Quantitative Research
You have learned from Practical Research 1 that research method is classified into two main types:
quantitative and qualitative. While both methods utilize a specific data gathering procedure, the former
is generally concerned with understanding phenomenon Relating to or involving quality or kind. The
latter, on the other hand, is based on the measurement or quantity. In this module, we will focus on
quantitative methods of research and its different kinds.
Quantitative research uses scientifically collected and statistically analyzed data to Investigate observable
phenomena. A phenomenon is any existing or observable fact or situation that we want to unearth
further or understand. It is scientific for the fact that it uses a scientific method in designing and
collecting numerical data. Once data is collected, it will undergo statistical analysis like Pearson’s r, t-test
and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for analysis. Since data is analyzed statistically, it is imperative that the
data obtained must be numerical and quantifiable, hence its name quantitative research.
Numerical data are generally easier to collect than descriptions or phrases used in qualitative research.
Information like student’s grades in different subjects, number of hours of engagement in social media
platforms of teens, percentage of consumers who prefer the color blue for soap packaging, and average
of daily Covid-19 patient recovery per region are just few examples of research data expressed in
numbers. Some data, on the other hand, are not directly countable and thus require conversion from
non-numerical information into numerical information. For instance, determining which brand of canned
sardines is the best choice for consumers in terms of taste cannot be expressed in numbers unless we do
a survey using a rating scale. Several forms of rating scales are available, e.g., the Likert scale that we can
use to quantify data. Usually, they come in a selection of numbers with a corresponding meaning for
each choice, for example: 1= tastes very good, 2 = satisfactory, or 3 = Undesirable. Numerical choices
convert texts into numbers so the researcher can perform. Mathematical operations for faster, more
accurate, and more objective analysis.
Quantitative research is commonly used in natural sciences research problems because of the following
1. Large Sample Size. To obtain more meaningful statistical result, the data must come from a large
sample size.
2. Objectivity. Data gathering and analysis of results are done accurately, objectively, and are
unaffected by the researcher’s intuition and personal guesses.
3. Concise Visual Presentation. Data is numerical which makes presentation through graphs,
charts, and tables possible and with better conveyance and interpretation.
4. Faster Data Analysis. The use of a statistical tools gives way for a less time-consuming data
5. Generalized Data. Data taken from a sample can be applied to the population if sampling is done
accordingly, i.e., sufficient size and random samples were taken.
6. Fast and Easy Data Collection. Depending on the type of data needed, collection can be quick
and easy. Quantitative research uses standardized research instruments that allow the
researcher to collect data from a large sample size efficiently. For instance, a single survey form
can be administered simultaneously to collect various measurable characteristics like age,
gender, socio-economic status, etc.
7. Reliable Data. Data is taken and analyzed objectively from a sample as a representative of the
population, making it more credible and reliable for policymaking and decision making.
8. High Replicability. The Quantitative method can be repeated to verify findings enhancing its
validity, free from false or immature conclusions.
1. Very objective
2. Numerical and quantifiable data can be used to predict outcomes.
3. Findings are generalizable to the population.
4. There is conclusive establishment of cause and effect
5. Fast and easy data analysis using statistical software.
6. Fast and easy data gathering
7. Quantitative research can be replicated or repeated.
8. Validity and reliability can be established
Quantitative research is a broad spectrum that it can be classified into smaller and more specific kinds:
descriptive, correlational, ex post facto, quasi-experimental, and experimental.
The correlational design identifies the relationship between variables. Data is collected by observation
since it does not consider the cause and effect, for example, the relationship between the amount of
physical activity done and student academic achievement.
Ex post facto design is used to investigate a possible relationship between previous events and present
conditions. The term “Ex post facto” which means after the fact, looks at the possible causes of an
already occurring phenomenon. Just like the first two, there is no experimental manipulation in this
design. An example of this is “How does the parent’s academic achievement affect the children obesity?”
Experimental design like quasi- experimental is used to establish the cause-and-effect relationship of
two or more variables. This design provides a more conclusive result because it uses random assignment
of subjects and experimental manipulations. For example, a comparison of the effects of various blended
learning to the reading comprehension of elementary pupils.
The value of quantitative research to man’s quest to discover the unknown and improve underlying
conditions is undeniable. Throughout history, quantitative research has paved the way to finding
meaningful solutions to difficulties. For instance, the development of vaccines to strengthen our
immunity against viruses causing highly communicable diseases like polio, influenza, chickenpox, and
measles to name a few, underwent thorough experimental trials. You bet, scientists and medical experts
all over the world today are working their best to fast track the development, testing and release of the
vaccine for the corona Virus Disease of 2019 (Covid-19) as the pandemic has critically affected the world
economy, education, as well as physical and emotional well-being of people.
The findings of the quantitative study can influence leaders’ and law-makers’ decisions for crafting and
implementing laws for the safety and welfare of the more significant majority. For example, a community
with high cases of Covid-19 positive patients is mandated by law to be under Enhanced Community
Quarantine where only the most essential businesses can operate. On the other hand, cities with less or
zero case will be under General Community Quarantine where some businesses, public and private
offices are already allowed to operate.
Using quantitative design helps us determine and better understand relationships between variables or
phenomenon crucial to reducing the range of uncertainty because the mathematics (more of this in the
last module) behind quantitative studies helps us make close estimates of the outcome (dependent
variable) from a given condition/s (independent variable). Relationship between demand and supply, age
and health, discipline and academic achievement, practice and winning at sports, depression and suicidal
rates, algae population and Oxygen demand are just few examples of real-life applications of correlation
studies in the past that we still apply today.
Most inventions and innovations are products of quantitative studies. Before you can enjoy the uses and
features of a smart phone, it took years of research to establish compliance to standards for
interoperability, to find the most cost-effective raw materials, and to identify the sleekest and sturdiest
design, the fastest data saving and processing power, and most marketable add-ons according to
consumer needs. Indeed, mankind will dwell in the darkness of ignorance if not for the people who
conducted their research before reading about it from books or manuals.
The table below shows some of the contributions of quantitative research to other fields and their
To get an answer to an inquiry that they are investigating, researchers will observe and measure the
quality or quantity of the object of the study. It is therefore imperative for the researcher to identify the
variables significant in explaining observed effects or behavior. A Variable is anything that has a quantity
or quality that varies. For instance, during the quarantine period, your mother planted tomato seedlings
in pots. Now common understanding from science tells you that several factors are affecting the growth
of tomatoes: Sunlight, water, kind of soil, and nutrients in soil. How fast the tomato seedlings will grow
and bear fruits will depend on these factors. The growth of tomatoes and the number of fruits produced
are examples of the Dependent Variables. The amount of sunlight, water, and nutrients in the soil are the
Independent Variables. If there is an existing relationship between the independent and dependent
variables, then the value of the dependent variable varies in response to the manipulation done on the
independent variable. The independent variable is also identified as the presumed cause while the
dependent variable is the presumed effect. In An experimental quantitative design, the independent
variable is pre-defined and manipulated by the researcher while the dependent variable is observed and
measured. For descriptive, correlational, and ex post facto quantitative research designs, independent
and dependent variables simply do not apply.
It is important to note other factors that may influence the outcome (dependent variable) not
manipulated or pre-defined by the researcher. These factors are called Extraneous Variables. In our
example above, the presence of pests and environmental stressors (e.g. pets, extreme weather) are the
extraneous variables. Since extraneous variables may affect the result of the experiment, it is crucial for
the researcher to identify them prior to conducting the experiment and control them in such a way that
they do not threaten the internal validity (i.e. accurate conclusion) of the result. Controlling the
extraneous variable can be done by holding it constant or distribute its effect across the treatment.
When the researcher fails to control the extraneous variable that it caused considerable effect to the
outcome, the extraneous variable becomes a Confounding Variable. For example, if the tomato had been
infested by pests (confounding variable) then you cannot conclude that manipulations in sunlight, water,
and soil nutrients (independent variable) are the only contributing factors for the stunted growth and
poor yield (dependent variable) of the plant or is it the result of both the independent variables and the
confounding variable.
The variables can also be classified according to their nature. The diagram below
I. Quantitative Variables, also called numerical variables, are the type of variables used in
quantitative research because they are numeric and can be measured. Under this category
are discrete and continuous variables.
A. Discrete variables are countable whole numbers. It does not take negative values or values
between fixed points. For example: number of students in a class, group size and frequency.
B. Continuous variables take fractional (non-whole number) values that can either be a positive or
a negative. Example: height, temperature.
A. Intervals are quantitative variables where the interval or differences between consecutive values
are equal and meaningful, but the numbers are arbitrary. For example, the difference between
36 degrees and 37 degrees is the same as between 100 degrees and 101 degrees. The zero point
does not suggest the absence of a property being measured. Temperature at 0 degree Celsius is
assigned as the melting point of ice. Other examples of interval data would be year and IQ score.
B. Ratio type of data is similar to interval. The only difference is the presence of a true zero value.
The zero point in this scale indicates the absence of the quantity being measured. Examples are
age, height, weight, and distance.
II. Qualitative Variables also referred to as Categorical Variables are not expressed in numbers
but are descriptions or categories. It can be further divided into dichotomous, nominal or
A. Dichotomous variable consists of only two distinct categories or values, for example, a response
to a question either be a yes or no.
B. Nominal variable simply defines groups of subjects. In here, you may have more than 2
categories of equivalent magnitude. For example, a basketball player’s number is used to
distinguish him from other players. It certainly does not follow that player 10 is better than
player 8. Other examples are blood type, hair color and mode of transportation.
C. Ordinal variable, from the name itself, denotes that a variable is ranked in a certain order. This
variable can have a qualitative or quantitative attribute. For example, a survey questionnaire
may have a numerical rating as choices like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ranked accordingly (5=highest, 1=lowest)
or categorical rating like strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree and strongly disagree. Other
examples or ordinal variable: cancer stage (Stage I, Stage II, Stage III), Spotify Top 20 hits,
academic honors (with highest, with high, with honors).