08 Tabel Subject Verb Agreement Pronoun

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Tabel C Subject Verb Agreement

auxiliary ordinary
be modal
do/does have/has V1/V1 s/es V2
is/am/are was/were will/shall would/should
tunggal : I am was
1st do have will/shall would/should V1 V2
jamak : We are were
tunggal : You
2nd do have are were will would V1 V2
jamak : You
tunggal : She
He does has is was will would V1 s/es V2
3rd jamak : They
Ani and Ina
do have are were will would V1 V2

Tabel D Pronoun / Kata Ganti / Kata Panggilan / Kata Sapaan / Kata Julukan


subject object possesive adjective possessive pronoun reflexive pronoun

tunggal I me my . . . . mine myself
jamak we us our . . . . ours ourselves

tunggal you you your . . . . yours yourself

jamak you you your . . . . yours yourselves

she her her . . . . hers herself

tunggal he him his . . . . his himself

it it its . . . . - itself

jamak they them their . . . . theirs themselves

Note : possesive adjective ------> di ikuti noun

possessive pronoun ------> tidak di ikuti noun
reflexive pronoun --------> kata ganti yg merujuk dan memantul kepada diri sendiri, berfungsi
memberi penekanan pada subjek. (makna : sendirilah atau oleh dirinya sendiri)

demonstrative pronoun (kata ganti tunjuk) : this = ini (tunggal), these = ini (jamak)
that = itu (tunggal), those = itu (jamak)
Example :
1. Dia (lk) mempunyai sebuah rumah. Rumah dia besar. Rumah itu miliknya. Dia selalu membersihkan
rumahnya itu oleh dia sendiri. Kita suka berkunjung ke rumahnya.

2. I bring my book for me myself because this book is mine.

3. We fix our bikes for us ourselves because these bikes are ours.

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