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For the documents titled: LEED Reference Guide for Green Building Design and Construction, 2009 Edition

9 Edition (second edition,

updated June 2010)

Note: This document contains addenda to the reference guide listed above and will be published on a quarterly basis beginning in April 2010. For more
information, visit the USGBC website

Page Location Credit Credit Title Issue Post Date

xiv* Minimum Program n/a n/a Replace the last sentence of the first paragraph with “To view the 11/3/2010
Requirements MPRs and the MPR Supplemental Guidance, visit the LEED
Resources and Tools section of”

xiv Above Registration section n/a n/a Following the Minimum Program Requirements section, insert the 11/3/2010
following section:

Multiple Buildings and On-Campus Projects

The 2010 LEED Application Guide for Multiple Buildings and On-
Campus Building Projects (available at provides guidance on applying the
LEED rating systems to multiple-building and on-campus projects that
are on a shared site under the control of a single entity; for example,
a corporate or educational campus or government installation. The
2010 LEED Application Guide for Multiple Buildings and On-Campus
Building Projects provides guidance for the certification of projects
under the Design and Construction and Interior Design and
Construction rating systems as well as the LEED for Existing
Buildings: Operations & Maintenance rating system. The guidance
does not create a new rating system. Users may follow this guidance
and apply it to existing rating system requirements for projects on a

xvi Registration n/a n/a In the fifth line of the paragraph, replace “errata” with “addenda” 11/3/2010

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xviii IV. LEED-ONLINE n/a n/a Below the section “Credit Substitution,” add the following section: 11/3/2010
REQUIREMENTS Units of Measurement Guidance
In order to facilitate certification review by U.S.-based reviewers, it is
necessary to submit pertinent aspects of review-related
documentation in English and convert units to U.S. Standard (i.e.
Imperial) units of measure, unless noted otherwise in the credit or
prerequisite description. It is not necessary to translate every aspect
of every construction document into English and imperial units, but
only those necessary for evaluation of LEED criteria. The project
team should be prepared to provide additional translation(s) if
requested by the reviewer in their preliminary review comments.

xxv Sustainable Sites n/a n/a Below SS Credit 7, add the following line: 2/2/2011

SS Credit 8 Light Pollution Reduction (Core & Shell only)

xxv Energy and Atmosphere n/a n/a Below EA Credit 3, add the following line: 2/2/2011

EA Credit 5 Measurement and Verification

xxv Indoor Environmental n/a n/a Below IEQ Credit 3, add the following line: 2/2/2011
IEQ Credit 4 Low Emitting Materials (Core & Shell only)
xxvii X. TOOLS FOR n/a n/a In the third line of the paragraph, replace “errata” with “addenda” 11/3/2010
xxvii X. TOOLS FOR n/a n/a Make the first sentence of the second paragraph bold so it becomes 11/3/2010
REGISTERED PROJECTS “Declarant Definitions and Other Definitions.”
7 4. Implementation SSp1 Construction Activity At the end of the 3rd paragraph, add the following text: 11/3/2010
Pollution Prevention
For major renovation projects whose scope of work includes only
interior renovation, identify areas of potential pollution from
construction activities including construction staging and access, and
develop a plan that addresses these areas. Potential pollution could
include pollution of the site or air with dust and particulate matter.

35* Requirements SSc3 Brownfield Below this section, add the following text as a new section: 11/3/2010
Projects where asbestos is found and remediated may also earn this
credit. Testing should be done in accordance with EPA Reg 40CFR
part 763, when applicable.

38 7. Documentation Guidance SSc3 Brownfield Below the second bullet, add a third bullet with the following text: 11/3/2010
 For projects where asbestos is found, prepare executive

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summary-level content from the investigation’s report
explaining the extent of the contamination and required
action as well as documentation indicating an acceptable
level of remediation was achieved based on an acceptable
standard, such as RCRA or NESHAPs.

39 Below “Preliminary SSc3 Brownfield Add the following resource: 11/3/2010

Remediation…” resource Redevelopment
U.S. EPA, Asbestos
This website provides information on the health effects of asbestos,
where it is commonly found, and the laws and regulations governing
testing of sites containing asbestos.

62* OPTION 3 SSc4.3 Alternative Switch the footnote numbers so the text becomes 7/19/2010
Transportation – Low-
Emitting and Fuel- Provide low-emitting and fuel-efficient vehicles for 3% of full-time
Efficient Vehicles equivalent (FTE) occupants.
Provide preferred parking for these vehicles

77* Requirements SSc5.1 Site Development – Below this section, insert the following text: 11/3/2010
Protect or Restore
Habitat Projects with limited landscape opportunities may also donate offsite
land in perpetuity, equal to 60% of the previously developed area
(including the building footprint), to a land trust within the same EPA
Level III Ecoregion identified for the project site. The land trust must
adhere to the Land Trust Alliance ‘Land Trust Standards and
Practices’ 2004 Revision.

80 6. Calculations SSc5.1 Site Development – Replace the text under “CASE 1” with the following: 11/3/2010
Protect or Restore
Habitat There are no calculations required for this credit, unless a project
cannot limit site disturbance for every parameter. In such a case, an
average is acceptable, as long as 3 of the 4 disturbance limits are
met. Project teams should calculate the amount of site disturbance
allowed under the requirements for greenfield sites and then the
amount of actual site disturbance. The actual should be less than the

135 First paragraph (begins with SSc8 Light Pollution At the end of the paragraph, add the sentence ““Flag lighting is not 11/3/2010
“of light pollution.”) Reduction exempt from the requirements of this credit.”

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141 9. Exemplary Performance SSc8 Light Pollution Replace text with the following: 2/2/2011
NC & This credit is not eligible for exemplary
Schools performance under the Innovation and Design

CS Projects that require and enforce installing automatic

controls within 100% of the tenant space are eligible for
exemplary performance under the Innovation in Design

145 Core & Shell Sustainable SSc9 Tenant Design and From the term “Lighting power” to “Heating, ventilation, and air- 11/3/2010
Design and Construction Construction conditioning (HVAC),” indent the text to the left
Features Guidelines
167 Environmental Issues WEp1 Water Use Reduction Remove both instances of “potable” in the section 7/19/2010

168 4. Implementation WEp1 Water Use Reduction Replace the first three paragraphs with the following: 7/19/2010

(see below text)

(text relating to above issue)

Effective ways to reduce water use include installing flow restrictors and/or reduced flow aerators on lavatory, sink, and shower fixtures; installing and
maintaining metering faucets; installing high-efficiency flush fixtures, such as high-efficiency water closets and urinals; and collecting rainwater.

In certain cases, faucets with low-flow rates are not appropriate. For example, in kitchen sinks, faucets are used to fill pots and buckets. Using a low-
flow rate for tasks where the volume of water is predetermined does not save water and will likely cause user dissatisfaction and inefficiencies. Consider
alternative strategies to reduce water use, such as installing special-use pot fillers and faucets or foot pedal–operated faucets.

WaterSense, a partnership program sponsored by EPA, helps consumers identify the most water-efficient products and programs. WaterSense-labeled
products exceed the requirements of the Uniform Plumbing Code and the International Plumbing Code for some fixtures and fittings. WaterSense
products and other high-efficiency plumbing fixtures, fittings, and appliances can be installed in the same way as conventional EPAct plumbing fixtures
and fittings, as well as Energy Star appliances.
168 4. Implementation WEp1 Water Use Reduction In the first line of the fifth paragraph, replace the word “conservation” 7/19/2010
with “efficiency” so the text becomes “…analyze the water efficiency
options available…”

169 Table 1 WEp1 Water Use Reduction In the fourth row of the table in the “EPA WaterSense Standards” 7/19/2010
column, replace "1.5 - 2.0^b" with “2.0^b”

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169 Table 1 WEp1 Water Use Reduction In footnote “b,” replace "2.0 gmp" with "2.0 gpm" 7/19/2010

171 Table 2a WEp1 Water Use Reduction In the sixth row (“Lavatory Faucet”), replace the duration (sec) of 15 2/2/2011
with 30; replace the related note below table with “Default duration for
the metering type / autocontrol faucet is 15 seconds for the baseline
and 12 seconds for the design case."

174 Design Case Water WEp1 Water Use Reduction In the second line of the paragraph, remove the text “and subtracting 7/19/2010
Consumption any nonpotable water supply”

174 Table 4 WEp1 Water Use Reduction In the fifth row of the table in the column “Flow rate,” replace “1.8 7/19/2010
gpm” with “"≤ 2.2 gpm”

174 Table 4 WEp1 Water Use Reduction In the seventh row of the table in the “Flow Fixture” column, replace 7/19/2010
"Low-flow shower" with "WaterSense shower”

174 Table 4 WEp1 Water Use Reduction In the seventh row of the table in the “Flow Rate” column, replace 7/19/2010
"1.8 gpm" with "≤ 2.0 gpm”

174 Paragraph below Table 4 WEp1 Water Use Reduction Replace the first sentence with "Private or private use applies to 7/19/2010
plumbing fixtures in residences, apartments, and dormitories, to
private (non-public) bathrooms in transient lodging facilities (hotels
and motels), and to private bathrooms in hospitals and nursing

174 Eligible Fixtures WEp1 Water Use Reduction Replace the section text with the following: 2/2/2011

This prerequisite is limited to savings generated by the following

water using fixtures and fixture fittings as applicable to the project:
water closets, urinals, lavatory faucets, showers, kitchen sink faucets
and pre-rinse spray valves, as shown in Table 1.

The “Kitchen sinks” category encompasses all sinks in public or

private buildings that are used with patterns and purposes similar to a
sink in a residential kitchen; break room sinks would be included.
However professional grade / commercial faucets such as those used
in a commercial kitchen would not be included. The “Public lavatory
faucets” and “Private lavatory faucets” categories encompass all
sinks used primarily for hand-washing regardless of location.
Faucets whose usage patterns and flow rates are regulated for
medical or industrial purposes (e.g. laboratory sinks) and do not fall
under the definition of private or public use are not included. Faucets
used exclusively for filling operations (e.g. pot-filler) can be excluded.

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All other fixtures and fixtures fittings must be included in the
calculations unless there are special circumstances that justify
excluding them.

176 12. Resources WEp1 Water Use Reduction In alphabetical order, insert the following text: 7/19/2010

Alliance for Water Efficiency
The Alliance for Water Efficiency provides information and assistance
on water conservation efforts.

176 12. Resources WEp1 Water Use Reduction Remove the following text: 7/19/2010

Fine Homebuilding Choosing a Toilet
This article includes several varieties of water-efficient toilets.

176 12. Resources WEp1 Water Use Reduction In the resource “Rocky Mountain Institute, Water,” replace the text 7/19/2010
below the resource header with the following:
This portion of RMI’s website is devoted to water resource efficiency.

176 12. Resources WEp1 Water Use Reduction Remove the following text: 7/19/2010

U.S. EPA, Water Use Efficiency Program
This website provides an overview of EPA’s Water Use Efficiency
Program and information about using water more efficiently.

177 12. Resources WEp1 Water Use Reduction Replace the resource “Water Closet Performance Testing,” with the 7/19/2010

Water Studies
The site provides a variety of studies related to water.

179* PATH 2 WEc1 Water Efficient Replace the second sentence of the paragraph with “Temporary 7/19/2010
Landscaping irrigation systems used for plant establishment are allowed only if
removed within a period not to exceed 18 months of installation.”

183 Second paragraph on page WEc1 Water Efficient In the second line, replace “year” with “18 months” so the text 7/19/2010
(begins with “Hose bibs”) Landscaping becomes “…during the first 18 months of building…”

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183 Second paragraph on page WEc1 Water Efficient In the fifth line of the paragraph, replace “1 year” with “18 months” so 7/19/2010
(begins with “Hose bibs”) Landscaping the text becomes “…a period of 18 months depending on…”

183 Technologies WEc1 Water Efficient In the paragraph beginning with “Using groundwater…”, replace the 2/2/2011
Landscaping last sentence with the following:

Additionally the credit can be met when landscape irrigation is

provided by raw water (excluding naturally occurring surface bodies
of water, streams, or rivers, and ground water) that would otherwise
be treated specifically for nonpotable uses. Only ponds designed
solely for the purposes of stormwater retention or detention can be
used for this credit.

184 SCHOOLS box WEc1 Water Efficient Replace the second sentence with “However, if such areas are 7/19/2010
Landscaping included, they must be included in all other applicable Water
Efficiency credit calculations (unless otherwise noted).”

185 STEP 1 WEc1 Water Efficient At the end of the first paragraph, add the text “Any area that is being 7/19/2010
Landscaping improved upon (for example site area that is being restored to its
natural state) must be included in the landscape area.”

186 Table 2 WEc1 Water Efficient Below the table, replace the first sentence of the paragraph with the 2/2/2011
Landscaping following:

Determine, if applicable, the controller efficiency (CE), the percentage

reduction in water use from any weather-based controllers or
moisture sensor-based systems, not to exceed 30% for the peak
month of July.

186 Equation 3 WEc1 Water Efficient Replace “CE” with “(1 – CE)” 2/2/2011
188 EXAMPLE 1 WEc1 Water Efficient In the first line of the first paragraph, replace the first sentence with 7/19/2010
Landscaping “An office building in Austin, Texas, has 6,000 square feet of
landscape area.”

188 EXAMPLE 1 WEc1 Water Efficient In the first line of the second paragraph, replace the first sentence 7/19/2010
Landscaping with “The baseline case uses the same reference ETo and total
landscape area.”

191 13. Definitions WEc1 Water Efficient Insert the term “Landscape area” in alphabetical order with the 7/19/2010
Landscaping accompanying text "The landscape area of the site is the total site
area less the building footprint, paved surfaces, water bodies, areas
being left in a natural state, and patios."

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207* Requirements WEc4 Process Water Use In the first line of the third bullet item, replace “At least 4 process 7/19/2010
Reduction items” with "All appliances within at least 4 equipment types"

208 4. Implementation WEc4 Process Water Use In the beginning of the first line of the first paragraph, insert the text 7/19/2010
Reduction "With the exception of prerinse spray valves”

239* OPTION 3 EAp2 Minimum Energy Remove the third and fourth bullet of the section: 2/2/2011
 Office, school, public assembly, and retail projects less than
100,000 square feet must comply with Section 1 and Section 2 of
the Core Performance Guide.
 Other project types less than 100,000 square feet implement the
basic requirements of the Core Performance Guide.

251* Requirements EAp3 Fundamental Add the following text as a second paragraph in the section: 2/2/2011
Management Existing small HVAC units (defined as containing less than 0.5
pounds of refrigerant) and other equipment, such as standard
refrigerators, small water coolers and any other equipment that
contains less than 0.5 pounds of refrigerant, are not considered part
of the base building system and are not subject to the requirements
of this prerequisite.

277 First paragraph on page EAc1 Optimize Energy At the end of paragraph, add the following text: 2/2/2011
(begins with “Separate Performance
point”) For projects that are a combination of renovated and new
construction, use the following equation to determine minimum
energy cost savings percentage for each point threshold for each line
of the table:

Target Percent = (Existing SF/Total SF)*Existing Percent + (New

SF/Total SF)*New Percent


293 Retention of Renewable EAc2 On-Site Renewable Remove the text from “The rationale for the 1-for-2 ratio…” through 11/3/2010
Energy Environmental Energy “This allows green building projects to capture the value of RECs
Attributes created by on-site renewable while reducing next CO2.”

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310 6. Calculations EAc4 Enhanced Refrigerant In the first bulleted item, replace the text with "Refrigerant charge (Rc) 7/19/2010
Management in pounds of refrigerant per ton of Gross ARI rated cooling capacity."

311 Text below third box EAc4 Enhanced Refrigerant Replace the text with "If there are multiple pieces of base building 7/19/2010
Management HVAC&R equipment, use a weighted average of all equipment,
based on Gross ARI rated cooling capacity:"

315* NC & Schools EAc5 Measurement and Add the following option after OPTION 2: 2/2/2011
OR OPTION 3 (1 point)
Meet MPR 6 through compliance Opttion1: Energy and Water Data
Release Form. Projects must register an account in ENERGY
STAR's Portfolio Manager tool and share the project file with the
USGBC master account.

316* CS EAc5.1 Measurement and Add the following option after OPTION 2: 2/2/2011
Verification – Base
Building OR OPTION 3 (1 point)
Meet MPR 6 through compliance Opttion1: Energy and Water Data
Release Form. Projects must register an account in ENERGY
STAR's Portfolio Manager tool and share the project file with the
USGBC master account.

319 3. Summary of Referenced EAc5 Measurement and In the first paragraph, replace “International Performance 7/19/2010
Standards Verification Measurement and Verification Protocol, Volume III, EVO
30000.1–2006, Concepts and Options for Determining Energy
Savings in New Construction, effective January, 2006” with
“International Performance Measurement & Verification Protocol
(IPMVP) Volume III: Concepts and Options for Determining Energy
Savings in New Construction, April, 2003”

323 9. Exemplary Performance EAc5 Measurement and NC, CS, and Schools projects pursuing Option 3 in addition to 2/2/2011
Verification Options 1 or 2 are eligible for exemplary performance.

324 12. Resources EAc5 Measurement and At the end of the section, add the following resource: 2/2/2011
USGBC Building Performance Partnership
USGBC’s Building Performance Partnership (BPP) engages
commercial and residential LEED building owners and managers in
an effort to optimize the performance of buildings through data
collection, analysis and action. This partnership among USGBC and
the thousands of LEED project owners will result in the population of

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a comprehensive green building performance database, enable
standardization of reporting metrics and analytics, and establish new
performance benchmarks. USGBC’s BPP participants are eligible for
annual performance reports, report cards and real-time data
interfaces to aid in their building performance goals. Together,
USGBC and BPP participants will transform the way the world views
building operations.
380 4. Implementation MRc5 Regional Materials Remove the first paragraph: 7/19/2010

The point of manufacture is considered the place if final assembly of

components into the building product that is furnished and installed
by tradesworkers. For example, if the hardware comes from Dallas,
and lumber comes from Vancouver, and the joist is assembled in
Kent, Washington, then the location of the final assembly is Kent,

382 Recycled Materials MRc5 Regional Materials Replace the paragraph with the following text: 7/19/2010

Recycled materials that satisfy the requirements of MR Credit 4 may

also contribute to MR Credit 5. The extraction point for recycled
materials is the location of the raw material prior to the manufacturing
of the final building product. As such, the point of extraction could
include a recycling facility, scrap yard, depository, stockpile, or any
other location where the material was collected and packaged for
market purchase before manufacturing. It is not necessary to track
the origin of the raw material before it arrived at the point of

The point of manufacture for recycled material products is the

location of the final finished product manufacturer. However, if
products are manufactured at multiple locations then all steps of the
manufacturing process(s) must be within the 500 mile radius of the
project site in order to qualify for MR Credit 5. In such a situation the
point of manufacture should be listed as the location farthest from the
project site.

386 12. Resources MRc5 Regional Materials Insert the term “Extraction, harvest or recovery point” in alphabetical 7/19/2010
order with the accompanying text “Extraction, harvest or recovery
point refers to the location of raw materials prior to manufacturing of
the building material or product that is furnished and installed in the
project building.”

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396 Chain-of-Custody MRc7 Certified Wood At the end of the first paragraph, insert the following text: 7/19/2010
Requirements (MRc6
for CS) Entities that install an FSC-certified product on the project
building/site (typically project contractors or subcontractors, but also
furniture installers and the like), do not require CoC certification as
long as they do not modify the product’s packaging or form except as
is required for installation. Contractors and sub-contractors that
temporarily possess FSC-certified material prior to installation should
be careful not mix or contaminate the FSC-certified material with non-
FSC-certified material.

397 6. Calculations MRc7 Certified Wood Replace the first paragraph with the following: 7/19/2010
for CS) List all new wood products (not reclaimed, salvaged, or recycled) on
the project and identify which components are FSC certified. The cost
of all new wood products, both FSC certified and not, must be tallied.
Develop a spreadsheet to calculate the amount of new wood and the
amount of FSC certified wood permanently installed on the project.
Wood products that are not FSC certified and those that are identified
on invoices as FSC Pure and FSC Mixed Credit should be valued at
100% of the product cost unless the product is an assembly in which
case only the new wood portion of the product counts for credit, see
the guidance for assemblies in this credit. Wood products identified
as FSC Mixed (NN)% should be valued at the indicated percentage of
their cost, for example, a product identified as FSC Mixed 75%
should be valued at 75% of the cost. FSC does not allow partial
claims of certified products, wood products with non-controlled wood
components will not earn FSC certification. The entire product must
be FSC-certified, Pure, Mixed (NN)%, or Mixed Credit to contribute
towards the credit threshold for MR Credit 7. For example, a product
that includes multiple wood components, like a door, the entire
product must be FSC certified. The door cannot be labeled, or claim,
that only the door core is FSC certified.

398 Assemblies MRc7 Certified Wood In the first paragraph, replace the second sentence with “To 7/19/2010
(MRc6 determine the value of the wood component(s), calculate the amount
for CS) of new wood as a percentage of the total weight or volume and the
amount of FSC-certified wood as a percentage of the total weight or

435* CASE 1 IEQc1 Outdoor Air Delivery Update the footnote references in the section so the text becomes the 7/19/2010
Monitoring following:

Addenda LEED Reference Guide for Green Building Design and Construction February 2, 2011

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Monitor CO2 concentrations within all densely occupied spaces
(those with a design occupant density of 25 people or more per 1,000
square feet). CO2 monitors must be between 3 and 6 feet above the

Provide a direct outdoor airflow measurement device capable of

measuring the minimum outdoor air intake flow with an accuracy of
plus or minus 15% of the design minimum outdoor air rate, as defined
by ASHRAE 62.1-2007 (with errata but without addenda) for
mechanical ventilation systems where 20% or more of the design
supply airflow serves nondensely occupied spaces.

435* CASE 2 IEQc1 Outdoor Air Delivery At the end of the paragraph, remove the footnote “” 7/19/2010
435* Footnotes IEQc1 Outdoor Air Delivery Re-number the footnotes so they become the following: 7/19/2010
 CO2 monitoring is required in densely occupied spaces, in addition
to outdoor air intake flow measurement.
 Project teams wishing to use ASHRAE approved addenda for the
purposes of this credit may do so at their discretion. Addenda must
be applied consistently across all LEED credits.

437 Outdoor Air Flow Monitoring IEQc1 Outdoor Air Delivery Replace the last two sentences of the paragraph with the following 11/3/2010
Monitoring text:

To satisfy the requirements of this credit, the measurement device

must be capable of measuring the minimum outdoor air intake flow
with an accuracy of plus or minus 15% when the system is providing
the design minimum outdoor air rate. When the measurement device
generates a measurement of outdoor air intake flow that is more than
10% below the design outdoor air minimum values, the monitoring
system should be configured to deliver a visible or audible alert to the
system operator to indicate that operational adjustments may be

471* Requirements table IEQc4.1 Low-Emitting Materials In the “Sealants” section, remove the items “Nonmembrane roof, 300” 11/3/2010
– Adhesives and and “Single-ply roof membrane, 450”
471 Requirements IEQc4.1 Low-Emitting Materials Add footnote number 2 at the end of the first bullet, “This table 11/3/2010
–Adhesives and excludes adhesives and sealants listed in Rule #1168 that are non-
Sealants building related or are integral to the roof waterproofing system.”

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474 Table 1 IEQc4.1 Low-Emitting Materials In the “Sealants” section, remove the items “Nonmembrane roof, 300” 11/3/2010
– Adhesives and and “Single-ply roof membrane, 450”
474 Table 1 IEQc4.1 Low-Emitting Materials Below the table, insert the note: 11/3/2010
– Adhesives and
Sealants This table excludes adhesives and sealants integral to the water-proofing
system or that are not building related.

477 9. Exemplary Performance IEQc4 Low-Emitting Materials Replace text with the following: 2/2/2011
– Adhesives and
NC & This credit is not eligible for exemplary
Schools performance under the Innovation and Design

CS Projects that require and enforce tenants to meet the

requirements in IEQ Credit 4 (4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4)
throughout the tenant space are eligible for exemplary
performance under the Innovation in Design section.

481* NC & CS box IEQc4.2 Low-Emitting Materials Replace the text of the third bullet with the following: 7/19/2010
– Paints and Coatings
Clear wood finishes, floor coatings, stains, primers, sealers, and
shellacs applied to interior elements must not exceed the VOC
content limits established for those coating types in South Coast Air
Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Rule 1113, Architectural
Coatings, rules in effect on January 1, 2004.

483 Table 1 IEQc4.2 Low-Emitting Materials In the note, delete “including water” 11/3/2010
– Paints and Coatings
483 Table 2 IEQc4.2 Low-Emitting Materials Remove Table 2. Standard VOC Limits 11/3/2010
– Paints and Coatings
484 9. Exemplary Performance IEQc4 Low-Emitting Materials Replace text with the following: 2/2/2011
– Paints and Coatings
NC & This credit is not eligible for exemplary
Schools performance under the Innovation and Design

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CS Projects that require and enforce tenants to meet the

requirements in IEQ Credit 4 (4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4)
throughout the tenant space are eligible for exemplary
performance under the Innovation in Design section.

492 9. Exemplary Performance IEQc4 Low-Emitting Materials Replace text with the following: 2/2/2011
– Flooring Systems
NC & This credit is not eligible for exemplary
Schools performance under the Innovation and Design

CS Projects that require and enforce tenants to meet the

requirements in IEQ Credit 4 (4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4)
throughout the tenant space are eligible for exemplary
performance under the Innovation in Design section.

497 9. Exemplary Performance IEQc4 Low-Emitting Materials Replace text with the following: 2/2/2011
– Composite Wood
and Agrifiber Products
NC & This credit is not eligible for exemplary
Schools performance under the Innovation and Design

CS Projects that require and enforce tenants to meet the

requirements in IEQ Credit 4 (4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4)
throughout the tenant space are eligible for exemplary
performance under the Innovation in Design section.

511* NC, SCHOOLS & CS box IEQc5 Indoor Chemical and Replace the third bullet item with the following text: 7/19/2010
Pollutant Source
Control  In mechanically ventilated buildings, each ventilation system
that supplies outdoor air shall comply with the following:
o Particle filters or air cleaning devices shall be provided
to clean the outdoor air at any location prior to its

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introduction to occupied spaces.
o These filters or devices shall be rated a minimum
efficiency reporting value (MERV) of 13 or higher in
accordance with ASHRAE Standard 52.2.
o Clean air Filtration media shall be installed in all air
systems after completion of construction and prior to

511* NC, SCHOOLS & CS box IEQc5 Indoor Chemical and Remove the fourth bullet item: 7/19/2010
Pollutant Source
Control Provide containment (i.e. a closed container for storage for off-site
disposal in a regulatory compliant storage area, preferably outside
the building) for appropriate disposal of hazardous liquid wastes in
places where water and chemical concentrate mixing occurs (e.g.,
housekeeping, janitorial and science laboratories).

512 Environmental Issues IEQc5 Indoor Chemical and Replace the paragraph with the following: 7/19/2010
Pollutant Source
Control This credit recognizes projects that reduce or mitigate human contact
with airborne chemicals and particles. Additional materials and
energy may be required to provide entryway systems and isolated
chemical-use areas.

513 4. Implementation IEQc5 Indoor Chemical and In the fourth line of the paragraph, remove the text “…; in addition, 7/19/2010
Pollutant Source the storage, mixing and disposal of housekeeping liquids may
Control adversely affect human health"

513 Entryway Systems IEQc5 Indoor Chemical and In the first and second paragraphs, replace both instances of “high- 7/19/2010
Pollutant Source traffic” with “regularly used”
514 Hazardous Chemical Areas IEQc5 Indoor Chemical and Remove the sixth paragraph of the section: 7/19/2010
Pollutant Source
Control Rooms where chemicals are mixed and disposed of should be
isolated. These rooms should include sinks and/or drains in
appropriate locations to ensure that chemicals are disposed of
properly and are not dumped into inadequate spaces (e.g.,
restrooms). Local codes requiring separate drain lines must be

515 5. Timeline and Team IEQc5 Indoor Chemical and Replace the second paragraph with the following text: 7/19/2010
Pollutant Source
Control During the design phase, the architect should consider the location
and type of entryway systems and allow adequate space for entryway

Addenda LEED Reference Guide for Green Building Design and Construction February 2, 2011

Page Location Credit Credit Title Issue Post Date

systems. During the schematic design phase, the team should
confirm the locations of areas where chemicals and high-volume
copy, fax, and print equipment will be used. It may be possible to
locate such rooms above or adjacent to 1 another to make individual
exhaust systems unnecessary and minimize exhaust ductwork. Also
confirm that chemical and equipment rooms are properly isolated
from adjacent spaces. The mechanical engineer should incorporate
MERV 13 filters, dedicated exhaust systems; these elements will
affect the fan sizing, shaft layout, and underground coordination.

529 Individual Thermal Comfort IEQc6.2 Controllability of Add the following paragraph after the second paragraph: 2/2/2011
Systems – Thermal
Comfort Individual comfort plug-in devices are acceptable for meeting the
intent of this credit provided they are included in the proposed design
model but not in the baseline model for EA Prerequisite 2: Minimum
Energy Performance and EA Credit 1:Optimize Energy Performance

545 First paragraph on page IEQc7.2 Thermal Comfort - At the end of the paragraph, add the addition text "For residential 7/19/2010
(above “Planning and Verification projects, the occupants have a higher level of control over the
Design Phase” section) building systems and are therefore not eligible for this credit."
549* OPTION 1 IEQc8.1 Daylights and Views - In the first line of the paragraph, replace “75% (NC, Schools & CS) or 11/3/2010
Daylight 90% (Schools Only) or more of all regularly occupied spaces” with
“applicable spaces” so the text becomes “Demonstrate through
computer simulation that the applicable spaces achieve…”

551* OPTION 3 IEQc8.1 Daylights and Views - In the first paragraph, replace the first sentence with “Demonstrate 11/3/2010
Daylight through records of indoor light measurements that a minimum
daylight illumination level of 25 fc has been achieved in the applicable

551* OPTION 4 IEQc8.1 Daylights and Views - In the first paragraph, replace the first sentence with "Any of the 11/3/2010
Daylight above calculation methods may be combined to document the
minimum daylight illumination in the applicable spaces."

575* Intent IEQc9 Enhanced Acoustical In the first line, replace “facilitates” with “facilitate” 11/3/2010
576 Summary of Referenced IEQc9 Enhanced Acoustical In the first standard (ANSI), remove “/ASHRAE” 11/3/2010
Standards Performance
593* PATH 3. Pilot Credit IDc1 Innovation in Design In the header, change “(1 point)” to “(1 – 5 points for NC and CS, 1 - 2/2/2011
4 points for Schools)”
593* PATH 3. Pilot Credit IDc1 Innovation in Design Replace the last sentence of the paragraph with “NC and CS projects 2/2/2011
may pursue up to 5 Pilot Credits total, Schools projects may pursue
up to 4 Pilot Credits total.”

Addenda LEED Reference Guide for Green Building Design and Construction February 2, 2011

Page Location Credit Credit Title Issue Post Date

609* Requirements RPc1 Regional Priority In the second paragraph, replace the last sentence with "The USGBC 11/3/2010
has prioritized credits for projects located in the U.S., Puerto Rico, the
U.S. Virgin Islands, and Guam. All other international projects should
check the database for eligible Regional Priority credits."

629 Glossary n/a n/a Insert the term “Extraction, harvest or recovery point” in alphabetical 7/19/2010
order with the accompanying text “Extraction, harvest or recovery
point refers to the location of raw materials prior to manufacturing of
the building material or product that is furnished and installed in the
project building.”

633 Glossary, Landscape area n/a n/a Replace the term description with the text "The landscape area of 7/19/2010
the site is the total site area less the building footprint, paved
surfaces, water bodies, areas being left in a natural state, and patios."

638 Glossary, Preconsumer n/a n/a In the fourth line of the term description, make the “E” of “Excluded” 11/3/2010
recycled content not bold

*The purpose of these Rating System changes within the Rating System portions of the LEED Reference Guide for Green Building Design and Construction is to
align with the following LEED Rating Systems that comprise the guide:

LEED 2009 for New Construction and Major Renovations,

LEED 2009 for Core and Shell Development,
LEED 2009 for Schools New Construction and Major Renovations,

Note: The online version of the Rating System takes precedent over the Rating System portions of the LEED Reference Guides in project guidance and
application; project teams are required to adhere to the Rating System and Rating System addenda in accordance with the project’s registration date.

Addenda LEED Reference Guide for Green Building Design and Construction February 2, 2011

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