Apaala Jain

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Apaala Jain
A Projeet Rebort On

Pollution& Global Warming in Bndid

ALS froject, Term-2
EngliSh Core 2021-2022

Apaala Jain


Tas OfConberntp
Cuattitae o lmple tion


Statun g Pupese

wthoduchm *Rahrna le

Ache Plan g e 7-1

Ketalch Matera

Keeaxch myl tusa

Rylechine Aheek

Jhis is to tertify that the, rojeet
Rebort titled Pollution and
Global wavming in the world,
Term 2, Englich core, is a
out and
bonafide wor k carried
Suressfully Combleted by Apaala
Jain class Xl-A of
Maxfort school Rohini for
fulfilment of the ALS Project

Primibal Teecher &uide

Dote: 21/o1/22.
nchnowtedgem enis
a Ae

A hojet is a
geldeu ophentusily Jor Leahaing
deuelay u t :
We oside on turah r d pivilged

hare sude wondelul nmeue qucde ua uauga 1he

fe Lehle hot q the paset
otuay r
Prih oya,
Dh- Ra fe
dnaRA Vaty
thauks o
sh extra orolihaily
Maxr Sdr, rhite lo despile iy
wmd uuide uy
e but t

hessHel gratikude tuu la thear quide M Matyiu Gupt

col Seliey hs he t t aia-
erais teucs parite

or duen
7ha Lanflek po cess uo fauf ot corragemeut
u vcstheut deu eue
Miy ldul deeolu dk hel feol tu a ot

je cie .

We wwmld aur like r lhank he min uih al orda al

Mc Mny DLate h axtrt
Sdure Rrtit fo
Cwrndu cf cn anils 7en

nA wnu lo mennb erd

w h le R fhe hme e c t
aufforf heljes
te ole ad l i t

Jhis study cxplore the
knowledge and
warenen of shud ens and_adulk amund
Fham about polluhon and qobal amni4
Jhe objeti vea of th study_were to inrea tigakt-
ORwarentn about polufion
Auwayenen akoult qlobad upaming-
3 and vieuu on
polluhondokal un ninq
Topic Date

global twaming and pollution in India

y epaala Jain t-A

Throighouf the world heatuaves are likely to become more intense
and fhecuent in the 21st century Unless there are intemediate and
lange scale recuctions in greenhoUse emissions. limiting global uarming
t o close to 15 degrees celsius or 2 cdegrees celsius over pre indtustrial
times ull be beyond reach. Keeping in mind that ue have only one
planet, and gobal wamming and pollution are runing it apidlg. I

decided to take initiative and intervieuw the people arouncd me to test

their knouledge on the same as well as spread auareness on how to
be more eco fhiendly and decrease our carbon footpnint

1 nterviewed mang neighbours and fellow dassmates and they all uwere
cuick to express their vieus on uhat is global waming and how they
thiokthat it is affecting our lives and the lives of out uecoming
generations &When asked if they kneuw the difference betuween clmate
chageant global uaming, mang were confLsed and used the tems
interchangeably However, I made sure to let then knouw the dtifference
Crate change refers to natural fluctua ions im the earths average

tempereture throughout geologic time, betuween cold peniods uhereas

globaluarmoig narrouly pefers to a nse in the êarths average global

emost evergone was auare of the climate change impacts being
fhecuent droughts and stoms. melting gaciers and ice sheets, nsing
sea levels uaming oceans, etc. Seeing houw evergone uas referring to
8lobal uaning asuaming of the earth. I uanted to incyuire if they
kneuw the dfference between climate and weather When being asked
that, 1f giobal waming is real then why is it so cold in wintersP'some
of them uwere conflsed infomed them that (Weather is what i s
Topic Date
happening outsicte today. whle climate is an areas tpical weather It
might be raining toctay. but typically the citys cimate night be dry es
the averdge gobal temperature increases. uinters are more ikely to be
shorter arnd less smow Houever. there are still coldt cdays and colder
than average years due to changes in atmospheric circulation

associated with weather patterms

ang of them were shocked to find out fthat agniculture as a whole is ,

responsible for 10% of greernhoUse gas emissios and thae climate
change affects foocd supply increasing the fhequency and internsity
of droughts, floods, and stoms, climate change can impact fumers
ability to grow crops and the infhastructune necessary to transport
and store food supplies Changes in seasonal weather pattems that
famers are accustomed to also make it more ifficut for them to
plan their plantings and harvests (Jaming ocean temperatunes are
causng range shifts for fish and shelfish species, uhich. in tum. impact

Though pagnts need carbon diOxide to grow, higher levels of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere are not necessanly beneficial for agniculture
Researchers have found that higher levels of carbon dioxicle result in

Cropsrthlower utritional value

After being enlightened. mang of them were shook and wanted to
reducetheir carbon tootpnint e carbon footpnintis the amount of
carbon emitied by the actions of a person, group, household
organisation or activity over a given time peniod primanly dkue to the
consumption of fossil fLels. The mone fossil fUels are consumed cUring

aoactivty. thelanger the carbon footpnint for example fiyng resits

i na larger carbon
footpnint than taking a train to cover the same
distance) Activities that are part of the natural carbon cycle, such a s
breathing are not counted A carbon footprint can also include
emissions ofother greenhouse gases, such as methane (in uhich case,
Topic Date

their conmtribution is USUally calculated based om their carbon

Reducingr offsetting greenhouse gas ernissions by improving energ4
efficiencg. Using reneuable ener and adopting sustainable practises
s the
bestway to reduce one's carbon footprint. Simple things like
takingpublic fransportation, using light emitting ciodte 0ED) igHt bus
and neducing food uaste are just a feuw of the mang uways gou can
recducegour carbon footprint and fight climate change
though all of therm uwere keen to complete their part in the joumey.
hey were curious as to what India as a country is doing to combat
these scenarios After doing some research. 1 infbrmed them that. Incia
js the only major counmtrg to be on track to achieve its targets set out

the landrmark Pans cimate agnreement, according to the Un

Envinormernt Prograns Ernission Gap Report
For ystance. India plarns to redtuce the emissions intensity of QDP
the volme of carbon emissions emitted for every unit of gDP- by

around E by 080 fhom 2005 levels

Tnctia has achieved its voluntary target of reucing emissions intensity
its gDP by 21 over 006 levels by 2000 the countrys environment
minister geri tastnovember
The colptES also yeaning its 2015 goal of achieving about 4Oz Share of

non-fossil fel-básed electnicity generating capacity. uhich the

80vemyen éxpects uAll be achieved by 2028- seven years aheadof
t theend, the jmportant and conceming question that everyone
asked uas 1s there hope that uwe ull be able to address climate
change beforet istoolater éven though cimate change is apressing
threat that is not going away. we can have a sgoficant impact on hous
t arfects
us n thenearfture Ay mvesting m reneuable energy and
energy efiaency.people conmDUTities.businesses, and govemments
Topic Date

GAD recacethe amoUnt of greenhouse gas enmissions reaching the

atmósphere and slouw global waming This will help minmize the
Consecyenices of climate change in the present and for future
1 addition, through adaptation and resilience efforts, we can and
must prepare an infiastructure buitt to withstand theimpacts of
clinate chonge. protecting theIives of milions of'people currently livn
vulrherable areas Such investments wil also gr'eatlg r'educe the costs
of extrerme uweather events and other disasters. We know what needs
to be done and that is a critical step in the right duection
Date Topic


The Ensth is hheminq up an>
human ahe at least paztia to
\bame But thene is a_dehate gaing
Co ginhalluy abaut ifE
glcbal uioatang is
Hes andif humans
e the Cause fo it
Agenciesin the US
Enope and Tapan
lhave_analysed the
data and have g1¬ach
the Came decisian
Scientists haue nata
that natonly the seas
gseLsasumiag up_but even
/the qlacieus ane melting
A lO f this heat (omes fran
Daaninq_fassilfoels 5ome tacki
ye0 oh.sewed

A lotof Ehese\
1nclude the beoy hd
Scientists gAR
Ohserved to be fake,
L0d globalL uwching
US thougnk Of asS
a Conspacy
Date Topic

THE EssAy A e belng fooled hy btg.compantes?

Grlacies ae melting sea leves ae iaing cloud
foresis axe dauing and widlie Ís Gcamblin g to
keep peace It s belfeved that bu.mao actvity affects
glaba Suface tempeatues hy Changinq Eath 's
aciative balance But, is thisau ea Or is it One_of
the tactics played by leadinq companfes and Scientis
far then awn bene.frts2I dicageee with DrCiahan o'caukal
uho Says ia his _podcast Climate Change that globa
hahming is entirely Caused by humans is a false
Statement aad thene is nothïnq Knawn as qohal wcM ig
He also Said, that leadinq biq Compaunies hied fake
expests to atack the integity of incvidual Scientists
and the Scientftc_process They left the publik with
the imphession that there asie a_ lot of_unanswened
questfnns and that 6cfence Shoud not he thusted
Even Ex-0S President, Donald TEump betieves that if
these is Somethinq Called LoBAL WARMING then
thexe Should not he any Cold weahe Or lou
O Snow: But, if thexe is Somethïng thot is causfng
the eath toheat apidly, then the uo ld wtil nat
be Chanqed Ovenfqht and thee win be cold doys
as nOLmaul 1+7 Of Scientists gtobal helfe ve that
Date Topic

rlobal nsnina is Cawsed by humans T is senled as

a link behueen Smcakioq and ance Even if Same tactics
09e plaed by Stientits and biq Companits_we Cannoot
deny the fact that theue_CHe glariensmeltingj the
fempesatue isaising each ca the _ozone layen s
depieking 4nd most of this is Caused hy _activiie
EDlnuwed by buman beinas like_Cutinq dauon forests
anufadtuning gocdsk Nne of th& lowahest yeass
Sinc 188O ha e OCHendsince 20nG: and the G wasMest_
ae HecOdea since 20S In the 200 cut Losaka zambia
heeis a cage whene the notice heuds he wOLId is
most dange Dus animal Inside the Cage theze is no a0inaal
hut amiHO hene you see youeseIf As mentioned n
The Aftinq planet Fexiiy fala as incoMe aise educatisn
SpreadS gnd health lmpLave Thus_develepme nt iiself May
not he possTbief the p:esenr incHPQSe_inDumbS Lheakahn
Continue Thus (onzludlng Scientsts might_play Such tactits
but. that doesnt Mecn that global uNaSminq iso't aeal
The temPpatuhe has ncreaied at 1C a moS+ plce
and even Since1380 in SomePlace Hence I -
dis.areewfth the StateMeats in the Posdcast batnoE
Completey Calobal wakminqis seal and humand ae a
majok Couusefor t _but allo, Scientists_aad lecding Om punie
ANE tty ing to Confuse_us and this chould be stopped_ OOw

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