Iec 60480 2019
Iec 60480 2019
Iec 60480 2019
Edition 3.0 2019-04
Specifications for the re-use of sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) and its mixtures
in electrical equipment
Spécifications pour la réutilisation de l’hexafluorure de soufre (SF6)
IEC 60480:2019
et des mélanges contenant du SF6 dans le matériel électrique
IEC 60480:2019-04(en-fr)
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FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................... 5
1 Scope .............................................................................................................................. 7
2 Normative references ...................................................................................................... 7
3 Terms and definitions ...................................................................................................... 8
4 Contaminants and their sources ...................................................................................... 9
4.1 General ................................................................................................................... 9
4.2 Contaminants from handling and use ...................................................................... 9
4.3 SF 6 by-products in equipment that only have an insulating function ........................ 9
4.4 SF 6 by-products in switching equipment ............................................................... 10
4.5 SF 6 by-products from internal arcs ....................................................................... 10
4.6 SF 6 mixtures specific by-products ......................................................................... 10
5 Specifications for re-use of SF 6 ..................................................................................... 10
6 Specifications for re-use of SF 6 mixtures ....................................................................... 11
7 Reclaiming of SF 6 and SF 6 mixtures ............................................................................. 11
7.1 Feasibility and process ......................................................................................... 11
7.2 Detection techniques for checking the quality of the gases.................................... 14
7.2.1 General ......................................................................................................... 14
On-site analysis ............................................................................................. 14
7.2.3 Laboratory analysis ....................................................................................... 15
8 Handling, storage and transportation (informative) ......................................................... 16
9 Safety and first aid ........................................................................................................
IEC 60480:2019 16
General safety rules .............................................................................................. 16
9.1.1 General ......................................................................................................... 16
9.1.2 Protection of personnel .................................................................................. 17
9.1.3 Handling of contaminated safety equipment and tools .................................... 18
9.1.4 Pressurized equipment and tools or measuring devices ................................. 19
9.1.5 Personal safety and protective equipment ...................................................... 19
9.1.6 Facilities and services ................................................................................... 20
9.2 Additional safety measures in case of abnormal release of SF 6 due to
external fire or internal arc fault ............................................................................ 20
9.3 First aid equipment and treatment ......................................................................... 21
9.3.1 General ......................................................................................................... 21
9.3.2 Irritation of the skin ........................................................................................ 21
9.3.3 Irritation of the eyes ....................................................................................... 22
9.3.4 Breathing difficulty ......................................................................................... 22
10 Environmental aspects .................................................................................................. 22
Annex A (informative) Description of methods of analysis (on-site and laboratory) ............... 23
A.1 Sampling............................................................................................................... 23
A.1.1 General ......................................................................................................... 23
A.1.2 On-site sampling connection .......................................................................... 23
A.1.3 Sample cylinder for laboratory analysis .......................................................... 23
A.1.4 Sampling methods for laboratory analysis ...................................................... 24
A.2 On-site analysis .................................................................................................... 25
A.2.1 General ......................................................................................................... 25
A.2.2 SF 6 concentration meter ................................................................................ 25
IEC 60480:2019 © IEC 2019 –3–
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IEC 60480:2019
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International Standard IEC 60480 has been prepared by IEC technical committee 10: Fluids
for electrotechnical applications.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition, published in 2004. This edition
constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous
– Annex C: Procedure for evaluating the potential effects on health from by-products of SF 6
and its mixtures;
– Annex D: Reclaiming recommendations.
– Annex E: Cryogenic reclaiming of SF 6 ;
Full information on the voting for the approval of this International Standard can be found in
the report on voting indicated in the above table.
This document has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The committee has decided that the contents of this document will remain unchanged until the
stability date indicated on the IEC website under "" in the data related to
the specific document. At this date, the document will be
• reconfirmed,
• withdrawn,
• replaced by a revised edition, or
• amended.
IEC 60480:2019
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IEC 60480:2019 © IEC 2019 –7–
1 Scope
This document provides criteria for the re-use of sulphur hexafluoride (SF 6 ) and its mixtures
after recovery and reclaiming from electrical equipment (e.g. for maintenance, at the end-of-
Sulphur hexafluoride (SF 6 ), nitrogen (N 2 ) and carbon tetrafluoride (CF 4 ), are gases commonly
used for electrical equipment. Taking into account environmental concerns, particular
attention is paid to re-use criteria for SF 6 and its mixtures with N 2 and CF 4 for its use in
electrical equipment. Procedures for recovering and reclaiming used SF 6 and its mixtures are
outside the scope of this document and are described in IEC 62271-4.
This document provides several annexes on the description of the different methods of
analysis, on by-products, on the procedure for evaluating the potential health effects from by-
products, on cryogenic reclaiming of SF 6 , and on reclaiming recommendations.
Storage, transportation and disposal of SF 6 and its mixtures are outside the scope of this
document and are covered by IEC 62271-4. Procedures to determine SF 6 leakages are
described in IEC 60068-2-17 [4] 1.
For the purposes of this document, the complementary gases used in SF 6 mixtures will be
limited to N 2 or CF 4 . IEC 60480:2019
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their
content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition
cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including
any amendments) applies.
IEC 62271-4:2013, High-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 4: Handling procedures for
sulphur hexafluoride (SF 6 ) and its mixtures
1 Numbers in square brackets refer to the bibliography.
–8– IEC 60480:2019 © IEC 2019
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in IEC 60050-192,
IEC 60050-212, IEC 60050-441 and IEC 60050-826, and the following apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following
electrical equipment
item used for such purposes as generation, conversion, transmission, distribution or utilization
of electrical energy, such as electric machines, transformers, switchgear and controlgear,
measuring instruments, protective devices, wiring systems, current-using equipment,
insulated bushings, surge arresters
vessel (cylinder) suitable for the containment of pressurized gases either in gaseous or liquid
phase, according to local and/or international safety and transportation regulations
used sulphur hexafluoride
IEC 60480:2019
SF 6 which has been introduced into electrical equipment
process of contaminants removal from an insulating liquid or gas
process of transferring gas from electrical equipment to an alternate container
SF 6 mixture
gas mixture formed by SF 6 and a complementary gas, typically N 2 or CF 4
foreign substance or material in an insulating liquid or gas which usually has a deleterious
effect on one or more properties
[SOURCE: IEC 60050-212:2010, 212-17-27, modified – "or solid" has been deleted.]
contaminants which are formed by the degradation of SF 6 and its mixtures by electrical arcs
or sparks
ambient air
normal atmosphere surrounding the equipment
IEC 60480:2019 © IEC 2019 –9–
4.1 General
Table 1 summarizes the main contaminants and their sources. Additional information is
available in Annex B.
Table 1 – SF 6 contaminants
Filling and recovering gas leads to the additional contamination with ambient air and water
Moisture desorbs from internal surfaces of the equipment and from polymeric parts. Oil from
handling equipment (pumps and compressors) may also be inadvertently introduced.
When using gas mixtures, the possibility of cross contamination shall be considered
(contaminating one gas mixture by another).
The essential process is the decomposition of SF 6 by partial discharges (e.g. corona) and low
energy flashovers and sparkovers. The immediate products are fragments of SF 6 , such as
SF 5 , SF 4 and F, combining with O 2 and H 2 O to form compounds, mainly HF, SO 2 , SOF 2 ,
SOF 4 and SO 2 F 2 . Due to low energy of the partial discharges, flashovers or sparkovers, the
accumulated quantities of these compounds are usually negligible.
– 10 – IEC 60480:2019 © IEC 2019
During current interruption, the existence of high temperature arcs leads to the formation of
by-products of SF 6 , vaporized electrode metal, polymeric materials and contaminants. In
addition, chemical reactions take place among the products formed (see Table 1).
The quantity of these by-products depends on the number of operations, the cumulative short
circuit current, the design of equipment and the use of adsorbers (solid adsorbents).
Switching equipment may also contain particles and metal dust coming from the rubbing of
For SF 6 mixtures, the usual SF 6 by-products mentioned in Table 1 and specific mixture by-
products, such as nitrogen oxide(s) and nitrogen fluoride(s) for SF 6 /N 2 and fluorocarbon(s) for
SF 6 /CF 4 , are produced. The quantities depend on the mixture composition, contaminants and
energy introduced. For typical SF 6 mixtures, the gas decomposition rates are not expected to
exceed those for SF 6 .
Within the by-products generated in mixtures, SF 6 by-products are generally predominant in
IEC 60480:2019
terms of quantity and toxicity. Safety procedures related to the presence of the usual SF 6 by-
products shall also apply in applications with SF 6 mixtures.
Substance a Concentration
SF 6 > 97 % volume
Air and/or CF 4 < 30 000 µl/l (i.e. 3 % volume)
H2O < 200 µl/l (i.e. 200 ppmv)
Mineral oil < 10 mg/kg (i.e. 10 ppmw)
< 50 µl/l total (i.e. 50 ppmv) or 12 µl/l (i.e. 12 ppmv) for (SO 2 +SOF 2 ) or
25 µl/l (i.e. 25 ppmv) HF
ppmv = part per million by volume
ppmw = part per million by weight
a H 2 S and CO have been considered irrelevant due to lack of valuable data.
b If gas handling equipment (pump, compressor) containing oil is used, it may be necessary to measure the oil
content of the SF 6 . If all equipment in contact with the SF 6 is oil-free, then it is not necessary to measure the
oil content.
For the determination of total acidity, the sum of all acidic compounds is reported as one
value. Alternatively, total acidity can be measured in terms of (SO 2 + SOF 2 ) or in terms of HF
with a limit value of 12 µl/l and 25 µl/l respectively.
IEC 60480:2019 © IEC 2019 – 11 –
Substance Concentration
N2 As per OEM specifications
SF 6 percentage ±5 % volume of the specified percentage a
All occurring contaminants are formed in normal operation and can generally be eliminated
on-site. Table 5 lists methods recommended for removing the contaminants as given in
Table 1.
For SF 6 and its mixtures, these gaseous contaminants cannot be removed easily on-site. In each situation, an
evaluation of the reclaiming options should be done to determine if the SF 6 and its mixture could be reclaimed
Various types of adsorbent materials are available to remove contaminants from SF 6 gas
(see Table 6).
Molecular sieve 13X Water, SO 2 , SOF 2 , SF 4
(also adsorbs some SF 6 )
Activated aluminium oxide Water, SO 2 , SOF 2 , SF 4 , HF
IEC 60480:2019
Soda lime (CaO-NaOH) Water, SO F , HF
8a441433eca4/iec-60480-20192 2
Activated charcoal Oil vapour
If the results of the gas analysis exceed the specifications for re-use of SF 6 and its mixtures
given in Table 2, Table 3 or Table 4, a decision regarding the reclaiming method has to be
made depending on the level and type of contamination. In general, re-purifying the gas on-
site with a service device plus a separation device will be the most favourable way. However,
if re-use is not possible, reclaiming by the gas manufacturer or disposal will be necessary. In
this case, the gas shall be sent to the SF 6 manufacturer or reclaimer.
Figure 1 defines the selection procedure to determine the best use of SF 6 after recovery for
potential treatment.
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