Review DSS 1
Review DSS 1
Review DSS 1
I) Decision Making
→ Find problems
→ Define the problem: Causes, goals, constraints
→ Decision makers deal with a wide range of problems from structured ones to unstructured ones. That is why the decision
making processes fall along a continuum that ranges from highly structured (sometimes called programmed) to highly
unstructured (non programmed) decisions.
Definition of the Problem Problem is a gap between the actual and the desired states
Investment example: → One goal: maximize the yield after one year
Decision Tables Yield depends on the status of the economy (the state of nature)
◦ Solid growth ◦ Stagnation ◦ Inflation
→ Decision Making implies the existence of a minimum of the following four factors :
1. There must be a problem.
2. There must be a decision maker.
3. There must be a need to solve the problem.
4. There must be alternative solutions to the problem.
-The managers or decision makers rely on decision models The key word in this definition is knowledge. Therefore,
to come up with the best decisions. for this definition to be valid we suppose that the
-These models rely on decision theory. procedure of knowledge acquisition is active; that is the
→ From my experience in industry and R&D, I define the learning process is continuous on time. We refer to
decision as a set of knowledge based on analytical knowledge acquisition in this case as acquiring
techniques to help decision makers choose among a set of knowledge from all available sources.
alternatives in light of their possible consequences.
→To make a decision on complex problems, the DM may The models may be classified into three distinct categories
develop analytical models. based on the structure and function of the models.
The complexity is related to three reasons: They are:
1. lack of perfect information about elements and system ● Descriptive (Simulation) models
interactions ● Prescription (Optimization) models
2. uncertainty about the nature of systems inputs ● Reasoning models
3.and conflicting and/or changing goals and objectives on
the part of one or more decision makers.
A Generic DSS…
Planning -Why Build the System? Analysis - Who, What, When, Where?
The User
The person faced with a decision that a DSS is designed to support is called the user, the manager, or the decision maker
Management Support Systems (MSS) has two broad classes of users: managers and staff specialists:
-Staff specialists use the system much more frequently than manager and tend to be more detail-oriented
-Staff analysts are often intermediaries between managers and the MSS
-Expert tool user → A person who is skilled in the application of one or more types of specialized problem-solving tools
-Business (system) analysts → An individual whose job is to analyze business processes and the support they receive (or
need) from information technology
-Facilitators (in a GSS) → A person who plans, organizes, and electronically controls a group in a collaborative computing
1) Problem identification and The problem to be solved must be understood and everyone involved should share
environmental analysis the same frame of understanding. A decision maker needs to identify the
(information collection): organizational culture and the corporate decision-making processes.
A DSS can include several models, each of which represents a different part of the
4) Multiple models:
decision-making problem. For example, a supply chain Decision Support Systems
may include a location model to locate distribution centers, a product-strategy
model, a demand forecasting-model, and a risk simulation model.
1.Optimization of problems Find the best solution from a small number of Decision tables, decision trees,
with few alternatives alternatives analytic hierarchy process
Find the best solution from a large number of Linear and other mathematical
2.Optimization via algorithm alternatives using a step-by-step process programming models, networks
3.Optimization via an analytic Find the best solution in one step using a Some inventory models
formula formula
Quantitative Models: Mathematically links decision variables, Non-Quantitative Models (Qualitative) Captures
uncontrollable variables, and result variables Decision symbolic relationships between decision variables,
variables describe alternative choices. Uncontrollable variables uncontrollable variables and result variables
are outside decision-maker’s control Result variables are
dependent on chosen combination of decision variables and
uncontrollable variables
Area: Financial Investment Area: Manufacturing
Decision Variables: investment alternatives and amounts Decision Variables: What and how much to produce,
Result Variables: total profit, risk, rate of return on investment inventory levels
(ROI) Result Variables: total cost, profit Uncontrollable Variables
Uncontrollable Variables and Parameters: Inflation rate, prime and Parameters: technology, materials prices
rate, competition
Decision Environment
Decision situations are often classified on the basis of what the decision makers know (or believes) about the forecast
results. The DM knowledge is classified into 3 categories, ranging from complete knowledge to complete ignorance:
Certainty, Risk, Uncertainty
Influence Diagram
-Framework for expressing DSS model relationships:
🟥 Rectangle = a decision variable
🔴 🕳️
Circle = uncontrollable or intermediate variable Oval = result (outcome) variable: intermediate or final
-Variables are connected with arrows ➡️
indicates the direction of influence (relationship).
Optimization via Mathematical Programming
Optimal solution: The best possible Linear programming (LP): A mathematical model for the optimal solution of
solution to a modeled problem resource allocation problems. All the relationships are linear
-Identify the
● Decision variables
● Objective function
Linear Programming Steps
● Objective function coefficients
-Constraints : Capacities / Demands
-Represent the model Run the model and observe the results
Why people don’t like to share knowledge: ◦ Differences in experience and education levels
◦ Lack of time to share knowledge and time to identify ◦ Lack of contact time and interaction between knowledge sources
colleagues in need of specific knowledge and recipients
◦ Fear that sharing may jeopardize one’s job security ◦ Poor verbal/written communication and interpersonal skills
◦ Low awareness and realization of the value and benefit of ◦ Age, gender, cultural and ethical defenses
the knowledge others possess ◦ Lack of a social network
◦ Dominance in sharing explicit over tacit knowledge ◦ Ownership of intellectual property
◦ Use of a strong hierarchy, position-based status, and ◦ Lack of trust in people because they may misuse knowledge or
formal power take unjust credit for it
◦ Insufficient capture, evaluation, feedback, ◦ Perceived lack of accuracy/credibility of knowledge
communication, and tolerance of past mistakes
KM System Implementation
Knowledge management products and vendors Software development companies / vendors
◦ Knowware ◦ Electronic document management (EDM)
Technology tools (software/hardware products) that support A method for processing documents electronically,
knowledge management including capture, storage, retrieval, manipulation, and
◦ Software development companies / vendors presentation
● Collaborative computing tools Knowledge servers ◦ Content management systems (CMS)
● Enterprise knowledge portals (EKP) An electronic document management system that produces
● An electronic doorway into a knowledge dynamic versions of documents, and automatically
management system… maintains the current set for use at the enterprise level
Last words on KM
-Knowledge is an intellectual asset IT is “just” an important enabler
-Proper management of knowledge is a necessary ingredient for success
Key issues:
◦ Organizational culture ◦ Executive sponsorship ◦ Measurement of success
Knowledge Base:
Artificial vs. Natural Intelligence The AI Field:
Advantages of AI -AI is many different sciences and technologies
● More permanent -It is a collection of concepts and ideas
● Ease of duplication and dissemination ◦ Linguistics ◦ Psychology ◦ Philosophy ◦ Computer
● Less expensive Science ◦ Electrical Engineering ◦ Mechanics ◦
● Consistent and thorough Hydraulics ◦ Physics ◦ Optics ◦ Management and
● Can be documented Organization Theory ◦ Chemistry…
● Can execute certain tasks much faster ◦Statistics Mathematics ◦Management Science
● Can perform certain tasks better than many ◦Management Information Systems ◦Computer
people hardware and software Commercial, Government
Advantages of Biological Natural Intelligence ◦Military Organizations
● Is truly creative → AI provides the scientific foundation for many
● Can use sensory input directly and creatively commercial technologies
● Can apply experience in different situations
How ES Work: Inference Mechanisms Inferencing with Rules: Forward and Backward
-Inference is the process of chaining multiple rules together Chaining:
based on available data -Firing a rule:
◦ Forward chaining →A data-driven search in a rule-based system ◦ When all of the rule's hypotheses (the “if parts”) are
If the premise clauses match the situation, then the process satisfied, a rule said to be FIRED
attempts to assert the conclusion ◦ Inference engine checks every rule in the knowledge
◦ Backward chaining → A goal-driven search in a rule-based base in a forward or backward direction to find rules
system It begins with the action clause of a rule and works that can be FIRED
backward through a chain of rules in an attempt to find a ◦ Continues until no more rules can fire, or until a goal is
verifiable set of condition clauses achieved
Answer 1
1. CF(R1, R2) = CF(R1) + CF(R2) * (1 – CF(R1) = 0.8 + 0.5 * (1 - 0.8) = 0.8 – 0.1 = 0.9
2. CF(R1, R2, R3) = CF(R1, R2) + CF(R3) * (1 - CF(R1, R2)) = 0.9 + 0.3 * (1 - 0.9) = 0.9 – 0.03 = 0.93
Answer 2
1. CF(R1, R2) = CF(R1) + CF(R2) – (CF(R1) * CF(R2)) = 0.8 + 0.5 – (0.8 * 0.5) = 1.3 – 0.4 = 0.9
2. CF(R1, R2, R3) = CF(R1, R2) + CF(R3) – (CF(R1, R2) * CF(R3)) = 0.9 + 0.3 – (0.9 * 0.3) = 1.2 – 0.27 = 0.93
Development of ES
-Defining the nature and scope of the problem
● Rule-based ES are appropriate when the nature of the problem is qualitative, knowledge is explicit, and experts are
available to solve the problem effectively and provide their knowledge
-Identifying proper experts
◦ A proper expert should have a thorough understanding of:
● Problem-solving knowledge
● The role of ES and decision support technology
● Good communication skills
-Acquiring knowledge
● Knowledge engineer: An AI specialist responsible for the technical side of developing an expert system. The
knowledge engineer works closely with the domain expert to capture the expert’s knowledge
● Knowledge engineering (KE): The engineering discipline in which knowledge is integrated into computer systems to
solve complex problems normally requiring a high level of human expertise
-Selecting the building tools
➔ General-purpose development environment
➔ Expert system shell (e.g., ExSys or Corvid)… A computer program that facilitates relatively easy implementation of a
specific expert system
➔ Choosing an ES development tool
◦ Consider the cost benefits
◦ Consider the functionality and flexibility of the tool
◦ Consider the tool's compatibility with the existing information infrastructure
◦ Consider the reliability of and support from the vendor
-Coding (implementing) the system
● The major concern at this stage is whether the coding (or implementation) process is properly managed to avoid
● Assessment of an expert system:
→ valuation / Verification/ Validation
Development of ES - Validation and Verification of the ES:
● Evaluation
→ Assess an expert system's overall value
→ Analyze whether the system would be usable, efficient and cost-effective
● Validation
→ Deals with the performance of the system (compared to the expert's)
→ Was the “right” system built (acceptable level of accuracy?)
● Verification
→ Was the system built "right"? ◦ Was the system correctly implemented to specifications?