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Composites Part B
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Keywords: Glucan/chitosan (GL/CS) hydrogels as adsorbents for heavy metal ions in wastewater treatment were synthe-
Hydrogel sized by ultrasound-assisted free radical polymerization. The samples were characterized by Fourier transform
Adsorption infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), field emission scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and thermogravimetric ana-
Heavy metal ions lysis (TGA). In the study of adsorption process, the effects of temperature, acidity and alkalinity, dosage of
adsorbent, adsorption time and concentration of heavy metal ions on adsorption behavior of GL/CS adsorbent in
simulated wastewater were discussed. On the basis of the above research, the adsorption thermodynamics,
adsorption kinetics and adsorption mechanism were also studied. When the temperature was 20 °C, the pH value
was 7.0 and the amount of adsorbent was 0.01 g, the results showed that the adsorption capacities of GL/CS
hydrogels for Cu2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Pb2+ and Cd2+ were 342 mg g−1, 232 mg g−1, 184 mg g−1, 395 mg g−1,
269 mg g−1, respectively. The fitting results of the isothermal models, the kinetic models and thermodynamics of
the experimental data of the ion adsorption process show that the adsorption of heavy metal ions by GL/CS is a
spontaneous process of single-layer chemisorption.
1. Introduction ions. The application principle of the method is to add a chemical re-
agents capable of forming a water-insoluble precipitate with heavy
The development of industry has brought convenience to people, metal ions in the wastewater, and then filter out the precipitates so as to
but it has also caused serious harm to the environment. Among them, achieve the purpose of removing heavy metal ions. The chemical floc-
the pollution of water is more serious. The pollution of heavy metal ions culation method has the advantages of large removal, simple im-
in the wastewater has brought great damage to the biosphere. In es- plementation, good removal efficiency, mature technology, low in-
sence, heavy metals mean that the density of the substance can be vestment, low cost, and the like, and is widely applied to the removal of
greater than 4.5 kg dm−3, and the metal in the periodic table is 21–83. heavy metal ions. However, the deficiency of this method is that the
It mainly includes about 40 species of lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), cobalt addition of precipitant will produce a large amount of flocculent sludge,
(Co), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu) and so on [1–6]. There is no uniform which will cause a secondary contamination. The heavy metal ions
definition of heavy metals. Generally, metals that cause pollution to the involved in oxidation-reduction methods usually have multiple valence
environment and cause harm to human body are heavy metals [7–10]. states, and the ionic properties of different valence states are different.
Heavy metal ions in wastewater cover the whole biological world, and The method is to add a reducing agent or an oxidizing agent to the
they can do great damage to the natural water and the whole ecosystem wastewater, convert the refractory valence state into a manageable
through the cycle of biological action. Due to the enrichment in the valence state and form a precipitate, and the process generates a large
biological chain, the final heavy metal ions will threaten the safety of amount of waste residue, resulting in a limited treatment range. Elec-
human life. The removal of heavy metal ions is also a hot topic in the trolysis is the process of chemical changes in a substance caused by
scientific community today. electrical current. The positive ions in the solution move toward the
There are many measures to treat heavy metal ions in wastewater. cathode, and the negative ions move to the anode and undergo re-
The most commonly used ones are chemical flocculation, oxidation- duction and oxidation reactions, respectively. This process is well de-
reduction, adsorption, electrolysis and so on [11–18]. Chemical floc- veloped, but the sewage treatment capacity is not strong enough, the
culation is one of the most widely used methods to treat heavy metal cost of ion removal is relatively high and causes secondary pollution, so
Corresponding author.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (X. Wang), [email protected] (C. Hao).
Received 30 October 2018; Received in revised form 16 March 2019; Accepted 31 March 2019
Available online 06 April 2019
1359-8368/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Jiang, et al. Composites Part B 169 (2019) 45–54
C. Jiang, et al. Composites Part B 169 (2019) 45–54
C. Jiang, et al. Composites Part B 169 (2019) 45–54
Fig. 2. Photographs and SEM images of GL/CS (A–D); Macrostructure of GL/CS (E–F); FT-IR spectra of CS (a), GL (b), GL/CS (c) (G), after adsorption heavy metal
ions (d = Cu, e = Co, f = Ni, g = Pb, h = Cd) (H); TG and DTG curves of GL, CS and GL/CS (I).
hydrogel is translucent and has a thin wall. As shown in Fig. 2(C) and 1560 cm−1. The specific peaks of glucan and chitosan are found in GL/
(D), the hydrogel is rich in pores of various sizes, and the surface is CS, indicating that two monomers were successfully grafted into GL/CS.
relatively smooth, but some gully-like cracks are distributed on the Fig. 2(H) d∼h are the FT-IR spectra of GL/CS adsorbed heavy metal
surface. The tri-dimensional structure of the hydrogel was obtained by ions. It is clear that some of the absorption peaks after the adsorption of
cross-linking three monomers (acrylic acid, chitosan, glucan) with a heavy metal ions are offset. For example, -OH shifts from 3423 cm−1 to
crosslinking agent (NMBA). The pore structure on the surface is caused about 3500 cm−1. Some similar absorption peaks produce a degeneracy
by the loss of moisture of the hydrogel during vacuum drying. Because of the Fermi resonance effect, for example, the -NH2 characteristic
water will remain in the structure of the hydrogel during the process of absorption peak and C-O are degenerate at a position of about
synthesis. Under the condition of vacuum drying, the water in the 1300 cm−1. The phenomenon of the deviation and degeneracy of these
system will accelerate to the environment, which will lead to pores on absorption peaks is due to the fact that during the adsorption process,
the surface of the hydrogel. And it is also speculated that the honey- heavy metal ions M2+ will chelate with O, N and form coordination
comb-like hollow structure will appear inside the hydrogel, which is bonds, which makes the electron cloud density change and causes the
confirmed by Fig. 2(A) and (B). The water content of each part of the vibration band shift of the bond.
hydrogel is different. Because of the water loss, the collapse of each part
is different, resulting in a wrinkled structure on the surface. Fig. 2(E) 3.2.3. TG/DT
and (F) is a partial enlarged view of the inner wall of the tunnel, the It can be clearly seen from Fig. 2(I) that the decomposition tem-
surface of the inner wall is rugged, and many short rods and short peratures of CS, GL and GL/CS are 317 °C, 295 °C and 443 °C, respec-
pieces are randomly stacked to form a plurality of smaller microspores. tively. After thermal decomposition from 25 °C to 800 °C, the final re-
This porous special structure of the hydrogel makes it exhibit ex- sidual mass fractions of CS, GL and GL/CS were 10%, 29% and 49%,
cellent performance in terms of adsorption. Its three-dimensional respectively. From Fig. 2(I), it can be found that CS and GL lose weight
structure, pore structure and surface folds are beneficial to increase the by 10% and 12%, respectively, at around 70 °C, which is caused by the
specific surface area and provide more adsorption sites for the adsorbed loss of moisture when heated. The second stage is the thermal decom-
substances, thereby effectively improving its adsorption performance. position of CS and GL molecules, and CS begins thermal decomposition
at 282 °C until the weight drops to 10%, while GL thermally decom-
3.2.2. FT-IR poses from 258 °C until it falls to 29% by weight. Compared to CS and
In this paper, the monomers and synthesized samples were tested by GL, the thermal stability of GL/CS is significantly improved. First, GL/
FT-IR spectroscopy. In Fig. 2(G) a, 3467 cm−1 is a stretching vibration CS loses its moisture at 87 °C. In the second stage, GL/CS begins to
absorption peak of -OH; 2869 cm−1 and 1659 cm−1 are the stretching thermally decompose at around 400 °C until it reduce to 49% of the
vibration absorption peaks of -NH2, respectively; the absorption peak of weight. GL/CS hydrogel formed by crosslinking CS, GL and acrylic acid
the ether bond in chitosan appears at 1598 cm−1; the peak at about is more stable than that of other monomers.
661 cm−1 is assigned to the C-H vibration absorption. In Fig. 2(G) b,
3443 cm−1 is related to the stretching vibration absorption peak of -OH 3.3. Adsorption properties of GL/CS hydrogels
and 847 cm−1 is the glycoside bond absorption peak. It can be seen
from Fig. 2(G) c that a glucosidic bond unique to glucan appears at 3.3.1. Swelling behaviors of the GL/CS
856 cm−1 in GL/CS, and a stretching vibration peak of -NH2 occurs at In the fields of industry, agriculture and medical treatment, the
C. Jiang, et al. Composites Part B 169 (2019) 45–54
Fig. 3. (A) Effect of time on water absorption performance of GL/CS; (B) Effect of pH on ions adsorption behavior of GL/CS; (C) Effect of adsorbent dosage on ions
adsorption behavior of GL/CS.
swelling properties of the hydrogels is an important indicator of hy- of hydrogels. In this range, with the increase of the amount of ad-
drogels. Liquid-solid contact time is one of the parameters for hydrogel sorbents, the adsorbents will provide more adsorption sites and increase
application in water absorption and swelling. Fig. 3 (A) shows that the the adsorption capacity of the hydrogel. However, when the amount of
water absorption rate of GL/CS hydrogel increases rapidly in 40 min GL/CS hydrogel exceeds 0.02 g, the adsorption capacity decreases as
and reaches saturation slowly after 60 min. The swelling process of GL/ the amount of GL/CS hydrogel increases. This is because the con-
CS hydrogels can be divided into two stages: initial fast stage and final centration of the metal ions remains unchanged, the amount of the
slow stage. Initially, the hydrogel contains a large number of binding adsorbent increases, and the number of free adsorption sites increases,
sites, which can bind to water rapidly, and the water absorption rate is resulting in a decrease in the overall adsorption capacity of the hy-
very fast. In the slow stage, fewer binding sites lead to lower adsorption drogel. At the same time, the content of the adsorbent in the solution is
rate and finally saturation. too high, so that agglomeration occurs between them, causing some
adsorption sites to disappear, thereby reducing the adsorption amount
of the hydrogel. It is also observed from the diagram that the adsorption
3.3.2. Effect of pH and adsorbent dosage on adsorption properties
properties of the hydrogels are in the best state when the amount of
The pH value in industrial wastewater is often not 7, so the impact
adsorbents is up to 0.02 g, no matter which kind of ions. And the ad-
of pH on adsorption performance is also particularly important. As is
sorption capacity of Cu2+ is 365 mg g−1, Co2+ is 251 mg g−1, Ni2+is
clear from Fig. 3(B), qe increase with an increase in pH value and the
207 mg g−1, Pb2+ is 424 mg g−1, and Cd2+ is 356 mg g−1.
minimum value of qe is at pH = 1. The effect of pH on the five ions is
basically the same. At pH = 7, the difference of the adsorption capacity
of the five ions is larger, but with the gradual decrease of the pH value,
3.4. Adsorption thermodynamic
the difference will become smaller. In the adsorption process of heavy
metal ions, there are both chelation of the hydrogel and heavy metal
It can be seen from Fig. 4 that the adsorption capacity of GL/CS
ions, as well as ion exchange. The adsorption of heavy metal ions by
hydrogels increases with the increase of temperature, because the ad-
hydrogels is a reversible process. H+ is easily bonded to some polar
sorption process is an endothermic process, and the increase of tem-
functional groups (-COO-, -NH-, -O-), and therefore, H+ competes with
perature can move the adsorption equilibrium to the direction of strong
heavy metal ions. The decrease in pH causes an increase in H+ con-
adsorption. In order to study thermodynamics, the obtained data are
centration in water. As H+ increases, the position of the hydrogel
fitted by the following formulas, the results are shown in Fig. 4 and the
capable of binding to heavy metal ions is reduced, resulting in a de-
corresponding thermodynamic parameters ΔG0, ΔS0 and ΔH0 are shown
crease in the amount of adsorption of heavy metal ions.
in Table 2 (A).
As shown in Fig. 3(C), when other conditions remain unchanged,
and the amount of adsorbents is in the range of 0–0.02 g, the increase in ΔG 0 = ΔH 0 − T ΔS 0 (3)
the amount of adsorbents in the solution is beneficial to the adsorption
C. Jiang, et al. Composites Part B 169 (2019) 45–54
Fig. 4. Thermodynamic fitting of the five kinds of ions adsorbed by GL/CS and the influence of temperature on adsorption of the ions.
Table 2
(A) Adsorption thermodynamic parameters.
Thermodynamic △H0 △S0 △G0 (KJ mol−1)
Parameters (KJ mol−1) (J mol−1 K−1) 293.15K 303.15K 313.15K 323.15K 333.15K
Cu2+ 6.923 43.72 −5.89 −6.33 −6.77 −7.21 −7.64
Co2+ 17.02 70.55 −3.66 −4.36 −5.07 −5.78 −6.48
Ni2+ 21.08 81.78 −2.89 −3.70 −4.53 −5.34 −6.16
Pb2+ 4.953 41.40 −7.18 −7.60 −8.01 −8.43 −8.84
Cd2+ 10.41 49.86 −4.21 −4.71 −5.21 −5.71 −6.21
C. Jiang, et al. Composites Part B 169 (2019) 45–54
Fig. 5. Effect of adsorption time on adsorption ion behavior of GL/CS (F); and the pseudo-first-order kinetic fitting (a∼e), pseudo-second-order kinetic fitting (A∼E).
C. Jiang, et al. Composites Part B 169 (2019) 45–54
Fig. 6. Effect of heavy metal ions concentration on the adsorption of GL/CS and the isotherm model.
C. Jiang, et al. Composites Part B 169 (2019) 45–54
Table 3 The correlation coefficient R2 is above 0.99, which is better than the
Adsorption isotherm parameters. correlation coefficient of other isotherm models. This shows that the
Parameters Cu2+ Co2+ Ni2+ Pb2+ Cd2+ process of adsorption of heavy metal ions by GL/CS is mainly in ac-
cordance with the chemical adsorption of the single molecular layer of
Langmuir Langmuir. Combined with the parameter 1/n in the Freundlich model,
qm,L (mg g−1) 469.5 332.2 287.4 552.5 329.0
it can be inferred that the adsorption process is more likely to occur.
KL (L mg−1) 0.202 0.028 0.013 0.031 0.027
R2 0.993 0.998 0.992 0.998 0.997
Based on the fitting results of the thermodynamic and kinetic models, it
Freundlich is concluded that the whole adsorption process is mainly endothermic
KF (L g−1) 251.1 144.1 100.5 301.6 209.2 chemical adsorption with single molecular layer and spontaneous re-
1/n 0.081 0.121 0.130 0.083 0.058 action. (The other three isotherm fitting curves can be found in Figs. S3,
R2 0.831 0.997 0.943 0.956 0.734
S4, and S5 of SI).
A (mg L−1) 947.5 19.32 4.442 1078 94792
B 31.97 33.44 31.43 38.46 17.03 4. Conclusion
R2 0.798 0.992 0.913 0.938 0.723
The polysaccharide-based hydrogel GL/CS with excellent adsorp-
qm,D-R (mg g−1) 417.1 296.3 246.1 507.0 301.4
β(mol2 KJ−2) × 10−5 3.330 12.01 19.72 1.943 4.179
tion performance was successfully prepared by a high-efficiency, en-
R2 0.383 0.670 0.527 0.640 0.223 vironmentally friendly, inexpensive, and easy-to-use ultrasonic-assisted
polymerization method. It was used to adsorb five heavy metal ions,
When the amount of adsorbent is 0.01 g, the GL/CS hydrogel exhibits excellent such as Cu2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Pb2+ and Cd2+. The adsorption experiments
adsorption performance in a neutral solution at 20 °C, and its adsorption ca- showed that GL/CS had the best adsorption performance under neutral
pacity for Cu2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Pb2+ and Cd2+ is 342 mg g−1, 232 mg g−1, conditions. The kinetics, thermodynamics and adsorption isotherms of
184 mg g−1, 395 mg g−1 and 269 mg g−1, respectively. As shown in Table 4,
the hydrogel adsorption process indicate that the adsorption of the five
GL/CS hydrogels have outstanding adsorption properties for heavy metal ions
ions conforms to the pseudo-second-order kinetic model and Langmuir
compared with other adsorbents, taking Cu2+ adsorption as an example.
isotherm model, which proves that the adsorption process is a sponta-
neous endothermic chemical monolayer adsorption. In addition, GL/CS
Table 4
hydrogel also has good water absorption performance, and the water
Comparison of adsorption capacities of several adsorbents for Cu2+.
adsorption capacity is 1566 g g−1, indicating that GL/CS also has a
Adsorbent Adsorption capacity(mg g−1) References good development prospect in water absorption.
PE-PD/GO 87 [4]
BAS 18 [6] Acknowledgments
M-CS-AnGS 83 [7]
Cellulosic biopolymer 76 [10] We gratefully acknowledge the Natural Science Foundation of
Claymineral 43 [14]
Jiangsu Province (BK20131249), the Senior Personnel Scientific
NIPAM-co-AA 108 [17]
HMO-P(HMAm/HEA) 54 [18] Research Foundation of Jiangsu University (15JDG084), Natural
SBM 64 [23] Science Fund Project of Colleges in Jiangsu Province(16KJB430008)
CCS 299 [24] and the College Students Innovative Practice Fund of Jiangsu University
Fe3O4-SC 73 [26] Industrial Center (ZXJG2018114) for financial support of this research.
nZVMn 181 [30]
GL/CS 342 This study
Appendix A. Supplementary data
qe = BInA + BInCe (9) Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
where, Ce (mg L−1) is the concentration of adsorbate at equilibrium, qe
(mg g−1) is the capacity of adsorbent at equilibrium, A (mg L−1) is the
equilibrium constant related to binding energy, and B is the equilibrium
constant related to adsorption heat.
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