LICD Lab 5
LICD Lab 5
LICD Lab 5
Objective: Design a symbol of an inverter Use the symbol in a sample circuit and perform its simulation.
Excellent Good Average Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
Ability to perform
Experiment without
Ability to general
understanding of
Data presentation
Experimental results
• VMware workstation
• CentOS 6.5
• Candence Virtuoso
Step 1: Create the schematic of an inverter.
Step 2: we go to create and then go to cellview click on instance.
Step 6: after this symbol we go to cell view and click so the circuit will appear and we give input
Vpulse and Vdc and give VDD and gnd.
Test bunch
Go to Properties of Vpulse and give value to Voltage 1 = 0V, Voltage 2 = 5V, Pulse width = 5ns,
Period=10ns, Rise/Fall time = 10ps , VDD=5v and VSS=gnd Analysis Transient Analysis, for time
Results & Discussion:
Designing an Inverter Symbol
1. Creating the Inverter Schematic: Begin by designing the schematic for an inverter
circuit using Cadence Virtuoso.
2. Generating a Cell View: After creating the schematic, generate a cell view.
3. Assigning Symbol Name: Specify a name for the inverter symbol and confirm your
4. Defining Pin Names: Label the pins on the symbol according to their positions in the
5. Customizing the Symbol: Refine the symbol's appearance by adjusting its shape using
tools like lines and circles. Ensure it matches the original inverter circuit.
6. Verification and Save: Thoroughly check the symbol for accuracy and save it.
In this lab we study about Inverter and we study how to make inverter Designing symbol
from schematic and symbol simulation. And we take Pmos and Nmos to make inverter. And
then make symbol and testbench and put values and perform lab and give output waveform.
and we learn how to used cadence and how to used different library.