Geosciences 13 00342
Geosciences 13 00342
Geosciences 13 00342
Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography Method to Determine
the Inner 3D Geometry and the Main Runoff Directions of the
Large Active Landslide of Pie de Cuesta in the Vítor
Valley (Peru)
Yasmine Huayllazo 1, * , Rosmery Infa 1 , Jorge Soto 1 , Krover Lazarte 1 , Joseph Huanca 1 , Yovana Alvarez 1
and Teresa Teixidó 2
1 Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa, Arequipa 04000, Peru; [email protected] (R.I.);
[email protected] (J.S.); [email protected] (K.L.); [email protected] (J.H.);
[email protected] (Y.A.)
2 Andalusian Institute of Geophysics of Granada University, 18071 Granada, Spain; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: Pie de Cuesta is a large landslide with a planar area of 1 km2 located in the Vítor district,
in the Arequipa department (Peru), and constitutes an active phenomenon. It belongs to the ro-
tational/translational type, which concerns cases that are very susceptible to reactivation because
any change in the water content or removal of the lower part can lead to a new instability. In this
context, a previous geological study has been decisive in recognizing the lithologies present and
understanding their behavior when they are saturated. But it is also necessary to know the inner
“landslide geometry” in order to gusset a geotechnical diagnosis. The present study shows how the
deep electrical profiles (ERT, electrical resistivity tomography method), supported by two Vp seismic
refraction tomography lines (SVP), have been used to create a 3D cognitive model that would allow
Citation: Huayllazo, Y.; Infa, R.; Soto,
the identification of the inner landslide structure: the 3D rupture surface, the volume of the sliding
J.; Lazarte, K.; Huanca, J.; Alvarez, Y.;
mass infiltration sectors or fractures, and the preferred runoff directions. Moreover, on large landsides,
Teixidó, T. Using Electrical Resistivity
Tomography Method to Determine
placing the geophysical profiles is a crucial aspect because it greatly depends on the accessibility of
the Inner 3D Geometry and the Main the area and the availability of the physical space required. In our case, we need to extend profiles
Runoff Directions of the Large Active up to 1100 m long in order to obtain data at greater depths since this landslide is approximately
Landslide of Pie de Cuesta in the 200 m tall. Based on the geophysical results and geologic information, the 3D final model of the
Vítor Valley (Peru). Geosciences 2023, inner structure of this landslide is presented. Additionally, the main runoff water directions and the
13, 342. volume of 90.5 Hm3 of the sliding mass are also estimated.
cannot be easily obtained because it is needed to drill expensive boreholes over the landslide
zone. In this context, geophysical methods are increasingly being used with great success
to define the physical properties of soils [12,13] and to obtain geologic and hydrogeological
information about the study area [14,15]. Nowadays, landslides are also monitored in real
time using different remote sensors to predict their evolution [16,17].
The use of geophysical methods to study landslides presents several advantages:
(i) they are non-destructive techniques, (ii) they can reach the maximum target depth of
interest as an extensive mode, and (iii) the resulting models may show the inner geometry
of landslide mass, even in cases of structural complexity. Among the set of prospecting
methods available, the 2D Electrical Resistivity Method (2D-ERT) is very useful in the study
of landslides because it is sensitive to variations in water content and the grain size of
materials, providing detailed subsurface models [18,19]. Meanwhile, Seismic Vp Velocity
(2D-SVP) is a useful surface method for obtaining information on the different compactions
of materials to establish stability studies of the sliding mass. And in cases such as this,
where the flow water is salinized, this allows discrimination at the top of the basal layer [19].
However, this method is used less in landslide studies [20–22].
Peru, due to its geographical location and geomorphological conditions, is a country
that is exposed to several natural phenomena, where mass movements are one of the most
common events that cause human and economic damage. One of the largest and most
destructive landslides in the Vítor Valley (Arequipa) is the Pie de la Cuesta landslide, which
currently has a main scarp that is 1 km long and a planar area of approximately 1 km2 .
This mass movement has been taking place since 6 October 1974 [23], having produced a
large-scale collapse on 9 January 1975 that buried the town of Pie de Cuesta and affected
more than 12 families who had to be relocated [24]. In 2018, the Perú National Research
Program funded the National University of San Agustín de Arequipa to carry out a research
project (IBAIB-03-2018-UNSA) to characterize this landslide.
For this purpose, a geophysical survey consisting of electrical and seismic profiles was
carried out on the landslide to obtain the main inner geometry of the sliding layers with
these non-destructive methods. This paper summarizes the study carried out to correlate
electrical (2D-ERT) and seismic (2D-SVP) profiles with geological information and to obtain
the internal structure of a large landslide and its main water flow directions.
2. Study Area
2.1. Geological Description of Study Area
The Pie de Cuesta landslide is located at the foothills of agricultural terrain corre-
sponding to the La Joya Antigua system (Figure 1), which is a plain of more than 3500 ha of
crops where the irrigation method is mostly flooding. So, the accumulation of groundwater
is caused by irrigation. Geologically [24], the study area is formed by three formations
(Fm) (Figure 1): At the bottom, the Lower Moquegua Fm (96 m thick) is mainly composed
of polymathic conglomerates of rounded and surrounded clasts with a sandy matrix and
intercalated with arkosic sandstones and shales. In the middle, the Upper Moquegua Fm
(100 m thick) is placed. This formation is composed of red shales alternated with gypsum
layers, whose upper part contains red shales with layers of thick tuffaceous sandstones.
The top formation is the Millo Fm (55 m thick), which is mainly composed of conglomerates
of rounded clasts of intrusive and volcanic origin with a sandy matrix intercalated with
silty sandy gravels; a layer of cream-colored ignimbrite is also observed. In addition to
these formations, the study area also presents alluvial, coluvial and fluvial materials.
In the main wall of the landslide, it can be seen that the water seeps into the Upper
Moquegua Fm through fractures and cracks. Two important water tables can also be
distinguished: the first one is in the Millo Fm and Lower Moquegua Fm contact (1492 m
Geosciences 2023, 13, 342 3 of 19
s.l.), and the second is in the Upper and Lower Moquegua Fms contact (1336 m s.l.), re‐
sulting in an interface of high humidity.
Figure 1.
Figure 1. Geological formations of
Geological formations of the
the Pie
Pie de
de Cuesta
Cuesta landslide.
landslide. On
On the
the left,
left, the
the stratigraphic column
stratigraphic column
has a 250 m thickness. On the right, the geological outcrops over the ortofoto‐map. In the northwest
has a 250 m thickness. On the right, the geological outcrops over the ortofoto-map. In the northwest
are the irrigated crops of the Joya Antigua, which act as a source of landslide activation.
are the irrigated crops of the Joya Antigua, which act as a source of landslide activation.
If wecroplands
The consider are
the placed
previous geological
over the Millodescription,
Fm, whichthis meansasthat
behaves a 250 m thick
a permeable unit,
column of geological materials is involved in this landslide. This constraint implies that
allowing the filtration of irrigation water due to its composition and poor consolidation. In
the main
the lengths ofofthe
wall thegeophysical
landslide, it profiles must
can be seen bethe
that long enough
water seepsto guarantee
into the Upper a subsurface
Fm of inspection
through fracturesbelow the second
and cracks. water table:
Two important about
water 200 can
tables m inalso
be distinguished: the
first one is in the Millo Fm and Lower Moquegua Fm contact (1492 m s.l.), and the second
is inDescription of theLower
the Upper and Landslide through Fms
Moquegua Historical
contact Aerial
m s.l.), resulting in an interface of
high The
Cuesta landslide began in 1975 and remained active until the 1990s [25]. In 2016,
If we consider
it reactivated, whichthe hasprevious
continued geological
up to thedescription,
date of this thisstudymeans that a 250
[26]. Figure m thick
2 shows the
historicalof geological
evolution materials
of this is involved in
landslide. The thisfirst
imageThis constraint implies
corresponds to a 1945 that the
lengths of the geophysical
tho‐photomap showing the profiles
state ofmust
the be long before
terrain enoughthe to guarantee
catastrophic a subsurface depth of
failure occurred in
1975 [27,28].below the second
The second imagewater table:a 2015
is from aboutGoogle
200 m in depth.
Earth photo, prior to the 2016 reac‐
tivation. And the third image is an orthomosaic from 2019, obtained from photogram‐
2.2. Description
metric of the
processing of Landslide throughInHistorical
a drone flight. the first Aerial
map ofImagery
1945, the landslide boundaries of
The Cuesta landslide began in 1975 and
the years 2015 and 2019 have been marked, showing the remained active until the 1990s
characteristics [25].landslide
of the In 2016,
it reactivated,
advance: which
between hasand
1975 continued
2015, theup to the
major date ofoccurs,
collapse this study [26].the
sliding Figure 2 shows
materials the
historical evolution
the SE margin of direction
in the this landslide.
of theThe first image
valley, while thecorresponds
reactivationto a preference
1945 ortho-photomap
is for 2019
showing the state
and especially of the
of the terrain
main lobebefore
that isthe catastrophic
close to the rightfailure
flank occurred in 1975 [27,28]. The
of the landslide.
second image is from a 2015 Google Earth photo, prior to the 2016 reactivation. And the
third image is an orthomosaic from 2019, obtained from photogrammetric processing of a
drone flight. In the first map of 1945, the landslide boundaries of the years 2015 and 2019
have been marked, showing the characteristics of the landslide advance: between 1975 and
2015, the major collapse occurs, sliding the materials toward the SE margin in the direction
of the valley, while the reactivation preference is for 2019 and especially of the main lobe
that is close to the right flank of the landslide.
(a) (c)
Figure 3. (a) Locations of geophysical surveys in the study zone. The 2D‐ERT profiles are marked
with yellow lines, and the 2D‐SVP sections are marked with blue lines. Note that the 2D‐SVP
the main method applied was the electrical resistivity tomography profiles (2D-ERT), as
they provide suitable electrical resistivity models that are sensitive to lithological changes
and the water content of the materials. And it is useful in complex geological conditions
[29,30]. As a complementary method, two velocity P-wave seismic refraction tomography
Geosciences 2023, 13, 342
surveys (2D-SVP) were carried out in order to evaluate the safety of the main5 materials
of 19
(a) (c)
Figure 3. 3.(a)(a)Locations
Figure Locationsofof geophysical surveysininthethe
geophysical surveys study
study zone.
zone. TheThe 2D-ERT
2D-ERT profiles
profiles are marked
are marked
with yellow
with yellowlines, andthe
lines, and the 2D-SVP
2D-SVP sections
sections are marked
are marked with
with blue
Notelines. Note
that the thatmatches
2D-SVP the 2D-SVP
the 2D-ERT-01 and 3D-ERT-03 profiles. (b) The absence of sections in the southeast sector of the
landslide is due to the rugged topography; see image. (c) The electrical equipment is especially
designed to reach the required depth, mainly consisting of an Elect Pro-10 resistivimeter (blue box in
the foreground), a channel switch-Pro (orange box in the background), and a current injector device
(at the back).-Iris Instruments, Inc. (2023) from (accessed
on 29 October 2023).
Table 1. Main technical features of the geophysical equipment and data acquisition.
Profiles Sensors Spacing # of Sensors Sensor Array Total Length
2D-ERT01 Electrodes at 40 m 33 Pole-Dipole 640 m 160 m
2D-ERT02 Electrodes at 30 m 35 Pole-Dipole 510 m 120 m
2D-ERT03 Electrodes at 25 m 45 Pole-Dipole 550 m 140 m
ERT survey 2D-ERT04 Electrodes at 25 m 29 Pole-Dipole 350 m 90 m
2D-ERT05 Electrodes at 30 m 27 Pole-Dipole 390 m 100 m
2D-ERT06 Electrodes at 50 m 45 Pole-Dipole 1100 m 220 m
2D-ERT07 Electrodes at 50 m 35 Pole-Dipole 850 m 200 m
2D-SVP01 Geophone at 5 m 2 × 24 of 20 Hz 13 shots 420 m 240 m
SVP survey
2D-SVP02 Geophone at 5 m 2 × 24 of 20 Hz 19 shots 600 m 70 m
For the seismic method, the Vp refraction tomography considers the first arrival times
of the P-waves produced by a controlled source at different sensor stations (geophones).
In this study, the seismic 2D-SRT profile was acquired with a Geode system (Geometrics
Inc.; San Jose, USA) that controls 24 vertical geophones of 20 Hz of natural frequency. We
used custom-made low-energy explosives as the seismic source in order to achieve a good
Geosciences 2023, 13, 342 6 of 19
signal at far offsets. The result was a 2D seismic model of the subsurface showing the Vp
velocity distribution [34].
The spread of the seismic recording data (Table 1) was designed in order to ensure ray
coverage along the entire section. Accordingly, the center shot positions were repeated to
link the recording units with 24 channels each. The sample rate was 0.125 ms, and the total
recording time was 0.5 s. The seismic sources were placed at 0.5 m depth.
In this study, the 2D-ERT-IP-06 and ERT-IP-07 electrical profiles presented more errors;
paradoxically, these two surveys are located outside the landslide behind the northern scar,
where a horizontal stratification is assumed (Moquegua Fm). As it will be seen, the cause is
due to a fault system detected in this setting.
strained inversion method, which is less sensitive to resistivity contrasts but gives a high
apparent resistivity, although with more fitting errors [38]. Finally, we opted for the fol‐
lowing inversion parameters: a refinement cell model defined by four nodes for electrode
spacing, a medium inversion damping factor (0.15), and a robust constrained method.
The convergence iterations and the absolute error between the measured and calculated
Geosciences 2023, 13, 342 7 of 19
apparent resistivities are summarized in Table 2. Figure 4 is an example of the inversion
processing for the 2D‐ERT‐IP‐02 profile.
Figure 4. General information resulting from the inversion processing flow for the 2D‐ERT‐02 pro‐
Figure 4. General information resulting from the inversion processing flow for the 2D-ERT-02 profile.
file. The histogram shows the absolute error (%) between calculated and measured apparent resis‐
The histogram shows the absolute error (%) between calculated and measured apparent resistivities
tivities in the 7th iteration. The upper text (“Inversion results”) indicates the convergence in suc‐
in the 7th
cessive iteration.
iterations. The
The uppergraph
second text (“Inversion results”)
is the correlation plotindicates
betweenthe convergence
measured in successive
and calculated ap‐
parent The second
resistivities in thegraph is the correlation plot between measured and calculated apparent
7th iteration.
resistivities in the 7th iteration.
(b) (c)
Figure 5. Basic inputs to resolve Vp subsurface distribution. (a) Examples of the first time picked
Figure 5. Basic inputs to resolve Vp subsurface distribution. (a) Examples of the first time picked
for the P‐waves in two shots viewer (red crosses). (b) Space–time graphs of all picked first arrivals.
for the P-waves in two shots viewer (red crosses). (b) Space–time graphs of all picked first arrivals.
(c) The first time picks as a function of the independent variables CMPx (station) and the CMP
(c) The first
constant time
offset; picks
curves areaspresented
a function of the
with independent
a velocity variables
reduction of 4500 CMPx
m/s. (station) and the CMP
constant offset; curves are presented with a velocity reduction of 4500 m/s.
4. Results and Interpretation
Table 3. Seismic fitting between modeled and picked travel times. Normalized RMS error is the RMS
Landslides are considered a natural process that occur in a variety of geologic set‐
error, divided by average pick time of all traces modeled.
tings, either as soil mass movement, debris flow, rockfall, or combinations of both. In this
case, the main triggering
Profile factor has
Normalized RMSbeen the continuous
Error agricultural irrigation
# Traces Modeled of the crop
# of Iterations
fields located to the north (La Joya Antigua, Figure 1). So, for years (around 1968 until
2D-SVP01 8.5 (%) 279 8
P-wave seismic survey today), irrigation water has been infiltrating the ground through surface cracks and sink
2D-SVP02 9.1 (%) 281 7
holes to saturate the subsurface. In fact, irrigation not only triggers landslides in this area,
but the occurrence of a landslide itself also increases the chances for new events to hap‐
pen, asFigure 5c shows
observed in thethe first arrival
reactivation of times in the CMP
2016 (Figure 2). scheme. In this way, the effects of
dipping layers are averaged and minimized. The travel times are smoothed by stacking
4.1. travel
Basis for the time curves over 40 adjacent CMPs. Subsequently, each curve is “Deltat-
v inverted”.
Landslides Table
summarizes the quantitative
by their indicators
type of movement in the
[41,42], Vpactually
and final models, which
the scheme
suggests that they have a relatively high degree of reliability.
terminology is suggested by the UNESCO Working Party on the ‘World Landslide In‐
ventory’ (WP WLI 1990, WP/WLI 1993). The four main types of movement are caused by
4. Results and Interpretation
the following factors:
Landslides are considered a natural process that occur in a variety of geologic settings,
1) Falls.
either These
as soil mass landslides
movement, involve
collapse of materials
rockfall, from a cliff
or combinations or steep
of both. slope.
In this case,
Falls usually involve a mixture of free falls through the air, either bouncing
the main triggering factor has been the continuous agricultural irrigation of the crop fields or roll‐
ing. to
located A the
northlandslide results in Figure
(La Joya Antigua, the collection of rock
1). So, for or(around
years debris near
1968the base
until of a
irrigation water has been infiltrating the ground through surface cracks and sink holes
2) Topples.
to saturate theTopple failures
subsurface. In involve the forward
fact, irrigation rotation
not only andlandslides
triggers movement in of
thisa mass of
area, but
rock, earth, or debris off a slope. This kind of slope failure generally
the occurrence of a landslide itself also increases the chances for new events to happen, asoccurs around
an axis
observed in(or
thepoint) at or near
reactivation the base
of 2016 of the
(Figure 2). block of rock.
3) Flows. Flows are landslides that involve the movement of material down a slope in
4.1. the
for theofInterpretation
a fluid. Flows often leave behind a distinctive, upside‐down fun‐
nel‐shaped deposit
Landslides are classified wherebythe landslide
their material has
type of movement stopped
[41,42], and moving.
actually theThere are
different types of flows: mud, debris, and rock (rock avalanches).
terminology is suggested by the UNESCO Working Party on the ‘World Landslide Inven-
4) Rotational and translational slides. Rotational slides occur on curved slip surfaces
where the upper surface of the displaced material may tilt backward toward the
scarp, whereas a translational (or planar) landslide is a downslope movement of
material that occurs along a distinctive planar surface of weakness, such as a fault,
joint, or bedding plane. Some of the largest and most damaging landslides on Earth
Geosciences 2023, 13, 342 9 of 19
are translational. These landslides occur at all scales and are not self‐stabilizing.
They can be very rapid when discontinuities are steep.
Figure 6 contains general schemes of the internal structure of a rotation‐
tory’ (WP WLI slide
al/transitional 1990,and
WP/WLI 1993).
the usual The four main
nomenclature types
of its main ofparts.
movementFrom are
these caused by theit
following factors:that the main goal of this study is to determine the inner geometry–
can be inferred
(1) Falls.So, this means
These landslidesthat involve
the application of geophysical
the collapse of materials methods
from a is recommended
cliff or steep
Fallsstructural and hydrogeological
usually involve a mixture of free inner
through forthe
either mass.
bouncing or rolling.
ATaking thislandslide
fall-type classification
resultsinto account,
in the the of
collection Pierock
de or
near the belongs
base of ato this
Such cases Topple failures
are often veryinvolve the forward
susceptible rotationbecause,
to reactivation and movement
after theofslip
a mass of
has oc‐
curred, theearth, or debrisposition
equilibrium off a slope. This kind
is reached when of slope failuredecreases.
the torque generally So,
changean in
axis (or point) at or near the base of the block of rock.
the water content or the removal of the lower part can lead to a new instability and thus,
(3) Flows. Flows
a reactivation areslip.
of the landslides that involve
Therefore, the movement
a diagnosis of the inner of material
geometrydown a slope
of these in the
ena isform
neededof a to
make Flows
safetyoften leave behind a distinctive, upside-down funnel-shaped
For thiswhere the landslide
purpose, the 2D‐ERT material has stopped
resulting modelsmoving. There are according
are interpreted different types of
to this
andmud, debris, and rock information
the hydrogeological (rock avalanches).
[14,43,44], while the 2D‐SVP models focus
(4) Rotational
on detecting theand translational
compaction slides.
of these Rotationalmaterials,
sedimentary slides occur on curved
particularly slip surfaces
bedrock geom‐
where the upper surface of the displaced material may
etry. Figure 7 includes the correlation between the geologic materials (lithologic tilt backward toward the
scarp, whereas a translational (or planar) landslide is a downslope
the resistivity ranges (Ωm), and the P‐wave velocities (m/s). Given that, low‐ resistivity movement of
correspondthat occurs along materials
to saturated a distinctive dueplanar
to the surface of weakness,(salinized)
high mineralization such as a fault,
of ir‐
rigation or bedding
water. plane. Some
Hydrological studiesof the largest
carried outand most
in the damaging
area indicatelandslides on Earth
water conductivity
are translational.
between 5 and 8 mS/cm These landslides
equivalent occur atΩm
to 1.25–2 all scales
[32]. On andtheareother
not self-stabilizing. They
hand, low velocities
can be very rapid when discontinuities are steep.
are related to soft materials, whereas an increasing velocity is proportional to their
Figure 6 contains general schemes of the internal structure of a rotational/transitional
slide and the velocity
On the usual nomenclature
scale, 1500 of
main parts.
been From these
marked as thedrawings, it canlevel
approximate be inferred
for the
that thetable.
water mainThis
goal value
of thiscorresponds
study is to determine the inner
to the velocity geometry–geology.
of P‐waves through theSo, this (under
water means
that the application of geophysical methods is recommended to develop structural
standard conditions) and in free or multilayer aquifers. As in the case of this landslide, and
hydrogeological inner models for this sliding mass.
this value indicates the level at which the unconsolidated sediments are saturated [32].
Taking this classification into account, the Pie de Cuesta landslide belongs to this type.
Such cases are often very susceptible to reactivation because, after the slip has occurred,
the equilibrium position is reached when the torque decreases. So, any change in the
water content or the removal of the lower part can lead to a new instability and thus, a
reactivation of the slip. Therefore, a diagnosis of the inner geometry of these phenomena is
needed to make safety estimations.
Geosciences 2023, 13, 342 10 of 19
For this purpose, the 2D-ERT resulting models are interpreted according to this scheme
and the hydrogeological information [14,43,44], while the 2D-SVP models focus on de-
tecting the compaction of these sedimentary materials, particularly bedrock geometry.
Figure 7 includes the correlation between the geologic materials (lithologic column), the
resistivity ranges (Ωm), and the P-wave velocities (m/s). Given that, low- resistivity values
correspond to saturated materials due to the high mineralization (salinized) of irrigation
water. Hydrological studies carried out in the area indicate water conductivity between
Geosciences 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 195
and 8 mS/cm equivalent to 1.25–2 Ωm [32]. On the other hand, low velocities are related to
soft materials, whereas an increasing velocity is proportional to their compaction.
(a) (b)
Figure 7. (a) Representative lithologic column of the study area. (b) Correlation between the geo‐
Figure 7. (a) Representative lithologic column of the study area. (b) Correlation between the
physical parameters and the lithology, hydrology, and compaction of the materials present in this
geophysical parameters and the lithology, hydrology, and compaction of the materials present in
this landslide.
4.2. Interpretation of the 2D‐ERT Profiles
On the velocity scale, 1500 m/s has been marked as the approximate level for the
water The electrical
table. This valueprofiles were interpreted
corresponds according
to the velocity to thethrough
of P-waves two geological
the water targets
where they were acquired. The ERT‐06 and ERT‐07 profiles are
standard conditions) and in free or multilayer aquifers. As in the case of this placed in the non‐sliding
landslide, this
levelAnd the other
at which five profiles (from
the unconsolidated ERT‐01
sediments aretosaturated
ERT‐05) are [32].located
within the landslide (Figure 3).
4.2. Interpretation
Concretely, the of the 2D-ERT
first Profilesare located in the crop fields. ERT‐06 is the closest
two profiles
to theThe
escarp, and ERT‐07 is parallel
electrical profiles were interpretedand 200according
m furthest to away.
the two Asgeological
the sediments
they were areacquired.
not sliding,TheitERT-06
was possible to establish
and ERT-07 profilesaarestratigraphic
placed in the correlation,
non-sliding andarea,
behindthe theboundaries
scarp. Andofthe three
othergeological formations,
five profiles the infiltration
(from ERT-01 to ERT-05) impact of irrigation
are located within
water on the materials
the landslide (Figure 3).was assessed. In both profiles (Figure 8a), the two water tables at
1492 Concretely,
m s.l. (Millothe Fm and
first twoLower Moquegua
profiles Fmincontact),
are located the cropand 1336ERT-06
fields. m s.l. is(Upper and
the closest
to the escarp,
Lower Moquegua and Fms
ERT-07 is parallel
contact) wereand 200 m furthest
marketed. With theseaway. As the sediments
divisions, it can be seenin these
there areare not sliding,
infiltration it was
areas in possible
the croptofields.
Thea highest
stratigraphic correlation,
infiltration and byin
rate occurs fixing
the boundaries
northern of three geological
area, coinciding with theformations, the infiltration
side of the steepest impacttoward
scarp, while of irrigation waterthis
the south, on
the materials
infiltration was assessed.
decreases at the In both
ends profiles
(profile (Figure
ERT‐ 07) 8a),
at 950themtwo water
long, tables
where theatcrown
1492 mfin‐
Geosciences 2023, 13, 342 11 of 19
(Millo Fm and Lower Moquegua Fm contact), and 1336 m s.l. (Upper and Lower Moquegua
Fms contact) were marketed. With these divisions, it can be seen that there are infiltration
areas in the crop fields. The highest infiltration rate occurs in the northern area, coinciding
with the side of the steepest scarp, while toward the south, this infiltration decreases
Geosciences 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 19 at the
ends (profile ERT- 07) at 950 m long, where the crown finishes.
Figure 8. Cont.
Geosciences 2023, 13, 342 12 of 19
Geosciences 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 19
Figure 8. (a) Interpretation of the electric profiles placed outside the landslide (ERT‐06 and ERT‐07,
Figureon (a) Interpretation
8. previous page). (b,c) of the electricofprofiles
Interpretation placed
the electric outside
profiles placedthe landslide
within (ERT-06
the landslide and ERT-07, on
previous page). (b,c) Interpretation of the electric profiles placed within the landslide (from ERT-01
ERT‐01 to ERT‐05).
to ERT-05).
In general, the conglomerate is a permeable lithology that has a high resistivity be‐
tween 200 and 800 Ωm (depending on the amount of interstitial water and its composi‐
general, the conglomerate is a permeable lithology that has a high resistivity be-
In this case, the low resistivities detected in the Upper Moquegua Fm indicate that
200 andsedimentsΩm
800 have(depending
saline water onandthe amount
resistivity of interstitial
values lower than water
10–20 Ωm and(blue),
its composition).
In thiswhich
the lowtheresistivities detectedsectors.
existence of saturated in theThe Upper
is an interfaceFm indicate
of high hu‐ that these
sediments that saline
can reactivate
water the andlandslide
resistivity if any instability
values lower occurs.
10–20is inΩmaccordance
(blue), which sug-
with the 2015–2019 years of reactivation, where the crown was mostly displaced in the
gests the existence of saturated sectors. The result is an interface of high humidity that can
most conductive zones (Figure 2). Another interesting aspect is the plume shape of the
reactivate the landslide
two main if anyininstability
infiltration zones; both cases, they occurs. This
appear is in
to be accordance
flowing toward the with
Lower the 2015–2019
years of reactivation,
Moquegua where
Fm contact. the
If we crown
look was
at profile mostly
ERT‐06, thedisplaced in the
section between 260most
and 460 conductive
m is zones
(Figurethe2).most affected
Another for water plume,
interesting aspectand is theconsidering the proximity
plume shape to themain
of the two crown, this
infiltration zones;
in both segment
the trigger
to for
be another
flowing future reactivation.
toward the Lower Moquegua Fm contact. If we
The profiles within the landslide show different aspects of the internal structure of
look attheprofile ERT-06, the section between 260 and 460 m is the most affected for water
landslide depending on where it was made (Figure 8b). In this way, the ERT‐01 and
and considering the in
profiles are placed proximity
the upper part,to the crown,
below thisscarp
the main segment
(Figure could be are
2). They the trigger for
another future
nearly reactivation.
parallel and run longitudinally to the slipped materials. In them, we can see a
The mass within
profiles characterized by low resistivities
the landslide show different (lower aspects
than 10–20 Ωm,internal
of the blue values)structure of the
bounded by the slip plane (rupture surface), which defines the top of the dry basement
landslide depending on where it was made (Figure 8b). In this way, the ERT-01 and ERT-02
with high resistivities (higher than 200 Ωm, yellow‐red values). At the end of these two
profiles are placed
profiles, in the
we can see upper part,
the elevation below to
corresponding thethemain
toe of scarp (Figure
the rupture 2). where
surface, They are nearly
parallelthe debris (remains dray) accumulates and a system of cracks is detected on both sidesaofsliding mass
and run longitudinally to the slipped materials. In them, we can see
this elevation.
characterized by low Thisresistivities
relief is distinctive
(lowerfor thanthe10–20 Ωm, blue values)
rotational/transitional landslide,
boundedafter by the slip
which the fluidization zone begins. The ERT‐01 profile
plane (rupture surface), which defines the top of the dry basement with high has lower resistivities for the toe resistivities
rupture surface (between 60 and 160 Ωm, yellow‐green values), suggesting that the ma‐
(higher than 200 Ωm, yellow-red values). At the end of these two profiles, we can see
terials may have a higher mineralized water content. It is precisely this profile that is lo‐
the elevation
cated in thecorresponding
most advanced lobe to the toe
of the of the rupture surface, where the debris (remains
dray) accumulates
Longitudinal and a system
profiles ERT‐04of cracks
and ERT‐05 is(Figure
detected on placed
8c) are both sides oftoe
after the thisof elevation.
the This
relief is surface, and
distinctive they rotational/transitional
for the show the sliding mass in thelandslide, fluidization zone,
after where
which thethede‐fluidization
tected resistivities are slightly higher (around 30 Ωm, light blue values). This aspect can be
zone begins. The ERT-01 profile has lower resistivities for the toe rupture surface (between
interpreted in two ways: i) as a loss of water content of the materials because they have
60 andcome Ωm,
160into yellow-green
contact values),
with river deposits; ii) as suggesting
a mixture withthat thewater
the fresh materials may have a higher
of the valley.
mineralized water content. It is precisely this profile that is located in the most advanced
lobe of the slide.
Longitudinal profiles ERT-04 and ERT-05 (Figure 8c) are placed after the toe of the
rupture surface, and they show the sliding mass in the fluidization zone, where the detected
resistivities are slightly higher (around 30 Ωm, light blue values). This aspect can be
interpreted in two ways: (i) as a loss of water content of the materials because they have
come into contact with river deposits; (ii) as a mixture with the fresh water of the valley.
Finally, profile ERT-03 (Figure 8b) was acquired transversally behind the toe rupture
surface in the fluidization zone. In this case, it is observed that the sliding mass is more
resistive in the central lobe, coinciding with the two previous profiles, while at the NE,
Geosciences 2023, 13, 342 13 of 19
under the second advancing lobe, it is more conductive. This could suggest a greater
plasticity of materials, which would give this lobe a higher risk of advancing.
Finally, profile ERT‐03 (Figure 8b) was acquired transversally behind the toe rupture
surface in the fluidization zone. In this case, it is observed that the sliding mass is more
4.3. Interpretation
resistive inofthe
2D-SVP Seismic Profiles
lobe, coinciding with the two previous profiles, while at the NE,
under the seismic
The SVP-01 second advancing
profilelobe, it is more
(Figure 3) conductive.
is planned Thisalmost
could suggest a greater
coincidentally with the
plasticity of materials, which would give this lobe a higher risk of advancing.
transversal electrical profile ERT-03 and SVP-02 with the longitudinal ERT-01 profile. In
Figure 9, both electricalof and
4.3. Interpretation seismic
the 2D‐SVP equivalent
Seismic Profiles models have been jointly interpreted. In
the SVP-01 model, we seismic
The SVP‐01 can see three
profile velocity
(Figure layersalmost
3) is planned (Figure 9a). Thewith
coincidentally firsttheone is a thick
transversal electrical profile ERT‐03 and SVP‐02 with the longitudinal ERT‐01 profile. In
layer (200 m) made up of loose materials with a low velocity (Vp < 1400 m/s) that can be
Figure 9, both electrical and seismic equivalent models have been jointly interpreted. In
with the model,
SVP‐01 sliding wemass
can seedetected in the
three velocity ERT-03
layers (Figureprofile. Below
9a). The first one this, an intermediate
is a thick
layer has been detected
layer (200 m) made related to moderately
up of loose materials with astiff materials
low velocity (Vp <comprising
1400 m/s) that between
can be 1500 m/s
associated with the sliding mass detected in the ERT‐03 profile. Below this, an interme‐
and 3000 m/s. These values have been set in ERT-03 like respective iso-velocity lines (white
diate layer has been detected related to moderately stiff materials comprising between
and red lines
and 3000 9a),
These we canhave
values infer that
been set the 1500like
in ERT‐03 m/s value iso‐velocity
respective marks the water level
(approx.), while 3000 m/s defines the top of the strong materials linked
lines (white and red lines in Figure 9a), and we can infer that the 1500 m/s value with the Lower
the water level (approx.), while 3000 m/s defines the top of
Moquegua Fm. On the NE side of both models (SRT-01 and ERT-03), this middle layer canthe strong materials linked
with the Lower Moquegua Fm. On the NE side of both models (SRT‐01 and ERT‐03), this
be correlated
middlewith the
layer sliding
can mass,with
be correlated while at themass,
the sliding SW while
end, at it the
seems to coincide
SW end, it seems towith the river
deposits (materials
coincide with ofthe
the valley).
river depositsNote thatofthe
(materials the contact between
valley). Note that the these
contact two geological envi-
ronments isthese two geological
described by aenvironments
local reliefis (200
m) by a local
that reliefact
could (200asm)athat could act as
“barrier”. Ina Figure 10b, it
“barrier”. In Figure 10b, it can be seen how this relief coincides with the end of the toe
can be seen how this relief coincides with the end of the toe subsurface.
Figure 9. Interpretation of the seismic profiles placed within the landslide. (a) The SVP‐01 is almost
Figure 9. Interpretation
coincident withof the
seismic profiles
profile placed
and their withinhasthe
interpretation beenlandslide. (a) Theseismic
done by correlating SVP-01 is almost
coincident withandthe ERT-03
electrical profile
responses. (b)and theirprocedure
The same interpretation hasfor
has been used been done by correlating seismic and
the SVP02.
electrical responses. (b) The same procedure has been used for the SVP02.
The beginning of the SVP‐02 seismic profile (Figure 9b) coincides with the end of the
main scarp over the heat sector (Figures 3 and 6). In this place, the upper layer has a
well‐defined velocity of 1500 m/s, indicating that there is a significant inflow of water.
The top basement rock is also clear (4000 m/s), and there is hardly any middle layer.
Around a distance of 150 m, we can see an inner fault that would correspond structurally
to the displacement of the minor escarp, characterized by a displacement of about 35 m
(jump). If we correlated this seismic profile with the ERT‐01 electric profile, the materials
images above correspond to the DTM with a resolution of 2m/pixel (Figure 11a) and the
deduced 3D rupture surface model without the electrical profiles (Figure 11b), giving
1,777,000 m2 for a no‐planar area and a 1,247,748 m2 for a planar area. On this subsurface,
the preferred runoff directions set out in Figure 10 have been placed. The model pre‐
Geosciences 2023, 13, 342
sented in Figure 11c is a composite that demonstrates the sliding subsurface related 14
DTM, where each node of the mesh preserves its UTM coordinates; with the vertical (z)
expressed in m above sea level (m.a.s.l., altitudes).
Figure 10. (a) A 3D layout of 2D‐ERT electrical models below the digital elevation model. (b) Ex‐
Figure 10. (a) A 3D layout of 2D-ERT electrical models below the digital elevation model.
trapolated top of basement roc (Lower Moquegua Fm.) from the 2D‐ERT interpretation. The arrows
(b) Extrapolated
indicate preferredtop of basement
flow directions.roc (Lower Moquegua Fm.) from the 2D-ERT interpretation. The
arrows indicate preferred flow directions.
If we compare this sliding subsurface with the graph of the inner geometry for the
The beginning of the SVP-02 seismic profile (Figure 9b) coincides with the end of
rotational/translational landslide in Figure 6, we can establish the main parts for the Pie
the main scarp over the heat sector (Figures 3 and 6). In this place, the upper layer has a
de Cuesta slide: (i) the upper heat zone comprises altitudes between 1500 and 1300 m
well-defined velocity of 1500 m/s, indicating that there is a significant inflow of water. The
(first thick contour line), (ii) the minor scarp is placed at depths of 1300–1230 m (second
top basement rock is also clear (4000 m/s), and there is hardly any middle layer. Around
thick contour line), and (iii) the toe surface rupture is the “relief” bordering on the north
a distance of 150 m, we can see an inner fault that would correspond structurally to the
of the main lobe. It is noteworthy that the toe ends just behind the main lobe of the sliding
displacement of the minor escarp, characterized by a displacement of about 35 m (jump).
and is not detected in the borderline profile ERT‐04. This may be interpreted as a line of
If we correlated this seismic profile with the ERT-01 electric profile, the materials at the
interception, in this case, capping between the bottom of the rupture surface and the
bottom of the rupture surface between 175 and 450 m long are moderately stiff and clear
(3000 m/s),ground surface.
coinciding Above
with it, the sliding
medium-values mass flows with the fluidized materials.
The seismic profile SRT‐02 marks velocities of 500–1500 m/s for the involved materials.
4.4. 3D Subsurface Models
In order to obtain global knowledge of the Pie de Cuesta landslide, all geophysical
profiles have been georeferenced and placed under the Digital Terrain Model (DTM)
(Figure 10a). In this figure, we used only the ERT profiles to present a clear image. Once
the profiles have been spatially distributed (GNSS georeferenced), the rupture surface has
been deduced by digitizing the top of the resistive basement roc (Lower Moquegua Fm.) in
each profile and extrapolating the point values for the landslide sector that has a reasonable
geophysical coverage (Figure 10b). As described in the previous section (Figure 6), this
digital and georeferenced rupture surface represents the subsurface where the sliding mass
circulates and approximately coincides with the top of the strong roc.
Geosciences 2023, 13, 342 15 of 19
Taking into account the fact that the upper plain corps (La Joya Antigua) is irrigated
with salinized water that produces conductive effects, and considering the fact that when
this water infiltrates, it follows along the maximum slopes of the rupture surface (at similar
lithology), a first attempt has been made to establish the main flow entrances and their
directions. Figure 10b shows the flow directions of water infiltrations; they are detected
mainly in the sectors close to the lateral scarps and, apparently, with a greater water
contribution on the north side, coinciding with the prominent toe of the subsurface.
Likewise, the 3D models in Figure 11 are the final results of the entire study. The
two images above correspond to the DTM with a resolution of 2m/pixel (Figure 11a) and
Geosciences 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW
the deduced 3D rupture surface model without the electrical profiles (Figure 11b), 16 of 19
2 2
1,777,000 m for a no-planar area and a 1,247,748 m for a planar area. On this subsurface,
the preferred runoff directions set out in Figure 10 have been placed. The model presented
in Figure 11c11c
Figure is a demonstrates
composite thatthe demonstrates the sliding
difference between subsurface
the MDT andrelated to thesliding
the entire DTM,
where each node
subsurface and of the mesh the
represents preserves its UTMsliding
accumulated coordinates;
mass with thethe
along vertical
of the
in m abovegiving
landslide, sea level (m.a.s.l.,
a total volumealtitudes).
of 90,570, 516 m3 (about 90 Hm3).
Figure 11. (a)
rupture surface from the geophysical methods. (c) Rupture surface under DTM. (d) Accumulated
rupture surface from the geophysical methods. (c) Rupture surface under DTM. (d) Accumulated
sliding mass.
sliding mass.
If we compare this sliding subsurface with the graph of the inner geometry for the
rotational/translational landslide in Figure 6, we can establish the main parts for the Pie
de Cuesta slide: (i) the upper heat zone comprises altitudes between 1500 and 1300 m
(first thick contour line), (ii) the minor scarp is placed at depths of 1300–1230 m (second
thick contour line), and (iii) the toe surface rupture is the “relief” bordering on the north of
the main lobe. It is noteworthy that the toe ends just behind the main lobe of the sliding
and is not detected in the borderline profile ERT-04. This may be interpreted as a line
of interception, in this case, capping between the bottom of the rupture surface and the
original ground surface. Above it, the sliding mass flows with the fluidized materials. The
seismic profile SRT-02 marks velocities of 500–1500 m/s for the involved materials.
Figure 11c demonstrates the difference between the MDT and the entire sliding sub-
surface and represents the accumulated sliding mass along the major part of the landslide,
giving a total volume of 90,570, 516 m3 (about 90 Hm3 ).
of the geophysical survey over borehole data, both for its high cost and for its very local
information. However, in a general study, both techniques are crucial.
Finally, we consider this case study an interesting example of geophysical exploration
on large landsides. The difficult topography caused by the multiple slumps and the
thickness of the sliding mass present a significant handicap to placing the geophysical
profiles. This is a crucial aspect because it greatly depends on the accessibility of the
area and the availability of the physical space required. In our case, we need to extend
profiles up to 1100 m long in order to obtain data at greater depths since this landslide is
approximately 200 m tall.
Our last comment concerns the validity of the 3D geophysical model obtained. The
most common way to verify the geophysical results is to check them using well logs.
Although the boreholes only provide good information at one subsurface point, they are a
useful tool for calibrating the geophysics profiles at their intersection point. This ensures
the reliability of the rest of the profile. Unfortunately, no sounding has yet been carried
out on this site to assess the degree of accuracy, and our geophysical survey has only been
checked in the areas where a geological inspection of the “lateral-depths” could be carried
out. mainly in lateral slopes and the final toe part.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, J.S. and K.L.; methodology, T.T. and K.L.; software, Y.H.
and K.L.; validation, T.T., K.L. and J.S.; resources, J.H., R.I. and Y.A.; writing—review and editing,
Y.H., R.I., J.S., J.H., Y.A. and T.T.; supervision, J.S., K.L. and J.H.; All authors have read and agreed to
the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the Perú National Research Program funding the National
University of San Agustín of Arequipa to carry out the Research Project grant number IBAIB-03-2018-
UNSA. The APC was funded by the National University of San Agustín of Arequipa.
Data Availability Statement: Data are contained within the article.
Acknowledgments: Carlos Araque, for his important contribution in the development of 3D mod-
els for this research. To Fredy Perez, for his important support in field work and processing of
seismic lines.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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