Actlabs Petroleum - 2010 Canadian
Actlabs Petroleum - 2010 Canadian
Actlabs Petroleum - 2010 Canadian
Actalbs was established in 1987 by Dr. Eric Hoffman, an economic geochemist, in Brantford, Ontario and within two years moved to a
new modern facility in Ancaster, Ontario. The laboratory began by providing Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) to the
academic, government and mineral exploration sectors. The INAA technique which involves bombarding samples with neutrons from a
nuclear reactor and measuring the induced gamma-ray "fingerprint" from the sample, non-destructively, was enthusiastically embraced
by all as a highly accurate and cost-effective, analytical technique for analysis of geological samples. Dr. Hoffman had effected the
transfer of INAA technology from university to industry in 1978, where it became widely accepted. Although excellent, the INAA
technique could not analyze all elements in the periodic table to the detection limits required by our clientele. Unfortunately, no one
analytical technique can achieve this distinction. As a result, ACTLABS added Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AA), Inductively
Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP/OES), X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (XRF), Fire Assay, Infrared
technology for carbon and sulphur, Ion Chromatography, Capillary Electrophoresis (CE), Autoanalyzers, Inductively Coupled Plasma
Emission Mass Spectrometry (ICP/MS), High Resolution ICP/MS, Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS), High
Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (HPLC, LC/MS/MS) and Coulometry.
Actlabs introduced Enzyme Leach in 1993. This selective extraction on surface soil had the ability to "see through" cover and find
blind ore deposits buried below several hundred metres of overburden and cover rock. This was clearly an order of magnitude better
than conventional geochemistry. Actlabs acquired its first ICP/MS in 1993 and pioneered large-scale ICP/MS analyses. We have
maintained our commitment to advanced technology with the newest quadruple ICP/MS technology and we are the only commercial
laboratory serving the mineral industry with high resolution magnetic sector ICP/MS technology. This technology allows us to have
better detection limits than a quadruple ICP/MS by 1 - 2 orders of magnitude and resolves most interferences.
Developed through over 20 years experience in GC/MS-related work and several years of research and development with ten
exploration companies, Soil Gas Hydrocarbons (SGH) was added to the wide array of selective extractions offered by the Actlabs
Group. The SGH procedure analyses B-horizon soil samples for hydrocarbons in the C5-C17 range. Through GC/MS analysis,
determinations of 162 compounds in the C5-C17 range can be performed to the low parts-per-trillion (ppt). Subtle hydrocarbon
anomalies that would not be determined by conventional methods are delineated precisely with SGH.
In 2009 a new Field Emission Gun Scanning Electron microscope with 2 Energy Dispersive Xray Analyzers and Mineral Liberation
Analyzer software was added (FEG SEM-MLA). This instrument is unique in North America (FEI-FEG QUANTA 650 MLA).This new
facility marks the beginning of Actlabs entry into the Geometallurgy market .
Actlabs is committed to bringing the most modern technologies and a higher level of competencies to the analytical laboratory for the
mineral industry. In little over a decade, the Actlabs Group has become the world’s leading laboratory group providing Neutron Activation
and ICP/MS services. We continue to invest heavily in Research and Development of new products so that our clients can be at the
forefront of exploration technology.
Terms and Conditions
All prices are exclusive of GST, are in Canadian dollars and apply only to clients submitting samples from Canada. These prices apply to most geological
materialsfor routine analyses. A surcharge may apply for abnormal matrices or non routine analytical requirements. The client will be advised of any
such conditions prior to performing the analytical work. A minimum charge of $100.00 will be effective on all orders. A fee of $75.00 will be charged if a
Chain of Custody form if required. Payment should accompany the order unless credit has been established. Terms are net 30 days. Prices and
packages are subject to change without notice. Customers are responsible for paying bank charges and should not be deducted from the total amount of
the invoice. We reserve the right to subcontract work to affiliated laboratories. Clients can pay invoices by cheque, bank draft, Visa, Mastercard, AMEX
or direct bank deposit (EFT). To pay by credit card, a signature is required - either in the original paperwork or sent by fax or e-mail. We also require the
security code found on the card.
For direct bank deposit, pay to the account of Activation Laboratories Ltd. at: Royal Bank of Canada
59 Wilson Street West
Ancaster, Ontario CANADA
L9G 1N1
Tel: (905) 648-4411
Transit # 00102 003
Account # 400 389 3
Any analysis, testing, inspection or investigation in connection with any work performed by Activation Laboratories Ltd. shall be conducted in accordance
with recognized professional analytical standards. Neither Activation Laboratories Ltd., nor its subcontractors, consultants, agents, officers or
employees shall be held responsible for any loss or damage resulting directly or indirectly from any default, negligence, error or omission. While every
effort will be taken to store the unused portion of your samples, Activation Laboratories Ltd. cannot bear any responsibility for loss or damage, regardless
of the cause. The liability, if any, of Activation Laboratories Ltd. shall be limited to the cost of performing the analyses.
Sample Storage
When submitting samples, please indicate on the Request for Analysis form if you require sample storage, disposal or if you require samples to be
returned after analysis. For returns, please include all necessary shipping information e.g., courier, account number, etc. Return of samples is done at
cost. The reject portion of samples prepared by Actlabs will be retained for a period of not more than 60 days from the date of final report. Pulps
(prepared material) will also be kept for a period of 90 days. Crusher reject or oversized sieve rejects will be saved on request only. Pulps and rejects
stored at the customers request will be subject to a storage charge (see sample submittal sheet for charges) billed quarterly. Irradiated material will be
discarded after 30 days unless prior arrangements are made. Return of radioactive material requires a Nuclear Safety Commission licence. Cost per
shipment of radioactive materials is $100.00 plus shipping costs. Disposal of soil, sediment or vegetation samples, which have entered Canada under a
CFIA permit, will incur a disposal cost for larger sample volumes.
Return of Data
Analytical reports can be returned via hard copy, CD-ROM, electronic mail (internet) or fax copy at the customers’ discretion for no additional charge.
Data is normally available in Excel format. Other formats are available on request. We have implemented a Laboratory Information Management
System (LIMS). Clients can track samples from sample reception and logging through to preparation, analysis and reporting.
Turnaround Time
Please enquire regarding turnaround time. Normal turnaround depends on the analytical package, sample volume as well as time of year. Excessively
wet samples may slow turnaround time, as will undocumented and unorganized shipments. RUSH Analysis: If you require analyses by a certain date,
please ensure that this is clearly noted on the Request for Analysis form. We will make every effort to meet your requirements, however, rush conditions
will require payment of a surcharge (i.e., 3 days – 200%, 1 week – 100%, 2 weeks – 50%).
LithoChem Stratigraphy (LCS) Package - Code LCS
Are you drilling in stratigraphic sections where well logs cannot be used to provide clear correlations and that have few fossil markers?
LithoChem Stratigraphy can easily resolve ambiguous stratigraphic correlations. Actlabs’ LithoChem Stratigraphy package provides a
complete analysis of the major element oxides plus 7 trace elements in drill cuttings or sidewall cores. A total of 18 geochemical parameters can
be used to resolve correlation between wells in ambiguous sections. Actlabs’ analytical technology is not hampered by the problems of “near
total” acid digestions used my most laboratories or by semi-quantitative laser-ablation spectrographic analyses. Total analyses are produced
accurately and precisely for elements bound in resistate and refractory minerals. All detection limits in ppm.
Analyte LCS Extended LCS Analyte LCS Extended LCS Analyte LCS Extended LCS
SiO2 0.01% 0.01% Mo 2 Ho 0.01
TiO2 0.001% 0.001% Nb 0.2 Er 0.01
Al2O3 0.01% 0.01% Ni 1 Tm 0.005
Fe2O3 0.01% 0.01% Pb 1 Yb 0.01
MnO 0.001% 0.001% Rb 1 Lu 0.002
MgO 0.01% 0.01% S 100 U 0.01
CaO 0.01% 0.01% Sb 0.2 Th 0.05
Na2O 0.01% 0.01% Sc 1 1
K2O 0.01% 0.01% Se 3
P2O5 0.01% 0.01% Sn 1
LOI 0.01% 0.01% Sr 2 2
Ag 0.5 Ta 0.01
As 0.5 Tl 0.05
Au 2 ppb V 5 5
Ba 3 3 W 0.5
Be 1 1 Y 2 0.5
Bi 0.1 Zn 1
Br 0.5 Zr 4 1
Cd 0.5 La 0.05
Co 1 Ce 0.05
Cr 2 Pr 0.01
Cs 0.1 Nd 0.05 LCS-48 hour turnaround $150.00
Cu 1 Sm 0.01 LCS-72 hour turnaround $115.00
Ga 1 Eu 0.005 LCS-2 week turnaround $50.00
Ge 0.5 Gd 0.01 Extended LCS-1 week $225.00
Hf 0.1 Tb 0.01 Extended LCS-2 week $185.00
In 0.1 Dy 0.01
Actlabs has developed technology for analysing ostracods, forams or other microfossils (either singly or in aggregate) for 52 trace elements. Detection
limits span from percentages to the part-per-billion (ppb) range. This data has been shown to be useful for determining the environment under which the
organisms lived. This information can be used to map depositional conditions in sedimentary basins. Listed below are the available analytes and
detection limits in parts per million (ppm).
Lone Star Energy makes onshore Morocco petroleum discovery with SRM (Sedimentary Residual Magnetics),
MBS (Magnetic Bright Spot), 2D Seismic, and Enzyme Leach Services
Excerpts from Lone Star Energy August 21, 2000 press release
“(Morocco, August 21, 2000) - Lone Star Energy, a Moroccan-based and associated company of Skidmore Energy, Inc., USA, drilled an
important discovery well on Block III of the Talsinnt Permit. The Talsinnt Permit is located in the High Plateau area of northeastern
“The SBK #1 discovery well encountered as gross interval of the TAGI Reservoir at 3425-3505 m. Two (2) zones were isolated for
production testing and modeling. A drill stem test (DST) indicates a reservoir pressure of 7175 PSI and a production rate of 2500
MCFGPD, with minor amounts of light oil. Analysis of the DST results indicates good reservoir conditions, with expectations of primarily
oil production and a potential reserve estimate of 50 - 100 MMBOE for the prospect.”
Excerpts from ACTLABS November 30, 1999 Enzyme Leach Services report
“Enzyme Leach data were generated from soils collected at 168 sample sites in a soil survey contracted by Skidmore Energy Inc.,
Lone Star Energy in the Talsinnt Block, Foum Messaoud petroleum exploration project, Morocco. A well defined high-contrast oxidation
halo is present within the sampled area and is best indicated by many of the oxidation suite elements.”
“Bromide and chlorine are most enriched along the eastern margin of the oxidation halo... The Br, and particularly Cl values (up to 0.2%
Cl) at these locations are very high relative to data from numerous Enzyme Leach surveys and are strongly indicative of a reduced
body in the subsurface.”
Enzyme Leach Arsenic Enzyme Leach Iodine
Soil Gas Hydrocarbons (SGH)
Soil Gas Hydrocarbons (SGH) is an extractive procedure which releases organic compounds adsorbed on B-horizon soil samples. The
SGH procedure provides a highly focussed and sensitive method which measures compounds in the C5-C17 range down to the low
parts-per-trillion (ppt).
The C5-C17 hydrocarbon range has been chosen rather than the C1-C4 range to enhance the robustness of the technique.
Measurement technology advances allow the accurate detection of hydrocarbons in the C5-C17 range at the required ppt level. By
focussing on the C5-C17 range, the SGH technique is less affected by decaying biogenic material compared to the C1-C4 range and is
more robust in terms of sample collection and shipping.
Actlabs’ research and development into the applicability of SGH for exploration has resulted in the availability of a cost-effective method
which can be used in tandem with geophysics to improve your success rate.
SGH Advantages:
• delineation of mineral targets through thick layers of cover rock and overburden
• a cost-effective technique of prioritizing targets
• over 160 hydrocarbon compounds ensures that SGH anomalies are positively identified
• practical sample collection, handling and shipping protocols with one trip to the field reduces costs
• robust method - SGH is uninfluenced by cultural activity
• backed by over 25 years experience in GC/MS related research & development
Price: $48.00 per sample. (50 sample minimum unless a custom quotation has been obtained)
Sample preparation charges are additional. Volume discounts may be applicable. Please enquire.
All SGH submissions receive an interpretation. Price includes interpretation thus relative or UTM coordinates must
accompany the samples when submitted.
Wet Gas Play - Line A-Southern Ontario Wet Gas Play - Line C-Southern Ontario
Gas well intersected two zones This SGH anomaly was directly
at 410 m and 535 m depth that adjacent to another gas
reached down into the Grimsby producing well from this roadside
formation. SGH anomaly was sampling conducted in the same
definitive. township as Line A.
Oil Reservoir
For petroleum distillates, we must know the type of distillate and its flashpoint. Certain substances such as xylene penetrate the irradiation container and
are not suitable fore analysis by this technique.
Please note that the detection limits quoted are estimates, which are dependant on the amounts of trace elements which may be present.
Isotopic Analysis
K-Ar dating Rock fractions, clay fraction and separated minerals On request
(e.g., biotite, hornblende, sericite, K-feldspar, illite, glauconite, etc.)
40 39
Ar- Ar step heating dating Rock fractions, clay fraction and separated minerals On request
(e.g., biotite, hornblende, sericite, K-feldspar, illite, glauconite, etc.)
Ar-39Ar total or step heating dating Mineral grains by using laser extraction technique On request
U-Pb dating Isochron dating for all accessory minerals On request
Rb-Sr dating Isochron dating whole rock and minerals On request
Sm-Nd dating Isochron dating whole rock and minerals On request
Mineral Separation Specific mineral phases are separated to provide best data for age dating On request
Insoluble Package
Prepared samples are analyzed by dissolution in water at 30°C. KCl or Sylvite is dissolved as well as other soluble salts. K, Mg, Na and Ca salts are
solubilized leaving insoluble salts (e.g. anhydrite, kieserite) as a residue which is dried and weighed.
These analytical methods are used in exploration programs to determine the anticipated shale oil yield and to better delineate core characteristics.
Fischer Assay-ASTM D3904 Free water - moisture (wt%) by oven drying $175.00
Retort water (wt% and L/tonne)
Oil yield (wt% and L/tonne)
Gas yield (wt% and L/tonne)
Spent shale (wt%)
Gas average molecular weight
Oil relative density
GC Scan GC scan of shale gas to include as a minimum: H2, N2, CO, CO2, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5+ $300.00
Whole Rock Analysis A whole rock analysis is performed to provide chemical analysis of inorganic components $45.00
of the rock.
Trace Metal Analysis Near total digestion is performed and a full trace metal scan by ICP shall be conducted to $35.00
include at least the following elements:
Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe, W, Mo, Sn, In, Bi, Cd, Sb, F, Nb, Ta, Th, Cs, Y, As, Ag, U and V.
X-ray Diffraction
Mineral Identification $150.00
Clay Speciation $450.00
Coal Package
Actlabs offers mineralogical analysis of assay rejects, drill core, RC drilling chips, plant samples and most other forms of man-made and natural
materials.MLA can be applied to precious metals (Au, Pt, Pd, Ag), base metals (Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, Mo, Zn), ferrous and non-ferrous raw materials (Fe, Sn,
Mn, W, Ta, Nb, U and REE) and mineral sands.
Basic Modal Analysis Rapid modal analysis for exploration samples. 0.1 %* $340.00
Polished section preparation Unit sub-sample, represented by a 30 mm, $48.00
epoxy-mounted, particulate section for MLA
analysis. The price of one section is included
in the basic modal cost.
Sizing Sieve-sizing, including cyclosizing, or alternate, By quotation
into discrete size fractions.
Crushing/Milling Size reduction; dependant on mass of sample, By quotation
study objective and as-received sample form.
Collection of Mineral Collection and Validation of an Ore Mineral List Dependant on grain $400.00
Reference Standards List for a new Project. size and grade*
SEM Analysis Use of SEM in ad-hoc, manual mode. $350.00/hr
(SEM-EDS and photomicrography)
Thin Section Analysis - Basic Modal analysis of thin section. 0.1%* $240.00
Thin Section Analysis - Advanced As above, but with grain size and association 0.1%* $400.00
Ore Characterization - Standard Analysis of coarsely crushed sample for the 0.1 %** $600.00
determination of mineral suite, proportions,
grain size and association data. (duplicate
Ore Characterization - Advanced High-resolution option; involves analysing two 0.1 %** $1,200.00
size fractions and/or higher resolution
Coarse Precious Metal Determination of discrete PGM mineralogy, Grain Size of $280.00
Mineralogy speciation, grain size and association on ores, > 1.5 microns
process samples and tailings. (per section)
Fine Precious Metal Mineralogy Determination of discrete PGM mineralogy, Grain Size of $560.00
(High Resolution) speciation, grain size and association on ores, < 1.5 microns
process samples and tailings. (per section)
Reporting Formal presentation and reporting of results, Depends on volume By quotation
either in tabulated form or including discussion of samples
and interpretation. Usually a fixed % of
* Unit cost based on a single polished section. (Discounts available for batch submissions)
** Depends on target grade and complexity of mineralogy.