World War-1: by - Sanjay Kumar, TGT (S ST) Kendriya Vidyalaya, Sheohar

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By – Sanjay Kumar, TGT (S St)

Kendriya Vidyalaya, sheohar

[28 July 1914 - 11 November 1918]

• WW-1 was one of the great watershed of 20th-
century geopolitical history. It led to the fall of four
great Imperial dynasties (in Germany, Russia, Austria-
Hungary, and Turkey), resulted in the Bolshevik
Revolution in Russia, and, in its destabilization of
European society, laid the groundwork for WW-II.
• The Great War, The Global war, A war to end all wars.
• It began on 28 July 1914, following the assassination
of Franz Ferdinand a month earlier, and ended on 11
November 1918 with the signing of a ceasefire, or
• It’s one of the most well-documented conflicts in
It led to the mobilization of more than
70 million military personnel, including
60 million Europeans, making it one of the
largest wars in history.

The deadliest conflicts in history, with an

estimated 9 million combatant deaths and
13 million civilian deaths. while resulting
genocides and the related 1918 influenza
pandemic caused another 17–100 million
deaths worldwide.
After two Balkan
wars in 1912 and
1913, Serbia
emerged as an
nationalistic state.
Serbia’s pan-Slavic
intentions ran counter to
Austro-Hungary’s imperial
ambitions. Any conflict
between Serbia and
threatened to at least
involve Russia, who was
sympathetic to Serbian
• Russia • Germany
• France • Austro –
Hungarian Empire
• Britain
• USA (1917-18) • Ottomon Empire
• Japan (Turkey)

M- Militarization

A- Alliances

I- Imperialism

N- Nationalism

Arms Race
Machine Gun
Large & New Naval Ships
Large Armies
Industries produce military equipments
(Britain, Germany)
Britain and Germany
were engaged in a
naval arms race in the
early 20th century

But by 1914 it was

all but over: Britain
had 38
dreadnoughts and
dreadnought battle
cruisers to
Germany’s 24.
Secret Treaties for Balance of

Triple Alliance (1882)- Germany,

Austria- Hungary and Italy

Entente cordial- (1904) – Britain &


Tripple Entente- (1907)- Britain,

France & Russia

Imperialism is a policy or
ideology of extending the
rule or authority of a
country over other
countries and people,
often by military force or
by gaining political and
economic control.

Nationalism is an idea and

movement that promotes the
interests of a particular nation
especially with the aim of
gaining and maintaining the
nation's sovereignty over its
Other Causes

of War
Straits of Misapprehension (Inevitability,
Dardanelles for Short war A necessity
for nation’s

Assassination of Archduke Franz

Ferdinand (28 Jun 1914/ Sunday) in
Sarazevo (Bosnia) around 11 AM by
a Serbian nationalist Gavrilo
Princip of ‘Black Hand’ organization
July Crisis

The international crisis that began with the

assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
in Sarajevo on 28 June 1914 and culminated
in the British declaration of war on
Germany, was a series of interrelated
diplomatic and military escalations among
the major powers of Europe in the summer
of 1914 that was the ultimate cause of
World War I is referred to as the July Crisis.
Events Leading to war (July
A-H sends humiliating terms to serbia
Russia mobilizes in support of Slavic
Germany Gives A-H a ‘blank cheque’
A-H & Germany declare war on Serbia
Russia declares war on Germany
France Declares war on Germany
• German Army marches towards France via
• Britain Declares war on Germany
• Germany gets Initial success in France and
great success against Russian on Eastern
• Ottoman Empire attacks Russia to capture
Suez Canal (European link to India)

The German war

plans were
called the
Schleiffen Plan,
and required
Germany to
defeat France in
6 weeks to avoid
a two front war.

The Armistice of 11
November 1918 was the
peace agreement signed at Le
Francport that ended fighting
on land, sea and air in World
War I between the Allies and
their opponent, Germany.
Previous armistices had been
agreed with Bulgaria, the
Ottoman Empire and the
Austro-Hungarian Empire.
The most important of the peace
treaties that brought World War I to an
end. The Treaty ended the state of
war between Germany and the Allied
Powers. It was signed on 28 June 1919
in Versailles, exactly five years after
the assassination of Archduke Franz
Ferdinand, which had directly led to
the war.
Conditions of treaty of
• Germany Reparations of 6,600 million Euro
(1,782,255,617,429.94 Dollar)
• Ban on the Union of Germany & Austria
• Acceptance of Germany’s Guilt in causing of war
• Provision for trail of Former Kaiser & war Leader
• Limitation of German Army (1,00,000/ 13,00,000)
{with no conscription, No tanks, No heavy Artillery, No Aircrafts, No
• Limitation of German Navy (Vessel under 100,000 tons,
with no submarines)
outcomes of war
End of Empires:
• German Empire
• Austro- Hungarian Empire
• Russian Empire
• Ottoman Empire

Rising of New Independent countries

• Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Poland, Estonia,
Latvia, Lithuania etc.
consequences of war
• 17 million died
• 50 million dead due to deceases
• Male population decreased
• Most of the countries are in debt
• Britain & France acquire German
• Uprising of USA as International
1.Write a short
note on Treaty
of Versailles?
The seed of
WW-II lies in
Treaty of
Versailles. How?
Nazism & the
rise of Hitler
By – Sanjay Kumar, TGT (S St)
kendriya vidyalaya, sheohar
Weimar republic

The Weimar Republic was

Germany's government from 1919 to
1933, the period after World War I
until the rise of Nazi Germany. It was
named after the town
of Weimar where Germany's
new government was formed by a
national assembly after Kaiser
Wilhelm II abdicated.
Unpopular Weimar republic
Blamed for loosing the pride of nation
before allied powers.
Responsible for signing the degrading
treaty of Versailles.
Developed the party strife in the
coalition government
Had to face opposition of Allied Powers
& worldwide economic Crisis
• Europe: The continent of Creditors to continent of
• The supporters of Weimar republic faced Problem
(November Criminals)
• Support for conservatives grew
• Trench Life Glorified (Truth was different)
• Men: Aggressive, Strong and Masculine liked
• Aggressive war propaganda& National Honor
occupied centre stage in public
• Democracy; an young & fragile Idea
Economic Crisis
• 1923, Germany Refused to pay
• France occupied Ruhr region (Leading Industrial
• Germany Retaliates with Printing Paper currency
– Value of Germany mark fell
– Goods prices increased
– Hyper- inflation
• Sympathized USA helped by “Dawes Plan”.
Political radicalism

• Weimar Republic V/s Spartacist League

(Groups on Pattern on Bolshevik Revolution & demanding Soviet
Style of Governance; Later founded Communist Party of Germany)
• Weimer Republic Crushed the uprising with the
help of free corps
• Clash began between Socialists & Communists.
• Hitler took advantage of this conflicts.
Spartacist League V/s Weimar Republic
Hitler (1889–1945)
• Born in ‘Braunau’, Austria (Apr 20, 1889)
• His Father was a custom officer
• Was 4th in 6 siblings
• Want to become a painter
• Non approval from father for fine Arts
caused clash
• After death of his younger brother Edmund
in 1900, Hitler became Introvert &
• A good speaker & effective orator
• Place of Death: Berlin, Germany
Facts continued…
• Early interest was in German nationalism, rejecting the
authority of Austria-Hungary. (Nationalism became motivating
force of his life).
• Disappointed with defeat of Germany & Treaty of
• Joined German Military as an Intelligence officer
• In Sep 1919, joined DAP (German Worker’s Party/ Deutsche
Arbeiterpartei) and changed the name as
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP) —
often abbreviated to Nazi.
• Been punished with 9 months imprisonment after
failure of Beer Hall Putsch in 1923 for Seizeing control
of Bavaria (Mein kampf :My struggle)
Great Depression
• Economic stability (1924-28)
• German Recovery:- Short term Loan
• Wall street Exchange crashed in 24X1929(13m sold)
• Selling of Share fearing falling of price
• National Income of USA fall to half (World wide effect)
• Industrial production reduced to 40% (1932)
• Unemployment risen (06 million), less wages
• Criminal activity increased
• Falling value of currency
• Business ruined, grain prices fallen
• Depression changed the political atmosphere
• Weimer Republic had no solution due to inherent
– Proportional Representation(No party in majority)
– Rule of Coalition
– Art 48 gave president power to impose Emergency,
suspension of civil rights, Rule by Decree
• People lost confidence in Democratic
• Vulnerability to dictatorship
Rise of hitler
• Hitler was made, not born.
• Depressed Germany provided a political opportunity
for Hitler where Germans were ambivalent to the
parliamentary republic and increasingly open to
extremist options.
• In 1932, Hitler acquired 2nd position with 36 % vote
for presidency.
• 84yr-old President Paul von Hindenburg appoint
him as chancellor on 30 Jan 1933
Hitler as Führer
Hitler used his position to form a de facto legal dictatorship.
The Reichstag Fire Decree, announced suspended basic
rights and allowed detention without trial.
Other political parties disbanded

Control over Economy, Army, Media, & Judiciary

Systematic suppression started

The infamous Night of the Long Knives, a series of
assassinations from Jun 30 to Jul 2, 1934.
Persecution of people at concentration camps
Racial utopia
• The racial utopia of Nazi Germany was a set of policies
and laws implemented by Adolf Hitler (1933–45) based
on a specific racist doctrine asserting the superiority of
the Aryan race, which claimed scientific legitimacy.
• Nazi policies labeled centuries-long residents in
German territory who were not ethnic Germans such
as Jews, Romanis (also known as Gypsies, an "Indo-
Aryan" people of Indian Subcontinent origins), along
with the vast majority of Slavs (mainly
ethnic Poles, Serbs, Russians etc.), and most non-
Europeans as inferior non-Aryan sub-humans
living space
• The other aspect of Hitler’s ideology related to the
geopolitical concept of Lebensraum, or living space.
As per this new territories had to be acquired for
settlement which would enhance the area of the
mother country as well as material resources and
power of the German nation.
• Hitler intended to extend German boundaries by
moving eastwards, to concentrate all Germans
geographically in one place.
• Poland became the laboratory for this
Hitler’s pHilosopHy’s base
Charles Darwin Herbert Spenser
• The theory of evolution by • Survival of the fittest
natural selection
Economic restoration
• Money is Power.
• Hjalmar Schacht assigned for
economic recovery
• He aimed at full production& full
employment through State funded
work- Creation Program.
• Created German Super Highways and
people’s car Volkswagen.
Political Reconstruction
• Hitler acquired quick successes in his foreign
• Pulled Germany out of League of Nations
• Reoccupied Rhineland(1936)
• Integrated Austria & Germany (1938) [ One
people, One Empire, One Leader]

• Captured German speaking Sudetenland

from Czechoslovakia
Education Philosophy
• Want to made Strong Nazi Society
– Teaching Nazi Ideology to child
– All schools were Cleansed & Purified
– Children were segregated
– Undesired children thrown out of schools (Finally taken
to Detention Centers)
– Teachers who were Jews or Politically Unreliable, were
• Good Germans- Subject to process of Nazi
Schooling (Ideological Training)
• Textbooks were rewritten
• Racial Science were introduced to justify
Nazi Idea of Race
• Stereotype about Jews were created
• Children were taught to be loyal and
• Hate Jews & worship Hitler
• Violent sports were promoted to make
children Iron hearted, strong & Masculine.
Nazi cult of motherhood
• Differences exist between genders.
• Men- Aggressive, Masculine and Brave Hearted
• Women- Good Mother and rear pure Aryan blooded Children.
– Maintained purity of race, keep herself away from jews & Cherish
Nazi Value
• Women who bore racially undesirable children or broen the
code of conduct(relation with Jews, polish, Russian) were
punished(Head shaved, faces were painted black & paraded in
town) & who bore racially desirable children were awarded
(favored treatment in hospitals, concession in shops, theater
tickets & railway ticket)
• Honored crosses were awarded
• Bronze, Silver & Gold for 4, 6 and 8 children respectively
• Violation of code of conduct was considered as criminal
offence and related with National Honor.

Nazism, formally known as

National Socialism, is the ideology
and practices associated with the
Nazi Party – officially the National
Socialist German Workers' Party –
in Nazi Germany, and of other far-
right groups with similar ideas and
Nazi youth organization
• Youth Organization- To educate German youth ‘ The
spirit of National Socialism’.
• Founded in 1922, renamed as Hitler Youth 4 yrs
• They learned to worship war, glory aggression, and
violent against & hate all undesirables
• All other youth organizations were systematically
dissolved Age Organization
10- 14 Yrs Jungvolk
14- 18 Yrs Hitler Youth
Above 18 Yrs Army
Words and Acts(Practices) were difference
Mass Killing was termed as Special Treatment, final
Solution(For the Jews) and Euthanasia (For the
Gas Chambers were termed as Disinfection Areas

Taking people to the Gas Chambers was known as

Disinfection areas looked like bathroom equipped
with fake shower head.
Art of Propaganda
Use of Media, Visual Image, Films, Radio, Poster,
Slogans & Leaflets in spreading Nazi Propaganda.

Stereotyping of German enemies

Use of movies to stereotype Jews (Treated as

vermin, rats, pests, and rodents)
Socialists and Liberals; represented as weak and
degenerated, malicious foreign agents

Played with people’s mind & their emotions

Art of propaganda
Popularizing Nazism Eternal jews
people ‘s opinion
• People were not happy
• They were controlled by Special Surveillance &
Security Forces
– Regular Police & SA (Storm Troopers)
– Gestapo (Secret State Police)
– SS (Protection Squad)
– Criminal police & Security Services
• Organized forces with extra constitutional power
• Torture arrest without any legal procedure
• Nazi state to Criminal State
Differed people
• Nazi ideology was over • Organized active
ruling their mind resistance against
• Hatred & Angered against Nazism, braving Police
those who looked like jews repression and death
• Houses of Jews were
• However many were
marked & suspicious
neighbors reported passive onlookers and a
• They believed that Nazism pathetic witness, who
will bring prosperity and were too scared to act
improve generation well to differ, to protest.

The Holocaust, also known as the

Shoah, was the World War II genocide
of the European Jews. Between 1941
and 1945, across German-occupied
Europe, Nazi Germany and its
collaborators systematically murdered
some six million Jews, around two-
thirds of Europe's Jewish population.
World war –II

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