Sencore LC102 Circuit Description and Analyzer Notes
Sencore LC102 Circuit Description and Analyzer Notes
Sencore LC102 Circuit Description and Analyzer Notes
The Leakage Supply produces’ the voltage for the capacitor leakane test.
The cutput of the leaka ge suppl y is contr olled by the micr opro cess or via ‘two °
digital-to-analog ‘converters. This supply aperates by converting the le
“volts received’ from. the main supply to°2 lower or higher. value as: ‘control led
by the Pulse Width Modulator. The 12 valts is. amplified by a 1:3 furrs ratic
transformer and then rectified and filtered. A portion of this output
voltage, determined by the D/A converters, is sampled, peak detected, and
compared to a reference voltage. When the sampled portion is equal ta the
reference, the supply is stable and its output will remain constant. The
- leakage supply aiso incorporates an active load -which has several purpeses.
First, switching supplies must be properly loaded in. order for then.te
opera te corre ctly. The activ e load provi des a const ant 208 uA drain to lead
the supply at all times. Second, the active load is used to reduce overshoot
of the output during turn on. When the output reaches its full selected
voltage, the active load temporarily increases the supply load thus slowing
a safe means
the. fast rise in outpu t valta ge. ‘Last, the activ e load provi des
of discharging the filters once the supply is turned off. If this feature
was not incorporated, a dangerous voltage would remain on the filter
Capacitors, thus creating a'shock hazard not anly to the technician working
on the unit, but also to the technician using the unit.
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The Main board (2000 board) contains the circuitry for performing all of
the tests to effectively test capacitors and inductors. The heart of this
board is the microprocessor.
It, with its software held in the EPROM, controls the extensive array of
memory mapped 1/0. The microprocessor also determines al] automatic goad/bad
indicators and performs any calculations needed for these indicators or any
other calculated display outputs.
CO Co -
The LCig2 measures. capacitance by the formula C=(i x “ati /dv. During the
test, a known current (1) -is applied toa capacitor. - While this current is
chargi ng the: ‘cap acit or, | the. time ‘it take s ‘be pass . -bet ween .: ‘two vol tag e ‘poi nts
ahete® 6°
Alt hou gh ther e: are: ‘twe lve. ‘sof twar e rang es - for dis pla yin g Cap aci tan ce,
only four hardware ‘ranges, exist... A full 12 ranges: are accomplished by. using
“the. hardware ranges to cover. wider capacitances arid adjusting the display’
accordingly. . The. table shown below tells which hardware ranges are used with
each software. range.
TABLE 1. . ,
Page 2
or a large capacitor with high ESR is seen, the unit assumes that the
Capacitor is a large cap ().2F) and enters a mode where the capacitor is
pulsed with the 60 mA and 416 #A current source. The reason that the
Capacitor is pulsed is so the ESR usually found within large capacitors and
the internal resistance of the LC1@2 circuitry will not effect the
Capacitance readings as the upper trip limit is set at a low 1.75 volts. The
upper trip level is tested only during the time that: the 6@ mA and 416 mA
source is off. (Pulsed mode)
The different trip levels used in the capacitance test are shewn in
Table 2.. There is also a .25 volt lower trip level used during the discharge
cycles, oF the top two. hardware ranges.. ,
Because the testing of large value, double layer capacitors takes longer
that the testing of standard capacitors, a “thinking bar" indicator has beer
incorporated into the double layer test to signify its operation and inform
the user as to the operation: of the test. When the ‘Capacitance value: button.
is pressed and the unit determines that a‘ double. layer capaciter is being
tested, the “2000". display turns to the thifhking bars, The bar's cont inue. to.
scroll ‘across the display as the ‘test. progresses. ‘Two seconds between bar
movement indicates that the unit is in the discharge mode and ene sécond
between bar movement indicates that the Capacitor is charging. Once a
reading’. is displayed,. the units holds that. reading,. giving no ‘futher. updates. —
- Note that this ‘readirig hold only takes place after a double. layer’ capacitor
has been. read. — : .
When the LC1ia2 first. enters ‘the D/A test, it checks to” see if the. oo
Capacitor under test has: a charge on it. If it does; the unit will enter a
“wait” mode. and discharge the capacitor through a low resistance discharoe ot
FET. It will discharge the capacitor for -two seconds and test it again, only ©
cont inuing on with the D/A test if the Capacitor has been fully discharged.
Once the capacitor is. discharged, ‘the unit enters the: actual B/A test.
- For two seconds, a 416 mA current. source is turned on and the capacitor iss
charged. The voltage applied to the Capacitor at this time is limited ta 3
volts to avoid damaging any low.voeltage. capacitors. After . :the two second”
charge time, the supply is turned off and ‘a discharge FET is turnec on. The.
Capacitor is discharged for two seconds and then released to a high-
impedence. After 2/3 of a serond from. the release of the a discharae FET,
.neasurement of the voltage on the capacitor is taken. This voltage is then
converted to a percentage by the microprocessor and displayed as Dieiectric
Absorption. ir percentage.: .
In order to effectively measure leakage current through a capacitor, the
volfaqe across the device must be kept constant and ro voltage should be
developed across the measuring circuitry. Also, if the measuring circuitry
ranges, there can be no effect seen by the capacitor because of this ranging.
By utilizing a current-to-voltage converter, the ground. lead or ground return
is constantly kept at ground potential. The I/V Converter used in the LC1@2
has four automatically selected ranges and produces an output voltage
relative to its input current or in this case, the leakage current af the
-Capacitor. The .four ranges with their respective current capabilities ere’
listed below. : .
Page 3.
1 ® - 19.99uA
2 20uA-199. 9uA
3 ' -20@uA-1. 99mA
4 2mA-19.99mA
_. ESR BLOCK | Le | | -
The circuitry for: ‘ESR ‘measurement will be ‘explained iv block diagram oO
form at this time. First-of all, what is ESR? ESR (Equivalent Series
Resistance) is the inherent characteristic of a capacitor to have a certain
anount of resistance in series with its capacitance qualities. Tf ESR
- becomes ° iarge enough, thé’ capacitor. becomes” in essence, an. “open“- capacitcr.
The voltage ‘developed across’ a capacitor’ with no ESR when it i¢ charged,
rises ina straight line because a constant current generator is used,” The
_formuba : ‘for the charge ramp | ‘is 'dv -= (1/0) (at). Dn a capacitor. ‘ith ESR, “the-
“ charge ‘current. must first overcome any internal resistance. _ Because ‘voltage
across a resistance. changes instantly, the charge curve will be a ‘straight -
vertical line on the waveforms. After. the resistance ‘is overcome and. the
o ‘capacitance takes effect,. a normal charge ramp - results, ‘The formula for this
os ranp is dv =. (1/€) dt) + IR, where R is the ESR... ESR” is measured ive the’
| first. instant _Oof.a ‘charge ramp. . mod
amma t ees
Tame Teme
bv = @Y(a) | a dv =CEY(&) + =R
am ome
timing of the entire circuit. First the 1@uS Pulse Generator is triggered.
This generator then controls the current that is used to charge the
Capacitor-under-test. This capacitor is charged for 10uS. Immediately,
after the charge cycle begins, a pulse generated by the .SuS Pulse Generator
-allows the Sample and: Hold circuit to measure the voltage developed across
the tested capacitor during the first .SuS of the charge cycle. At the end
of the i@uS charge period, the selected current generater turns off and a
transistor in the discharge circuit is turned on. The Capacitor-under-test .
is then discharged and a new charge and ‘discharge cycle is ready to begin. |
After the Sample and Hold circuit has measured and held and ESR voitape
reading, it is then passed on to the A/D converter. The adjusted ESR voltage
is then read directly as ESR. in ohms. 7 SO
Inductance measurements. are made by supplying a constantly increasing
current (ie..current ramp) through the coil under test and sampling the peak
’ DC current “across the coil: The constantly varying current causes a reverse °
EMF across the coil, ‘according’ to the defining equation for inductance E = L
di/dt.. _ Therefore, by changing the. constant di/dt for the-different ranges,
- the reverse EMF is direct ly proportional to the ‘inductance. ‘However, when
the current reaches its peak value, there is: also an IR: component in the ,
voltage that. is seen across. the (coil... ‘ .
- . . We then. hold the peak DC current: across the coil and Wieasure this IR.
component. The. voltage across. the coil. is supplied to two. peak detectors by
omeans of the -inductance: buffer, 1C28. The Inductance Peak. Detector measures.
and holds. the voitage pulse across the coil. during the time that the. current
is increasing. ‘This voltage. has a peak value Of. L di/dt. + TR, ‘@here I is the.
_ peak current and the resistance of ‘the coil. “Now this peak current is
'. held for a time, during which the Resistance Peak Detector stores the IR drap
- across the coil. These two stored voltages are then subtracted by the
‘difference Amp IC2@8, so that we are left with only the L di/dt voltage, -which
is then measured by the A/D converter and microprocessor. We will look at
this circuit in more detail wher we get inte the schematic. 7 ot
Im the LE10e ringer. Gireuit, a ‘pulse, triggered: by the. microprocessor
and formed by TRI7 and. TRI8, is fed to the coil under test, The ringine
“signal from the coil is détected, converted into TTL pulses, and finally
counted by the microprocessor. Impedance matching is not selected tanualiy,
but instead, the microprocessor sequentially scans through four impedance
matching Capacitors and displays only the highest ringing value. All of the ©
guess work of ‘which . impedance match is to be used Ais removed . by allowing the
microprocessor - -to make the decision.
The level at which the LCI te quits counting rings is determined by the
selection of the front panel component type switches. At least ore of the
lower three component types must be selected ar an Error 1 will result. With
Coils or Switching Transformers selected, the LC10@2 counts al! of the ringing
pulses received from the coil. . When the. Yokes and Flybacks camponent type is
selected, only the tep 75% of the received ringing pulses are counted. The
ringer counting circuitry cuts off at the 25% leve}.
Page 3
There are two LCD displays on the front panel of the LC102. One is a 6
digit and is used for displaying entered value and all test values’ and |
results. The other is-a 4 digit and is used to constantly display the
voltage that is entered for the leakage supply. ‘The two displays can be
tested by accessing a display test routine. This routine is called by . moa
holding the On/Battery test ‘and - pressing the CLR button at the’ Game “tine.
There are . also 9 LED's, ‘which are used to “indicate ‘Component type
selection, and two flashing LED's. One is used to warn the user when )25
volts has: been: entered ‘into the leakage supply. The. other flashing “LED is-
_. used,.in ‘Conjunction with .a: ‘buzzer, to warn the user of possible shock hazard
should the. test lead fuse ever blow. ce
Now, turning. to. the schematic of the ‘Power Supply Board, | let’s discuss
‘in detail the’ Circuitry associated with the two power suplies used . in the
{Ci@2e. The PAZS1 Power Adaptor is connected to the terminal marked AC..
Here, the 18 volts delivered by the power adaptor: is passed through CR2S and
additionally filtered by C14' and C16..° The 14:5 volt regulator is compesed of
ICS, and LM317T Adustable Regulator and its associated contra) ‘resistors.
R40 is adjusted fora reguiator output of 14.5 volts. CR16 and R45 make up
the battery charging section which will charge the BY224 when installed.
Also note that at the AC input, there is a line syne generator made up of
TRI, TR1@, and several bias resistors. The circuit tells the microprocessor
when the AC Power Adaptor is connected: and. whether or not to incerporate-
auto of f function. The main power switch FET (TRIS) is used to pass the
battery and/or power adaptor voltage ta. the Switching ‘section of the main’
supply. A FET is used here. to alYow nat only. standard on/off. control by SH,
but also microprocessor controlled auto. off capabilities. © The battery
voltage is passed through CR18, a 3 amp Schottky diode for low forward
voltage drop, and the AC Power Adapter voltage is passed through CRi7.
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Page 7
The leakage supply is initially turned an and off by a control line from
the microprocessor. When S volts is applied to the base of TR1, through R1S
TRI conducts thus lowering the voltage’ ‘at Pin 16 of IC3..- This volfage is”
ther below the voltage on Pin 15 and the supply. begins’ to turn aon and come up”
. to voltage. When the microprocessor control line goes to grourd, TR1 turns
off allowing Piri 16 to rise to 12 volts ard thus turning off the out put of
-IC3. Another thing that ‘happens during turnoff is that TR& turns on ard
discharges the output filters through the active load, which will be
described dater.
While the supply. is initially turning on, the out put voltage is rising
at a’ fairly fast rate. Just as the output-reaches full voltage, TR7 is.
momentarily turned on to slow-the output voltage rise by. drawing 33 times the.
normal current through ‘the active load. This keeps the output voltage from -
overshooting the entéred. voltage. - The control of this operation comes from
[Cla after comparing the output reference voltage ard a value Just. above the -
main reference voltage. °
The active load is a very important part of the leakage supply. First,
in order for a switching supply to operate. correctly, it must have’ some
afaount of load:'or its output. The active ‘load used here keeps a constant
load of about 2@@uA on the power supply, . no matter what the output voltage is
set to. The attive load also. keeps the -supply fram overshgot ing -and::
discharges the filter capacitors when it is ‘shut’ offF as ‘ment ioned before. |
The active load operates as follows; Five volts is fed to the gate of
TRE via R22. This voltage turns the FET (TR&) an, which in turn develaps a
voltage across the 19@K source resistor (R24). This voltage is around é
_ volts, which equates to a 2009uR load (2ev/1@@K = 2@@uA). Because there is a
balanced condition between the voltage on the scurce and the.gate veoliage,
any change in output valtage will] reflect in.a carresponding change in FET
resistance to keep the voltage across R@4 constant.
As the voltage on the drain of TR2 rises, the source will follow because
the.FET is turned on via R23. The voltage at. the source of TR@ is limited to
approximately 400 volts by CR6 and CR7. This distributes the high voltage
betweer the twe discharge FETs.
The discharge lead (R25) and the overshoot load (R26) are selected via
TR8 and TR7 respectively. The reason that the heavier loads work is that TRE
will turn cn as hard as necessary to develop a balanced voltage across the
Page 8
The supply is current limited by the circuit consisting of TR1, Rei, and
R35. When the voltage drop across R35 becomes greater than .& volts, TR2
begins to conduct and raises Pin 3 of IC3. When this feedback pin is pulled
high, the Pulse Width Modulator decreases the pulse width and in turn limits
the output voltage.
The upper and lower ‘voltage trip points are determined by the voltage on.
Pins 5 &-9 of ICZ7, a LM319 high speed comparator. -The lower trip point, Pin
3S of IC27, is normally held at. 1V by resistor: divider network R161 & R76. |
When TFR48 is turned on by the microprocessor, the lower trip level becomes
er) cand. wher - TR4L- is turned . on; ‘the trip level: becomes. .2SVe- “Only TR4A. or|
TR41 is on at one tine, never both. :.On Pin 9 of IC27;. the upper 3.5V trip
level resides. This voltage is set by R74 & R164, and wher TRIG is turned on .
by the “F" latch, the upper trip level is lowered to 1.75 volts. R71i is used.
ta calibrate this voltage.
Page 3
charge tine, relay L9 releases and relay Li engages. Discharge FET TRA8 is
turned on and the capacitor discharges far 2 seconds. TRS is then turned off
arid Li is released. After 2/3 of a second, the voltage on the cap is
measured via a high impedance buffer, I1C33. R33, adjusting the offset of
IC33, is used to calibrate the D/A readings. The output of the D/A: input
buffer is fed to the A/D converter IC14, via the A/D input selector, ICIS.
' Part of the leakage measuring system is the leakage power supply which
has been. previously covered. Aut, part of the. leakage supply which was. not
covered is the digital-to-analog converter which sets’ up a reference current
that the supply uses to determine what the output voltage will be. When a
valid voltage is entered via the front panel keyboard IEEE, the LC1a2
microprocessor Calculates what code must be sent ta the D/A converter. This
Code is latched by IC35 for the MSB and IC37 for the LSB. -In: order to cover
_ the full range of 1 to.999.9 volts in .1 volt increments, two D/A converters |
‘. must be used. Two D/A converters give a resolution of. 16 bits. The MSB D/A
‘converter's maximum output current is .Sma and it is trimmed ‘by’ Rea. The
LSB D/Q corverter’s output current is 2uA and it is trimmed by R262. These
‘pots are adjusted. during the leakage. supply voltage calibration.. The two:D/R.
converters are combined by tying their autputs together. Ss
The following table shows ‘which ‘vesistors and relays are used for ‘each
particular ranges:
Troubleshooting hint: If the unit reads several mA with no load connected
and can not be calibrated out, L4 may be fused.
Page 19
Under the control of the ii croprocessor, the three ESR ranges are
sequentially stepped through, highest to Lowest range. In between ranges,
TRE is turned on to discharge the. Cur. | 7
The LC1¢2 ‘measures inductance ' by. applying a “current. ramp to the coil -.
under test, as described in the inductance circuit block diagran ‘description.
The current ramp-is generated by ICe6, C32, and one of the resistor networks
selected. by IC16, an analog multiplier. - ‘The ramp ‘speed is’ determined by the
‘resistor network value selected by the microprocessor... When ICY ‘selects’ one.. |
-of its. seven inputs, capacitor C32 begins. to charge. As the voltage at Pin 6
of IC26 rises, it charges C32 aid raises the ‘Voltage on Pin 2. Because Pin 2
is being pulled toward —-5 volts, it opposes the current ‘coming from C3e. The
“rise of the. voltage. is then a linear’ ramp whose speed is’ determined. by how
“hard Pin 2 of IC 26 is being pulled toward -S volts and counteract ing the
rise of voltage caused by the Charging C32. Knowing how this circuit: .
operates,. we can tell that R104 and R1@5 will produce the strongest current
and opposition to C3¢, thus producing the steepest ramp. R111 and R117 being
the highest resistance value will produce less. opposition ta C32 ard -
consequent ially, the slowest and. most gradual ramp.
Also, note that the output of ICza, Pin 7 is divided down by R152 and
RIS4 and sent to the A/D converter. This point is used by the microprocessor
to test if a high resistance across the leads exists, thus indicating an open
Page if
2 6 ame EO
I-20, Prt
: - |
- Pin 13
R~- Berec Teoh
Page 12
The two LED displays receive their data from DB7 of the wicroprocessor.
The main display and the voltage display each have their own clock which is’
used to put the data into the particular display latch. ‘ICG produces the .
backplane for the LCDs and also flashes the warning, LED wher instructed | to do
. $0 ‘by the microprocessor.
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