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Konflik Dan COVID-19 Di Yaman Melampaui Krisis Kemanusiaan

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Alsabri et al. Globalization and Health (2021) 17:83 https://


COMM EN TARY Open Access

Conflict and COVID-19 in Yemen: beyond

the humanitarian crisis
Mohammed Alsabri1,2,3* , Ayman Alhadheri3 , Luai M. Alsakkaf2 and Jennifer Cole4

Background: Yemen has been left in shambles and almost destroyed by its devastating civil war, and is now having
to deal with the spread of coronavirus. The Yemeni people have been left to fend for themselves and faced many
problems such as hunger, the ongoing war, infections, diseases and lack of equipment even before the COVID-19
pandemic. All together it is a humanitarian crisis. Only around 50% of the hospitals and healthcare facilities are in
full working condition, and even those that are functioning are operating at nowhere near full potential. Healthcare
staff and facilities lack necessary essential equipment and money.
Conclusion: As, sadly, is common in conflict-affected regions, the violence has brought with it a secondary disaster of
infectious disease outbreaks. Yemen is not only battling COVID-19 amid a catastrophic war, but also has to deal with
other diseases such as cholera, diphtheria and measles. A number of key measures are needed to support the current
efforts against this deadly epidemic and its potential subsequent waves as well as to prevent further epidemics in
Keywords: Yemen, COVID-19, War, Humanitarian crisis, Disaster

Background medical facilities are in full working condition and even these are
Yemen is a country in crisis. Located at the southern in dire need of essential equipment and proper funding [2]. The
tip of the Arab Peninsula it was once a beautiful country war has caused an estimated 233,000 deaths and 24.3 million
but in recent decades has been devastated by civil war. Yemenis – more than 80% of the population – currently require
In September 2014, the capital city of Sana’a was taken by armed some form of hu-manitarian assistance [1]. More than 70% lack
insurgents; in March 2015 a Saudi Arabian co-alition launched safe drinking water or adequate sanitation. Infectious disease
airstrikes in retaliation, escalating mat-ters into a full-blown outbreaks are, unsurprisingly common: 205,662 sus-pected
conflict that is still ongoing. The aftermath, which has left the cholera cases were recorded from 1 January to 30 October
Yemeni people facing hun-ger, disease and a lack of medical 2020; 5801 probable cases of diphtheria be-tween August 2017
equipment, is consid-ered to be the world’s worst humanitarian and September 2020; 6777 suspected cases of dengue in 2020
crisis [1] . addition, Yemen is frequently impacted by natural In and 1744 cases of measles (nearly double the amount in the next
disas-ters including drought, heavy rains, and floods. Recently, highest country)
the COVID-19 pandemic has added to the challenge.
[3, 4]. Looking even further back, since 2017 there have been
Today, only around 50% of Yemeni hospitals and over 2 million cases of cholera, described by both UNICEF and
WHO agencies as the worst documented epidemic in the history
* Correspondence: [email protected]
of cholera [5] . Dengue fever and other infections, such as
Pediatrics, 1 Brookdale University Hospital and Medical center 1Brookdale
Plaza, Brooklyn, NY 11212, USA chikungunya, have proven to be hurdles and often lead to initial

Emergency Department, Al Thawra Modern General Hospital (TMGH), Sana’a misdiagnoses of COVID-19 as they have extremely similar
City, Yemen
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Alsabri et al. Globalization and Health (2021) 17:83 Page 2 of 3

and presentations [4, 6, 7]. According to the WHO, (YBEM) was established. At the time of writing, there
since 3 January 2020, Yemen has had 6812 confirmed are two training centers and YBEM is working on open-ing
cases of COVID-19 with 1336 deaths [6]. Regarding at least one more. All three are situated in Sana’a,
COVID-19, national interventions seem to be delayed or however, leaving them extremely vulnerable to the on-going
sometimes neglected. It is not clear whether the biggest violence. Many of Yemen’s home-trained EM spe-cialists
challenge comes from lack of funding, lack of know-ledge, have migrated outside the country, looking for
other causes, or the combination of multiple better salaries and safer conditions elsewhere.
causes. We have not seen any well-structured epidemio-
logical studies that help in understanding the origin and The current status and future of emergency medicine in
distribution of cases like those seen in other nearby Yemen
countries such as Oman [8]. Global warming is another Airstrikes, ground attacks, military occupation and as-saults
potential crisis looming on the horizon. The COVID-19 on health workers are all common occurrences in
pandemic has shown what a modern global crisis looks Yemen. Medical facilities are not immune to terrorist at-
like. Conclusions must be drawn [9] and applied to other tacks and the staff who work in them are poorly
global crises [10, 11]. Klenert et al. identified five lessons equipped and underpaid: it is hardly surprising many
from the COVID-19 crisis that must be applied to ad-dress migrate to escape such a challenging working environ-
global warming including: urgent need to start ment. As efforts are made to improve Yemen’s health-care
mitigation, the cost of delayed intervention, and the system, emergency care must be part of such
need for global intervention [10]. Global problems must discussions. The nation needs to work at identifying
not be sidelined. Studies continue to quantify the chal-lenge gaps and flaws in its healthcare systems. Improving re-
and emphasize its risks, which may potentially lead search activities is needed in order to establish basic data
to an even greater crisis than COVID-19 [11] but coun-tries that will help to improve health service delivery. There
such as Yemen do not have the resources to cope, must be a more focused approach to preventive medi-cine,
as this crisis has shown. for example, and a better understanding of chronic
disease within the local population to help to ensure
Disaster preparedness/emergency medicine: current scarce resources are allocated most effectively. The
status in Yemen problems with Yemen’s emergency medical services are
Sadly, the unstable political atmosphere in Yemen has systematic: the healthcare system is under-funded and
given little chance for improvement in the field of disas-ter under-resourced overall. In a country with scarce budget
preparedness [12]. A recent study from 2018 sur-veyed available, few resources, and poorly compensated emer-
knowledge and attitudes of 531 Yemeni health gency medicine staff and physicians, a depleted work-force
professionals [13]. Only one third of health professionals due to mass outward migration of qualified
have good knowledge of disaster management and 40% professionals is somewhat inevitable. Systematic revi-sions
have not been taught disaster preparedness at all. As of to the health care system, rebuilding PHC (primary
now, there is no formal prehospital Emergency Medical health care) facilities, guaranteed universal insurance
Services (EMS) in Yemen nor a local equivalent of a 911 plans, a greater emphasis toward preventive medicine
or 999 number to call in case of a medical emergency. and continued training in emergency medicine, are
In mass casualty incidents – which are very common – needed to help overcome these challenges.
it is not unusual for Yemeni ER (Emergency Room) phy-
sicians to receive victims who have been transported in Conclusion
private cars by people who were present at the scene This paper presents the accounts of Yemeni emergency
[13]. To the best of our knowledge, across the country, physicians who comment on the distinctive challenges
there is no formal training pathway approved or avail-able that face Yemen’s emergency departments. These chal-
for paramedics. But there is hope. An emergency lenges include epidemic diseases such cholera, diph-theria,
medicine program was implemented in Yemen in 2004. dengue and measles; the geopolitical impact of
In December 2013, less than a week after a terrorist at-tack the ongoing civil war; and daily threats of violence and
on the Defense Medical Complex Hospital in homicide against emergency healthcare workers. Poten-tial
Sana’a, a group of physicians established the Yemeni As- solutions include national and international efforts
sociation of Emergency Medicine and Disasters (YAEM to properly allocate government funds and to implement
D). This organization has been a full member of the universal health insurance plans. Future works and re-
International Federation for Emergency Management sources should be allocated to addressing these chal-
(IFEM) since January 2014 and held its first annual lenges in both short term reactionary measures as well
international in Sana’a on 28-29th January 2019. In as longer term preventative measures. The solutions to
2020, the Yemeni Board of Emergency Medicine Yemen’s current situation need to be multifaceted, with
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Alsabri et al. Globalization and Health (2021) 17:83 Page 3 of 3

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Publisher’s Note Springer
Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and
Cmpeting interests The
institutional affiliations.
authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Ethics approval and consent to participate The project

was conducted in an ethical and confidential manner. The researchers obtained
approval from Al-Thawra Modern General Hospital IRB committee.

Consent for publication


Author details 1
Pediatrics, 1 Brookdale University Hospital and Medical center 1Brookdale Plaza,
Brooklyn, NY 11212, USA. Emergency Department, Al Thawra Modern
General Hospital (TMGH), Sana’a City, Yemen. Emergency Medicine, McLaren
Oakland Hospital, 50 N. Perry St, Pontiac, MI 48342, USA. Department of
Geography, Royal Holloway University of London. Egham Hill, Egham, Surrey TW20
0EX, UK.

Received: 7 May 2021 Accepted: 4 July 2021

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coverage in Yemen. Public Health Pract. 2020;1:100015.
3. Global measles outbreaks, 2020. URL: https://www.cdc.gov/globalhealth/
measles/data/global-measles-outbreaks.html. Accessed 1 April 2021.

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