PR2 - Group 4 CHAPTER 13
PR2 - Group 4 CHAPTER 13
PR2 - Group 4 CHAPTER 13
Adrian P. Ablong
Shylyn Cañedo
Jasper M. Verdeflor
January 2024
Algebra Skills to Problem-Solving Ability
This chapter of the research presents the introduction, statement of the problem, hypothesis,
conceptual framework, scope and delimitation, significance of the study, and definition of terms.
Learning Physics is one of the challenges in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) strand. Physics is the branch of science that deals with the study of Matter
and its fundamentals. It involves Science and Mathematics. Algebra is one of the branches of
mathematics that is commonly used in Physics since it helps the students understand the lesson by
using variables. This research will study the relationship between algebra and problem-solving
In the Philippine education, General Physics has been included as a specialized subject in
the Senior High School (SHS) Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
strand under academic track in which the students are expected to demonstrate an understanding
of the following: Mechanics of particles, rigid bodies, and fluids; waves; and heat and
thermodynamics using the methods and concepts of algebra, geometry, trigonometry, graphical
analysis, and basic calculus (K To 12 Basic Education Curriculum Senior High School – Science,
In order to succeed in the modern world, 21st century learners need to attain 21st century
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving-21st Skill, 2023). Problem-solving is an important life skill
that empowers individuals to overcome obstacles and seize opportunities. It involves determining
a problem, coming up with ideas that might work, evaluating your options, and putting good plans
into action. People who are skilled enough at solving problems are more resourceful, flexible, and
resilient. Problem-solving requires algebra skills since one approach to improving students’
mathematical knowledge and performance is to build a foundation for their success in algebra
(Nuth et al., 2016). Algebraic problem-solving is an approach of thinking and reasoning that allows
students to establish models, investigate relationships, and solve problems. However, students’
knowledge of formulating and solving algebraic problems is limited (Ying et al., 2020).
Algebra skills depend on how the students solve the problem. Algebraic problem-solving
often involves breaking down problems into stages or steps. If there's a discrepancy in how
students approach these stages, it can affect their ability to use algebraic skills coherently (Sutriani
& Mansyur, 2021). Students' problem-solving skills often struggle when a new problem arises.
Physics problems are often understood by students, especially when they have already seen the
problem before, but when a new problem is introduced to them, they will have a hard time solving
it (Ince, 2018). According to Prahani et al. (2021), problem-solving skills must be trained at the
high school level by design. It was concluded from the results of the study, which states that
students will have problems, namely not being able to compete in the 21st century, if problem-
solving in physics is not prioritized at the school level. In this light, the researchers decided to
conduct this study to provide valuable insight on how algebra skills can affect learning, specifically
This study aims to determine the relation of algebra skills to problem-solving skills in
learning physics among Grade 12 STEM students. Moreover, this sought to answer the following
3. What is the relationship between algebra skills and problem-solving skills in learning Physics?
This study includes one proposed null hypothesis to examine the relationship between
H0: There is no significant relationship between algebra skills and problem-solving ability in
learning physics.
The conceptual framework indicates the independent and dependent variables of the study.
The researchers aim to assess the algebraic skills in relation to problem-solving skills in learning
This study aims to analyze the algebraic skills in relation to problem-solving skills in
learning Physics of grade 12 STEM learners. And through that, the findings of this study could be
Students. This study helps students gain insight on how algebra skills and problem-solving
skills can affect their learning in general physics. It can also help their academic performance in
Teachers. In this research, teachers can gain knowledge about students' capabilities by
knowing the capacity of their algebra and problem-solving skills. Furthermore, the method of
teaching can be enhanced based on the understanding of students; hence, teachers can develop new
strategies to improve the way they teach for students to be able to better apprehend the subject.
This study is focused solely on the relationship between algebra and problem-solving skills
in General Physics 1. The primary subjects of this study will consist of the Grade 12 students
enrolled in the academic year 2023-2024. The respondents will be limited to students who are in
the STEM strand of Fortunato F. Halili National Agricultural School at Guyong, Sta. Maria,
Algebra Skills to Problem-Solving Ability
Definition of Terms
The important terms used in this study were conceptually defined based on how they are
Algebra Skills. It is the student's basic knowledge in Algebra which is taught in Junior
High School.
General Physics 1. It is a specialized subject taken by senior high school grade 12 students
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). The senior high school
This chapter presents the relevant literature and studies that the researchers considered in
strengthening the importance of the study and to support the current study. This chapter will
present a review of literature that will provide an overall finding from a series of both local and
international studies and literature regarding algebra and problem-solving skills. In order to
effectively present and convey the review, the chapter will be divided into three sections: Algebra
Algebra Skills
for numerical values. Its primary purpose lies in the exploration of solutions to equations that
and solve real-world problems and scenarios (Rusell, 2018). According to Siew et al. (2016), the
skills learned in algebra are the fundamental knowledge that comes from understanding that
equations may be solved by carrying out the same operations on both sides. It is the creation of a
new equation with a different representation but the same value. In addition, algebraic ability is an
important component in mastering mathematics because it can explore students' thinking abilities.
Students who have high thinking ability have different algebraic abilities from students who have
low thinking ability, as well as students with medium thinking ability (Ashar et al., 2021).
Algebra skills help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving abilities by
teaching them to analyze and manipulate abstract concepts. These skills enable students to analyze
it helps them acquire vital abilities such as critical, systematic, logical, analytical, creative, and
According to the study of Lee et al. (2018), the results from the cross-sectional study
indicated a strong connection between the capability to solve mathematical relational problems
and one's performance in algebra word problems. Working memory and the process of updating
information accounted for the differences in performance between these two types of problems.
The results of these findings indicate that enhancing one's proficiency in solving relational
problems is a key strategy for boosting performance in algebra, as it serves as a valuable skillset
In the study of Knuth et al. (2022), the primary goal of the study was to improve students'
mathematical knowledge and performance to build a foundation for the success of early learners
in algebra. The study highlights the elements that young students can employ to succeed in algebra,
including their ability to use variables, their critical understanding of algebra, and their capacity to
recognize and induce patterns and to generalize patterns symbolically. The results of the research
indicate that elementary school children are capable of learning foundational algebraic concepts
and skills and that a comprehensive and sustained early algebra experience significantly affects
their algebra understanding. Engaging young students in algebra study provides the groundwork
for essential abilities that transcend beyond mathematics. It provides them not only algebraic
capabilities but also analytical, problem-solving, critical, and logical thinking abilities, abstract
comprehensive skill development that can be beneficial throughout their academic journey and in
Due to poor algebra skills, students face adversity in comprehending algebra and other
math-related areas. Students with weak algebra skills find it challenging when solving
mathematical equations and problems. When a student with poor algebra skills encounters math
In the study of Pentang et al. (2020), the study aims to determine the LVC-P learners' level
aims to identify the difficulties encountered by the learners in solving word problems involving
numbers, measurement, geometry, algebra, and statistics. The study employed a descriptive
research approach, and the researchers assessed the competence of their students using a set test
modified from SEI-DOST and MATHTED (2011). The identified adversities learners encountered
to the study of Pentang et al. (2020), the result shows that the learners of Laura Vicuña Center—
Palawan badly need a mathematics enhancement program and simultaneous tutorial sessions to
address the difficulties identified and training needs enumerated. The results of the study indicate
that LVC-P students score poorly on given tests and lack the necessary skills to provide answers
to corresponding queries. Furthermore, patterns and algebra ranked as the hardest subjects for
LVC-P learners overall. This suggests that learners in the LVC-P have inadequate proficiency in
algebra and in understanding and solving mathematical equations. This can help educators develop
fresh and effective teaching methods and approaches that cater to students' needs in terms of
In the study of Brahimia et al. (2016), the use of arithmetic and algebraic reasoning is
In a calculus-based course, it's often assumed that students have already successfully completed
prerequisite algebra courses. In addition, experienced instructors understand that, despite this
preparation, even their most diligent students can encounter difficulties when it comes to making
algebraic decisions in the context of physics. Based on the findings, it is crucial to appreciate the
ongoing need for effective algebraic problem-solving skills, even among well-prepared students
in a physics course.
Awodun et al. (2013) conducted a study to examine the predictive influence of mathematics
skills, including algebra skills, on physics students’ performance. This examination employed the
ex-post-factor survey type. The results of this study revealed that all mathematics skills, including
algebra skills, exert a significant and highly influential effect on the academic performance of
Problem-Solving Skills
The ability to comprehend and find the right answer to a problem is necessary for students.
Problem-solving skills involve identifying, organizing, and addressing our thoughts. According to
English and Gainsburg (2015), in the 21st century, the complexity of different problems increases.
The need for good problem-solving skills is a must for understanding and solving complex
problems. Students rely on their problem-solving skills in their everyday task scenarios, and
Effective decision-making, innovation, and personal growth are some of the benefits of
having good problem-solving skills. Students with good problem-solving skills have successfully
solved a problem, especially if students encountered the problem before, resulting in good
academic performance (İncebacak & Ersoy, 2016). Creativity and innovation rise when matched
with a good problem solver. According to Cromwell et al. (2018), individuals with good problem-
solving skills tend to have talents in writing and finding a solution. In education, problem-solving
plays a significant role. Mayer (2019) proves the importance of problem-solving skills in an
educational setting, as they help students in their academic work. A high percentage of employers
are considering problem-solving as one of the most important skills that a student can have
(Marshall, 2022). According to Tang (2018), critical thinking and problem-solving skills are found
to be the most important soft skills in the profession of teaching. Their findings reveal the
important aspects of soft skills: (i) the delivery of effective and quality teaching; (ii) career
On the other hand, weak problem-solving skills result in poor academic performance,
limited adaptability, and missed opportunities, which can result in stress and frustration. Problem-
solving is present in schools, homes, and workplaces in a rapidly changing environment. Failing
in this skill would cost you even your mental health. Based on the study by Abdollahi et al. (2018),
poor problem-solving skills have higher levels of perceived stress and low levels of hardiness,
which anticipates a higher level of suicidal ideation According to the study by Pasigon (2022), in
terms of the attributes of problem solving, anxiety and motivation are largely experienced by the
students. Furthermore, overall confidence and self-learning techniques are moderately experienced
by the respondents. In correlation, the age and year-level of the respondents is negatively correlated
to Anxiety but are positively correlated with their confidence, motivation, and self-learning
Algebra Skills to Problem-Solving Ability
techniques. This implies that the anxiety experienced by the students decreases as they get older
and are promoted to the next year’s level while building confidence, motivation, and self learning
techniques. The potential reasons why an individual's level of problem-solving skills is good or
According to the study by Özpınar & Arslan (2023), individuals obtained an adequate level
of problem-solving skills; however, the level of proficiency is dependent on their grade levels,
gender, and grade-point averages. There is an indication that higher grade-point averages result in
they can be used as the basis for determining action; this will help their prior knowledge to
understand the problem (Simamora et al., 2017). Another study by Veerasamy et al. (2018) found
that good problem solvers achieved greater final exam scores compared to bad problem
many ways to improve considering its various benefits and advantages. A study by Setyarini et al.
can help students train their problem-solving skills in physics problems. Additionally, the problem-
solving skills of students who learn physics using interactive multimedia-based problem-solving
are better than those of students who learn through conventional methods (Manurung, 2020).
Hidaayatullaah et al. (2020) also conducted a study to train physics students’ problem-
solving skills. They used the implementation of Problem-Based Learning (PBL), and the results
showed that PBL affected the problem-solving abilities of students in the experimental and
replication groups. The problem-solving skills of the students increased due to various factors,
Algebra Skills to Problem-Solving Ability
such as the implementation of learning, the existence of different student intelligences, and student
Prompts (DPP) on students’ conceptual understanding and problem-solving skills in physics. Their
statistical analysis showed that high-performing DPP students exhibit expert-like behavior in their
way of solving the given problem. Apart from this, a study by Collado (2019) proved that
improving the problem-solving skills of the students can be as easy as One Word Problem a Day
(OWPaD). The assessment of problem-solving skills and how they will affect an individual
includes positive and negative outcomes depending on the level of problem-solving skills an
individual has. Several studies showed its positive impact: excellent academic performance, talents
in writing, and innovation. Contrary to these are poor academic performance, being unreliable,
stress, and anxiety. However, different studies have shown that there are ways to enhance your
problem-solving skills. Some of these studies are Implementation of Problem-Based Learning and
One Word Problem a Day (OWPaD). Therefore, problem-solving skills require practice, which
Numerous studies have delved into the intricate relationship between algebra and problem-
solving skills. In a study by Knuth et al. (2016), it was posited that a pivotal strategy for nurturing
students' mathematical proficiency and comprehension relies upon the establishment of a solid
foundation for their algebra success. Problem-solving skills are important mathematical
proficiency, as Osman et al. (2018) stated that problem solving, when incorporated into the realm
of mathematics, not only equips students with the ability to tackle complex mathematical
Algebra Skills to Problem-Solving Ability
challenges but also empowers them to apply their mathematical knowledge and skills to solve real-
world problems they encounter in their daily lives. Thus, it has become evident that in order to
acquire problem-solving skills, improving students’ algebraic success should be a top educational
In the study of Putri et al. (2022), it aimed to know students' problem-solving ability in
Notably, the introduction of the Palembang context within the study's framework helped in
elucidated by the findings of Putri et al. (2022). The results of the study highlight how important
it is for students to comprehend and use algebraic ideas when solving mathematical problems. In
essence, having a good understanding of algebra means having a strong foundation for problem-
solving in math. This can help in the development of their problem-solving capabilities,
emphasizing that there is a relation between the comprehension of algebra and its application in
One of the findings in the study on the perspectives of senior high school students pursuing
STEM careers conducted by De Guzman et al. (2020) stated that almost all the students wanted to
including knowledge of algebra, has been recognized as an essential requirement for progress and
success in STEM fields (Wilder, 2023). In the same way, skills in solving algebraic word problems
are a main component of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) (Sian Hoon
et al., 2020).
Algebra Skills to Problem-Solving Ability
However, despite its importance to students, several studies have indicated the lack of
understanding and skills of students in algebra. According to Mayor et al. (2018), whose study
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) senior high school students’ algebra skills
and performance in Basic Calculus. The statistical findings revealed that the senior high school
students failed in the Algebra test which indicates the lack of knowledge and skills of the students
in Algebra.
Furthermore, Sian Hoon et al. (2020) conducted a study to assess the students’ level of
abilities in solving algebraic word problems. The research instrument consisted of questions from
one of the main areas of algebra, which focused on two parts: algebraic knowledge (AK) and
algebraic knowledge in the context of science (AKCS). The data revealed that transforming
information based on relationships was the main cause of problems in solving the algebraic
problems. The result indicated that the majority of the students have a low level of algebraic
Understanding algebra means having a strong foundation for problem-solving in math. The
in algebra not only enhances mathematical proficiency but also plays a pivotal role in problem-
solving capabilities. It has become evident that algebra holds a crucial place in students'
mathematical skill development. However, the findings of the studies indicate a prevalent
deficiency in algebraic knowledge and skills among students, particularly in the context of science-
related applications. In this light, the research study will uncover algebra and problem-solving
skills in learning Physics. Hence, conducting a study could shed light on this relationship and help
Algebra Skills to Problem-Solving Ability
improve the teaching and learning of algebraic concepts for better performance in problem-
Research Methodology
This chapter deals with the research design, locale of the study, population and sample that
were used as respondents for this study, the research instrument, procedures for gathering the data,
Research Design
To determine the relationship between algebra skills and problem-solving skill in learning
Physics among Grade 12 STEM students, the researcher will use a correlational research design.
The correlational research design is the most appropriate research design for this study because it
is used to test whether variables are related, such as algebra skills and problem-solving skill in
learning Physics.
The study was conducted at Fortunato F. Halili Agricultural School Senior High School
The population of the study were the grade 12 Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics (STEM) students in the school year 2022-2023 currently studying at Fortunato F.
Halili National Agricultural School. The population of this study was just one section, with a total
of 51 grade 12 STEM students. Hence, the researchers utilized universal sampling technique. The
sample of this study included 51 grade 12 STEM students from section Perseus.
Algebra Skills to Problem-Solving Ability
Research Instrument
Two instruments were utilized in this study. The first instrument used to gather data for the
research study was a questionnaire. This research instrument was adopted from the study of Mayor
et al. (2018) entitled, “The Relationship between Students’ Algebra Skills and Performance in
Basic Calculus” which consisted of 60 items. The questions that were included in the questionnaire
could assess the students’ skills in Algebra. The questionnaire focused on the concepts on Algebra
that were discussed on Junior High School (Grade 7 to Grade 10). The researchers based their
questions on the topics that were included in the K-12 Mathematics Curriculum Guide.
In order to gather data from the participants, the researchers sought permission from the
principal and senior high school head coordinator to administer the test at FFHNAS. Upon
approval, the schedule for the survey was set. The respondents include all Grade 12 students in the
STEM strand. Following the identification of the respondents, a letter of consent was read to the
The researchers briefly explained the purpose of the study and provided the instructions
for answering the test questionnaire. The participants were also instructed that the results of the
exam would be kept with the utmost confidentiality. Once the respondents had been informed and
confirmed their participation in the study, the first questionnaire was given to them to answer. The
exam was done during the participants’ free time in order to prevent interruptions of their classes.
Furthermore, the exam was administered for the duration of 45 minutes. After finishing the first
Algebra Skills to Problem-Solving Ability
test questionnaire, it was followed by the second questionnaire which was utilized for another 45
After all the respondents completed the questionnaires, the researchers expressed their
gratitude to the respondents. Furthermore, data analysis was done. Tables were used to interpret
Statistical Treatment
1. To determine the grade 12 STEM students’ Algebra skills and problem-solving skills in
Physics, the weighted mean was used. The mean is expressed through the following
x̅ =
x̅= mean
N = number of respondents
2. To measure the degree of correlation between the students’ Algebra skills and problem-
solving skills in Physics, the Pearson correlation coefficient was utilized. The formula is
expressed below:
√[𝑛(Σx2 )− (Σx)2 ][n(Σy2 )− (Σy)2 ]
Algebra Skills to Problem-Solving Ability
∑𝑥 = sum of x scores
∑ 𝑦 = sum of y scores
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