Worksheet Semana1
Worksheet Semana1
Worksheet Semana1
Facultad Politécnica
Universidad Nacional de Asunción
Exercise 1: Complete the missing words with the right noun – Completa
los espacios en blanco con el sustantivo correcto. (5pts)
1. Mary is a student. She is a student. 4. The teacher and the students are watching a
video. They are watching a video.
2. Mario and Pedro are cousins.
They are cousins. 5. The car is fast and modern. It is fast and
Departamento de Gestión Inglés I
Facultad Politécnica
Universidad Nacional de Asunción
Exercise 4: Put in What, Where, Why, When, How into the gaps and form
meaningful questions. (10pts)
Departamento de Gestión Inglés I
Facultad Politécnica
Universidad Nacional de Asunción
Exercise 5: Write the correct preposition - at, in, on- in the missing words
and form correct time phases. (10pts)
1. September
2. 12 o'clock
3. winter
4. Easter Monday
5. 4th July, 1776
6. Christmas
7. Tuesday
8. the weekend
9. my birthday
10. the end of the week
Departamento de Gestión Inglés I
Facultad Politécnica
Universidad Nacional de Asunción
1. in
2. at
3. at
4. on
5. at
6. on
7. on
8. at
9. in
10. at
11. in
12. on
Exercise 7: Complete with There is or There are and complete the
sentences. Mind singular or plural of the nouns. (10pts)
There is
1. a bag on the table.
There is
2. a calendar on the wall.
There are
3. two posters in my room.
There is
4. a banana in this basket.
There are
5. six chairs in the kitchen.
There are
6. lots of books on the shelf.
There is
7. a mirror in our hall.
There are
8. 12 cushions on the sofa.
There is
9. a big wardrobe in my sister's bedroom.
There are
10. children in the yard.
Departamento de Gestión Inglés I
Facultad Politécnica
Universidad Nacional de Asunción
there is
4. Take bus 16. a bus stop right there.
there is
5. fish and salad.
No se preocupe. No hay mucho tráfico a esta hora.
there is'nt
6. Don't worry. much traffic at this time.
are there
7. Excuse me teacher. penguins in England?
Departamento de Gestión Inglés I
Facultad Politécnica
Universidad Nacional de Asunción
there is'nt
8. a pencil when you need one!
Exercise 9: Read the following students describing their bedrooms. Then look
at the bedrooms and match them with each student. (8pts)
Departamento de Gestión Inglés I
Facultad Politécnica
Universidad Nacional de Asunción
Departamento de Gestión Inglés I
Facultad Politécnica
Universidad Nacional de Asunción
My bedroom is very clean and tidy. I like to have my things in where they
belong. I have a bed in one of the corners of the room. In front of it I have
a white closet. There are all of my clothes and shoes. There is a desk
with a computer and some books between the door and the closet. Also,
I have a shelf where I keep most of my notebooks. In there are some
random things also, like lamps, pictures, pens, and others.