Mathematical Modelling of Mechanical Systems

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Mechanical Systems 1. Translational Mechanical Systems 2. Rotational Mechanical Systems Translational Mechanical Systems: Parametres of Translational Motion: 4 The motion is in a straight line. The equations governing such motion are Newton's Laws of Motion. Dory ele aero MUM a Rely Sam eG Ha) Velocity: Rate of change of displacement w.r.t time ia Ee a me A A 5 _dv_ dx) m Dee eRe re ee Cc A and rege at ea TTT) (a a Components in Translational System: CSN ea um Lune Ce are ary Oe ere acre ree corse Connn Cs samen) Ciera mem elt ely) tte ra +f) + f(t)aa + f(t)=M.a © SI Uniti Kg 2. Spring: A Spring is an elastic object that stores Potential Energy. Leo AT ene (CO ead. OMG Un Ru * Sl unit: N/m 3. Friction: It is defined as the force which opposes the relative motion. p— txt) © f(t) « & i se ne 0 5) = cae B = Frictional Constant O Gordie hkkyén ® Rotational Mechanical System: Rotational motion is a circular motion of a rigid body about a fixed axis. Parametres: ry 1. Angular Displacement: Angle in radians through which rigid body rotates Clem ir oe Reet) Py \ at POLLS Se CIC UTy 2. Angular Velocity: Rate of change of angular position (w = eT eee Lace eet mete oe ECE tea 4. Torque: Measure of how much a force acting on a body cause that body to rotate. (a) N.m (Kg. m2/s?) . Components in Rotational Mechanical System: Dn Le) Mo Coto Rat opposes the change in its angular position or angular velocity (J). ) a , ; yxet = tH) ene i eAralo) ca O mE > = i mana PES ay | pn ) , T Eee : ae ® =) pag Aarne mai ) ) at rT 't(s) = B.s0(s) T @(t) ao) RCL RU ar! 4 Translational Motion i. Mass (M) » ae} 3. Spring Constant (K) ce Frictional Constant (B) Ls Displacement (x) A as Ce Wa yeing CG = 2) VA eel) (a a Reseed Rotational Motion Moment of Inertia (J) Torque (T) Torsional Spring Constant (K) Torsional Frictional Constant (B) Angular Displacement (8) i = Angular Velocity iC = =) 7 = Ss Angular Dee ICun( = 4) 4 Elements: 1. Mass 2. Spring 3. Friction eT _ x) f(t)ca > f(t) =Ma VI ee d2x(t) -_ = fO=M re Saitama U3} rer) f(t) « x(t) ri B if ATT Dat 09) f(t) = K. x(t) rob ee — a) f(t) ev = f(t) Cars eee hs SO bdierd | F(s) = M.s? X(s) _ F(s) = K.X(s) Oe LEG) (eer ae a3 COVE! d?x(t) Te na > — F(s) =M.s?X(s) OMe eT Rania Ce ne? +—>x(t) Coe PML aero M M, |-—>f(t) CRC anleo CG AOIONIOl®) naa \ Frietionlece CT Raed eel See) f(t) « x(t) ' a a TT Rees) F(s) = K.X(s) K f(t) = K.x(t) : Cadi x 4 , 6) * Force in Mass M, & Mass M, will not i LS ree 4 . p 5 *) Spring|will store’ some Potential Ce ellen ee ee OT ae £(0) & [ex — x2(0] x) 2O_., [Onn a OREN) ee Ont teat cO) me [Selo f ax(t _ aw) Cortese ie nao M —f(t) => F(S) (frictional) = B. sX(s) ai)3 Sian CTs e eM eae Sa Me Ra ola dx, (t) dx,(t) dt dt 3) f(O trictionaly = a + Friction between two moving points causes a change in displacement from one point to another point. Example: Find the transfer function, ay for the system given below: x(t) M > f(t) ee | i} Solution: + Firstly we will draw the Free Body Diagram of mass M. 1. Restoring force of Spring = K.x(t) nee K.x(t) 2. Opposing force due to friction = pe) Ts dx(t) Ae ve caiO} Peer aces een eee 5 cer d?x(t) « raed aca) K.x(t) dx(t) a M + f(t) GeO) — red Se elgeReCeie RR tol pCR Ceo Coe cod a B be, HO) _ f(t) —K. -B—— ( — Kx BS MS Taking Laplace Transform, we have: F(s) = K.X(s) + B.sX(s) + M.s?X(s) = Fs) =X(s).[K+s.B+s?.M] > | FG) Ms?+Bs+K

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