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Notice No.11E-148/2022-3235 /ossc; Date: 0 % 98: 2023
Subject: Notice regarding conduct of Preliminary Examination for Amin-2022 under
Housing and Urban Development Department pursuant to Advertisement No.
7302/OSSC dated 27.12.2022 through OMR Mode.
Pursuant to Advertisement No. 7302/0SSC Dtd.27.12.2022 and in continuation to
Commission’s Notice No.2977/OSSC dated 28.07.2023 , it is for information of all concerned
that the Preliminary examination for recruitment to the post of Amin-2022 under H & UD
Department will be held on 20.08.2023 (Sunday) in One Sitting through OMR mode in
different cities actoss Odisha as per the following programme:-
Type of No. of Duration of the Examination Remarks
Examination | Questions &
‘Total Marks
Preliminary | 100 Questions (1 Hours & 30 Minutes) | There shall be |
Examination | (100 Marks) Reporting Time — 08:30 A.M. negative marking
(OMR Mode) | Gate Closing Time — 09:45 A.M. (@0.25 marks for
Exam Time-10:00 A.M. to 11:30 P.M. each wrong,
Candidates concerned are advised to download their Admission letter from the official
website of the Commission www.osscgov.in from 14.08.2023 onwards using their
User credentials.
The PwD candidates having disability not less than 40% and of permanent nature who
have applied to avail scribe facility in their online application form may go through the Advisory
Notice published vide No. 3453/OSSC dated 24.10.2019 available in the website of the
Commission and may apply for the purpose in the prescribed format along with required
documents and send the same only through e-mail to [email protected] by 16.08.2023 for
taking necessary permission of the Commission, No other mode of communication will be
entertained in this regard. Any application/request to avail scribe facility received after the said
date will not be considered.
Candidates concerned are also advised to be in constant touch with the above website of
the Commission to know any further updates in this regard,
By order of the Commission
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