End of Moores Law
End of Moores Law
End of Moores Law
Why Deep Learning and the End of Moore’s Law are Fragmenting Computing
Laboratory for Innovation Science at Harvard & MIT Sloan School of Management &
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab RWTH Aachen University
November 2018
It is a triumph of technology and of economics that our computer chips are so universal.
Countless applications are only possible because of the staggering variety of calculations
that modern chips can compute. But, this was not always the case. Computers used to be
specialized, doing only narrow sets of calculations. Their rise as a ‘general purpose
scientists like von Neumann and Turing, and the mutually-reinforcing economic cycle of
general purpose technologies, where product improvement and market growth fuel each
This paper argues that technological and economic forces are now pushing computing in
the opposite direction, making computer processors less general purpose and more
and the algorithmic success of Deep Learning. This trend towards specialization threatens
to fragment computing into 'fast lane' applications that get powerful customized chips and
'slow lane' applications that get stuck using general purpose chips whose progress fades.
The rise of general purpose computer chips has been remarkable. So, too, could be their
fall. This paper outlines the forces already starting to fragment this general purpose
The history of computing has been a triumphant one. Since their first invention in the mid-20th century,
computers have become pervasive, shaping the work and personal lives of much of humanity. Perhaps in no
other technology have there been such large year-on-year improvements over so many decades. The economic
implications of this rise are substantial, for example it is estimated that a third of all productivity increases in
the United States since 1974 came from information technology (Byrne, Oliner and Sichel, 2013), making it
The rise of computers is due to technical successes and to the economics forces that financed them. The
economics of this process were first identified by Bresnahan and Trajtenberg (1992) as the virtuous cycle of
a general purpose technology (GPT). This cycle begins with expensive computers that only benefit a few high-
value applications (military, space, etc.). But, as computer chip manufacturers invest in innovation, they
produce ever-better performance at lower cost, which causes more and more industries to adopt computers.
Increased demand then finances further improvements and the cycle continues. For computer chips, this GPT
cycle has held for decades and the resultant improvements (often described as Moore's Law1) have been
But, just as Bresnahan and Trajtenberg (1992) predicted, GPTs at the end of their lifecycle can run into
challenges. As progress slows, the possibility arises for other technologies to displace the GPT in particular
niches. We are observing just such a transition today as some applications move to specialized computer
processors - which can do fewer things than traditional processors, but perform those functions better. Many
high profile applications are already following this trend, including Deep Learning (a form of Machine
Learning) and Bitcoin mining. This paper outlines why this transition is happening. It shows how we are
moving from the traditional model of computer hardware that is universal, providing broad-based benefits to
many and improving rapidly, to a model where different applications use different computer hardware and
With this background, we can now be more precise about what we mean about “The Decline of Computers
as a General Purpose Technology.” We do not mean that computers, as a whole, will ‘forget’ how to do some
calculations. We do mean that we are moving away from an era when almost everyone was using a similar
computing platform, and thus where improvements in that platform were widely felt, to an era where different
users are on different computing platforms and many improvements are only narrowly felt. This fragmentation
will mean that parts of computing will progress at different rates. This will be okay for applications that get
to be in the ‘fast lane,’ where improvements continue to be rapid, but very bad for applications that no longer
get positive spill-overs from these leading domains and are thus consigned to a ‘slow lane’ of computing
Specialized processors and the significant speedup they often offer is not a recent invention. For example, in
the early years of computing, many supercomputers used specialized hardware such as Cray’s architecture.
But the attractiveness of this option diminished because universal processor performance improved
exponentially. As a result, it became unattractive to invest millions of dollars to develop new specialized
processor chips (Lapedus, 2017b), and universal processors dominated the market until at least the mid-2000s.
Today, this trend has started to reverse itself because advances in universal processors have slowed
considerably. Whereas chip performance-per-dollar improved 48% per year from 2000-2004, it has been less
than 10% since 2008 (BLS, 2018). This slowing of improvement in the general purpose chips makes
specialized processors more attractive because the one-time jump in performance they get from being more
Not only is performance improvement slowing for universal processor users, but universal processor
producers face rapidly escalating costs. Semiconductor manufacturing has always been capital intensive
industry, but it is becoming ever-more so. Of the 25 chip manufacturers that made cutting-edge chips at the
edge (Smith, 2017)(Dent, 2018). This isn't surprising. It currently costs a staggering $7 billion to build a
manufacturing plant (Semiconductor Industry Association, 2017) and a roughly equivalent amount to design
and operationalize the production of a new generation of chips – and both of these are still increasing. In 2014,
for the first time since the economy-wide adoption of computers in the 1990s, semiconductor industry giant
The worsening economics of chip manufacturing poses an important threat to the advancement of universal
processor performance2 because the reinforcing economic cycle of general purpose technologies also works
in the reverse direction: if higher costs and technical challenges slow performance improvement, then market
growth will slow, which makes financing the next round of improvements less attractive, which further slows
performance improvement, and so on. This process is further exacerbated if consumers, facing slowing
universal chips improvement, switch to specialized chips and thus further diminish market demand for the
universal chips. Using a theoretical model and empirical evidence we show that this is indeed going on,
pushing more and more applications to specialize and thus steadily draining the market that fuels
improvements in universal chips. Put another way, as the improvements in the general purpose technology
The performance advantage that comes from moving to specialized processors can be substantial and lead to
significant breakthroughs. For example, Deep Learning is a machine learning algorithm that can be run on
specialized chips, and where the benefits of doing so has been transformative for tasks such as image
recognition (Russakovsky et al., 2015). Today, Deep Learning makes fewer errors than humans when
categorizing images. Before moving to specialized processors, Deep learning was not even competitive with
other image recognition algorithms whose error rates were roughly five times as high as humans’.
performance of smartphones or Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices without immediately draining the battery,
Based on these advantages, transitioning to specialized processors, and thereby displacing the universal
processors, seems a logical choice. But for some applications there will be technical or economic reasons that
preclude the move to specialized processors. These applications will get left behind. Worse, the technology
they get left behind on, the universal processors, will be improving more slowly. So, as the virtuous cycle of
universal chips is replaced by a fragmenting one, access to ever-better computers will no longer be guaranteed
for all users. Instead of computing improvements being “a tide that raises all boats,” they will become uneven,
Our argument proceeds as follows: Section 2 reviews the historical triumph of universal computers as a
general purpose technology. Section 3 documents the rise of specialized chips and how that trend has been
accelerated by Deep Learning. Section 4 explains how the general purpose technology cycle, which has
underpinned computing improvement for so many decades, is now reversing itself and fragmenting
computing. Section 5 outlines the consequences of this change and Section 6 concludes.
In 1969, the Japanese company Busicom decided to re-design one of their products, a calculator, and so they
went to the newly-founded semiconductor chip manufacturer, Intel. In a seminal decision, Intel chose not to
build Busicom a specialized chip that could only be used for that calculator, but instead to build a universal
processor that could be used for any type of computing, and which could be programmed to do the functions
of a calculator (Malone, 1995). Understanding why this choice was so important requires some historical
Early electronics were not universal computers, but dedicated pieces of equipment, such as radios or
televisions. Inside, their specialized electronics were designed to do one task, and only one task. This is the
type of chip that Busicom had in mind when they came to Intel. It would be specialized, performing exactly
the functions that the calculator needed to do, and nothing else. This approach has advantages: the design
complexity is manageable and the processor is highly efficient, working fast and using little power. But this
approach also has a key drawback: it lacks flexibility. Functionality can't be added after the chip is created.
In contrast to specialized processors, ‘universal’ processors are ones that can perform many different
calculations. The goal of creating a ‘universal’ computer has a long history. As early as 1837, Charles Babbage
attempted to build a mechanical version, an “analytical engine”, to solve “numerical computations of the most
varied kind” (Davis, 2012). But Babbage never succeeded, and it would be another century until Alan Turing
Early electronic computers3 , even those designed to be ‘universal’, were in practice tailored for specific
algorithms and were difficult to adapt for others. For example, although the 1946 ENIAC was a theoretically
universal computer, it was primarily used to compute artillery range tables. If even a slightly different
design. This requirement to re-implement hardware designs for new functionality continued even after the
switch-over from vacuum tubes to semiconductors (Noyce & Hoff, 1981). The key to resolving this problem
was invented by John von Neumann in 1945. Based on work by Eckert and Mauchly, he developed a computer
architecture that could store instructions and thus could ‘reprogram’ the hardware for each step of a
calculation. This made it possible to execute algorithms in software on a universal computer, rather than on
specialized hardware. This von Neumann architecture has been so successful that it continues to be the basis
The pioneering work on universal computers and the progress in semiconductor electronics came together in
the 4004 microprocessor that Intel built for Busicom in 1971. It was the first commercial chip to house a
universal processor4, and thus the first one that could be adapted to many applications by just changing the
software. Thus began a cycle that has revolutionized computing and led us to the pervasive use of universal
Many technologies, when they are introduced into the market, experience a virtuous reinforcing cycle that
helps them develop. Early adopters buy the product, which finances investment to make the product better.5
As the product improves, more consumers buy it, which finances the next round of progress, and so on. For
many products, this cycle winds down in the short-to-medium term as product improvement becomes too
For general purpose technologies, where there is enormous potential for market expansion because they can
be useful to so many consumers across so many industries, this virtuous economic cycle can continue for long
periods of time so long as technical constraints allow it. For universal processors, the quintessential example
of a general purpose technology (Bresnahan & Trajtenberg, 1992), this is exactly what has happened: the
The extent to which the virtuous general purpose technology cycle has shaped computing is hard to overstate.
From its nascent state with the Intel 4004 processor, there has been enormous market expansion. From 2000
to 2010, the number of personal computers (PCs) sold grew an average of 9%6 per year (Wong et al., 2017),
and there are now more than 2 billion PCs in use worldwide (Worldometers, 2018). This market growth has
fueled ever-greater investments to improve chips. Over the last decade Intel spent $183 billion on R&D and
new fabrication facilities7. This has paid enormous dividends: by one estimate processor performance has
improved about 400,000 times since 1971 (“The future of computing”, 2016). Indeed, one popular description
of Moore’s Law (an important technical trend that underlies much of the improvement) phrases this as
Not surprisingly, the effect of computing on the economy has been substantial. Jorgenson and Stiroh (2000)
conclude that computer hardware, software and communication equipment contributed 0.74 percentage points
annually towards U.S. economic growth in the late 1990s. Byrne, Oliner and Sichel (2013) estimate that since
Based on the compelling economics of general purpose technologies, it might be easy to conclude that once
processors became universal, they would never return to being specialized. But this paper argues the opposite.
This argument unfolds over the coming sections, but here we present an example of another general purpose
technology that fragmented into smaller, less-general pieces and which illustrates the forces that will be
At the beginning of the 20th century, electric motors (another general purpose technology) became small
enough to automate kitchen appliances, but were still expensive. For example, a 1917 sewing machine with
an integrated electrical motor sold for $35 (Western Electric, 1917), representing 28% of an average household
monthly income (Chao & Utgoff, 2006). Rather than requiring customers to buy specialized motors for each
appliance, the Hamilton-Beach Company invented a universal home motor ($11.50) which could attach to,
and power, a variety of existing manual appliances (original advertisements shown in Figure 2).
One can imagine a world where universal home motors became the standard. Fueled by increasing sales,
Hamilton-Beach could have invested in improvements to make the motor cheaper and better, which would
further expand the market, financing more improvements and so on. Had the economics and technical
improvements worked out, the motor's performance and costs would become so good that universal home
motors would become the standard embedded into most home devices.
But appliance electric motors didn’t stay universal; they specialized. One hundred years later, instead of a
single type of motor that can power anything, we have a panoply: from tiny motors in hand-held fans that can
run on AAA batteries to blender motors that can crush ice because they are 350 times as powerful (see Figure
So, what differentiates the history of computers and electric motors? Why did computers become more
universal whereas electric motors became specialized? This work argues that the main difference between
Had the performance-per-dollar of universal home motors improved rapidly, a single design might have had
the power needed for heavy-duty applications like a blender, while costing no more than a current motor for
a small fan. With these type of improvements, universal home motors might have persisted. Instead, the costs
of powerful motors remained high and the power of cheap motors stayed low, limiting adoption. And thus,
In computing, in stark contrast to home motors, the performance-per-dollar of universal processors has
improved exponentially. This meant that even for those wanting high-end performance, the benefits of moving
to a specialized processor could be quickly eclipsed by subsequent versions of the universal processor -
particularly if the specialized processor was also costlier. We will formalize this intuition with a model in
After a long quiescence, there has recently been remarkable growth in the use of specialized processors for
cell phones, internet-of-things (IoT), and Deep Learning. Thus far in this paper, we have asserted that this
might be because of performance advantages that arise from using a specialized processor. In this section we
justify this assertion, explaining specialized processors’ advantages and why these were insufficient to
All else equal, if one had to choose between two processors, one universal and one specialized, it is hard to
imagine not choosing the processor that performs a greater variety of tasks (i.e. the universal one). But, of
course, all else is not equal. Achieving the breadth of a universal processors requires making compromises
that specialized processors can avoid. To understand how this advantages specialized processors, it is useful
to understand the broad technical challenges to running a processor efficiently. To demystify some of the
electrical engineering jargon around processors, we explain the challenges in processor operation via two
Supply-chain management is critical for keeping a manufacturing plant utilized because some raw material
inputs, for example steel from China, have long lead times. Without managing these properly, a plant could
go idle while it waits for inputs to arrive. The analogous process for computer processors is sourcing the data
for a calculation. When coordinated well, the data needed as an input is foreseen and stored near the processor
(in a ‘cache’) so that it is available when needed for the calculation. However, if there is insufficient storage
away (the hard drive). The downtime associated with this can be astounding. In the time it takes to get new
data from the hard drive, a processor can perform millions of calculations! This highlights how important data
management is and why specialized processors, by designing the data flow (e.g. memory bandwidth)
specifically for one problem, can yield large speedups (Hennessy & Patterson, 2017).
A second challenge in car manufacturing is scaling-up to produce more. This could involve modifying an
existing line to make it run more quickly or adding production lines to be run in parallel. Similar options are
available for processors. Processors can be run more quickly if the heat produced (usually the limiting factor
in processor speed) can be dissipated effectively. Specialized processors can be designed to waste much less
power, reducing heat production. Specialized chips can also be designed so that they can do many calculations
in parallel, for example through the addition of additional processors (or 'cores'). This can speed up a
calculation massively if the larger problem can be transformed into many smaller, independent ones capable
of running in parallel.
With this model of processor operation in mind, it is easier to see why making a processor more universal can
hinder performance for specialized tasks. For example, consider the trade-offs involved in allocating chip
'real-estate' (which is valuable).11 One use for the space would be the addition of extra processor cores so that
more calculations can be done in parallel. Another use is to add cache so that more data can be stored closer
to the processor. Which choice is better depends on the calculation being done. Because universal processors
must be able to do many different calculations well, design choices are made to benefit a broad set of
calculations, even if that means that they are not optimal for any particular one. In practice, this has meant
that universal processors are designed with lots of cache (to avoid those expensive delays sourcing data from
the hard drive)12 and have some, but not that much, parallelism.13
Because of these limitations, there are certain types of problems where a specialized processor is much better
than a universal processor. These can be divided into cases where (i) calculations can be done with much
(called ‘regularity’), (iii) few memory accesses are needed (called ‘locality’), and (iv) calculations can be done
with fewer significant digits of precision14 (Hennessy & Patterson, 2017). In each of these cases, specialized
processors perform better because different trade-offs can be made to tailor the hardware to the calculation.
Broadly speaking, the more this changes the design of the chip, the larger the gains from switching to a
specialized processor. The two main ways that these gains manifest are better performance and better energy
3.1.1 Performance
The extent to which specialization leads to changes processor design can be seen in the comparison of a typical
central processing unit (CPU – the dominant universal processor) and a typical graphics processing unit (GPU
GPU NVIDA P100 3,584 1.1 GHz 732 GB/s 80 clock cycles
The GPU runs slower, at about a third of the CPU’s frequency, but in each clock cycle it can perform ~100x
more calculations in parallel than the CPU. This makes it much quicker than a CPU for tasks with lots of
parallelism, but slower for those with little parallelism. Testing validates this, showing that for workloads with
high parallelism GPUs are cheaper per calculation (Brodtkorb et al., 2013)
The memory systems are also designed differently, with GPUs having almost 10x more memory bandwidth
(determining how much data can be moved at once), but with much longer lags in accessing that data (at least
6x as many clock cycles from the closest memory). This makes GPUs better at predictable calculations (where
unpredictable ones.
Table 2 shows a compilation, put together by NVIDIA, the leading manufacturer of GPUs, of how these
characteristics translate into performance gains for various applications that are well-suited to GPUs18. Notice
particularly, how well Deep Learning (in the final row) performs, as this is a theme we'll return to.
Table 2: Speedups of various applications through GPU implementation19 (NVIDIA Corporation, 2017a)
Another important benefit of specialized processors is that they use less power to do the same calculation.
This is particularly valuable for applications limited by battery life (cell phones, internet-of-things devices),
and those that do computation at enormous scales (cloud computing / data centers, supercomputing). For
example, our cell phones typically have a host of specialized processors to handle common computations (e.g.
US overall energy consumption (Shehabi et al., 2016) and NVIDIA estimates that using GPUs lowers energy
cost by more than an order of magnitude for certain applications (NVIDIA, 2011).
Thus, both by providing significant speedups to amenable calculations and lower energy usage, specialized
The freedom that specialized chips have in the design phase, allows them to greatly speed up certain
calculation. But once a particular design is manufactured, this freedom disappears. The NVIDIA GPU in Table
1 can be used by many more applications than most specialized processors, since the task that GPUs accelerate
is high-dimensional vector multiplication 20 , which has many applications in science and engineering.
The customization of hardware in specialized chips can also be a problem because it makes programming21
them idiosyncratic and difficult. For example, IBM, Sony and Toshiba collaborated to develop the Cell
specialized processor, which in 2006 founds its first major application in the PlayStation 3 game console.
Only three years later, the line was discontinued, in part because of difficulty in programming it (Stokes,
2009). A similar fate awaited the company ClearSpeed Technology, which was founded to build specialized
chips with lots of parallelism, but which downsized after three years because of low sales (Wilson, 2008).
Because many tasks on mobile phones are run on specialized processors, Apple has hundreds of programmers
The extent to which programming difficulty dissuades potential adopters can be seen in the usage of GPUs.
Because they are used to render images on computer screens, virtually every computer has a GPU.
Nevertheless, the difficultly in programming them has meant that only the most sophisticated, performance-
hungry programmers used them for non-graphics purposes. This was such an important barrier to their
programming.22 Figure 4 shows the increase in number of applications that have developed over time in
response, including examples from manufacturing, finance and weather modeling industries.
Thus, even though GPUs had many advantages, e.g. being well-known and ubiquitously installed in
computers to do graphics (Steinkraus et al., 2005), ease-of-programming was still a major barrier. For other
specialized processors that were not as broadly available as GPUs, this effect would be even stronger.
The disadvantages that we have articulated so far all manifest after a specialized processor chip is developed.
But perhaps the biggest drawback of specialized processors are their fixed costs. For universal processors, the
fixed costs (also called non-recurring engineering costs (NRE)) are distributed over a large number of
processors. In contrast, the market size for specialized processors is very limited. Overall, the cost to
manufacture a specialized processor using leading-edge technology is about $80 million24 (as of 2018). For
workloads that can be significantly accelerated by specialized processors, using older generations of
technology still provides a performance benefit over universal processors. This can bring the cost down to
Despite all the advantages of specialized chips articulated in Section 3.1, the disadvantages were large enough
that there was little adoption (except for GPUs) in the past decades. The adoption that did happen was in areas
where the performance improvement was inordinately valuable, including military applications, gaming or
cryptocurrency mining. Recent years have overturned this trend because of the emergence of one particularly
In 2012, the machine learning community was rocked by the victory of a program, AlexNet, in an important
image recognition contest - the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (“ImageNet”). In this
contest, competing programs analyze visual images and attempt to correctly label them (e.g. ‘starfish’,
‘cowboy hat’, ‘cauliflower’). Traditionally, the winning programs included approaches such as Support Vector
Machines (SVM) or Fisher Vectors. In 2011, the best of these models made classification errors on 25.8% of
AlexNet was remarkable because it shattered the performance record, achieving an error rate of only 16.4%
(Russakovsky et al., 2015) and also because it won with a different algorithm: Deep Learning. Deep Learning
is the modern incarnation of the neural networks that originated in the late 1950s (Rosenblatt, 1958), but has
more layers of neurons and is thus deeper (hence the name). The neural networks heyday was from the 1980s
to mid-1990s, but then interest faded because even the calculations for a modest-sized network were beyond
the capabilities of computers of the time (Hof, 2013). AlexNet changed this because it was implemented on a
specialized processor (Krizhevsky et al., 2012)26. By leveraging the excellent match between GPU's hardware
parallelism and big memory and Deep Learning's algorithmic parallelism, a vastly larger network could be
can be trained per second with a GPU than with a universal processor implementation (NVIDIA Corporation,
2016)27. The effect has been transformative. Since AlexNet, every winning entry in the ImageNet contest has
used Deep Learning, and every one of those has been implemented on GPUs (Sze et al., 2017).
In the years since Deep Learning on specialized chips triumphed in computer vision, it has also proven to be
the superior algorithm for many natural language processing tasks, including machine reading, speech
recognition (Hinton et al., 2012) and machine translation (Sutskever et al., 2014) (Jean et al., 2015). Again,
the increase in available computing performance was highlighted as a key factor for the transition of natural
language processing theory into real-world applications (Hirschberg & Manning, 2015).
Deep Learning using specialized chips gained rapid and extensive adoption by industry. For example, the
voice systems for Google Home (Marr, 2017), Apple’s Siri (Levy, 2016), Amazon’s Alexa (Strom, 2015) and
machine translation systems such as Skype Translator (Skype, 2014) and Google translate (Turovsky, 2016)
are all based on such systems. Facebook uses Deep Learning to help with picture tagging, to filter for hate-
The power of specialized hardware is demonstrated with remarkable clarity in the rise of Deep Learning.
Absent faster hardware, Deep Learning would still be in the doldrums of its neural network ancestors
(Goodfellow et al., 2016). Instead, it has proven to be transformative, infusing itself into numerous
Deep Learning's success created an enormous appetite from industry for specialized processors. Bill Dally,
Chief Scientist with GPU-producer NVIDIA, called it “one of the big killer applications in the datacenter
today” (Falsafi et al., 2017). NVIDIA datacenter revenue has more than quadrupled from 2015 to 2017 – and
about 50% of those sales can be attributed to Deep Learning (Tanner, 2016).
a day, Google's Deep Learning needs would require a doubling of their datacenter capacity (Metz, 2017).
Instead of building more universal processor-equipped datacenters or even using GPUs, Google decided to
develop an even-more specialized processor, called the Tensor Processing Unit (TPU). Such custom
processors are known as Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs). And where GPUs could accelerate
a variety of substantial number of tasks, Google’s Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) could only handle neural
Creating a customized processor was very costly for Google, with experts estimating the fixed cost as tens of
millions of dollars. And yet, the benefits were also great – they claim that their performance gain was
equivalent to seven years of Moore’s law (Jouppi et al., 2017) – and that the avoided infrastructure costs made
it worth it. So much so that, in 2017, Google released a second-generation TPU that is eight times as fast as
leading-edge GPUs (as measured by how long it takes to train a large-scale translation model).28
Google is not the only one investing heavily in Deep Learning hardware, there are also efforts at Facebook
collaborating with Intel on their Neural Network Processor, Lake Crest. While the majority of the
computationally expensive tasks are performed at datacenters, cell phone chip manufacturers have started to
dedicate part of the highly constrained space on mobile chips to Deep Learning. Amongst the pioneers are
Start-ups are also getting into the action. Estimates are that at least 12 companies have been formed to develop
chips for artificial intelligence (“12 AI Hardware Startups”, 2017). In 2016, venture capitalists invested about
$113 million in these type of companies, three times as much as the previous year (Martin Giles, 2017).
Computing platforms are changing. The industry is moving away from PCs towards mobile devices and
datacenters. In 2017, five times as many smartphones were sold as PCs29 (Gartner, 2017)(Wong et al., 2017),
segment (Feldmann, 2018a). There is also a broad consensus that the internet of things (IoT) will be a key
source of future growth. In all of these computing platforms, PCs, mobile, datacenters and IoT, specialized
Mobile chips are so-called ‘systems on a chip’ that integrate multiple processors in one package. This allows
for a combination of a universal processors and specialized processors. Because mobile phones are
constrained by battery life, much of a smartphone chip has been specialized to provide better energy efficiency
(Shao et al., 2014). This has progressed to the point where, today, universal processors cover less than 20%
of the area of an iPhone chip, while the rest of the processing space is allocated to specialized circuits, such
as a graphics processor, motion coprocessor and, for the latest generation, a neural engine. A simple regression
analysis that we conducted about the trends across the past eight iPhone generations suggests that the
IoT devices are probably even more sensitive to power concerns than mobile phones, and much of the end-
user hardware, such as the sensors and RFID-tags for data collection, is based on specialized hardware (Cavin
As we already reported in section 3.4, there is a significant rise in the use of specialized processors by Google
and other data centers / cloud providers. This has also happened in supercomputing which shares many of the
same trends as data centers but has better public data reporting, and thus is easier to analyze.
Until 2010, only a handful of the world’s 500 best supercomputers used specialized processors (Top 500,
2018). Figure 5 shows the percentage of supercomputers added to the Top 500 List (the list of the world's 500
most powerful computers) each year that were equipped with specialized processors. Regression results affirm
what is also clear in the figure, there is a highly statistically significant increase of 3 percentage points per
year in the share using specialized processors31. In line with this analysis, in 2018, for the first time the
(Feldmann, 2018b).
Figure 5: Share of supercomputers added to the Top 500 list using specialized chips
changing energy efficiency. We find that, over time, supercomputers with specialized processors are
improving the number of calculations that they can perform per watt almost five times as fast as those that
only use universal processors, and that this result is highly statistically significant32.
Of all of the computing platforms, PCs remain the most universal, probably because they need to perform a
greater variety of tasks and power concerns are less critical. Because PCs represent the most conservative
case, they are the base case that we consider throughout this paper. But, if anything, other platforms are even
With all of the major computing platforms dominated by specialized processors or moving towards them, it
becomes important to ask what effect this will have on the economics of producing universal processors. We
The virtuous cycle that underpins general purpose technologies comes from a mutually reinforcing set of
technical and economic forces. Unfortunately, this mutual reinforcement also applies in the reverse direction:
if improvements slow in one part of the cycle, so will improvements in other parts of the cycle. We call this
latter cycle a ‘fragmenting cycle’ because, as we will show, it has the potential to fragment the general purpose
identified by Bresnahan and Trajtenberg (1992), shown in (a), to a fragmenting cycle, shown in (b):
Figure 6: The historical virtuous cycle of universal processers (a) is turning into a fragmentation cycle (b)
In addition to these parts of the fragmentation cycle, external forces also play a role, either augmenting or
weakening parts of the cycle. As we describe below, it is changes in these external forces that have pushed
The reduction in the number of new adopters for universal processors comes from two sources: slowing
demand from those using the universal processors and movement of users away from universal processors to
specialized ones.
Slowing demand from those using the universal technology is not surprising because, as we will show in
section 4.3.2, there has been an enormous fall-off in performance improvements for universal processors.
Under such conditions, we would expect customers to replace their computing devices less often. In 2016,
to every 5-6 years (Krzanich, 2016). Sometimes, customers even skip multiple generations of processor
improvement before it is worth updating (Patton, 2017). This same trend manifests itself in smartphone sales.
In 2014, U.S. consumers were upgrading every 23 months. In 2018, they were waiting an average of 31
The movement of users from universal to specialized processors is central to our argument about the
fragmentation of computing, and hence we discuss it in detail. As already shown in Section 3, specialized
processors are gaining market share, revealing that customers find them increasingly attractive. Deep Learning
has been a noteworthy contributor to this because it has been so successful across so many domains. To explore
why there has been a movement of users out of universal processors to specialized ones, we model the choice
A consumer choosing between a universal processor and a specialized one33 must decide which will provide
the best performance at the lowest cost. Figure 7 shows three scenarios of how processor performance could
evolve, each showing a variation of two key parameters: the size of the initial jump in performance that comes
from specialization, and the rate of improvement of the universal processor (which, over time, erodes or
eclipses the gains from that performance jump). In this figure, we assume that 𝑇 is chosen so that the higher
price of a specialized processor is exactly balanced out by the costs of a series of improving universal
processors. This means that both curves are cost equivalent, and thus a superior performance profile for one
also implies that it has a superior performance-per-dollar profile. This is also why we depict the specialized
of improvement of the universal technology. (a) Big performance jump from specialization, (b) Small performance jump from
In Figure 7, a specialized processor is more attractive than a universal processor when the grey shaded region
is larger than the blue shaded region. Thus, a specialized processor is more attractive if it provides a larger
initial gain in performance, as in panel (a), or if the gains that it provides take longer to erode because the
universal processor is improving more slowly, as in panel (c). In contrast, universal processors are more
attractive when their rate of improvement quickly eclipses any performance jump from specialization, as in
panel (b).
𝜋𝑢 and 𝜋𝑠 . The performance of the specialized processor is higher initially, but so is its price. This means that,
for the price of one specialized processor, a user can instead buy a sequence of improving universal processors
(with the first period’s performance being denoted as 𝑃𝑢,𝑡0 , and each universal processor being used for 𝑚
years). Which choice is better depends on: the relative performance (𝑃𝑠 ) , the annual performance
improvement rate of the universal processor36, 𝜆, (which we typically represent via 𝑟 = ln(1 + 𝜆) ) and how
long the specialized processor needs to be used in order to be cost-equivalent to the sequence of universal
processors (𝑇).
If we model chip updating as continuous 37 (to avoid unnecessary and uninsightful complications from
discretization), then specialized chips are preferred when the time integral of performance from the specialized
∫ 𝑃𝑠 𝑑𝑡 ≥ ∫ 𝑃𝑢,𝑡0 𝑒 𝑟𝑡 𝑑𝑡
0 0
𝑒 𝑟𝑡 𝑒 𝑟𝑡
𝑃𝑠 𝑇 ≥ 𝑃𝑢,𝑡0 ([ ] −[ ] )
𝑟 𝑡=𝑇 𝑟 𝑡=0 (2)
𝑃𝑠 1 𝑒 𝑟𝑇 1
≥ ( − ) (3)
𝑃𝑢,𝑡0 𝑇 𝑟 𝑟
𝑃𝑠 𝑒 𝑟𝑇 − 1
≥ (4)
𝑃𝑢,𝑡0 𝑇𝑟
is when equation (4) holds at equality (also substituting to express the formula in terms of the annual
𝑃𝑠 𝑒 ln(1+𝜆)𝑇 − 1
𝑃𝑢,𝑡0 𝑇 ln(1 + 𝜆) (5)
Where 𝑇 is the number of years that the specialized chip needs to be used to have the same cost as the sequence
of universal chips. Thus 𝑇 is equal to the number of universal chips that can be purchased for the same cost,
, multiplied by how many years each universal chip is used, 𝑚. If we assume equal markups, price can be
re-written as 𝛾(𝑉𝐶𝑐 + 𝐹𝐶𝑐 ), where 𝛾 is the markup,𝑉𝐶𝑐 is the variable costs and 𝐹𝐶𝑐 is the unit share of
fixed costs. We further assume, based on interviews we conducted with hardware experts, that the variable
cost, 𝜅 , of specialized and universal chips are the same 38 . Analysis of Intel's cost-base suggests that the
variable and fixed cost contributions for universal chips are roughly similar (discussed further in Section
4.2.2), so we assume this as well. Finally, for the fixed cost contribution for specialized chips we substitute in
the total fixed cost, 𝑇𝐹𝐶𝑠 , divided by the number of specialized chips produced ( 𝑁𝑠 ). Together these
assumptions yield:
𝜋𝑠 𝛾(𝑉𝐶𝑠 + 𝐹𝐶𝑠 ) 𝜅+ 𝑁 𝑠 𝜅𝑁𝑠 + 𝑇𝐹𝐶𝑠 𝑚 𝑇𝐹𝐶𝑠
𝑇=𝑚∗ =𝑚∗ =𝑚∗ =𝑚∗ = ∗ (1 + ) (6)
𝜋𝑢 𝛾(𝑉𝐶𝑢 + 𝐹𝐶𝑢 ) 𝜅+𝜅 2𝜅𝑁𝑠 2 𝜅𝑁𝑠
Thus, in Equations (5) and (6) we have derived a simple function for the cutoff between chip types that only
requires information on the performance gain from switching to a specialized chip (𝑃 ), the number of
specialized chips that will be ordered (𝑁𝑠 ), and the annual improvement rate of the universal processors (𝜆).
This equation does not have a simple analytical solution, but we will estimate it numerically in the following
In the analysis above, it was clear that the higher fixed costs of specialized chips requires that that they be
amortized over a longer period than the typical ownership for a universal chip. During this period, the extent
to which the specialized chip is a better choice for consumers depends on whether the performance of universal
chips overtakes them and therefore depends on the rate of progress for universal chips, 𝜆. The Bureau of Labor
Statistics (BLS) estimates that 𝜆 48% from 2000-2004 39 . This is the case when universal processor
improvement was at its highest. In recent years this annual improvement rate has slowed considerably to 29%
𝜅 is approximately $5040 , 𝑇𝐹𝐶𝑠 is approximately $30 million (Lapedus, 2017b), and 𝑚 is approximately 4
(Krzanich, 2016). Substituting these into Equation ( 5 ) allows us to plot the volume of chips used and speedup
As we can see, speedup and volume both strongly impact whether specialized processor chips are attractive.
At the peak of Moore’s Law, when 𝜆 48%, if specialized chips were 100x faster than universal ones, i.e. 𝑃𝑠 =
to pay off. While that volume of chips is realizable for some applications, only a few would be able to achieve
such large speedups from specialization. A speedup factor of 10 is more realistic, as was observed for a range
of applications that benefited from Google’s TPU (Sato et al., 2017)41. For a speedup of 10x, at least ~167,000
chips are needed to make specialization attractive. At the other extreme, if the performance benefit were only
2x, it would take ~1,000,000 chips to make specialization attractive. These results make it clear that during
the heyday of Moore’s Law, when universal processors were improving rapidly, market demand would have
As we saw in Figure 7, specialized chips become more attractive if universal chips improve more slowly.
Thus, we repeat our processor choice calculations, but using 𝜆 = 8%, the improvement rate from 2008-2013.
For applications with 100x speed-up, the number of processors needed falls from 83,000 to 15,000, for those
with 10x speed-up it drops from 167,000 to 27,000, and for those with 2x speed-up it drops from 1,000,000
to 81,000. Thus, for many (but not all) applications it will now be economically viable to get specialized
processors – at least in terms of hardware. Another way of seeing this is to consider that during the 2000-2004
period, an application with a market size of ~83,000 processors would have required that specialization
provide a 100x speed-up to be worthwhile. In 2008-2013 such a processor would only need a 2x speedup.
Thus far, this analysis has ignored the cost of re-developing code to run on a specialized processor. If one
assumes a re-development cost of $11 per line of code42, then a 100,000 line program requires an extra $1
million in fixed costs to specialize, whereas a larger program like MS Office would cost about $500 million
to re-write its about 45 million lines of code (Dvorak, 2013), assuming such an adaptation was even technically
possible. 43 Figure 9 shows the effects that such additional costs would have on the trade-off for choosing a
specialized processor:44
Notice that the cutoffs rise substantially. Importantly, the cost of code re-development is a friction – it inhibits
movement in either direction. Thus, code re-development also makes it makes it more likely for those who
The move to specialized processors undermines the general purpose technology cycle in two ways: it
diminishes the number of new users adopting universal processors, and it anchors many of the switchers there
so that even if processor performance were to speed up again, it would require more time and greater
The fixed cost of chip manufacturing is enormous. The Semiconductor Industry Association (2017) estimates
that the cost to build and equip a fabrication facility (‘fab’) for the next-generation technology is roughly $7
billion. By next-generation here, we mean the next miniaturization of chip components (often referred to as
The costs invested in chip manufacturing facilities must be justified by the revenues that they produce. Perhaps
as much as 30%47 of the industry’s $343 billion annual revenue (2016) comes from cutting-edge chips. But
while revenues are substantial, costs are growing. In the past twenty-five years, the investment to build
leading-edge fab (as shown in Figure 10) rose 11% per year! Including process-development cost increases
into this estimate further accelerates cost increases to 13% per year (as measured for 2001 to 2014 by
Historically, the implications of such a rapid increase in fixed cost on unit costs was only partially offset by
strong overall semiconductor market growth (CAGR of 5% from 1996-201649 (SIA, 2017)), which allowed
semiconductor manufacturers to amortize fixed costs across greater volumes.50 The remainder of the large gap
between fixed costs rising 13% annually and the market growing 5% annually, would be expected to lead to
number of chips.
As Figure 11 shows, there has indeed been enormous consolidation in the industry, with fewer and fewer
companies producing leading-edge chips. From 2002/2003 to 2014/2015/2016, the number of semiconductor
manufacturers with a leading-edge fab has fallen from 25 to just 4: Intel, Taiwan Semiconductor
announced that they would not pursue development of the next node (Dent, 2018).
Figure 11: Number of manufacturers with leading-edge production capabilities by node size and year (Smith, 2017)
We find it very plausible this consolidation is caused by the worsening economics of rapidly rising fixed costs
and only moderate market size growth. The extent to which market consolidation improves these economics
can be seen through some back-of-the-envelope calculations. If the market were evenly partitioned amongst
different companies, it would imply a growth in average market share from 4% ( 26
)in 2002/2003 to 25%
( 4
) in 2014-2016. Expressed as a compound annual growth rate, this would be 14% - more than enough
for an average remaining manufacturer to overcome rising costs. That is, market share growth coming from
from evenly divided because of Intel's dominant share. As a result, Intel should have been less able than
smaller players to control fixed cost growth this way (although they would have been starting from a lower
However, consolidation can only proceed for so long. And if we project forward current trends, then then by
2026 to 2032 (depending on market growth rates) leading-edge semiconductor manufacturing will only be
able to support a single monopolist manufacturer, and yearly fixed costs to build a single new facility for each
node size will be equal to yearly industry revenues (see endnote for details52). We make this point not to argue
that in late 2020s this will be the reality, but precisely to argue that current trends cannot continue and that
within only about 10 years(!) manufacturers will be forced to dramatically slow down the release of new
technology nodes and find other ways to control costs, both of which will further slow progress on universal
As rising fixed costs worsen the overall economics of semiconductor manufacturing, it is worth considering
the effect this is having on Intel specifically, since traditionally the majority of Intel’s revenue comes from
selling leading-edge processors. In 2017, Intel spent $25 billion (almost 40% of their net revenue) on new
fabrication facilities (as measured by property, plant and equipment expenditures) and on R&D (Intel
Corporation, 2017).
Figure 12 illustrates how Intel’s fixed costs have risen in comparison with their variable costs (as measured
by cost of goods sold). We use variable costs, rather than revenues, for our denominator because it allows us
to evaluate our concern about rising fixed costs without worrying about changes in pricing behavior (for
example those that could arise from the market concentration mentioned above).53
Over the past decade, Intel's fixed costs have risen from 60% of their variable costs, to over 100%. This is
particularly striking because in recent years Intel has slowed the pace of their release of new node sizes, which
would be expected to decrease the pace at which they would need to make fixed costs investments.
Faced with rising fixed costs and slowing market growth, chip manufacturers face tough choices – all of which
One option for dealing with rising costs would be to raise prices. Intel announced raising average selling prices
as one key component to maintain high profit margins (Flamm, 2018). A second option for dealing with rising
fixed costs would be to amortize them over more chips by delaying the issuance of the next generation of
processors with smaller node sizes. Intel seems to be pursuing this option as well. In 2016, Intel replaced their
cycle of providing a smaller node sized processor every two years with a three-year cycle and has already
announced that they will continue pursuing this slower timeline for the successive generation (7nm).
extended the depreciable life of their equipment from four to five years (Wong et al., 2016).
In Figure 13, we consider how Intel's fixed costs might have risen had they kept to a higher pace for
introducing smaller node-sized processors. The red bars represent a rough calculation of the additional cost
that Intel would have incurred had they introduced processors at a higher pace. For example, if Intel spent $20
billion on R&D and CAPEX per year when they were on a 3-year cycle, then to calculate their spend on a
1.5-year cycle we would multiply it by 1.5, i.e. 2x, to arrive at $40 billion per year54. We use 1.5 years as the
baseline because it was the fastest introduction cycle that Intel had over this period (in 1993 and 2000), and
thus makes year-to-year comparisons easiest. This normalization shows an even more dramatic rise in fixed
Figure 13: Effect of Intel prolonging the time until the introduction of the next generation of processors on the fixed cost to variable
cost ratio
In theory, Intel's adoption of a slower introduction cycle for smaller-node sized processors does not need to
decrease 𝜆, the rate of universal processor improvement, if the subsequent steps they take are larger and thus
provide equivalent benefit. This is precisely what Intel and others are claiming, but this not supported by the
size processors might lead consumers to replace their computers less often, undermining the key amortization
To measure the rate of improvement and competitiveness of processors, there are two key sets of metrics that
are important. One is overall performance, the other is performance-per-dollar. In this section, we show that
As already hinted at in the last section, an enormously important source of performance improvement has
been the miniaturization of transistors. Indeed, this forms the basis for Moore’s law, probably the most famous
description of the improvements in computers (see Thompson 2017 for a more complete discussion).
While miniaturization continues today, the benefits that it provides have fallen enormously since 2004/2005
because of technical challenges. Manufacturers are hitting the physical limits of what existing materials and
designs can do (Shalf & Leland, 2015). And these limits take ever more effort to overcome (Bloom et al.,
2017). This external force of slowing improvements of universal processors performance is perhaps the most
important external cause of the switch from a general purpose technology cycle to a fragmenting one.
The scale of this change can be seen, for example, in one widely accepted benchmark suite: SPECint, which
is designed to test performance of computer systems when handling compute intensive workloads. Hennessy
and Patterson (2017) show that, by this measure, over 1985-2005 universal computer performance improved
52% per year. Put another way, the compounding effect of this improvement means that every 5 to 6 years,
universal processors improved 10x. Around 2004/2005 this changed dramatically. Prior to that time,
processors had gained enormously from a long-term trend called Dennard scaling, which meant that as
widespread gains, and no longer being able to run them faster caused widespread diminishment of those gains
(Thompson, 2017). After 2005, the rate of performance improvement dropped to 22% per year, roughly
A second slow-down to the improvement of universal processors is expected around 2020-2025, as Moore’s
Law comes to an end (Leiserson et al., forthcoming). The magnitude of this effect is also likely to be large.
The slowdown in chip improvement also happened in performance-per-dollar. The U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics (BLS) publishes a producer-price index that explicitly tries to account for both price and quality
changes. As can be seen in Figure 14, they find that improvements in performance-per-dollar have dropped
With such a remarkable slow-down in performance and performance-per-dollar, it is not surprising that we
computing (when the benefits of node miniaturization started to diminish at the end of Dennard Scaling) and
is likely to do so again as another approaches (the end of Moore’s Law). As the model in Section 4.1.2 shows,
these declines (denoted as 𝜆 ) make specialized processors more attractive, because they decrease the
One might imagine that deteriorating benefits from new processors might hurt specialized processors, not just
universal ones. However, for specialized processors it is often not cost-optimal to use the latest manufacturing
technology (Khazraee et al., 2017), and thus they are much less affected.
An important reason why specialized processors use old technologies is cost. Samsung and IC Knowledge
Market Research believe that (in contrast to historical trend) the cost per transistor is now increasing (Low,
2016). 58 Qualcomm agrees, arguing that we are now paying a premium for diminishing performance
improvements, whereas the cost-minimizing size might be 2011's 28nm technology (Arabi, 2014).
This increase in sales for older-generation chips can been seen to some extend in the percentage of TSMC’s
revenue attributed to different generations, as shown in Figure 15. But this likely considerably understates the
extent of this change, since (as discussed in section 4.2.1) TSMC remains one of the three manufacturers that
continue to make leading-edge chips. By definition, all manufacturers but those three are now working only
on older-generation chips. In fact, market demand for older generations has surged so much that there is a
16/20nm in 2016. Percentage is a three-year moving average around the respective year to minimize effects of the introduction phase
Industry experts implicitly confirmed this shift in the final report of the International Technology Roadmap
for Semiconductors (ITRS), the group which coordinated the technology improvements needed to keep
Moore's Law going. In their final report in 2015, ITRS acknowledges that the traditional one-solution-fits-all
approach of shrinking transistors should no longer determine design requirements and instead these should be
tailored to specific applications (ITRS, 2015). This is precisely the fragmentation of the general technology
We have argued that there exists a mutually-reinforcing fragmenting cycle, wherein universal processors have
fewer new adopters, which worsen the financing of innovation, slowing improvement in universal processors,
improvement and ever-greater attractiveness of specialized chips. Figure 16 illustrates the induced
deteriorating spiral.
Figure 16: Self-reinforcing cycle of users favoring specialized processors. The more users switch to specialized processors, the less
We are already observing that computation is starting to fragment. If our argument is correct, we would expect
a future where different applications become siloed, being run on different processors with different software
and algorithms. In this world, some applications would get massive investment and become orders of
magnitude more efficient than they could be on universal processors (as with Deep Learning today). In
contrast, other applications are likely to fare much worse, garnering little investment in specialized processors.
And, since these areas no longer benefit from fast-improving universal processors, their performance could
Universal processors have been the superior computing platform for decades, but recent slow-downs of
improvements in performance-per-dollar may be a sign that technology is maturing. The final performance
improvements that can come from miniaturization will be at a high price premium, and are only likely to be
paid for by important commercial applications such as data centers (Johnson et al., 2017). There is even a
question whether all of the remaining, technically-feasible, miniaturization will be done. Gartner predicts that
more will be done, with 5nm node sizes being produced at scale by 2026. But many of the interviewees that
we contacted for this study doubt whether it will be economically worthwhile miniaturizing past 7nm.
If the existing technology is now too mature to advance at historically high rates, might another technological
improvement restore the pace of universal processor improvements? Certainly, there is a lot of discussion of
exotic technologies: quantum computing, carbon nanotubes, optical computing. Unfortunately, it seems
unlikely that these will produce major gains in the near term.
For example, quantum computers are often mentioned as the next universal computing platform. In reality,
the technology is far away from achieving this goal. Google claims that their superconducting qubits system
can outperform classical computers (a.k.a. “quantum supremacy”) (Neill et al., 2017). But this only holds true
for a very narrow set of tasks answering specific questions in physics, chemistry, and cryptography. Experts
expect that it will be at least another decade before industry could engineer a quantum computer that is broader
and thus could potentially substitute for classical universal computers (Prickett Morgan, 2017).
Other technologies might hold broader promise, but these would most likely need strong public financial
support to become production-ready. Slowly, governments are acting. For example, in 2017 DARPA
announced the ‘Electronics Resurgence Initiative’ which provides $216 million funding for microelectronic
increased the funding to $1.5 billion in mid-2018. While laudable, that entire initiative’s budget is less than
10% of Intel’s R&D budget, and thus it represents only a small fraction of what we should be investing. At
the same time, China announced at $47 billion fund to support the local semiconductor industry to catch up
Based on our analysis in Section 4.1.3 it is clear that specialized processors will be adopted by those (i) that
will get a large speedup from moving to specialized chips, and/or (ii) where there will be enough demand for
In this context, it is perhaps not surprising that Google was one of the first of the recent wave of adopters of
specialized chips with their Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) for Deep Learning. Deep Learning gets large
benefits from specialization because of the high parallelism in the algorithm, and Google's internal usage
represents a sufficiently large market to justify the investment in time and money. And this was substantial. It
took Google 15 months to develop the first TPU version from scratch (Jouppi et al., 2017) and is estimated to
have cost them tens of millions of dollars. For similar reasons, other large companies are also moving towards
specialized chips, for example Microsoft (Putnam et al., 2016), Baidu (Hemsoth, 2017), and Alibaba (Pham,
But coordination of those already using an algorithm is only part of the demand that will exist for specialized
chips. Once these chips exist and can provide large benefits, application designers that currently use other
algorithms will try to adapt their algorithms to use the new hardware (recall, this is how Deep Learning gained
prominence). And, since continued moves to specialized chips will themselves generate further movement to
specialization (via the fragmenting cycle), we expect an increasing share of the algorithms that are technically
represents the number of users. Filled rectangles represent specialized processor adoption. Applications adopt
if they have enough market size and speed-up. Thus, chronologically from left to right we first see GPUs used
for graphics. Over time, they were adopted by other applications, likely because they share an underlying
algorithm, e.g. now also being used for Deep Learning. Later, Google develops their TPU which takes over
part of the GPU market. Other specialized processors, such as Microsoft FPGAs for networking and search
The fragmenting cycle that we have identified in this paper is pushing many applications towards specialized
processors. For these applications, specialized processors can provide significant performance gains. But what
about other applications? Will there be ones that don't transition to specialized chips? What performance
Applications that do not move to specialized chips will likely do so because they (i) will get little speed-up
from them, (ii) do not comprise a sufficient market to justify the upfront fixed costs, or (iii) cannot coordinate
their demand.
improvement from universal processors, that they rely on, will diminish. And so, they will end up in the slow
lane of computing while those that move to specialized chips get to be in the fast lane.
In Section 3.1 we described the characteristics of a calculation that allows for specialized processors to
accelerate it. Absent these characteristics, there are only minimal performance gains, if any, to be had from
specialization. For some applications, for example databases, this will be a challenge. Over the past decades,
it has been clear that a specialized chip for databases could be very useful. Databases are widely used and
important for many businesses, and thus there would easily be enough demand from applications like credit
card transactions to justify the fixed costs of a specialized chip. And yet, as one expert we interviewed told us,
there are no widely used specialized chips for transactional databases. The reason is that the calculations
needed for databases are poorly-suited to being on a specialized chip. In particular, they are hard to predict
(and thus to build a pipeline around) because transactions are generated seemly-randomly by consumers. It is
also dangerous to calculate these transactions in parallel. For example, if two separate $100 bank withdrawal
transactions are made on an account with a balance of $125 the right conclusion is NOT that both should be
approved (which is what would happen if they were done strictly in parallel).
Another important category of those that will not get specialized chips are those where even if the application
did switch, there would be insufficient demand to justify the upfront investment. As Goodfellow et al. (2016)
have written, and we have now derived, demand on the order of a thousand processors will most likely not be
This can matter a lot for those doing intensive computing on a small scale, for example research scientists.
One particular example that was emphasized to us in our interviews is the small community of climate
hardware (Wehner et al., 2008), most calculations are still performed on commercial off-the-shelf technology.
Another important reason why an application might have insufficient demand is a lack of stability in the
calculations that underpin an application. This is because demand for a specialized chip can be aggregated
over many users, but also over time. But if the calculations needed for an application change frequently, then
any particular specialized processor design will become obsolete quickly, hindering the ability to spread the
The problem of insufficient demand can also come from cases where, in theory, there is enough demand, but
potential users cannot coordinate to aggregate it. This is likely to be of biggest concern to small users, where
We anticipate that cloud computing companies will be important in mitigating this effect, by providing a
platform that allows small users to aggregate. Already, we see Google providing the TPU on its cloud (Google
Cloud, 2018), and Amazon Web Services (and others) providing GPUs (AWS, 2017).
Less tangible, but perhaps more important in this category of failed coordination, are potential future users.
Being willing to invest in a new processor requires the ability to foresee what you would do with it and provide
some estimate of the gains that it will provide. Even in interviews that we've done with sophisticated,
computing-centric companies, they report enormous uncertainty about whether redesign projects will even
work, never mind any precise indication of the likely gains. Instead, we see lots of after-the-fact exploration,
where users test out already-existing hardware and check to see if adapting to it will provide benefits. This is
what happened with Deep Learning using GPUs, and (in a different field) with researchers using Microsoft's
Kinect (Teodoridis, 2014). This difficulty in forecasting demand will make it hard to assess market demand
and thus will, in our judgment, be a major barrier to the development of specialized chips.
be useful but cannot reliably forecast how much performance improvement they will get. A second forecasting
difficulty arises because users may not even know that additional computing performance would be useful.
For example, many people argue that users don't need additional computing speed. But these same users have
unfailingly taken advantages of orders-of-magnitude improvements in processors over the past decades. We
would posit that this is because it is hard to see the causal chain that leads from speedups to useful
functionality. For example, a performance speedup could lead a designer to realize that a voice recognition
algorithm could be adapted to work better. This, in turn, could lead a third-party software developer, say
Microsoft, to incorporate it into their program and allow users to react verbally to behavior in Excel. That
functionality could be very useful, but it could be very hard for an end user, or even an application developer,
to predict from just hearing about a potential processor speed-up. In the words of Steve Jobs, “A lot of times,
people don't know what they want until you show it to them” (Mui, 2011).
The important consequence for this lack of visibility of how future performance gains translate into useful
functionality is that it makes it much harder to coordinate those that would benefit but don't realize it.
There are both short-term and long-term welfare implications of the fragmentation of computing. In both
timeframes it is useful to consider three groups: Always Specializers, Induced Specializers, and the Left-
Always Specializers are those users whose applications benefit from hardware specialization and who have
sufficient scale that, even if universal computers had continued to improve rapidly, would still have
specialized. Users of Deep Learning and Bitcoin miners probably fall into this category. In the short run, these
users should get welfare gains because they get access to cost effective performance improvements.
processors, had they continued to improve, i.e. those induced to switch. Axiomatically, these users are worse
off in the short run because their choice of what to do has been constrained and it is forcing them to choose
The Left-Behinds, which we might also call Always Universalists, are those that won't get specialized chips
because of the algorithm they are using, the volume of chips that they would demand, or the difficulty in
forecasting or coordinating their demand. In the short run, these users will be significantly hurt by the slowing
of progress in universal processors and the ever-deteriorating general purpose technology cycle.
If we consider these three groups together, the short run welfare effect is ambiguous. The overall welfare gains
from the Always Specializers may be sufficient to off-set the losses from the Induced Specializers and the
Left-Behinds, particularly because some applications like Deep Learning that have broad reach fall into this
category. However, because (by definition) Always Specializers would have used specialized chips anyway,
their switch is not a result of the GPT slow-down. Taking them out of the calculation produces the expected
unambiguous result that a slowdown in the universal technology is detrimental to welfare in the short run.
In the longer-term, all groups may be hurt by fragmentation because it delays the introduction of improved
chips (via the GPT fragmenting cycle). Perhaps more importantly, it could also delay the introduction of
whatever successor technology to silicon microprocessor could propel computing forward. To understand this,
it is worth considering the series of technologies that have underpinned computing: from electromechanical
in the early 1900s to relays in the 1930s, to vacuum tubes in the 40s and 50s, transistors in the 60s, and
integrated circuits since. In such transitions, a new technology is introduced and the market must adopt it. If
such a successor technology had been introduced before computing began to fragment, there would have been
strong pressure to make it backwards compatible. And thus the transition would have simply involved each
user replacing their hardware in a completely analogous way to how they have adopted new chip designs over
the past decades, and their software would just continue to run.59 This promise of an easy transition to the new
circuits because it would mean that the technology’s adoption would likely be widespread and rapid.
Consider instead the outcome if users have already transitioned to specialized chips. In this case, they will
have software designed specifically for use on those specialized chips. Moving back to universal processors
will require re-writing their software, requiring significant investment. To justify these extra costs, the gains
from moving to the universal processor will have to be larger and thus adoption will be slower. And, of course,
slower adoption means diminished R&D incentives for firms producing the successor technology, and thus
Thus, while the fragmentation of computing may be good or bad for welfare in the short run, in the long-run
any lengthening in the time before we get a successor universal processor technology will diminish overall
computing improvement, hampering applications that could have benefited from it and ultimately diminishing
economic growth. In such circumstances, welfare would be notably worse in the long term.
6 Conclusion
Traditionally, the economics of computing were driven by the general purpose technology (GPT) model
(Bresnahan & Trajtenberg, 1992)(Geiger, 2017), where universal processors (e.g. CPUs) grew ever-better and
market growth fueled rising investments to refine and improve them. For decades, this virtuous GPT cycle
made computing one of the most important drivers of economic growth. This paper provides evidence that
this general purpose technology cycle is being replaced by a fragmenting cycle where computing separates
into specialized domains that are largely distinct and provide few benefits to each other.
We show evidence that an application switching to a specialized chip can provide large gains for the
applications that use it (e.g. Deep Learning or cryptocurrency mining). We argue, however, that it also worsens
the economics of chip manufacturing, particularly for universal processors, leading them to improve at a
switch to specialized chips. Hence the move to specialized chips perpetuates itself, fragmenting the general
Not all applications will benefit from specialized chips. Some applications are too small to be worth the high
investment cost needed for such chips. Others do not fulfill the technical requirements needed to for
specialization to be valuable. These ‘left-behind’ applications will not only miss the benefits of specialization,
but will also be left with slower performance improvements from universal processors.
The migration of computing from a general purpose technology to a fragmented one will fundamentally alter
it. Some applications will move to a fast lane, gaining big benefits, while others will only improve slowly.
Because of the pervasive and growing importance of computing in our society, we expect this to have
important impacts on computation-driven innovations in the future. In particular, we expect the gains from
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In reality, Moore’s Law has only been one part of this – although a crucial one. See (Leiserson et al., forthcoming) for
a more complete discussion.
Over the longer-term this may also become important for specialized chips, as will become clear later in the paper.
In this work, the term “computer” describes both, universal and specialized devices.
Chips, or processors, will be used largely interchangeably for this work. In practice, one chip often houses multiple
processors. A universal chip houses only universal processors, while a specialized chip might host a combination of
universal and specialized processors. Processors are the technology within each computer which responds to and executes
the basic instructions. Since chip/processor improvement is what makes computers better, for the remainder of this paper,
those will be the unit of analysis.
This financing could be direct (using retained earnings for investment) or indirect (ability to raise external financing
because of expectations of future earnings performance). For the purpose of this paper, this distinction is not important.
Estimated by combined microprocessor sales of desktop and laptop computers. For this period, laptops were the major
driver of growth (CAGR 26%).
Calculated as 2008-2017 R&D and additions to PPE spending
This is not exactly accurate but suffices for the purpose of this paper. See (Moore, 1995) for a more-technical discussion.
Advertisements retrieved from (Harrington, 2017) and (Period Paper, 2018)
Interestingly, today, we see some cross-usage of the most powerful household motors, in the form of various
attachments to food processors (mixing, blending, grinding).
The space is valuable because the smaller the processor, the more can be made on a single semiconductor wafer and
thus the lower the manufacturing cost. (Flamm, 2017)
Technical note: This is because the cache will speculatively bring additional data from the hard drive ahead of time, in
the hope that it will be useful later. The larger the cache, the less often the processor searches for the data in cache, doesn’t
find it (a cache ‘miss’), and needs to go to a higher (i.e. slower) level of memory to find it. (Patterson & Hennessy, 2014)
Technical note: This parallelism exists at multiple levels: vector units, pipelining, multicore, etc.
In our analogy: Parallelism is when parts of the car can be assembled independently. For example, the seats and the
chassis can be produced at the same time, in different locations, and combined later. Regularity occurs with repetitive
tasks, for example as done by robots working on an assembly line. The robot fastens the screws in the same way, in the
same amount of time, for every object passing by. Locality suggests that multiple process steps can be done one after
another on the same piece. For example, in rapid succession robots could punch holes in steel, fasten screws in those
holes, and apply a covering. There is significant locality if it is efficient to do operations at the same stop of the conveyer
belt. Less precision might manifest in cutting the fabric for car seats, which can safely be ‘off’ by a few millimeters
(whereas mechanical gear tolerances might be much smaller). This lower need for precision could mean, for example,
that less sophisticated manufacturing equipment is needed to achieve equivalent performance.
Data from Intel and NVIDIA data sheets, ‘Access to L1 Cache’ from (Mike Giles, 2017)
Approximated by number of threads for CPU and number of CUDA cores for GPU.