Propositional Logic111
Propositional Logic111
Propositional Logic111
Did you know that there are four different types of sentences and that these
sentences help us to define propositional logic?
Because propositions, also called statements, are declarative sentences that are
either true or false, but not both. This means that every proposition is either
true (T) or false (F).
Let’s look at a few examples of how we determine the type of sentence
illustrated, and if it is a proposition, we will identify its truth value.
Proposition In A Sentence
Notice for our last two examples, that while the sentences are declarative, they
are not a proposition because we don’t know the value of “she” or “x” or “y” —
hence, we are unable to determine the truth value for the sentence.
These types of scenarios are called paradoxes and open sentences, respectively.
A paradox is a declarative sentence that is true and false at the same time —
thus, a paradox is not a proposition. Consequently, for the example above, when
we say “she walks to school,” this is considered a paradox because since we
don’t know who “she” is, we can’t identify the truth of this statement.
Open Sentence
An open sentence is also declarative but is not a proposition because it
contains one or more variables whose truth or falsity depends on the values of
these variables. Notice for the example above where say |x+y| < |x| + |y|,
because we are unsure of what x or y represent. Once again, we cannot identify
the truth or falsehood — hence, this sentence is not a proposition.
Compound Statement
Now, just like we see with numbers and operations like addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division, we are interested in how statements can be
combined to produce new statements. The combination of simple
statements using logical connectives is called a compound statement,
and the symbols we use to represent propositional variables and
operations are called symbolic logic.
So what are some of the common connective symbols and statements found in
discrete math?
Logic of Symbols
Negation Of A Statement
What is extremely important to emphasize and point out is that the negation of
a statement will always have the opposite truth value compared with the original
For example, let’s suppose we have the statement, “Rome is the capital of Italy.”
This is a true propositional statement. Therefore, the negation of this statement,
“Rome is not the capital of Italy,” must be false.
The 2-n rule says that if we have n number of unique variables, then the
number of rows in the table will be 2 to the nth power. For example, if we have
two individual variables, then there will be four rows because 2 to the second
power is 4, and if there are three unique variables, then there will be eight rows
because 2 to the 3rd power is 8.
Constructing truth tables
Now the lexicographic ordering is a pattern that helps us to put values in order
to make it easier to compare. To help us understand the importance of order,
let’s start with an example. Assume you have a fair coin, and you flip it twice.
This means that you can get the following results:
• Heads-Heads
• Heads-Tails
• Tails-Heads
• Tails-Tails
Therefore, we must account for all possible scenarios when we construct our
tables to help keep our options straight and organized (so we never forget
anything) — we follow this simple pattern.
Now let’s see a truth table in action.
Suppose we let:
Now the fact of the matter is that people are notorious for making a promise
that they don’t always keep. Yes, it’s sad but true. Therefore, our truth table
must account for all possible scenarios.
Notice that for an “and” statement, we will only have a “true” value when both p
and q are both true.
Now, using the same propositional statements, let’s now suppose we want to
find the truth value for “I will make you supper, or I will make your dessert.”
This means that for an “or” statement, we will only get a “false” value when p and
q are both false.
Logical disjunctions