Standard Application Form 6 Pager FATCA Change 31052016

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Standard Proposal Form

Kindly Fill the form in CAPITAL and only in Blue or Black
(For Official Use only)
Proposal Number: Office Code Sub Office Code Please affix
FSO or Campaign Code: Channel:
Branch Code
photograph of
Servicing Branch Name: Servicing Branch Complete Address: the Life Assured.

Agent / Broker/Specified Person/Employee: Name

C o d e Contact Details License No. & Validity Details
Bank Relationship No. (For Bancassurance Channel)
*eIA Number = Insurance Repository A/C Number
Please affix
I would like to receive my insurance policy and all the information related to the proposed insurance policy through insurance photograph of
repository as and when applicable. the Joint Life.
Kindly DATE BACK *my Application to D D M M Y Y Y Y • *1. Allowed only as per product specifications 2. Allowed for a maximum of 6
months within the same financial year 3. DOB and date back should not be the same 4. In case of juvenile (less than 1 year) back date is not allowed. 5. Date
Back of policy is allowed only up to the official launch date of the Product.


Base Plan and Rider Name Sum Assured Policy Term Premium Paying Term Premium Premium Paying Mode
(r) (Years) (Years) (R)# (Single Premium/Annual/Half

Premium is excluding Service tax and applicable Surcharge and Cess.

Instructions for Life Assured/Joint Life: Kindly follow these carefully

Important Guidelines: 1. It is necessary for the Joint Life to fill up this proposal form himself/herself and not allow an intermediary or any third party to do it. However, in case the Joint Life is not
in a position to do so or if the form is signed by the Joint Life in vernacular, he/she must ensure that the details filled in are read out to him/her and that they are understood by him/her. He/she
must make a declaration to this effect. 2. Kindly read all the questions carefully and fill ALL material facts that shall form basis of our contract. If You are in doubt whether a fact is material or
not, kindly disclose it. Life Insurance is a contract of utmost good faith. 3. Kindly ensure that you affix your signatures in all the places as required. 4. This form contains 2 sections namely
Section A: the Details of Joint Life and Section B:Specialised / Additional Information. 5. For each Life Assured, separate forms to be submitted. 6. If either of the current or permanent
address field is left blank, then the address provided in either fields will be considered, PROVIDED a valid address proof is provided for the address mentioned on the proposal form. 7. All information
needs to be filled in the Proposal Form. If some are not applicable kindly mention NA. Kindly countersign any corrections made. 8.Cash should be deposited only with authorized cashier of
Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Ltd. 9.Sales Illustration is an integral part of this proposal. This needs to be signed by the Joint Life. 10.KYC documents will be required for both - Joint Life
and Life Assured.11.For NRI/PIO customers premium payment and benefit payout would be in accordance to prevailing RBI guidelines from time to time.

Instructions to Intermediary (Agent /Bancassurance/Broker): Please follow these carefully

1. Please ensure that the product recommended suits the needs of the Joint Life . 2.Do not fill up the proposal form or any column of the form on behalf of the Joint Life even if requested to do so
.3. Please ensure that you affix your signatures wherever required in the form. 4.Please ensure that for each Life Assured separate forms are collected.


1. Title Mr. Ms. Mrs. Dr. Others Mr. Ms. Mrs. Dr. Others
2. Name First
3. Father's Name/ First
Spouse Name
4. Maiden Name(For female
Lives only)
5. Gender / Date of Birth / Male Female D D M M Y Y Y Y Male Female D D M M Y Y Y Y
Country of Birth
6 a. Identification marks-Visible
6 b. Which is your Dominant Hand? Left Right Left Right
7. Marital Status Single Married Divorced Widow / Widower Single Married Divorced Widow / Widower

8. Nature of Age proof Municipality Birth Certificate Passport PAN Card Municipality Birth Certificate Passport PAN Card
(Non standard age proof submission School/Education Certificate Driving Licence School/Education Certificate Driving Licence
will attract extra premium.)
Others, kindly specify Others, kindly specify
9. Nationality Resident Indian NRI OCI PIO Resident Indian NRI OCI PIO
If other than resident Indian, kindly Foreign National (Nationality) Foreign National (Nationality)
mention current country of residence, # #
Passport as an Age Proof is mandatory. Country of Residence Country of Residence
Residence for Tax purposes in YES NO (If ‘Yes’ then FATCA & CRS-Self Certification Form to be YES NO (If ‘Yes’ then FATCA & CRS-Self Certification Form to be
Jurisdiction(s) outside India mandatorily completed ) mandatorily completed)

10. Highest Educational Below 10th 10th 12th Graduate Post Graduate Below 10th 10th 12th Graduate Post Graduate
Uneducated Others, kindly specify Uneducated Others, kindly specify
11. Current Address

Pin Code:
12. Permanent Address

Pin Code:
13. Address for
Communication Current Permanent Current Permanent

14. Telephone Residence No. S T D S T D

and Email
Details Office No. S T D S T D
Mobile No.
15. Occupation Class Salaried Professional Housewife Retired Salaried Professional Housewife Retired
Student (Current Std.) Self Employed/Business Owner Student (Current Std.) Self Employed/Business Owner
Others (Specify) Others (Specify)

16. Employment details:

a. Name of the Employer /
Business/ School/College
b. Address of the Employer /
Business/ School/College

Govt Public Ltd Pvt Ltd Partnership firm Govt Public Ltd Pvt Ltd Partnership firm
c. Organisation
Proprietorship firm Professional Proprietorship firm Professional
Others (kindly specify) Others (kindly specify)
Financial Manufacturing Retail Financial Manufacturing Retail
d. Industry
Infrastructure Others Infrastructure Others
e. Nature of work Desk job Heavy / Manual Labor Skilled Worker Desk job Heavy / Manual Labor Skilled Worker
Agriculture Driver Jeweler Crane operator Agriculture Driver Jeweler Crane operator
Machine Operator Armed forces Contractor Machine Operator Armed forces Contractor
Mariner (Offshore/Onshore) Others (Specify)______________ Mariner (Offshore/Onshore) Others (Specify)______________
f. Annual income in R

17. Income Proof ITR P&L account CA Certificate Salary Slip ITR P&L account CA Certificate Salary Slip
Form 16 Others (Specify) Form 16 Others (Specify)

Passport PAN Card Voter's ID Aadhaar Card Passport PAN Card Voter's ID Aadhaar Card
18. Identity Proof Driving License Others Driving License Others
(Specify with ID proof no) (Specify with ID proof no)

Voter's ID Card Telephone Bill Electricity Bill Voter's ID Card Telephone Bill Electricity Bill
19. Address Proof
Ration Card Aadhaar Card Others Ration Card Aadhaar Card Others

20. Unique Identification

Number (Aadhaar) : I Do not have Aadhaar I Do not have Aadhaar

21. Permanent Account (kindly attach copy of Pan card) (kindly attach copy of Pan card)
Number ( PAN ) : *I Do not have PAN (*kindly attach copy of Form 60 duly signed) *I Do not have PAN (*kindly attach copy of Form 60 duly signed)

22. Politically Exposed Person a. Are you a Politically exposed person**? Yes No a. Are you a Politically exposed person**? Yes No
(PEP): If Yes, Please provide details ____________________________ If Yes, Please provide details ____________________________
b. Are any of your family members or close b. Are any of your family members or close
relative a Politically Exposed Person? Yes No relative a Politically Exposed Person? Yes No
If Yes, Please provide details ____________________________ If Yes, Please provide details ____________________________
**Definition of PEP: “ PEP are individuals who are or have been entrusted with prominent public functions, domestically/ in an international organisation/ in a foreign country. This would include
individuals who have or have had positions of Heads of State or of government, senior politicians, senior government, judicial or military officials, senior executives of state owned corporations,
important political party officials”. “Close relations of PEP: Family members are individuals who are related to a PEP either directly (consanguinity) or through marriage or similar (civil) forms of
partnership. Close associates are individuals closely connected to a PEP, either socially or professionally”
23. Additional Details of Joint Life, If Joint Life and Life Assured are different then kindly mention relation with Life Assured.

24. Details of Nominee (Applicable only if Life Assured & Joint Life are same person)
Name Date of Birth Gender Relationship Percentage* ( %)
DD/MM/YYYY M/F Do not enter % in decimals

First Middle Last

First Middle Last
First Middle Last
* Total % should be equal to 100
25. Details of Appointee (where Nominee is a minor, Appointee also to be furnished)
Name Date of Birth Gender Relationship
First Middle Last
26. FUND SELECTION DETAILS ( To be filled for Unit Linked Products )
a. Kindly mention the names of the fund chosen. b. Incase you opt for a specific Portfolio Strategy*, kindly mention the Fund Names or other details as
applicable c. Kindly fill in whole numbers in percentage only. Decimals and Fractions not allowed ( *as available with individual products).
Name of Fund % Allocation *Chosen Portfolio Strategy
Funds for the chosen Portfolio Strategy (If Applicable)
Debt oriented fund Equity oriented fund

OR Other Details(if applicable)


Premium Payment Mode : Annual Semi-Annual Quarterly Monthly Single
# #
Premium Payment Method: Cheque Demand Draft Credit Card ECS Standing Instructions #
Online (Net Banking Debit Card Credit Card )
Name of Card Holder : Card Number (16 Digit)
Cheque/DD No. Issuing Bank Branch
Amount Date
Premium r + Service Tax^ r = Total Payment r for months initial deposit
( To be filled for monthly mode only)
On the first policy anniversary I would like to change the premium payment mode to ________________. (Subject to policy contract provisions)
Premium is excluding Service Tax and applicable Surcharge and Cess. All taxes, duties, surcharge, cesses or levies, (including but not limited to Service Tax and TDS), as may be imposed by
Government or any statutory authority from time to time, on the premiums payable and benefits secured under Policy, shall be borne and paid by the Policyholder.
Non-resident policyholders are exempt from service tax as per prevailing tax laws subject to submission of declaration along with valid address proof of residence outside India. Tata AIA Life Insurance
Company Limited reserves the right to recover/ deduct from the policyholder, any levies and duties (including Service Tax, Swachh Bharat Cess and TDS), as imposed by the government from time to
time. Kindly refer the Sales Illustration for the exact premium.
Cheque/ DD should be drawn in favor of “Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Ltd. <Proposal No>” Do not issue blank cheque . Do not issue cheques without mentioning policy no. on the face
of the cheque. Kindly refer the AML Declaration.
28. Mandatory Bank Details Please provide below bank details. Bank details provided should be in the name of Joint Life. All policy payouts will be made to the below
mentioned bank account through electronic transfer. Payout would be in accordance and subject to terms and conditions of the policy.
Name of Account holder Bank Account No. Bank Name and Branch Account Type IFSC Code

Current Savings
Note: 1. Please provide a personalized cancelled copy of your cheque. If personalized cancelled cheque is not available, attach bank statement showing account holder name, address and
accountnumber. 2. In case of non credit to my bank account with/ without assigning any reasons there of or if the transaction is delayed or not effected at all for reasons of incomplete/ incorrect
information, I would not hold Tata AIA Life Insurance Co Ltd responsible. 3. Further, the Company reserves the right to use any alternative payout option inspite of opting for Direct Credit option.
A. Do you have life insurance policy with Tata AIA Life Insurance Company? Y / N If Yes, kindly provide details as below:-
Life Assured Joint Life (If other than Life Assured)
Policy Nos Sum Assured Policy Nos Sum Assured

B. Do you currently hold or have applied for Life Insurance/Pension/Health/Personal Accident Policies with other companies? Y / N If yes, kindly provide details as below:-
Life Assured Joint Life (If other than Life Assured)
**Decision **Decision
Type of Insurance Basic Sum Annual Type of Insurance Basic Sum Annual
Company (Standard/with Company (Standard/with
(Life/Health/Unit (Life/Health/Unit
Assured Premium Revised or Extra Premium Assured Premium Revised or Extra Premium
Linked/Pension/ Name Linked/Pension/ Name
in (R) in (R) /Deferred/Declined/Not in (R) in (R) /Deferred/Declined/Not
Personal Accident) Personal Accident)
Completed) Completed)

**If Decision Other than Standard kindly give details

30. What is the Purpose of your opting for this policy? Risk Savings Child Education/ Marriage Retirement planning
Legacy Planning Others(Specify):


(For Simplified health products fill Part 1 & 2, for Fully Underwritten Health & Life products fill Part 1 ,2 & 3)

Name/Address/Telephone number of Family Physician ___________________________________________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Tel. No.:__________________________________

1. a) Height (kindly mention unit as cms or ft) b) Weight ( (kindly mention unit as kg or lbs).
cms/ft Kgs/lbs cms/ft Kgs/lbs
2. Do you or any of the persons proposed to be insured has/have any condition, ailment or injury or related condition(s)
for which you or any of the persons proposed to be insured had signs or symptoms, and /or were advised / treatment Y N Y N
within past 48 months?
3. Has any of your insurance application or reinstatement application on life, accident, medical or health, critical illness,
or disability ever been declined, postponed or accepted at extra premium or modified terms?
4. Have you undergone treatment/surgery or is any treatment/surgery on going or planned. If yes, please specify name
of the treatment/surgery.
If answer to any of the above questions is Yes, kindly provide details __________________________________________________________


1. Are you employed in the Armed Forces, Paramilitary or Police Forces or Fire Brigade? Y N Y N
2. Is your occupation associated with any specific accident/health hazard or do you take part in activities or
have hobbies that could be dangerous in any way (e.g. Chemical Factory, mines, explosives, radiation,
corrosive chemicals, underwater/underground, aviation, other than as a fare paying passenger, diving, Y N Y N
mountaineering, any form of racing etc)?
3. Have you ever been convicted of any criminal proceedings under any court of law in India or abroad?
If Yes, kindly give details Y N Y N
4. Do you intend to live or travel outside India for a period of more than 30 days apart from vacation or pleasure ?
If Yes ,kindly submit Travel Questionnaire Y N Y N
Kindly specify habits impacting health adversely
5. Do you consume alcohol? If Yes, whether occasionally or frequently kindly specify type (Beer/Wine/Hard
Liquor) and Quantity per day consumed Y N Y N
6. Do you consume Tobacco ? If Yes, whether occasionally or frequently kindly specify type (Cigarette/ Beedi/Gutkha/Others)
and Quantity per day consumed Y N Y N
7. Have you consumed tobacco in any form (smoking, chewing etc) during the past 12 months?
If Yes, kindly confirm type, quantity and duration of consumption Y N Y N
8. Do you use or have you ever used Cocaine, Amphetamines, Marijuana, Barbiturates, Narcotics or other
Stimulants ? If Yes, specify type, duration and Quantity consumed Y N Y N


1. Are you presently in good health? Y N Y N

2. Did you have any Loss or Gain of weight of 10 kgs or more in the last six months? Y N Y N
3. Do you have any physical deformity/ handicap or congenital defect/ abnormality? Y N Y N
4. Have you ever been advised to and/or have undergone any tests, investigations or surgery or have been Y N Y N
hospitalized for check up or treatment?
5. Are you currently undergoing or awaiting results of any tests, investigations, surgery or are currently
hospitalized for general check up, observation treatment or surgery? Y N Y N

Tear away portion

(To be handed over to the customer) Proposal Number:
Dear Customer
We acknowledge receipt of your cheque/DD for R……………….. by number……………. dated …/…/…….. drawn on ……………………. towards Initial
Deposit. Risk acceptance is subject to submission and acceptance of this application form by Tata AIA Life and meeting of underwriting norms. We request you to
kindly verify the details filled in the proposal form before signing the same. Please do insist on Official Receipt issued by Tata AIA Life from your advisor within 2
working days from submission of this proposal form. In case you do not hear from us or do not receive your policy within 15 days from the date of submission of
your proposal, please visit us at or call our helpline numbers 1800 267 9966 (toll free) or 1860 266 9966 (local charges apply) or
email us at [email protected] or SMS “LIFE” to 58888.
This is only acknowledgement slip and not the premium receipt.

Agent code Agent name Signature of Agent Date of Acknowledgement


6. Are you aware of or have you ever been investigated/ treated or hospitalized or referred to Oncologist Y N Y N
for cancer, tumor, cysts or any other benign or malignant growths?
7. Did you ever have any ailment/ injury requiring treatment/ medication for more than a week? Y N Y N
8. Have you ever suffered or are suffering from any of the following:
a. Diabetes, High Blood Sugar or Sugar in Urine. Y N Y N
b. High/ Low BP (Blood Pressure) or Raised Cholesterol. Y N Y N
c. Chest Pain, Palpitation, Rheumatic Fever, Heart Murmur, Heart Attack, Shortness of Breath or any other Y N Y N
Heart related disorder/disease.
d. Disorders of Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat including defective sight, speech or hearing and discharge from ears. Y N Y N
e. Symptoms/ailment relating to Brain Depression, Brain Disorder/disease, Mental/Psychiatric ailment, Y N Y N
Parkinson's disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Nervous disorder, Stroke, Paralysis or Paraplegia, Epilepsy.
f. Asthma, Bronchitis, Blood spitting, Tuberculosis or other Respiratory disorders. Y N Y N
g. Anaemia or any other Blood related disorders. Y N Y N
h. Musculoskeletal disorders such as Arthritis, Recurrent Back Pain, Slipped disc or any other disorder of Y N Y N
Spine, Joints / Limbs or Leprosy?
i. Were you or your spouse ever tested for Hepatitis B or C, HIV /AIDS or any other Sexually Transmitted Disease? Y N Y N
j. Hydrocele, fistula, piles or symptoms/ailment relating to Kidney, Prostate, Urinary System or Reproductive System. Y N Y N
k. Gastritis, Stomach or Duodenal Ulcer, Hernia, Jaundice or any other disease or disorders of the liver
and Gastrointestinal System.
l. Thyroid disorder or any other disease or disorder of the Endocrine System. Y N Y N
m. Any other illness or impairment not mentioned above. Y N Y N
9. Have you undergone/ have been recommended to under go any of the following - Angioplasty, Bypass Surgery,
Brain Surgery, Heart Valve Surgery, Aorta Surgery or Organ Transplant or any treatment for Cancerous growth of any kind?
10. Have you ever been absent from work for more than a week in last 2years due to any illness? Y N Y N
11. Female Life Questionnaire
a. Are you now Pregnant? If ‘yes’, kindly state expected delivery date ddmmyyyy Y N Y N
b. Have you undergone any gynaecological investigations for illness, internal checkups, breast checks such
as mammogram or biopsy?
c. Have you ever consulted a doctor because of an irregularity at the breast ,vagina, uterus, ovary, fallopian tubes, Y N Y N
menstruation, complications during pregnancy or child delivery or a sexually transmitted disease?
d. Have you suffered from any other disorder of the breast or reproductive organs, abnormal smear test(s) Y N Y N
and irregular menses?
12. If answer to any of the question above is ‘yes’, kindly give full details noting the question number
Question No. Details:

13. Family Details (Mandatory if the life to be insured is Juvenile / Student / Housewife)
Family Details Name Gender Date of Birth Occupation Annual Income Insurance Details
(M/F) (DD/MM/YYYY) (Existing /Applied for)
Father / Husband
First Child
Second Child
14. Family details to be filled for Life Father Mother Brother Sister Spouse
Assured only
a. If Alive, Health Status
b. If Deceased, Cause of Death
c. Age at Death

1. Please carry valid Identity card to the medical examination centre wherever applicable. 2. For cash payment, please visit our nearest Tata AIA Life branch. Please do not handover cash
to Agent. If handed over to the agent, the company will not be liable for any loss. 3. In case there is any change in the particulars given above including Life Assured/Joint Life's health
and/or medical and/or financial and/or occupational status and/or being charged with and/or arrested for any criminal offence after the date of proposal but before risk acceptance by
the company; please inform the company. 4. Acceptance of premium does not constitute risk commencement. 5. Risk commencement starts after the acceptance of risk by the
company. 6. Freelook Period: If you are not satisfied with the terms & conditions/ features of the policy, you have the right to cancel the Policy by providing written notice to the
Company and receive the premiums after deducting a) Proportionate risk premium for the period on cover & b) Stamp duty and medical examination costs including service tax, which
have been incurred for issuing the Policy. Such notice must be signed by you and received directly by the Company within 15 days from the date of receipt of the policy document by you
or person authorized by you. The said period of 15 days shall stand extended to 30 days, if the policy sourced through distance marketing mode which includes solicitation through any
means of communication other than in person. For Unit Linked Life Insurance products, you would receive the non – allocated premiums plus charges levied by cancellation of units plus
fund value at the date of cancellation and after deducting the charges as mentioned in (a) & (b) above.

Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Ltd. (IRDA of India Regn. No. 110 Ÿ CIN: U66010MH2000PLC128403).
Registered & Corporate Office Address: 14th Floor, Tower A, Peninsula Business Park, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400013.

Anti Money Laundering Declaration: I hereby Declare that: 1. The premium paid or would be paid has been derived from legally declared and assessed sources of income.2. I understand that
the Company has the right to peruse my financial profile and also agree that the Company has right to cancel the insurance contract in case I have been found guilty of any of the provisions of any
law, directly or indirectly, having relation to the laws governing prevention of money laundering in the country, by any competent court of law.
Declaration: “I/We hereby declare, on my behalf and on behalf of all persons proposed to be insured, that the above statements, answers and/or particulars given by me are true and complete in
all respects to the best of my knowledge and that I/We am/are authorized to propose on behalf of these other persons. I understand that the information provided by me will form the basis of the
insurance policy and that the policy is subject to Board approved underwriting policy of the insurance company and the policy will come into force only after full receipt of the premium
chargeable. I/We further declare that I/We will notify in writing any change occurring in the occupation, financial status or general health of the life to be assured/Joint Life after the proposal has
been submitted but before communication of the risk acceptance by the company. I/We declare and consent to the company seeking medical information from any doctor or from a hospital who
at anytime has attended on the life to be assured/Joint Life or from any past or present employer concerning anything which affects the physical or mental health of the life to be assured/Joint Life
and seeking information from any insurance office to which an application for insurance on the life to be assured/ Joint Life has been made for the purpose of underwriting the proposal and claim
settlement. I/We authorize the company to share information pertaining to my proposal including the medical records with any Governmental and/or Regulatory authority and for the sole
purpose of proposal underwriting, policy servicing and claims settlement."
I/We hereby declare and agree that we have read and understood the contents of the proposal form, brochures and sales illustration and the answers provided by me/us are complete and true to
the best of my/our knowledge. I/We also understand that Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Ltd (hereafter 'the Company') may request me/Life Assured to undergo medical examination and tests,
as necessary, I/We understand and agree that the Company would rely on all the answers provided by me/us either on the proposal form and/or on medical examination form and all supporting
documents submitted by me/us, including but not limited to proof of age and income, to complete the assessment of the proposal and any risks associated therewith. In case of fraud or
misrepresentation the policy shall be cancelled in accordance with Section 45 of Insurance Act, 1938 as amended from time to time.
Furthermore, I hereby irrevocably authorize any organisation, institution or individual that has any record or knowledge of my/Life Assured's health or medical or financial status/history to
disclose any such information upon request by and to the Company or any of its authorised representatives. I/We authorise the Company to request/collect such information and/or conduct
medical examinations or tests, as may be necessary, for assessment of this proposal and/or continuance of the policy and/or at the time of processing any claim submitted by me or my
nominees/legal heirs, if required. I/We hereby declare that we understand that the benefits payable under this contract and/or any other associated contract will not be payable to me/us and/or
my beneficiary(s) and/or legal heirs till such time the proposal has been received and accepted, including receipt of required premium by the Company. I/Life Assured also undertake to inform the
Company of any change in my/Life Assured's health and/or medical and/or financial and/or occupational status and/or being charged with and/or arrested for any criminal offence after the date
of proposal but before acceptance of proposal by the Company.
I/We permit/authorise the Company to collect, store, communicate and process information relating to the Policy/ Account and all transactions therein, by the Company and any of its affiliates
wherever situated including sharing, transfer and disclosure between them or with any entity or entities, and to the authorities in and/or outside India of any confidential information for
compliance with any law or regulation whether domestic or foreign.
Jurisdiction(s) of Tax Residence for FATCA/CRS purpose: I / We undertake to declare and disclose any changes in tax jurisdiction within 30 days from the date of such change that may
take place in the information provided in this proposal form or any annexure or documents related thereto, or any changes in any certification under FATCA/CRS and provide fresh
self-certification along with documentary evidence. I am further aware of the applicability of relevant tax laws as per the resident status of Individual, for e.g. irrespective of
nationality, every United States citizen is a ‘resident’ of United States of America for the purpose of tax assessment, since US imposes tax on global income of its citizen.

Life Assured/ Joint Life's Acknowledgment and Authorization:

The above recommendation is based on the information provided by me. I have been explained about the features of the product and believe it would be suitable for me based on my
insurance needs and financial objectives.
I hereby irrevocably authorize Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Limited or any of its approved medical examiners or laboratories to perform the necessary medical assessment and test
to underwrite and evaluate my/the insured’s heath status in relation to application and claim arising therefrom. These tests may include but are not limited to tests for cholesterol and
related blood lipids, diabetes, liver or kidney disorders, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). infection by any human immunodefiency virus (HIV), immune disorder or the
presence of medications , drugs nicotine or their metabolites.

Date: dd mm yyyy

Signature /Thumb Impression of Life Assured Signature /Thumb Impression of Joint Life Place:

I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief and I undertake to inform you of any changes therein,
immediately in case any of the above information is found to be false or untrue or misleading or misrepresenting, before issuance of the proposal.
“I, the undersigned confirm that I have verified photocopies of the proofs submitted along with this proposal form against the originals and certify the same to be true copy”.

Signature of Agent/ Specified Person/

Broker/ Employee

ASSURED ARE IN VERNACULAR. Note: The below must be witnessed by someone other than advisor/ employee of the company.
I,_______________________________________ (name) have explained the contents of this proposal to the _________________________________________ (Joint
Life/Life Assured) in _______________________________ (language) and ensured that the contents have been fully understood by him/ her. I have accurately recorded
the Joint Life/Life Assured’s responses to the information sought in the proposal form and I have read out the responses to the Joint Life/Life Assured and he/ she has
confirmed that they are correct.

Signature of the person making the declaration Place: _________________ Address of the person making the declaration: _________________________

Date: _________________ ________________________________________________________________I

have understood the contents of this proposal explained to me in ___________________________________ language and confirm that the responses provided by
me are correct
Signature / Thumb Impression of the Life Assured Place: _________________ Signature / Thumb Impression of the Joint Life Place: _________________
Date: _________________ Date: _________________
Unique Reference No.: L&C/Advt/2016/Jun/334

(Prohibition of Rebates) Section 41 - of the Insurance Act, 1938 as amended from time to time: 1. No person shall allow or offer to allow, either directly or indirectly, as an inducement to any
person to take out or renew or continue an insurance in respect of any kind of risk relating to lives or property in India, any rebate of the whole or part of the commission payable or any rebate of the
premium shown on the policy, nor shall any person taking out or renewing or continuing a policy accept any rebate, except such rebate as may be allowed in accordance with the published
prospectuses or tables of the insurer. 2. Any person making default in complying with the provisions of this section shall be liable for a penalty which may extend to ten lakh rupees.".
SECTION 45 OF THE INSURANCE ACT, 1938 STATES: No policy of life insurance shall be called in question on any ground whatsoever after the expiry of three years from the date of policy, i.e. from
the date of issuance of the policy or the date of commencement of risk or the date of revival of the policy or the date of the rider to the policy, whichever is later. A policy of life insurance may be called
in question at any time within three years from the date of issuance of the policy or the date of commencement of risk or the date of revival of the policy or the date of the rider to the policy,
whichever is later, on the ground of fraud: Provided that the insurer shall have to communicate in writing to the insured or the legal representatives or nominees or assignees of the insured the
grounds and materials on which such decision is based. Nothing in this section shall prevent the insurer from calling for proof of age at any time if he is entitled to do so, and no policy shall be
deemed to be called in question merely because the terms of the policy adjusted on subsequent proof that the age of the life insured was incorrectly stated in the proposal. For further details, please
refer to the Insurance Act, as amended from time to time
and any contract bearing the prefix "Tata AIA Life" is only the name of the contract and does not in any way indicate the quality of the contracts, its future prospects or returns. Premium paid in ULIP
is subject to investment risks associated with capital markets & the NAV of the units may go up or down based on the performance of the funds and factors influencing capital markets and the
insured is responsible for his decision. Past performance is not indicative of future results. For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions please read sales brochure carefully before
concluding a sale.

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