ECSO CFS Finland 2021
ECSO CFS Finland 2021
ECSO CFS Finland 2021
Sector Observatory
Country profile Finland
October 2021
Country Fact Sheet Finland
In a nutshell
In 2020, Finland’s GDP stood at EUR 223.7
The gross operating rate3 of the broad construction
billion, representing an increase by 6.2% from
sector, an indicator of the sector’s profitability,
2010 level. However, it has declined annually by
stood at 14.2% in 2018, slightly below the 2010 level
2.8%, which reflects the impact of COVID 19
(14.8%) and also below the 20184 EU-27 average
global pandemic on the country’s economy.
(16.7%). This may be partly explained by the
The number of enterprises in the broad increase in construction cost index, which grew by
construction sector in Finland stood at 89,079 in 10.9 index points (ip) over the 2010-2018 period.
20201, representing an increase of 26.0% since
In terms of employment, there were 341,031
2010. This was driven by an increase in the number
persons employed in the broad construction sector
of enterprises in the real estate activities (+92.6%),
in 20205, representing a 27.8% increase since 2010.
the narrow construction (+7.1%) and the
This was driven by increases in the real estate
architectural and engineering activities (+2.2%)
activities sub-sector (+46.8%), the narrow
sub-sectors, offsetting a decrease in the
construction (+33.4%) and the architectural and
manufacturing sub-sector (-19.5%), over the
engineering activities (+30.0%) sub-sectors,
2010-2020 period.
offsetting a decrease in the manufacturing
Number of enterprises in sub-sector (-8.6%), over the 2010-2020 period.
the broad construction
sector between 2010 and 26.0% Number of persons employed in the Finnish
broad construction sector
In parallel, the volume index of production in the +27.8%
broad construction sector witnessed a growth
13.3% over the 2015-2020 period. This was driven 2010 2020
by a growth in volume index of construction of (266,905) (341,031)
buildings (+13.7%) and construction of civil
Growing households income, declining mortgage
engineering (+11.5%) over the same period.
interest rates, and an increasing urbanisation rate
Similarly, the total turnover of the broad contributed to a strong housing demand, which
construction sector in 2018 amounted to EUR 65.8 drove the housing index price up (+6.4% between
billion, representing a growth of 55.0% over the 2015 and 2020). In parallel, the housing supply has
period 2010-2018. It increased to EUR 70.8 billion grown – though not at the same pace as the
further in 20202. This represented an increment of demand. The residential building permits index
66.8% since 2010 and 7.6% since 2018. grew by 25.0% in 2020 as compared to the 2015
Total turnover of the
broad construction sector 66.8% Residential building
between 2010 and 2020 permits index between
2015 and 2020
European Construction Sector Observatory 2
Country Fact Sheet Finland
However, the market was significantly affected by also been hampered by the shortage of skilled
the pandemic in March 2020. The total transaction labour in the country.
volume amounted to EUR 5.6 billion, 13.0% lower
The second most important issue faced by the
than previous year.
construction sector is the implementation of digital
In order to strengthen the country’s infrastructure, technologies and innovation. The share of firms in
EUR 7.0 billion was invested by the public and the Finnish construction sector reporting ‘no
private sector in the civil engineering market, innovation’ stood at 58.0%, being the highest as
forming 19.0% of the total value of construction in compared to manufacturing (30.0%), services
2020 (EUR 36.9 billion). Out of this, EUR 5.1 billion (40.0%) and infrastructure (50.0%) sectors.
was spent on new investments and EUR 1.9 billion
The COVID-19 pandemic had impacted the entire
under maintenance6. The Finnish government is
Finnish economy as a whole and the construction
expected to invest EUR 748.0 million for the
sector in particular in 2020. However, since the
development and maintenance of the transport
gradual lifting of restrictions imposed in order to
network over the 2022-2025 period.
tackle the pandemic, signs of recovery, especially
Finland will receive approximately EUR 2.1 witnessed in the sales in housing market have been
billion in grants from the Recovery and observed. The recovery in the economy and in the
Resilience Facility. construction sector in particular were backed by
government’s support measures. One such
The Finnish Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP),
initiative, encompassing businesses from all the
approved by the European Commission in October
sectors, was the launch of Business cost support
2021, will significantly help the country emerging
(Yritysten kustannustuki). This financial support
from the COVID-19 pandemic crisis and fostering its
(ranging from EUR 2,000 to EUR 500,000) aims to
green and digital transition. The plan includes
cover costs of businesses that experienced a marked
investments of EUR 110 million to reduce the
decrease in turnover due to the adverse impact of
climate and environmental impacts of the building
stock. Among other initiatives, the plan
encompasses a reform of the public employment As a result of such initiatives aimed
services to increase the employment rate7. at supporting small businesses along
with gradual revival of the
Despite such developments, the Finnish
construction sector due to increased
construction sector still faces some major
housing demand and sales together
hindrances. The most important relates to
with the government's futuristic
shortages of skilled labour. In a recent survey
plans for infrastructure
conducted by the Finland Chamber of Commerce,
development, the outlook of the
more than half of the respondents from various
Finnish construction sector looks
industries stated that they have not gotten enough
optimistic and promising.
applicants for job vacancies. Their operations have
Table of Contents
In a nutshell ............................................................................................................................................. 2
1 Key figures ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Construction market.........................................................................................................................................5
Productivity ......................................................................................................................................................6
Turnover and profitability ................................................................................................................................6
Employment .....................................................................................................................................................7
2 Macroeconomic indicators .................................................................................................................... 9
Economic development ....................................................................................................................................9
Demography and employment.........................................................................................................................9
Public finance ...................................................................................................................................................9
Entrepreneurship and access to finance ....................................................................................................... 10
3 Key economic drivers of the construction sector .................................................................................. 12
Business confidence ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Domestic sales ............................................................................................................................................... 12
Export of construction-related products and services .................................................................................. 13
Access to finance in the construction sector................................................................................................. 13
Access to housing .......................................................................................................................................... 14
Infrastructure................................................................................................................................................. 16
4 Key issues and barriers in the construction sector ................................................................................ 17
Company failure ............................................................................................................................................ 17
construction sector............................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Trade credit ................................................................................................................................................... 17
Late payment ................................................................................................................................................. 18
Time and cost of obtaining building permits and licenses ............................................................................ 18
Skills shortage ................................................................................................................................................ 19
Sector and sub-sector specific issues ............................................................................................................ 20
5 Innovation in the construction sector................................................................................................... 22
Innovation performance................................................................................................................................ 22
Eco-innovation and digitalization .................................................................................................................. 23
6 National and regional regulatory framework........................................................................................ 25
Policy schemes............................................................................................................................................... 25
Building regulations ....................................................................................................................................... 26
Insurance and liability related regulations .................................................................................................... 27
7 Current status and national strategies to meet Construction 2020 objectives ........................................ 28
TO 1 – Investment conditions and volumes .................................................................................................. 28
TO 2 – Skills .................................................................................................................................................... 31
TO 3 – Resource efficiency / Sustainable construction ................................................................................. 32
TO 4 – Single Market ..................................................................................................................................... 34
TO 5 – International competitiveness ........................................................................................................... 34
8 Outlook............................................................................................................................................... 36
Key figures
Construction market volume index of construction of buildings (+13.7%)
and construction of civil engineering (+11.5%) over
The number of enterprises in the broad the same period.
construction sector totalled 89,079 in 20208,
Volume index of
representing an increase of 26.0% since 2010.
This was mostly driven by a 92.6% increase in the
production in the
construction of buildings 13.7%
number of enterprises in the real estate activities between 2015 and 2020
sub-sector over the 2010-2020 period. It was
Figure 2: Volume index of production in the Finnish
followed by the narrow construction and the
construction sector between 2010 and 2020
architectural and engineering activities sub-sectors,
which increased by 7.1% and 2.2% respectively over
the same period. Conversely, the manufacturing
sub-sector witnessed a decline of 19.5%.
In 2020, the narrow construction sub-sector
accounted for 51.1% (i.e. 45,506) of the total
number of enterprises in the broad construction
sector, followed by the real estate activities
sub-sector, which accounted for 36.9% (i.e. 32,898).
Similarly, the architectural and engineering
activities sub-sector accounted for 9.0% (i.e. 8,024) Source: Eurostat, 2021.
and the manufacturing sub-sector accounted for The total value added at factor cost9 of the
3.0% (i.e. 2,652) of the total enterprises in 2020. broad construction sector amounted to
Number of enterprises in EUR 24.3 billion in 2020, representing a 54.0%
growth since 201010.
the broad construction
sector between 2010 and 26.0% This was mainly driven by the architectural and
2020 engineering activities sub-sector, where value
Figure 1: Number of enterprises in the Finnish broad added increased to EUR 3.0 billion in 2020,
construction sector between 2010 and 2020 representing 62.5% growth since 2010. It was
followed by the narrow construction sub-sector,
which increased to EUR 12.8 billion in 2020,
representing 57.9% growth since 2010. The
manufacturing and the real estate activities
sub-sectors also increased to EUR 2.9 billion and
EUR 5.3 billion in 2020 respectively, representing
55.3% and 41.0% increases from 2010 levels.
Overall, the narrow construction sub-sector
accounted for 52.8% of the total value added at
Source: Eurostat, 2021.
factor cost in the broad construction sector in 2020.
Over the period 2015-2020, the volume index of It was followed by the real estate activities (22.8%),
production in the broad construction sector
increased by 13.3%. This was driven by a growth in
European Construction Sector Observatory 5
Country Fact Sheet Finland
architectural and engineering activities (12.5%) and The labour productivity in the manufacturing
manufacturing (12.0%) sub-sectors in 2020. sub-sector grew by 69.9% between 2010 and
202018, reaching EUR 81,681. This was followed by
The share of gross value added of the broad
the architectural and engineering activities
construction sector in the GDP was 20.5% in 201811,
sub-sector, which increased by 25.0% in the same
higher than the EU-27 average (16.5%). In 2020, the
period, reaching EUR 65,631. Similarly, the narrow
share of gross value added in the narrow
construction sub-sector increased by 18.4% over
construction and real estate activities sub-sectors
the same reference period, reaching EUR 55,522.
stood at 11.5% and 6.5% respectively (Figure 3).
Conversely, the labour productivity in the real
Figure 3: Gross value added as a share of GDP in the estate activities sub-sector, though being the
Finnish broad construction sector in 2020 (%) highest in comparison to the other sub-sectors,
declined by 3.9% over the period 2010-2020,
reaching EUR 197,106 (Figure 4).
Labour productivity in the
manufacturing sub-sector
between 2010 and 2019
Figure 4: Labour productivity in the broad
construction sector in Finland between 2010 and
2020 (EUR k)
Source: Eurostat, 2021.
engineering activities sub-sector (+58.6%) and the The construction cost index had been on an
manufacturing sub-sector (+38.2%). increasing trend since over the 2015-2019 period.
However, due to impact of COVID-19 the cost index
Overall, the narrow construction sub-sector
slumped in 2020. Over the 2015-2020 period, the
accounted for 59.3% of the total turnover (i.e.
construction cost index increased by 3.9%,
EUR 42.0 billion) in the broad construction sector in
however, it declined by 0.2 index point (ip) in 2020
2020. It was followed by the real estate activities
over the previous year. The overall growth for the
(18.7%, i.e. EUR 13.3 billion), the manufacturing
2015-2020 period was driven by increases in the
(13.9%, i.e. EUR 9.9 billion) and the architectural
input prices for materials index (+4.8%) and labour
and engineering activities (8.1%, i.e. EUR 5.7 billion)
cost index (+2.8%) (Figure 5).
Figure 5: Construction cost index for residential
Turnover of the broad
buildings between 2010 and 2020 (2015=100)
construction sector
between 2010 and 2020
The gross operating surplus of the broad
construction sector amounted to EUR 9.4 billion21 in
201822, a 49.1% increase compared to the 2010
level. This was primarily driven by 198.5% increase
in the manufacturing sub-sector, followed by
architectural and engineering activities (+87.8%),
the narrow construction (+41.1%) and real estate
activities (+29.2%) sub-sectors over the 2010-2018 Source: Eurostat, 2021.
Overall, in 2018, the real estate activities sub-sector
accounted for 43.4% (EUR 4.2 billion) of the total In 202025, there were 341,031 persons employed in
gross operating surplus in the broad construction the broad construction sector, representing a 27.8%
sector, being the highest among sub-sectors. It was increase since 2010. The narrow construction
followed by the narrow construction sub-sector sub-sector employed 231,012 persons, comprising
which accounted for 34.1% (EUR 3.2 billion) of the 67.7% of the total workforce employed in the broad
total. The manufacturing and the architectural and construction sector in 2020. It was followed by the
engineering activities sub-sectors accounted for architectural and engineering activities, which
14.9% (EUR 1.4 billion) and 6.4% (EUR 600.6 million) employed 46,169 persons, comprising 13.5% of the
of the total. total workforce in 2020. The manufacturing and the
real estate activities sub-sectors employed 10.5%
Gross operating surplus (35,781 persons) and 8.2% (28,069 persons) of the
in the manufacturing
sub-sector between 198.5% total workforce in 2020.
Figure 6: Percentage of people employed per
2010 and 2018
construction sub-sectors in Finland in 2020
At the same time, the gross operating rate23 of the
broad construction sector, which indicates the
profitability of the sector, stood at 14.2% in 2018,
slightly lower than in 2010 level (14.8%) and also
below the 201824 EU-27 average (16.7%). The real
estate activities sub-sector remained the most
profitable, with a gross operating rate of 33.7% in
2018, followed by the manufacturing (13.5%),
architectural and engineering activities (11.3%) and
the narrow construction (8.5%) sub-sectors. Source: Eurostat, 2021.
With regards to growth in the number of persons sub-sector, the number of self-employed workers
employed among the construction sub-sectors for increased by 5.0%, which represented 1.5% of the
the 2010-2020 period, the highest growth was self-employed in the overall economy in 2020,
recorded for the real estate activities sub-sector slightly above the EU-27 average of 1.6%.
(+46.8%), followed by the narrow construction
In parallel, the number of full-time employees in
(+33.4%) and the architectural and engineering
the real estate activities and the narrow
activities (+30.0%) sub-sectors. Contrarily, the
construction sub-sectors increased by 41.2% and
manufacturing sub-sector witnessed a decline of
8.1%, respectively, over the 2010-2020 period.
8.6% over the same period.
However, the manufacturing sub-sector witnessed
Number of persons a decrease of 10.1% in the number of full-time
employed in the broad employees over the same period.
construction sector 27.8% With regards to number of part-time employees, all
between 2010 and 2020 the sub-sectors experienced increase over the
As for employment by specific occupations in the 2010-2020 period. Specifically, in the narrow
manufacturing sub-sector, the number of construction, the manufacturing and the real estate
professionals increased by 59.6% over the activities sub-sectors number of part-time
2010-2020 period. It was followed by the number of employees increased by 28.1%, 13.6% and 10.2%
technicians and associate professionals, which respectively, in the same reference period.
increased by 19.3% over the same period. In terms of regional employment, in the narrow
Contrarily, the number of managers followed by construction sub-sector, Åland recorded the largest
number of persons employed under elementary increase (+40.5%) in the number of persons
occupations declined significantly by 71.4% and employed over the 2010-201826 period. It was
33.7%, respectively over the same period. With followed by Helsinki-Uusimaa (+26.3%) and
regards to the narrow construction sub-sector, the Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi (+14.2%) over the same
number of professionals, followed by number of reference period. Helsinki-Uusimaa, Länsi-Suomi
technicians and associate professionals increased and Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi collectively comprised of
by 85.6% and 68.7%, respectively over the same 78.8% of the total number of persons employed
period. Whereas the number of managers, followed over the same period. In the real estate activities
by number of clerical support workers declined by sub-sector, Åland recorded the largest increase
83.0% and 8.5%, respectively over the same period. (+27.3%) in the number of persons employed over
The number of self-employed workers in the the 2010-201827 period. It was followed by
narrow construction sub-sector slightly increased Helsinki-Uusimaa (+13.6%) and Länsi-Suomi
by 2.3% over the 2010-2020 period. This represents (+6.0%). Helsinki-Uusimaa, Länsi-Suomi and
13.8% of the self-employed in the general economy Etelä-Suomi collectively comprised of 81.5% of the
in 2020, slightly above the EU-27 average of 11.7%. total number of persons employed over the same
Over the same period, in the real estate activities period.
Macroeconomic indicators
Economic development These changes in employment status can be
attributed to the ongoing pandemic, which has
In 2020, Finland’s GDP reached EUR 223.7 billion
impacted Finland’s economy negatively. Several
representing 6.2% growth since 2010, but an annual
industries have been hit hard by restrictions
decline of 2.8%. In 2020, the potential GDP of
imposed in order to contain the spread of virus30.
Finland reached EUR 232.0 billion, resulting in a
negative output gap of -3.6%. This highlights the In parallel, youth unemployment also experienced
impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic on the a substantial increase from 17.2% in 2019 to 21.4%
Finnish economy, despite some signs of stabilisation in 2020, in line with the 2010 level. It also lies above
have been apparent since late spring in 202028. the 2020 EU-27 average (16.8%). Moreover, the net
migration rate has also increased by 27.4%, from
The inflation rate has also decreased annually from
13,756 in 2010 to 17,526 in 2020.
1.1% in 2019 to 0.4% in 2020, remaining below the
EU-27 average of 0.7%. Youth unemployment rate in 2020
Demography and employment
Finland’s total population stood at 5.5 million
people in 2020. By 2050, the total population is 21.4% 16.8%
expected to reach 5.3 million, representing a 4.3%
decrease in comparison to 2020. The working age
population accounted for 62.0% (3.4 million) of the Finland EU-27
total population in 2020. It is expected to reduce to
58.8% (3.1 million) of the total population by 2050. In its 2021 budget, Finnish government has
The ageing population accounted for 22.3% (1.2 announced to take measures to strengthen the
million) of the total population in 2020. Contrary to economy, aiming to have an employment-
the working age population, this is expected to generating impact amounting to 80,000 new
increase to 28.2% (1.5 million) of the total jobs. The measures decided in the budget
population by 2025. This clearly indicates a session, combined with the Government’s
potential increase in demand for elderly earlier employment measures, are expected to
infrastructures (hospitals, care homes, access generate 31,000 - 36,000 jobs31.
infrastructure), which could in turn provide further
opportunities for the construction sector. Public finance
With respect to unemployment in Finland, the In 2020, general government expenditure in
average unemployment rate increased to 6.2% in Finland accounted for 56.7% of GDP, which
2020, in comparison with 2019 (5.4%). However, represents a significant increases from the previous
this is lower than the 2010 levels (6.7%) and 2020 year (53.2%) and 2010 level (53.9%). It also lies
EU-27 average (6.3%). above the EU-27 average (53.4%) in 2020. Finland’s
general government deficit in 2020 stood at -5.4%
According to the data agency’s Labour Force of GDP lower than the previous year (-0.9%) and
Survey, there were 235,000 people without jobs 2010 level (-2.5%). However, it was higher than the
as of January 2021 in Finland. There were 41,000 2020 EU-27 average (-6.9%). For the same year, the
more unemployed people in January 2021 than general government gross debt in Finland stood at
in the same period last year29. 69.2% of the GDP, higher than the previous year
European Construction Sector Observatory 9
Country Fact Sheet Finland
(59.5%) and 2010 level (46.9%), but lower than the cost support (Yritysten kustannustuki), ranged from
EU-27 average in 2020 (90.7%). EUR 2,000 to EUR 500,00037.
Moreover in 2020, the Finnish sole entrepreneurs
90.7% could apply for a EUR 2000 COVID-19 crisis support
69.2% to cover their business expenses. This measure is
named as Operating support for sole
entrepreneurs (Kuntien yksinyrittäjien tuki). The
conditions to qualify for the grant are a specific
minimum turnover and full-time
entrepreneurship .
In terms of access to finance,
EU-27 Finland Finland ranked 80th out of 190
Government gross debt (% of GDP) in countries for the ease of getting
2020 credit39. This is a decline from
previous year’s ranking (60th)40.
Entrepreneurship and access to Access to finance is one of the most important
finance concerns for SMEs in Finland. According to the EIBIS
2020 report, around 5.6% of all the Finnish firms
According to the World Bank Doing were considered to be financially constrained,
Business 2020 report, Finland lower than the previous year (6.0%). In the general
ranked 31st out of 190 countries in economy, the highest levels of dissatisfaction
ease of starting a business. This amongst SMEs regarding access to finance are with
marks an improvement with the the cost of finance (13.0%) and collateral
previous year’s ranking (43rd)32,33. requirements (9.0%)41.
As per the report, starting a business in Finland
requires three procedures, taking 13 days and According to Survey on the Access to Finance of
costing 0.7% of income per capita34. However, as Enterprises (SAFE) 2020 report, the degree of
per the Global Entrepreneurship Report, Finland importance of access to finance grew significantly
performs significantly below the EU-27 average on from 4.0% in 2018 to 8.0% in 2019. However, in
several entrepreneurship indicators such as – 2020 it reduced a little (7.0%). The rising
entrepreneurship being considered a desirable macroeconomic uncertainty influenced the
career choice (Finland: 40.3% and EU-27 average: availability of external finance. Especially the
59.5%), entrepreneurial intentions (Finland: 10.4% developments in the general economic outlook
and EU-27 average: 13.4%) and total early-stage have negatively affected access to finance42.
entrepreneurial activity (Finland: 6.7% and EU-27 Furthermore, the reported needs and availability of
average: 8.6%)35. financing reflected the impact of the COVID-19
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many Finnish pandemic. There had been significant increases in
entrepreneurs and small and medium enterprises the need bank loans and credit needs in 2020. Bank
(SMEs) were impacted in 2020. Therefore, the loans were relevant for around 59.0% of the SMEs
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment is in Finland in 2020, whereas credit lines were
working on an entrepreneurship strategy to relevant for 67.0% of SMEs43.
strengthen entrepreneurship in Finland. Several In 2020, the outstanding loans to non-financial
support instruments were introduced offering corporations stood at EUR 96,836 billion,
financial support to these businesses36. representing 68.4% increment since 201044.
Until 31st August 2020, businesses that experienced In order to boost access to finance in Finland, the
a marked decrease in turnover due to COVID-19 government introduced Finnvera's45 additional
could receive financial support to cover their funding for SMEs (Finnveran lisärahoitus pk-
business costs. This support, known as the Business yrityksille) in 2020. As per the scheme, the
government enables the provision of additional
financing of EUR 10.0 billion to businesses through ensure the continuity of companies' operations
Finnvera. The maximum amount of a single SME over the crisis due to COVID-19. Through this
Guarantee granted for an enterprise at one time is scheme, named Stabilisation financing for
EUR 120,000. The objective of this scheme is to medium-sized companies in a corona situation
increase Finnvera’s authorisations is to ensure the (Tesin vakautusrahoitus keskisuurille yrityksille
continued availability of sufficient financing. koronatilanteessa), TESI invests in medium-sized
Between March and April 2020, Finnvera had companies in sudden and temporary difficulties due
already made 10,000 financing and amendment to the coronavirus and which are able to overcome
decisions affecting SMEs46. their financial problems with additional financing. A
typical investment in the scheme ranges between
Another such scheme launched by TESI (Finnish
EUR 2.0 to EUR 15.0 million47.
Industry Investment Ltd.) in April 2020, aims to
Key economic drivers of the
construction sector
Business confidence manufacturing sub-sector, representing a growth of
248.6% since 2010. This was followed by the real
Over the 2010-2020 period, consumer estate activities sub-sector, where investment
confidence and industry confidence indicators reached EUR 164,700 in 201849, representing 73.9%
deteriorated, whereas the construction growth from 2010. The investment in the
confidence indicator showed an improvement. architectural and engineering activities reached
However, all three indicators experienced a EUR 2,100 in 201850, witnessing 40.0% growth since
decline in 2020, in comparison with the previous 2010. Lastly, investment in the narrow construction
year. sub-sector increased by 5.9% since 20101, reaching
The consumer confidence indicator for Finland EUR 5,400 in 201851.
stood at -6.3 in 2020, lower than both 2010 level Finland’s construction confidence has witnessed
(3.2) and 2019 level (-4.1). This is however above the a steep decline in 2020, from the second quarter
2020 EU-27 average (-14.6). Likewise, the industry onwards, having plunged to -24.7 in June 2020.
confidence indicator reached -16.1 in 2020, lower Such trend continued until the first quarter of
than both 2010 level (2.9) and 2019 level (-3.5). This 2021, recording -26.0 in February. However,
also stood above the 2020 EU-27 average (-14.4). On from the second quarter in 2021, it started
the contrary, the construction confidence indicator recovering and by the end of July the
increased to -14.7 in 2020, higher than the 2010 construction confidence reached -1.3, in line
level (-18.8). However, it was still below the 2020 with March 202052.
EU-27 average (-9.3) and the 2019 level (5.7).
Domestic sales
Construction confidence indicator in 2020
The ranking of the top five amongst most sold
construction products in Finland has changed since
2010. Specifically, ‘Prefabricated wooden buildings
-14.7 -9.3 (162320)’, which ranked first in 2010, has shifted
down ranking third in 2020. Similarly, ‘Windows,
French windows etc. (162311)’, ranking third in
2010, changed to rank fourth in 2020. However, in
Finland EU-27 2020, ‘Prefabricated structural components
(236112)’ and ‘Ready-mixed concrete (236310)’
In parallel, the investment ratio increased to 22.7%
retained their rankings as second and fifth from
in 2020, slightly higher than 2010 level (21.9%) and
2010. Lastly, ‘Other structures and parts of
EU-27 average (21.8%). Conversely, the investment
structures etc. (251123)’ which ranked first in 2020,
per worker in the broad construction sector
did not hold any ranking in 2010. The top five most
reached EUR 96,183 in 2018, representing a 3.4%
domestically sold construction products are
decline since 2010. Amongst the sub-sectors, the
presented in Table 1, including a comparison with
investment per person employed by industry
the most sold in the EU-27. These represented
increased to EUR 12,200 in 201848 in the
60.5% of total domestic construction product sales Table 2: Five Most exported construction products
in 2020. in Finland and in the EU in 2020
Table 1: Five Most domestically sold construction Finland EU-27
products in Finland and in the EU in 2020 Share in
Finland EU-27 construction
Product (EUR Product
Share in m)
exports (%)
Value construction
Product (EUR products Product Other plywood, Ceramic tiles
m) domestic 1 veneered panels 232.7 23.0 and flags (group
sales (%) (group 162116) 233110)
Other Other
1 structures 855.9 18.9 structures Other plywood, Other
(group 251123) (group 251123) 2 veneered panels 225.5 22.3 structures
Prefabricated (group 162118) (group 251123)
structural Builders’ joinery Fibreboard of
2 746,.2 16.5 concrete (group
components 3 and carpentry 165.1 16.4 wood (group
(group 236112) (group 162319) 162115)
Doors, windows Doors, windows Doors, windows
3 448.2 9.9 and their frames 4 and their frames 52.8 5.2 and their frames
buildings (group
(group 251210) (group 251210) (group 251210)
Windows, Prefabricated Builders’ joinery
buildings of
4 French windows 373.9 8.3 5 wooden buildings 48.1 4.8 and carpentry
metal (group
(group 162311) (162320) (group 162319)
Prefabricated Source: PRODCOM, 2021.
5 concrete (group 316.2 7.0
components In terms of cross-border provision of construction
(group 236112) services53, Finland exported EUR 127.0 million of
Source: PRODCOM, 2021.
construction services worldwide in 2020 marking a
Export of construction-related 68.7% decrease as compared to the 201354
(EUR 406.0 million). Notably, 66.9% of total exports
products and services (EUR 85.0 million) in 2020 were made to EU-27
The ranking of the top five amongst most exported countries, compared to 37.4% (EUR 152.0 million) in
construction products has witnessed changes in 201355. In parallel, Finland imported a total of
three product groups. The first being ‘Builders EUR 335.0 million in construction services from the
joinery and carpentry etc. (162319)’ which ranked world in 2020, a 42.0% decline since 201356
second in 2010, moved downwards to third position (EUR 578.0 million), with EUR 209.0 million (62.4%
in 2020. Similarly, ‘Doors, windows and their frames of the total imports) from the EU-27 countries,
etc. (251210)’ ranking fifth in 2010, moved up by compared to EUR 425 million (73.5% of the total
one position, ranking fourth in 2020.’ Prefabricated imports) in 201357. Overall, Finland reported a trade
wooden buildings (162320)’, which ranked first in deficit of EUR 208.0 million in 2020.
2010, moved down to fifth rank in 2020. The top five
most exported construction products from Finland
Access to finance in the
and the EU-27 are summarised in Table 2. Together, construction sector
the top five most exported construction products
According to SAFE Report 2020, the availability of
from Finland made up 71.7% of all construction
financing in Finland had decreased significantly as
products exports in 2020.
compared to the previous year. Specifically, the
availability of bank loans witnessed greatest decline,
followed by availability of credit lines, equity and
leasing. The trend of declining availability of bank
loans was also reflected in the country’s narrow
construction sector58.
The credit extended to firms in seeking better lifestyle and career64. According to
the Finnish narrow construction the 2021 report by the World Population Review,
sub-sector reached EUR 3.0 around 85.0% of the people living in Finland live in
billion in 2020, representing an or around a major city65.
annual decline of 0.7%.
The mean equivalised net income has experienced
However, this also represents a
a 19.3% increase since 2010, reaching EUR 28,061 in
growth of 27.6% since 2010.
2019, leading to a higher household purchasing
With regards to bank loans, between April and power. This is considerably higher than the 2019
September 2020, 21.0% of SMEs in Finland applied EU-27 average of EUR 19,567. Further in 2020, the
for them (EU-27 average: 35.0%). However, 2.0% mean equivalised net income in Finland increased to
did not apply because of fear of rejection (EU-27 EUR 28,683, representing 21.9% growth since 2010
average: 4.0%). Likewise, 15% of SMEs in Finland and 2.2% annual growth.
applied for credit lines (EU-27 average: 31.0%) and
2.0% of SMEs did not apply because of fear of 28,061
rejection (EU-27 average: 4.0%)59. 19,567
Specific to the Finnish construction sector, around
27.0% of firms are pessimistic about external
finance, whereas 10.0% of them are pessimistic
about internal finance in 2020. In comparison with
other sectors, the construction sector had the
highest number of firms categorised as ‘financially EU-27 Finland
constrained’ in 2020, which included firms that got Mean equivalised net income in 2019
rejected when applied for financing, firms which
received lesser amount when applied for financing, Mortgage interest rates have been declining
firms which considered financing too expensive and considerably since 2011 and reached a historical low
firms which were discouraged to apply60. of 0.9% in 2020 (Figure 7). As a result, housing loans
With regards to different attributes of access to to households have experienced a continuous
finance, the share of firms in the construction sector growth. Indeed, total outstanding residential loans
in Finland dissatisfied with collateral requirements have increased by 30.8%, from EUR 76.7 billion in
in 2020 were the highest (25.0%), in comparison 2010 to EUR 100.3 billion in 201966.
with other sectors (manufacturing: 9.0%, Total outstanding
services: 8.0% and infrastructure: 4.0%61. residential loans 30.8%
Around 53.0% of the firms in the between 2010 and 2018
construction sector have reported Figure 7: Mortgage rates for loans for over five years
availability of finance as a long-term original maturity (%) between 2010 and 2020
barrier in Finland, being highest
among other sectors (manufacturing
and infrastructure sectors: 45.0%
and services sector: 43.0%)62.
Access to housing
The number of households in Finland experienced a
continuous increase, reaching 2.7 million in 2020,
which is 9.4% higher than in 2010. At the same time, Source: ECB MFI Interest Rate Statistics, 2021.
with regards to Finland’s urbanisation rate, the
share of the population living in cities and greater The declining mortgage interest rates coupled with
cities also grew continuously, from 54.8% in 2010 to increasing housing loans resulted in a rise in the
59.9% in 201863. Housing construction is high mostly households’ indebtedness. The average size of a
due to people relocating from rural to urban areas housing loan per household unit stood at
EUR 106,120.0 in 2020, representing an annual
European Construction Sector Observatory 14
Country Fact Sheet Finland
growth of 3.5%. Household-dwelling units in 2015 level. After having decreased considerably by
Greater Helsinki had the largest housing loans, 31.0 index points (ip) over the 2017-2019 period, it
EUR 157,280, on average. This represents an annual again witnessed an increment in 2020 by 5.0 ip.
increment of 5.6%. Housing loans were lowest Mirroring the trend in residential building, the
among those with housing loans in Northern and permits in ‘two and more dwelling buildings’ also
Eastern Finland, EUR 83,710, on average67. witnessed an overall increase of 35.0% in 2020 since
2015, though witnessing a decline of 31.0 ip over the
In 2020, there were around 1.5 million indebted
2017-2019 period. Contrarily, the permits in
household dwelling units in Finland. This
‘one-dwelling buildings’ dropped by 2.0% over the
represented 53.0% of the total household
2015-2020 period.
dwelling units. The total debt of such
households amounted to EUR 131.6 billion, thus The Finnish property market was significantly
representing 3.4% increase since 2019. In 2020, affected by the pandemic in March 2020. The
household dwelling units paid EUR 1.6 billion as total transaction volume amounted to EUR 5.6
interests, 1.4% less than in 201968. billion, 13.0% lower than previous year.
However, 50.0% of the total annual volume was
In order to reduce indebtedness among Finland’s
generated during the first quarter of the year,
household dwelling units, the Ministry of Finance
which was one of the most active quarters ever.
proposed a limit (60.0%) to the loan to value ratio
Between April and September, only EUR 1.2
(selling price ratio), in October 2019. It is applicable
billion of transactions were carried out, whereas
to housing companies69 and the authorities in
the last quarter of the year was again more
Finland had also started preliminary work in January
active, with a total volume of EUR 1.5 billion72.
2020 to establish a comprehensive credit registry by
202370. Moving on to 2021, the year started off witnessing
large numbers of property sales in Finland. In
The housing price index increased by 6.4% between
particular, sales of detached houses increased in
2015 and 2020 (Figure 8), driven by a 3.0% increase
January and February by 19.8%, compared to the
in the price of existing dwellings and 2.7% increase
same period in the previous year. First-time
in the price of new dwellings. Further in 2021, the
homebuyers were active in record numbers, and the
prices of existing dwellings in housing companies
number of loans applied by first-time buyers was up
rose in various parts of Finland, especially in the
29.0% from February 2019. Demand had been
second quarter of 2021. Around 55.0% more
particularly high for large family homes73.
transactions of existing dwellings in housing
companies were made through real estate agents According to Statistics Finland, EUR 7.4 billion
than one year ago. Specific to Helsinki, housing was spent on new residential building
prices were up by 6.5% as compared to previous construction in 2020, which forms 20.1% of the
year and in the rest of Finland it rose by 4.0%, until total value of construction in 2020 in Finland.
second quarter in 202171. Moreover, around EUR 8.1 billion was spent as
repair costs for residential buildings in 2020,
Figure 8: House price index in Finland between 2010
forming 22.0% of the total value of construction
and 2020 (2015=100)
in 2020 in Finland74.
With regards to the rental market, the actual rentals
for housing in Finland increased substantially by
10.0% over the period 2015-2020. It also
experienced an annual increment of 1.4% in 2020.
Around 920,000 dwellings, representing almost
34.0% of the total stock, are rented dwellings in
Finland. Rented housing is more common in the
Source: Eurostat, 2021.
largest cities than in the whole country on average.
In the Helsinki metropolitan area, some 45.0% of all
To meet the increasing demand of houses in dwellings are rented. The Finnish rental residential
Finland, the residential building permits (indexed sector has increasingly attracted foreign investors in
values) grew by 25.0% in 2020 as compared to the recent years. The market has attracted both
European Construction Sector Observatory 15
Country Fact Sheet Finland
specialised residential funds as well as investors 63 less than in 2019. However, the number of
who were previously active in other property people classified as long term homeless was 1,054,
sectors. As of 2020 in total, foreign investors which represented an increment by 93 compared to
currently own around 21,000 rental dwellings in 201986.
The long-term decline in homelessness has brought
The majority of buildings are owner-occupied in international attention to Finland and highlighted it
Finland. However, the share of owners in Finland as a model country for the treatment of
have reduced from 74.3% in 2010 to 70.7% in 2020. homelessness. The programme of the present
Furthermore, in 2020, 74.9% of people earning government includes the elimination of
above 60.0% of the median equivalised income homelessness by 2027. The reduction of
were house owners, while this percentage went homelessness has also been taken into account in
down to 40.6% for people earning below 60.0% of the between the municipalities and the state in the
the median equivalised income. Helsinki region, where one aim is to halve
homelessness by 202387.
Finland’s housing cost overburden rate76 stood at
4.0% in 2019, below the EU-27 average of 9.4%77 To reduce homelessness by 2023, the Finnish
and 2010 level of 4.2%, indicating issues around Ministry of the Environment launched three-
affordability. However, it slightly increased to 4.1% year cooperation programme with urban
in 202078. Likewise, the overcrowding rate79 in regions, service providers and organisations.
Finland stood at 7.7% in 2019, below the EU-27 Municipalities involved in the programme have
average of 17.1%80, but above the 2010 level of been able to apply for discretionary government
6.1%. In 2020, it dropped to 7.6%81. Lastly, the transfers for development of social and health
severe housing deprivation rate82 in Finland stood care services reducing homelessness88.
at 0.9% in 2019, below the EU-27 average of 4.0%83,
in line with the 2010 level. Further in 2020, it Infrastructure
increased to 1.0%84. As per the 2019 Global Competitiveness Report,
Finland ranked 22nd out of 141 economies in
Overcrowding rate in 2019 terms of its infrastructure89.
It performed best in terms of the efficiency of
seaport services (3rd), air transport services (4th) and
7.7% 17.1% train services (7th). It scores worst in terms of liner
shipping connectivity (75th) and airport connectivity
(46th), followed by railroad density (42nd). In terms
Finland EU-27 of transport infrastructure, it ranked 27th out of 141
Tackling the problem of homelessness has been the
main focus area of Finnish government since the According to Finland’s Budget Plan for 2022-2025,
1980s85. The problem has decreased considerably, the aims to revitalise economy through public
with 2020 being the eighth consecutive year of investment, such as infrastructure projects,
decrease for single people. However, the followed by investments in research, development
homelessness of young people under the age of 25 and innovation, higher education, know-how
remained at the same level as the previous year. The development and employment services. As per the
long-term homelessness has also decreased since plan, the government is expected to invest the
2008, but with the exception of 2020. The issue of substantial amounts on an annual basis for the
homelessness is mostly concentrated in large cities, development and maintenance of the transport
especially in Helsinki. At the end of 2020, there were network in Finland: over the 2022-2025 period it is
4,341 homeless people living alone, which is 259 expected to invest EUR 215.0 million, EUR 181.0,
less than in 2019. Similarly, the number of homeless EUR 179.0 and EUR 173.0 million annually91.
families and couples was 201 by 2020 end, which is
Key issues and barriers in the
construction sector
Company failure of August, which is 149 less than during the same
period in 2019. The decline in number of
Business demography in the broad construction bankruptcies was observed across all sectors of the
sector in Finland generally witnessed more economy with the exception of the raw materials
company deaths than births over the and mining sector96.
2010-201892 period.
Specific to the Finnish construction
Specifically, in the narrow construction sub-sector, sector, the bankruptcies shrank by
the company births decreased by 17.6%, over the 15.0% between January and August
2010-201893 period, reaching 3,522 in 2018. 2020, compared to last year. This is
Similarly, in the real estate activities and reportedly the steepest decline
architectural and engineering activities sub-sector, observed for this period in
it recorded declines of 43.7% and 15.5% over the bankruptcies97.
same period, thus reaching 2,585 and 712,
However, moving on to 2021, contradicting the
respectively in 201894. Regarding the number of
trend in the economy as a whole, the bankruptcies
company deaths, in narrow construction
increased the most between January and July in the
sub-sector, it reached 2,640 in 2018, representing a
construction sector along with agricultural, forestry
29.9% decline since 2010. In the architectural and
and fisheries sectors. Specifically, in the
engineering activities sub-sector, the number of
construction sector, the number of bankruptcies
company deaths reached 769 in 2018, representing
registered between the period January to July 2021
an insignificant decline of 0.5% since 2010.
in the Finnish construction sector stood at 307,
Contrarily, in the real estate activities sub-sector, it
representing 7.2% increment from 285 bankruptcies
stood at 3,212 in 2018, marking a 23.1% growth
registered for the same period previous year98.
since 2010.
During the first quarter in 2020, the number of Trade credit
bankruptcies in Finland rose (even before the
According to the SAFE Report 2020, the reported
COVID-19 pandemic took hold). Altogether 722
requirement of trade credit in Finland increased
companies filed for bankruptcy in Finland during the
significantly amongst SMEs. However, with
first three months of this year, an increase of 14.0%
regards to its availability, it showed a
over the same quarter of 2019. As per Statistics
noteworthy decline. This clearly reflected the
Finland, the number of bankruptcies in the first
impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the
quarter do not yet reflect the impact of the
country’s access to trade credit99.
coronavirus epidemic on business and industry95.
In 2020, trade credit was relevant for around 32.0%
However, further in 2020, the number of
of SMEs in Finland, higher than the EU-27 average
bankruptcy declarations declined across nearly all
(28.0%). Around 11.0% of SMEs in Finland had
sectors. During the first eight months of the year
reportedly used it between April and September
bankruptcies declined by 8.6% annually. A total of
2020, below the EU-27 average (14.0%). As
1,591 bankruptcy declarations were filed by the end
compared to previous year, the use of trade credit
European Construction Sector Observatory 17
Country Fact Sheet Finland
had also increased for SMEs in Finland in 2020. 61.0% of firms agree that paying suppliers late is a
However, the share of SMEs applying for trade governance issue and should be addressed
credit in 2020 was still lower in Finland, as compared internally. For around 71.0% of firms, building and
to EU-27 average (27.0% as compared to 31.0%). maintaining trust with suppliers and partners is
There was also a smaller share of Finnish SMEs, who depended on timely payments. Around 40.0% of the
didn’t for apply trade credit100. firms have reported that late payments will cause
them to dismiss employees. Finally, 81.0% of firms
With regards to obtained result for SMEs that
have accepted longer payment terms than they
applied for trade credit, around 78.0% of Finnish
were comfortable with, in order to maintain healthy
SMEs received everything, above the EU-27 average
client relationships105.
(67.0%). Around 18.0% of Finnish SMEs received
about 75.0% of what they had applied, above the Amongst the business areas impacted due to late
EU-27 average (11.0%). Moreover, in terms of payment, for around 51.0% for SMEs and 53.0% of
availability of trade credit during April to September large corporations, liquidity is main impacted area.
2020, in Finland, 6.0% of the SMEs reported that it This is followed by not hiring new employees, being
improved (EU-27 average: 13.0%), another 6.0% reported by 43.0% of SMEs and 49.0% of large
believed that it had deteriorated (EU-27 average: corporations. The other issues which get aggravated
15.0%), whereas for 83.0% of SMEs the condition due to late payment are dismissing employees,
remained unchanged (EU-27 average: 65.0%)101. threating survival of business, income loss,
additional interest, prohibiting innovation and
Late payment prohibiting growth of the company106.
In 2020, the share of SMEs facing late payment The late payment situation in Finland
issues in Finland stood at 45.0%, slightly above aggravated at the onset of the COVID-19
the EU-27 average (44.0%), however, below the pandemic. Specific to the construction sector, in
previous year (48.0%)102. March 2020, around 47.0% of the firms reported
In 2020, the share of SMEs facing late payment of facing somewhat negative impact on the
issues in Finland stood at 45.0%, slightly above the financial situation. Around 21.0% of the firms
EU-27 average (44.0%), however, below the reported of facing significant negative impacts
previous year (48.0%). Around 10.0% of SMEs in and 9.0% of firms reported of facing significant
Finland reported facing late payment issues considerable negative impacts on the financial
regularly, in line the previous year, but below the situation107.
EU-27 average (13.0%)103.
Time and cost of obtaining building
As a consequence of late payments, major share
(38.0%) of the Finnish SMEs reported that it affected
permits and licenses
their production or operations, and for half of such According to the World Bank Doing Business 2020
SMEs (19.0%), this had been a regular problem. report, Finland ranked 42nd in 2019 with respect to
Around 30.0% of them reported that it affected “Dealing with construction permits”108,109. This is
payments to suppliers, and 15.0% of them had come worse than the year before (34th)110. Although the
across this problem regularly. For 17.0% of SMEs, number of procedures required to build a
there were delays in repayments of loans or they warehouse111 (17) is higher than the OECD
reportedly had to use additional financing sources, high-income average (12.7), the time needed to
due to late payments, and for 8.5% of them this had complete them stands at 65 days, which is lower
been a regular issue104. than the OECD average (152.3 days) (Table 3).
Moreover, the cost of completing the formalities to
As per the European Payment Report 2020, in
build a warehouse represented 0.7% of the value of
Finland 46.0% of firms in Finland agree that the
the warehouse, below the OECD high-income
widening gap between payment terms and duration
average of 1.5%112.
of pay is a real risk to the sustainable growth of their
business. Around 40.0% of firms have said their
company has a code of ethics in place designed to
encourage a prompt payment culture. Moreover,
Table 3: Construction procedures timing and costs number of tertiary students in ‘engineering and
in Finland engineering trades’ and ‘manufacturing and
Procedure Time to complete Associated costs processing’ of 24.7% and 59.6% respectively over
the 2010-2019 period. Conversely, the number of
Obtain building permit
maps and extract from 12 days EUR 235.0 tertiary students in architecture and building
the Real Estate Office increased by 16.8% over the same period.
Obtain official opinion on
the connection of the
7 days no charge
Adult participation in education and training in the
wastewater drain and broad construction sector has been increasing since
water pipeline
Schedule start-up 2010. Particularly, in the narrow construction
7 days no charge
meeting sub-sector, increased from 16.8% in 2010 to 21.3%
Obtain extract from the
0.5 day EUR 3.0 in 2019. However, it dropped to 19.5% in 2020. In
Trade Register
Notify the neighbours of the real estate activities sub-sector, the
the building permit 1 day no charge participation rate was overall higher, but more
Obtain report on the
prone to fluctuations. Indeed, this rate dropped
height of the intended 0.5 day no charge from 30.5% in 2010 to 23.8% in 2014. It then picked
construction up and reached 35.0% in 2018. After declining in
Obtain building permit 38 days EUR 8,867.0
Receive foundation work
2019 to 29.6%, it again increased to 31.0% in 2020.
1 day no charge
Finland has been facing acute shortage of workers
Receive location
inspection from the Real 1 day EUR 1,520.0 as the country’s working-age population has been
Estate Office decreasing at an alarming rate116. The situation has
Receive structure
1 day no charge been further aggravated due to the COVID-19
Receive ventilation pandemic, which had led to decline in immigration
1 day no charge
inspection of foreign workers. Several work sites had to face
Receive sewer and water
pipeline inspection
1 day no charge forced closures with the suspension or cancellation
Report information to the of projects due to emergency measures.
1 day no charge
Finnish Tax Agency Unemployment rates have further increased due to
Request and obtain water
3 days EUR 4,826.0 mass layoffs. Specifically, in May 2020 the monthly
Receive fire inspection unemployment rate spiked to 10.6%, before
from the Public Rescue 1 day EUR 200.0 declining again to 7.7% in July 2020117.
Receive final inspection 1 day no charge In the autumn of 2020, 31 out of 200 occupations
Obtain occupancy permit 4 days no charge
suffered from labour shortage, representing a slight
Source: Doing Business 2020.
rise in the in shortages from the assessment in
Skills shortage previous autumn. Further, as of March 2021, the
Employment and Economic Development Offices
The number of job vacancies in the narrow (TE Offices) defined 37 occupations as shortage
construction sub-sector113 increased to 2,898 in occupations nationwide118.
2020 as compared to 1,902 vacancies in 2013114,
experiencing a 52.3% increase in the 2013-2019 As a result, the Finnish government has warned that
period. The job vacancy rate in the narrow the nation needs to raise immigration levels to
construction and the real estate activities 20,000-30,000 a year to maintain public services119.
sub-sector in 2020 stood at 1.7% and 2.0% Moreover, Finnish start-ups are creating a joint
respectively. careers site to attract highly skilled overseas
talent120. Despite the labour shortages pushing
Job vacancies in the narrow more Finnish companies to loosen their insistence
construction sub-sector 52.3% on only hiring native Finnish workers, many
between 2013 and 2020 foreigners have also complained of a broad
In addition, the number of tertiary students in reluctance to recognise overseas qualifications,
engineering, manufacturing and construction and a prejudice against non-Finnish applicants121.
decreased by 20.0%, from 12,223 in 2010 to 9,778
in 2019115. This was driven by a decline in both the
In a recent survey conducted by the waste reporting and recycling rate statistics from its
Finland Chamber of Commerce, member countries, on the basis of which Finland will
more than half of the respondents also reform its national legislation. Finland is still
out of 1,297 companies from various preparing the new Waste Act of 2021. In order to
industries stated that they simply achieve the ambitious recycling targets set by the
have not gotten enough applicants EU, the Finnish government is proposing to tighten
for job vacancies. Their operations separate collection obligations and extend producer
have also been hampered by the responsibility in the new Waste Act131.
shortage of skilled labour in the
Specific to Finland’s CDW, comprehensive targets
have been established for 2023 by the National
Moreover, according to EIB Investment Survey Waste Plan and each of these targets is coupled with
2020, the share of firms in the construction sector in a set of measures that will help in achieving them.
Finland reporting availability of skilled staff as a The targets specified are reducing the volume of
long-term barrier was the highest (84.0%) in 2020, CDW; raising the material recovery rate of CDW to
in comparison with other sectors in Finland such as 70.0%; increasing the material recovery of CDW
services (75.0%), infrastructure (68.0%) and while managing related risks; and achieving greater
manufacturing (65.0%) sectors123. accuracy and correctness in statistics on CDW.
Finland’s National Waste Plan to 2023 will enable
Sector and sub-sector specific intensified reuse and recycling of construction
issues products, which will save unnecessary depletion of
natural resources. Moreover, the adoption of new
Material efficiency and waste management practices in the plan will promote safe material
Waste management in Finland is developed but the cycles and reinforce the recycled raw materials
recycling rate still lies below the EU-28124 average. market132.
This points to a room for improvement for waste CDW generated in Finland in 2018133 amounted to
management in the country. Municipal waste 2,849 kg per capita, depicting a decrease of 38.0%
generation in Finland was above the EU-28125 over the period 2010-2018. Around 1.6% (46.0 kg
average and the recycling rate was 49.0% in 2017126, per capita) of the total CDW waste comprised
above the EU-28127 average of 47.0%128. hazardous waste and 98.4% (2,803.0 kg per capita)
Around 3,122,705 tonnes of municipal waste comprised of non-hazardous waste. Hazardous
had been treated in Finland in 2019. Out of the waste, however, showed an increment of 1433.3%,
total wastes treated, 55.6% went under energy whereas non-hazardous waste declined by 39.0%
recovery, 29.3% went under material recovery, over the period 2010-2018.
14.1% was treated by aerobic and anaerobic Construction and
digestion, 1.0% of the wastes were landfilled
and the remaining were incinerated without
demolition waste in Finland 38.0%
between 2010 and 2018
energy recovery129.
The Finnish government has adopted a National In 2019, total construction waste generated by
Waste Plan which has set out objectives for waste Finland stood at 13.7 million tonnes, which
management and waste prevention till 2023, as well comprised of 11.7% of the total waste
as the measures for reaching these objectives. The generated. Out of the total construction waste a
plan has set detailed targets for four key areas: major portion (96.9%) comprised of mineral
construction and demolition waste (CDW), wastes, followed by wood waste (2.8%), other
biodegradable waste, municipal waste, as well as waste (0.2%), household and mixed waste
waste from electrical and electronic equipment130. (0.1%) and the rest comprising of animal, vegetal
and metallic waste. Around 287,000 tonnes, or
The EU has amended six waste directives and set 2.1% of the total wastes generated in 2019 from
targets for the recycling of municipal waste: in 2035, construction activities were categorised as
up to 65.0% of municipal waste should be recycled. hazardous wastes134.
In the future, the EU will demand more accurate
CDW in Finland is regulated by several acts and According to Statistics Finland, the total
decrees, the main ones being the Government emissions of greenhouse gases in 2020
Decree on waste 179/2012 and the Government Act corresponded to 48.3 million tonnes of carbon
646/2011 concerning the recovery of certain waste dioxide. Compared with the previous year,
in earth construction135. The former addresses the emissions decreased by 9.0%. The fall in
reduction of the quantity and harmfulness of CDW. emissions was affected by the warm winter,
It provides for the separate collection and recovery recent changes in the structure of electricity
of CDW in order to reclaim it, according to the production and a decrease in transport
Waste Act 646/2011. performance137.
Climate and energy In October 2020, the Ministry of Economic Affairs
and Employment released Finland’s long-term low
Emissions of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide,
greenhouse gas emission development strategy. It
methane and nitrous oxides) from activities related
lays out scenarios and impact assessments
to the narrow construction sub-sector and real
concerning the national carbon neutrality target set
estate in Finland amounted to a total of 1,284,070.5
for 2035 and developments in greenhouse gas
and 131,685.2 tonnes in 2019136, representing a
emissions and removals by 2050138.
17.0% and 38.2% declines as compared to the 2010
levels. As under the strategy the 2050 greenhouse gas
emission reduction target (excluding the land use
sector) is set at 87.5% and 90.0% under the
continuous growth scenario and savings scenario139
compared to 1990 levels140.
Innovation in the construction sector
Innovation performance Figure 9: Business enterprise R&D expenditure
(BERD) per construction sub-sector in Finland
In the European Innovation between 2010 and 2019 (EUR million)146
Scoreboard 2021, Finland has been
classified as an Innovation Leader. Its
overall score relative to EU-27 in
2021 stood at 134.5141.
According to the scoreboard, Finland’s strong
innovation dimensions are use of information
technologies, linkages and human resources. The
top scoring indicators include lifelong learning, PCT
patent applications and innovative SMEs Source: Eurostat, 2021.
collaborating with others. Contrarily, the country’s
weak innovation dimensions are environmental In parallel, total R&D personnel (full-time
sustainability, sales impacts and firm investments. equivalents – FTEs147) in the broad construction
Resource productivity, government support for sector followed a trend similar to BERD. The total
business R&D and non-R&D innovation FTEs in the narrow construction sub-sector grew by
expenditures comprise Finland’s lowest scoring 33.5% over the 2010-2019 period, rising from 433 in
indicators142. 2010 to 578 in 2019148. Conversely, the total FTEs in
the professional, scientific and technical activities
Business enterprise R&D expenditure (BERD) in the sub-sector experienced a decrease of 16.2% over
broad construction sector depicts an upward trend, the same period, going from 1,678 in 2010 to 1,407
with levels higher than in 2010 (Figure 9). in 2019149. However, it was still the highest among
Specifically, in the narrow construction sub-sector, the sub-sectors. Lastly, the real estate activities
it increased by 51.0% over the 2010-2019 period, sub-sector reported the lowest FTE, which increased
reaching EUR 117.9 million in 2019143. BERD in the from nine in 2010 to 10 in 2012150.
professional, scientific and technical activities
sub-sector, being prone to fluctuations, merely Total R&D personnel in
the narrow construction
increased by 0.5% over the same period, reaching
EUR 172.3 million in 2019144 (the highest among the sub-sector between 33.5%
sub-sectors). Lastly, the real estate activities 2010 and 2019
sub-sector reported the lowest BERD, which The number of construction-related patent
increased from EUR 2.3 million in 2010 to EUR 2.9 applications in 2020 stood at 57. It has declined
million in 2012145. from its highest level in 2013 (81 patents) and the
2010 level (79 patents). This may be explained by
BERD expenditure in the
the time gap often observed between R&D
narrow construction
sub-sector between 51.0% investments and patent application realisation.
2010 and 2019 According to the 2020 EU Industrial R&D
Investment Scoreboard, 17 companies from Finland
ranked within the top 2,500 companies in R&D
ranking globally. Two Finnish construction and
materials firms (YIT and Uponor) were listed on the country has been consistently ranking 1st in this
R&D ranking of EU top 1,000 companies in 2020151. indicator over the last three years. The use of
internet services in Finland has improved both in
According to the SAFE Report 2020, the
terms of score as well as ranking. In 2020, the score
proportion of innovative enterprises among
reached up to 76.3 from 71.8 in the previous year.
SMEs in Finland stood at 74.0%, being the
Moreover, Finland ranked 1st under this indicator
highest amongst EU-27 member states152.
showing an improvement from the previous year’s
Eco-innovation and digitalization ranking (4th). In terms of the integration of digital
technology, Finland has shown remarkable
According to the EU Eco-Innovation Index 2021, improvement as it scored 67.0 in 2020, (6.9 points
Finland stood at the 2nd position with a score of up from 2019), ranking 2nd in this category. The
157, above the EU-27 average score of 121. This country’s score for digital public services stood at
also shows an improvement as compared to 87.0 in 2020 (5 points up from 2019). Finland ranked
previous year’s score (154)153. 4th in this category160.
As per the report, Finland has been categorised Despite these developments, the Finnish
under ‘eco-innovation leader’. The country’s construction sector lags behind in implementing
performance has continued to improve over the innovation as compared to the firms in other
years. In 2021, it scored above the EU-27 average on sectors. According to EIBIS Report 2020, the share
three indicators – eco-innovation inputs, of firms in the Finnish construction sector reporting
eco-innovation outputs and socio-economic ‘no innovation’ stood at 58.0%, being the highest as
outcomes. However, it scored below the EU-27 compared to manufacturing (30.0%), services
average in two indicators – eco-innovation activities (40.0%) and infrastructure (50.0%) sectors161.
and resource efficiency outcomes. Amongst these
five, the best performing indicator was The share of firms in the Finnish construction
socio-economic outcomes (score: 234 and rank: 1st) sector claiming to have undertaken innovations
and the worst performing indicator was resource that are new to the national or global markets
efficiency outcomes (score: 44 and rank: 25th)154. stood at 13.0%, well below the firms in
manufacturing (39.0%), services (25.0%) and
According to the European Commission Digital infrastructure (20.0%) sectors162.
Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2020, Finland
ranked 1st, with a score of 72.3 out of the EU-28155 Around 60.0% of the construction firms in Finland
countries (average score: 52.6). The country’s reported to have implemented digital technologies
leading performance is due to its excellence in partially, whereas merely 1.0% of them have fully
digital public services and the integration of digital implemented digital technologies. This is also
technologies, enabled by active cooperation lowest in comparison to other sectors in Finland,
between the public and private sectors and an where the share of firms implementing digital
active start-up scene. Its human capital is one of its technologies partially and fully, both are
strongest competitive advantages where 76% of the comparatively greater163.
population have basic or above basic digital skills, Moreover, around 37.0% of the construction firms
considerably above the EU-28156 average (58.0%). in Finland used drones in their work, above the
Finland scored above all the five indicators including EU-28164 average (19.0%). Similarly, internet of
connectivity, human capital, use of internet things has been implemented by 31.0% of the
services, integration of digital technology and digital construction firms in Finland, higher than the
public services, as compared to the previous year EU-28165 average (22.0%). With regards to
and the EU-28157 average scores 158. augmented or virtual reality, 28.0% of the
Finland scored 59.2 in terms of connectivity in 2020, construction firms in Finland have adopted it, above
4.7 points up from the previous year. It ranked 9th the EU-28166 average (11.0%). Lastly, around 13.0%
among EU-28159 countries in this indicator, as of the Finnish construction firms have used 3D
compared to 6th in the previous year. In terms of printing, slightly above the EU-28167 average
human capital, Finland scored 78.4, showing a slight (10.0%)168.
improvement from previous year’s score (77.5). The
Finland is ranked among the top countries in the EU in building design, building control is still
in context of innovation and digitalisation in the predominantly based on paper documents and 2D
construction sector. The country has reached a high drawings171.
level of resource and energy efficiency, which has
Among the noteworthy projects in Finland, the
been driven by the wide acceptance and usage of
new Hospital Nova has used BIM models and
Building Information Modelling (BIM)169.
Virtual Reality to involve over 350 staff in the
Throughout the country, implementing BIM has building design. The Mall of Tripla and West
been a common practice, both in larger Metro are also projects which have
infrastructural and small residential projects. implemented BIM in construction172,173.
Moreover, most of the Finnish universities have long
been offering masters and degree courses in BIM
technologies170. Despite BIM becoming mainstream
National and regional regulatory
Policy schemes • Dissemination of the results of research and
development activities related to housing
The social housing policies in Finland are conditions and;
implemented by the Housing Finance and • Collections and analysis and dissemination
Development Centre of Finland (Asumisen of information on the housing market and
rahoitus- ja kehittämiskeskus – ARA), which is a maintains online and information services
governmental agency of Finland operating under for the industry176.
the supervision of the Ministry of the Environment.
ARA grants subsidies, grants and guarantees for Presently, there are around 3.0 million apartments
housing and construction and controls and in Finland and three out of every 10 of them have
supervises the use of the ARA housing stock. In been constructed using state subsidies (ARA
addition, ARA participates in projects related to the construction). ARA is also in charge of the Social
development of housing and expertise in the Housing Policy and promoting ecologically
housing market and produces information services sustainable, high-quality and reasonably priced
for the industry174. housing. Finland’s central government supports
both private and public housing through several
ARA has an annual budget of EUR 700,000 for programmes. These are:
supporting research and development projects.
With its development budget, ARA can take part in (i) Tax deductibility of the interest costs on
pilot projects that promote housing construction; mortgages;
commission reports, templates, concepts, statistics, (ii) State subsidy for the constructor of
analyses and follow-up data; provide publicity to rental, part-ownership and right-of
significant development projects in the fields of occupancy housing;
housing and housing construction and relay (iii) Interest subsidy loans for housing
information to other actors and stakeholder groups companies;
in the industry175. ARA’s other activities include: (iv) Generally low property tax & No stamp
duty for the first-time buyer; and
• Development of sustainable, high-quality (v) Rental housing subsidies for low-
and reasonably priced housing; income residents177.
• Support for the improvement of the
ARA aims to promote renovation of the housing
housing conditions of people with low or
stock and improvements to its energy efficiency
average incomes and special-needs groups;
by implementing renovation start-up grants tied
• Monitoring and directing non-profit
to interest subsidy loans and granted for
housing corporations;
renovations that make buildings more
• Development of the existing building stock
energy-efficient. The maximum grant per flat
and living environments;
will be EUR 4,000178.
• Direction and monitoring of the use of
ARA's stock of buildings and management ARA also aims to increase the volume of affordable
of the risks related to their loans together ARA housing production in growing urban regions
with the State Treasury; and carry out more renovations on the existing
European Construction Sector Observatory 25
Country Fact Sheet Finland
housing stock. It will also set a target of producing Among countries that report spending estimates
at least 10,000 newbuild flats with long-term state in the 2021 Organisation for Economic
interest subsidies per year, more than half of which Co-operation and Development Questionnaire
will be located in the Greater Helsinki region179. on Social and Affordable Housing (OECD Quash),
Finland provides the largest share of support to
ARA is also responsible for financing sheltered and
homebuyers (0.9% of GDP in 2018), primarily
supportive housing with investment grants for
through subsidised mortgages186.
special groups. Grants are awarded for construction
as well as renovation or acquisition, and they vary
from 10.0% to 50.0% of the approved construction
The Finnish Association of Property Owners and
or renovation costs. The bigger grants are reserved
Construction Clients (Rakli ry), from the private
for apartments with more special housing solution
sector, has brought forward few measures to
support the housing and construction sectors amid
ARA aims to reduce 50.0% of the pandemic situation187. These contain legislative
homelessness by 2023 and measures which aim at increasing new housing
eradicate it completely by 2027 construction projects (e.g. abridged value-added
with the help of 'Housing First' taxation on the new construction of rental
principle. It will focus especially apartments), to promote carbon-neutral
on making housing advice more investments (e.g. subsidies for energy efficiency
readily available and on enhancement projects) and state aid to property
preventing homelessness, owners for loss of rental yield due to the outbreak.
particularly among young Among the proposed measures, some do not
people and migrants181. involve direct financial support from the state, such
as streamlining the planning and permitting
Lately, state-subsidised housing (ARAVA) loans have
procedures of construction projects188.
been substituted by interest subsidy loans in
Finland. Though ARAVA loans are no longer issued, Building regulations
the housing stock and loan portfolio financed with
ARAVA loans continue to exist182. Moreover, the Currently in Finland, two main legislations govern
ASP savings and subsidy scheme, in order to aid land use, spatial planning and construction
first-time homebuyers aged 15 - 39, includes activities. The Land Use and Building Act 132/1999
tax-exempt interest and bonus interest on deposits looks in the usage of land areas and the building
saved for purchasing a home with the interest activities conducted on them and aims to create a
subsidies paid for the housing loan183. healthy, safe, comfortable and socially functional
living environment. It includes provisions on town
Additionally, right-of-occupancy housing is a
planning, municipal building ordinances, plot
substitute for rented housing and owner-occupied
division, general building requirements and building
housing. To become entitled, the resident must
permits, among others. It also defines some
make a right-of-occupancy agreement and pay part
provisions related to the carrying out, supervision,
of the purchase price of the apartment as a right-of-
inspection and approval of construction works189.
occupancy payment. The residents continue to pay
The Land Use and Building Act was most recently
a residence charge while living in the apartment184.
amended in 2017 (Act 230/2017). The latter entered
In order to strengthen the position of tenants, the into force in May 2017 and targets streamlining
Finnish government will focus on measures that can planning and construction regulation190.
prevent disproportionate rent increases within the
The building regulations, which relate to the
limits of the current legislation. It will strengthen the
construction of new buildings, are legally binding
position of tenants by amending the Act on Joint
and can also be applied to renovation and alteration
Administration in Rental Buildings, which regulates
works under certain conditions. Conversely,
the decision-making power of residents in state
building guidelines are not compulsory. The Code’s
subsidised rental and right-of-occupancy housing
regulations and guidelines cover general areas (e.g.
the supervision of construction work, manual
maintenance for the care and use of buildings, etc.),
European Construction Sector Observatory 26
Country Fact Sheet Finland
aspects related to the strength of the structure’s, insured for both the construction works and the
insulation (thermal, sound, etc.), energy materials and supplies acquired for the construction
management, structural fire safety, general building activities, to cover the costs related to the repair of
planning and housing planning and building. Last, defects or the surety to the owner if the defects are
the energy consumption of buildings is regulated by not reparable. Furthermore, it is also common for
the National Building Code of Finland, in accordance contractors to take out additional insurances, such
with the Finnish Land Use and Building Act191. as loss-of-profits insurance, liability insurance or
legal expenses insurance194. In terms of the duration
Insurance and liability related of liability, the YSE 1998 conditions provide for a 2-
regulations year guarantee period for buildings, during which
the contractor is obliged to repair defects. Following
In Finland it is mandatory for a contractor to get the expiry of the guarantee period, the contractor
statutory accident insurance, covering occupational remains liable for 10 years after handover in case of
accidents for employees under the Accidents at defects resulting from gross negligence,
Work and Occupational Disease Act (459/2015). uncompleted work, unsatisfactory quality or latent
These contracts mostly include additional insurance defects195.
requirements, such as the requirement for a
construction building, all risk insurance cover to be The Housing Transaction Act 843/1994
taken out by the contractor, etc. Under the Finnish (Asuntokauppalaki), which deliberates the
General Conditions for Building Contracts 1998, the safeguarding of both housing companies196 and
contractor is solely responsible for supervision of consumers (i.e. buyers of housing shares), also
the construction site and must also indemnify it. The forms the insurance and liability framework. It
insurance must also consider subcontracts and the necessitates that security is lodged to protect
employer's procurements. Almost all the insurance against interrupted construction or a defect in the
companies provide personalised construction construction within the liability of seller197. Security
insurance192. provisions should cover dwellings in the
construction stage and post-completion stage,
Insurance products which cover the impairment to hence ensuring that construction and housing
construction materials, personal injury and related transaction contracts are fulfilled198.
property damages are often taken out. Certain
insurance companies also provide packages The security covering the construction phase takes
considering financial damages, such as loss of the form of a bank deposit or a bank guarantee
income. However, the damages caused due to amounting to at least 5.0% of the overall
intentional or negligent actions are not covered193. construction and repair price specified in the
construction project and lasts at least three months
The acquisition of statutory insurance is under the after the approval of the building for use by the
responsibility of employers carrying out municipal authority. The security which covers the
construction work. These include earnings-related post-construction stage takes the form of bank
pension, health insurance pension, unemployment security, corresponds to a minimum of 2.0% of the
insurance and accident insurance. The YSE 1998 total transaction price of shares sold and lasts at
General Terms for Building Contracts (YSE 1998 least 15 months post closure of security for
conditions) require the main contractor to be construction period199.
Current status and national strategies
to meet Construction 2020 objectives
TO 1 – Investment conditions and Figure 10: Investment by the Finnish broad
construction sector between 2010 and 2019
volumes (EUR million)
Total investment by the broad construction
sector200 has increased from 2010 to 2019201.
Particularly, investment by the narrow construction
sub-sector has increased continuously since 2013,
reaching EUR 1.1 billion in 2019202. This is 49.6%
higher than 2010 levels. Likewise, investment by the
real estate activities sub-sector reached EUR 18.5
billion in 2019203, representing 16.2% growth from
2010 levels. Source: Eurostat, 2021.
• development of rail traffic on the rail communications network, EUR 1.37 billion, would
section Oulu-Laurila-Tornio-Haparanda, for be allocated to the basic transport infrastructure
which the Ministry of Transport and management of roads, railways and waterways228.
Communications requires EUR 1.6 million The Ministry of Transport and Communications
(total budget: EUR 3.2 million); and also proposed that an appropriation of EUR 28.5
• Finnish non-state actors are also applying million be allocated to projects promoting walking
for CEF financial assistance amounting to and cycling and to projects improving the
EUR 12.27 million. These projects are operational environment for public transport in
primarily related to the need for shoreside local government229.
electricity to be available at TEN-T ports by An appropriation of EUR 6.0 million is proposed to
the end of 2025. be allocated for supporting purchases of electric
These projects are estimated to be completed by cars and conversions of passenger vehicles. The aim
December 2023224. of this support is to promote the renewal of the car
fleet so that an increasing number of cars would use
The Finnish government has also announced around
alternative propulsion or fuels and, at the same
EUR 111.0 million of investments for enhancing the
time, harmful emissions from transport would be
country’s infrastructure. Out of this, around
EUR 40.0 million has been planned for investing in
maintenance and repair works of rail and roads in In the 2021 budget, an appropriation of EUR
Finland. Besides this budget, the government also 108.0 million is proposed to be allocated for
proposed a maintenance budget of EUR 40.0 million purchasing and developing public transport
for the annual transport route. Projects to be services. It is proposed that EUR 89.0 million to
financed under the budget mentioned above be allocated for improving the competitiveness
include of a set of rail, road and offshore projects225. of vessels in maritime transport. An
appropriation of EUR 5.0 million is proposed for
Moreover, the Finnish government has set aside
continuing the national broadband project.
EUR 349.0 million for projects in the coming years.
Lastly, an allocation of EUR 19.0 million is
These would include the renewing of safety
proposed for the purchases and development of
equipment and repairs of bridges in Kouvola and
archipelago and ferry transport services231.
Hamina – Kotka railway; Kotolahti’s railyard
expansion; the electrification of the Ylivieska – In accordance with Finland’s third supplementary
Iisalmi and Siilinjärvi – Ruokosuo railways and budget proposal for 2021, a total authorisation of
changes to safety equipment. A third rail on the EUR 268.0 million is proposed for new transport
Ylivieska – Iisalmi railway; a traffic management projects, meaning electrification of the Oulu-
system, safety equipment upgrades and the Laurila-Tornio-Haparanda Digirail link and
renewal of track model and track technical rebuilding of the Kirjalansalmi and Hesselund
structures at Joensuu railyard are also planned226. bridges on Highway 180, together with an increase
of EUR 33.5 million in the authorisation for
In 2021, the Finnish government has proposed a
upgrading the Kouvola–Kotka/Hamina railway line.
total budget authority of approximately EUR
Around EUR 50.0 million in financing of basic road
130.0 million and an appropriation of EUR 13.5
maintenance will also be brought forward from
million for three new transport infrastructure
2022 to the current year232.
projects (lengthening of locks in the Saimaa
Canal, improvement of highway four between As per Finland’s Budget Plan 2022-2025, Finland
Äänekoski and Viitasaari, phase one upgrading submitted a national Recovery and Resilience Plan
of the Tampere Jyväskylä rail connection)227. to the Commission in spring 2021, which outlined
the use of EU Recovery and Resilience Facility
Further in the budget, the government has
funding in Finland. With regards to the green
proposed that EUR 2.1 billion for transport and
transition, investments have been planned such as
communications network, EUR 784 million for
clean energy production, circular economy solutions
transport and communication services and EUR 669
and low-emission innovations, environmental
million to administration and joint expenditure for
the administrative branch. Under the transport and
European Construction Sector Observatory 30
Country Fact Sheet Finland
solutions in the construction sector and support for education budget and the rest is covered by local
e-transport charging infrastructure233. education providers and municipalities244.
Additionally, Finland’s 2021 supplementary budget As per Finland’s NEEAP-4, the energy efficiency
proposal includes an appropriation totalling agreement for local governments, launched in
EUR 111.0 million to alleviate the adverse impacts 2017, extends till 2025. It comprises of local
of the coronavirus on children and young adults. authorities and governments. As per the
Around EUR 40.0 million is proposed for agreement an energy saving target of at least
pre-primary, basic and early childhood education, 7.5% for the year 2025 and an interim target of
around EUR 15.0 million for upper secondary 4% for the year 2020 had been specified256.
education, and EUR 5.0 million for liberal adult
Moreover, in the agreement, the other measures
education and vocational training. A further EUR 4.0
relating to construction and buildings are:
million is proposed for upper secondary funding.
This funding seeks to offset the impacts of • to provide directives for supervising
coronavirus, such a growing learning gap and engineering and construction in new
deterioration in student welfare252. developments and renovations (Article
As Finland has begun implementing a national
sustainable growth programme, the country’s third • to perform comprehensive energy audits,
draft supplementary budget for 2021 will launch including energy audits and follow-up
reforms and investments under the European Union audits in existing buildings, commissioning
Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). The EU audits in new buildings and identification of
funding will be recognised in the budget of Finland energy-saving potential in energy
as the reforms take place. The funding will be consumption other than that of buildings
divided in four pillars, one of which will look into a (Article 5(7)(b)),
higher employment rate and enhanced skills to
• to organize energy consumption monitoring
boost sustainable growth. A total appropriation of
and the related personnel training and
EUR 134.9 million is proposed for reforms to
increase the coverage of monitoring that is
promote employment and skills, of which EUR 30.9
performed on at least a monthly basis in the
million will be budgeted for 2021253.
building stock and in other consumption
TO 3 – Resource efficiency / (Article 5(7)(b)), and
It is expected that the phasing out oil heating in this and has decided to develop a generic emission
buildings will require total investments of about database. The database will include all main types of
EUR 2 billion. Finland will use Recovery and products and materials, sources of energy, modes of
Resilience Facility (RRF) particularly to encourage transportation as well as other processes such as
owners of low-rise residences to phase out oil site operations and waste management265.
heating and to bring forward these investments260.
The measures in place to achieve a carbon neutral
To further support sustainable construction, the society and improve the quality of construction
Finnish Ministry of the Environment launched a comprise of:
project back in 2005 – Energy Efficient Home
• reform of the Land Use and Building Act by
(Energiatehokas koti). It aims to provide objective
preserving municipalities’ monopoly on
information to the constructors of new detached
land use and the land use planning
houses about the choices that will help in achieving,
hierarchy, advance the simplification of the
or getting closer to, zero energy in construction. In
land use planning process and strengthen
other words, the programme aims to promote
municipalities’ land policies
almost zero-energy construction and the objectives
of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive • advancing wood building and low-carbon
(Article 9)261. construction by accelerating
implementation of low-carbon construction
As per a survey conducted in
roadmap, promoting the circular economy
2020, nearly 60.0% of the
in construction, and continuing the wood
respondents would be prepared
building action plan until the end of 2022
to renovate their homes with
energy-efficient upgrades if their • supporting repairs and renovations by
home loan margin was reduced in promoting renovation of the ARA housing
return. Among the respondents stock and improvements
aged 18 to 40, around 70.0% were
• addressing indoor air problems by
in favour262.
continuing the 'Healthy Premises 2028'
Besides, aiming to attain a carbon-neutral society by programme and making the programme
2035, the Finnish Ministry of the Environment has ambitious and examining its target-setting
announced that in conjunction with city authorities, and scope such that it solves indoor air
they are seeking a voluntary agreement to reduce problems more effectively, and by helping
emissions from construction sites. This programme, people affected by indoor air problems266.
generally referred as “the Green Deal”, supports the
Helsinki has been preparing for an ‘Energy
achievement of the emission reduction targets of
Renaissance’ programme which aims to speed up
the Finnish burden-sharing sector and is integrated
energy renovations made in privately-owned
into the social commitment to sustainable
buildings. This will help in minimising the use of
heating energy by a considerable amount in the
The Green Deal aims to make the construction entire building stock by 2035. Moreover, as more
sites fossil-free from 2025 onwards, 20.0% of than 50.0% of emissions in the city come from
which using electricity, biogas or hydrogen as a buildings, the authorities have set a range of clear
source of energy. The government would energy efficiency targets aimed at them. The
require 50.0% of them to be electricity, biogas or authorities have also launched Climate Watch, an
hydrogen from 2030264. online tool that helps in measuring the progress on
Finland is also aiming to achieve a carbon-neutral energy efficiency and other climate initiatives267.
society by 2035. Therefore, it is developing policies Helsinki is also preparing for an ‘Energy
and including legislation for low-carbon Renaissance’ programme which aims to speed
construction. This novel approach comprises of up energy renovations made in privately-owned
normative carbon limits for different building types buildings. This will help in minimising the use of
before 2025. The Finnish Ministry of the heating energy by a considerable amount in the
Environment developed an assessment method for entire building stock by 2035268.
Additionally, the construction regulations specified Corruption risks in Finland’s public procurement
that from 2018, all new buildings must have almost sector are moderate to low. Practices of
zero level of annual energy consumption. With this corruption such as favouritism in the decisions
amendment, Finland implemented the of government officials and diversion of public
requirements of the Energy Performance of funds are rarely perceived by companies278.
Buildings Directive. This directive requires that in
However, a quarter of the businesses surveyed
2021, all new buildings should be almost
believe corruption has prevented their company
zero-energy buildings. In the case of public
from winning a public tender. Informal relationships
buildings, this requirement had already come into
between businessmen and public decision-makers,
force in 2019269.
are also reported to influence procurement
TO 4 – Single Market decisions, especially at the local level. The European
Commission emphasised the need to make public
Performance of Finland in the metrics procurement decisions more transparent, including
of EU Single Market Scoreboard has all construction contracts above EUR 150,000 must
been consistently remarkable. be tendered and companies would be
recommended to implement special due diligence
Finland’s performance regarding the transposition procedures to counter corruption risks in the
deficit stood at 0.1% in 2019, representing an procurement process279.
improvement from the previous tear (0.5%). The
With a broader aim of modernising the country’s
same for the 2019 EU-28270 average stood at 0.6%.
public procurement, in September 2019, the merger
The conformity deficit increased to 1.1% in 2019
of two main procurement bodies (Hansel and
from 0.6% in the previous year, whereas for the
KL-Kuntahankinnat) in Finland took place. This
EU-28271 average, it stood at 1.2%. It experienced an
operation was aimed at establishing a single
improvement in the number of pending cases under
national purchasing body, serving contracting
infringement (12 cases where six cases were new,
authorities at all levels of the government.
and two cases closed) in 2019 compared to 2018
Furthermore, this merger is expected to increase
(eight pending cases). This also lies largely below the
efficiency and centralise procurement expenditure,
EU-28272 average (29 cases). The average case
focusing on larger contracts towards a uniform
duration reached down to 22.5 months, compared
system for public tendering280.
with 27.6 months in the previous year and 34.8
months for the 2019 EU-28273 average. However, TO 5 – International
the country scores slightly lower in terms of
compliance with court rulings (27.6 months) as competitiveness
compared to the EU-28274 average of 29.5 months. Finland ranked 11th out of 141
Finland’s average response time currently complies economies in the 2019 Global
with the 70-day time limit in EU Pilot275. Competitiveness Index, in line with
Finland continues to maintain its excellent the previous year’s ranking281.
performance in terms of Internal Market According to the index, in trade openness, Finland
Information System. Performance was mostly raked the best in prevalence of non-tariff barriers
stable and well above the European Environment (3rd), trade tariffs (7th) and border clearance
Agency (EEA) average in all five indicators. Finland efficiency (8th). On the contrary, it ranked 113th
was also very fast in answering requests, with an complexity of tariffs282.
average of eight days, in comparison with EEA
average (19 days). However, this has reduced in The internationalisation of construction products
comparison with the previous year. Furthermore, and services in the Finnish construction sector
the country’s trade integration in the single market experienced a modest increase over the 2010-2019
for goods is below the EU-28276 average, whereas its period, however, it declined in 2020. Specifically,
trade integration for services is in line with the the export value of all construction-related products
EU-28 average. Finland’s performance in Public reached EUR 1.0 million in 2020, representing 6.5%
Procurement was satisfactory277. and 8.9% decline since 2010 and 2019 respectively.
The share of exports value of all
European Construction Sector Observatory 34
Country Fact Sheet Finland
After witnessing an annual decline of 2.8% in contribute to major share (52.5%) in the total
2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the turnover in 2021, amongst other sub-sectors.
Finnish economy is expected to revive and
In parallel, the number of persons employed in the
register growth post 2021.
broad construction sector is also expected to
The Finnish GDP is expected to grow annually by annually increase by 5.4% to 359,354 in 2021. Most
2.7% in 2021 and 2.8% in 2022, thus reaching of this increase is forecasted to come from the
EUR 236.2 billion. annual increase in the architectural and
engineering activities sub-sector (+8.1%). The
Expected GDP growth in 2021 and 2022 narrow construction sub-sector is expected to
contribute a major share (67.5%) in total number
+2.7% +2.8% of persons employed in 2021.
The Finnish housing market witnessed large
2021 2022 numbers of property sales since 2021 start. The
trend in increasing urbanisation rates coupled with
The volume index of production in the broad increasing household income is expected to drive
construction sector is expected to increase demand of housing in the country in coming years.
annually by 2.0 ip and 3.1 ip in 2021 and 2022 Moreover, the declining interest rates of loans are
respectively. This is expected to be driven majorly also expected to drive the uptake of housing loans.
by annual increases in the volume index of Collectively these indicators along with
construction of civil engineering by 3.1 ip and 3.7 ip government’s efforts of reducing homelessness by
in 2021 and 2022 respectively. The volume index of 2023 and to eliminate it by 2027 through its
construction of buildings is also expected to Housing First programme are expected to boost
increase annually by 0.8 ip and 2.5 ip in 2021 and demand, supply and transaction volumes in the
2022 respectively. housing market in the coming years.
The turnover of the broad construction sector is Moreover, as per the 2022 budget, in order to
projected to increase annually by 5.4% in 2021, strengthen the economic situation in the
reaching a value of EUR 74.6 billion. The narrow construction sector, the government has
construction sub-sector is expected to contribute proposed increasing the level of interest
to major share (59.1%) in the total turnover in subsidy authorisations for state-subsidised
2021, whereas turnover in the architectural and housing production to EUR 1.8 billion. This is
engineering activities sub-sector is expected to EUR 50.0 million more than in the budget for
increase annually by 8.1%, being the highest 2020 (including supplementary budgets). The
among sub-sectors. employment in the construction sector will also
Similarly, the total value added of the broad be supported by increasing the investment
construction sector is expected to increase mandate of the Senate Group enterprises to
annually by 5.6% in 2021, reaching EUR 25.7 billion. EUR 480.0 million292.
This is forecasted to be driven majorly by an annual With regards to non-residential construction and
growth in the value added of the architectural and civil engineering activities, as per Finland’s Budget
engineering activities sub-sector (+8.1%) in 2021. Plan for 2022-2025 the government aims to
The narrow construction sub-sector is expected to revitalise economy through public investment,
such as infrastructure projects, followed by
European Construction Sector Observatory 36
Country Fact Sheet Finland
investments in other sectors. Over the 2022-2025 the second quarter 2020 from the prior
period it is expected to invest EUR 748.0 million for three-month period. The main risk for the
the development and maintenance of the economy continues to be weak global demand for
transport network. its exports, which consist largely of industrial
goods. The government has pushed back its goal to
In order to alleviate the impact of the pandemic
halt debt growth to the end of the decade from an
and help the economy in recovering, the Finnish
initial pre-pandemic target of 2023293.
government had made a deal of EUR 64.2 billion in
September 2020. The revenue is estimated at The government’s measures to revive the
EUR 53.4 billion, leaving the budget EUR 10.8 economy and planned infrastructure projects
billion euros in deficit. Finland appears to have in specific areas provide for an optimistic
endured a smaller economic impact than the euro outlook for the Finnish construction sector.
area on average, with output contracting 4.5% in
1 Please note that this 2020 data is a nowcast - please refer to the methodology notes for further details.
2 Please note that this 2020 data is a nowcast - please refer to the methodology notes for further details.
3 The gross operating rate is the ratio of Gross Operating Surplus to Turnover, and is an indicator of profitability
4 More recent data is not available.
5 Please note that this 2020 data is a nowcast - please refer to the methodology notes for further details.
6 Construction is seeking a new direction,
7 COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Analysis of the recovery and resilience plan of Finland,
8 Please note that this 2020 data is a nowcast - please refer to the methodology notes for further details.
9 Please note that the share of each sub-sector in the value added of the broad construction sector should not be compared to the shares of
the Gross Value Added in the GDP, since the GDP also includes taxes and excludes subsidies
10 Please note that this 2019 data is a nowcast - please refer to the methodology notes for further details.
11 Data unavailable for subsequent years
12 Data unavailable for subsequent years
13 Data unavailable for subsequent years
14 Data unavailable for subsequent years
15 Apparent labour productivity refers to the Gross Value Added per person employed
16 Data unavailable for subsequent years
17 Please note that more recent data for labour productivity in the broad construction sector is not available.
18 Please note that this 2020 data is a nowcast - please refer to the methodology notes for further details.
19 EIB Investment Survey 2020: Finland Overview,
20 Please note that this 2020 data is a nowcast - please refer to the methodology notes for further details.
21 The total does not include buying and selling of own real estate, renting and operating of own or leased real estate, and real estate
activities on a fee or contract basis, since no data is available for this specific activity within the real estate sub-sector.
22 More recent data is not available.
23 The gross operating rate is the ratio of Gross Operating Surplus to Turnover, and is an indicator of profitability
24 More recent data is not available.
25 Please note that this 2020 data is a nowcast - please refer to the methodology notes for further details.
26 More recent data is not available.
27 More recent data is not available.
28 Finland Economy, ecfin_forecast_summer_2020_fi_en.pdf,
29 Coronavirus leads to growing unemployment in Finland,
30 Ibidem.
31 Budget proposal for 2021 provides a route for exiting the COVID-19 crisis,
32 World Bank Group, Doing Business 2020, Economy Profile for Finland,
33 As the publication of the WB Doing Business report 2021 was not available at the time of the writing, this report relies on the data provided
by the 2020 edition
34 World Bank Group, Doing Business 2020, Economy Profile for Finland,
35 Finland - background document of the SME fact sheet 2021,
36 Ibidem.
37 Ibidem.
38 Ibidem.
39 World Bank Group, Doing Business 2020, Economy Profile for Finland,
40 As the publication of the WB Doing Business report 2021 was not available at the time of the writing, this report relies on the data provided
by the 2020 edition
41 EIB Investment Survey 2020: Finland Overview,
88 Ibidem.
89 World Economic Forum, The Global Competitiveness Report 2018-2019
90 Ibidem.
91 Budget Plan For 2022-2025, Finland,
92 Data unavailable for subsequent years.
93 Data unavailable for subsequent years.
94 Data unavailable for subsequent years.
95 Bankruptcies up even before coronavirus crisis,
96 Bankruptcies down despite corona crisis,
97 Ibidem.
98 Number of Finnish companies in bankruptcy decreased so far this year,
99 SME access to finance conditions 2020 SAFE infographic report,
100 SME access to finance conditions 2020 SAFE report,
101 Ibidem.
102 SME access to finance conditions 2020 SAFE infographic report,
103 Ibidem.
104 Ibidem.
105 European Payment Report 2020,
106 Ibidem.
107 Impacts of COVID-19 on the financial situation of employer companies in Finland in March 2020, by sector,
108 World Bank Group, Doing Business 2020, Finland,
109 As the publication of the WB Doing Business report 2021 was not available at the time of the writing, this report relies on the data provided
by the 2020 edition.
110 Doing Business 2019 Report,
111 The warehouse in this example is defined as a structure for general storage activities, with two stories, above ground and with total
constructed area of approx. 1,300 square meters. The ground, on which the warehouse is built is owned by the company that will use it
and valued at 50 times income per capita. There are architectural and technical plans prepared for the warehouse, which are also taken
into account and counted as procedures if their preparation requires obtaining further documentation or getting prior approvals from
eternal agencies. Finally, in this example the warehouse takes 30 weeks to construct, excl. all delays due to administrative and regulatory
112 World Bank Group, Doing Business 2020, Finland,
113 Data for real estate activities not available.
114 Data unavailable for the period 2010-2012
115 Data unavailable for 2020.
116 Finland faces acute workforce shortage, eyeing experts from Southeast Asia,
117 Monthly unemployment rate in Finland from January 2019 to July 2020,
118 37 occupations with shortage of workers in Finland,
119 Finland faces acute workforce shortage, eyeing experts from Southeast Asia,
120 Dubbed as 'world's happiest country', Finland seeks migrants to solve workforce crisis,
121 Aging Finland seeks to attract skilled immigrants,
122 Helsinki Times, Three-quarters of Finnish firms affected by labour shortage, reveals survey, September 2021.
123 EIB Investment Survey 2020: Finland Overview,
124 As the EU-27 average data was not available, the EU-28 average was used for comparative purpose
125 As the EU-27 average data was not available, the EU-28 average was used for comparative purpose
126 Data not available for subsequent years
127 As the EU-27 average data was not available, the EU-28 average was used for comparative purpose
128 European Commission, Country Report Finland 2020,
129 Appendix table 1. Municipal waste 2019, tonnes,
130 From recycling to a circular economy The National Waste Plan 2030,
131 New Waste Act 2021 in Finland – stricter reporting requirements call for effective material flow management,
132 From Recycling to a Circular Economy National Waste Plan to 2023,
133 Data not available for subsequent years
134 Appendix table 1. Waste generation by industry, 2019, 1,000 tonnes,
135 See more information at
136 Data for 2020 unavailable.
137 Greenhouse gas emissions decreased by 9 per cent,
138 Finland’s long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategy,
139 The Continuous Growth and Savings scenarios describe alternative pathways to achieve the emission reduction target set by Finland and
the European Union by 2050
140 Finland’s long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategy,
141 European innovation scoreboard 2021,
142 Ibidem
143 Data not available for 2020.
144 Data not available for 2020.
145 Data for subsequent years.
146 Data regarding business enterprise R&D expenditure in the real estate activities was not available for the years subsequent to 2012
147 A Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) is a unit to measure employed persons in a way that makes them comparable, although they may work a
different number of hours per week. The unit is obtained by comparing an employee’s average number of hours worked to the average
number of full-time workers. A full-time person is therefore counted as one FTE, while a part-time worker gets a score in proportion to the
hours worked.
148 Data not available for 2020.
149 Data not available for 2020.
150 Data for subsequent years.
151 The 2020 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard,
152 SAFE Report 2020,
153 The Eco-Innovation Scoreboard and The Eco-Innovation Index,
154 Ibidem.
155 As the EU-27 average data was not available, the EU-28 average was used for comparative purpose.
156 As the EU-27 average data was not available, the EU-28 average was used for comparative purpose.
157 As the EU-27 average data was not available, the EU-28 average was used for comparative purpose.
158 Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2020 Finland,
159 As the EU-27 average data was not available, the EU-28 average was used for comparative purpose.
160 Ibidem.
161 EIB Investment Survey 2020: Finland Overview,
162 Ibidem.
163 Ibidem.
164 As the EU-27 average data was not available, the EU-28 average was used for comparative purpose.
165 As the EU-27 average data was not available, the EU-28 average was used for comparative purpose.
166 As the EU-27 average data was not available, the EU-28 average was used for comparative purpose.
167 As the EU-27 average data was not available, the EU-28 average was used for comparative purpose.
168 EIB Investment Survey 2020: Finland Overview,
169 BIM Europe: adoption and implementation levels – PART 2,
170 BIM Europe: adoption and implementation levels – PART 2,
171 How BIM is Revolutionizing Building Control in Finland,
172 BIM Europe: adoption and implementation levels – PART 2,
173 New hospital in Finland uses BIM to involve staff in design process,
174 ARA implements Finland's housing policy,
175 ARA develops,
218 Investment Plan results, Breakdown of results by country and sector from the European Fund for Strategic Investments,
219 Investment Plan: Finland,
220 Finland and the EIB.
221 European Commission, Country Report Finland 2020,
222 Finland: City of Turku and EIB sign EUR 150 million financing agreement,
223 Turku Urban Infrastructure,
224 Finland applies for EU financial assistance for several transport projects,
225 Infrastructure Investments for Finland in 2019,
226 Ibidem
227 Budget proposal for 2021 provides a route for exiting the COVID-19 crisis,
228 Budget of Finnish Ministry of Transport & Communications to be €3.54B,
229 Ibidem.
230 Ibidem.
231 Ibidem.
232 Government agrees third supplementary budget proposal for 2021,
233 Finland’s Budget Plan 2022 2025,
234 Data unavailable for 2020.
235 Data unavailable for 2020.
236 Data unavailable for 2020.
237 Data unavailable for 2020.
238 Education and training monitor 2020 – Finland,
239 Vocational education and training in Finland: short description,
240 Data not available for subsequent years.
241 Data not available for subsequent years.
242 Education and training monitor 2020 – Finland,
243 Ibidem.
244 Ibidem.
245 Ibidem.
246 Finland: fewer VET graduates and reduced international mobility,
247 Finland: Compulsory education extended to upper secondary education, including VET,
248 Finland: fewer VET graduates and reduced international mobility,
249 Education and training monitor 2020 – Finland,
250 Ibidem.
251 European Commission, Country Report Finland 2020,
252 Government agrees third supplementary budget proposal for 2021,
253 Ibidem.
254 Energy Efficiency Agreements,
255 Finland’s National Energy Efficiency Action Plan NEEAP-4,
256 Ibidem
257 Ibidem
258 Ibidem
259 European Commission, Recovery and Resilience Plan 2021- Finland.
260 Ibidem.
261 Energiatehokas koti -hanke,
262 Construction with green finance helps against climate change,
263 Finland starts targeting emissions in the Construction Sectors,
264 Ibidem
265 Reduced carbon footprints of buildings: new Finnish standards and assessments,
266 3.1.1 Housing policy,
267 Helsinki to unleash energy efficiency potential in buildings,
268 Ibidem.
269 Ministry of the Environment, The National Building Code of Finland.
270 As the EU-27 average data was not available, the EU-28 average was used for comparative purpose
271 As the EU-27 average data was not available, the EU-28 average was used for comparative purpose
272 As the EU-27 average data was not available, the EU-28 average was used for comparative purpose
273 As the EU-27 average data was not available, the EU-28 average was used for comparative purpose
274 As the EU-27 average data was not available, the EU-28 average was used for comparative purpose
275 Finland - The Single Market Scoreboard - European Commission,
276 As the EU-27 average data was not available, the EU-28 average was used for comparative purpose
277 Ibidem
278 Finland Corruption Report, September 2020,
279 Ibidem.
280 European Commission, Country Report Finland 2020,
281 The Global Competitiveness Report 2019,
282 Ibidem.
283 Data not available for subsequent years.
284 Inward FATS describe the overall activity of foreign affiliates resident in the compiling economy. A foreign affiliate within the terms of
inward FATS is an enterprise resident in the compiling country over which an institutional unit not resident in the compiling country has
285 Data unavailable for subsequent years.
286 Data unavailable before 2012 and after 2018.
287 Data unavailable for subsequent years.
288 Data unavailable before 2015 and after 2018.
289 Data unavailable before 2013 and after 2017.
290 Business Finland Into funding service (Innovaatio-osaaminen kasvun tueksi - INTO),
291 Finland - background document of the SME fact sheet 2021,
292 Budget proposal for 2021 provides a route for exiting the COVID-19 crisis,
293 Finland Strikes Deal on $76 Billion Expansionary Budget for 2021,