Analytical Dynamics: With An Introduction To Dynamical Systems

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Analytical Dynamics

with an Introduction to Dynamical Systems

~ Advanced dynamics or Classical dynamics

( > Relativity ! : speed of light :
Modernmechanics, Quantum mechanics ~ Einstein)

oNewtonian mechanics( F ) : A
->each particle : vector :
oAnalytical dynamics( Energy ) : B
->system as a whole :scalar !
( T , V ; Conservative system) Non-conservative system
% A > B or A = B

Merit or Dis-advantage ?
Vector ? ~ Scalar ?

6 Home works
Mid-term, Final tests
1. Principles of Dynamics
Basic Principles of Mechanics
Coordinate Transformations
Time Rate of Change of Unit Vector
Work and Energy
Conservative Systems
Systems of Particles
Motion in Non-inertial Reference Frames
Planar Motion of Rigid Bodies
Virtual Work
* Problems

2. Lagrangian Dynamics
Generalized Coordinates
Holonomic Systems ~
Kinetic Energy and Generalized Momenta
Generalized Force
Lagrange‟s Equations of Motion
Consevative Systems
Lagrangian Systems
Dissipative Systems
Forces of Constraint
Integrals of Motion
Ignorable Coordinates
Steady Motionand Systems
Lagrange‟s Equations for Impulsive Forces
Electromechanical Analogies
3. Calculus of Variations
Extrema of Functions
Necessary Conditions for an Extremun
Special Cases of the Euler-Lagrange Equations
The Variational Operator
Natural Boundary Conditions
Several Independent Variables
Variational Problems of Constraint
Hamilton‟s Priciple
4. Dynamics of Rotating Bodies
5. Hamiltonian Systems
6. Stability Theory
Principles of analytical mechanics
~mechanicalengr.physics and applied math.
- Topics in Advanced dynamics and elegant variational
approachto formulating problems in mechanics.
Basically, time t is involved !
vSolid mechanics: Stiffness (PDE)
vDynamics: Mass(ODE)
- Solid Mechanics + Dynamics = Real system !

- Nonlinear Partial Differential Equationsincludingt !

Pre-requisites :basic dynamics, differential equations

Practice !!!
F ~a: Inertia property ?
F = ma: Newton law( Principle ) :
(Definition?) : why ? God only knows !

Truth - Experiment ; Verification, Reproduce!

~Stem cell ?
Logical path – theoretical + experimental works
SungsooBridge ?
Work ~ Force ;Scala~Vector : Dimension ?
Consuming a Force without doing a work ?
F *dr = 0 ?

Can the potential energy be defined without any

restriction ?

Goal for Analytical Mechanics

Systematicmethod to derive exact T and V expressions
for general system, and obtain the governing equations
as PDE or ODE.
Solution ? : another problem..
We live in constantly changing universe. Why ?
Deep impact ,Tornado, Earthquake...
Atomic particle -- > Comet : Motion
The science of changing systems is known as dynamics
Change was passively accepted and used as a barometer
to life.
In order to precise describe and predict the motion of
bodies, mathematical technique were invented and
increasingly used to model the observed changes.
In fact, the developments of dynamics and mathematics
runs parallel.
Through the constant interaction, new mathematical
techniques and principles were discovered invented. :
Developments based on mutual interaction !

Theory ~ Experiment..
18 th : Laplace:
19 th : Mathematics and Physics ....
20 th : Modern Technologies Age:
:Relativity theory and Quantum mechanics( Einstein..)

oClassical ( Advanced ) Mechanics :

Macroscopic world : Scientist and Engineers

oModern ( Quantum ) Mechanics :

Atomic size, Speed of light(Einstein) - Nanoscale...

But the Classical Mechanics is by no means invalidated

by these elegant and newer theories.
Macroscopic world around us is still extremely well
modeled by the Newton's law.


Vector Mechanics ;Analytical(Lagrangian) Mechanics

(Force) ~( Scalar : Using T, V expressions)
free-body diagram~ system as a whole
Total Energy of a System
Generalized coordinate system

Basic Principles of Mechanics

Three basic laws,

1. Static equilibrium 2. Newton's law of motion
3. Action and reaction
Earth-fixed Coordinate : Inertial or Non-inertial ?

Geometric expression only ~coordinate systems
Choice of the reference frame: x , dx/dt , d2x/dt2
Absolute velocity, acceleration
Trajectory ~ path
Global ~ Local coordinate
Local moving frame of reference
o Normal and tangential coordinates ~ bi-normal
o Cylindrical (polar) coordinates
o Spherical coordinates

Rotating coordinate system with angular velocity:

Force ~ origin of motion !



Vector Mechanics ;Analytical(Lagrangian) Mechanics

(Force) ~( Scalar : Using T, V expressions)
free-body diagram~ system as a whole
Total Energy of a System
Generalized coordinate system
Basic Principles of Mechanics

Three basic laws,

1. Static equilibrium 2. Newton's law of motion
3. Action and reaction

Earth-fixed Coordinate : Inertial or Non-inertial ?

Geometric expression only ~coordinate systems
Choice of the reference frame: x , dx/dt , d2x/dt2
Absolute velocity, acceleration
Trajectory ~ path
Global ~ Local coordinate
Local moving frame of reference
Rectangular coordinate system ~ Moving coordinate system ;orthogonality !

o Normal and tangential coordinates ~ bi-normal

r , v, a
o Cylindrical (polar) coordinates
r , v, a
o Spherical coordinates
r, v, a

( x, y, z)
(r ,  , z )
(r ,  ,  )


Rotating coordinate system with angular velocity:

Force ~ origin of motion !



Single Particle ?~ Satellite about the Earth ?

All matter is in constant interaction with other matter.
Newton’s law : originally formulated for a single particle !
~ > ? multiple
System of N particles each of mass mj( j= 1,…,N)
Definition: mass center of a system of particles
Global axes X-Y-Z-O
Total mass M~ for each mj
Center of mass :Rc: Weighted average

Newton’s 2nd law

Newton’s second law for each particle Pi in a system of n particles,

 
n n
Fi   f ij  mi ai ; ri  Fi   ri  f ij  ri  mi ai
j 1 j 1

Fi  external force f ij  internal forces mi ai  effective force

• Summing over all the elements,
   
n n n n n n n n

 Fi   fij   mi ai ;  ri  Fi   ri  fij    ri  mi ai 
i 1 i 1 j 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 j 1 i 1

• Since the internal forces occur in equal and opposite collinear

pairs, the resultant force and couple due to the internal forces
are zero,
 F   m a : r  F   r  m a 
i i i i i i i i

= > (1.50) !

: Absolute coordinate system (X,Y)

Moving reference frame attached at Rc
Rj= Rc + rj

Angular momentum ..
Kinetic Energy

• Kinetic energy of a system of particles,

n   n
T 1
2  m v
i i  vi   2  mi vi2
i 1 i 1
Expressing the velocity in terms of the centroidal reference frame,
1  2
n n n n n
T 1
2  m  v
i 1
i G  vi
    vG  v 
i    2  mi G
 i 1 
v  vG  
i 1
m v
i i
  1
2 
i 1
m v
i i
 2
 1
2 mvG
 1
2 
i 1
mi vi2

• Kinetic energy is equal to kinetic energy of mass center plus kinetic

energy relative to the centroidal frame.
 
f and f ji
• Although ij are equal and opposite, the work of these forces will
not, in general, cancel out.


1 1 N .
MVc   mj r j 2

T= 2 2 j 1

Total Kinetic Energy=

Energy associated with the motion as a single entity

(orbital kinetic energy)

+Energy of motion of theindividual particle about the

mass center (spin kinetic energy)

N .

Only for
m r
j 1
j j  0

Newton’s law is based on the inertial reference frame:

~ Allow moving frame with constant (uniform) velocity

A noninertial reference frame:

With linear acceleration wrt some I.R.F.


With some angular velocity wrt an I.R.F.

~ Both will occur in various cases.

Any reference frame attached to the Earth:

Inertial reference frame ?

Acceptable assumption ? : negligible errors

Gun ? I.C.B.M. ?

: Most practical problems involve reference frames ~

~Non-inertial frame !

Objective of this section :

How dynamics can be formulated and analyzed using
moving reference frame ?
Reference frame :

oInertial reference : OXYZ with unit vector I,J,K.

oAmoving (  )reference frame :

oxyzwith unit vector i,j,k
Refer to Fig.1.28,

rp(t) = rB (t) + r rel (t)


vp = v B + (  r rel) + v rel

~ Motion of a Particle P in a Box !


v B+ dt (  r rel) +
d d d d
vp = dt dt
v rel

ap = a B + (  r rel) +   dt r rel +
d d
v rel

(  r rel) + v rel
dt rel =

vrel = (  v rel) + arel


ap = a B + (  r rel) +   dt r rel +
d d
v rel


ap = a B + (  r rel) +   (  r rel )+ 2(  v rel) + arel

This is based only on kinematics !

Absolute frame (Inertial frame : OXYZ )

~ Moving frame(Non-inertal frame : oxyz )

Keep in mind : Both observing the same particle

( Remenber Fig.1.28)

Coriolisforce :



Method of Virtual Work :

What is virtual(  )? What is actual ( d ) ?

What is statics ? What is dynamics ?

Time is involved !


o Vector Mechanics : Free body diagram for isolated body

~ Reaction should be involved !Force !~ Vector !

o Analytical Mechanics , Computational ??

~ System as a whole !
Kinetic Energy and Generalized Momenta

- Motion of a dynamical system:

Evolution of a single point in the configuration space.

- Physical coordinate of the system vary with time:

Generalized(~Mathematical) coordinates using

the transformation equations

! Space fixed and Body fixed ; Final goal ?

Up to now,

(r, , z)and (r, ,  ) : orthogonal coordinate system

- Time rate of change of the generalized coordinates

characterize the motion of a point along a curve in the

configuration space.

-Generalizedvelocities of the system:dqi/dt

~ Change of generalized coordinates w.r.t time:

: Car pendulumsystem ( 2 D model )

(q1)distance, +(q2)angular rotation angle.

( x,  ) ~ (q1, q 2) : body fixed ? orthogonal ?

: Generalized coordinate !

 Generalized velocity are not necessarily

absolute velocity:Depend on ref..

Firstly,single particle in 3-D space : up to Eqn(2.17)
1 2   1  2  
2 2 2 2
m( x + y + z )  > m( x 1 + x 2 + x 3 )
2 2

Using index notation(without  ),

1  2   1  
2 2
m( x 1 + x 2 + x 3 ) = m x i  x i
( for i= 1..3) : Orthogonal system

Physical coordinate:


qi(i=1..3): Generalized coordinate

Applying chain rule for total derivatives to

the transformations (2.15)

Total derivative for i= 1,,3

For i = 1

dx1 3 x1 qj x1 3 x1  x1

   qj 
dt j 1 qj t t j 1 qj t

Naturally, (using summation convention, index notation)

dxi 3 xi  xi xi  xi 
 qj   qj   xi , j qj  xi , t (2.16)
dt j 1 qj t qj t

If x is not an explicit function of time,


what happens?
1 dxi dxi 1  

Next, T= m  m( xi , j qj  xi , t )( xi , k qk  xi , t )
2 dt dt 2

1   1  1
= mxi , j xi , k qj qk  m( xi, j  xi, t  qj  xi, k xi, t  q k )  mxi, t  xi, t)
2 2 2

2 term : index k -> j
Why ?
1   1 1
=  jk qj qk   2 m  xi , j  xi , t  qj  mxi , t  xi , t )
2 2 2

1  

= 2  jk qj qk   j qj   (2.17)

For single particle !<~>Eqn(2.18) for N

Among the N particles, choose i-th particle, and then

dqi/dt can be expressed in terms of generalized

coordinates ! ->

Just through a coordinate transformation by using a

Chain rule !!wrtx - >q

: Rate of change of physical coordinate xi depends

on the rate of change of the generalized coordinates.

It may also depend on time t if the change of

coordinates contain texplicitly. ( * Moving frame )

Kinetic energy of N-particles :

 In terms of generalized coordinate :

Eqn(2.17) <~>Eqn(2.19)

T=T( q, dq/dt , t)

Actually depend on generalized coordinates ~

determined by the nature of transformation:

T = T2 + T1 +T0

Homogeneous Quadratic + Linear + Constant

: Coordinate transformation does not

dependent on t T1=T0=0

Generalized momentum

= Partial differentiationof Twrtdqi/dt:

Kinetic energy/ Generalized velocity

Physical interpretation of a particular component of

a generalized momentum pi dependson the nature of

the corresponding generalized coordinates.

In 3–dimensional space :orthogonal bases

m(vx2+vy2+vz2) ~ quardratic function ! (r, , z), (r, ,  ).

linear momentum

Ex) Earth surface!

Generalized coordinates may be actual x-,y- and z-

components of position
Using the definition, px =mdx/dt ,py=.., pz=..

In spherical coordinates, the kinetic energy is

1  2 2 2
T  m r  r 
2 

Generalized coordinates : distance, two angles

Generalized momenta conjugate to these coordinates :

pr  mr (linear..momentum)

p  mr 2 cos2  (angular..momentum)

p  mr 2  (angular..momentum)

 Based on geometric configuration ~

independent of the type of generalized coordinates !

Generalized Force
- Vector mechanics :

Time rate of change of the momenta of a system ~

force, moment

- Analytical mechanics:

Geometric relationships between generalized

coordinates obscure the distinction between the two

momentum !
Energyconcept !

Virtual Work due to the actual forces is defined as

W  Fi  ri (i  1...N ) (2.28)

where Fi  Fixi

Applying the chain rule,

 xi    q j ( j  1...n)
q j
Virtual displacement is defined for time is fixed

t  0

The objective is to examine the instantaneous effect of a

force on the generalized coordinates.

Each actual force drives the physical coordinates, which

in turn will induce some resulting action on the

generalized coordinates
Kinetic Energy and Generalized Momenta

- Physical coordinate :Generalized(~Mathematical) !

Space fixed and Body fixed ; Final goal ?

(r, , z)and (r, ,  ) : orthogonal coordinate system

Eqn(2.17) <~>Eqn(2.19)
T=T( q, dq/dt , t)

T = T2 + T1 +T0

Homogeneous Quadratic + Linear + Constant

: Coordinate transformation does not dependent on t


Generalized Force ~Work

Energyconcept !

Virtual Work due to the actual forces:

W  Fi  ri (i  1...N ) (2.28)
where Fi  Fixi

Chain rule,

 xi    q j ( j  1...n)
q j

Virtual displacement :time is fixed

t  0


Examine the instantaneous effect of a force on the

generalized coordinates.

~Each actual force drives the physical coordinates -

Some resulting action on the generalized coordinates.

 xi    q j ( j  1...n)
q j

:virtual displacement of the physical coordinate  xi

~simultaneous virtual displacements of the

generalized coordinates  qj

 A virtual displacement of a single coordinate,  xi,

~ produce a simultaneous virtual displacement in

some or all of the generalized coordinates.

As a result:

Virtual work done by a physical component of

forceFix under a virtual displacement  xi

~virtual work done under the simultaneous

combinations of virtual displacements  q j :

x( i )
F ( i ) xx ( i )  F (i ) x q j
q j (2.30)
Individual terms in the summation ~

Contribution of the physical component Fix along the

directionof the generalized coordinate q j.

Rearranging the terms and factoring out  q j:

Total virtual work :

n N xi yi zi 

W    ( Fix  Fiy  Fiz q j
j 1 
 i 1 q j q j q j  (2.31)
N=? n=? : N = n?

In terms of the simultaneous virtual displacements of

the generalized coordinates, can be written as

W  Qj qj for j=1..n

What is Qj ?

~ This means what?

 Generalized force Qj is determined by computing the

virtual work done under an infinitesimal change qj

whileleaving the other independent generalized

coordinates fixed.

Imagine the system frozen at an arbitrary instant.

: Consider an arbitrary configuration of the system.

Rewriting the virtual as

W  Qi qi .(i  1..n)

A generalized force Qj contributes to W only if the

corresponding generalized coordinate qj is given a virtual

displacement. ( independent !)

:Virtual work W of the actual forces for each

individual variation of only one of the generalized

coordinates at a time.

Since the transformations are invertible, a single

variation  q jwill induce a simultaneous variation of one

or more of the physical coordinates.

A virtual displacement of a generalized coordinate

inphysical space ~

A combination of virtual displacements subjected to the

constraints of the system.

Generally, the corresponding virtual work done by the

physicalcomponents of the forces can be computed and

set equal to Q(i)  q(i).

Example: Figs.2.9, 2.10

Consider a spring-loaded cart with a swinging pendulum

attached to it.

This system has two degrees of freedom.

Chosen x and  as generalized coordinates.

Since x and  are independent variables,

x  x ,    (2.34)

And x  0 ,    (2.35)

are two sets of admissible virtual displacements.

Now compute the corresponding virtual work done by

the external forces under each of the designated virtual
If x  0 and   
W   Fs x (2.36)

If x  0 and   0 (Fig. 2.10),

W  mgl sin  (2.38)

 Q  mgl sin  (torque) (2.39)

Then for an arbitrary combination of virtual

displacements, the total virtual work is

W  kxx  mgl sin  (2.40)


Physical interpretation of a generalized force depends on

the significance of the related generalized coordinate.

Once a given set of generalized coordinates are specified,

the generalized forces can in principle always be
determined, regardless of the physical interpretation of

the generalized coordinates.

~Holonomic systems, the computation of generalized

forces is very simple. :Virtual work done byholonomic

constraint forces under a set of arbitrary virtual

displacements compatible with the constraints is equal

to zero.
Therefore, in the computation of generalized forces,

only the applied forces need to be considered.

This results in a considerable benefit in the formulation

of the equations of motion in terms of the generalized


Special consideration may be given to conservative forces.

Suppose that all the forces acting on a system of N
particles are conservative. Each physical force is
derivable from a potential function.

Suppose : a single potential function :

V  V ( x1 , y1 , z1 , x2 , y2 , z2 , , xN , yN , zN )

The force on the ith particle may be obtained as

Fi  iV

Where the gradient i denote the operator

 ˆ  ˆ  ˆ
i  i+ j k
xi yi zi
Substituting the physical components of the forces (2.42)

into Equation (2.31) results in the characterization of the

virtual work as the negative of the variation of the

potential function :
V V V
W   ( xi  yi zi )  V (2.44)
i 1 xi yi zi

Thus the virtual work done by a collection of

conservative forces, under specified virtual

displacements, is given as the negative of the variation of

potential energy.

Principle of Virtual Work:

A conservative system is in static equilibrium iffthe

totalpotential energy of the system is stationary

V  0
Suppose :Single potential function

V  V ( x1 , y1 , z1 , x2 , y2 , z2 , , xN , yN , zN )

Force on i-th particle may be obtained as

Fi  iV (2.42)

in here

 ˆ  ˆ  ˆ
i  i+ j k
xi yi zi 
SubstituteEqn.(2.42) into W : Eqn.(2.31) ,
V V V
W   ( xi  yi zi )  V (2.44)
i 1 xi yi zi

: Virtual work done by conservative forces ~

Negative of the variation of potential energy.

Principle of Virtual Work:

A conservative system is in static equilibrium iffthe

totalpotential energy of the system is stationary


V  0

Principle of Stationary Potential Energy~

Necessary and sufficient condition for static equilibrium

of a conservative system.
Transforming to generalized coordinates :

Total P.E. of a conservative system as

V  V (q1 , q2 , , qn ) (2.46)

Consequently, the variation of the P.E. function in terms

of q is: Eqn(2.47)

W   q j  V , q j q j ( for j=1..n)(2.48)
j 1 q j
For a conservative system:

Generalized forces ~ also derivable from a potential

function in terms of the generalized coordinates qj.

That is,
Qj   (2.49)
q j

Therefore the determination of generalized forces for

conservative systems is very easy (?)

Usingtransformation of coordinates

~As a final step in the derivation of equations of motion

After the change of variables has been consummated, we

will only need to keep the final result.


Up to now, we consider the connection between physical

variable and generalized coordinates based on the

geometric configuration of a system( admissible !).

Especially, generalized coordinates compatible with the

constraints make the kinematics much more manageable

forholonomic systems

We are now in a position to make the transition between

vector mechanics and analytical mechanics.

Instead of using free-body diagrams :

Based on the variation of energy and the minimum

number of coordinates needed to characterize the

dynamics of the system ( always possible ?).

: Lagrangiandynamics !!

Kinetic energy, potential energy, and virtual work are all

scalar quantities. Thus, the transformation of these

quantities is rather straightforward.

Based on a system qjinstead of the physical coordinates ri.

-A unified approach in a way that is independentof any

particular coordinate system or set of generalized


For a system of N particles subjected to only holonomic

constraints. The more general casewill be considered


Assume a system withn degrees of freedom and that

there is a transformation :

For the i th particle ina vector form as

miai= Fi(2.50)

 Fi (2.51)
: linear momentum of the i-th particle as

pi  mi ri (2.52)

Find out how the equations of motiontransform under

the transformation to generalized coordinates.

(..) ?:

Generalized momentum corresponding to the k th

generalized coordinate is given by

d d T
pk  ( pk )  ( )
dt dt qk (2.53)

By definition, the total kinetic energy of the system is

1 N
T   mi ( xi2  yi2  zi2 )
2 i 1 (2.54)

then the generalized momentum pk as

T N
xi yi zi
pk    mi ( xi  yi  zi )
qk i 1 qk qk qk (2.55)
Remember the chain rule :
xi x
xi   qj  i
j 1 q j t

Then take derivative wrt q :


xi xi

qk qk (2.57)

Thus, each component pkcan be expressed as Eqn.(2.58)

Taking the total time derivative of Eqn (2.58) and

applying the product rule to the terms in the summation

d    

( Remember : ( x y)  x y  x y )

d T N
xi yi zi
( )   mi ( xi  yi  zi )
dt qk i 1 qk qk qk
d xi d y d z
 mi [ xi ( )  yi ( i )  zi ( i )]
i 1 dt qk dt qk dt qk

Remind the terms in the first summation as

the Newton‟s Second Law

mi xi  Fix mi yi  Fiy mi zi  Fiz

Thus the terms can be rewritten as

xi yi zi N
xi yi zi

i 1
mi ( xi
 yi
 zi
)  ( Fix
i 1 qk
 Fiy
 Fiz
k k k

where the right-hand side ~ generalized force Qkgiven by

the transformation equations.
To interpret the second summation terms in Eqn(2.59),

note that

d xi n
 2 xi  2 xi
dt qk
) 
j 1 q j qk
qj 
t qk

 n
xi xi   
 [ qj  ] xi   x i , k
qk j 1 q j t qk 
 

Thus the time rate of change of the kth generalized

momentum is given byEqn(2.60)

Finally, the equations of motion in terms of qk:

d T T
( )  Qk k  1, 2,
dt qk qk ,n (2.61)

: General form of Lagrange‟s Equations of Motion

There is one equation corresponding to each qk.

The system of equations represents a coupled system of

Thusthe time rate of change of the kth generalized

momentum is given byEqn(2.60)

Finally, the equations of motion in terms of qk:

d T T
( )  Qk k  1, 2,
dt qk qk ,n (2.61)

: General form of Lagrange‟s Equations of Motion

There is one equation corresponding to each qk.

The system of equations represents a coupled system of

ordinary equations governing the evolution of the

dynamical system in terms of the n generalized

coordinates. ~ Finite D.O.F !

Continuous system ( such as beam, plate and shell ):


Alternatively, Lagrange‟s equations of motion may be

written in terms of the generalized momenta as

d T
( pk )   Qk
dt qk , k  1, 2, ,n

This means that Newton‟s Second Law (2.51) is

transformed under a change of variables to generalized

coordinates q1 , q2 , qn .

Hence Newton‟s Second Law is notinvariant under an

arbitrary change of variables. The extra term represents

inertial effects induced by the coordinate


Lagrange‟s equations allow the formulation of the

equations of motion, independent of the physical

significance of the variables.

Note that the dynamics of the system is thus

characterized by the kinetic energy and the virtual work

done by generalized forces.

The hallmark of the Lagrangian formulation is that the

energy contains the dynamic information.

The use of generalized coordinates, compatible with the

constraints, results in the minimum number of variables

needed to completely describe the motion.

Furthermore, for generalized coordinates adopted to the

constraints, the forces of constraint do not contribute to

the virtual work.

Hence the reactions do not appear in the resulting

equations of motion.

Ex: a simple pendulum (Fig 2.11).

Assume that a particle of mass m is attached to a

massless rod that is free to rotate in a vertical plane

about a frictionless pin.

The motion of this single-degree-of-freedom system may

be described by the generalized coordinate  .

The Kinetic energy of the system is given in terms of the

generalized velocity  as

1 2 1 2 2
T mv  ml 
2 2
From a previous example, the generalized force

associated with the rotational coordinate of a pendulum

was derived, based on virtual work, as

Q  mgl sin 

The equation of motion based on the Lagrangian

formulation is therefore represented by

d T T
( )  Q
dt  
That is,

(ml 2 )  0  mgl sin 

which can be set into the more familiar form

 sin   0

The systematic approach of the Lagrangian formulation

is evident in this example.

The formulation is based on the Kinetic energy and the

virtual work.

Since the variable  is adopted to the constraint of

circular motion, the equation of motion has been set up

without need to consider the force of constraint acting on

the particle.
The constraint force is in fact the tension in the cable.

Ex :

Consider the two-degree-of-freedom system consisting

of two carts coupled by linear elastic springs. ( Fig. 2.12)

The generalized coordinates q1 and q2 represent the

displacements of the carts from the unstretched

configurations of the springs. The kinetic energy is

readily formulated as

1 1
T  m1q1  m2 q2
2 2

The generalized forces can be deduced by the method of

virtual work.

Q1  k1q1  k2 ( q2  q1 ) , Q2  k2 ( q2  q1 )
d T T d T T
( )  Q1 ( )  Q2 (2.62)
dt q1 q1 , dt q2 q2

The equations of motion (2.62) may be simplified and put

in standard form as

m1q1  (k1  k2 )q1  k2 q2  0

m2 q2  k2 q1  k2 q2  0

In a Matrix Form ?

Lagrange‟s equations of motion represent a unified

approach to deriving the governing equations of a

dynamical system.

Equations (2.61) are completely general, in that they

apply generically to all mechanical systems.

The governing equations are based on the total Kinetic

energy of a system and the generalized forces derived by

the method of virtual work.

Only generalized forces directly affecting the generalized

coordinates contribute to the virtual work.

Lagrange‟s equations of motion may also be expressed in

several alternate forms, depending on the nature of the

generalized forces.
For a conservative system, there exists a potential

function in terms of the generalized coordinates

V  V (q1 , q2 , , qn )

from which the generalized forces can be derived as

Qk  
qk (2.63)

Substituting the generalized force (2.63) into

d T T V
( )  (2.64)
dt qk qk qk

Since the potential function only depends on the

generalized coordinates,…

T (T  V )

qk qk

Rewriting Lagrange‟s equations (2.64) results in

d  (T  V )  (T  V )
  0
dt  qk  qk

This version of the equation has a particularly simple


The scalar quantity in the parentheses is defined as the

Lagrangian function:

L(q, q, t )  T (q, q, t )  V (q)

It is a function of the generalized coordinates and


The Lagrangianrepresents the difference between the

totalKinetic energy and the total Potential energy of a

conservative system.

The equations of motion (2.61) can thus be written as

d L L
( ) 0
dt qk qk

which is the standard form of Lagrange‟s equations of

motion for conservative systems.

A formulation based on the Lagrangian is convenience

that allows by-passing the determination of generalized

forces from the method of virtual work.

It is interesting to note that for a conservative system all

the dynamics are characterized by a single scalar

function, the Lagrangian of the system.

The Lagrangian function simplifies the equations of

motion and often aids in the understanding of the

dynamics of the system.


1. A particle of mass m is suspended by a massless wire

of length r  a  b cos t..(a  b  0) to form a spherical

pendulum. Find the equation of motion.

Sol) T ~ p.102,Eqn.(2.24), V = mgr cos

2. A particle of mass m can slide without friction on

the inside of a small tube which is bent in the form

of a circle of radius r. The tube rotate about a vertical

diameter with a constant angular velocity  .

Write the equation of motion.

1 2 2
Sol) T= 2 mr (   2
sin 2
) , V= mgr cos , L=T-V

3. A particle of mass m can slide on a smooth wire

having the form y  3x 2 , wherethe gravity acts in the

direction of the negative y-axis.

Obtain the equations of motion.

1 2 2

Sol) T= m( x  y )
, V= mgy with y  3x 2
Insert : y ~ Finally,

4. Text : p.120

Most dynamics problems ~ Holonomic !

(:Not all systems are conservative )

Aconservative force -Derivable from a potential energy

(Depending only on the spatial coordinates of a system)

- Lagrangian can be constructed and the dynamics of

the system is contained in the Lagrangian.

But there may still be a scalar function from which the

generalized components of a force may be derived.

Suppose :

A scalar function V (q, q, t ) for a generalized force Qkas

in Text !

~ We call V (q, q, t ) as a generalized potential function.

Substituting the generalized force (2.65), then

Lagrange‟s equations (2.61) results in

d T (q, q, t ) T (q, q, t ) d V (q, q, t ) V (q, q, t )
[ ]  [ ] (2.66)
dt qk qk dt qk qk

Now, we can still define a Lagrangian function in terms

of the kinetic energy of the system and the generalized

potential function as L(q, q, t )  T (q, q, t )  V (q, q, t )

By setting all terms to the left-hand side,

d L(q, q, t ) L(q, q, t )
[ ]  0 (2.67)
dt qk qk

:Identical to Lagrange‟s eqns for conservative systems.

Note:Unless the potential function depends onlyon the

generalized coordinates, the system governed by

Equation (2.67) is notconservative.

Holonomic systemsderivable from a generalized poten-

tial function V (q, q, t ) are known as Lagrangian systems.

A well-known exampleof a velocity-dependent potential

-A charged particle in an electromagnetic field.

The force on the particle is given by

e  { A  v  curlA}
: e - charge carried by the particle,

 scalar potential,

A vector potential of the field.

The electromagnetic force field is derivable from the

generalized potential

ev  A
V (r , r )  e (r ) 
Not all systems are Lagranian, although all generalized

forces~Conservative or Non-conservative

: Depending on the nature of the actual forces acting on a


The virtual work done by a generalized force Qkunder a

virtual displacement  q can be considered


Qk qk   Wkcons   Wknc

Resultant generalized force associated with a generalized

coordinateqkcan thus be spilt into two contributions:

Using conservative component such aspotential function,

Then, each generalized force may be decomposed as

Qk    Qknc
Construct the Lagrangian function L  T V and formulate

Lagrange‟s equations of motion, in hybrid form, as

d L L
dt qk
 Qknc
, k  1, 2, ,n

Here Qknc represent generalized forces not derivable from a

potential function.

Are all forces derivable from a potential function ?

~ Forces due to dissipation of energy

: frictionforce isnon-conservative,

Nevertheless, some non-conservative generalized forces

may still be derivable from yet another scalar function.

 Components proportional to the velocities of the


Fix  cxi xi , Fiy  c yi yi , Fiz  czi zi

The virtual work done by these dissipative forces

under a set of virtual displacements is

 W   F  r   (cxi xi xi  c yi yi yi  czi zi zi )
i i 1
 n x y z 
   (cx xi i  c y yi i  cz zi i ) qk 
i 1  k 1
qk i
qk i
qk 

1 N  2 
    (cx xi  c y yi  cz zi )  qk
2 2

k 1  2 k 1 qk 
i i i

Generalized forces associated with the dissipation forces

1 N

Qknc    (cxi xi2  c yi yi2  czi zi2 )
2 i 1 qk

Now, define a scalar function forgeneralized velocities

1 N
D   (cxi xi2  c yi yi2  czi zi2 )
2 i 1

Thus the dissipative generalized forcesin terms of D :

D n
 W   Q  qk  
 qk
k 1 qk
k 1

D: Rayleigh‟s Dissipation Function

Finally,the most general form of Lagrange‟s equations of


d L L D
( )   Qk* : (2.68)
dt qk qk qk

where L  T  V :Lagrangian,D:Dissipation function

Qk* :Generalized force not derivable from a potential

function or a dissipation function.
Note : Rayleigh‟s dissipation function ~one-half the

rate at dissipated energy : average loss of power in a

non-conservative system.

Ex :A simple spring-mass system as in Fig.2.13

Additional loading with a viscous damper,a harmonically

applied forcing function

Lagrangian of the system? L  T  V

1 2 1 2
L mq  kq
2 2

The dissipation function for viscous damper :

1 2
D  cq

Another generalized force ~ applied harmonic force

Substituting into Eqn (2.68) :

(mq)  (kq)  cq  A cos  f t
which can be put into standard form as

mq  cq  kq  A cos  f t

Ex:Simple pendulum with pin friction as inFig 2.14

Assume :Pin exerts a resisting moment proportional to

the angular velocity of the pendulum:

M f  
Instantaneous rate of energy loss

P  M f

Dissipation function (average power lost) is

D   2

Since Q*  0 , the equation of motion is

(ml 2 )  (mgl sin  )   

Lagrangianformalism:Highlighted by two main features

It has been demonstrated !

Part of the advantage:Constraint forces do no virtual

work under a set of virtual displacements compatible

with the constraints.

Constraints reduce the number of degrees of freedom.

The constraint forces themselves do not appear in the

equations of motion : Symmetry of a system !

Holonomic systems can be described by a set of

independent generalized coordinates free of constraints.

Systems with non-holonomic constraints cannot be

reduced to independent generalized coordinates.

The equations of motion must be augmented by the

Constraints ~>Forces of constraint are also established.

Constraint forces in holonomic systemsmay also be


Only realize that constraints are enforced by reacting

forcesin the directions normal to the constraint surfaces

Physically, a constraint must be imposed in the form of

forces or moments. Thus we associate constraints with

additional generalized forces acting on the system.

These forces depend on the motion and cannot be found

priorto solving the equations of motion.

Each holonomic constraint can in principle be replaced

by a reacting constraint force. Additional degrees of

freedom may be introduced onto the problem by adding

generalized coordinates corresponding to the violation of

the constraints.

These additional coordinates are called superfluous

coordinates. The generalized forces associated with the

superfluous coordinates are the forces of constraint. If

the original coordinates and the extra coordinates are



Generalized coordinateMinimum set of Eqns

Part of the advantage:Constraint forces do no virtual

work under a set of virtual displacements compatible

with the constraints. Generally,

Constraints reduce the number of degrees of freedom.

The constraint forces do not appear in theeqns of

motion : Symmetry of a system ?

~Holonomic systems can be describedin terms of

independent generalized coordinates free of constraints.

~Non-holonomic constraintscannot be reduced to

independent generalized coordinates.

Eqns of motion must be augmented by theConstraints

~>Forces of constraint are also established.

*Constraint forces in holonomic systemsmay also be


: Constraints are enforced by reacting forces in the

directions normal to the constraint surfaces

Physically, a constraint must be imposed in the form of

forces or moments. ~>Constraints with additional

generalized forces acting on the system. These forces

depend on the motion and cannot be found prior to

solving the eqns of motion.

: Should be solved simultaneously

Problems with or without constraint ?

~Holonomic constraint can in principle be replaced

by a reacting constraint force. - Additional dof may be

introduced onto the problem by adding generalized

coordinates(superfluouscoordinates)corresponding to

theviolation of the constraints.

The generalized forces associated with the superfluous

coordinates are the forces of constraint.

In case, original coordinates and the extra coordinates

are considered as independent, then the resulting

eqns of motion will contain the constraint forces.

These forces will only be in the eqns associated with the

superfluous coordinates. After the eqns of motion are set

up, the superfluous coordinates are set to constant values.

Setting up the problem this way results ineqns involving

the constraint forces and also gives the values of these

forces necessary to enforce the given constraints.

For non-holonomic constraints, the eqns of motion are

formulatedusingLagrange multiplier method.

Suppose:n generalized coordinates q1 , q2 , , qn

isrestricted(?) by anon-holonomic constraint:

A1dq1  A2 dq2   An dqn  A0dt  0

Since the variations take place without increment in

time, t  0 , the resulting eqn of constraint for the virtual

displacements becomes

A1 q1  A2 q2   An qn  0 (2.69)

Geometrically, Eqn (2.69) defines a direction orthogonal

to the virtual displacement  q . (Vector form ?)

Thus the constraint force is a scalar multipleof the vector

( A1 , A2 , , An ) . This scalar is a function of time  (t ) .

Total generalized force acting on the generalized

coordinateqk, including applied and reacting forces, is

Qk   Ak

The resulting eqns of motion for non-


d T T
dt qk
 Qk   Ak , k  1, 2, ,n (2.70)

Eqns (2.70) together with (2.69) represent n+1 equations

inn+1 unknowns, including the Lagrange multiplier **.

These eqns are solved simultaneously. In addition to

solving for the generalized coordinates, the solution gives

the component of the reacting constraint force **.

Generalization: System is subjected to Jnon-holonomic

constraints given by

Aj1q1  Aj 2 q2   Ajn qn  Aj 0  0 (2.71)

or equivalently as

Aj1dq1  Aj 2 dq2   Ajn dqn  Aj 0 dt  0

wherej ranges from 1 to the number of such constraints

J.Coefficients A jk may be functions of the generalized

coordinates and time. Introduce J Lagrange

multipliers,  j (t ) , one for each constraint eqn (2.71).

~Total generalized force driving the k-th generalized

coordinate is
Qk    j Ajk
j 1

Thus,eqn of motion for each generalized coordinate qk:

 d  T  T J 
  dt  qk    Q    A jk  qk (2.72)
 qk
k j
 j 1 
The set of eqns (2.72) together with the J eqns of

constraint (2.71) constitute n + Jeqns in n + Junknowns.

These eqns must be solved simultaneously for the

generalized coordinates and the J Lagrange multipliers

 j (t ) . The generalized constraint force reacting on the

Rk    j Ajk
j 1
Method of Lagrange multipliers may also be applied

to systems with holonomic constraints. Recall that a

holonomic constraint f (q1,....qn, t )  const

may be converted to differential form as

df f dq1 f dq2 f dqn f

     0
dt q1 dt q2 dt qn dt t

This is the same form as a non-holonomic constraint

(2.71), with the coefficients

f f
Ajk  Aj 0 
qk t

Thus holonomic systems with constraints can also be

analyzed, as well as systems having constraints of both


As an example, (p.120):Consider the dynamics of a

particle constrained to slide on a frictionless wire. This

wire is in the shape of a parabola that is rotating about

its axis of symmetry with constant angular velocity

Cylindrical coordinates are intrinsic to this problem.

There is only one degree of freedom, namely the position

of the mass on the wire. The two constraintsare z  br 2


wherebis some constant, and    . These constraints are

holonomic, which imply constraints of the form (2.71)


1 ( z  2br r )  0 and 2  0

The coefficients in (2.71) are seen in matrix form as

 r   0
 2br 01     
 0 1 0       0 
    
 z   0

Hence there will be two Lagrange multipliers – one for

each constraint. The Lagrangian of the system is

L m(r 2  r 2 2  z 2 )  mgz

The equations of motion are

mr  mr 2  2b1r
(mr 2 )  2
mz  mg  1

Now since   , there are four unknowns r (t ) z (t ) 1 (t )

, , , and
2 (t ) . :Three eqns of motion and theconstraint eqn z  br . 2

Eliminating the multiplier

1 (t ) results in the equation

r  r 2  2br ( z  g )

Differentiation of the constraint z  br 2 results in

z  2br 2  2brr

and so we end up with the single differential equation for

r (t ) as

r (1  4b2 r 2 )  4b2 rr 2  r ( 2  2bmg )  (2.73)

The entire analysis reduces to the solution of Eqn (2.73).

The coordinate z (t ) is obtained from the constraint

eqn. The two Lagrange multipliers are also given in

terms of r and z from the eqs of motion.

Finally, the torque required to maintain the uniform

rotation is

2  2mrr

And the components of the reacting constraint force

exerted by the wire on the mass are

Rr  2b1 (t )r (t ) and Rz  1 (t )

Practice !
As an example, (p.120):Consider the dynamics of a
particle constrained to slide on a frictionless wire. This

wire is in the shape of a parabola that is rotating about

its axis of symmetry with constant angular velocity

Cylindrical coordinates are intrinsic to this problem.

There is only one degree of freedom, namely the position

of the mass on the wire. The two constraintsare z  br 2

wherebis some constant, and    . These constraints are
holonomic, which imply constraints of the form (2.71)


1 ( z  2br r )  0 and 2  0

The coefficients in (2.71) are seen in matrix form as

 r   0
 2br 01     
 0 1 0       0 
    
 z   0
Hence there will be two Lagrange multipliers – one for

each constraint. The Lagrangian of the system is

L  m(r 2  r 2 2  z 2 )  mgz

The equations of motion are

mr  mr 2  2b1r
(mr 2 )  2
mz  mg  1
Now since   , there are four unknowns r (t ) z (t ) 1 (t )
, , , and

2 (t ) . :Three eqns of motion and theconstraint eqn z  br . 2

Eliminating the multiplier

1 (t ) results in the equation

r  r 2  2br ( z  g )

Differentiation of the constraint z  br 2 results in

z  2br 2  2brr
and so we end up with the single differential equation for

r (t ) as

r (1  4b2 r 2 )  4b2 rr 2  r ( 2  2bmg )  (2.73)

Solution of Eqn (2.73) !

The coordinate z (t ) is obtained from the constraint

eqn. The two Lagrange multipliers are also given in

terms of r and zfrom the eqs of motion.
Finally, the torque required to maintain the uniform

rotation is

2  2mrr

And the components of the reacting constraint force

exerted by the wire on the mass are

Rr  2b1 (t )r (t ) and Rz  1 (t )

Up to now:Concern on formulating the eqs of motion.

Lagragian formalism for a systematic way to apply

Newton‟s laws of motion using generalizedcoordinates.

What is the next step ?Actually analyzethe dynamics

based on the eqns of motion.

~Eqns consist of a system of n ode, each of the 2nd order!

~Typically nonlinear.

Except, the eqnsof motion are linear.

Eqns of motions are sometimeslinearizedbased on the

small displacements assumptions.

This may have some utility in stability analysis,but

linearization typically destroys the applicability of the

eqns of motion.
Generally, eqns of motion are too complicated !

 by integration based on elementary methods.

For specified initial conditions, the eqns of motion are

usually integrated numerically.

Example, Runge-Kuttaalgorithms : good accuracy.

Drawbackis that the resultant numerical solution is only

valid for one set of initial conditions.

Aim of analytical mechanics ?

~Analysis of the eqns of motion themselves,

without actually solving the system of eqns.

Such qualitative analysis was introduced in Chapter 1

with the energy analysis of conservative systems.

Conservative systems are distinguished by conservation

of total mechanical energy.

- Allowed the partial integration of eqn of motion.

This concept is readily extended to general systems.

Suppose that a certain combination of the generalized

coordinates and velocities remains invariant during the

evolution of the system. : If there exists some function

G(q1 , q2 , , qn ; q1 , q2 , , qn ; t ) thatremains constant over

time, then
G(q1 , q2 , , qn ; q1 , q2 , , qn ; t )  C (2.74)


The relation (2.74) is called an integral of the motion.

C is called a constant of motion. ~ An integral of motion

represents a quantity that is conserved during the motion.

There are only first derivatives in an integral of motion,

so each integral of motion ~ a partial integration of the

original system : used as reduction of the order of the


Lagrange‟seqns represent nsecond-order (partial) diff.

eqns. ~ Ideally, the solution of Lagrange‟s equations

consists of finding 2n integral of motion (2.74), each

containingonly the generalized coordinates.(?)

This is typically not possible,but certain systems do

admit some integrals of motion.

For example, in a conservative system, the total

mechanical energy is an invariant of the system.

T (q,q,t )  V (q) = const

isan integral of the motion. Value of the constant of

motion is determined by initial conditions.

A conservative system is a special case of a Lagrangian


~ Eqs of motion for a Lagrangiansystem :

d L(q, q, t ) L(q, q, t )
[ ] 0
dt qk qk (2.75)

Total time derivative of L(q,q,t ) is

dL n
L n
L L
 qk   qk 
dt k 1 qk k 1 qk t
(~ L, qk qk  L, qk qk  . for.k  1..n)

*Lagrange‟s Eqns (2.75) we have

L d  L 
  
qk dt  qk 

this means
dL n
L n
L L
 qk   qk 
dt k 1 qk k 1 qk t
d  L  L
   qk 
k 1 dt  qk  t

d n L  L
 k q  L    ..(2.76)
dt  k 1 qk  t

Dimension of L is energy, the quantity in the parentheses

is known as the Jacobi energy function

h(q,q,t )   qk L
k 1 qk

Eqn (2.76) can be written :

dh L
dt t

~ If the Lagrangian does not contain time t explicitly,

then the Jacobi energy function is invariant during the

motion. ~ Energy function is an integral of the motion

 qk
k 1 qk
 L  h  cosnt
~ If the Lagrangian does not contain time t explicitly,

then the Jacobi energy function is invariant during the

motion. ~ Energy function = an integral of the motion


k 1
 L  h  cosnt

Generally :Energy integral into a more familiar form

by referring to the kinetic energy expressionas

L  T2  T1  T0  V

If V depends only on the generalized coordinates, then

 qk
k 1 qk
 2T2  T1

the Jacobi energy integral has

T2  T0  V  h (2.77)

It is important to note here that the Jacobi energy

integral is not in general the total energy, since the term

T1is missing. It is still a constant of motion.

Without moving coordinates, T1  T0  0 ,energy

integralis the total energy ~ Conservation of total

mechanical energy:

T V  h

~Kinetic energy is purely quadratic in the generalized

coordinates are called natural systems.

The cart-pendulum system is a natural system, ~

Jacobi energy integral is the total energy of the system.

As a modification of this example,

Suppose :

Motion of the cart ~Aconstant speed x  v0

for1 DOF for the pendulum,  .
Kinetic energy :

1 1
T  (m  M )v02  ml 2 2  mv0 l cos 
2 2

Potential energy :

V  mgl cos .

Then, Lagrangian :

1 1
L  (m  M )v02  ml 2 2  mv0 l cos   mgl cos 
2 2
 Kinetic energy is not purely quadratic, but

Eqn (2.77) still gives the Jacobi energy integral as

1 2 2 1
ml   (m  M )v02  mgl cos   h : (2.78)
2 2

Constant h is specified with initial conditions !

Setting t  t0 in Eqn (2.78), then

1 1
h  ml 2 o 2  (m  M )v02  mgl cos  o
2 2
Hence Eqn (2.78) may also be written as

1 2 2 1
ml   mgl cos   ml 20 2  mgl cos 0
2 2

Eqns (2.78) and (2.79) : Equivalent forms of the energy

integral for the system.

It should be note:

This system is not conservative, since work must be done

in order to maintain the constant speed of the cart.

Hence the total mechanical energy is not conserved. The

integral of motion (2.79) represents conservation of the

energy as computed by an observer riding on the cart.

The Jacobi energy integral is one type of invariant of

motion associated with conservative systems. Certain

forms of the Lagrangian admit other integrals of motion.

These results when the Lagrangian does not contain

some of the generalized coordinates.

Lagrangian system (n dof) and generalized coordinates

q1 , q2 , , qn .

Suppose:There are m coordinates qnm1 , , qn ,

donot appear in the Lagrangian, but the

corresponding generalized velocities do.

L  L(q1 , q2 , , qnm ; q1 , q2 , , qn ; t )

Eqns of motion for the first n  m coordinates are

d L L
( )  0, k  1, 2, ,n  m
dt qk qk

and the eqns for the remaining m coordinates are

d L
( )  0, i  n  m  1, ,n
dt qi (2.80)
Eqn (2.80) :Last mcoordinates qnm1 , , qn do not

appearin the Lagrangian.

Define it as ignorable coordinates or cyclic coordinates.

Or inactive coordinates.

Anyway,for i  n  m  1, , n , eqns (2.80) can be as

 Ci
qi (2.81)
~ Generalized coordinates and velocities :conserved,

 Eqns (2.81) are also referred to as conservationeqns.

Potential function V does depend on generalized



L T

qi qi

Thus the integrals of motion (2.81) can be

pi  Ci ..(2.82)

:Generalized momenta conjugate to the ignorable

coordinates are conserved. ~ The individual

conservationeqns may be physically interpreted based

on the physical significance of each ignorable


The striking result :Eqns of motion corresponding to the

ignorable coordinates have been partially integrated.

 n  m eqns remain to be analyzed.

Moreover, Eqns (2.81) do not contain any ignorable

coordinates. So (2.81) or (2.82) can be solved for

the generalized velocities of the ignorable coordinates

qn m1 , , qn withremaining coordinates.

: For only n  m eqns of motion in the non-ignorable

generalized coordinates q1 , q2 , , qn  m .

Remaining eqns of motion contain the constants C , but


these are determined from initial conditions.

~ Analysis of the system reduces to the analysis of only

n  m degrees of freedom.

A more systematic approach for the elimination of

ignorable coordinates is to eliminate the ignorable

variablesbefore the eqns of motion are formulated.

Introduce a new function of the generalized coordinates

and velocities.

As above, the m conservation eqns associated with each

of the ignorable coordinates,

 Ci , i  n  m  1, ,n (2.83)

are solved for qnm1 , , qn in terms of the remaining

coordinates and the constants Ci .

Routhian function is defined as,

R 
i  n  m 1
Ci qi  L
: Generalized velocities qi are replaced by the

expressions obtained by solving Eqns (2.83) for qi .

The result is a function in the non-ignorable coordinates


:Partial derivatives of the Routhian function w.r.t the

Non-ignorable coordinates and velocities, then

R L
 , k  1, 2, ,n  m
qk qk
R L (2.85)
 , k  1, 2, ,n  m
qk qk

Substitution eqn(2.85) into Lagrange‟s eqns for non-

ignorable coordinates results in the n  m eqns of motion

d R R
( )  0, k  1, 2, , n  m
dt qk qk (2.86)

Once again, ignorable coordinates have been effectively

eliminated to reduce the problem to a mere n  m d.o.f

-Reduced system of n  m eqns contains the m constants

of motion Cn m1 , , Cn .

Finally, the ignorable coordinates of Routhian

qi  ...(2.87)

: Constant Ci in (2.87) is considered arbitrary until

the initial conditions are invoked. ~ Eqn (2.87) can be

t R
qi (t )   d , i  n  m  1, , n,,,,(2.88)
t0 C
RouthianFunction :

A particle moving in a plane under to a central force

derivable from apotential function V (r ) .

~ Conservative!and a Lagrangian expression

in polar coordinates as

L  m(r 2  r 2 2 )  V (r )
-  is ignorable; conjugate momentum is constant,

p  mr 2  C

>>Angular momentum of the particle is conserved.

Furthermore, the Routhian function:

C 1 2 1 2 C 2
R(r , r , C )   C  L  2  C  { mr  mr ( 2 )  V (r )}
mr 2 2 mr

1 2 C2
R(r , r , C )   mr  2
 V (r )
2 2mr

: Cyclic Coordinate is Removed !: Single DOF !!

Thus, Eqn becomes (2.86) for k=1…n-m as

mr  3  V '(r )  0....(2.89)

Note :Eqn (2.89) denotes an entire

family!ofdesparameterized by the constant C .
C , : Conserved angular momentum>>Eqn(2.89) for

r (t ) : Non-linear >>Numerical solution!

*Jacobi energy function:Additionalintegral of motion.

 Energy integralfrom the Routhian function R

Eq.(2.89) * dr ~

(mr  3  V '(r )  0) dr....(2.89)'
1 2 C2
mr  2
 V (r )  E0 (2.90)
2 2mr

In this case, denote conservation of total mechanical


Furthermore, since the ignorable coordinate  has been

suppressed, the KE associated with  can be combined

with the actual PE, V (r ) , to define an effective potential:

Veff  2
 V (r )
Hence, construct the phase curves based onEqn (2.90)

1 dr
mr  Veff (r )  E0   (r 
 2( E0  Veff (r )) / m :
2 dt
 dt  ......!

andthen the solution

m r dr
2 r0 E0  Veff
t  t0 
Also,  2


t C
 (t )   d  0
t0 mr 2

:Motion of the system has been entirelysolved !


An important and interesting class of motion :

Ignorable coordinate related to steady motion.

This type of motion :when the generalized velocities and

conjugate momenta of the non-ignorable coordinates are


That is, qk  pk  0....(2.91)


for the k  1, 2, ,nm of non-ignorable coordinates.

This means that each of the non-ignorable coordinates

has a constant value.

>>Routhian becomes only a function of the constants of

motion Cnm1, , Cn and does not depend on timet.

Hence, generalized velocities of the ignorable coordinates

are constant. : solution for the ignorable coordinate

results in
qi (t )  vit  const, i  n  m  1, , n

Hence the characterization of steady motion. These

constant values of the non-ignorable coordinates are not

completely arbitrary. Conditions on the non-ignorable

coordinatesqkare obtained from the equations of motion

(2.86). Conditions for steady motion are obtained by

qk  0 and qk  0

into the eqns of motion (2.86). It is actually more

convenient to first insert the conditions (2.91) into the

Routhian.Eqns of motion, and hence the conditions

for steady motion, become

 0, k  1, 2, , n  m....(2.92)
Eqns (2.92) are solved for the constant values qk0

corresponding to steady motion.

One way to consider the situation is that

Non-ignorable coordinates are effectively in equilibrium,

whilethe motion is maintained in a steady manner by

conservation of momenta of the ignorable coordinates.

Once the conditions for steady motion are established,

the next important consideration is the stability of these

motions. That is, what happens to the steady solutions

under small disturbances? The nature of the motion near

the steady solutions is analyzed by setting

qk (t )  qk 0  sk (t )

These expressions are substituted into the Routhian

(2.84), which gives

R  R(s1 , s2 , , snm , s1 , s2 , , snm )

Localized eqns of motion about the steady motion are

d R R
( )  0, k  1, 2, ,n  m
dt sk sk

For small disturbances about steady motion, these

Eqn may be linearized, and then using standard methods

tocharacterize the stability of steady solution

Ex:A spherical pendulum (Fig. 2.16).

Using the spherical angles  and  , the Lagrangian:

1 2 2 2
L ml ( sin    2 )  mgl cos 

>>Coordinate  is ignorable ~ conjugate momentum

p  ml 2 sin 2   C....(2.93)

: An integral of motion.
The analysis is reduced to a single degree of freedom

with the Routhian function

C2 1 2 2
R( , , C )   ml   mgl cos 
2ml sin  2
2 2

and therefore the eqn of motion,

C 2 cos 
ml   2 3  mgl sin   0 (2.94)

ml sin 

Spherical pendulum is a conservative system, and then

an effective potential:

Veff   mgl cos  ....(2.95)
2ml sin 
2 2

Eqn of motion (2.94) can be equivalentlywritten as

ml 2  0

Condition for steady motion :

C 2 cos 
 mgl sin   0
ml sin 
2 3

C 2 cos  m2 gl 3 sin 4 

From the conservation of angular momentum (2.93), the

condition for steady motion reduces to

l02  g sec0 (2.96)

So if the initial conditions 0 and 0 satisfy (2.96), the

angle  and the angular velocity  will remain constant

and the tip of the pendulum will execute uniform circular

motion. To investigate the stability of perturbations from

this steady motion, we set

  0  s(t )

andsubstitute into the eqn of motion (2.94). After

linearization based on small values of s(t ) , we obtain the

DE for the perturbation:

s  (3cos 0  sec 0 ) s  0

The stability may also be determined by analyzing the

effective potential Veff (2.95) in the neighborhood of   0 .



Principle of Impulse and Momentum >>

Generalized in the Lagrangian formalism.

During impact :Very large forces are generated

over a very small time interval. ~ Not a practical matter

to record these forces over the very small time

>>>Instantaneous form of Newton‟s Second Law is of

little use in impact problems.
>>>Eqns of motion are integrated over the time

interval of impact.
t0 t
F̂= 
 F(t )dt

By the Principle of Impulse and Momentum,

velocities change by a finite amount over the time

interval t . As long as the time interval is taken

infinitesimally small, the displacements do not change

and hence remain continuous.

Therefore, Impulsive force ~ Finding velocity

changeimmediately after the
impact..withoutdisplacement change

Integrating Lagrange‟s eqns of motion for

holomicsystems over the time interval between t  t and
1 0

t2  t0  t , we have
t2 d  T  t2 T t2


dt  qk
 dt  t1
 qk
dt   Qk dt ,
k  1, 2, , n (2.97)

Now letting t  0 ,

T T
  Qˆ k k  1, 2, ,n
qk 2 qk 1 (2.98)

Second term on the left-hand side of Eqn (2.97) vanishes,

since the generalized coordinates are continuous and the

generalized velocities remain bounded during the impact.

The integral on the right-hand side of Eqn (2.97) is the
generalized impulse Qˆ .

The impulsive form of Lagrange‟s eqns (2.98) can also be

pk  Qˆ k , k  1, 2, , n (2.99)

relating the change in generalized momentum pkto the

applied generalized impulse Qˆ k . Since the generalized

momenta are polynomials in the generalized velocities,

there is no need to solve any differential equations to

obtain the velocities immediately after impact.

Computation of the generalized impulses is formally

identical to finding generalized forces. At any instant, the

virtual impulsive energy acquired by the system under

virtualdisplacements compatible with the constraints is

 Wˆ   Qˆ j q j
j 1

As with generalized forces, the independent degrees of

freedom are incremented one at a time to determine the

individual contributions to  Ŵ .

Ex:A four-bar linkage constrained to slide smoothly

along the thex-direction

(Fig. 2.17). The system has two degrees of freedom and as

generalized coordinates we can take the location of the

center of mass, x1 , and the angle  . We assume that the

mechanismis at rest when an impulse F̂ is suddenly

applied, at point A, in the x-direction.

Solving this problem by vector methods involves

calculation of the linear and angular momenta of the

system and invoking the momenta are easily derived

from the kinetic energy of the system.

The generalized impulses are formally computed as if

they were generalized forces.

The kinetic energy of the system is

T  2mx12  mb2 2

The generalized momenta conjugate to x1 and  ,

respectively, are

16 2
px1  4mx1 , p  mb 
Similar to computing virtual work, we consider the

independent virtual displacements

x1  x1   x1 ,   0 and  x1  0,    

The virtual impulsive energy becomes

 Wˆ  Qˆ x1 x1  Qˆ 

in which the generalized impulses are

Qˆ x1  Fˆ , Qˆ  2b sin  Fˆ

Since the system starts from rest, substitution of the

above into Lagrange‟s equations for implusive systems

(2.99) results in the acquired generalized velocities

Fˆ 3sin  ˆ
x1  ,   F
4m 8mb
Practice !

A horizontal rod of mass m and length 2L falls under

gravity and strakes a knife edge loaded one half of the
way from the center to end of the rod. It‟s velocity just
before impact is v . Coefficient of restitution between
rod and knife edge is e.

a. Velocity of the center of mass

b. Angular velocity immediately after the rod strikes
the ground.

Sol: Assume the impulse is applied at the impact.

2 2 2
1 1
Total enegy at any instant : T  2 m( xc  y c )  2 I 

Virtual work of impulse : W  Fˆ ( y c  L )  Qˆ xc  xc  Qˆ yc  yc  Qˆ 

~ Qˆ xc  0, Qˆ yc  Fˆ , Qˆ  LFˆ

Change of generalize Momentum:

 ( m x c )  m x c  0    (1) : x c  0

 ( m y c )  m( y  v )  Fˆ  (2)
L ˆ 1
( I  )  I   F    (3) : ( I  mL2 )
2 3
And .. y c    ev  y c  ev    (4)
2 2
(4) :   (ev  yc )    (3) Fˆ  ...
v 6
: yc  (4e  v)..  (1  e)v
7 7L

The Lagrangian formalism is based on energy and
therefore has applicability that goes far beyond simple
mechanical systems (Fig. 2.18). A very practical extension
of the theory is to electrical circuits and combined
electromechanical systems. A direct application of
Lagrangian‟s equations to electrical circuits is based on
the parameters given in Table 2.1. Energy carried by an
inductor coil is

Lagrangian formulation of eqns of motion:
~ Energy of a system and work done by external forces.
: Dynamical system with inertial properties–
: Kinetic energy
Also,conservative generalized forces ~Derivable from
: Potential energy
*Non-conservative part ~
Applying virtual workprinciple !
Most systems can be synthesized by the construction
ofa Lagrangian ~
Theoretical & Experimentally Verified !
oPrimary feature of Lagrangian dynamics ~
Independent of any coordinate system

Physical coordinates~>Generalized coordinates

:More intrinsic to the constraints
~ Associated analytical approach : Possible to use a
system approach in deriving the governing eqns.
Concept of a configuration spaceusing generalized

Evolution of a dynamic system :A single point in the

configuration space

As in Fig. 3.1,a system of N particles moving freely in

space is described by 3N generalized
coordinatesq1…q3N.: Configuration space is thus a 3N-
dimensional space.
As the system undergoes its motion between fixed
times t1and t2, the evolution is traced out by a unique
path in the configuration space.

For a conservative holonomic system, the action is

defined as
I [q]  
(T  V )dt......(3.1)

Many(?) dynamical systems evolve toextermize the

valueof the action integral (3.1).
~ Of all possible ones,anextremum relative to the values
for the other paths. Therefore, the action integral
assigns a number to each possible path in
configuration space.
Evidently, we can followanother way of analyzing the
motion of a dynamical system. ~ Advantage to this new
point of view :Formulation is also independent of the
particular generalized coordinates used.
Also,the ideas will directly extend to systems of infinite
degrees of freedom, such as bodies composed of a
continuum of points.
 This is in contrast to the Lagrangian formulation,
which by derivation is restricted to systems with only
a finite number of degrees of freedom !
~ Focus on the mathematics involved with finding
extrema of integrals that depend in specific ways on
functions as inputs. This objective is the essence of the
area of analysis known as the calculus of variations.
:Differential calculus is full of standard tools available
to analyze the extreme values of ordinary functions.
Fortunately, there are many parallels between the
calculus of variations and the ordinary calculus of
Define some concepts and terminology
:A function is usually taken as an assignment of real
values. A function of one variable f ( ) assigns to each x
a given value f ( x)  R. . A function of several variables
assigns a value to a point given by real-valued

( x1 ,......xN ) f ( x1 ,...xN )  R.
Graph of a function of one variable is a curve
~ Graph of a function of two variables is a surface.
Generalization of a function is called a functional.
An assignment of a real value to a point, to avector, or
to an entire function.
Now concern here with functionalsthat are defined on
some suitable space or set of functions.
: Functionals~Integral functionals.
- Functionals defined by the integration of some
expression involving an input function:
f ( x) I [ f ( x)]
Integral functional I [..] may be of the form (3.1).
Ex: integral functionals include area under the graph of a
function and arclength of a curve between two points.
Ex might look like …
where p( x) and q( x) are specified.
Integral functionals may be defined as integrals over
some interval or as integrals over some region in space.
Integration interval is the domain of the input function.
Argument or input of an integral functional may be a
single function or several functions.
It all depends on the context of the problem. It is
important to distinguish between the domain of the
input function and the domain of the functional itself,
which is comprised of some class of admissible
Consider afunctionals of the form
I [ y( x)]   F ( x, y( x), y( x))dx (3.2)

and its natural generalizations.

Integrand in (3.2) is called the Lagrangian of the integral

functional~Fundamental objective of the calculus of
variations is to establish conditions under which an
integral functional attains an extreme value.
These conditions evidently depend on the form of the
Lagrangian of the functional ~ will lead to the
conditions on the particular input functions that
make the integral a maximum or minimum.
An input function that renders the value of the integral
functional a maximum or minimum is called an
Now many interesting problems can be formulated in
terms of integral functionals.
Geometry of curves and surfaces.
Most of the physical applications are based on
mechanics. We will begin with several motivating
Fig.3.2: Given two fixed but arbitrary points P and P
1 2

in a plane, we can connect these two points with a

curve that is the graph of a continuous function y(x) .
Now if we consider the collection of all continuously
differentiable functions passing through the points P 1

and P , we can consider the associated arclength of

each curve. The arclength of each curve is given by
the integral functional
x2 x2
L[ y]   (dx)  (dy)  
2 2
1  y2 dx....(3.3)
x1 x1

Ex :Of all the continuously differentiable curves passing

through point P and P , find the function whose
1 2

arclength is minimal. That is, of all smooth functions

passing through P and P , find the one that has the
1 2

smallest length. We intuitively know the correct

answer, but it would be nice to have a formal way to
decisively solve this problem.
Brachistochrone problem(Fig. 3.3).
A particle is free to slide down a frictionless wire with
fixed endpoints at P and P . 1 2
Assuming wire has finite length, then determine the time
t* it takes for the particle to slide along the wire.
Given that the particle starts from rests, it would be
interesting to find the shape of the wire for which the
time of travel between the two endpoints is as small
as possible.
We can formulate this problem as follows: Applying
the Principle of Work and Energy,
W12  T2  T1
at any point ( x, y( x)) along the curve,
1 2 1
mgy  mv  mv0 2
2 2
Starting from rest, the speed of the particle is given as
v  2 gy
Now since
We have the differential relation
dt 
2 gy
Integrating both sides of Eqn (3.4),
x2 ds
t2  t1  
2 gy

Thus the total time of travel along the curve is obtained

x2 1  [ y '( x)]2
t 
2 gy ( x)

Notice that in each of these problems the quantity to be

minimized was formulated in terms of an integral.
Given an appropriate function y(x) that satisfies certain
conditions, the function is entered as an argument
and the resultant integral evaluated. This assignment
of a scalar value to an entire function is the operation
assigned to an integral functional. Symbolically, the
value of a functional associated with a specified input
function y(x) is expressed as I[ y(x)] . Integral functionals
are a special case of such evaluations.
The domain of a functional, that is, the collection of
functions satisfying certain conditions, is defined as
the associated set of admissible functions. In the case
of integral functionals, admissibility typically
requires certain differentiablility conditions and
specified boundary conditions. These conditions are
usually specified with the problem.
The problem of finding a function y(x) out a set of
admissible functions that minimized (maximizes) a
given functional I[ y] is called a variational problem.
The actual value of the functional, or even if it is a
maximum or a minimum, is of little concern. The
important thing is that the value of the extremal is
A representative integral functional, as in the examples,
has the form
I [ y( x)]   F ( x, y( x), y( x))dx …(3.2)

in which the Lagrangian F (x, y, y ) is a smooth function of


three variables. The Lagrangian is the integrand of

the functional I[ y] . The function of three variables
F ( ,  ,  ) specifies the relationship of all the variables in the
integrand of the functional.
For the minimal length problem :
For the branchistochrone problem:

An extremum problem consists of finding the largest or
smallest value of a quantity. For functions of one or
two variables, the function can be graphed and we
immediately see where the function attains its
extreme values. These may be inside of a domain, or
the extrema may be located at points on the boundary.
For functions of more than two variables, graphing is
not possible, so we must report to performing a
comparison of the values at a point with neighboring
values. That is, we examine the local rate of change of
a function. These ideas carry over directly to finding
extrema of integral functionals.
To find the extrema of a function inside an interval, we
look for local stationary behavior. At a point x where
a function attains a local extremum, given an
infinitesimal change, the value of the function should
remain the same; otherwise we do not have an
extremum. This is the same as examing the local
linearization of the function. At an extremum, the
function should be flat. The rate of change in every
possible direction must be zero. Since there are only
two directions, this is easy. Analytically, this means
that the differential of of the function is equal to zero.
Hence, a necessary condition that the function f (x) be
stationary at a point x is that the derivative f (x ) is
0 0

equal to zero. The location where this happens is

called a critical point. This condition is only necessary,
since the condition implies that at the critical point
the function can have a local maximum, a local
minimum, or an inflection point. Further
examination is required, namely checking out the
local curvature at the critical point. This involves the
second-derivative test. For functions defined on finite
intervals, the values at the endpoints must be checked
separately, since the derivates are not defined there.
For functions of two variables, say f (x, y) , let us assume
that a point (x , y ) is a critical point. In order for the
0 0
function to be stationary at this point, we must
examine the variation of the function as we move an
infinitesimal amount in any possible direction. So let
r = x i+ y j be any vector that will denote some fixed
but arbitrary direction. We can use a small parameter,
 , to test the variation of the function under a

infinitesimal displacement:
Now the function
f ( r,  )  f ( x  x, y  y)
0 0

is a function of a single variable  . This can be

thought of as cutting a slice through the surface
defined by f ( x, y) along the direction of the vector r.
This curve is parameterized by  . Note that at  =0,
f ( r, 0)  f ( x , y ) . Thus we have reduced the analysis to
0 0
searching condition that f ( r,  ) is stationary at  =0 is
that f ( r,0)=0. The rate of change with respect to 
df f f
 x  y (3.5)
d  x y

Setting  =0 in Eqn (3.5), we find that

f f
x  y  0 (3.6)
x y

in which the partial derivatives are evaluated at the point

( x , y ) .The left-hand side of Eqn (3.6) is equal to zero
0 0

for an arbitrary direction specified by x and y if and

only if the partial derivatives are equal to zero at ( x , y ) .
0 0

That is,
The condition (3.7) give a necessary and sufficient
condition for local stationary behavior of ** at the
point **.
These conditions extend to higher dimensions for
functions of n variables **, as
We now generalize these concepts to establish criteria for
stationary values of scalar quantities that depend on
entire functions as arguments. Before formally
developing the theory, let us consider a simple
motivational example.
Remember :  , d , 
Lagrangianeqn in hybrid form : Page.115
I [ y( x)]   F ( x, y( x), y( x))dx (3.2)

Lagrangian of the integral functional~Fundamental

objective of the “calculus of variations” is to establish
conditions under which an integral functional attains
an “extreme” value.
: Maximum or minimum.
Ex :Of all the continuously differentiable curves passing
through point P and P , find the function whose
1 2
arclength is minimal.
Thus the total time of travelalong the curve is obtained
x2 1  [ y '( x)]2
t 
: F(y, y`) !
2 gy ( x)

Notice that in each of these problems the quantity “to be

Minimized” was formulated in terms of an integral.

Establishing local stationary behavior of a functional is a
generalization of locating the critical points of a function.
:Local maxima and minima are found by setting the
derivative of the function w.r.t independent variable
equals to 0 ~ slop =0 (Fig.3.4) !
-Value of the function is stationary.

: At a critical point aninfinitesimal variation of the

independent variable results in no change in the value
of the function. ------ Function space !

For integral functionals, the arguments or inputs are

entire functions belonging to a specified admissible set.
~we must rely on the notion of local stationary behavior.

Fundamental Lemma : Calculus of Variations.

G( x) :Continuous function in [ x1 , x2 ]

 G( x) ( x)dx  0

for all smooth functions  ( x) with  ( x1 )   ( x2 )  0...then..G( x)  0

for all points( Goveringeqn ! for example G = T-V )

Focus: Minimizing(Maximizing) the functional

I [ y( x)]   F ( x, y( x), y( x))dx
x0 with BC
~Apply the local stationary behavior of a functional.

Let y  ( x) :Admissible function that minimizes I[ y] .

Suppose y( x) : Another admissible ftnas in (Fig. 3.5)
“close” in some sense to y  ( x)
Admissible~ y( x) : continuously differentiable withBCs.
y( x)  y  ( x)   ( x) :  ( x) Differentiable

: Perturbing function  ( x) :Variation of function y( x) .

Since y *( x) is extremal~ Local minimum value of
I [ y( x)] ,

: I [ y *( x)   ( x)]  I [ y *( x)] for all  near 0.

Once a variation  ( x) is fixed, but arbitrary, then

I [ y *( x)   ( x)]
actually becomes a function of a singlereal variable!

: Reduced the problem to a single real variable for

local stationary behavior with thezero-slope criterion
for functions.
[ I ( y *  )] 0  0

I [ y *  ]   F ( x, y *  , y *  )dx (3.8)

:Derivative of Eqn (3.8) wrt the  is

(or I ( )  x0 F ( x, y , y)dx ,
dI ( ) x1 F y F y x1 F F
 [  ]dx   [    ]dx
d x 0 y  y  x 0 y y
For..  0,
dI ( ) x1 F F
]   [    ]dx
d x 0 y y
dI [ y *  ] x1 F F
 [   ]dx
d x 0 y y
Integrating by parts and (applying the BCs)
x1 F d F F
x0 [ y   dx ( y ) ]dx  y 

For an extreme value of the functional,

x1 F d F
 x0
[  ( )] ( x)dx
y dx y
:  ( x)
is an arbitrary function that vanishes at the
endpoints of the interval, the Fundamental Lemma of
the Calculus of Variations allow us to conclude

F d F
 ( )  0....(3.9)
y dx y
~An ordinary differential equation that represents the
necessary condition for an admissible y( x) to be a
minimizing function.
: Euler-Lagrange equation
Back to the future ! P. 115
x  t

y , y   q , q !

Ex : (3.10) : p.169


F  F ( x, y , y )
F  F ( x, y )
F  F ( y , y )
F  F ( x, y )
F  F ( y )
Eqn(3.13)! Jacobi energy integral
    ?



….  y x2
 0...(3.15)

as in Fig.3.6
Then, at x for  I  0 , Euler-Lagrange Eqn. is satisfied
with y =0 : Natural BC or Force BC.(ex: ICBM…)
(  y =0 :Essential BC or Geometric BC)
F  F ( x, y, y) : most.simple!
~> For more generality with several functions !
As in Eqn.(3.16)
y =( y 1 , ..., yn ): independent Ftns
Ex : !

If F  F ( x, y, y, y)..? :  I  ? ~ page 172.

Ordinary Differential Eqn !
Partial Differential Eqn(x,t)
4 2
d y ( x, t ) d y ( x, t )
:Beam bending problem: EI dx  m 4
dt 2
1 y( x, t ) 2 1  2 y( x, t ) 2
~ T  m( ) ,V  EI ( )
2 t 2 x 2



Two Types of Constraint!

~ Integral constraint
Isoperimetric problem

 F  G  , y [( F  G), y ' ], x  0......(3.23)

- More general isoperimetric problem


~Eqns of constraint

(Non~) holonomic !

G ( x, y1..., yn )  0.....(3.25)
G, yi  yi  0
 y ( x, t )  y ( x, t )
4 2

Beam bending problem: EI  m

x t 4 2

1 y( x, t ) 2 1  2 y( x, t ) 2
~ T  m( ) ,V  EI ( )
2 t 2 x 2


~ Integral constraint :
More generalisoperimetric problem
~Eqns ofconstraint :(Non~) holonomicconstraint ! : Boat :

? Lagrangian formulation ~ Calculus of Variation?

For a Particle (p.108) :

Fi  Ri  mi xi
Energy concept : T, W

Total virtual ( time : fixed) work :

W : ( Fi  Ri ) xi  mi xi xi ..(i  1,,,3N )

Remember !
d 1
(mi xi  xi )  mi xi xi  mi xi  xi   W   [ mi xi 2 ]..(i  1,,3N )
dt 2

 T   W  (mi xi  xi ),t

Integrating over the time domain and

applying BC in time
 xi (t0 )   xi (t1 )  0
 ( T  W )dt  0...(3.29) :
„Hamilton‟s Principle‟
Advantage of variational point of view:
Hamilton‟s principle may be extended to continuous
systems with infinite number of DOF !

Wave eqn : u,tt  u,xx  f ( x, t )

Euler beam vibration : u,tt  EIu,xxxx  f ( x, t )


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