Research Methods For It

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Republic of the Philippines

Lanao School of Science and Technology, Inc.

Maranding, Lala, Lanao del Norte
1st Semester
A.Y: 2021-2022



LSSTI VISION GOALS Course Description:

The aim of this course is to develop
To provide and equip the students with quality students' knowledge and understanding of the
Vision: The School envisions academic excellence with the core role and conduct of quantitative and qualitative
values for the students to become productive member of the education skills and values needed to grow research methods in planning [and urban
society. academically for the total development of a well- design]. Intellectual and methodological debates
will be discussed in order to assist students to
round personality. develop informed opinions and a critical
LSSTI MISSION appreciation for other's research. The imperative
OBJECTIVES for ethical research practice will be presented.
The course equips students with the skills to
1. To express reverence to God Almighty as review and conduct methodologically sound
1. Provide a quality education of excellence with K-12 the source of all living and non-living. research as a part of their professional work.
Students develop the skills to recognize and
curriculum that is responsive to global competency. 2. To provide opportunities for the students to reflect on the strengths and limitations of
2. Develop a culture of peace and love with God. gain learning and develop proper skills and different research methodologies, understand the
3. Prepare the students academically, physically, spiritually, links between theory and practice, critically
values for global competency. assess research, and address ethical and practical
emotionally, socially and morally. 3. To gain experiences in order to instill in the issues. The course takes a step-by-step approach
4. Top the students’ inherent potentials to be able to serve in true Filipino values.
to the design and implementation of quantitative
and qualitative techniques including case study
the community and become an asset to the society. 4. To be responsive on ecological balance. and precedent studies, surveys, interviews, focus
5. Inculcate Filipino values, among others; loyalty 5. To show respect in diversity of culture.
groups, participant observation, textual and
media analysis. How to manage and analyze
commitment, industry, self-reliance, honesty and love of data (including computer assisted), and how to
country. write up and present findings are core
6. Provide awareness, preservation and balance of nature. components of this course. Students will be
equipped with the knowledge and ability to
undertake original research projects and develop
a set of transferable workplace skills.
Course Code: CS 121

Course Title: Research Methods for IT

Credit Units: 3 units

Course Component: 3 Hours per Week

The aim of this course is to develop students' knowledge and understanding of the role and conduct of quantitative and qualitative research
methods in planning [and urban design]. Intellectual and methodological debates will be discussed in order to assist students to develop informed
opinions and a critical appreciation for other's research. The imperative for ethical research practice will be presented. The course equips students
with the skills to review and conduct methodologically sound research as a part of their professional work. Students develop the skills to recognize
and reflect on the strengths and limitations of different research methodologies, understand the links between theory and practice, critically assess
Course Description: research, and address ethical and practical issues. The course takes a step-by-step approach to the design and implementation of quantitative and
qualitative techniques including case study and precedent studies, surveys, interviews, focus groups, participant observation, textual and media
analysis. How to manage and analyze data (including computer assisted), and how to write up and present findings are core components of this
course. Students will be equipped with the knowledge and ability to undertake original research projects and develop a set of transferable
workplace skills.

References: Ranjit Kumar, (2011). RESEARCH METHODOLOGY a step-by-step guide for beginners , 3rd ed.

Other Supplemental
Modules, Facebook and Google Meet, Research Samples

Class Attendance, Projects, Class Participation, Periodicals, Quizzes (module and online)

 Quizzes Cooperative Learning Activities 20%

Grading System  Major Examination 50%
Components:  Attendance/Class Participation 20%
 Project 10%
A. Course Information:

Essential Learning

Teaching Assessment
Time Functional Integrated Learning Learning Values Assessment Tools
Course Standards Declarative Knowledge
Frame Knowledge Outcomes (ILO) Activities Integrated Tasks

Students must be able

- Learn how to review - Obedience
 Reviewing the literature the literature - Discussion - Respect - Online Quiz
 Formulating a research - Know how to through - Discipline - Assignment Google Meet
A RESEARCH problem Attentive LMS - Resourcefulness - Online Term
Prelim research problem Facebook
PROBLEM  Identifying variables listening - Research - Critical and Exam
 Constructing - Identify the - Activity Logical Thinking - Module Module
hypotheses variables - Dedication Quiz
- Know how to - Perseverance

- Learn the research

 The research design designs - Obedience
 Selecting a study - Learn how to select - Discussion - Respect
design Attentive a Study designs in through - Discipline
A RESEARCH - Assignment Google Meet
 Selecting a method of listening and quantitative studies LMS - Resourcefulness
DESIGN data collection - Online Term
Midterm practice in - Classify the - Research - Critical and Facebook
 STEP III  Collecting data using Exam
paper differences in the - Activity Logical Thinking
CONSTRUCTING AN attitudinal scales - Module Module
programming methods of data - Dedication
INSTRUMENT FOR  Establishing the Quiz
collection in
DATA COLLECTION validity and reliability of Perseverance
quantitative and
a research instrument
qualitative research

Semi-  STEP IV SELECTING  Selecting a sample Attentive  Define the - Discussion - Obedience - Online Quiz Google Meet
Final A SAMPLE  How to write a listening differences between through - Respect - Assignment
 STEP V WRITING A research proposal sampling in Facebook
LMS - Discipline - Online Term
- Resourcefulness
quantitative and - Critical and
 Considering ethical qualitative research - Research Logical Thinking - Module
issues in data  Learn how to write - Activity - Dedication
collection contents of a
research proposal Perseverance

 Learn on how to
process data in
 Processing Data quantitative and - Obedience
 Displaying data qualitative studies. - Discussion - Respect - Online Quiz
 STEP VII  Writing a research  Classify the through - Discipline - Assignment Google Meet
PROCESSING AND report Attentive methods of LMS - Resourcefulness - Online Term
Final DISPLAYING DATA  What is evaluation? communicating and - Research - Critical and Facebook
listening Exam
 STEP VIII WRITING A  Improvement-oriented displaying analyzed - Activity Logical Thinking - Module Module
RESEARCH REPORT evaluation data. - Dedication Quiz
 Learn how to create
a research report.

B. Grading System Components

 Project 10%
 Quizzes Cooperative Learning Activities 20%
 Major Examination 50%
 Attendance/Online Class Participation 20%

Level of
Program Outcomes Student Outcomes (SO) Core Values Performance Indicators

Elaborative explanation of the

Define the 8 steps of doing Excellence, resourcefulness, critical,
Intensive theories and terms inclined with
research. logical, and analytical thinking
Prepare the students to possess real-life situation.
a strong foundation about
research studies.

Prerequisite CS 112, CS 103

Ranjit Kumar, (2011). RESEARCH METHODOLOGY a step-by-step guide for beginners ,

3rd ed.

Course Requirements: Class Attendance, Projects, Class Participation, Periodicals, Quizzes (module and online)

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