S.Y.B.tech Mech Sem IV December 2022

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's


(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
Munshi Nagar, Andheri (W) Mumbai —400058

Program: MECHANICAL Duration: 03 Hours
Course Co e: S-BTM401 Maximum Points: 100
• Attempt any five out of semen questions
• Use of scientific calculmor is allowed.
0. IN ule
TS No.
QI Let X & Y be two independent binomial variates with 06 1 2 2
a) parameters (ni=6,p=1/2) and (n2=4,p=1/2) respectively.
Evaluate P(X+Y)=3.
QI Find a real root of x2 - x -1=0 by regula-falsi method upto third 06
b) a ..roximation
QI Calculate Karl Pearson's coefficient of correlation for the 08
c) following data:
X 78 89 99 60 59 79 68

Y 125 137 156 112 107 136 123

QII The length of time a lady speaks on telephone is found to be a 10

a) Ae-xis ,x> 0
random variable with PDF f (x) = .Find A and the
probability that she will speak for (i) more thmi 10 minutes
(ii)less than 5 minutes(iii) between 5 & 10 minutes.
QII Verify Stoke's theorem for the vector fielc1 10
13) -
F=(x 2 - y 2) iA+ 2xy j over the box bounded by planes x = 0, x =
a, y = b, z = C if the face z = 0 is cut ,

QIII Two cards are drawn simultanewasly from a well - shuffled 06

a) deck of 52 cards. Compute the variance for the number of aces.
QIII The sales-data of an article in six shops before and after a special promotional 06
b) campaign are as under
Shops A B C D

Bharatiya V idya Bhavan's
(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
Munshi Nagar, Andheri (W) Mumbai --400058


Before 53 28 31 48 50 42
After 58 29 30 55 56 45
Can the campa'gn be judged to be a success at 5% LOS.
QIII An aptitude test for selecting officers in a bank is conducted on 08 1 1 3
c) 1000 candidates. The average score is 42. and standard deviation
of score is 24. Assuming normal distribution for the scores, find
i) The numbers of candidates whose scores
exceed 60.
ii) The numbers of candidates whose score lie
between 30 and 60.
QIV A radioactive source emit:, particles at a rate of 10 per minute in 06 1 3 2
a) accordance with Poisson, law. Each particle emitted has a
probability of — being recorded. Find the probability that atleast
4 particles are recoirded in a 2 minute period.
Prove that P=
(ye' cos z) i + (xe" cos z) j — (e" sin z) k is 06 2 2 6
conservative and find the scalar potential D.
QIV Find the positive root of x — cos x = 0 by Bisection method.
08 3 1 7

QV Seven coins are tossed and number of heads obtained is 06 1 1 2

a) noted.The experiment is repeated 128 times and following
distribution is obtained.
No.of 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 heads
Freque 7 6 19 35 30 23 7 1
, ncy
Fit a Binomial distribution if the n.ature of coins is unknown.
QV In an experiment on pea —breading mendel obtained the 06 1 2 5
b) following frequencies of seeds.
315 Round and Yellow
101 Wrinkled and Yellow
108 Round and Green
32 Wrinkled 'and Green
Accordint 'co his theory of heredity the numbers should
Bhatatiya Vidya I3havan's
(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
Munslii Nagar, Andhe'd (W) Mumbai —400058


be in population 9:3:3:1. Is there any evidence to doubt
the theory at 5% Los?
QV 08 3 2 7
I 2
0 Evaluate 1 CI dx dividing th.e range into four equal parts using
fir,i) Trapezoidal rule
(ii) Simpson's t/3"1 rule

QVI Evaluate by Green's thm # e' (sin y dx +cos y dy) where C is 06 2 1 6

the rectangle with vertices (0, 0), (x./0) (n, n/2) & (0, n/2).
QVI A die is thrown 264 t'imes with the following results 06 1 3 5
b) No appeared an 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency 40 32 28 50 1 54 60

Show that the dim is biased

QVI sly. 1 „ 08 3 1 7
Using Runrec-Kutta method IVth order. Solve
c) dx = x + y ' x0 - u,
yo = 1 for the interval (0, 1) choosing lit = 0.5.

QVI Using Newton-Raphson method find the root of xlogm x =12.34 10 3 3 7

I a)
with xo =10 upto 3 places of decimal.
LQY 1 _ A .. A ,.A 10 2 2 6
Verify Divergence Theorem. for F=4x i — 2y4 j+z1 k taken
I o')
over the bounded by' the cylinder x2 + y2 = 4, z = 0, z 3=

Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's


(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
Munshi Nagar, Andheri (W) Mumbai — 400058



Program: S Y BTech. (Mechanical Engineering) Duration: 3 Hours

Course Cade: PC-13.1 fe4tT3 Maximum Points: 100
Course Name FLUID MECHANICS Semester: IV

Notes: .
• Attempt any five questions from remaining seven questions.
• Answers to all sub questions must be grouped together.
• Figures to the right indicate full marks.
• Make any suitable assumption if needed with proper reasoning.

Q. No. Questions Points CO BL

1. A. Define and explain following terms: 10 1 I
a) Compressible flow, b) Sonic Velocity, c) Mach Number
d)t Stagnation Properties, e) Shock Wave
B. Two repervoirs 5.2 km apart are connected with a pipeline which
10 3 3
consists of a 225 mm diameter pipe for the first 1.6 km sloping at 5.7 m
per km. For remaining distance the pipe diameter is 150 mm laid at a
slop of 1.9 m per km. The levels of water above the pipe opening are 6
m in the upper reservoir and 3.7 m in lower reservoir. Taking f=0.024
for both pipes and coefficient of contraction re 0 . 6 , calculate the rate of
discharge through the pipeline.
10 2 2
A. Derive Bernoulli's equation along a streamline starting from Navier-
Stokes equation. Briefly discuss the conditions for its validity.
B. Consider two long, horizontal parallel plates with a viscous 10 3,4 3,4
incompressible fluid placed between them. The two plates moves in two ,
opposite direction with two different constant velocities. There is no
pressure gradient and the only body force due to the weight. Starting
with the Navier-Stokes equation, determine an expression for the
velocity profile for laminar flow between the two plates.
3. A. For a given flow field C;= 2x - yt j inis where x and y are in 10 2 2
meters and .t is in seconds.
a)•) Whavis theclimensionofflow?
b) Is the flow possible?
c) Find the equation of the streamline passing through (2,-1).
td) Calculate the acceleration, the angular velocity, the vorticity

B. Listing all assumption made, derive an expression to estitnate the
force acting on an inclined plane lamina submerged in liquid. Also 10 4 4
find an expression for point of application of this resultant force.
4. A. Listing all features and asstimption derive Von Karrnon';Integra1 10 1,4 1,4
B. A *nozzle is attached to a 6-cm-diameter hose but the horizontal 10 3 3
nozzle turns the water through an angle of 900 . The nozzle exit is 3 cm
in diameter and the flow rate is 500 liter/min. Determine the force
components of the water on the nozzle and the magnitude of the
resultant force. The pressure in the hose is 400 kPa and the water exits
to the atmosphere. Analyze and solve the problem using Reynolds
transport theorem.
5. A. Differentiate betWeen laminar and turbulent flow. Explain 10 2 2
developing and developed flow features in pipe and write empirical
relation to estimate developing length in laminar and turbulent.
B. If the velocity distribution in a laminar boundary layer over a flat 10 3 3
u y)
plate is given by, — sin — — , calculate displacement and
Li 2 cY )
momentum thickness and wall shear stress.
6. 10 1 I
A. Explain following terms:
a) Closure problem of turbulent flow
b) Turbulent velocity profile
c) Darcy friction factor
B. Explain the concept of flow separation and discuss about various
10 3 3
methods to control it.
A. Explain following with illustration: 10 1,2 1,2
r f
a) Lagrangian and Eulerian motion of fluid particle
b) Viscous and Inviscid flows
c) Incompressible and compressible flow
d) Uniform and non-uniform flows
B. The cylinder as shown in following figure is rotated about the central 10 3,4 3,4
axis. What,rOtational speed is required so that the water just touches top
comer. Also, tine the pressure at point A and force acting at the bottom
of the tank.

Au 2.0 cm
i Water'
60 cm

60 cm
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
Munshi Nagar, Andheri (W) Mumbai — 400058
Previous Year End Semester — December 2022 Examinations
79Z1 I -4'171_
Program: S.Y.B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) )1/ Duration: 03 Hrs
Course Code: PC-BTM404 Maximum Points: 100
Course Name: Mechanical Engineering Measurement Semester: IV

1.Question number 1 is compulsory
2. Solve any 4 questions from question number 2 to 7
2. If necessary assume suitable data with justification
3. Draw neat labeled sketches wherever required.

Q. M.
Questions Points CO BL

With neat labeled sketches explain working principle of (i) Mechanical 3 4

20 3 to
1 Tachometer (ii) Nozzle meter (iii) Inductive Tachometer (iv) Piezoelectric 6
It is proposed to develop measurement and control system for maintaining
temperature and pressure of a reactor chamber in pharmaceutical
2 applications. Proposed design aimed to retrieved data from system and
10 2 3 7
(A) controlled it remotely using interne network system. Students are
instructed to present architecture of such network integrated measurement
and control system (explain with neat schematic diagram).
Explain generalized measurement system with neat schematic diagram.
2 Further map the different constituents of generalized measurement system 10 1 2 1, 2
( 3) with the physical elements of Bourdon Pressure Gauge.

A single strain gauge having resistance of 130 0 is mounted on a steel

cantilever beam at a distance 0.12 m from the free end. The beam
dimensions are 25 cm (length) x 2.0 cm (width) x 0.3 cm (depth). An
unknown force F applied at the free end produces a deflection of 11.8 mm
r3 10 4 4 3
(A) of the free end. If the changes in gauge resistance is found to be 0.145 LI,
calculate the gauge factor. Deflection of the free end 5= FL3/3EI, where
F= Force, L=Length, E= Youngs modulus, I=Moment of Inertia, Take
Young's modulus for steel as 200x109 N/m2

Following is the calibration data of a pressure transducer:

3 Ito
(B) qi( Mpa) qo (increasing) ( Mpa) qo (decreasing) (Mpa) 10 3 2 4
0 2 -1
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan' s
(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
Munshi Nagar, Andheri (W) Mumbai —400058
Previous Year End Semester — December 2022 Examinations

I 10 8 12
20 17 • 23
30 26 34
40 39 41
50 49 49
Find out: (i) The equation for the best-linear fit. (ii) The standard deviation
of input qi, output q0, slope and intercept. (iii) qi if the instrument reads
q0=30 after calibration. (iv) Plot Hysteresis curve and find Maximum
Hysteresis error and dead band
The transfer function of a system is given as 361 10 2 2
(52 +165+361)
(A) Find the following for a unit step input: undamped natural frequency,
damping ratio, damped natural frequency, settling time, peak time, rise
time, percentage overshoot.

What are "Desired", "Modifying", and "Interfering" inputs for an 10 4 6 1

instrumentation system? Draw block diagram for showing their influence
on the output.
A diaphragm pressure gauge is constructed of spring steel to measure
differential of 7 MN/m2. The diameter of diaphragm is 12.5 mm. Calculate
5 the thickness of diaphragm, if the maximum deflection is 0.333 of 10 2 4
I (A) thickness. Also calculate the natural frequency of diaphragm. Given:
Young's modulus=200 GN/m2, Poisson's ratio-0.28 and density of
steel=7800 kg/m3
In laboratory mercury in capillary tube temperature measurement system is 10 2 5 lb
5 available. It was proposed to measure humidity present in the laboratory.
(B) Explain step-by-step way to measure humidity. Draw appropriate sketches
and flow diagram to explain the procedure
With neat labeled diagram explain working of (i) optical encoder (ii) 20 2 3 2 to 7
6 stroboscope (iii) eddy, current drag-cup tachometer (iv) Saywood
An orifice meter with orifice diameter 15 cm is inserted in a pipe of 30 cm 10 4 4 6
diameter, the pressure difference measured by a mercury oil differential
7(A) manometer on the two sides of the orifice meter gives a reading of 50 cm of
mercury. Find the rate of oil of specific gravity 0.9 when the coefficient of
discharge of the meter = 0.64.
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
Mtmshi Nagar, Andheri (W) Mumbai —400058
Previous Year End Semester — December 2022 Examinations

With neat sketches explain the following terms with respect to the 10 3 4 1,2
measurement system:
(i) Accuracy (ii) Hysteresis (iii) Resolution (iv) Span and Range (v) Drift
(vi) Dead zone (vii) Precision
Bharati ya Vi dya van' s
(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
Munshi Nagar, Andheri (W) Mumbai -400058

Previous Semester Examination Dec 202

Program: B.Tech Second Year Mechanical Duration: 03 Hrs
Course Code: PC-BTM406 Maximum Points: 100
Course Name: Material Science Semester: IV

1. Question no 1 is compulsory
2. Attempt any four questions from the remaining six questions.
3. If necessary assume suitable data with justification
4. Draw neatly labeled sketches wherever required.

Q. Questions Points CO BL PI
lA A FCC crystal yield under a normal stress of 2MPa applied in the 06 2 5 3.2.3
[13 2] system. The slip system is (111) [10 1]. Determine critical
resolved shear stress. Also draw cubic crystals showing, slip plane
and slip direction.

06 4 3 3.2.3
1B Explain the reason behind the Properties changes when
engineering Materials are in Bulk and Fiber Forms. [Note: explain
by taking some properties and materials]

Derive an equation for finding out the critical size of nucleation. 08 2,3 4 3.8.1
Explain the relationship between critical radius and free energy
with the help of a suitable figure.

2A Discuss why it is important to consider the entire life cycle rather 06 1,4 6 3.2.1
than just the first stage of materials.

213 You are appointed as a material engineer in the medical implant 06 1,2 6 4.2.1
industry. Suggest material for total hip replacement. Select
suitable material and explain it Also explain why a particular
material is only selected.

08 3 4 3.8.1
2C Draw Fe-C equilibrium diagram and label the temperature,
composition, and phases. "Liquid is going to convert into two
solid" explain this statement using Fe-C diagram. Also, find the
exact amount of components of the given statement.

What is the full annealing heat treatment process? Explain full

3A annealing in details for hypoeutectoid steel with schematic phase 08 3 5 3.1.1
Bharatiya Vidya Bliavan's
(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
Munshi Nagar, Andheri (W1Mumbai —40005S

Previnhig .1.111TIPCTPr li ICH min si EN

2 1.3.1
Name the material which changes its optical properties. Write an 07 1
application where such material is used. Explain the working of
material with anyone application.

Following are the product specification required from the 05 4,3 5 3.1.1
customer. Suggest the process to achieve the given requirement
and procedure.
1. Gear, Steel (0.1% Al, 1.5% Cr,0.3%Mo) surface hardness
1100HV, case depth:0.1 to 0.6mm.
Crankshaft, medium carbon steel, case depth:0.7 to 6mm

Discuss each case of the heat treatment process of Fe-0.77% C 10 4 6 2.4.1

eutectoid steel rapidly cooled from a preheated temperature of
860°C (>727°C) as follows [NOTE: explain, write properties of
the final product]
I. Rapidly cool to 400° C, hold for l04 s and quench to room
2. Rapidly cool to 600°C, hold for 10 s and quench to room
3. Rapidly cool to 650 °C, hold for 20 s, rapidly cool to 400 °C,
hold for 103 sand quench to room temperature;

i 1
Eutectold Temperature = 727 °C
§ 0
Temperature et

_ 7 p




m(start) .i_


i I I I
le 10

A 1 10 102 103
Time (sec)
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
Munshi Nagar, Andhert (W) Mumbai - 400058
..-•-•-•••na.a.-, -Lc •••• '.. r • •', . a • Ii in n I I" 'I- !1°C Z !ILL
4B Explain metallurgical classes of stainless steel. Explain which 05 4 2 3.2.2
stainless steel are not heat treatable and the reason behind it.

4C Why does diamond stay stable at room temperature and not 05 2 3 2.3.1
transform to graphite although it is an unstable phase of carbon at
room temperature? Explain with a suitable diagram. .

Write the effect of alloying elements on the properties of 06 4 2.2.1

SA materials when they are added to the material composition.
1. Nickel
2. Molybdenum
3. Vanadium
4. Cobalt
5. lead

5B Classify ceramics based on application. Explain elect° ceramics 06 4 4 4.2.2

in detail.

5C Determine the Miller indices for the planes shown in the 08 4 2,6 2.2.2
following unit cell:

Mane 2

.... y

Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
Munshi Nagar, Andheri (W) Mumbal —400058


6A Classify composite based on the form of reinforcement. Explain 08 4 4 4.2.2

single layer fibrous composite materials.

613 Write a composition of the following materials and their 06 3,4 3 3.2.1
1. Muntz metal
2. Nickel gin-metal
3. Cartridge Brass
4. Dow metal

6C Explain the method of plotting a TTT diagram. What information 06 3 2 2.3.1

is obtained from this diagram?

7A From the data given below for the Cu-Ni system, plot the 08 3 3 2.4.1
equilibrium diagram to scale and label the diagram. The melting
point of Cu:1,085 °C. the melting point of Ni:1,455 °C

Answer the following for 60%Ni alloy composition:

A. What is the composition of the first solid crystallizing out
from liquid?
B. What is the composition of the last solid formed at the end
of the solidification process?
C. What is the amount of solid and liquid at 1340 °C.
Bharatiya Viti L Ithavan's


(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
Munshi Nagar, Andheri (W) Mumbai —400058

- - - --
Weight 20 40 60 80
% Ni
Liquidus 1200 1275 1345 1440
temp. t

Solidus 1165 1235 1310 1380


7B Discuss the recycling issue in the materials. Suggest other 07 1,4 6 3.4.2
consumer action for minimal environmental impact than just

7C Find the theoretical density of copper (FCC) assuming the atom to 05 2 5 3.2.1
be a hard sphere. The atomic weight of copper is 63.54gin/mole
and radius of atom is 1.278 A°.
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
Munshi Nagar, Andheri (W) Mumbai — 400058

tri (4/) v loIns°41 --.
BTech Mechanical eng,g Duration: 3.00 hr
Course Code: PC-BTM412 Maximum Points: 100
Course Name: Kinematics of Machinery Semester: IV

1. Question number ONE is compulsory solve any four out of remaining

2. Question nos. three and five should be solved on drawing sheet.
3. Answers to each sub-questions are grouped together
4. Use of scientific calculator is allowed
5. Begin answer to each question on new page.
6. Candidates should write the answer legibly

Q.No. Questions Pts Cos BL PI

1 4x5 2,3 2.4.
a) Classify the kinematic pairs based on different criterion. 1 1
b) Describe with neat sketch a quick return motion mechanism (slotted 2
lever-crank) suitable for shaping machine. Show how the ratio of time 3
taken for the two strokes is determined? 4
c) Sketch the Davis steering gear mechanism and show that it satisfies
the required condition for correct steering.
ir d)Sketch and describe different types of cam & followers which are used
for motion modification.
2 a) A driving shaft of a Hooke's joint rotates at a uniform speed of 360 10 2 3 2.3.
rpm. If the maximum variation in the driven shaft is ±4 % of the mean 1
speed, determine the greatest permissible angle between the axes of
the shafts. What are the maximum and minimum speeds of the driven
b) State the conditions for straight line generating mechanism. Sketch the 10
Hart's mechanism and prove that the tracing point '13' describes the
straight line.
3 a) A crank-rocker linkage has a 100 mm frame, a 25 mm crank, a 90 mm 8 3,4 2.3.
coupler and a 75 mm rocker. For the given mechanism find the 1 1
minimum and maximum transmission angle. Sketch both the toggle
position and find corresponding crank angles and transmission angles.
(Solve graphically).
b)For the above given mechanism, find the angular velocities of coupler 12
and follower in terms of input angular velocity of crank as to, for the
configuration of minimum and maximum transmission angle.(Use IC

4 a) Explain the meaning of the following terms: circular pitch, diametral 6 4 3 2.3.
pitch, module, pressure angle. Illustrate with sketches where possible. 1
b) A gear set with a module of 4 mm/tooth has involute teeth with 20° 14
pressure angle, and has 19 and 31 teeth, respectively. They have 1.0m
for the addendum and 1.5m for the dedendum. (In SI. tooth system
modules are given in, m, and a = 1.0m means 1 module, not 1 meter).
Tabulate the addendum, dedendum, clearance, circular pitch, base Il
pitch, base circle radius, contact ratio, angle of action for the pinion
and wheel.
5 a) Use following data in drawing the displacement, velocity, acceleration 14 4 3 2.3.
verses theta (8) diagram for a cam in which a knife-edged follower is 1
raised with SHM and is lowered with SHM: least radius of cam 40
mm, lift 50 mm, angle of ascent 80°, angle of descent 60°, dwell
between ascent and descent 400, cam rotation 100 rpm. Determine the
maximum velocity and acceleration during ascent and descent.
b) Deduce the expression for displacement, velocity and acceleration of
the follower when it moves with SHM. 6

6 a) Deduce the expression for minimum number of teeth on gear wheel. 10 4 4 2.2.
b) A spur gears with 9 and 36 teeth are to be cut with 20° full-depth cutter 3
with module of 8 mm.
i. Determine the amount that the addendum of the gear must be 1
decreased in order to avoid the interference.
ii. If the addendum of the pinion is increased by the same amount,
determine the contact ratio. 10

7 a) State the advantages of gear drive over the belt drive. 20 4 2 2.3.
b) What is interference in gear? How it is avoided? 4 2
c) Define kinematic pair, link, mechanism (draw suitable sketch). 2
d) State and explain Kennedy's theorem. 2
e) State and prove condition for correct steering. 2
Rharatiya Vi.dya 13havan's
(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
Munshi Nagar, Andheri (W) Mumbai -400058

Program: B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering Duration: 3 Hours
Course Code: PC-8TM415 Max. Points: 100
Course Name: Solid Mechanics Semester: IV
1 Question no. 1 is compulsory, solve any 4 of remaining 6 questions.
2. Assume suitable data if necessary.

Q. Questions Points CO BL Mod

2 3 4

A) Two 50 mm long steel rods of 50 mm diameter are pressed against (5)

each other with a force of 100 N. Consider E = 200 GPa, v = 0.3.
Determine the following.

i. The width of the contact area

ii. The maximum contact pressure
iii. The maximum shear stress on the contact surface
iv. The maximum shear stress below the surface of contact.
B) Given the stress matrix zip determine the 1 3 2 i

(5) / 3
magnitude of the normal and shear stress zu = 3 4 5
on a plane parallel to x axis and equally 2 5 -1 1
inclined to y and z axes. 3
C) Explain the generalized statement of Hooke's law used for describ- (5)
ing behavior of a material.
D) A sliding block weigh-
Block (5) 4 3 6
ing 200 N slides over a
20 mm diameter 2000
mm long horizontal steel Steel
rod at a velocity of 2 nils rod
as shown in the figure.
The block is stopped by
its impact with a rigid collar provided at the end of rod. Ignoring
friction and bending of bar, find the instantaneous stress induced in
the rod. Consider E = 200 (Pa.
Q2 A) Describe the relation between the true and engineering stress/strain. (5)
Discuss the need of these concepts in engineering analysis. 2
B) The displacement field for a body is given by: (5)
tit = [(xyz + 3xy2z2)T. + (yz + xz)f + (x 2y4 + yz 2)Tc[10-5
What are the strain components at (-1, 1,-I)?
C) Describe the concept of plane stress and plane strain conditions
used to solve elasticity problems. Give two examples of each type. (5) 3 2 3
What is the advantage of this concept?

Page 1 0
1 D) A rectangular bar with transverse hole is subjected to bending mo- (5) 2 5 5
ment. The geometry parameters and the stress concentration factor
for the bar are as shown in the figure.
3.0 I
dlh =0
0 -
n )9
0.5 4
2.2 1
1.0 Rectangular bar with a
2.0 vi..._ transverse hole in bending. —
c° ob = Meth where c =h/2
Iliftwow ,I = OD — d)h3/12.
lA I

1.00 01 o2 0304 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 I

diw I
Calculate the maximum stress induced around the hole if the bar
subjected to bending moment of 200 Nm. The dimensions of the
bar in mm are: d= 15, w = 50 and h=5.
(10) 2 3 4
Q3 A) A rotor of 500 mm diameter is shrunk fitted on a steel shaft of 75
mm diameter. The interference on diameter is 0.02 mm. Find the
rotation speed at which contact pressure is zero. Also calculate the
maximum tangential stress at the calculated speed. Consider E =
200 GPa, v = 0.3 and density =
7850 kg/m3. —7— (to) 4 3 6
B) Collar D of 2 kg mass is
released from rest in the 3m
position shown in the figure and
it is stopped by a small plate
attached at end C of the vertical
rod ABC. Section AB is of 15
mm diameter and section BC is 111A
_i_ I
of 8 mm diameter. E = 210 GPa.
Determine the instantaneous 1m
stresses in the rod. ---t—
(5) 5 2
Q4 A) Derive the following compatibility equation.
021x + 02 8z = a2yxz
522 aX 2 aXaZ

Page 2 of 5
B) Figure shows a solid element located L Z
inside a stressed body and defined in
a cylindrical coordinate system.
To derive one of the equilibrium
equations, it is required to compute
all forces acting on this element in z-
direction due to stresses acting on its
six faces and the body force.
Obtain the expressions for the forces
acting in z-direction on the two
faces bb'c'e and aa'd'd and for the
body force acting on the element in z-direction.
(5) 5
C) Discuss how temperature loading is accounted for in the stress-
strain relationship. Obtain the stresses for a case wherein an
unconstrained solid is uniformly heated.
D) Describe the Bauschinger effect with the help of load-displacement (5) 7
diagram. In which situations this effect is advantageous?
Q5 A) A thick-walled pipe has an internal radius of 500 mm. It is subjected
to internal pressure of 1.0 MPa and external pressure of 0.2 MPa. If
E = 200 GPa and v = 0.3, determine the thickness as per the maid-
mum principal stress theory of failure. Consider tensile strength as
400 MPa and factor of safety as 2.0. Also determine the changes in
internal and external radii for the pipe with the calculated thickness.
B) A thin-walled box section of dimensions width = 4a, breadth = 3a 2
and wall thickness = t is to be compared with a solid section of
diameter 2a. Find the thickness t so that the two sections have (a)
same maximum stress for the same torque and (b) same torsional
stiffness. 2
C) Describe the three modes of fracture with neat sketch. Give two
examples of each mode from real life situations.
Q6 A) The matrix representation of the stress state at a point is given by
the following matrix. Determine the principal stresses and the
direction of the maximum principal stress.
1 —1 3
Irtil = 1 1 2 .11
3 4 5
B) Discuss significance of following terms in solid mechanics: (i) (5)
Principal strains, (ii) Strain-displacement equations, (iii) strain
C) Describe the importance of metal plasticity with suitable examples. (5)
Explain the following terms in the context of plasticity: (i)
Deviatoric or tr dane, ii Yield locus.
Q7 A) One of the differential equations of equilibrium is
xy Y OrYz =0
ax ay Oz I Y
Derive above equation. (Hint: use force equilibrium for a cubicle
element along a coordinate axis.)
B) Define following terms illustrating their significance in solid (5)
mechanics: (i) Stress tensor, (ii) Stress concentration factor, (iii)
Stress intensity factor, (iv) Symmetry of cross shears, (v) Shear
Page 3 of 5
C) Prove that the strain energy stored in a hollow cylinder of length L,
polar area moment of intertia J and subjected to torque T is given (5)
r2c 6
by U
D) Explain the principle of superimposition. Prove the uniqueness
theorem for elastic bodies using the principle of superimposition. (5) 3

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Annexu re 1
Stresses for two cylinders in contact with each other
2 F
Pn rr -
— - b1

[(1-v) s (1- vDi

2F1 El 7 F2
la 1 1
d i a;

crz = -2vpinaz Al +5) -

cry = Pmax [(2 ini2/b2)1/1+ z 2/b2 -2 5d

[ 1 1
az = -Pmax Nni T7T-2]
Stresses in thick pressurized cylinders

paa2_pbb2 a2b2
x Pa-Pb
0-T — b2—a2
22 r2

_ _ PfletilLte + a.2_112 x Pa-Pb

bz-az rz 19 2-az
O'z = 0 with both ends open
az = v(cr, + co) with both ends closed

Stresses in rotating solid disks Stresses in rotating disks with central hole

s+v .202 _ 7.2) 3+v 2 (, 2 a2 a2b2 -)

C 8 Pco =—8 pW +

3+v 2b2 _1+3v 22

8 pctiT 2b2 1+3v 2)
+8v P(0 2 (b2 + a2 ar2
co = Pa) CO = 3— 3+v

SW for edge cracked plate subjected to axial load P / bending moment M

(Ki ) p = Yp
Yp = 1.12 - 0.23a + 10.55a 2 - 21.72a3 + 30.39a4; a = a/h
(CM = ri
t2 YM
Ym = 1.122 - 1.4a + 7.33a 2 - 13.08a3 + 14a4; a =alh

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