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No. 36033/1/2013-Estt. (Res.

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel &Training

North Block, New Delhi,

Dated: September 13, 2017


Subject: Revision of income criteria to exclude socially advanced persons/sections

(Creamy Layer) from the purview of reservation for Other Backward Classes

The undersigned is directed to invite attention to this Department's Office

Memorandum No. 36012/22/93-Estt. (SCT) dated 8 th September, 1993 which, inter-alia,
provided that sons and daughters of persons having gross annual income of 1 lakh or
above for a period of three consecutive years would fall within the creamy layer and
would not be entitled to get the benefit of reservation available to the Other Backward
Classes. The aforesaid limit of income for determining the creamy layer status was
subsequently raised to 2.5 lakh, 4.5 lakh and 6 lakh vide this Department's OM No.
36033/3/2004-Estt. (Res.) dated 09.03.2004, OM No. 36033/3/2004-Estt. (Res.) dated
14.10.2008 and OM No. 36033/1/2013-Estt. (Res.) dated 27.05.2013 respectively.

2. It has now been decided to raise the income limit from 6 lakh to 8 lakh per
annum for determining the creamy layer amongst the Other Backward Classes.
Accordingly, the expression "! 6 lakh" under Category VI in the Schedule to this
Department's aforesaid O.M. dated 8 th September, 1993 would be substituted by "' 8

3. The provisions of this office memorandum have effect from 1 st September, 2017.

4. All the Ministries/Departments are requested to bring the contents of this office
memorandum to the notice of all concerned.

(Debabrata Das)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Ph: 2304 0279

1. All the Ministries/Departments of the Government of India.
2. Department of Financial Services, New Deihi.
3. Department of Public Enterprises, New Delhi.
4. Railway Board, New Delhi.
5. Union Public Service Commission/Supreme Court of India/Election Commission
of India/Lok Sabha Secretariat/Rajya Sabha Secretariat/Cabinet Secretariat/Central
Vigilance Commission/President's Secretariat/Prime Minister's Office/Niti Aayog.
6. Staff Selection Commission, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi.
7. Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi.

8. National Commission for Scheduled Castes/National Commission for Scheduled

Tribes, Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi.
9. National Commission for Backward Classes, Trikoot-1, Bhikaji Cama Place, R.K.
Puram, New Delhi.
10. Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, 10 Bahadur Shah Jafar
Marg, New Delhi-110002.
11. Director General, Press Information Bureau, National Media Centre, 7E Raisina
Road, New Delhi — with a request to give wide publicity to this OM
12. The NIC, DoPT with a request to upload it at the website of this Department in
OMs &Orders > Estt. (Res.) > SC/ST/OBC and in 'What's New'

Copies forwarded to:

The Chief Secretaries of all the States/Union Territories for information and
necessary action.

(Debabrata Das)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
_Me gdrAZIreParAr.r7r71.7.7

•- _

**-*4, 4,

New Delhi, Dated ; the 14 th October, 2004

The Chief Secretaries of all the States /Union Territories.

Subject: Clarifications regarding creamy layer amongst OBCs.

I am directed to invite your attention to the Schedule to this Department's GM

N9.36012/32/93-(SCT) dated 8 th September, 1993 which contains the criteria to
deterrnine the creamy layer amongst the OBCs. In regard to the children of the
persons in civil services of the. Central and the State Governments, it provides that
son(s) and daughter(s) of:

(a) parents, both of whOm are directly recruited Class I/Group A officers;

(b) pa:-,-nts, either of whom is a directly recruited Class I/Group A officer:

(c) parents, both of whom are directly recruited Class I/Group A officers, but
one of them dies or suffers pernianentincapacitation;

(d) parents, either of whom is a directly recruited Class I/Group A officer and
such parent dies or suffers permanent incapacitation and befate such
death or such incapacitation has had the benefit of employment in any
International Oreainsalion like UN, IMF. World Bank, etc. for a period of
not less than 5 years;

(e) parents, both of whom arc directly recruited Class I/G.roup A officers and
both of them -die or stiffer permanent - incapacitation and before such
or such incapacitation of the both, .either of them has. had the benefit of
employment in any International Org -ainsation like UN, IMF, World
Bank, etc. for a period of not less than 5 years;

parents both. of whom are directly recruited Class II/Group B officers; .

parents of whom only the: husband is a directly recruited Class IY /Group
B officer and he gets into Class l//Group A at the age of 40 or earlier;
,,. .:1—,.,2A9VARKIWISIIMITKIIWAERAM POSM0 nunotamo•rtniFeerhnues• ••••••••••••••••••■••••—..

parents, both of whom are_directly recruite
and one of them dies or suffers permanentd Class II/ Groupp B
them has had officers
the benefit of employment in incapacitation
like any International O
d either of
an rganisation
World Bank, etc. for a period .of not less than 5 years:
(i) parents of 'whOm
or pre forty the husband is a Class
I/ Group A officer (direct recruit
B officer promoted) and the wife is a directly recruited Class II /Grou
and the wife dies; or suffers p
permanent incapacitation; .an a l
parents, of whom wife is a Class I/Group A officer (Direct Recruit or pre,.
forty promoted) .and the husband is a directly
- recruited Class Il/Grou.p B
officer and the husband dies or suffers permanent incapacitation
shall be treated as falling in creamy layer.

The Schedule further provides that sons and daug.hters of:

parents either of whom or both of whom are
I/Group A officer
directly recruited C
incapacitation ; (s) and such parent(s) dies/die or suffers/suffer permanent

parents both of whom are directly recruited Class II/Group B officers and
one of them dies or suffers permanent incapacitation;
. parents
both of them
both y recruitClass II/Group B officers and
of whin arc directled
them has , ad or suffer permanent incapacitation even though either of
benefit of employment -in
like UN, IMP,
World Bank, etc. for a period any International Organisation
of not
their death or perma.nent incapacitation less than 5 years before

shall not r)e treated to be falling in creamy layer. -

The criteria prescribed
daughters of persons in Government
for determining creamy layer status of sons and
and daughters of persons holding equivalent or rnutatis
minandis applies to the sons
Insurance posts
Organisations, posts in PS-Us, 13anks,
comparable and positionsUniversities etc. .and. also holding equivalent or

of theon
sons and daughters under private employment. The creamy layer status
posts equivalent or compof employees of organizations where evaluatio
basis of ealth Tesarable basis has not been made n of the
prescribes in given in the is determined on the
that the sons and daughters of persons having gross annUalWealth Test
Sehedule. The Income/
Rs.2.5 lakh or above or possessing wealth above the exemption limit as inc ome of
in the Wealth Tax Act for a period of three consecutive years would be treated to
all in creamy layer. An explanation is given below the Income/Wealth Test which
provide:, that 'income from salaries or a eficit I tura! land shall not be clubbed.'

Following-question's have been raised from time to time about the application
of the.above provisions to determine creamy layer:

(i)Will the sons and daughters of parents either of whom or both of whom
are. directly recruited Class 1/Group A officer(s) and such parent(s)
dies/die or su flersIsuffer permanent incapacitation after retirement be
treated to be excluded from the creamy layer?

the sons and daughters of parents both of whom are directly recruited
Class II/Group B officers- and one of them dies or suffer permanent
incapacitation after retirement be treated to be excluded from the creamy

(iii)Will the sons and daughters of parents both of whom are directly
recruited Class 1I/Group 13 officers and both of them die or suffer
permanent .incapacitation'after -rctirement"even though either of them has
had got the benefit of employment in any International Organisation like
UN, IMF, World Bank, etc. for a- period of not less than 5 years before
their death or permanent incapacitation be treated to be excluded from the
purview of creamy laver?

(iv)Will the sons and daughters of parent(s) who retire from the service on
the basis of which their sons and daughters fail in creamy layer, continue
to fall in creamy layer after retirement of the parent(s)?

(v) Will the sons and daughters of parents of whom husband is direcHy
recruited' Class III/Grout C of Class IV/Grolip employee and he Reds
into Class I/Group 'A at the age of 40 or earlier be treated to be failing in
creamy layer?

(vi)Will a candidate who himself is a directly recruited Class I/Group . A

officer or a directly recruited Class II/Group B officer who got into Class
I/Group A at the age of 40 or earlier be treated to be failing in creamy
laver on the baSiS of his service status?

(vii)Will a candidate who has gross annual income of Rs.2.5 lahh or above or
possesses wealth above the exemrkion limit as prescribed in the Wealth
Tax Act for a period of three consecutive years - be treated to fall in
creamy layer?

(viii)The instructions provide that a lady bclonginz to OBC category who
has got married to a directly recruited Class liGroup A officer.shall not be
treated as falling in creamy layer on the basis of her marriage. Will a man
belonging to OBC category who is married to a directly recruited Class
I/Group 'A: officer be treated as falling in creamy layer on the basis of
his marriage?

(ix)How will be the Income/Wealth Test apply in ease of sons and daughters
of parent(s) employed in P.s us etc. in :.which equivalence or comparability
of posts has not been established vis-a-vis posts in the Government?

(x)What is the scope of the explanation, 'InCoinc_, from salaries or agricultural

land shall not be clubbed, given below the Income! Wealth Test?

,5. It is clarified in regard to clauses fi), (ii) - and (iii) of para 4 that the sons and
daughters- of

(a) parents either of whom or bbth of whom are directly recruited Class
I/Group A officer:) and such parent(s) dies/die o; sufferslsuffer permanent
incapacitation while in service;

(b) parents both of whom are directly•recruited Class 11/Group B officers and
one of them dies or suffers permanent incapacitation 1.vhile. in service;

(c) parents both of whom are directly recruited Class II/Group B officers and
bOth of them die or suffer permanent ineapacitatibt:Nsvhile in service, even
thOugh 'either of them has had the 'benefit of employment in any
International Organization i.ike UN:INIF, World Bank, etc. for a period of
not leSs than 5 years before their death or permanent incapacitatiOn

are not treated to be falling in creamy layer. But ; if the parent(s) diesidie or
suffers/suffer permanent incapacitation in such cases after retirement frOm service,
Lis/their sons and daughters would be treated to be falling in creamy laver and
would not get the benefit of reservation.

6. In regard to clause (iv) of pa.ra 4, it is clarified that sons and daughters of

parents who are included in the creamy layer on the ba_sis of s.ervicc status of their
parents shall continue to be treated in creamy layer even if their parents have retired
or have died after retirement.

of para 4, it is clarified that the sons and daughters of
*-Irrregard to clause (v) .
parents of whom only the husband is a directly recruited Class II/Group B officer
who gets into Class I/Group A at the age of 40. or earlier are treated to be in creamy
layer. If the father is directly recruited Clas- s III/Group C or Class IV/Group D
employee and he gets into Class I/Group A at the age of 40 or earlier, his sons and
daughters shall not be treated to be falling in creamy layer.

In regard to clauses (vi), (vii) and (viii) of para 4, it is clarified that the
creariiy layer status of a candidate is determined on the basis of the - status of his
parents and not on the basis of his own status or income or on the basis of.status or
income of insiher spouse. Therefore. while determining.the creamy layer status of a
person the status or the income of the candidate himself or of his/her spouse shall
not be taken, into account.
In regard to clause (ix) of para 4, it is clarified that the creamy layer status of
sons and daughters of .persons employed in organizations where equivalence or
comparability of posts vis--Yis- posts in Government has not been evaluated is
determined as follows:
Income of the parents. from the salaries and from the other sources
[other than salaries and agricultural land] is determined separately.
If either the income of the parents from the salaries or the income of
the parents from other sources [other than salaries and agricultural(
land] exceeds the limit of Rs.2.5 lakh per annum for -a period ofthree
and daughters of such persons shall be
consecutive years, the sons
treated to fall in creamy layer. But the sons and daughters of parents
whose. income from salaries is less than Rs. 2.5 lakh per - in.riurn and
income from other sources is also less than Rs.2.5 laith per annum
will not be -treated as falling in crcnmy layer even if the sum of the
the incorn,:i from the other sources is more -
income from salaries and years.
than Rs.2.5 lakh per annum for a period of three consecutive
It may be noted that Income from agricultural land is not taken into
account while applying the Test.
is clarified that while applying the
10. In regard to clause (x) of para 4, it ire
Income/Wealth Test to determine creamy layer status of any candidate as given
Category-VI of the Schedule to the GM, income from the salaries and income from
land shall not be taken into account It means that if income from
the agriCultural .
of any candidate is more. than P. 2.5 Inkb per annum, income
salaries of the parents lakh per annum, but income from other
from agricultural land is 'more than Rs. 2.5
2:5 lakh per annum, the cLinc(iclate shall not be treated to be
sources is less than Rs
falling in creamy layer on the basis of incomcf\Vnith Test provided Ills parent(s)
, geilr.40?2011194INFIA IMMIgtViPmffixonetwac.rorsnaaaramme.

do riot possess wealth above the exemption limit as prescribed in the

Act for a period of three consecutive years.

11. You are requested to bring the contents of this letter to all
concerned in the

Yours faithfully,

. Verma)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
Copy to:-
1. Ministries /Departments of Govt. of India
2. Department of Economic Affairs (Banking Division), New Delhi
3. Department of Economic..Affairs„(Insuranees-Division), New Delhi
Department of Public Enterprises, New Delhi,
5. Railway Board,
6. Union Public Service Commission / Supreme Court of India / Election
Commission / Lok. Sabha. Secretariat / Rajya Sabha Secretariat / Cabinet
Secretariat / Central Vigilance' Commission President's Secretariat /
Prime Minister's Office I Planning Commission/ National Commission
for Backward Classes.
7, Staff Selection Commission, COO Complex., Lodi Road, Nev.., Delhi.
Office of the Comptroller cr'. Auditor General of Indii; 10, ..Bahadur Shah
Zalar Marg, Nev Delhi.

With the request - to bring the contents of this letter to the notice of all
~ ...'".'••.•..
.<~..••'.'....'.".'.. .-.....;.".;- .... :~.

,Ho .. 360l2/22/93-&tt. (SC!)

Government of India
Ministry of Per sonne L, Pub lie Grievances & Pensd.ons
( Departm~1t of Per$onnel & Training)
I 1~e~1De l.11i the 8th September 93
~ ..<~\

SUbject : Reservation for Other Ba ckva rd Clas ses in Civil

Posts and 3eTvices under the Government of
India - Regardin:s.
t • '0 •

The' undersi7ned is directed to refer' to this

t;epartment's OIlH .. NOe 36C)J.2/31/90-Estt. (SCT), dated the 13th
au ~-ust, 1990 and 25th sept ember , 1991 rega:cd~ng reservation'
fo r 80ci&lly and Educationa lly BaCkVi~i'd C~dS8S 'in Civil Post s
and Sel'vices unde r the Go vernment of Ind.ia and to say tha t
follovl:ing the ,Supreme Court judgement in the Indi:.~a' Sallh.o.ey
and others' v«, Union of India and others' ca se (;j':i.'it Petition
(Civil) Np~ 930 of 1990) the Government of India appointed an
,iQ';pert COmmittee to ~ecotJ1_~end tho crite£:ia for e;x.clusion of the
s; ~ially advanced;"pe:t'sons/s~ac'Gions from the benefits of
r'e sez-vat Lnn s for Othel' .i3ack';.:a,:·'d Clc.sses in civil post s and
ser vdces under the Gov8J-nmsm:; of Indiac
2c Consequerrt to the consideration of the £~pe:rt
Gom8ittee r-eco.amendataons this Depa.:rtwent I s Office
Hemol'andum No. 360l2/31/90-:i:Iistt .. (,.,cr1:), d.aifed 13. 8~90 I'efe:rred
to, Ln pax-a (1) above is hel'b-oy modified to provide as f'oLl.owst
(a) 27% (t~a~ty severn per cent) of the ~acancies
in .civil posts 2na. services under the Gove::::'nment
of Ind;i..a, to be filled dil'ect rec:cuitment"
sha 11 be re S'3I"';:dd fo~~ the Other Ba ckwa rd Class 8S~
Detailed inst:.:uctions :celoting tq the procedure
to '\:l8_ .followed' fo~' enfoj:cin:~ reserVa.tion '!,·.rillbe

issu 8d sepa:i."a.t.?J-Y. ' . .

Candid.::ites 'belonGing to OBCs";cecTuited on the'
.b2 sis of ill;.:!:: it in &.n open competiti,on the on
I.?~_ .. . Sdme s-Cclndal'as. pres cI'ibed fQ;r the gene:::'al
es .

.; ;,
c=,nc~idat sha 11 not be ~(ljust ad against the
1'6Servdtio1.1 CillOta of 27%.· .
(o)(i) The afo:resa1d xesej,'tion sh.a 11 not apply to
pe:cso~ls/section8 mentioned in column 3 of the
Scheduled to t.tUS office in.~mo:::.'andum$
(ii) The rule of exclusion will not apply to p8::,sons
vJorkin:~, as a:ctis64ns engaged in hereditdry
oc~u:pat:ion~1 _ c8.l1~ngs. .A list of such 0 ccqpa~i2ns,
ca..Llln::;s '\,vl.ll be l.~sued s~parately by the.,}"UD1SvI'Y
of vJelfdre~ .

(d) The OBOs for the purpose of the aforesaid .reservation '
vrouId ?omprise ~ in the first phase; the ca~tes ~nd
eommnru.ti 35 ar e commonto bot.h the s ill
the report ~f the l'bno.a.l Commission and the StatE:
Governments I Lists •. A list of such castes and
comaunities is being issued separat eIy by the
Hinistry of -vJc:lfare~

(e) The afOTesaid res~rv~tion shall take immediate eff~ct~

However , thi S \11111not apply. to v?cancies "TherE:the. '\._
recruitment process has a Lre ady been initiated prior
to the issue of this order.
3c Sirnila!~·instructions in respect 01' public sector
tlno_ert8.kin:,s and financ ial in~ti tutions iric luding pub lic
sector banks will be issued by the Department of Public
Ent(;3rprises and by the _}unistry· of Finance respectively
effective from the date of this Office 143morandum •. ,
(Hindi version will follow) •

. ~\_~'p~.
( smt. sarita Pr a sad )
Joint Secretary to the Gcvernment of India

All Ministries/Departments of Government of India
Copy: . .' .\
Department of Public:Enterprises f It is requested that
Nevl Delhi. 1 the sad.d instructions
! may be issued in
, respect of PSUs,
. 20 l~nistry of Finance (Bap$ing & ! Pub La c Sector' Banks & .
Insurance Divisions), I Insurance Corporations.
New Delhi ..
.» --;to

. _ . f-.';~

Des cr-Lpc Lon of catego:..'Y
._-----_._. __
To whom rule
. --_---------- ----.'_
of exclusion wi.ll apply
'~----'--'----'--- -.--------.---.-----------------.-.~--.------.-----------_._---
I Sones) and daughter(s} o!
!I (a) Pre sident of India;
(b ) Vice Pre sident of India;
(c) -Iudges of the 5upreme Court and' of the
H;lgh Courts;
(d) -Ohai:rman & Members of UP3G and of the
t state Public Service COUlInission Chief i"
Election Commissioner i C::Offipt:rol.
er &
Auditor General of Inaia;
I (e ) persons ho Ld.lng Constitutional positions or
like nature ..
A. Group i)./Cl.;!ss I of'f Lcer s of the All India Central aen(s) and daughter(s) of
and Etat-e--ServiC-;s (til'ed; Reauit-sT---~----'--
._---_...-_. (a) parents, both of whom are Class I officers;
(b) parents, either of whom is a Class I officer;
(c) parents, both of whom are Class I officers,
but one of them ~s or suffers permanent
incapacitation. .
(d) parents, either of whom is a Class I officer
and such paTent dies or suffers permanent
incapacitation and ·before such deat h or such
L~capacitation has had the benefit of
employment in any Inte:rnationa,l Organisation
-like UN HIF, \klrld Bank', etc.~.for a period
of not ess 'than 5 y ear s •.
\ ~\ c, );: T \ ,

," ~. ,-. ) ,
-. i -.!
.1 ::'1 ,-
,\. \

(e) parents, both of whomar s Class I o.friceTs die

or Suffer pel'IUahent incapacitation and befoI'e such
death or such incnpacit2ti~n of the both, either
of them has had the benefit of employment ill. any
Intel'national Organisation like UN, DW, lvorld
Ba.nk, etc. for a pel'ind of not less than 5 years.
Provided that the rUle of exclusion sha.ll not
apply in the fol101'ling cases:

(a) Sons and daughters of parents either of whom

or both of whom ar-e Class_I officers and such
parent (s ) dteS/die or Suffer permanent
incapacitation •.

(b) ll. lady belonGing to OBCcatetiOl'Y has got

B_ Group B/Cldss II ol'fic8:Cs of the C'.::ntt'al & married to a Class_I offtcsr, and mQy he:rs~~lr
likE, to apply for a ,i ob ,
~1~2:r-Vi ce-s- -0':173 ct;-Re'C:rillmen t ) :-~----_
......--.".--.-- ..... -.-- ..... -----.,-- '_-_ -.---------.,~
-.--~.-- Son('13) and daU2,'ht81' (s) of
(a) parents
(l:j )
both or whom a~e Glass II Officers.
parents PI' whomonly el18 hUsband Is a Class II
officer and he gets into C~ass I at the age
of 40 or earlier.
parents both of whom8:;:02 Class II officers
.and one' of them or SUffers permanent
incapacitation Eind eith,'+r one of them has h8.d
the benefit of employment in any Internatioflc! 1
Ol"ganisc.1tion lilee UN, IlvlF, ii/arId Bank, etc. tor
a period of not less than 5 Y8ars befo.l'B such
death a? permanent incapacit8tion~

.- 3--

(d) par errts of whomthe husband is a Class I orr Lcer

(direct recruit or pre-forty promotad) and the
,. ....
Iife is a Class II oI'f Lcer and the wife does; or
suffers per-manent incapacitation and .
(e) parents, of whomthe vlife is a Class I officer (Dil'act
Recruit or pre-forty promoted) and the husband is a
Class II officer and the husband dies or suffers
permanent incapacitation.
Provided that the rule of exclusion shall not apply
in the following cases:
Sons and daughters of
(a) Parent s both of whom ar e Cla·ss II officers and
one of them dies or ~uffers permanent incapacitation.
Sons and daughters of
(a) Parents, both of whom are Class II officers and
both of them die or''ger"per-manent incapacitation,
even though either Of-them.has had the benefit of
employment in any I'nte rns.t LonaL Organisation like
UN, 1MF', ~ibrld Bank} etc. for a period of not less
than 5 years bafo~e thdir death or permanent
The criteria enumerated in A & B above in this Category
will ctpply :mutatis llll.ltandY·to officel's holding equivalent
~omparable posts in P3Us, banks, Insurance Organisa-
tions, Universities, etc. and ---"'8:1so to
8C.iUrval;:;nt or comparable posts and

. - .-_
1. ~~- ~.." -- ,.._ -.......
, -, _ .....
.~_·a , ,....•.
..........--;._ ''''''.1 '__'~.-.,
... _ .•. ~ ' ...... _., ...... -lo·.·..

. .." .....
_." .. .__ '. - " -. - '.



S01)(8) and daughter(s) .of

parents either or both{Whom is or ore
in the rank of Colonel and above
in the "om" ane to .""i vaIent Po_ts in
tloe lIav,!
Para and the
Military Air Porc" and the

(1) ii tl'e Wife of an .. emcd Porces

Officel- is hc::rself in the
hrmea Forces ( t , e, , the category
uneler consi(.!erat·iOn) the rule o.f
exclus.~on h'.1:11CJ[)pl".·onJ~; hlhen she
COJonel; has reachec; the rank of

(ii) the se"VIce ranks below COlonel

of husban,:] a'n~; wife Shall 110t
be clubbec: togethert

(iii) is: the vlife" of an offic(~~:t.-

in the> '.r, ;ec1 ForCes is' in
civi1 emploYn12nt, this wi11 not
b2 t<.lk;o?IJ into C1(~c·.'clOt
a~;.pI~':U19 ~:;)e C.112 '.-)f ~"xcl USion
unles,'3 slle fa].ls .i.n tl~E~
s::_rv.lC,o, category UlJcer item
No. XI in wh:ich case the ct'.ii:'~T:ii]
an,.: CO.'.1C;itions
__. t.
t-v...... ~'.
en'-:mEJ:cli:cc.7 tll,,,,t'-;.ltJ.
T."; 11 ~")D1" to her i,!1c;e:pen..::em:.r.y'_
1. 2. -
-------------- .--~------~----------------------------------
s- 3.

IV PHOPE.sSIOi\l~:':U (;L::.~S 1,·'.l.JD ':!:'H03EI:N~~',(_~LD

'r&J):; ~:J.1D IN:"'"TTS'l'LY
.- ..- _ ...--_ - --"_- -~--.. ._-:::---_.:;

(I)? 2:rSQI1Sen':jagul in ..Q:rofession as a doctor I

.1<lwyer chLlrb::rea .'\.ccount~n·t, Income_Tax

Crlteria spaclfied 'against
CQnsul·tan:.L...:_fj.nanc j al or management Category v.!: will apply~ _ .
cClm:>u1 tant " L·· t" _i_ surgeonJ engineer l
or-ell i t~c·h.S.9']i=''llter spee_:j..~:l"i_s..£/_filfil~r~.E.
and other fill pr-ofessiona.jluthor t ....tih?..Y}'!.riqhtt

~'por-ts ]:H..:cSOQ....._Spot_ts profess' cnal, m~

professional cr an',; other v_ocation~._o.t_~
st.atus}·· "

Crit:.eria specified as;ainst category

vi "Jill u.;::>pl..l;; .
(i) -V,/here
-the r.uaband is in some
profession and the wife is in
a Class II or
lower grade
emplo::i"!.:ent,the inco'~ie/weaH:h
test will apply only on the
bas is of tJ.-,enusbane; IS Lncoma,

(ii) If the wite is in an" l::lrofession

and the husband is i~ emploY:;'ent
in a Class II or lower r-an.: post,
then ·the /w~lth criterion
1;lill alJply only' on the bas i1'l of
the wilEe, s income and the 'nuaband' s
income wili not;' be clubbed withit.

-----'--- .... -
..._ .•.. ---,---
~I.. Son(s) and dauqbter(s) dif persons
be1onqin'] to a. familY(£<1ther,
mother and minor ch t Ldr en ) wbich owns

(a). only irrigated land Wllich is

equ<1l to or more tha( 85% of the.
statutory ceiling area, or

(b) both irriga·t2d an." unirrigated

land, as f0110"n3;
The rul.2· of exchlsion wj.ll
where the ~,re-condi tion oxLst.s ·toat
the irrigated area (havin<;:jbeen
br ouqh t; to a single tyP(? under a'
common denominator) 405{'or more of
.the it s ta tutor::; ceiling IiI dt for
irr iga tEd land (this be ing ce.Lcu Late<."
by excluding the unirrigGted portion)~
If this pr ..::-conc1ition or not Le-as thun
'10.:~exists, ·then onli the area of
unirri.;;;ated land will be taken into
a cco unt., T'~is will b.; cone; by
conv2rtin.:; the un:Lrrigat,·d land on the
basis of the conversion :cormula
-ex Lst.Lnq, into the irrignteC. t.~Y;Je.
The irriga tc'C:~ ar2a so computed from
unirric::ated laile, s'heL'l. be a(,:1.-,,(:;
to the
actual C[rea of irri3at2'::_' land. cDc! if
aft",.>:: such c1ub0:L.'1(':i tOf;Jctiler i:110 'co'tal
ursa ..n tI_crmsof irri':'<:l1:E:Glane: is 8 ~%
or more of: t1.e s-t<::.tut~ry Ceiling limit
for irri:::ated 1<1n(1,then 'tile r u.l.e of
e.,:.clusiOil ,,,il2. apply and L~is€:ntitJ.Q:,:ent
will occur) ..
(ii) The rule of oxLu.sLori will rio+
iJ..:,)J.y if t'i.e Land ~olding of a
fi.tmily is 2J:clusi v""ly
l.mirrigate.· .•

1. .2 .. : .";"-------_._---._ ..._------:----....___ ...... _--'
,-------. --------
-. _ 3.

B. lZ.l~ta ·t~
.. .~.

(i) Coffee, t.ea , ruJ:bCr, e tx, ,

Crit.eria of, incDr';e/uea.l'th·SPeci£ie::~
in catc.9or_y~elo\'l 'will a;;:pl·y.... .
&,9 agricultural hCJIGin'::jCl_nd
hence criteria at ~~above 1..1ll(ler
CatC"~:oryHill u[lply.. Critc;ri.J. spefifie:
in CU'cegoryVI beloww.i:ll a:?!?ly
~21ana:ti_o&.. . Bu.ilc1ing rna:\:: be usc:d for
r:::siC:ientialr inC:~ustrial or. cO..:m:-rcial
pur_,os,~ an-:: t(!8 IL-~e 'two or more such

Son01s) and <!aught2r(s)

(a) Persons l?aving gross annual Lncome of

Rs .. llakh or above or'possessing ,-"eaJ.,th
above the e:.':emptionlimit as prescribed
in the: I-Jealth Ta;-: ; ..ct for c. ;_:;Grio'~ of
thre2 cons<.'!cutive years.
(b) Persons -in .categories 1.1 III III and V A
who are not disentitled to the benefit
of n:s,,,rvatio.!J. ·bl..1-t
'have income fro,::
othet" S~urces of \rJealt.h \r[ticl': will
bring chern within the incOl..e/wealth
crib::ria mcnJeiune·.in (a) above ..


(i) Income fro;. Gulax-i:;s or agricultural a

Lancl shull riot; be clubbelO.;

(ii) The aricomecriteria in cerms of

rU~J(:ewill be moclifieo. ta]~in0
in t·::", acco n t the change in
•~;j-.',.. ~ 'i t:'5;"\"i~:"i\6-t'I,,'i7j;;
. -" ",. .-_, - - .. ' ..~ . r..s ,
;....,.,-/<' -_,_'.
------------ ,- .
J. ------------------------~ -. ~----
----'--.. -----_.--------_._-----
its va Lue ever: tl,ric;e yc:,<lI.-S. If -U1i?
situatj_")i"l, llm'!8Ver, so cem::tn(!.s, 1:110
ini:errus'0.u::: •.:ay be Loas ,

Explanation; ~vh:~rev2r the .eXl~,,)~C'ss.ion

"p,,,rmanen t in;:;'4I;,pilcj_tation" occur in
t:h:ts scheC::1llc, it shall mean
incapacj_tatio~l whici-, rf':sults i,)
putting an officer out of servic8.

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