chapter, let's dive deeper to see how we work with various types of gestures in
The framework provides several built-in gestures such as the tap gesture we have used
before. additionally, DragGesture, MagnificationGesture, and LongPressGesture are
some of the ready-to-use gestures. We will be looking at a couple of them and seeing how
to work with gestures in SwiftUI. On top of that, you will learn how to build a generic
view that supports the drag gesture.
If you want to try out the code, create a new project using the App template and make
sure you select SwiftUI for the Interface option. Then paste the code in
ContentView.swift .
By modifying the code above a bit and introducing a state variable, we can create a simple
scale animation when the star image is tapped. Here is the updated code:
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
When you run the code in the canvas or simulator, you should see a scaling effect. This is
how you use the .gesture modifier to detect and respond to certain touch events. If you
forget how animation works, please go back to read chapter 9.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Modify the code in the .gesture modifier like this to implement the LongPressGesture :
LongPressGesture(minimumDuration: 1.0)
.onEnded({ _ in
Run the project in the preview canvas to see what it does. Now you have to press and hold
the star image for at least a second before it toggles its size.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
To implement the animation, you need to keep track of the state of gestures. During the
performance of the long press gesture, we have to differentiate between tap and long
press events. So, how do we do that?
SwiftUI provides a property wrapper called @GestureState which conveniently tracks the
state change of a gesture and lets developers decide the corresponding action. To
implement the animation we just described, we can declare a property using
@GestureState like this:
This gesture state variable indicates whether a tap event is detected during the
performance of the long press gesture. Once you have the variable defined, you can
modify the code of the Image view like this:
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Image(systemName: "")
.font(.system(size: 200))
.opacity(longPressTap ? 0.4 : 1.0)
.scaleEffect(isPressed ? 0.5 : 1.0)
.animation(.easeInOut, value: isPressed)
LongPressGesture(minimumDuration: 1.0)
.updating($longPressTap, body: { (currentState, state, transaction) in
state = currentState
.onEnded({ _ in
We only made a couple of changes in the code above. First, we added the .opacity
modifier. When the tap event is detected, we set the opacity value to 0.4 so that the
image becomes dimmer.
Second, we added the updating method of the LongPressGesture . During the performance
of the long press gesture, this method will be called. It accepts three parameters: value,
state, and transaction:
The value parameter is the current state of the gesture. This value varies from
gesture to gesture, but for the long press gesture, a true value indicates that a tap is
The state parameter is actually an in-out parameter that lets you update the value of
the longPressTap property. In the code above, we set the value of state to
currentState . In other words, the longPressTap property always keeps track of the
latest state of the long press gesture.
The transaction parameter stores the context of the current state-processing
After you make the code change, run the project in the preview canvas to test it. The
image immediately becomes dimmer when you tap it. Keep holding it for one second and
then the image resizes itself.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
The opacity of the image is automatically reset to normal when the user releases the long
press. Do you wonder why? This is an advantage of @GestureState . When the gesture
ends, it automatically sets the value of the gesture state property to its initial value,
false in our case.
state = value.translation
To recognize a drag gesture, you initialize a DragGesture instance and listen for an
update. In the update function, we pass a gesture state property to keep track of the drag
event. Similar to the long press gesture, the closure of the update function accepts three
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
parameters. In this case, the value parameter stores the current data of the drag
including the translation. This is why we set the state variable, which is actually the
dragOffset , to value.translation .
Run the project in the preview canvas, you can drag the image around. But, when you
release it, the image returns to its original position.
Do you know why the image returns to its starting point? As explained in the previous
section, one advantage of using @GestureState is that it resets the value of the property to
its original value when the gesture ends. Therefore, when you end the drag and release
the press, the dragOffset is reset to .zero , which is its original position.
But what if you want the image to stay at the end point of the drag? How do you do that?
Give yourself a few minutes to think about how to implement it.
Since the @GestureState property wrapper will reset the property to its original value, we
need another state property to save the final position. Therefore, let's declare a new state
property like this:
state = value.translation
.onEnded({ (value) in
self.position.height += value.translation.height
self.position.width += value.translation.width
1. We implemented the onEnded function which is called when the drag gesture ends.
In the closure, we compute the new position of the image by adding the drag offset.
2. The .offset modifier was also updated, such that we take the current position into
Now when you run the project and drag the image, the image stays where it is even after
the drag ends.
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Combining Gestures
In some cases, you need to use multiple gesture recognizers in the same view. Let's say,
we want the user to press and hold the image before starting the drag, we have to
combine both long press and drag gestures. SwiftUI allows you to easily combine
gestures to perform more complex interactions. It provides three gesture composition
types including simultaneous, sequenced, and exclusive.
When you need to detect multiple gestures at the same time, you use the simultaneous
composition type. When you combine gestures using the exclusive composition type,
SwiftUI recognizes all the gestures you specify but it will ignore the rest when one of the
gestures is detected.
As the name suggests, if you combine multiple gestures using the sequenced composition
type, SwiftUI recognizes the gestures in a specific order. This is the type of the
composition that we will use to sequence the long press and drag gestures.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
To work with multiple gestures, you update the code like this:
state = currentState
.sequenced(before: DragGesture())
.updating($dragOffset, body: { (value, state, transaction) in
switch value {
case .first(true):
case .second(true, let drag):
state = drag?.translation ?? .zero
.onEnded({ (value) in
self.position.height += drag.translation.height
self.position.width += drag.translation.width
You should be very familiar with some parts of the code snippet because we are
combining the long press gesture that we have built with the drag gesture.
Let me explain the code in the .gesture modifier line by line. We require the user to
press and hold the image for at least one second before he/she can begin the dragging.
So, we start by creating the LongPressGesture . Similar to what we have implemented
before, we have a isPressed gesture state property. When someone taps the image, we
will alter the opacity of the image.
The sequenced keyword is how we link the long press and drag gestures together. We tell
SwiftUI that the LongPressGesture should happen before the DragGesture .
The code in both updating and onEnded functions looks pretty similar, but the value
parameter now actually contains two gestures (i.e. long press and drag). We have the
switch statement to differentiate between the gestures. You can use the .first and
.second cases to find out which gesture to handle. Since the long press gesture should be
recognized before the drag gesture, the first gesture here is the long press gesture. In the
code, we do nothing but just print the Tapping message for your reference.
When the long press is confirmed, we will reach the .second case. Here, we pick up the
drag data and update the dragOffset with the corresponding translation.
When the drag ends, the onEnded function will be called. Similarly, we update the final
position by figuring out the drag data (i.e. .second case).
Now you're ready to test the gesture combination. Run the app in the preview canvas
using the debug preview, so you can see the message in the console. You can't drag the
image until holding the star image for at least one second.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Figure 5. Dragging only happens when a user presses and holds the image for at least
one second
enum DragState {
case inactive
case pressing
case dragging(translation: CGSize)
We have three states here: inactive, pressing, and dragging. These states are good
enough to represent the states during the performance of the long press and drag
gestures. For the dragging state, we associate it with the translation of the drag.
With the DragState enum, we can modify the original code like this:
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
switch value {
case .first(true):
state = .pressing
case .second(true, let drag):
state = .dragging(translation: drag?.translation ?? .zero)
.onEnded({ (value) in
self.position.height += drag.translation.height
self.position.width += drag.translation.width
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
We now declare a dragState property to track the drag state. By default, it's set to
DragState.inactive . The code is nearly the same as the previous code except that it's
modified to work with dragState instead of isPressed and dragOffset . For example, for
the .offset modifier, we retrieve the drag offset from the associated value of the
dragging state.
The result of the code is the same. However, it's always good practice to use Enum to
track complicated states of gestures.
There is a better way to implement that. Let's see how we can build a generic draggable
In the project navigator, right click the SwiftUIGesture folder and choose New File....
Select the SwiftUI View template and name the file DraggableView .
Declare the DragState enum and update the DraggableView struct like this:
enum DraggableState {
case inactive
case pressing
case dragging(translation: CGSize)
switch value {
case .first(true):
state = .pressing
case .second(true, let drag):
state = .dragging(translation: drag?.translation ?? .zero)
.onEnded({ (value) in
self.position.height += drag.translation.height
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
self.position.width += drag.translation.width
All of the code is very similar to what you've written before. The tricks are to declare the
DraggableView as a generic view and create a content property. This property accepts
any View . We power this content view with the long press and drag gestures.
Now you can test this generic view by replacing the DraggableView_Previews like this:
In the code, we initalize a DraggableView and provide our own content, which is the star
image. In this case, you should achieve the same star image which supports the long
press and drag gestures.
So, what if we want to build a draggable text view? You can replace the code snippet with
the following code:
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
In the closure, we create a text view instead of the image view. If you run the project in
the preview canvas, you can drag the text view to move it around (remember to long
press for 1 second). Isn't it cool?
If you want to create a draggable circle, you can replace the code like this:
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
That's how you create a generic draggable. Try to replace the circle with other views to
make your own draggable view and have fun!
We've explored three built-in gestures including tap, drag, and long press in this chapter.
However, there are a couple of them we haven't checked out. As an exercise, try to create
a generic scalable view that can recognize the MagnificationGesture and scale any given
view accordingly. Figure 7 shows you a sample result.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
The SwiftUI framework has made gesture handling very easy. As you've learned in this
chapter, the framework has provided several ready to use gesture recognizers. To enable
a view to support a certain type of gesture, all you need to do is attach the .gesture
It's a growing trend to build gesture-driven user interfaces for mobile apps. With the easy
to use API, try to power your apps with some useful gestures to delight your users.
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Chapter 18
Building an Expandable Bottom Sheet
with SwiftUI Gestures and
Now that you should have a basic understanding of SwiftUI gestures, let's see how you
can apply the technique you learned to build a feature which is commonly used in real
world apps.
Bottom sheets have increased in popularity lately that you can easily find one in famous
apps like Facebook and Uber. It's more like an enhanced version of action sheet that
slides up from the bottom of screen and overlays on top of the original view to provide
contextual information or additional options of the user's selection. For instance, when
you save a photo to a collection in Instagram, the app shows you a bottom sheet to choose
a collection. In the Facebook app, it displays the sheet with additonal action items when
you click the ellipsis button of a post. Uber app also makes use of bottom sheets to
display the pricing of your chosen trip.
The size of bottom sheets varies depending on the contextual information you want to
display. In some cases, bottom sheets tend to be bigger (which is also known as
backdrops) that take up 80-90% of the screen. Usually, users are allowed to interact with
the sheet with the drag gesture. You can slide it up to expand its size or slide it down to
minimize or dismiss the sheet.
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Figure 1. Uber, Facebook and Instagram all use bottom sheets in their apps
In this chapter, we will build a similar expandable bottom sheet using SwiftUI gestures.
The demo app shows a list of restaurant in the main view. When a user taps one of the
restaurant records, the app brings up a bottom sheet to display the restaurant details.
You can expand the sheet by sliding it up. To dismiss the sheet, you can slide it down.
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Chapter 19
Creating a Tinder-like UI with
Gestures and Animations
Wasn't it fun to build an expandable bottom sheet? Let's continue to apply what we
learned about gestures and apply it to a real-world project. I'm not sure if you've used the
Tinder app before. But somehow you probably have come across a Tinder-like user
interface in some other apps. The swiping motion is central to Tinder's UI design and has
become one of the most popular mobile UI patterns. Users swipe right to like a photo or
swipe left to dislike it.
What we are going to do in this chapter is to build a simple app with a Tinder-like UI. The
app presents users with a deck of travel cards and allows them to use the swipe gesture to
like/dislike a card.
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Note that we are not going to build the fully functional app but focus only on the Tinder-
like UI.
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Chapter 20
Creating an Apple Wallet like
Animation and View Transition
Do you use Apple's Wallet app? I believe so. In the previous chapter, we built a simple
app with a Tinder-like UI. What we're going to do in this chapter is to create an animated
UI similar to the one you see in the Wallet app. When you tap and hold a credit card in
the wallet app, you can use the drag gesture to rearrange the cards. If you haven't used
the app, open Wallet and take a quick look. Alternatively, you can visit this URL
( to check out the animation we're going to
In the Wallet app, tapping one of the cards will bring up the transaction history. We will
also create a similar animation, so you'll better understand view transitions and
horizontal scroll view.
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Chapter 21
Working with JSON, Slider and Data
JSON, short for JavaScript Object Notation, is a common data format for data
interchange in client-server application. Even though we are mobile app developers, it's
inevitable to work with JSON since nearly all web APIs or backend web services use
JSON as the data exchange format.
In this chapter, we will discuss how you can work with JSON while building an app using
the SwiftUI framework. If you do not have any ideas about JSON, I would recommend to
check out this free chapter from our Intermediate programming book. It will explain to
you in details the two different approaches in handling JSON in Swift.
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As usual, in order to grasp the knowledge of JSON and its related APIs, you will build a
simple JSON app that utilize a JSON-based API provided by If you haven't
heard of Kiva, it is a non-profit organization with a mission to connect people through
lending to alleviate poverty. It lets individuals lend as little as $25 to help create
opportunities around the world. Kiva provides free web-based APIs for developers to
access their data. For our demo app, we'll call up a free Kiva API to retrieve the most
recent fundraising loans and display them in a list view as shown in figure 1.
On top of that, we will demonstrate the usage of a Slider, which is one of the many built-
in UI controls provided by SwiftUI. You will implement a data filtering option in the app
so that users can filter the loan data in the list.
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Chapter 22
Building a ToDo App with Core Data
One common question of iOS app development is how we can work with Core Data and
SwiftUI to save data permanently in the built-in database. In this chapter, we will look
into it by building a ToDo app.
Since the ToDo demo app makes use of List and Combine to handle the data presentation
and sharing, I assume that you've read the following chapters:
If you haven't done so or already forgot what Combine and Environment Objects are, go
back and read the chapters again.
So, what are we going to do this chapter in order to understand Core Data? Instead of
building the ToDo app from scratch, I already built the core parts of the app. That said, it
can't save the data permanently. To be more specific, it can only save the to-do items in
an array. Whenever the user closes the app and starts it again, all the data is gone. We
will modify the app and convert it to use Core Data for saving the data permanently to the
local database. Figure 1 shows some sample screenshots of the ToDo app.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
No worries. Before we perform the modification, I will walk you through the starter
project so you fully understand how the code works. Other than Core Data, you will also
learn how to customize the style of a toggle. Take a look at the screenshots above. The
checkbox is actually a toggle view of SwiftUI. I will show you how to create these
checkboxes by customizing the Toggle's style.
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Chapter 23
Integrating UIKit with SwiftUI Using
In the previous chapter, we addressed a common question about Core Data and SwiftUI.
The other common question is how to work with UIKit views in SwiftUI projects. In this
chapter, you will learn this technique by integrating a UISearchBar in the Todo app.
If you are new to UIKit, UISearchBar is a built-in component of the framework that
allows developers to present a search bar for data search. Figure 1 shows you the
standard search bar in iOS. For SwiftUI, however, it doesn't come with this standard UI
component. To implement a search bar in a SwiftUI project (say, our ToDo app), one
approach is to make use of the UISearchBar component in UIKit.
For the purpose of backward compatibility, Apple introduced a couple of new protocols,
namely UIViewRepresentable and UIViewControllerRepresentable in the iOS SDK. With
these protocols, you can wrap a UIKit view (or view controller) and make it available to
your SwiftUI project.
To see how it works, we will enhance our Todo app with a search function. We will add a
search bar right below the app title and let users filter the to-do items by entering a
search term.
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To get started, please download the ToDo project. We will build on top of the existing
project. In case you haven't read chapter 22, I recommend you to check it out first. This
will help you better understand the topic we are going to discuss below, especially you
have no idea about Core Data.
Understanding UIViewRepresentable
To use a UIKit view in SwiftUI, you can wrap the view with the UIViewRepresentable
protocol. Basically, you just need to create a struct in SwiftUI that adopts the protocol
to create and manage a UIView object. Here is the skeleton of the custom wrapper for a
UIKit view:
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
In the actual implementation, you replace some UIView with the UIKit view you want to
wrap. Let's say, we want to use UISearchBar in UIKit. The code can be written like this:
return UISearchBar()
In the makeUIView method, we return an instance of UISearchBar . This is how you wrap a
UIKit view and make it available to SwiftUI. To use the SearchBar , you can treat like any
SwiftUI view and create it like this:
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Chapter 24
Creating a Search Bar View and
Working with Custom Binding
Previously, we showed you how to implement a search bar by reusing the UISearchBar
component of the old UIKit framework. Have you ever thought of building one from
scratch? If you look at the search bar carefully, it's not too difficult to implement. So, let's
try to build a SwiftUI version of search bar in this chapter.
Not only can you learn how to create the search bar view, we will show you how to work
with custom binding. We've discussed binding before, but haven't showed you how to
create a custom binding. Custom binding is particularly useful when you need to insert
additional program logic while it's being read and write. On top of all that, you will learn
how to dismiss the software keyboard in SwiftUI.
Figure 1 gives you an idea about the search bar we're going to build. The look & feel is the
same as that of UISearchBar in UIKit. We will also implement the Cancel button which
only appears when the user starts typing in the search field.
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Chapter 25
Putting Everything Together to Build
a Personal Finance App
By now, you should have a good understanding of SwiftUI and build some simple apps
using this new framework. In this chapter, you are going to use what you've learned so far
to develop a personal finance app, allowing users to keep track of his/her expense and
This app is not too complicated to build but you will learn quite a lot about SwiftUI and
understand how to apply the techniques you learned in developing a real world app. In
brief, here are some of the stuff we will go through with you:
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Chapter 26
Creating an App Store like Animated
View Transition
I believe you should have used the built-in App Store app before. In the Today section, it
presents users with various articles and app recommendations. What interests me and
many of you is the animated view transition. As you can see in figure 1, the articles are
listed in a card like format. When you tap it, the card pops out to reveal the full content.
To dismiss the article view and return to the list view, you can simply drag down the
article to minimize it. If you don't understand what I mean, the best way is to open the
App Store app on your iPhone to try it out.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
In this chapter, we will build a similar list view and implement the animated transition
using SwiftUI. In particular, you will learn the following techniques:
As usual, we will build a demo app together. The app looks very similar to the App Store
app but without the tab bar. It only has a list view showing all the articles in card format.
When a user taps any of the articles, the card expands to full screen and display the
article details. To return to the list view, the user can either tap the close button or drag
down the article view to collapse it.
We will build the app from scratch. But to save you time from typing some of the code, I
have prepared a starter project [only available in the full version of the book] for you.
After downloading the project, unzip it and open SwiftUIAppStore.xcodeproj to take a look.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
If you look a bit closer into the card views shown in figure 4, you should find that the size
of card views varies according to the height of the image. However, the height of the card
will not exceed 500 points.
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Let's also take a look at how the card view looks like in full content mode. As you can see
in the figure below, the card view expands to full screen that displays the content. Other
than that, the image is a little bit bigger and the sub-headline is hidden. Further, the close
button appears on screen for users to dismiss the view. Please also take note that this is a
scrollable view.
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Chapter 27
Building an Image Carousel
Carousel is one of the common UI patterns that you can find it in most of the mobile and
web apps. Some people refer it as an image slider or rotator. However, whatever name
you call it, a carousel is designed to display a set of data in finite screen space. Say, for an
image carousel, it may show a single image from its collection with a navigation control
suggesting additional content. Users can swipe the screen to navigate through the image
set. This is how Instagram presents multiple images to users. You can also find similar
carousels in many other iOS apps such as Music and App Store.
Figure 1. Sample carousel in the Music, App Store, and Instagram app
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
In this chapter, you will learn how to build an image carousel entirely in SwiftUI. There
are various ways to implement a carousel. One approach is to integrate with the UIKit
component called UIPageViewController and make use of it to create the carousel.
However, we will explore an alternative approach and create the carousel without using
the UIKit framework but build it completely in SwiftUI.
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Chapter 28
Building an Expandable List View
Using OutlineGroup
SwiftUI list is very similar to UITableView in UIKit. In the first release of SwiftUI, Apple's
engineers made list view construction a breeze. You do not need to create a prototype cell
and there is no delegate/data source protocol. With just a few lines of code, you can build
a list view with custom cells. Starting from iOS 14, Apple continued to improve the List
view and introduced several new features. In this chapter, we will show you how to build
an expandable list / outline view and explore the inset grouped list style.
Of course, you can build this outline view using your own implementation. Starting from
iOS 14, Apple made it simpler for developers to build this kind of outline view, which
automatially works on iOS, iPadOS, and macOS.
Once the project is created, unzip the image archive and add the images to the asset
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
In the project navigator, right click SwiftUIExpandableList and choose to create a new
file. Select the Swift File template and name it MenuItem.swift.
In the code above, we have a struct that models a menu item. The key to making a nested
list is to include a property that contains an optional array of child menu items (i.e.
subMenuItems ). Note that the children are of the same type (MenuItem) as their parent.
For the top level menu items, we create an array of MenuItem in the same file like this:
For each of the menu item, we specify the array of the sub-menu items. If there are no
sub-menu items, you can omit the subMenuItems parameter or pass it a nil value. We
define the sub-menu items like this:
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
.font(.system(.title3, design: .rounded))
In the closure of the List view, you describe how each row looks. In the code above, we
layout an image and a text description using HStack . If you've added the code in
ContentView correctly, SwiftUI should render the outline view as shown in figure 2.
To test the app, run it in a simulator or the preview canvas. You can tap the disclosure
indicator to access the submenu.
List {
If you've followed me, the list view should now change to the plain style.
If you understand how to build an expandable list view, the usage of OutlineGroup is very
similar. For example, the following code allows you to build the same expandable list
view like the one shown in figure 1:
List {
OutlineGroup(sampleMenuItems, children: \.subMenuItems) { item in
HStack {
.frame(width: 50, height: 50)
.font(.system(.title3, design: .rounded))
Similar to the List view, you just need to pass OutlineGroup the array of items and
specify the key path for the sub menu items (or children).
With OutlineGroup , you have better control on the appearance of the outline view. For
example, we want to display the top-level menu items as the section header. You can
write the code like this:
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
List {
ForEach(sampleMenuItems) { menuItem in
HStack {
.frame(width: 30, height: 30)
) {
OutlineGroup(menuItem.subMenuItems ?? [MenuItem](), children: \.subMen
uItems) { item in
HStack {
.frame(width: 50, height: 50)
.font(.system(.title3, design: .rounded))
In the code above, we use ForEach to loop through the menu items. We present the top-
level items as section headers. For the rest of the sub menu items, we rely on
OutlineGroup to create the hierachy of data. If you've made the change in
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
ContentView.swift , you should see an outline view like that shown in figure 4.
Similarly, if you prefer to use the plain list style, you can attach the listStyle modifier to
the List view:
Understanding DisclosureGroup
In the outline view, you can show/hide the sub menu items by tapping the disclosure
indicator. Whether you use List or OutlineGroup to implement the expandable list, this
"expand & collapse" feature is supported by a new view called DisclosureGroup ,
introduced in iOS 14.
The disclosure group view is designed to show or hide another content view. While
DisclosureGroup is automatically embedded in OutlineGroup , you can use this view
independently. For example, you can use the following code to show & hide a question
and an answer:
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
content: {
Text("Absolutely! You are allowed to reuse the source code in your own pro
jects (personal/commercial). However, you're not allowed to distribute or sell the
source code without prior authorization.")
label: {
Text("1. Can I reuse the source code?")
The disclosure group view takes in two parameters: label and content. In the code above,
we specify the question in the label parameter and the answer in the content
By default, the disclosure group view is in hidden mode. To reveal the content view, you
tap the disclosure indicator to switch the disclosure group view to the "expand" state.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Optionally, you can control the state of DisclosureGroup by passing it a binding which
specifies the state of the disclosure indicator (expanded or collapsed) like this:
The DisclosureGroup view allows you to have finer control over the state of the disclosure
indicator. Your exercise is to create a FAQ screen similar to the one shown in figure 7.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Users can tap the disclosure indicator to show or hide an individual question.
Additionally, the app provides a "Show All" button to expand all questions and reveal the
answers at once.
In this chapter, I've introduced a couple of new features of SwiftUI. As you can see in the
demo, it is very easy to build an outline view or expandable list view. All you need to do is
define a correct data model. The List view handles the rest, traverses the data structure,
and renders the outline view. On top of that, the new update provides OutlineGroup and
DisclosureGroup for you to further customize the outline view.
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Chapter 29
Building Grid Layouts Using
LazyVGrid and LazyHGrid
The initial release of SwiftUI didn't come with a native collection view. You can either
build your own solution or use third party libraries. In WWDC 2020, Apple introduced
tons of new features for the SwiftUI framework. One of them is to address the need for
grid views. SwiftUI now provides developers two new UI components called LazyVGrid
and LazyHGrid. One is for creating vertical grids and the other is for horizontal grids.
The word Lazy, as mentioned by Apple, refers to the grid view not creating items until
they are needed. What this means to you is that the performance of these grid views are
already optimized by default.
In this chapter, I will walk you through how to create both horizontal and vertical views.
Both LazyVGrid and LazyHGrid are designed to be flexible, so that developers can easily
create various types of grid layouts. We will also look into how to vary the size of grid
items to achieve different layouts. After you manage the basics, we will dive a little bit
deeper and create complex layouts like that shown in figure 1.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
1. First, you need to prepare the raw data for presentation in the grid. For example,
here is an array of SF symbols that we are going to present in the demo app:
2. Create an array of type GridItem that describes what the grid will look like.
Including, how many columns the grid should have. Here is a code snippet for
describing a 3-column grid:
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
3. Next, you layout the grid by using LazyVGrid and ScrollView . Here is an example:
ScrollView {
LazyVGrid(columns: threeColumnGrid) {
// Display the item
4. Alternatively, if you want to build a horizontal grid, you use LazyHGrid like this:
ScrollView(.horizontal) {
LazyHGrid(rows: threeColumnGrid) {
// Display the item
We are going to display a set of SF symbols in a 3-column grid. To present the grid,
update the body variable like this:
We use LazyVGrid and tell the vertical grid to use a 3-column layout. We also specify that
there is a 20 point space between rows. In the code block, we have a ForEach loop to
present a total of 10,000 image views. If you've made the change correctly, you should
see a three column grid in the preview.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
This is how we create a vertical grid with three columns. The frame size of the image is
fixed to 50 by 50 points, which is controlled by the .frame modifier. If you want to make
a grid item wider, you can alter the frame modifier like this:
The image's width will expand to take up the column's width like that shown in figure 4.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Note that there is a space between the columns and rows. Sometimes, you may want to
create a grid without any spaces. How can you achieve that? The space between rows is
controlled by the spacing parameter of LazyVGrid . We have set its value to 20 points.
You can simply change it to 0 such that there is no space between rows.
The spacing between grid items is controlled by the instances of GridItem initialized in
gridItemLayout . You can set the spacing between items by passing a value to the spacing
parameter. Therefore, to remove the spacing between rows, you can initialize the
gridLayout variable like this:
For each GridItem , we specify to use a spacing of zero. For simplicity, the code above can
be rewritten like this:
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
If you've made both changes, your preview canvas should show you a grid view without
any spacing.
.flexible() is just one of the size types for controlling the grid layout. If you want to
place as many items as possible in a row, you can use the adaptive size type:
The adaptive size type requires you to specify the minimize size for a grid item. In the
code above, each grid item has a minimum size of 50. If you modify the gridItemLayout
variable as above and set the spacing of LazyVGrid back to 20 , you should achieve a grid
layout similar to the one shown in figure 6.
Note: I used iPhone 13 Pro as the simulator. If you use other iOS simulators with
different screen sizes, you may achieve a different result.
In addition to .flexible and .adaptive , you can also use .fixed if you want to create
fixed width columns. For example, you want to layout the image in two columns such
that the first column has a width of 100 points and the second one has a width of 150
points. You write the code like this:
Update the gridItemLayout variable as shown above, this will result in a two-column grid
with different sizes.
You are allowed to mix different size types to create more complex grid layouts. For
example, you can define a fixed size GridItem , followed by a GridItem with an adaptive
size like this:
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
In this case, LazyVGrid creates a fixed size column of 100 point width. And then, it tries
to fill as many items as possible within the remaining space.
Therefore, you can rewrite a couple lines of code to transform a grid view from vertical
orientation to horizontal:
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
ScrollView(.horizontal) {
LazyHGrid(rows: gridItemLayout, spacing: 20) {
ForEach((0...9999), id: \.self) {
Image(systemName: symbols[$0 % symbols.count])
.font(.system(size: 30))
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight: 50, maxHeight:
.background(colors[$0 % colors.count])
Run the demo in the preview or test it on a simulator. You should see a horizontal grid.
Now that you have some experience with LazyVGrid and LazyHGrid, let's create
something more complicated. Imagine you are going to build a photo app that displays a
collection of coffee photos. In the app, it provides a feature for users to change the layout.
By default, it shows the list of photos in a single column. The user can tap a Grid button
to change the list view to a grid view with 2 columns. Tap the same button again for a 3-
column layout, followed by a 4-column layout.
Create a new project for this demo app. Again, choose the App template and name the
project SwiftUIPhotoGrid. Next, download the image pack at Unzip the images and
add them to the asset catalog.
Before creating the grid view, we will create the data model for the collection of photos.
In the project navigator, right click SwiftUIGridView and choose New file... to create a
new file. Select the Swift File template and name the file Photo.swift.
Insert the following code in the Photo.swift file to create the Photo struct:
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
instances. With the data model ready, let's switch over to ContentView.swift to build the
By default, we want to display a list view. Other than using List , you can actually use
LazyVGrid to build a list view. We do this by defining the gridLayout with one grid item.
By telling LazyVGrid to use a single column grid layout, it will arrange the items like a list
view. Insert the following code in body to create the grid view:
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
NavigationView {
ScrollView {
LazyVGrid(columns: gridLayout, alignment: .center, spacing: 10) {
ForEach(samplePhotos.indices) { index in
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity)
.frame(height: 200)
.shadow(color: Color.primary.opacity(0.3), radius: 1)
.padding(.all, 10)
.navigationTitle("Coffee Feed")
We use LazyVGrid to create a vertical grid with a spacing of 10 points between rows. The
grid is used to display coffee photos, so we use ForEach to loop through the samplePhotos
array. We embed the grid in a scroll view to make it scrollable and wrap it with a
navigation view. Once you have made the change, you should see a list of photos in the
preview canvas.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Now we need to a button for users to switch between different layouts. We will add the
button to the navigation bar. In iOS 14, Apple introduced a new modifier called .toolbar
for you to populate items within the navigation bar. Right after .navigationTitle , insert
the following code to create the bar button:
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarTrailing) {
Button(action: {
self.gridLayout = Array(repeating: .init(.flexible()), count: self.gri
dLayout.count % 4 + 1)
}) {
Image(systemName: "square.grid.2x2")
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
In the code above, we update the gridLayout variable and initialize the array of
GridItem . Let's say the current item count is one, we will create an array of two
GridItem s to change to a 2-column grid. Since we've marked gridLayout as a state
variable, SwiftUI will render the grid view every time we update the variable.
Figure 12. Adding a bar button for switching the grid layout
You can run the app to have a quick test. Tapping the grid button will switch to another
grid layout.
There are a couple of things we want to improve. First, the height of the grid item should
be adjusted to 100 points for grids with two or more columns. Update the .frame
Second, when you switch from one grid layout to another, SwiftUI simply redraws the
grid view without any animation. Wouldn't it be great if we added a nice transition
between layout changes? To do that, you just add a single line of code. Insert the
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
This is the power of SwiftUI. By telling SwiftUI that you want to animate changes, the
framework handles the rest and you will see a nice transition between the layout changes.
Let's go back to our Xcode project and create the data model first. The image pack you
downloaded earlier comes a set of cafe photos. So, create a new Swift file and name it
Cafe.swift. In the file, insert the following code:
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
return cafes
The Cafe struct is self explanatory. It has an image property for storing the cafe photo
and the coffeePhotos property for storing a list of coffee photos. In the code above, we
also create an array of Cafe for demo purposes. For each cafe, we randomly pick some
coffee photos. Please feel free to modify the code if you have other images you prefer.
Instead of modifying the ContentView.swift file, let's create a new file for implementing
this grid view. Right click SwiftUIPhotoGrid and choose New File.... Select the SwiftUI
View template and name the file MultiGridView.
Similar to the earlier implementation, let's declare a gridLayout variable to store the
current grid layout:
By default, our grid is initialized with one GridItem . Next, insert the following code in
body to create a vertical grid with a single column:
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
NavigationView {
ScrollView {
LazyVGrid(columns: gridLayout, alignment: .center, spacing: 10) {
ForEach(sampleCafes) { cafe in
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity)
.frame(maxHeight: 150)
.shadow(color: Color.primary.opacity(0.3), radius: 1)
.padding(.all, 10)
.animation(.interactiveSpring(), value: gridLayout.count)
.navigationTitle("Coffee Feed")
I don't think we need to go through the code again because it's almost the same as the
code we wrote earlier. If your code works properly, you should see a list view that shows
the collection of cafe photos.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Here we create another vertical grid for the coffee photos. By using the adaptive size
type, this grid will fill as many photos as possible in a row. Once you make the code
change, the app UI will look like that shown in figure 16.
If you prefer to arrange the cafe and coffee photos side by side, you can modify the
gridLayout variable like this:
As soon as you change the gridLayout variable, your preview will be updated to display
the cafe and coffee photos side by side.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Figure 17. Arrange the cafe and coffee photos side by side
Before you run the app, you will need to perform a simple modification in
SwiftUIGridLayoutApp.swift . Since we have created a new file for implementing this multi-
grid, modify the view in WindowGroup from ContentView() to MultiGridView() like below:
Now you're ready to run the app in an iPhone simulator. It works great in the portrait
orientation just like the preview canvas. However, if you rotate the simulator sideways by
pressing command-left (or right), the grid layout doesn't look as expected. What we
expect is that it should look pretty much the same as that in portrait mode.
To fix the issue, we can adjust the minimum width of the adaptive grid item and make it a
bit wider when the device is in landscape orientation. The question is how can you detect
the orientation changes?
In SwiftUI, every view comes with a set of environment variables. You can find out the
current device orientation by accessing both the horizontal and vertical size class
variables like this:
The @Environment property wrapper allows you to access the environment values. In the
code above, we tell SwiftUI that we want to read both the horizontal and vertical size
classes, and subscribe to their changes. In other words, we will be notified whenever the
device's orientation changes.
If you haven't done so, please make sure you insert the code above in SwiftUIPhotoGrid .
The next question is how do we capture the notification and respond to the changes? In
iOS 14 (or later), Apple provided a new modifier called .onChange() . You can attach this
modifier to any views to monitor any state changes. In this case, we can attach the
modifier to NavigationView like this:
Now run the app on an iPhone simulator again. When you turn the device sideways, it
now shows the cafe photo and coffee photos side by side.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
This is a default behavior of NavigationView on large devices like the iPhone 13 Pro Max.
To solve the issue and disable the split-view behavior on iPhone Max models, you can
attach the following modifier to the navigation view:
I have a couple of exercises for you. First, the app UI doesn't look good on iPad. Modify
the code and fix the issue such that it only shows two columns: one for the cafe photo and
the other for the coffee photos.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
1. Different default grid layout for iPhone and iPad - When the app is first
loaded up, it displays a single column grid for iPhone in portrait mode. For iPad and
iPhone landscape, the app shows the cafe photos in a 2-column grid.
2. Show/hide button for the coffee photos - Add a new button in the navigation
bar for toggling the display of coffee photos. By default, the app only shows the list of
cafe photos. When this button is tapped, it shows the coffee photo grid.
3. Another button for switching grid layout - Add another bar button for toggling
the grid layout between one and two columns.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Figure 22. Enhancing the app to support both iPhone and iPad
To help you better understand what the final deliverable looks like, please check out this
video demo at
The missing collection view in the first release of SwiftUI is now here. The introduction of
LazyVGrid and LazyHGrid in SwiftUI lets developers create different types of grid layouts
with a few lines of code. This tutorial is just a quick overview of these two new UI
components. I encourage you to try out different configurations of GridItem to see what
grid layouts you can achieve.
To access the full content and the complete source code, please get your copy at
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Chapter 30
Creating an Animated Activity Ring
with Shape and Animatable
The built-in Activity app uses three circular progress bars to show your progress of Move,
Exercise, and Stand. The kind of progress bars is usually known as activity ring. Take a
look at figure 1 if you haven't used the Activity app or you don't know what an activity
ring is. Apple Watch has certainly played a big part that this round progress bar becomes
a popular UI pattern.
In this chapter, we will look into its implementation and build a similar activity ring in
SwiftUI. Our goal is not just to create a static activity ring. It will be an animated one that
animates the progress change like that shown in figure 2. Or you can check out the demo
video at
To access the full content and the complete source code, please get your copy at
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Chapter 31
Working with AnimatableModifier
and LibraryContentProvider
Earlier, you have learned how to animate a shape by using Animatable and
AnimatableData . In this chapter, we will take this further and show you how to animate a
view using another protocol called AnimatableModifier . On top of that, I will walk you
through a new feature of SwiftUI introduced in Xcode 12 that will allow developers to
easily share a custom view to the View library and make it easier for reuse. Later, I will
show you how to take the progress ring view to the View library for reuse. As a sneak
peek, you can take a look at figure 1 or check out this demo video
( to see how it works.
Understanding AnimatableModifier
Let's first look into the AnimatableModifier protocol. As its name suggests,
AnimatableModifier is a view modifier and it conforms to the Animatable protocol. This
makes it very powerful to animate value changes for different types of views.
So, what are we going to animate? We will build on top of what we've implemented in the
previous chapter and add a text label at the center of the progress ring. The label shows
the current percentage of the progress. As the progress bar moves, the label will be
updated accordingly, following the animation. Figure 2 shows you how the label looks
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Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Chapter 32
Working with TextEditor to Create
Multiline Text Fields
The first version of SwiftUI, released along with iOS 13, doesn't come with a native UI
component for multiline text field. To support multiline input, you will need to wrap a
UITextView from the UIKit framework and make it available to your SwiftUI project by
adopting the UIViewRepresentable protocol. In iOS 14, Apple introduced a new component
called TextEditor for the SwiftUI framework. This TextEditor enables developers to
display and edit multiline text in your apps. In this chapter, we will show you how to use
TextEditor for multiline input.
Using TextEditor
It is very easy to use TextEditor . You just need to have a state variable to hold the input
text. Then create a TextEditor instance in the body of your view like this:
To instantiate the text editor, you pass the binding of inputText so that the state variable
can store the user input.
You can customize the editor like any SwiftUI view. For example, the below code changes
the font type and adjust the line spacing of the text editor:
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
TextEditor(text: $inputText)
The new version of SwiftUI introduces an onChange() modifier which can be attached to
TextEditor or any other view. Let's say, if you are building a note application using
TextEditor and need to display a word count in real time, you can attach the onChange()
Text("\(wordCount) words")
In the code above, we declare a state property to store the word count. And, we specify in
the onChange() modifier to monitor the change of inputText . So, whenever a user types a
character, the code inside the onChange() modifier will be invoked. In the closure, we
compute the total number of words in inputText and update the wordCount variable
If you run the code in a simulator, you should see a plain text editor and it displays the
word count in real time.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Figure 2. Using onChange() to detect text input and display the word count
TextEditor is one of the most anticipated UI components, which was missing in the
initial release of SwiftUI. You can now use this native component to handle multiline
input on iOS 14. However, if you still need to support older versions of iOS, you may need
to tap into UIKit and bring UITextView to your SwiftUI project using the
UIViewRepresentable protocol.
To access the full content and the complete source code, please get your copy at
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Chapter 33
Using matchedGeometryEffect to
Create View Animations
In iOS 14, Apple introduced a lot of new additions to the SwiftUI framework like
LazyVGrid and LazyHGrid. But matchedGeometryEffect is the new one that really caught
my attention because it allows developers to create some amazing view animations with a
few lines of code. In the earlier chapters, you have already learned how to create view
animations. matchedGeometryEffect just takes the implementation of view animations to
the next level.
For any mobile apps, it is very common that you need to transit from one view to
another. Creating a delightful transition between views will definitely improve the user
experience. With the matchedGeometryEffect modifier, all you need is describe the
appearance of two views. The modifier will then compute the difference between those
two views and automatically animates the size/position changes.
Feeling confused? No worries. You will understand what I mean after going through the
demo apps.
Figure 1. The Circle view at the start state (left), The Circle view at the end state (right)
We have a state variable expand to keep track of the current state of the Circle view. In
both the .frame and .offset modifiers, we vary the frame size and offset when the state
changes. If you run the app in the preview canvas, you should see the animation when
you tap the circle.
With the matchedGeometryEffect modifier, you no longer need to figure out these
differences. All you need to do is describe two views: one represents the start state and
the other is for the final state. matchedGeometryEffect will automatically interpolate the
size and position between the views.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
To access the full content and the complete source code, please get your copy at
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Chapter 34
ScrollViewReader and Grid
Earlier, I introduced you the new matchedGeometryEffect modifier and showed you how to
create some basic view animations. In this chapter, let's see how to use the modifier and
animate item selection of a grid view. On top of that, you will learn another brand new UI
component called ScrollViewReader .
One way of presenting the item selection is to have a dock at the bottom of the screen.
When an item is selected, it is removed from the grid and insert it into the dock. As you
select more items, the dock will hold more items. You can swipe horizontally to navigate
through the items in the dock. If you tap an item in the dock, that item will be removed
and insert it back to the grid. Figure 1 illustrates how the insertion and removal of an
item works.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
We will implement the grid view and the item selection. Needless to say, we will use the
matchedGeometryEffect modifier to animate the selection.
To access the full content and the source code, please get the official version of the book
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Chapter 35
Working with Tab View and Tab Bar
The tab bar interface appears in some of the most popular mobile apps such as Facebook,
Instagram, and Twitter. A tab bar appears at the bottom of an app screen and let users
quickly switch between different functions of an app. In UIKit, you use the
UITabBarController to create the tab bar interface. The SwiftUI framework provides a UI
component called TabView for developers to display tabs in the app.
In this chapter, we will show you how to create a tab bar interface using TabView , handle
the tab selection, and customize the appearance of the tab bar.
To embed this text view in a tab bar, all you need to do is wrap it with the TabView
component and set the tab item description by attaching the .tabItem modifier like this:
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
This creates a tab bar with a single tab item. In the sample code, the tab item has both
image and text, but you are free to remove either one of the those.
To access the full content and the complete source code, please get your copy at
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Chapter 36
Using AsyncImage in SwiftUI for
Loading Images Asynchronously
In WWDC 2021, Apple announced tons of new features for the SwiftUI framework to
make developers’ life easier. AsyncImage was definitely one of the most anticipated
features, introduced in iOS 15. If your app needs to retrieve and display images from
remote servers, this new view should save you from writing your own code to handle
asynchronous download.
AsyncImage is a built-in view for loading and displaying remote images asynchronously.
All you need is to tell it what the image URL is. AsyncImage then does the heavy lifting to
grab the remote image and show it on screen.
In this chapter, I will show you how to work with AsyncImage in SwiftUI projects.
AsyncImage then connects to the given URL and download the remote image
asynchronously. It also automatically renders a placeholder in gray while the image is not
yet ready for display. Once the image is completely downloaded, AsyncImage displays the
image in its intrinsic size.
To access the full content and the complete source code, please get your copy at
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Chapter 37
Implementing Search Bar Using
Prior to iOS 15, SwiftUI didn't come with a built-in modifier for handling search in List
views. Developers have to create your own solution. In earlier chapters, I have shown you
how to implement a search bar in SwiftUI using TextField and display the search result.
With the release of iOS 15, the SwiftUI framework brings a new modifier named
searchable to List views.
In this chapter, we will look into this modifier and see easily it is to implement search for
a list.
The starter project already implements a list view to display a set of article. What I want
to enhance is provide a search bar for filtering the articles. To add a search bar to the list
view, all you need to do is declare a state variable (e.g. searchText ) to hold the search text
and attach a searchable modifier to the NavigationView like this:
SwiftUI automatically renders the search bar for you and put it under the navigation bar
title. If you can't find the search bar, try to run the app and drag down the list view. The
search box should appear.
By default, it displays the word Search as a placeholder. In case if you want to change it,
you can write the .searchable modifier like this and use your own placeholder value:
If you want to permanently display the search field, you can change the .searchable
So far, we attach the .searchable modifier to the navigation view. You can actually attach
it to the List view and achieve the same result on iPhone.
Having that said, the placement of the .searchable modifier affects the position of the
search field when using Splitview on iPadOS. Take a look at the sample code again:
NavigationView {
List {
ForEach(articles) { article in
ArticleRow(article: article)
.searchable(text: $searchText, placement: .navigationBarDrawer(displayMode: .alway
As usual, we attach the .searchable modifier to the navigation view. If you run the app
on iPad, the search bar is displayed on the sidebar of the split view.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
What if you want to place the search field in the detail view? You can try to insert the
following code right above the .navigationTitle modifier:
Text("Article Content")
.searchable(text: $searchText)
iPadOS will then render an additional search bar at the top right corner of the detail view.
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
Again, you can further change the placement of the search bar by adjusting the value of
the placement parameter. Here is an example:
modifier to keep track of the change of the search field. Update the code of
NavigationView like below:
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 30/12/2021 | AppCoda © 2022
NavigationView {
List {
ForEach(articles) { article in
ArticleRow(article: article)
.searchable(text: $searchText)
.onChange(of: searchText) { searchText in
if !searchText.isEmpty {
articles = sampleArticles.filter { $0.title.contains(searchText) }
} else {
articles = sampleArticles
The .onChange modifier is called whenever the user types in the search field. We then
perform the search in real-time by using the filter method.
.searchable(text: $searchText) {
Text("iOS 15").searchCompletion("iOS 15")
This displays a search suggestion with two tappable search terms. Users can either type
the search keyword or tap the search suggestion to perform the search.
iOS 15 brings another welcome feature for the SwiftUI framework. The .searchable
modifier simplifies the implementation of search bar and saves us time from creating our
own solution. The downside is that this feature is only available on iOS 15 (or later). If
you are building an app that needs to support the older versions of iOS, you still need to
build your own search bar.