Assets and Liabilities of Nanotechnology
Assets and Liabilities of Nanotechnology
Assets and Liabilities of Nanotechnology
Department of Zoology, Lahore College for Women University, Jail Road, Lahore, Pakistan
In recent years, nanotechnology played a central role in research and has shown its significant impact on the
field of medicine. Nanoparticles are more efficient than other bulk materials. Novel nanoparticles possess
properties like high magnetic proneness; biocompatibility and chemical stability make them efficacious to be
use in biomedical field as in treatment and diagnosis of various diseases, bioimaging, hyperthermia, drug
delivery, gene delivery and photo ablation therapy. Although, nanotechnology is providing us benefits in many
technology and industry sectors i.e., medicine, food safety, environmental science, information technology etc.
but besides its positive aspects, it can prove to be a cause of nanotoxicity as well. The toxicity of nanoparticles
can be assessed by their size, shape, surface charge, surface coating etc. Humans and cell cultures can be
affected by nanoparticles as they can cause lipid peroxidation, oxidative stress, DNA damage and eventually
cell death. This review article encompasses pros and cons of nanotechnology and focuses on an attempt to
promote its advantageous use and to reduce its hazardous effects in different fields.
*Corresponding Author: Nimra Noman [email protected]
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and to slow down the process of dissolving bone cascade of therapeutic response by successful
tissues to cervical cancer cells, respectively conversion of prodrug 5-Flurocytosine to 5-
(Benyettou et al., 2015). Lee and his co-workers Fluorouracil and nanoclusters of silver and gold. Cell
produced conjugates by using AgNPs with demise resulted by formation of reactive oxygen
oligonucleotide. And they evaluated that they show species and the cell demise was apoptosis mediated
high cooperative binding properties (Lee et al., (Dutta et al., 2016). Anti-fouling magnetic
2009). Ferrous platinum nanoparticles when loaded nanoparticles have properties that make them
with an anti-cancer medicament can be used as effective carriers for siRNA delivery to cells and it was
carrier to target cancerous gastric cell lines. done by generating IONP siRNA nano-carriers. The
Fabrication of Fe–Pt nanoparticles was done by transfection efficiency revealed the non-toxicity of
giving Ferrous platinum/ Poly di-ally di-methyl carriers to cells and it was measured both with and
ammonium chloride silica composite particles a without magnetic field using human neuroblastoma
hydrothermal treatment. Cancer cell growth of cell SHEP cells (Boyer et al., 2010).
line was prevented by Fe–Pt–Dox capsules with 70%
destruction of cancer cell line.
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against C6 glioma cell lines from rat, SGH44 cell line results like high biocompatibility to be used in
and U251 cell line from humans. These were used as hyperthermia therapeutic technique. Fe3O4 and γ-
contrast agents for CT and MR imaging. The cystine Fe2O3 have a low magnetic coercivity while ε-Fe2O3
coated ferrous platinum nanoparticles found to be exhibits a huge coercivity. The heating power of ε-
compatible as cell viability represented no difference Fe2O3 nanoparticles as compared with γ-Fe2O3
(Liang et al., 2015). To determine toxicity studies on nanoparticles of comparable size (∼20 nm) was
cell viability were accomplished by study on HeLa measured. In contrast, γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles heat
cells obtained from cervix with Ferrous-Platinum more efficaciously within the high frequency range
NPs. From (MR) signal enhancement studies, (400–900 kHz). No toxicity was observed by cell
researchers deducted that amphiphilic Ferrous- culture lines at all. ε- γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles were
Platinum nanoparticles provide more effective result proved to be slightly superior to Fe2O3 nanoparticles
than other nanoparticles when used in place of other in human magnetic hyperthermia applications. Thus
contrast agents (Yang et al., 2010). ε-Fe2O3 nanoparticles open the route for magnetic
heating (Gu et al., 2010).
Magnetic Hyperthermia and contribution of
It is a technique in which heat is used to kill or
dissolve destroy cancerous cells and tissue. It is done
by raising the temperature up to 40–47 °C of infected
or diseased area. This technique kills cancer cells but
not the healthy ones, which is an advantage of this
technique. Diseased cells or tumor cells are sensitive
to temperature so cell apoptosis is initiated when cells
are treated at a temperature of 40-47°Celsius and this
is termed as hyperthermia effect. Heating cell up to
47–49 °Celsius can kill the cells and this phenomenon Fig. 4. Process of Magnetic hyperthermia technique.
is as termed as thermo-ablation. Hyperthermia
treatment with radiotherapy and chemotherapy in Photo ablation Therapy and Role of Nanotechnology
collaboration is used to treat cancerous cells. The Photo ablation therapy involves use of a laser beam to
material properties along with cytotoxicity and remove cancerous cells and lesions by irradiation as
magnetic isotropy of one-dimensional iron nanowires upon heating with a laser beam, the tumor cell or
were explored by analyzing effect on EMT-6 cells. By tissue got vaporized which causes the destruction of
application of magnetic field and using reducing tumor or cancerous and thus it is an effective
method, these nanoparticles were synthesized and it treatment for cancer. It is classed as photodynamic
was concluded that iron wires were effective agent to therapy and photo thermal therapy, both of which are
be used in hyperthermia treatment (Lin et al., 2013) used as a treatment for killing cancerous cells in body
at a target site. Photodynamic Therapy uses light
Seeman and his workers in 2015 investigated the role sensitive compounds mainly non-toxic called
of Fe–Pt NPs coated with tungsten oxide to be used in photosensitizers. When exposed to light, a photon of
treatment technique of magnetic hyperthermia. particular wavelength, these show toxicity. This is
Preparation and annealing of SiW11O39-coated Fe–Pt accustomed to target effective cells like cancer.
nanoparticles was done at 700 °C. Magnetometry and Photodynamic Therapy process is characterized by
magneto-caloric measurements measured the heating the exposure of certain nanoparticles which are
effect as well as magnetic characteristics of these mostly photosensitizers, like TiO2 nanoparticles, are
nanoparticles. It was concluded that tungsten oxide- exposed to light due to which electrons and holes are
coated Ferrous-Platinum nanoparticles show effective created at a particular wavelength.
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Reactive oxygen species and oxygen form when these nanoparticles in mice and it also inhibit tumor growth
light reduced electrons and holes react with the water with increased survival time (Wang et al., 2011). Folic
and hydroxyl ions. (Dickerson et al., 2008). acid functionalized Fe–Pt nanoparticles can be used
Inevitable necrosis occurs due to production of these to EMT-6 breast tumor cells as it was studied by Chen
species. Tumor cells are exposed to radiation by near and his coworkers. Near Infrared laser was used for
infrared light. Heat which is produced by light causes activation of functionalized Ferrous-Platinum
hyperthermia. Necrosis results due to hyperthermia. nanoparticles. Results depicted zero toxicity along
Titanium dioxide nanoparticles are used because they with high biocompatibility to cell. Upon irradiation by
have many attractive properties like biocompatibility the laser, the plasma membrane of cancerous cell got
to body, have chemical stability and prominent photo ruptured which indicate that this method is useful for
catalytic activity. targeted cancer therapy (Chen et al., 2013).
TiO2 nanoparticles when exposed to light causes the Nanoparticle use in fields of medicine is increasing as
growth inhibition tumor cells and it was evaluated by in current century researchers have done much work
Wang and his co-workers on glioma cells. Study was on its uses in different areas of medical science which
conducted in vivo and in vitro on Uppsala 87 is one of important concern for scientist as to devise a
Malignant Glioma cells and nude female Bagg Albino- cheap and more appropriate replaceable agent for
c mice. These mice were injected with glioma cell diagnosis and treatment of diseases and for use in
lines and the TiO2 suspension under their skin and various sub-fields as it is described below in given
cytotoxicity was determined too. It was found that no analysis on researches done by scientist to assess use
cytotoxic effect was associated with TiO2 of nanoparticles in biomedical field.
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Nanotoxicity and Nanomaterials and in vitro (cell cultures). In vivo tests prove to be
The toxicity caused by nanomaterials is termed as more prognostic for human effects but they seem to
nanotoxicity. Whereas, it remits to the hazardous create some hinderance due to biochemical and
impacts on living organisms and their environment physiological differences among the species. So, in
after an exposure to engineered nanoparticles. It can vitro testing is usually preferred due to inexpensive,
be classified as biological as well as environmental coherent and reliable outcomes. In vitro testing is
toxicity depending upon the target of nanoparticles. performed by performing different assays. For this
Different nanomaterials (i.e., nanofiber, carbon purpose, those cell lines are selected which present
nanotubes, nanoparticles etc.) are being used in the great reliability, stability and homogeneity in tests
field of nanotechnology but nanoparticles are most and results (Drasler et al., 2017). NP toxicity
commonly used, of which all three dimensions are assessment results indicate the hazardous effects of
equal to each other (Walters et al., 2016). different NPs at different levels of cellular
organization. Thereby, different lethal and sub-lethal
Entry routes of nanoparticles in the human body effects have been observed such as cell mortality,
Nanoparticles mostly enter into the body via skin, developmental malformations, oxidative stress, lipid
respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract. Through peroxidation, alteration in gene expression etc. NP
different exposures, nanoparticles get access to the toxicity causes the formation of reactive oxygen
human body i.e. species (ROS) and free radicals that further induce
oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation and DNA damage.
Inhalation exposure
Nanoparticles enter into the human respiratory tract
via inhalation. The size of nanoparticle and its
spreading pattern decides that in which part of the
respiratory tract it will reside. The defensive
mechanisms of respiratory tract (mucociliary pathway
and macrophages) play a vital role in the clearance of
NPs, once they are absorbed into the body via
respiratory tract. Defensive system of respiratory tract
proves to be efficient in 33% elimination of inhaled
nanoparticles from the body (Sajid et al., 2015).
Dermal exposure
When the NPs enter the skin via dermal exposure then Fig. 5. Toxicity assessment of nanoparticles.
they accumulate in the stratum corneum and dermis
(Senzui et al., 2010). Sometimes, when the NPs are Toxic effects of nanoparticles
absorbed into the skin they can leak into the bloodstream. Besides revolutionizing in technology and industrial
sectors, NPs can cause hazardous effects in
Ingestion exposure environment and humans as well if they are used in
From gastrointestinal tract, NPs can be absorbed an uncontrolled way. Different nanoparticles cause
directly or indirectly through secondary ingestion different types of toxicity.
of inhaled particles. Nanoparticles are usually
ingested accidentally in the form of pesticides and Juvenile common carps (Cyprinus carpio) were
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Gold nanoparticles exert cytotoxic effects in sac and pericardial edema, tail and head
mammalian cell lines. It was confirmed by apoptosis malformation were detected in zebrafish embryos,
induction and delay in cell cycle in mammalian cell when they were exposed to silica nanoparticles (Duan
lines. Gold NPs modulate cellular physical processes et al., 2013). In rats, nickel nanoparticles induced
by inducing cell signaling and several sets of gene cardiac toxicity, lung inflammation, liver and spleen
expression (Chuang et al., 2013). Sperm cells of injury after fourteen days of an intravenous injection
Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were exposed (Magaye et al., 2014). Functionalized nanoparticles
to various doses (0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 10 and 50mg/L) of show their interaction with polymeric membranes.
TiO2 NPs, then a significant decrease in the velocities The nanoparticles studied were composed of gold,
of their sperm cells after 10mg/L TiO2 NPs and an silver and titanium dioxide, had organic coatings to
increase in the activity of TSGH and SOD levels was capitulate surface charge either positive or negative.
observed. On the exposure of TiO2 NPs, the More than 99% rejection was detected in case of
kinematics as rainbow trout sperm cells mortality and positively charged NPs by negatively charged
their fertility values were seen to be affected (Özgür et membranes, even though pore diameters were 20
al., 2018). Embryonic malformations, including yolk times greater than NPs diameter.
Contrary to this, fewer negatively charged NPs were an uncontrolled way), cause damage to membrane
less rejected (Ladner et al., 2012). Accelerated integrity and nucleic acids, protein destabilization
synthesis and use of engineered NPs elevate their and oxidation, production of reactive oxygen species
concentration in environment, promoting their (ROS) and release of various harmful and noxious
reciprocations with biotic and abiotic components of components (Bhatt et al., 2011). Magnesium oxide
ecosystem. These engineered NPs (if they are used in nanoparticles induced different types of
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malformations, intracellular reactive oxygen species different mechanisms is needed. For this purpose,
and cellular apoptosis in zebrafish embryo. Besides it, there should be proper check and balance regarding
a significant reduction was observed in the rate of the use of nanoparticles i.e., nanotoxicity can be
embryo hatching and their survival in a dose reduced by physical alterations (coatings) and besides
dependent manner (Ghobadian et al., 2015). it, biological method (green synthesis) should be
Significant lysis, hem-agglutination, membrane preferred to synthesize NPs.
damage, pernicious morphological alterations, and
cytoskeletal deformations were observed in human Abbreviations
erythrocytes, when exposed to silver NPs at a NPs (Nanoparticles), NCs (Nanoclusters), MRI
concentration of 100mg mL-1 (Asharani et al., 2010). (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), ROS (Reactive
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