Kep Serve Rex
Kep Serve Rex
Kep Serve Rex
KEPServerEX ™
Employing the universally accepted OPC standard, KEPServerEX maximizes the promise of OPC and expedites
project development through the use of a single server interface, regardless of the control system in use.
Multiple device drivers can be “plugged in” to one application which centralizes communications and greatly
reduces user learning curves.
Ease of Use r i ve
A single server interface that simplifies your projects
Our intuitive interface makes industrial connectivity so easy that within minutes you
Multiple device drivers can be “plugged in”
to one application which centralizes com-
/C ion
can be providing data to your application. KEPServerEX maximizes the promise of munications and greatly reduces user
OPC through the use of a single server interface, ensuring shorter product learning learning curves.
curves, reduced system training and maintenance costs, and improved network
reliability, regardless of the control system in use!
Methods used to manage and configure 3rd party OPC servers may vary from one
manufacturer to the next. This results in a continuous process of learning each new
OPC server when a new PLC or device is used. If the goal of OPC technology is to
provide a single, well defined and reliable interface to share data, then it would
seem only natural that this goal should be matched with a single user interface to
simplify configuration.
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Real world features for real world applications
Modem Support:
The server supports the use of dial up modems to connect to remote devices.
Special Modem Tags in KEPServerEX become available at the channel level when
a dial-up network connection has been created. These tags can be used to dial
a remote device, monitor the modem status while connected, and terminate Quick Client:
the call. Modem support is enabled at the Channel level in the server project. We include an OPC Quick Client application to assist you with your initial
connectivity testing. It is a full-featured OPC client application, included free with
Ethernet Encapsulation: the KEPServerEX demo product suite from our website. Using Quick Client, you can
This allows KEPServerEX serial drivers to communicate to devices with serial access all data available to the server application, including System, Diagnostic,
communication over Ethernet. The driver will communicate in Ethernet and User-defined tags. After you’ve created a simple KEPServerEX project, auto
Encapsulation mode over Ethernet to a Terminal or Device Server, which launch Quick Client from the server toolbar to test your device connection.
then provides the serial communications to the device. This allows users
to incorporate legacy serial devices into their Ethernet network. Ethernet Auto Demotion:
Encapsulation is enabled at the Channel level of KEPServerEX. This parameter allows a driver to temporarily place a KEPServerEX device off-scan
in the event that a physical device is not responding. By placing a non-responsive
device off-line, the driver can continue to optimize its communications with
Ethernet Encapsulation is supported directly in other devices on the same channel. The driver will stop communications with
the KEPServerEX which enhances the the non-responsive device for a time specified in your project, then when that
reliability of the connection period is finished, the driver will re-start communications with the device.
regardless of what
terminal server
is in use.
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On-Line Fulltime:
KEPServerEX is on-line all the time, allowing
your application to be modified while the server
is communicating with client applications.
Almost all parameters can be changed while the
server is running, including com port and baud rate
configuration, along with tag editing and additions.
NT Service:
KEPServerEX runs as an NT Service under Windows NT/2000/XP/Server 2003.
Service operation is completely user-configurable from the Tools|Options
menu and can be changed at any time, allowing you to move from normal,
stand-alone program operation to NT service mode. Running as an NT
service is crucial for many applications where the server provides data to
OPC clients via DCOM. While running as a service, the server can continue
to supply OPC data across user log-in sessions and can be configured to
interact with the desktop, allowing changes to your server project.
Reliable connectivity for industrial applications
Technical Support:
207-775-1660 or 1-888-Kepware extension 211
[email protected]
Product Updates:
Available for download from the Kepware website:
Pricing, Quotes and Pre-Sales Support
207-775-1660 or 1-888-Kepware extension 208
[email protected]
email: [email protected]
phone: 207-775-1660 or 1-888-Kepware extension 228
Support Online fax: 207-775-1799
As with any Kepware product, technical mail: Kepware Technologies
Attn: Sales Dept.
support is available from before the purchase P.O. Box 579
right through commissioning and beyond! Portland, ME 04112
Upgrades and demo software are available Note: With all purchases please include Company Name, Your Name, Daytime Phone Number, Shipping
for download directly from the Kepware and Billing Addresses, Your Email Address, Product Description, Product ID and Product Quantities.
System Requirements:
Complete product and system requirements and recommendations available at:
This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized use, reproduction or distribution of these programs, or any portion of them, may result in severe civil and criminal
penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. Modicon, U-CON, BACnet, Allen-Bradley, Yokogawa, Mitsubishi, and Siemens are registered trademarks or trademarks of their
respective owners. All other marks are the properties of their respective owners.