Cross - Cultural - Understanding - 15 American Cultural Categories
Cross - Cultural - Understanding - 15 American Cultural Categories
Cross - Cultural - Understanding - 15 American Cultural Categories
Concept to face
Source of self esteem
Concept of equality
Attitude towards formality
Degree of realism
Attitude towards doing
View of the natural world
Concept To Face
Face is seen as an image of self, the face th at
yo u shown to the public. Dignit y is th e ri ght
word to explain the concept of face.
Concept to face
● Be s t ra ig ht t o t he p o in t w it h p e o p le
● Co n fro n t a t io n is so m e t im e s n e ce s s a ry
● B e ing ho ne st is the b e s t
Social Equality
It stands for the
grant of equal
Natural Equality rights and
freedoms to all
It stands for the people and
r i gh t s a n d social groups.
Despite the fact equal All the people
men differ in are to be treated
that of their oppotunities for equal before
fe a t u r e s , d e ve l o p m e nt fo r Law.
physical all classes of
mental abilities people without
andpsychological any
traits, capacities,
humans are to be
treated as
equal humans.
Legal Equality
Types of Equality
Economic Equality
It sta n d s fo r
e q uality b efo r e
Political Equality law , eq u al
sub je c tio n of all
The gap t o th e sa m e le g a l
rich and c o de an d e q u a l
It stands for equal poor
between should o p p o r tu n ity fo r
o p p o r t u n it i es
all to se c u r e le g a l
fo r
participation of all be p r o te c tio n o f
the political minimum.
process. t h eir r ig h ts an d
in This involves the There fr eed o m .
concept of grant of should be
equal political equitable
for all the distribution of
citizensrights wealth and
resources in
with some the society.
qualification s for
Attitude towards formality
Understandi ng attitude in general is a person's thoughts,
tendencies and feelings to recognize certain aspects of
the environment that are often permanent because it is
difficult to change and formality is an expression that is
often spoken by people, even when we are in a new
workplace, many say formalities . Understanding
formality is a procedure or regulation only.
Attitude towards
° what is the form of formality in
Yes, that's a formality. Everything
formality is lip service, looks completely formal, and pure.
deliberately done to achieve Similarly, a policy. A rule set, based
something. Maybe some people on problems that occur in society.
will also think the same, when and be the key to the
looking at the performance of implementation of all the rules.
bureaucrats. There are those Either the rules are obeyed or not
that look good, those that fall obeyed. Specifically in the field of
apart. But of course more people maritime affairs and fisheries
choose to fall apart, in order to themselves, policies often infest the
have survived the world community. Because they are bored
hereafter. Of course, not all with the ‘uniformed’ who carry the
bureaucrats, some, can be message from the government. Not
counted! without reason, because people are
accustomed to being 'independent'
without the help of formal parties.
05 Degree of realism
The American People Want Power and They Want Options. A plurality of
Americans say that parents should have more power over their child’s
education, including access to information and data about their child’s
These are large, tri-partisan majorities for each of these options, yet teachers
union stand in the way of good policy that,benefits students and ,has the
overwhelming support of the American people.
Attitude towards doing
Charter schools enjoy broad support across many demographic lines. A closer look shows
that support for charter schools is consistent across gender, age, and regional breakdowns.
In general, men and women supported “blended learning” by 63% and 60% respectively, while
and moms are favorable toward the term at 58% and 56% respectively.
*Fewer Americans are having fewer children.
• The role of non-parents continues in education is essential. In this survey, only 24% of adults
surveyed reported that they have children..
• As the ratio of parents versus non-parents shrinks, it remains imperative to recognize and non-
parents as stakeholders in education.
view of the natural world
This is how one Native American presents her interpretation of the indigenous
understanding of nature. many Native Americans present similar
understandings. Their reciprocal relationships with nature permeated every
aspect of life from spirituality to making a living and led to a different
of seeing the world, what they might call a more “environmental” way of
seeing the world. But is this a true picture? Increasingly there has been
debate over the nature of the Native American’s relationship to the land,
both past and present. This article will examine this debate and the way
in which Native Americans view nature.