Plan de Lectie Clasa A 4-A Uniscan Fairyland Troll Tales Episode 6 - Monica Dumitrache

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Monica Dumitrache, Lesson Plan - Uniscan Fairyland 4th grade - Troll Tales Episode 6


NAME: Monica Dumitrache-Nitu

SCHOOL: 'Matei Basarab' Secondary School, Pitesti
DATE: May 11, 2023
TIME: 10.00 a.m. - 10.45 p.m.
CLASS: 4th grade (IV E)
TEXTBOOK: Limba modernă 1 / Limba engleză / Fairyland clasa a IV-a, (Editura Uniscan)
Unit: 12 -Troll Tales, SB pages 106-107
Lesson: Listening. Photo Description. Present Continuous. Will Future (predictions)
Type of lesson: reinforcement; listening and speaking-based
Time: 45 minutes
Recent work: -'Going to' Future

GENERAL AIM: to develop speaking, listening and grammar skills

1. to develop understanding of grammar structures in context -present continuous for describing pictures, will
future for predictions;
2. to practise speaking -individual and pair work interaction;
3. to practise using grammar in context;
4. to practise listening and reading skills.

1.1 Identifying the overall meaning of common and familiar, clearly articulated oral messages;
1.2 Identifying the significance of common verbal exchanges in simple, clearly articulated oral messages;
2.1 Making short speeches on familiar topics;
2.2 Taking part in short verbal interactions;
2.3 Expressing opinions on familiar topics with support.

Monica Dumitrache, Lesson Plan - Uniscan Fairyland 4th grade - Troll Tales Episode 6

Teacher-Students (Class); Student -->Content / Teacher--> Student/ Student-->Student

- whole class
- pair work

- Some students may not recall the use of present continuous for describing photos.. A short example-based
revision session is required.
- Some students may have difficulty understanding some words or phrases. Explanations/miming/drawing
required, if necessary.
- Some students may have difficulty getting their ideas across. Support questions for clarification may be


Check Homework. Clarify if necessary. (estimated time-3 minutes)

Write the title of Unit 12 Troll Tales Episode 6 on the whiteboard - Troll Tales 6

ACTIVITY 1 - OBJECTIVE 1: (estimated time: 5 minutes)

a) Context: Revision of present continuous for photo description
b) Activity/Class organization: T writes 2 examples on the whiteboard in which Present Simple and Continuous
are used to describe the first picture in Troll Tales 6 and asks Ss which is the correct sentence. Explanations
for using the structures in the selected contexts are elicited from Ss. Suggested answers: Present Continuous-
actions taking place at the moment of speaking, specific to describing photos(we imagine the actions are
happening now, Present Simple-actions that are general/ repeated.
c) Aids: Whiteboard;

Monica Dumitrache, Lesson Plan - Uniscan Fairyland 4th grade - Troll Tales Episode 6
d) Interaction:, T-->Ss, S-->T;
e) Possible problems & solutions: Some students may not identify/have difficulty explaining specific meaning
highlighted in the examples. However, they may still recognize the general meaning.

ACTIVITY 2 - OBJECTIVES 1 and 2: (estimated time: 10 minutes)

a) Context: describing photos - Troll Tales episode 6
b) Activity/Class organization: T brainstorms dragon physical description-related vocabulary (eg. wings,
claws, jaws, fangs, tail) and writes it on the whiteboard. T also brainstorms synonyms for 'cute' (nice, sweet,
adorable, charming). Ss work in pairs, look at each picture and talk about it. The questions are :'What Can
you See?' and 'What's happening?' Answers are checked then with the whole class, different versions of Ss'
answers are accepted.
c) Aids: whiteboard, Student's book
d) Interaction: T-->Ss, S-->S
e) Possible problems & solutions: Some students may not use the present continuous to state what is happening in
the photos. Other Ss will help.

ACTIVITY 3 - OBJECTIVE 4 : (estimated time: 5 minutes)

f) Context: listening
g) Activity/Class organization: T asks SS about their opinion related to what the trolls' feelings are when the
egg falls/when they find the baby dragon. Possible answers: mad', 'angry', 'happy', 'excited'. Ss watch episode
6 of Troll Tales and listen to the story, paying attention to the characters' intonation, to see if they were
h) Aids: computer, projector, digital book
i) Interaction: T-->Ss

ACTIVITY 4 - OBJECTIVES 1 and 3: (estimated time: 5 minutes)

(a) Context: reading, grammar -will future for predictions, short form
(b) Activity/Class organization: Pair work. T asks Ss to discover the sentences that make predictions about the
baby dragon in the future. T writes the two sentences on the whiteboard and explains the 'll Future form.
(c) Aids: Student's Book, whiteboard

Monica Dumitrache, Lesson Plan - Uniscan Fairyland 4th grade - Troll Tales Episode 6
(d) Interaction: T-->Ss / S-->S
(e) Possible problems: The students may discover the two sentences . Repetition of the question and additional
help from pair members may be required.

ACTIVITY 5- OBJECTIVES 2&3: (estimated time: 5 minutes)

(a) Context: pronunciation practice
(b) Activity/Class organization: Ss listen to and repeat the dialogues as a whole class, then role-play the dialogues
(c) Aids: audio player, projector, digital book
(d) Interaction: T-->Ss / S-->media/S-->S
Possible problems: Some students may have difficulty understanding the pronunciation of 'It'll'. The teacher will
elicit the correct response by getting other students to help/by repeating the structure in context.

ACTIVITY 6 – OBJECTIVES 1,2 AND 3 (estimated time: 10 minutes)

(a) Context: photo story (Cambridge Flyers)-At the Picnic (elephant)
(b) Activity/Class organization: Ss look at the photos that are part of a Cambridge Flyers picture story and,
in pairs, try to understand what is happening in each picture. Ideas are then brainstormed with the
whole class.
(c) Aids: projector, computer, photos
(d) Interaction: T-->Ss, S-->media
(e) Possible problems: The students may have difficulty with certain vocabulary items. The teacher will provide
supplementary information.

HOMEWORK Assign homework (estimated time:2 minutes) - describe five related pictures in your notebooks
- A picnic at the Seaside (with seagulls), by answering the questions 'What Can you See?' and 'What's
happening?' part of a Cambridge Flyers Picture Story.

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