Interviewing Candidates
Interviewing Candidates
Interviewing Candidates
Objectives of Interview
1. First, it is the only way to see an applicant in action – how he looks, his
manner, his bearing.
2. Second, it is the only way to witness how he interacts and how he responds,
his way of thinking, the effect of his personality on others.
3. Third, helps establish mutual understanding between the company and the
candidate and build the company’s image.
Interview can help judge the personality of the candidate but not his ability for
the job.
Types of interviews
1. Screening interview
2. Selection interview
3. Appraisal interview
4. Exit interview
Interviews formats
1. Structured
2. Unstructured
Interview Structure
5. Telephone Interview: Calling candidates and taking interviews over the phone.:
Strengths: Candidate does not have to worry about appearance or other
physical factors, therefore can focus on the questions.Weakness: Interviewer
cannot use body language, less visual information obtained about candidate
(height, weight, posture etc….needed for some jobs, such as army or police)
6. Computerized interview: An interview where the candidate is given questions
on a computer screen and asked to respond either electronically (through the
computer) or through voice (which is recorded)..Strengths:Managers don’t
waste time interviewing useless candidates.Candidates are more honest with
computers (no shyness, because computers don’t judge)voids interviewer bias
(snap judgements). Weaknesses:However, candidates may feel dissatisfied
(mechanical nature of the interview, no emotional satisfaction of giving a
good interview)
2. If I have 10 questions to ask (i.e. structured), then I will get 10 answers every
time, so it is consistent in it’s responses (reliable)
3. If I create the questions beforehand (before doing the interview), then I can
choose them carefully so that they are job-related (valid)
4. Also, situational interviews are applicable to all candidates (what would you
do?) compared to behavioral interviews (what did you do?)