W20 - Icons of Rage (Digital)
W20 - Icons of Rage (Digital)
W20 - Icons of Rage (Digital)
Introduction 5 The Seers 26
Mari Cabrah 26
Icons of Rage 5 Inoue “Sword-of-the-Storm” Nari 28
Charlotte “Keeper-of-the-Key” Lee 30
The Icons of Rage 7
Sabrina “Walks-the-Worlds”Jameson 32
The Warriors 7 The Pathfinders 34
Jonas Albrecht 7 Dalaja Aashray Tahanee,
Lena Bloodclaw Baneslayer 10 They-Shelter-the-Shoots 34
Nina Freeman 12 Glen Seize-Trouble 36
She-Who-Walks-Alone 13 White-Eye “Walks-Among-Man” 38
Liam “Hunts-in-Blood” Mitchell 15 Sayo Chen 40
The Lorekeepers 17 Dina “Traces-the-Circle” Mokhtar 42
Song-of-Victory 17 The Judges 43
Hoach’i Dabe’gha, James Fromm 44
He-Carries-the-Wind-With-Him, Full-of-Wind 18 Celine Kelsoe 45
Water-That-Is-Born 20 Hestia “Arm-of-the-Erinyes” Black-Eyes 47
Naomi-Eight-Devils (formerly Never-Ate-Dogs) 22 Tuteesh Dei Yik 49
Amber-Dreaming 24 Viola the Knife 51
“Phoenix took me.
Carried me in his claws.
High above the world.
So that I could see beyond tomorrow.”
— Prophecy of the Phoenix
The Apocalypse is here. Some say there’s still time to decide being a fighter. In this time of war the Garou Nation looks to the
its outcome, to defeat the Wyrm and its minions, to prevent Gaia’s Ahroun for leadership to take them into battle.
death, and achieve the purpose Gaia set out for the Garou so long The Lorekeepers: The Gibbous Moons keep the stories and
ago. Others say it’s far too late, that the Apocalypse has already lore of the People, but they’re also keepers of the stories not yet
been lost, the breakdown of the environment and ravages of the told. The Galliards mourn the loss of so many Garou alongside
natural world prove that Gaia already took her deathblow and their peers, but they also give hope to the Nation, hope that the
all that remains are to avenge her as she takes her last breaths. enemy may be defeated and the Apocalypse may yet be averted,
Whichever truth individual Garou choose to believe, they do or at least won.
so with passion and Rage. Few Garou are content to be unremark- The Seers: Those chosen by the Crescent Moon still search
able faces in the crowd when they could instead be iconic, when for secrets that may give advantage to the Garou over their foes.
there is Glory and Honor and Wisdom to earn and demonstrate The Theurges understand that even after millennia of fighting and
their worth. stories and experimentations the Garou are still blind to many of
Gaia’s secrets. Even as the world possibly comes to an end, the seers
Icons of Rage continue to quest, for knowledge is power, and even facing the
Wyrm, much less defeating it, requires more than fang and talon.
The Icons of Rage presents a host of Garou from around The Pathfinders: The New Moons are more than just trick-
the world ready to use as allies, mentors, contacts — or even sters and fools. These Garou are those who search for new ways
antagonists — for your chronicles. Within these pages you’ll find in the darkness, who question the meaning of what came before
notable Garou who have fought the Wyrm throughout Werewolf: and what can be done to avoid the same mistakes and tragedies
the Apocalypse’s history, like Jonas Albrecht and Mari Cabrah. of the past. Others frequently overlook the Ragabash, or take
You’ll also find the formative stories and traits of werewolves from them for granted, but only the most foolish Garou dismiss them
the pages of The Apocalyptic Record, such as Full-of-Wind and entirely. If paths still exist for the Garou to avoid the Apocalypse
Pattern Recognition’s collection of tales for the Geomid Network, and bring Gaia back from the brink without first needing to wade
Water-That-Is-Born’s quest to establish as many caerns as possible through death and destruction, the Ragabash will be the ones to
before the end comes, Amber-Dreaming and her goal of bringing find the way.
back the Bunyip, or Viola the Knife dishing out fatal judgment The Judges: The chosen of the Half Moon are empowered to
on behalf of the Shadow Lords. These aren’t all, as the Icons of make decisions on behalf of the People. The other auspices have
Rage introduces us to over a dozen new characters, each icons in battles to fight, stories to sing, secrets to use, and new paths to
their own way, each facing the Apocalypse and bringing others to consider. Each of these is valuable to the Apocalyptic war effort,
their banner, for good or ill. but each is only part of the whole. The Philodox are the Garou
The Warriors: Those Changed under the light of the Full who bring the pieces together, who decide which aspects have the
Moon carry the legacy of a nation of warriors, and a burden to most merit, and how the Nation delivers its most effective final
be tougher, faster, and stronger than any who came before. To be push against the forces of the Wyrm, in Gaia’s name.
an Ahroun in the time of the Apocalypse means more than just
The Icons
of Rage
“Was the Seventh Sign not the end but the call to battle?”
— Blackpaw, Galliard
The Garou Nation has many heroes, but some stand out more was the young scion’s instructor in matters martial and spiritual.
than others. Through skill, circumstance, dedication, or just willingness Albrecht grew his legend in the late 1980s, becoming a well-re-
to go beyond the limitations of others, these Garou grow their legends. spected hero to his tribe, renowned for his skill in battle as well as
They become iconic in their quests; their goals become emblems of his keen tactical mind. Albrecht’s success and pride was the root
Gaia’s struggle and facets of the war against the Apocalypse. of his undoing. Upon slaying the Wyrm beast Vsshkrang, which
had terrorized the North Country Protectorate, Jonas refused to
The Warriors
Gaia’s chosen killers, fighters among a nation of warriors, the
bow to his grandfather and was banished for his arrogance.
Albrecht spent years drowning his Rage and his sorrow in
blood and booze. While living on the streets of New York City
Ahroun willingly shed their own blood in Gaia’s name as readily he came to empathize with the other tribes in the Garou Nation;
as that of their enemies. Even other Garou tread carefully around learning and accepting that even the Bone Gnawers were in many
the Ahroun for their Rage is legendary — especially in these End ways more noble than his Silver Fang kin.
Times. However, Ahroun are also leaders in war and now is the An unlikely series of events brought Jonas back from the
time of the greatest war. The other auspices gladly follow where brink of self-destruction. First, he and the Black Fury Theurge
the Ahroun lead, but some wonder whether strategies other than Mari Cabrah crossed paths and fought a vicious, on–the–spot duel
violence would serve better in winning this war. in Manhattan which Jonas barely won. This created a rivalry that
lasted for over a year, until, by chance or the will of Gaia, the two
Jonas Albrecht were able to save a young Wendigo cub from Black Spiral Dancers
and the three formed an unlikely pack.
Howl: Threefold King of House Wyrmfoe, the Silver Fangs, On his deathbed, Jacob Morningkill rescinded Albrecht’s
and the Garou Nation exile and called for him to come home and assume the throne.
Quote: “I am sorry for how you have been treated. It was wrong. To prove his worth over his challengers, Albrecht and his pack
I’m not here to order you to battle as a King, but to offer to lead you to quested deep throughout the Umbra searching for a fabled fetish,
victory as a Garou. I cannot change what has happened, but with blood the Silver Crown. While on this quest, the would-be king faced
and silver I can make amends.” off against the Nightmaster of the Abyss, survived being flayed
Breed: Homid alive with a silver blade, and managed to prove himself worthy to
Auspice: Ahroun Falcon itself to bear the crown.
Tribe: Silver Fangs Upon assuming leadership of house Wyrmfoe, Albrecht began
to implement reforms and improve relations with the other 12 tribes.
The Last Gaian King
The young king also continued to fight the Wyrm head on, leading
Jonas Albrecht is the heir and grandson of Jacob Morningkill, a defense of the Bison Rock Caern in Wyoming, and even going so
King of House Wyrmfoe. With pure blood from the lineage of far as to appear before Luna herself and be granted a powerful Gift.
kinds, he was groomed for greatness from birth. Where many Eventually, despite protestations from other mighty Garou lead-
young Garou come to their change in a moment of random chance ers such as the Shadow Lord Yuri Konietzko and Tamara Tvarivich
or violence, legend is that a young Jonas came to master his rage from within his own tribe, Albrecht was recognized as the rightful
under the tutelage of his grandfather’s seneschal, Greyfist, who king of not just his house, but his tribe and the entire Garou Nation.
A legendary relic of the Silver Fangs, the Silver Crown is a simple circlet of pure silver imbued with a portion of the
essence of Falcon itself. Only those Falcon judges worthy can wear the crown; others will die within moments as the Crown
burns through their skull. For the worthy the Crown inflicts no harm and doesn’t impact the wearer’s Gnosis. The Fal-
con-blessed wearer may spend a point of Gnosis when issuing a command to one or more Garou — this command cannot
be disobeyed so long as it is possible for the character to perform the action and doesn’t involve direct self-harm. The wearer
could order someone into battle, but not to plunge a silver dagger in their own heart.
Solemn Lord (Level Five, Gnosis 7)
Albrecht’s Grand Klaive allows the wielder to spend 2 Gnosis to increase all soak rolls by 3 dice for the remainder of
the scene. This additional protection doesn’t apply to damage caused by silver.
Subterfuge 1; Animal Ken 1, Crafts 1, Drive 2, Etiquette 2, Luna’s Avenger, Stoking Fury’s Furnace; (6) One on One
Firearms 2, Larceny 2, Melee 5 (Klaives), Stealth 4 (Urban), Rank: 6
Survival 3; Academics 3, Computer 1, Enigmas 2, Investigation
Rage: 10
2, Law 3, Medicine 2, Occult 3, Rituals 3
Gnosis: 7 (5 with Grand Klaive)
Backgrounds: Ancestors 1, Fate 5, Fetish 5, Kinfolk 2, Pure Breed
4, Resources 4 Willpower: 10
Gifts: (1) City Running, Eye of the Falcon, Falcon’s Grasp, Inspira- Glory: 10
tion, Lambent Flame, Master of Fire, Pack Tactics, Persuasion, Honor: 9
Razor Claws; (2) Empathy, Jam Technology, Luna’s Armor, Wisdom: 5
Shield of Rage, Speech of the World, Staredown, Spirit of the
Rites: (1) Gathering for the Departed, Moot Rite, Rite of Bind-
Fray, True Fear; (3) Burning Blade, Calm the Savage Beast,
ing, Rite of Contrition, Rite of the Opened Caern, Rite of
Combat Healing, Cowing the Bullet, Wrath of Gaia; (4) Full
Talisman Dedication, Rite of Wounding
Moon’s Light, Mindblock, Sidestep Death; (5)Beyond Human,
Fetishes: The Silver Crown, Solemn Lord (Grand Klaive)
This Grand Klaive holds a fire spirit alongside its war spirit, allowing the blade to burst into flames when activated,
dealing 2 dice of aggravated damage on a successful hit. Burning Fury’s flames count as natural fire for Lena’s Kiss of Helios
Gift, and she frequently combines both to ignite her Crinos-form before entering combat.
respect for those who preach peace, tolerance, and understanding, to raise a claw against a small band of vampires who wear roses sculpted
but even they must take up arms now and hold their tongues until of bone out of respect for their past deeds. The youth of the sept have a
the Apocalypse has passed. Lena’s views grate on some in the sept, hard time believing this rumor, given Lena’s stance on the Wyrm-tainted.
but few have the station or the audacity to confront her about it. Image
Territory Lena is a muscular woman standing just over six feet tall in
• Sept of Rock Cut: Lena is based out of Rock Cut State Homid form. She prefers tank tops and tight pants with combat
Park in Northern Illinois. She is a revered elder in the sept and boots, all in black. Lena’s flesh is covered in battle-scars from her
maintains close working relationships with the packs who fall countless fights with Wyrm-filth. Her torso is covered in interlock-
under the sept’s territory. She also keeps friendly relations with the ing scars; the left side of her face bears massive claw marks; and
park rangers who oversee the area, several of whom are Kinfolk to she has a slight limp thanks to a phosphorous grenade during a
various Garou in the sept. Given the swelling presence of Pentex fight with a Pentex First Team. In her Lupus form — which Lena
activity in the Rockford, Illinois area, she has sworn to protect prefers to use most times — her scars show through in pronounced
the Rock Cut caern at all costs. bald areas on her otherwise shiny, jet-black coat. The fur around
• Chicago: Her activities in the Chicago area earned Lena the her eyes and under her jaw is starting to go gray.
respect and fear of both Glass Walkers and vampires in the Second Attributes: Strength (Brutal) 5 (7/9/8/6), Dexterity (Lightning Re-
City. Though she’s not set foot in Chicago in over a decade, she flexes) 4 (4/5/6/6), Stamina 5 (Unbreakable) (7/8/8/7); Cha-
still has several connections in the area, and her reputation as a risma 3, Manipulation 2 (0/0/0/0), Appearance 2 (1/0/2/2);
warrior is legendary throughout the region. Perception (Uncanny Instincts) 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
Kinfolk, Packmates, and Enemies Abilities: Alertness (Scents) 4, Athletics (Tumbling) 4, Brawl (Dirty
• Donovan Jericho: Donovan was among the Garou who Fighting) 5, Intimidation (Physical Threats) 4, Leadership 3,
rescued Lena and her packmates as cubs. He was Lawkeeper’s Primal Urge (Shifting Forms) 5, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 1;
mentor in the ways of the Silver Fangs, and the two were distant Animal Ken 3, Etiquette 1, Melee (Klaives) 5, Stealth (Taking
kin. Donovan holds Lena in high regard, both for her prowess as Point) 5, Survival (Tracking) 5; Enigmas 3, Investigation 1, Law
a warrior and for her resistance to Harano despite all she has lost. 2, Medicine 1, Occult (Garou Lore) 5, Rituals (Mystic Rites) 4
• Rotclaw: A deceitful and slippery monster, even for a Black Backgrounds: Allies 3, Contacts 2, Fetish 5, Pure Breed 2, Rites
Spiral Dancer. The Theurge learned of Lena’s pack’s impending ambush 3, Totem 2
and left his own pack to die because he’d grown tired of their insults. Gifts: (1) Heightened Senses, Razor Claws, Sense Prey, Sense
He bargained and schemed his way into power in the Chicago Pentex Wyrm, The Falling Touch; (2) Curse of Aeolus, Name the
offices, eliminating several threats to his position through conveniently Spirit, Scent of Sight, Spirit of the Fray; (3) Coup de Grace,
ensuring timely information found its way to Lena’s pack. Years of sur- Sense the Unnatural, Silver Claws; (4) Clenched Jaw, Gnaw,
vival against the machinations of Malfeas has made Rotclaw a wizened Stoking Fury’s Furnace, Wasp Talons; (5) Kiss of Helios,
elder of the Black Spiral, helping prepare the Wyrm’s armies for the Luna’s Avenger (Learned from Donovan)
final battles of the Apocalypse. In his arrogance he believes the threat Rank: 5
of Lena is long in his past and doesn’t understand how wrong he is.
Rage: 7
Whispers Gnosis: 7 (5 with Grand Klaive)
• Cursed by Sorcery: Every loved one from Lena’s youth is
Willpower: 7
dead. Rumors persist some type of sorcerer cursed Lena in her
youth as retribution for destroying the sorcerer’s plans. Since songs Glory: 10
of Lena’s deeds include several altercations with magicians both Honor: 9
mortal and vampiric, it’s hard to pin down who might have been Wisdom: 4
responsible, if such a curse truly hexes her. Rites: (1) Moot Rite, Rite of Cleansing, Rite of Contrition, Rite
• Youth Gone Wild: In her youth, Lena suffered several losses of of the Opened Caern, Rite of Talisman Dedication
Renown, to the point of losing rank, due to her association with leeches
Fetishes: Burning Fury (Grand Klaive)
when she frequented the Chicago club scene. It’s said she still refuses
Whispers ended in a blur of fangs, fur, and fury. In the ashes of her old
life stood Claw-of-Gaia, one of the most ferocious warriors of her
• Harano: Astrid greatly disapproves of Nina’s journey. The
sept. Glory in battle and the praise of her packmates did little to
pair fought about this for weeks before Nina’s departure, but the
ease Claw-of-Gaia’s pain. Outside the field of battle, her Rage was
younger Freeman is as firm in her convictions as her grandmother
too much to deal with, and she turned to drugs to numb herself.
ever was. This sent Astrid into Harano so severe her body is failing.
When her obsession with partying, drugs, and drink proved too
• Messenger Mission: Some believe Nina carries messages
strong an enemy for Claw-of-Gaia to defeat, the sept cast her out.
to deliver to Fera and spirits in the Amazon on Astrid’s behalf.
They took her name and declared her Ronin.
The elder Garou is in no condition to travel, let alone endure the
It was a wakeup call heard too late. Though she did defeat her
dangers of the region. She sent Nina to act in her stead.
addiction, she knew she couldn’t return to her pack. She feared
• Vengeful Secret: Some among Nina’s sept believe her quest
their judgment. The thought of rejection nearly drove her to re-
to the Amazon is secretly motivated by revenge. Astrid endured
lapse, so she took to the wilderness to live out her days alone. Less
terrible woes during her years there, and many Get think Nina
than a month into her exile, she met a man named Jack who was
plans to visit payback to those responsible. What her septmates
also alone. Like her, Jack was an exile from his people. Like her,
don’t understand is why she feels the need to hide this.
he was alone and scared and fighting against his inner demons.
Image However, there was one major difference — Jack was a vampire.
• Nina is a deceptively slight and wiry blond woman who The star-crossed lovers spent half a year wandering the
prefers to keep her hair short. While in the Amazon, she dresses countryside together. They were free from the judgment of their
in sleeveless shirts and shorts to cope with the heat and humidity. peoples, but life wasn’t perfect. Jack struggled with his hunger.
In Lupus form Nina’s fur is white as snow across her head, back, Nancy suffered with the loneliness that plagues most Ronin. She
and shoulders, darkening into a golden brown near her paws. had found love, but without a pack there was an emptiness that
Attributes: Strength 3 (5/7/6/4), Dexterity 3 (3/4/5/5), Stamina no romantic love could fill. Jack saw Nancy’s pain and frequently
(Tireless) 4 (6/7/7/6); Charisma 2, Manipulation 2 (0/0/0/0), told her she should leave and be with her people. So, one night,
Appearance 2 (1/0/2/2); Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3 she did that very thing.
Abilities: Alertness 1, Athletics 1, Brawl 2, Empathy 1, Expression The sept offered her a chance to return, on one condition. She
2, Intimidation 2, Leadership 2, Primal Urge 2, Streetwise would need to prove her victory over the Wyrm — by defeating the
1, Subterfuge 1; Animal Ken 1, Drive 1, Larceny 1, Melee 2, Wyrm-thing who shared her bed. She never learned how the sept
Performance (Oration) 1, Stealth 1, Survival 2; Computer 1, elders knew about Jack, but she figured he was dead either way.
Medicine 1, Occult 3 With any luck she could make it quick for him. Nancy the Ronin
led her old pack on a new hunt. They found where Jack had gone
Backgrounds: Allies 2, Fetish 2, Pure Breed 2, Resources 2, Totem 2
to ground, dug him up, and left him for the sun. Nancy collected
Gifts: (1) Inspiration, Master of Fire, Persuasion, Resist Pain, (2) his ashes, keeping a small portion for herself, and presented the
Speech of the World remainder to her sept leaders. The sept welcomed her back as a
Rank: 2 cub, yet to earn her name.
Rage: 5 When the time came for her to enter battle with minions of
Gnosis: 3 the Wyrm, her brutality in combat dwarfed her previous penchant
for violence. Embracing the Rage that swelled in her chest when she
Willpower: 5 thought of her lost love, she shredded her opponents with merciless
Glory: 4 malice. Despite the praise of her packmates, she remained aloof
Honor: 2 during the post-battle celebrations, earning her new name. Though
Wisdom: 2 she participated dutifully in all rites and caern duties, She-Who-
Walks-Alone kept a cool distance from her fellow Garou. Better
Rites: None that they didn’t know how much of her ferocity was an unspoken
Fetishes: Spider’s Satchel death wish. She kept to herself how much her valiance in battle was
driven by a burning desire to be with her lost love again.
She-Who-Walks-Alone Despite chasing a glorious death at the hands of the Wyrm, She-
Who-Walks-Alone remained victorious in battle. As the months grew
Howl: Driven by vengeance to years and her deeds were counted by the sept and the spirits, she
Quote: “Hunt with me or don’t. The Wyrm will pay its debts in rose in rank, despite herself. She earned several battle scars, and there
blood, dripping from my claws and fangs.” were a few close calls, but she persisted. She carved herself a path to sept
Breed: Homid elder through the flesh and sinew of Wyrm-things and on the backs of
Auspice: Ahroun fallen packmates who could match neither her Rage nor her abandon.
Tribe: Uktena As She-Who-Walks-Alone approaches her fifties, she still desires
to find her end in the throes of battle and be reunited with Jack.
Heartache and Revenge
However, she understands that her pride and prowess as an Ahroun
She-Who-Walks-Alone wasn’t always known by that name. make this increasingly unlikely with the foes she faces in her sept’s
Until her First Change she was Nancy Madison, but that life territory. She-Who-Walks-Alone has spread word far and wide among
Rank: 5 As the Apocalypse grows closer, Liam and his pack have noticed
Rage: 9 an increase in vampire numbers across the country, with a recent
redeployment of leeches to Birmingham. Hunts-in-Blood’s first
Gnosis: 5
assumption was that the undead are gathering their forces to try
Willpower: 6 and eliminate him, his pack, and any Garou they find. However,
Glory: 10 so far, the vampires appear content to wait, bolster their numbers,
Honor: 9 and gather in ceremonies dedicated to some purpose he doesn’t
understand. The gatherings aren’t even that hard to discover —
Wisdom: 5
Liam’s pack has already eliminated three groups conducting the
Rites: (1) Rite of Binding, Rite of Talisman Dedication; (2) Rite rituals — and he’s growing increasingly concerned that the Garou
of Summoning; (3) Rite of the Fetish may be playing into some larger trap being coordinated by the Wyrm.
Fetishes: Baneskin, Klaive, Mirrorshades Liam has recently learned the location of the vampire Prince’s
haven and is preparing a new type of plan to deal with the changes
Liam “Hunts-in-Blood” in the vampires’ behavior. His pack will infiltrate the fortress and
drag the leech out with a stake in his heart and question it about
Mitchell what’s coming. If that doesn’t work, then Hunts-in-Blood will
lean into his strengths and go back to doing what he does best.
Howl: Scourge of vampires
Plots and Ambitions
Quote: “You’re already dead; the Wyrm just keeps you moving about.”
• Driven Out: Birmingham’s vampire population is increas-
Breed: Homid
ing faster than the human population can sustain. Liam doesn’t
Auspice: Ahroun know the vampires’ plans or immediate goals for this. He assumes
Tribe: Glass Walker their long-term goal is his death and helping bring about the
The Urban Jungle Apocalypse. Liam is readying his pack for their next strike at the
When Liam was just a child, he attended a wedding at a church heart of the nest, aiming to eradicate every last leech they can find
set up in the woods near his home. He and his younger sister wan- and maybe excise the entire population. He figures this will send
dered off during the ceremony and stumbled upon something he a powerful message to any other vampires who may be thinking
wouldn’t be able to explain for years to come: Garou hunting in about heading to Birmingham.
the woods near the ceremony. He had nightmares for years, always • In My Footsteps: Liam wants to raise his daughter, Lucy, around
of some great shadow that was waiting to lunge at him and tear Garou, teaching her their ways so that, should she go through a change
his throat out. As he grew older, he began weight training in the of her own, she’s more prepared for what happens than Liam was
hopes that if this thing ever really did attack him, he’d be able to when he went through his First Change. He knows this is risky; the
put up a good fight long enough to run away from the creature. Garou life is never safe, and his ongoing feud with vampires places
It wasn’t until his First Change that he knew what he’d his family at risk. Liam knows the bloodsuckers wouldn’t hesitate to
seen. He, his girlfriend Alex, and his unborn child were attacked use his child to get to him. Liam and Alex ensure their daughter is
one night by two vampires. Before the vampires could lay a
hand on Alex, Liam changed for the first time, fighting off the
vampires that would have claimed their lives. When he came to
his senses, he found out that he had torn the heads from the
body of every leech.
This started a small war of sorts between Liam and the
vampires in the city. The vampires would attack, sometimes
in swarms, yet Liam would kill them all. He earned his deed
name, “Hunts-in-Blood”, due to the sheer number of vampires
that he managed to kill on his own before joining with a pack.
It’s something he became proud of, and he adopted the name
with great pride.
These days, Hunts-in-Blood resides in Birmingham, but his
reputation is such that Liam is considered the vampire hunter
throughout Britain. When Liam joined a pack, his problems be-
came their problems, and they help him fight the vampires when
they can. Liam has a knack for his craft, chasing the leeches out
of their dark shadows before he attacks, leaving very few places
safe to hide. Whenever he hears a news report about an exsan-
guinated body, Liam goes on the hunt. Sometimes he’s able to
find the vampire who actually committed the murder, but mostly
it’s about sending a message — leave the people of the city alone.
raised not only by them, but by the pack as a whole, with the sept of Durham. He doesn’t believe for a second that there will be no
surrounding them and protecting them from vampiric reprisals. vampires there, but he hopes that the small population will mean
Territory that there are fewer vampires there. He worries about his wife and
his daughter and wants to move somewhere he doesn’t have to be
• Birmingham, England: Located in the West Midlands on constant guard for the next attack.
county in England, approximately 100 miles from Central London,
• Hand in Marriage: Some say that Liam isn’t eradicating all
Birmingham is the social, cultural, financial, and commercial
vampires but is making deals with several. No one knows the exact
center of the region. Its five universities make it the largest cen-
terms of these deals, but those who spread such rumors believe his
ter of higher education in the country outside of London. Liam
daughter may be part of the deal — either for her protection or as a price.
feels at home among the students, passing through them as if he
were a part of their flock and not a monster in his own. Their • Blood Price: It’s hardly secret that Liam’s fascination with
presence helps him stay sane and human, something he feels he vampires comes from the circumstances of his First Change. How-
would have let go of long ago if it weren’t for the constant flux ever, some believe their blood mingled with his at the moment of
of humanity around him. his Change, tying his abilities to theirs and giving him a measure
of vampirism himself. Some go further and speculate that Liam’s
Kinfolk, Packmates, and Enemies abilities may not work against non-vampires, and no one wants to
• Alex Mitchell: Alex has been a part of Liam’s journey as discover this is true when facing a pack of Black Spiral Dancers
a Garou since day one. When she isn’t helping him raise their or hostile spirits alongside the Ahroun.
child, she gathers information from the city — always during the Image
day — and reports it back to Liam. She’s training herself how to
fight vampires, though Liam has given her a firm “no” every time • Liam has a mix of English and southern European heritage,
she asks him about helping. She believes that she’ll one day get giving him a warm, tanned complexion in Homid form. He has a
her chance to show him what she can do. severe, almost hostile look when dealing with most people, which
softens instantly when speaking with Alex or Lucy. Liam’s Crinos
• Antique Scavenging: Liam’s pack scours local antique
and Hispo forms are a dark brown with black markings around his
shops, looking for pieces that might hold more value than what
paws. In Lupus form, his fur darkens entirely into an inky black color.
the shop is selling them for. They clean up the pieces and then
turn around to sell them for a profit. The work has made the pack Attributes: Strength 4 (6/8/7/5), Dexterity 5 (5/6/7/7), Stamina
well-known to antique dealers and has led to several leads pointing 4 (6/7/7/6); Charisma 2, Manipulation 2 (0/0/0/0), Ap-
to collectors who feel unnervingly nostalgic about items of the past. pearance 3 (2/0/3/3); Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 4
• Jeremiah Casaubon: The bored vampire Prince of Birming- Abilities: Athletics 3, Brawl (Tooth and Claw) 5, Empathy 1,
ham wants distractions and entertainments to make the endless Intimidation 3, Leadership 2; Crafts 1, Drive 1, Etiquette
nights more bearable. He also has some vague ambition to improve 2, Firearms 2, Melee (Vampires) 5, Stealth 4, Survival 3;
the city and make it even greater than when it was a manufacturing Academics 2, Computer 2, Investigation 2, Medicine 1,
powerhouse, but this takes more effort than he could be bothered Occult 1, Science 2
investing. The rise of the lupine threat could serve both goals. Backgrounds: Contacts 2, Fate 3, Fetish 4, Kinfolk 3, Resources 2
Many clans have sent powerful representatives and disposable Gifts: (1) Apecraft’s Blessing, City Running, Control Simple Ma-
inconveniences to the city to eliminate the werewolves. The inrush chine, Diagnostics, Falling Touch, Pack Tactics, Razor Claws,
of vampires focused on killing raises Casaubon’s importance in Smell of Man; (2) Cybersenses, Jam Technology, Steel Fur,
flexing his power without having to navigate the usual tiresome True Fear; (3) Combat Healing, Control Complex Machine
social webs, and tales of the battles are delightfully entertaining,
Rank: 4
as long as they don’t personally threaten the Prince.
Rage: 6
Gnosis: 7
• A New Home: Liam is tired of fighting vampires and is
thinking of taking the pack from Birmingham to the smaller city Willpower: 8
Glory: 9 hardware, arms, and vehicles in exchange for support in the form of
Honor: 4 fetishes, and intelligence on human activity in the surrounding area.
Besides spiritual and strategic gains, Song-of-Victory had amassed a
Wisdom: 3
significant amount of material wealth.
Rites: None Song-of-Victory studies humanity with an almost obsession.
Fetishes: The Dayblade Military history, politics, and religion have all helped him to
understand the conflicts around him. Surprisingly, knowledge
The Lorekeepers
Masters of history, the Galliards sing songs of victory and
brought compassion and wisdom rather than increased violence.
Where other Red Talons would be content to just drive off the
humans, Song-of-Victory takes a different approach. He invests
defeat, of triumph and sorrow, of death and survival. The Galliard in human communities, fighting the forces of the Wyrm through
ensures survival of the stories and inspires Garou to battle, to peace and stability as readily as fang and claw. By securing peace
relive the glories of their ancestors. With the signs of the Apoc- and posterity among the local humans, he creates a safer environ-
alypse clearer than ever, Galliards everywhere stoke the fires of ment for the local wolves and Garou to thrive. Song-of-Victory
Rage in the other auspices, preparing them for the final battles. understands that more than just fang and talon is needed to secure
While the Galliards remember history, not all of them reflect on the Wyrm’s ultimate defeat.
what lessons can be learned beneath the surface, instead relying Plots and Ambitions
on the other auspices to keep them from sending the People to
• Fortify the Sept of the Unbroken Stone: Song-of-Victory’s
repeat past mistakes.
underlying motivation is the defense of the wolves at the Sept of
the Unbroken Stone. The Warleader is committed to the fight
Song-of-Victory against the Wyrm, but in his heart, he knows other Garou don’t
see the bigger struggle and is uncertain that the war can be won
Howl: Lupus mastering human warfare
globally. If there is to be an Apocalypse, Song-of-Victory will build
Quote: “The other tribes think we are simple. Stuck in our ways, a fortress-caern from which the Garou Nation can keep fighting.
savage and primitive just because we don’t wage war like apes. We fight
• Howl of Duty, Modern Warfare: Wolves do not wage
for food; we fight for our lives. And the tools of human wars are our spoils.”
war. They hunt and fight for dominance or defense, but orga-
Breed: Lupus nized warfare is not a natural lupine inclination. Upon his First
Auspice: Galliard Change, Song-of-Victory gained a deeper awareness of the world
Tribe: Red Talons and the evils within. As he watched artillery tear into fortified
Warleader of the Unbroken Stone positions and armored vehicles provide support for organized
infantry, Song-of-Victory realized that the true master of war is
In the Nafusa Mountains of Libya, wild wolves still survive.
humanity. Thus, he would be their most apt pupil, combining
Many of these wolves are Kinfolk to the Red Talons, who operate
their knowledge and weaponry with the savage might and spiritual
an ancient sept hidden in a network of caves and burrows beneath
prowess of the Garou.
the ground. It is from these wolves that Song-of-Victory was born
under Luna’s waning gibbous eye. Warring between humans in Territory
the mountains created an abundance of Banes and dark spirits • Sept of the Unbroken Stone: Located in the roughest por-
which took to preying on the wildlife of the mountain. When the tions of the Nafusa Mountains is an old sept founded by several
spirits came for Song-of-Victory’s pack, the Rage burned through packs of Red Talons as well as a singular pack of Black Furies in a
him, and he destroyed the spirits alongside his pack. When the time when the land was ruled by the Romans nearly two millennia
young Garou woke, his heart was heavy with sorrow and pain — ago. While the heart of the caern is open to the sky above, the
with the change came the capacity for much deeper thought. It dens and warrens of the Garou and Kinfolk who reside there exist
was not difficult for the Garou of the Sept of the Unbroken Stone in a network of natural caves within the mountains. The caern
to find the cub and bring him into his true life. is devoted to stamina, with a bawn that historically has extended
Quickly rising to prominence, Song-of-Victory led his pack for a day’s run for a wolf. Much reduced in the 20th century, it
in lightning raids against the source of the spiritual unrest in has been restored by repeated victories.
the region. Over the course of several months, Song-of-Victory Kinfolk, Packmates, and Enemies
dominated the humans, overcoming advantages in numbers and
• Song-of-Vengeance’s Packmates: A Red Talon choosing to
weaponry with ferocity and spiritual might. Each victory led to
run alone is unthinkable. Though he holds the title of Warleader
an influx of Glory, trophies, and knowledge about how and why
for the sept, Song-of-Victory is not always the alpha of his pack;
the humans fought.
though he directs their larger operations, when dealing with
To cement his place and achieve the rank of adren, Song-of-Victory the Umbra the forces of the Wyrm, he steps back and allows
organized a multi-pack campaign to push the remaining humans — the specialists to lead. The Garou in the pack are all lupus Red
civilian and soldier alike —from near the Bawn of the Unbroken Stone. Talons. Laughing Fang, a young Ragabash, is the newest member,
With room to roam and privacy from human eyes, Song-of-Victory having changed less than a year ago. She is a natural stalker and
reached out to other local packs, including the Glass Walkers in Tripoli. has provided a well-deserved check to Song-of-Victory’s ambition.
The Warleader would sell them the fruits of his conquest: military The brothers Shadow Cry and Blood-Flows-Hot are a Theurge
fur and severe golden eyes. The only alterations in the fur come
from a red strip of fur along the lower jaw, and a handful of scars
across the chest and stomach. When taking to human shape, he
is a surprisingly well-groomed man with a barrel chest, black hair,
and a thick beard with red highlights. Song-of-Victory often dresses
in plain modern Berber fashion with a focus on utility above style.
Attributes: Strength 3 (5/7/6/4), Dexterity 2 (2/3/4/4), Stami-
na 3 (5/6/6/5); Charisma 4 (Captivating), Manipulation 2
(0/0/0/0), Appearance 2 (1/0/2/2); Perception 2, Intelligence
4 (Creative Logic), Wits 4 (Ambushes)
Abilities: Alertness 1, Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Expression 2, Intimi-
dation 2, Leadership 4 (Battlefield), Primal Urge 4 (Hunting);
Animal Ken 1, Firearms 4 (Automatic Weapons), Larceny 2,
Performance 4 (Howls), Stealth 2, Survival 3; Academics 3,
Enigmas 1, Investigation 1, Rituals 2
Backgrounds: Ancestors 2, Fetish 1, Kinfolk 2, Pure Breed 1,
Resources 5, Rites 1, Totem 3
Gifts: (1) Heightened Senses, Hidden Killer, Perfect Recall, Pred-
ator’s Arsenal, Prey Mind, Mindspeak; (2) Eye of the Eagle,
Shadows of the Impergium; (3) Silence the Weaver, Song of
Heroes, Trackless Wastes
and Ahroun, respectively. The eldest, Shadow Cry, have spent Rank: 3
many years dealing with spirits. Blood-Flows-Hot, despite their Rage: 4
blood relation, barely knew his brother until he himself changed Gnosis: 5
years after. The oldest packmate, Death-That-Growls, is another Willpower: 4
Ahroun. Born decades ago, she is a scarred veteran who refuses
to die — or become unable to fight — until the Apocalypse comes. Glory: 4
The pack follows Grandfather Thunder. Honor: 2
• Tahir Pedram, Glass Walker: A young Half-Moon of the Wisdom: 5
urban tribe, Tahir Pedram is Song-of-Victory’s primary contact Rites: Rite of Cleansing
among the homid tribes. While they spar verbally, Song-of-Victo-
Fetishes: Apeskin
ry respects the young man’s opinions, considering him the only
homid he would run alongside. Despite living in nearby Tripoli,
Tahir may as well be in another world. Hoach’i Dabe’gha,
• Weaver-Corrupt: While it is rarely mentioned in the Sept
of the Unbroken Stone, there are other Red Talons in the region
who speak to Song-of-Victory’s having fallen, not to the Wyrm,
With-Him, Full-of-Wind
but to the Weaver. The Galliard’s ties to homid Garou — Glass Howl: Collector and safeguard of stories
Walkers at that — is no mere coincidence they say. Quote: “Look, I understand that you don’t like the means, but
• Secession: With his near single-minded obsession of for- remember we’re part spirit, and that doesn’t mean we’re not cousins with
tifying and protecting the Sept of the Unbroken Stone, there are the spiders too, and right now I don’t care about your technophobia, be-
those in neighboring septs which fear that the Warleader will seal cause when you go off and die in that jungle, no one is going to remember
off the caern’s moon bridge and dig in to fight off all possible you if I don’t record it.”
invaders, even fellow Garou. Breed: Homid
• Deviant: There have been rumors for years now — initially Auspice: Galliard
spread by a rival Galliard — that when he is away on business in Tribe: Uktena
Homid form, Song-of-Victory actively seeks to mate with humans.
The Story Keeper
Most don’t place much faith in these rumors, treating them as mere
insults, but others claim that not only does he lay with humans Hõãch’i Dábé’gha was raised on a sept led predominantly by
but has born children with them. Older Brother and specifically of the Earth Guides in the Mojave
Desert. He was raised in a highly traditional setting that focused
Image on honoring the traditions of both the Garou Nation and his
• Song-of-Victory is most often seen in their Lupus birth human Kinfolk. He acted in good faith and followed the teachings
form, where they are a large, broad-shouldered wolf with brown of his elders, but he was also deeply curious about computers and
technology and was renowned for his skill in taking them apart
and putting them back together again.
There was some contention about his decision to join the
Web Walkers, as he was being groomed for the Earth Guides, but
he kept his relationship with his teachers and pleaded about the
benefits of using technology to help preserve culture. When he
was younger, this argument did not gain much traction, but as
Kinfolk embraced social media platforms to give voice to Native
people, his position became more respectable among his tribe.
He met Braided Threads among the Glass Walkers of Los
Angeles, and the two hit off an immediate and deeply loyal friend-
ship and began together to plan the early stages of the Geomid
Network — a collection of spirit and ether nodes that store and
collate information — and what its constructive uses for the Ga-
rou Nation would be. They were in over their heads immediately
when one of their first leads was a Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk
who was interested in telling everything she knew about the tribe.
This turned out poorly for them as a powerful Black Spiral Dancer
took offense to their actions. While they did not walk away with
any valuable information, they did earn the protection of their
third packmate, Teeth-at-the-Heels-of-Trouble, who saved them
from the Dancer’s wrath.
Now the three of them traverse the world, seeking out import- to spiritually record and display the stories collected by her pack.
ant stories of specific septs, tribes, or even Houses of the Silver Territory
Fangs, adding the spiritual recordings to the Geomid Network and
making them available to as many Garou who want to access them. • The Cyber Realm: Hõãch’i Dábé’gha and his pack, Pattern
Recognition, consider the digital pathways linking the world to
Plots & Ambitions be their territory. While they are nominally story collectors, they
• An Apocalyptic Record: Hõãch’i Dábé’gha’s primary focus on using the spreading webs of Grandfather Spider to bring
concern above all else is recording the stories of the Garou Nation the Garou Nation closer together, rather than focusing on its role
in a way where they might not disappear should a huge portion as antagonist and enemy.
of the Garou meet their end. He comes from a community that Kinfolk, Packmates, and Enemies
has suffered apocalyptic circumstances in the past and knows
personally the impact of the loss of oral histories. His belief is that • Braided Threads: The Glass Walker Theurge and brilliant
recording those histories with technology and spiritually will do spiritual scientist behind the Geomid Network, a powerful amal-
more than any battle to save the Garou Nation in the face of their gamation of awakened spiritual programs which enables Pattern
doom. He was raised among the Earth Guides and still retains Recognition’s entire purpose. Often in the background of the pack’s
many connections with them despite being an unrepentant Web operations while Full-of-Wind and Teeth-at-the-Heels-of-Trouble
Walker, and their philosophies are reflected in his concerns. act as face and fist, respectively, the pack would nevertheless be
unable to engage in its primary mission and duty without her.
• Moon Path Messengers: Pattern Recognition is concerned
The nature of the Pack’s Totem spirit enables Braided Threads to
with Full-of-Wind’s personal ambitions, but together they also
always be with her pack in some manner, whether she is physically
serve as messengers between septs, traveling by foot or across the
present or not.
Moon Paths. Depending on the expectations of the septs they meet,
sometimes Teeth-at-the-Heels-of-Trouble acts as ambassador, and • Teeth-at-the-Heels-of-Trouble: This Ahroun is both mus-
less often Full-of-Wind will step into this role. They have earned a cle and conscience of Pattern Recognition. Born to the Silent
significant amount of goodwill across the world by bringing vital Striders, the early days of her life as Garou were burdened with
information to septs when they’re needed, but there are some that unspeakable tragedies and losses. She sought to embrace these
find their means of using Weaver spirits to record sacred stories experiences by seeking out the stories of other septs and keeping
of the Garou Nation offensive. to the road to collect and share them, knowing that her own role
in Garou Society was to die for her allies, but that her heritage
• Empowering the Machine: The pack also supports the
meant that none would remember her. This brought her in line
spiritual experimentations of Braided Threads, who works liberally
with the goals of Pattern Recognition, and when she met the
with the Rite of Spirit Awakening to awaken spirits of objects as
pack, they had recently attempted (and failed) to get an interview
much as programs which are collections of directed electricity,
with an outspoken Kinfolk of the Black Spiral Dancers. Pattern
and even concepts such as memory. Braided Threads is at the
Recognition’s important mission would have come to a quick and
forefront of Glass Walker innovation when it comes to the use
bloody end before it even got started if not for the intervention of
of powerful and unlikely fetishes such as PUDAs and other awak-
Teeth-at-the-Heels-of-Trouble, whose deed name has proven again
ened programs, including the Geomid Network, which she uses
local spirits in specific ways, which is also a difficult task on top
of the other impossibilities this pack is undertaking.
• The Breeze Leads Them: Pollen-on-the-Breeze does not
claim any specific territory, though they have been part of opening
multiple caerns, they rarely stay longer than necessary to defend
them in their infancy, quickly moving on to find another place
that carries the spiritual qualifications and enough Garou to
open another caern. That said, while they have traveled across
North and South America alike, the pack has yet to travel to any
other continents on this mission, although Bright Yellow Flower
increasingly recommends locations in Asia and Australia.
Kinfolk, Packmates, and Enemies
• Dog-Salmon-Eats-Soapberry: The Theurge of Pollen-on-
the-Breeze, a Lummi Indian, and Younger Brother. While Water-
That-Is-Born is recognized for their mystic wisdom and power, the
true spiritual strength of their pack is Dog-Salmon-Eats-Soapberry,
who regularly makes new relationships and friendships with the
spirits of the new lands the pack visits. She is traditionally minded
and never publicly questions the decisions or directions of the
leader of her pack. However, more than any other member, she
but they still consider each and all of them as their own children.
regularly takes Water-That-Is-Born to task when she believes that
The entire pack is fated in dream and prophecy alike that is they are pushing the limits of the spirits instead of focusing on
mostly only known among Older Brother. Due to this, members honoring relationships with them.
of that tribe as well as some elders of Younger Brother treat them
• Bright Yellow Flower: A less forceful adviser than Dog-Salm-
with respect when they come to an area to build a caern. Although
on-Eats-Soapberry, this Stargazer Philodox often makes the case
the prophecies are interpreted differently by various Galliards and
for caution and care, counterbalancing Water-That-Is-Born’s
Theurges across the Nation, most of them agree that the pack will
constant push to extend the pack’s capabilities and resources.
meet a horrific end by one of the greatest servants of the Wyrm, with
Bright Yellow Flower is the most recent addition to the pack and
most believing one of the Maeljin will consume them. Before that
carries the least amount of sway, but upon personally witnessing
happens, Pollen-on-the-Breeze will have empowered so many septs
Pollen-on-the-Breeze’s work to rebuild a long-lost caern in Belize,
of Garou with spiritual foundations that some may even survive the
he became devoted to the cause.
Apocalypse, making room for a new world to grow after the Great End.
• Thunder-Fights-the-Wind: An unlikely member of the pack
Plots & Ambitions whose membership many conservative Garou wouldn’t recognize.
• Consecration of the Sacred: Water-That-Is-Born’s primary A feline-born Pumonca, Thunder-Fights-the-Wind claims that the
concern and focus is investing the monumental effort to build as stars and spirits of the storms brought him to Pollen-on-the-Breeze
many new caerns as possible before the end of the world. Older and demanded that he act as their caretaker and protector to pay
Brother has spent eons collecting and hoarding magical items back a favor which he has never revealed. Without question, this
and knowledge, and Water-That-Is-Born insists now is the time to powerful Daylight Bastet is a whirlwind of destruction who outclass-
use that power. They are not the only member of their tribe with es every member of the pack in a physical fight. His acumen and
this view, nor is it controversial, but they are one of the few who ferocity have proven invaluable for the pack’s mission, as opening
believes that empowering and rebuilding the places most sacred new caerns always draws the ire of the Wyrm’s most foul minions.
to the Garou Nation across the world is the right way to do this. Whispers
• Defying Tradition: Though Water-That-Is-Born should be
• Death Follows Them: Although the efforts of Pollen-on-
an elder through their deeds, they have consistently refused the
the-Breeze have been unquestionably effective, during the opening
Rite of Recognition because they believe they will only be worthy
of each caern many Garou have died defending them from the
of this recognition when they have built their final caern. Several
minions of the Wyrm who rush to assault these efforts. Further,
prominent Garou still regard them as if they were an elder, but
so far Pollen-on-the-Breeze has not suffered any casualties. Some
others question this choice to buck tradition.
who have lost loved ones and friends carry resentment and whisper
• Spirit Networks: Critical in the building of caerns is the about the dangerous methods and disrespect toward the dead
establishment and empowerment of powerful spirits to act as their when the pack departs not long afterwards.
spiritual centers. Due to this, Water-That-Is-Born and their pack
• Sacred and Profane: Many believe that the Rite of Caern
work to recognizing the needs of the spirits that might serve in
Building is meant for specific, sacred circumstances and should not
this role, and many of those costs are high and must be met by an
be used with lack of spiritual and physical connection to the locations
entire sept. This often puts Water-That-Is-Born and their pack in
that they choose, nor with the frequency Water-That-Is-Born uses
the role of trying to convince local Garou to interact with their
she chose to hide among the Weaver-nests humans called cities.
She emerged from her Umbral quest a different person in an
unfamiliar world of humans, metal, and pollution.
She wandered lost for weeks before stumbling across another
Garou. Though she was initially nervous, Amber-Dreaming soothed
her fears and gently mentored the anxious lupus. Never-Ate-Dogs
was a quick study, learning many things about the world she’d
never even imagined. After many months, Amber-Dreaming left
her with a Sydney pack of Bone Gnawers and Glass Walkers and
a new name with which to hide her identity from her former tribe.
As Naomi-Eight-Devils, humanity confuses her immensely.
Yet she has a trustworthy pack to guide her through Weaver-life
and help her against Murriyanyadhaa’s servants who seem to sense
her location yet are unable to recognize her as their target. She’s
learned to ignore their Umbral presence to some extent, telling
others only that she’s cursed and using them to demonstrate the
necessity of uniting against the Dreamtime’s waking demons.
Plots and Ambitions
• Desert Slumber: To prevent Mamu from releasing Murri-
yanyadhaa, Naomi-Eight-Devils needs allies able to end his efforts
without bloodshed. To rebind the Wyrm-spirit into slumber,
the Dreaming, Murriyanyadhaa’s broken children hunted her. she seeks allies to help recover the Bunyip’s old Rites from the
She was almost relieved because these spirits were honest about Dreamtime or create new ones. She fears only a united Garou
their intentions. Nation could accomplish such feats and worries her own ex–Red
Nevertheless, Murriyanyadhaa’s children were dangerous. Talon status would prevent unity if it became known.
Their twisted, blackened forms burned her when they approached,
and without her pack she felt so alone. Exhausted and despairing,
she cried to Luna for help. At first, she heard nothing. Then as • Hunter Valley Protectorate: Though she misses the desert
she hid unmoving in her Umbral hole, she noticed a spirit un- scrub, Naomi-Eight-Devils rarely leaves Sydney. The protectorate’s
fazed and unharmed by Murriyanyadhaa’s children — a cockroach Garou enjoy her fierce loyalty and avid interest in everything,
spirit. She felt overwhelming relief when, after a little coaxing, it and many among them find the non-judgmental Galliard easy
agreed to help her. to confide in.
The spirit led her far from the desert, far from her hunters, • Emu Fields: In the 1950s, Operation Totem annihilated a
deep into the Dreamtime, to an avatar of Luna herself. The Incarna powerful Bunyip caern with a series of nuclear blasts in the heart
showed Never-Ate-Dogs wonders and terrors — Never-Ate-Dogs saw of the Kata Tjuta Protectorate, weakening the rituals binding
the Wyrm’s spawn emerging from ancient prisons, deceiving the Murriyanyadhaa beneath the Dreamtime sands. Strangely, the
Garou, stealing the air, and poisoning multitudes. The Incarna Protectorate’s Uktena have serenely dismissed Naomi-Eight-Devils’
told her to unite her discordant shapeshifting children for Gaia’s warnings as alarmist, much to her frustrated despair.
life depended on it. Kinfolk, Packmates, and Enemies
Never-Ate-Dogs hesitated. Despite her awe, she knew Murri- • Manda Fake-Knee: Manda is a dry-talking Bone Gnawer
yanyadhaa’s children would never cease hunting her. How could Galliard who mostly keeps Naomi out of trouble around the big
she unite the Garou while hunted? Why would they listen to smoke. Though Manda habitually calls her ‘Numpty’ because the
someone who spent their life speaking only to spirits? lupus is terrible at city-living, she keeps Naomi’s stuff running
No. Never-Ate-Dogs stood proudly before the Incarna and and laughs when the lupus unconsciously mimics her own speech
demanded her right to choose her own life. She rejected her past, patterns.
her tribe, and her auspice — they had brought her only pain and • Murriyanyadhaa: This fearsome Bane is waking after time-
bloodshed. She was no longer that Garou. less eons of tormented slumber, and as its influence erratically
The Changing Goddess solemnly nodded at the defiant expands, it twists the Dreamtime into knots of timelessness. Cau-
Garou. She warned Never-Ate-Dogs of the cost of such decisions. tiously probing for signs of its Bunyip captors, Murriyanyadhaa’s
Griffin’s enmity would be merciless; even Luna’s own Waning discovered only hatred, fury, and discord accumulating across the
Moon children would forever deny her aid for this perceived insult. continent. Years ago, the Bane easily enthralled Mamu by inflaming
Never-Ate-Dogs paused in surprise at this, then accepted. his ego, rage, and bigotry until the Red Talon agreed to slaughter
She wanted to please the Changing Goddess, and what better way his own bloodline. Murriyanyadhaa needs this bloody familial
than to change herself? To be Luna’s voice, she chose to become a sacrifice to shatter its Dreamtime prison and believes Mamu’s
Galliard. To survive Murriyanyadhaa’s attentions, she chose Cock- mind will break when he realizes his mistake. The Bane believes
roach as her new Totem. To escape her former pack’s retribution, Mamu may be the first of a new tribe to fall to the Wyrm. Though
apart and ran into the bush. Whole families of campers fell beneath notice and capable of diplomatic finesse to initiate discussions
her frenzied fangs before the Jindabyne Sept found her naked, with a people still fleeing Garou hunting packs.
sobbing, and amnesiac in the morning light. • Feral Peace: Amber recognizes the Garou can’t do everything
The sept coached her through the horror as her memories Gaia requires to survive the Apocalypse. The Garou must accept
returned. The horned Child of Gaia Theurge Cernonous welcomed that, put aside their pride, and reconcile with the Fera to stand
her into his pack, wryly accepting her choice to join his tribe. together before the end. She hopes that the generations of cubs
Though he remained the pack’s nominal leader, Amber regularly she’s taught and fostered will understand their shared history with
swayed his decisions, and soon Grek, Darius, and Jumps-the-Fence the Changing Breeds and atone for past misdeeds to overcome
recognized her as their de facto leader. millennia of rage, distrust, fear, and slaughter.
With the sept’s support she completed high school, studied Territory
anthropology at university, and fell in love with Jumps-the-Fence.
• Friends Everywhere: Some joke that Amber-Dreaming trav-
After graduation, she convinced her pack they should seek the
els so much she should have joined the Silent Striders. Wherever
truth about the Indigenous shapeshifters. Their journey began in
she goes she finds — or makes — friends who’ll let her stay for a
a beat-up campervan packed with surfboards, beer, and marijuana
while — whether human, Garou, Fera, spirits, or stranger beings.
and filled with hopes and dreams.
She follows the Rainbow Serpent’s Songlines in her beat-up four-
Amber-Dreaming’s Bunyip discoveries are well known, though wheel drive for practicality reasons. Guests, technology, books,
some Garou dispute her conclusions. After a decade fighting claw and journals too useful or niche to give away all require shelter.
and fang for the truth, her pack had all but dissolved. Amber’s
battle scars are silent testament to her tenacity in the face of the Kinfolk, Packmates, and Enemies
monstrous Red Talon Mamu and hard-headed Black Fury Wun- • Jindabyne Sept: Three of Amber-Dreaming’s packmates,
gala Rose. With her pack scattered by begrudging but mutual Cernonous, Darius, and Grek, sit on the Jindabyne Council —
agreement, Amber took the opportunity to travel the world to Australia’s nominally ruling body of Garou. Additionally, Amber
continue her historical research. Among the Fera, spirits, and mentored and fostered councilors Inanna and Monash. She has
stranger beings she found like-minded scholars, lore keepers, and enormous sway when they all agree with her.
historians willing to share their knowledge. Her open, friendly, • Jindabyne Council: Amber infuriates powerful people who
and humble attitude, combined with undeniable courage, made dislike having their comfortable beliefs and privileges challenged.
her allies from Japan to Mali. They claim she’s insufferable, mistake her kindness for weakness,
Upon returning to Australia, Amber-Dreaming removed or simply dismiss her gentle words as naive nonsense. Some, like
herself from politics. She preferred her semi-nomadic lifestyle, the Uktena councilor, Tjinderi Knowing-Smile, are simply jealous
educating and entertaining anyone willing to listen. On one journey of Amber’s achievements and oppose her out of spite.
past Uluru, her totem Ngalyod led her along a hidden Songline to • Mamu: The Council’s former Red Talon representative
a secret caern dedicated to Altjira. That mighty Incarna initiated hates Amber-Dreaming and anyone else who dares suggest the
Amber-Dreaming into the Everywhen — Gaia’s eternal now where thylacine-Fera were Garou. He’s convinced Red Talon packs
past, present, and future are one. Among the Everywhen’s wonders throughout Australia to hate her as well, though most simply
and horrors, Amber-Dreaming discovered some surviving Bunyip ignore her rather than fight — unless Mamu is nearby.
were lost within shattered Songlines. The revelation gave her hope • Wungala Rose: Wungala considers Amber-Dreaming a
she hadn’t felt for twenty years. vacuous white new-age cultural appropriator who should stop
Amber’s most pressing goal now is finding the lost Bunyip, pretending she’s anything more than another colonial with no
and since the broken Songlines could emerge anywhere at any understanding of Indigenous culture. The Black Furies of Kangaroo
time, she needs help. She’s already received the Jindabyne Sept’s Island have banned Amber from their territory.
support to request help from every protectorate and has sent out • Fera: Amber has befriended many Fera around the world.
friends and allies to recruit volunteers. She believes if the Bunyip Most Garou already know of the Gumagan Ced; however, few
can be returned, then other miracles are possible — perhaps the realize her alliances with Rokea, Ratkin, and even an Australian
lost Breeds she’s met in the Everywhen could be revived too, in Ceilican, among others. These diverse friends provide her with
time for the end days. She’s heard whispers of Camazotz trapped surprisingly versatile assistance when called upon.
in abandoned Top End sylies, and rumors of Apis bloodlines
lingering among Kinfolk. Amber believes the Apocalypse could
be won with these unexpected reinforcements. In her quiet mo- • Pawn: Amber is a kind-hearted, easily led dreamer. The
ments, though, she worries it’s too late, too little, and too much Mokolé, or perhaps Ananasi, are filling her head with fanciful,
has already been lost. But why would Altjira let her enter the imaginative, and frankly impossible stories to sow discord among
Everywhen if not to use it? the Garou. The Fera would love to see Australia’s Garou, or the
entire Nation, crumble.
Plots and Ambitions
• Puppeteer: King Darius only supports this Bunyip business
• Lost Hope: Amber-Dreaming is certain the Bunyip lost because he harbors feelings for Amber-Dreaming. Other Silver
within the timeless Dreaming can be found and convinced to rejoin Fangs observe them carefully for evidence of Amber’s undue
the world in time to fight the Apocalypse. She needs packs across influence and seek ways to remove her — or him.
Australia ready to respond to thylacine sightings at a moment’s
Mari and Jonas were initially enemies and fought viciously they’re strong enough to make it on their own. This has led to
over several engagements. However, very much against their will, some of her tribemates, especially Kula Wiseblood, calling her soft
they formed a temporary alliance to protect a young lost cub called and not worthy of becoming the next leader of the tribe.
Evan Heals-the-Past from Black Spiral Dancers who, according • Woman-At-Arms: Mari runs a dojo in New York City where
to the omens, was of great significance. The events surrounding she teaches women martial arts. She mostly does it for free, only
Evan’s First Change and his wisdom as an arbitrator led Mari charging enough to pay rent and buy groceries. It is one of Mari’s
and Albrecht to form a pack with him, though the three never greatest prides, being able to take women off the street and teach
chose an official name. them the skills they need to keep themselves safe.
Being surprisingly young for her lofty rank, Mari Cabrah is Territory
one of the most dynamic up-and-comers in the Black Furies. In
her thirty years, she has traveled across four continents, torn apart • New York, New York: The main caern in New York City is
Black Spiral Dancers, communed with the avatar of her totem, at Central Park, known as the Sept of the Green. Bone Gnawers
quested through almost every Umbral realm, and helped in the and Glass Walkers make up a large portion of the local septs, with
retrieval of one of the greatest Silver Fang artifacts known to the some Get of Fenris ties to local neo-Nazi gangs living in neighbor-
Garou Nation — the fabled Silver Crown that elevated Albrecht hoods around New York City. The Wyrm has always been strong
to the throne of House Wyrmfoe. here, thanks to the cult called The Seventh Generation. This
cult was eradicated by Jonas Albrecht, but the problems are far
Mari took great pleasure in their war on the Seventh Genera-
from over. Within the city, the Police Department acts as Mari’s
tion, and perhaps killed more of the Defiler-cultists than any other
contacts, keeping her abreast of any girls who have been abused
Garou that followed their crusade. These days, she continues to
and abandoned. Mari also runs her dojo out of New York City,
assist her packmates when the need arises but refrains from being
which is where she generates most of her income.
“joined at the hip” with them. She has something of a rivalry
with Kula Wiseblood, who is her equal in rank and prowess, as Kinfolk, Packmates, and Enemies
Kula accuses her of being “too soft” thanks to the moderating • Jonas Albrecht: Jonas is now king of the Silver Fangs, the
influence of Evan Heals-the-Past. Mari suspects this rivalry has Garou Nation, and bearer of the Silver Crown. Mari helped the
its roots in tribe politics rather than vigilante philosophy and so prince-in-exile find in himself an understanding of the value of
far, she doesn’t give it much attention. different views and the strength of character and leadership that
Even though her deeds have easily earned her the prestige culminated in Falcon granting Jonas the Silver Crown. Before they
to lead a sept of her own, she prefers to remain out of the lead- became friends and packmates, the two fought many times, always
ership role. Mari still defers to Alani Astarte, leader of the New ending in Mari’s narrow defeat. The battles left her physically
York Furies, in tribal matters. Most of her time not spent with scarred, and while she truly has the bonds of loyalty and trust of
her pack is devoted to her human charges and her territory back a true pack, she has never forgotten their beginnings. (See p. XX
in New York City. for more information on Jonas.)
Plots and Ambitions • Evan Heals-the-Past: Evan knew nothing about the Garou
until his parents were slaughtered by Black Spiral Dancers. Jonas
• Mother Hen: Mari usually prefers living alone but will
and Mari saved him from the same fate, giving him the time to
occasionally take lost and/or abused girls under her wing until
learn about himself and his bloodline. The Philodox is an unlikely
hero, being accepted into the Younger Brother tribe despite his
mixed lineage, and not without significant opposition by several
members of the tribe. Nonetheless, he gained the blessing (and
attention) of Great Wendigo himself. Surrounded by a strong
pack and engaging with Garou of every breed, auspice, and tribe
in his role as adviser and confidant to King Albrecht, Evan has
quickly grown strong in diplomacy and wisdom. With his spirit
patron’s blessing and the Gifts of his distant ancestors, he has
gained mastery over winds and storms. Mari worries that Evan is
strangely silent on the controversy he engenders in his own tribe
(p. XX). She can see the storm of confrontation swirling around
her packmate and wonders how Evan plans on dealing with it.
• Kula Wiseblood: Kula, an Ahroun Black Fury, is one of
the most successful Wyrm-fighters on the East Coast and is a leg-
end among all other tribes. Her ability to sense even the faintest
manifestations of the Wyrm has made her effective at sniffing
out and killing vampires, Garou who are influenced by or have
gone over to the Wyrm, and homids who are unwittingly bringing
the Wyrm into the world. She feels she is next in line to succeed
Alani as the governess of the remnants of the Black Fury tribe,
even though Alani doesn’t favor her.
She travels by road and by moon bridge from Dragon Nest to sept,
from continent to continent.
Kinfolk, Packmates, and Enemies
• The Inoue Clan: Though her family considers Inoue Nari’s
forsaking her duties and home a dishonorable act, she is still kin.
Her relationships are strained, but she can call upon a few dozen
Kinfolk and Garou when necessary, and the family has ancient
ties to the city of Kyoto and has long been in good standing with
the Emerald Palace.
• Nexus Crawler: The Nexus Crawler destroyed by Nari’s
pack wasn’t alone in the ways of mortal creatures. The creature
was somehow bound to another of its kind in something resem-
bling a pack bond. The reasonings of Nexus Crawlers are beyond
Garou understanding, but occasionally this remaining Bane feels
compelled to seek the remnants of its lost partner. This Nexus
Crawler has a general sense drawing it in the direction of the
closest sword, though it has no way of knowing the distance. The
creature can’t just recognize a sword and its wielder, except if the
wielder uses the blade’s Baneskin ability (see below), which has
the opposite effect to this Nexus Crawler, instead shining the
Garou like a beacon.
the seven swords. Sensing the taint of the Wyrm lingering on the Whispers
swords, and with her pack’s blessing, Nari took them into the
Deep Umbra to ritually purify them. • Harano: Those whom she served beside at the Emerald
Palace believe that Nari must have become afflicted by Harano,
When Nari returned, she learned that her pack had been
for nothing else could explain her poor decisions. Feeling she has
ambushed and slaughtered by Wyrm minions kept in thrall by the
succumbed to the gloom replaces some of her kin’s anger with a
Nexus Crawler and released to warn the Garou after its destruction.
sense of pity for the once great Theurge.
Driven by rage and shame, she swore she would avenge them and
arm seven worthy heroes with the blades they helped empower. • Corrupted by the Beast-of-War: Those who have witnessed
As the End Times and the final battles approach, she carries the the grief and Rage behind Inoue Nari’s quest believe her bizarre
swords across the worlds searching for these heroes. Her travels behavior shows she must have fallen to the Wyrm. Those who
and actions draw heavy criticism from many Hakken who insist espouse this theory claim that she is using strength granted by
their greatest warriors should wield the swords. However, as a wise the destroyer Wyrm to gain her vengeance, after which she will
Theurge, Nari knows that her swords aren’t just destined for the fully embrace the Wyrm.
hands of Ahrouns or a single tribe, and she tests each Garou she • Ghostbinder: Though it is widely accepted that the sword
meets — through both subtle and direct challenges — regardless named for her brother Akihiko is bound with a greater servant of
of tribe, rank, or auspice. Grandfather Thunder, rivals and opponents over the years have
often claimed that Nari has the soul of her dead brother bound
Plots and Ambitions to a secret fetish she keeps concealed and that she takes counsel
• Measured Vengeance: Inoue Nari wants nothing more from him to this day.
than justice for her fallen pack. However, she is not a headstrong
Ahroun or a boastful Galliard. As a Theurge, she seeks out and
learns the names, natures, and weaknesses of the spirits who • In Homid form, Inoue Nari is an athletic-looking woman
murdered her friends. When she has the opportunity, she hunts with straight, black hair, just beginning to show signs of aging.
and eliminates each one. It’s slower than simply destroying every Her features are stern, and she pays careful attention to appearing
Wyrm creature she can find, but Nari is certain that contained, presentable but has no care for others’ expectations of beauty.
surgical violence doesn’t resonate with the Wyrm and doesn’t fuel She bears scars from dozens of battles, the most prominent a
its power as frenzied slaughter does. permanent Lichtenberg scar on her chest and back from Grand-
• Arming Heroes: There is more than a simple quest for father Thunder’s test. In Lupus form, Nari’s fur is the black of
revenge causing the Sword of the Storm to travel the globe; Nari a moonless night, disturbed by the same lightning-imbued scars
seeks to deliver the seven blades which chain the essence of the that appear to glow faintly when the viewer catches them at the
Nexus Crawler her pack had bested. She believes that by aiding corner of their eye.
heroes in great deeds the evil in the blades can be cleansed. Attributes: Strength 3 (5/7/6/4), Dexterity 3 (3/4/5/5), Stamina
4 (Tireless) (6/7/7/6); Charisma 2, Manipulation 4 (Unswerv-
Territory ing Logic) (2/1/1/1), Appearance 2 (1/0/2/2); Perception 3,
• Nomad: Nari has abandoned her title and position at the Intelligence 4 (Lightning Calculator), Wits 4 (Cool Headed)
Emerald Palace and taken to the life of a wandering swordswoman.
Abilities: Alertness 1, Athletics 1, Brawl 2, Leadership 3, Primal was simple fact. Her father, Dances-on-Silver, was an explorer who
Urge 2; Crafts 5 (Swordsmith), Etiquette 3, Melee 4 (Sword), traveled to the Umbral reflection of the moon where he made his
Survival 1; Academics 1, Computer 1, Enigmas 3, Investiga- way to the pool of wisdom in the center of the maze-like gardens.
tion 2, Occult 5 (Umbral Lore), Rituals 5 (Caern), Science The legends of his journey say he came away with a pathstone so
4 (Metallurgy) powerful that, on his return to Earth, Dances-on-Silver locked it
Backgrounds: Ancestors 2, Fate 4, Fetish 5, Kinfolk 3, Pure Breed away in a jewelry box that he warded against destruction or intru-
2, Resources 2, Rites 5 sion with powerful rites. He bound the key to this box to himself
with equally powerful enchantments and always kept it with him.
Gifts: (1) Apecraft’s Blessing, City Running, Mother’s Touch,
Seizing the Edge, Sense Wyrm, Spirit Snare, Spirit Speech; For her part, although Charlotte was the eldest sibling, she
(2) Command Spirit, Name Spirit, Song of the Mother Earth, was the most prone to disobedience and rebellion. As a teenager,
Speech of the World, Storm Winds Slash; (3) Cowing the she ran away from home, trying to outrun the curse that would
Bullet, Exorcism, Pulse of the Invisible, Web Walker; (4) eventually take control of her life. She made her way to Vancou-
Open Wounds, Spirit Ward; (5) Assimilation, Divine Wind, ver, where no one knew her or her father. For a time, she lived a
Malleable Spirit normal enough life, trying to carve out a place for herself among
the humans there. She worked hard, paid rent for a single room
Rank: 5 in a house owned by a kind woman, and fed herself with what
Rage: 4 money she had left over.
Gnosis: 5 When her First Change came, this woman and her other
Willpower: 6 tenants took the brunt of Charlotte’s uncontrolled Rage. Char-
lotte came to her senses three blocks away, having left a train of
Glory: 6
bloodshed and death in her wake. By the time she made it back
Honor: 9 to the house, police were everywhere within it. Covered in blood
Wisdom: 10 but unwounded, she was treated for shock by paramedics and
Rites: As a dutiful elder Theurge, Nari knows any rites needed taken for questioning by police. However, the victims’ wounds
that aren’t restricted by tribe. came from some great animal and not a teenaged girl. The police
Fetishes: Akihiko, Blade of Thunder, The Seven Swords recorded Charlotte as a lucky survivor of whatever murdered
everyone nearby and released her, though one officer suggested
she head back to her family until she learned control as she left.
Charlotte Charlotte ran back to her home in Montreal, hoping that her
father and her tribe would still accept her after what she’d done.
“Keeper-of-the-Key” Lee Dances-on-Silver taught Charlotte how to control and direct
Howl: Protector of the Moon’s Paths her Rage, taking her to the Umbra so that she could see for herself
what corrupted spirits looked like. For years, she studied under
Quote: “I was entrusted with this task — I will not fail in it.”
him so that she could learn which spirits could be bargained with
Breed: Homid and which spirits had to be put down. At first, she felt strongly
Auspice: Theurge about having to kill the spirits that wouldn’t work with the tribe
Tribe: Silver Fangs — to her, they were living things just like people, and having to
To the Moon and Back kill them weighed heavy on her heart.
Charlotte grew up in a world where the existence of Garou This changed one night when Dances-on-Silver left Charlotte
of the Moon Paths is the reason why Sokhta gifted the Garou
with the pathstone and heralds the final arrival of the Apocalypse.
Plots and Ambitions
• Rising to the Challenge: Dances-in-Silver’s death removed
a level of protection from Charlotte’s past mistakes and exposed
her to criticism and challenges. Few Silver Fangs believe Charlotte
is suitable for, or deserves, the responsibility of safeguarding her
father’s key. Though none know the truth of the pathstone’s
power, the tribe’s elders believe they should hold it. Charlotte
disagrees and has refused all instructions to pass the key to others.
• Safeguard the Paths: The Moon’s pathways are meant to
be guarded by Lunes, and journeys always have an element of
uncertainty. They’ve been increasingly untended in recent months,
leaving other spirits free to harass travelers, demanding payment
for passage or outright refusing to let Garou pass. Charlotte’s
hunts for these tollkeepers, seeing it as her duty to negotiate an
acceptable price and bind the spirits to help rather than hinder,
or to destroy those who refuse.
• Moon Paths: Charlotte rarely stays long in any part of
to end a corrupted spirit on her own while he attended to others the physical world. Instead, she travels between caerns, checking
elsewhere. Charlotte didn’t kill the spirit like she ought to have, and tending their moon bridges and ensuring the septs remain
and that night, that spirit came back for vengeance. It murdered connected and Garou communications remain open. She has a
its way through dozens of Kinfolk and younger Garou before knack for finding moonlit airts with trouble on their passageways
Charlotte’s father could wrangle it back into the Umbra. He in- and sometimes arrives in time to help packs in trouble.
sisted Charlotte kill it herself while he spoke the names of those Kinfolk, Packmates, and Enemies
who the spirit had killed. This shameful lesson struck home, and • Melissa Lee: Melissa is Charlotte’s sister by blood and
Charlotte never again questioned the importance of keeping the by pack. As a Philodox and one of Dances-on-Silver’s heirs, she
spirits in check, and only Dances-on-Silver’s assurances stopped has respect among her sept’s elders and the Silver Fangs. She’s
the tribe from punishing her further. been able to protect Charlotte from most tribal pushes for her to
When Dances-on-Silver passed, he left Charlotte the key to surrender the key. She doesn’t know the full truth behind it but
his rite-warded jewelry box. Charlotte was surprised that her father trusts her father’s judgment and has faith that Charlotte is doing
chose her, but as per her father’s last wishes, she fiercely guards the right thing, and that the tribe will continue to listen to reason.
this key from those who know of the pathstone and feel entitled • Sokhta: Charlotte isn’t aware that the Incarna watched
to claim it for themselves. over Dances-on-Silver and now turns her gaze onto his daughter.
Now, Charlotte tries to follow in her father’s footsteps and The nature of Charlotte’s duties brings her across the path of
build on his legacy. As a Theurge, she speaks with the spirits and many Lunes, each of which passes reports back to their mistress.
passes their messages on to her pack and tribe, holding council These Lunes rarely intercede, but their frequent presence gives
with both sides of the Umbra to keep as much peace as possible. them opportunity should Sokhta desire otherwise.
Her experiences made her implacable in the face of incalcitrant • Ryan Mitchell: The lone survivor of a family of Kinfolk
or hostile spirits, and she ensures each one keeps to its word and and Garou wiped out by the corrupted spirit Charlotte failed to
its place. When peace isn’t an option, Charlotte unleashes her constrain, Ryan doesn’t accept the sept’s forgiveness of her neg-
Rage and loses herself in the chaos of battle. ligence, nor the obviously political motivations of her defenders.
Charlotte travels moon bridges between caerns, and Moon Raised with awareness of his family legacy, Ryan knows Garou
Paths deeper into the Umbra, negotiating with spirits and working abilities and weaknesses. He’s only human, but he knows how to
to keep Garou movement and supply lines free and clear. She has network and has drawn together a likeminded group of survivors
to fight battles against spirits who refuse to bargain and prefer to of Garou arrogance, all hungry for payback.
risk death with depressingly increasing regularity. As with her father Whispers
before her, Charlotte mostly performs this work alone, but she’s
finding the aggression and persistence of the spirit world is more • Folly of Youth: Many Silver Fang elders still believe Charlotte
than one Garou can handle. As such, she watches for those with is too inexperienced to hold something so important to the Garou
similar diligence towards spirits that she can trust to ask them to nation. They don’t know the truth of the pathstone’s power or the
join her pack — or give temporary assistance — against the stirring extent of its abilities, but they listened to Dances-on-Silver’s tales
that she’s sure are a sign of the Apocalypse. From her father’s final of his journey to Sokhta’s realm and believe in its importance.
words, Charlotte knows the spiritual onslaught and uncertainty A powerful cabal conspires to remove the key from Charlotte’s
control, preferably with her consent, but through other means if
to other parts of the world. Several have hired her in the past to
find safe passage, with her knowledge meaning she has a relatively
high success rate in getting packs somewhere quickly and intact.
• The Hidden Cabin: The Hidden Cabin is a location in
the Penumbra, seemingly a relic from some past era. Appearing
as an old log cabin in the woods, Sabrina has taken to using it as
a safe base to live away from the rest of her troubles.
• The Silent Bay: The Silent Bay is a Wyld caern located
several miles outside Portsmouth, where Sabrina has a room and
workshop for studying her findings and easy departure into the
Kinfolk, Packmates, and Enemies
• Misha: Misha is a Shadow Lord Theurge Elder who taught
Sabrina through her First Change and in the ways of dealing with
spirits. Still living at the Silent Bay, Misha works as its leader and
provides Sabrina with the occasional resources in her studies,
alongside any leads he might have.
• The Jamesons: Sabrina’s non-Garou family, the Jamesons
provide her with occasional small term aid and keep a small bank
spent more time there, away from everyone, including her pack. account together for the rare time that she stays out of the Umbra
When her sept encouraged the obsession as just another part of long enough to use it.
her learning experience, she traveled deeper into exploring its • The Harvest Moon Pack: Sabrina’s pack, though she’s
realms and discovering rites and secret scraps of lore to aid nav- fallen out of regular contact with her increasingly lengthy forays
igation and travel hidden paths. Her journeys took her through into the Umbra. Henry, a Get of Fenris Ragabash, and Maria, a
places where time moved differently, with each return leaving her Silent Strider Ahroun, still consider Sabrina part of the pack and
looking more aged than she should be. work with her when possible.
After disappearing for nearly a year, Sabrina revealed she had • The Spirit of Untamed Roads: A powerful entity from the
found the beginnings of a system to map the Umbra and take harder to reach regions of the Umbra, it was this spirit Sabrina
advantage of paths where time and space shifted within its bound- tricked for information on crafting the Umbral Compass. Realizing
aries. She claimed her system would revolutionize the way Garou the deception, and how it goes against its purpose, the spirit has
interacted and traveled with the Umbra, removing much of the become an enemy of Sabrina. Seemingly locked onto their scent,
guesswork and uncertainty from diverting from established paths. it has begun attacking Sabrina as she travels through the Umbra.
Sabrina hasn’t yet perfected the system and it’s not yet intu- Whispers
itive, appearing as pages of complex calculations with variables • Against Chronos’s Will: Sabrina looks older than she
including lunar year and cycle, auspice and tribe of the travelers, should for someone of her age, especially a Garou. Some say this
and more. Sabrina works diligently to find ways to simplify her is because she has found a way to, somehow, travel time in the
method and make it more widely available to the Garou Nation. Umbra and managed to begin exploring either the past or future
Until she achieves this, she’s happy to help guide others to where for answers.
they need to be, if they can find her in the first place.
• Not Sabrina: Sabrina went into the Umbra years ago, and
Plots and Ambitions whatever came back out is something else, possibly some Wyld spirit
• Map the Umbra: Sabrina near constantly travels the Um- possessing her body or a mimicking entity. It may not be harmful
bra to learn the secrets of how the different worlds fit together to Garou now, but who knows what its plans are for the future?
and discover the hidden paths between them. She has amassed • The Thing in the Umbra: Some believe that Sabrina found
a treasure trove of fetishes and ancient lore to help this goal and something ancient and powerful all those years ago in the Umbra
discarded almost as much when it proves less useful. and has been searching for it again ever since. That her desire to
• Discover the Flow: Early in her experience with moon map and understand it inside and out isn’t just a curiosity, but
bridges and the Umbra, Sabrina noticed the way time moved an obsession to find that which she once knew.
differently and how it shifted and changed. One could enter a Image
moon bridge, travel for an hour, and walk out minutes before
• Sabrina is a tall, sickly-pale woman, standing well over six
they left; or walk through the Umbra for a day and arrive back in
feet, who hasn’t aged well. She’s still in her mid-twenties but ap-
the Penumbra a month later. She hopes to find out why this is, if
pears closer to fifty. She wears her waist-length gray hair unevenly,
there’s a rhyme or reason, and control it if possible.
cut from a formerly asymmetrical undercut which has never been
• Guide for Hire: Sabrina is willing to help those in need fixed. She carries herself in an open and joking manner. Sabrina’s
find their way through the Umbra or find the quickest way to travel
clothes have not been updated since she first started exploring the gles. They bring the contrast of their new moon’s darkness to the
Umbra, and she still wears a black leather jacket, ripped and torn light of other auspices. Their fellow Garou may not like or even
from years of use, an old blood-and-mud-stained band shirt, and appreciate the Ragabash’s questions, but wise werewolves pause
black jeans that have become shreds of mud-stained fabric below and listen, and understand the value their challenges can deliver.
the knee. Sabrina’s Lupus form is a reddish-gray wolf of large size,
with longer hair matted from the years, and several scars marking
the patches of fur. In the Umbra, Sabrina often prefers this form Dalaja Aashray Tahanee,
as its natural advantages are of better use there than any human
form, and not as threatening as Crinos to the spirits. They-Shelter-the-Shoots
Attributes: Strength 2 (4/6/5/3), Dexterity 2 (2/3/4/4), Stamina Howl: Without change, only extinction remains
3 (5/6/6/5); Charisma 2, Manipulation 3 (1/0/0/0), Ap- Quote: “This is not the time for tears, but for celebration. Change
pearance 3 (2/0/3/3); Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 5 is coming, whether you want it or not. Now is the time to change into
Abilities: Alertness 2, Athletics 1, Intimidation 1, Primal Urge 3, something of your own volition, else be changed into nothing.”
Subterfuge 2; Animal Ken 1, Crafts (Camouflage) 1, Etiquette Breed: Metis
2, Melee 2, Stealth 3, Survival 5; Academics (Mathematics) 3, Auspice: Ragabash
Enigmas 4, Investigation 2, Medicine 2, Occult 5, Rituals 3 Tribe: Silver Fangs
Backgrounds: Contacts 3, Fetish 4, Kinfolk 2, Mentor 4, Resources Champion of the Stigmatized
1, Spirit Heritage (plant) 3 Totem 4 (Pegasus)
Dalaja Aashray Tahanee was born to two noble members of
Gifts: (1) Mother’s Touch, Persuasion, Sense Wyrm, Spirit’s Speech, King Palmarstan Nayar’s court. Their mother’s pregnancy was
Wyld Resurgence; (2) Curse of Aeolus, Command Spirit, hidden away in shame and after she gave birth, both of their par-
Name the Spirit; (3) Exorcism, Wings of Pegasus ents went on one last mission to throw themselves into final battle
Rank: 3 with a nest of Thunderwyrms. Although they died with Glory and
Rage: 3 Honor, their names have been stricken from the records of House
Blood Red Crest, and Dalaja only refers to them as maata and pita.
Gnosis: 7
Like almost every Mule born to the Silver Fangs, Dalaja was
Willpower: 5 sequestered away in a camp with others of similarly shameful births
Glory: 2 and raised with the teachings that although their birth was an
Honor: 2 embarrassment, they could still serve Mother Gaia by joining their
Wisdom: 9 tribe in times of war. As a Ragabash, Dalaja constantly questioned
this thinking and made themselves a general nuisance to the Garou
Rites: (1) Last Blessing, Rite of Cleansing, Rite of Heritage; (2) tasked to raise them. They were responsible for multiple rebellions
Rite of Becoming , Rite of Summoning; (3) Descent into the and also punished harshly for this, all before their First Change.
Underworld, Rite of the Glorious Past
The Change brought new opportunities to them, however,
Fetishes: Umbral Compass and without hesitation, as soon as they could take on a human
shape — they had always worn a human face — they escaped the
The Pathfinders
The Ragabash look and ask ‘why’? The nature of the auspice
Mule enclave and into the general population. Their relatively
gentle Rage in their youth allowed them an easier time to slip in
and out of humanity, and they lived for several years on the streets
is to question. Ragabash question what came before, what is hap- of Shillong until they were adopted by a group of hijra who raised
pening now, and what plans the Garou have for the future. Not them as one of their own.
content to accept what Galliards say is the meaning of ritual and When They-Shelter-the-Shoots returned to the court of King
song, what Ahroun declare to be the best strategy, what Philodox Nayar, they demanded to be recognized as a full member of the
argue is fair judgment, or what Theurges reveal as wisdom of the tribe, and although many ranking Silver Fangs were scandalized
Umbra, the tricksters look to examine everything from new an- and opposed the idea, King Nayar agreed that should They-Shelter-
Plots & Ambitions
• The Silver Fangs Must Change or Perish: Despite all ap-
pearances, Dalaja does not see themselves as a major player within
the intricate politics of the Silver Fangs. Nevertheless, because
they wish to turn over so many ancient traditions, and more so,
traditions which have been used to present a pristine image of their
tribe, they are nonetheless a major agent of change within a tribe
that has resisted such things for centuries. Their advocacy for the
rights of Mule Silver Fangs to be recognized as full members of the
tribe positions them as one of the most radical and revolutionary
Silver Fangs during the last days of the Apocalypse. With the end
of the world on the horizon, They-Shelter-the-Shoots only deems
it more necessary than ever to advocate for the status of warriors
that will be necessary to survive the end of times.
• The Khasi Hills: They-Shelter-the-Shoots is the ranking
Ragabash of King Palmarstan Nayar’s court located in the Khasi
Hills in the state of Meghalaya, India. The Khasi Hills are a sacred
location to House Blood Red Crest, and They-Shelter-the-Shoots
takes their role in its maintenance and defense seriously, rarely
leaving the bawn. Within the sept, They-Shelter-the-Shoots holds
the-Shoots successfully defeat the Master of Challenge in a trial by the Blood Red Crest–specific title of Cakṣas, comparable to the
combat, he would recognize them. They-Shelter-the-Shoots, a cliath position of Fool with elements of Den Parent and Truthcatcher.
at the time, shocked the court by doing so. Lord Blue Moon owed
his life to Dalaja’s parents, who saved him during the Thunderwyrm Kinfolk, Packmates, and Enemies
assault, and had previously arranged to repay his debt in this way. • The Failing King: King Palmarstan Nayar has represented
However, King Nayar then decided that there must be another House Blood Red Crest for decades, but he presides over a dying
step and challenged the cliath himself. Because of the nature of the House. Although the Silver Fangs, and They-Shelter-the-Shoots,
challenge, They-Shelter-the-Shoots was allowed to choose gameplay, take prestige seriously, as the House grows increasingly concerned
and the two sat down to a game of Ashtapada, which Dalaja had with its lack of healthy births and true-born Garou, various members
learned from an elderly hijra. King Nayar did not know the rules, of King Nayar’s court have been positioning themselves to usurp
but instead of destroying him handily, They-Shelter-the-Shoots him. Although Dalaja is not among them, their willingness to be
chose to teach him the rules. They still bested him and became a out as born of two Garou parents and their insistence that the Silver
full member of the court. Fangs eschew old traditions in refusing to recognize their Mules
Since then, as They-Shelter-the-Shoots grew in rank and rec- has earned them something of a following. Dalaja’s prominence
ognition of the court, they have earned an honorable reputation, in the court is undeniable, and King Nayar is necessarily wary of
even if their many naysayers never gave them much quarter. They them as his health begins to fail.
personally witnessed much of the modern history of the House, • Kin Seeker: Ripple Sangma is responsible for maintaining
including the point when the last recognized Garou was born the extensive Kinfolk networks of India’s Silver Fangs. An old man
to Kinfolk of Blood Red Crest — but this moment is what set now, Ripple has devoted his entire life to following the bloodlines
They-Shelter-the-Shoots on a path of opposition to their fellow and was the first to share the horrifying news of the lack of Garou
House members, because in truth, Mules were still being born. births with the House. In the past decade, Ripple and Dalaja have
Although they were considerably rarer, as truthfully the Silver become close allies as the latter has assisted the former in adding
Fangs are much more careful to never violate the first tenet of the those Garou born in a violation of the Litany to his networks, thus
Litany than any other tribe, Mule births still occurred. But because extending the membership of the House officially. Together, they
they were not recognized as full members of the tribe, as Dalaja have both worked to elevate the role of Blood Red Crest’s Kinfolk
was, the House still believed their future to be doomed. This was on the frontlines of the war against the Wyrm in Southeast Asia.
absolute foolishness to Dalaja, and they set out on a campaign to • The Power Behind Them: No-Shadows-Cast-at-Noon is
end the sequestering of these children to be raised differently than a Blood Red Crest Ahroun and born of two Garou parents. Like
homid- or lupus-born Garou, and when that earned little success, They-Shelter-the-Shoots, she was hidden away after her birth to
they instead involved themselves heavily in how they were raised hide the shame of Silver Fang Litany violators. Unlike Dalaja,
and began to teach them that they were not the shame of House she lived most of her life in seclusion — sometimes brought out
Blood Red Crest, but the future of it. of hiding for monumental battles with the minions of the Wyrm
Now They-Shelter-the-Shoots is ready for the rebirth of the where her might was necessary, but always sequestered away once
House with dozens of Garou-born cliath in the wings, ready to the need for her brute strength had passed. She is an ardent and
bear the true honor of the Silver Fangs. fanatical supporter of They-Shelter-the-Shoots’ push to include the
Mules and other castoffs into Blood Red Crest’s court and has
taken to displaying her scale-covered, serpentine arms bare and Withered Limb; (5) Paws of the Newborn Cub, Thousand
painted with the brilliant House red when she joins the court, Forms, Totem Gift
demanding her due. Rank: 5
Whispers Rage: 5
• Shady Deals: More so than many members of House Gnosis: 8 (7 with Klaive)
Blood Red Crest, They-Shelter-the-Shoots embraces relationships Willpower: 8
and friendships with those outside the tribe, believing it is their
duty to set a shining example to the Low Tribes. Due to this, they Glory: 6 Honor: 10
have more ties and alliances with the Shadow Lords, including Wisdom: 9
the Margrave, than any other member of the House, and no small Rites: (1) Last Blessing, Rite of Heritage; (3) The Long Vigil
contingent of political observers believe that their willingness to Fetish: The Purifier (Klaive)
display the perceived weaknesses and sins of the House to the
world are a Shadow Lord plot to discredit the House.
• A Birth Unbecoming: It is no secret that Dalaja is both No- Glen Seize-Trouble
Moon and Mule, but even though they do not hide either of those Howl: Falling Guru
facts, the combination of the two leads others to often speculate Quote: “Everything in moderation, my friend — including mod-
about their duplicitousness. While They-Shelter-the-Shoots has eration.”
never made any outward motion to seize the leadership of House
Breed: Homid
Blood Red Crest from King Nayar, essentially any member of said
court, as well as any Silver Fang familiar with the machinations Auspice: Ragabash
of the court, believes this to be true. Tribe: Stargazers
• What Litany? They-Shelter-the-Shoots seems so willing to Fighting Harano
openly embrace the shame of Litany violators that many believe Glen Seize-Trouble bounces between emotional highs and lows
that they engage in other violations of the Litany, accusing them with distressing regularity. For all his keen intelligence, adventur-
of depraved approaches towards mating, hoarding wealth that ous soul, and mindful meditation techniques, he’s spiraling into
belongs to the King for those less deserving, and even trucking despair. It’s testament to his emotional strength he’s fought it for
with spirits of the Wyrm in order to get their own way. so long, yet every day brings Harano closer. Sadly, few recognize
Image the struggle hidden behind his humor and compassion.
• While in Homid form, They-Shelter-the-Shoots strikes an Always inquisitive, Glen knows a little about a lot and lots
imposing, beautiful figure. Although they are always garbed in about little. He synthesizes knowledge effectively and is always
highly detailed, expensive saris, keeping their head covered, their exploring how new fads and technology could be harnessed against
long, thick mane of black, curly hair nevertheless bursts forth from the Wyrm. When he’s not playing with some new gadget, he’s
its covering and is always a sign of their presence. They-Shelter-the- thumbing through alternative lifestyle magazines, pop-psychology
Shoots always takes the time to apply tasteful make-up and bindi, books, science magazines, and self-help guides.
and wears jewelry in her ears, nose, on her fingers, and wrists. In Glen’s First Change struck him during one boozy, mind-al-
Crinos, the mark of their birth is obvious, because even as they tering-drug-fueled party. In the heady psychedelic bliss, his change
portray the heroic figure of a white-furred Silver Fang, instead of the washed over him like a flood. He remembered only screams and
massive maw of a wolf, they wear their human face, still beautiful, laughter and thumping industrial rock while running naked
but disarming and disturbing upon their monstrous form. The through streets. Waking in a strange bed surrounded by naked
same is true of their Lupus form, otherwise a grand and majestic friends, he’d never felt more alive.
wolf with Dalaja’s human face instead of a wolf’s face. He laughed about the wild night with his mates and put
Attributes: Strength 3 (5/7/6/4), Dexterity (Preternatural Grace) everything down to particularly excellent party favors, thinking
4 (4/5/6/6), Stamina 3 (5/6/6/5); Charisma 4, Manipula- nothing more about it until the Riverina Sept found him shortly
tion 4 (2/1/1/1), Appearance 4 (3/0/4/4); Perception 3, before his final exams. With a whole new — and exciting — world
Intelligence 4, Wits 5 unfurling before his nose, Glen embraced his Garou nature.
Abilities: Alertness 2, Athletics 3, Brawl 2, Empathy 3, Leadership Since then, Glen has scored impressive victories against
(Compelling) 4, Primal Urge (Shifting Forms) 4, Streetwise Wyrm-tainted businesses — successfully turning workers and
3, Subterfuge (Seduction) 4, Etiquette (Tribal) 4, Larceny 2, management against each other and generating bad press until
Melee (Klaive Dueling) 5, Stealth 2, Survival 1, Academics the company collapses. He always hopes they might change for
1, Enigmas 2, Investigation 3, Law (The Litany) 4, Medicine the better, but it hasn’t happened yet.
3, Rituals 3 After a few years bouncing between the sept’s other packs,
Backgrounds: Allies 5, Contacts 4, Fetish 4, Pure Breed 5, Rites 5 Glen pulled a handful of cubs and cliath into a new pack of his
own. Under his leadership, the Crow-Biting-Ferals (or Team CBF,
Gifts: (1) Infectious Laughter, Inspiration, Shed; (2) Blissful as they call themselves) became adept at sabotaging logging compa-
Ignorance, Empathy, Form Mastery; (3) Burning Blade, nies, mining ventures, research laboratories, and agri-businesses.
Chameleon, Liar’s Craft; (4) Mindblock, Whelp Body, The pack enjoyed his jovial command and open-minded wisdom.
agri-business — just maybe his pack will forgive his failures and
accept his return. He doesn’t even care if he remains their alpha;
perhaps it’s best if he doesn’t.
Plots and Ambitions
• Payback: Glen harbors a special hatred for the Free-X
fomori and their handler, Adrian Carver. He wants to end them
thoroughly and spectacularly. He secretly hopes his hatred will
motivate him despite his depression and that success will burn his
despair away. He can’t do it alone, though, and doesn’t believe
the Crow-Biting-Ferals would follow him into battle if he asked.
• Idealism: The Wyrm is a universal force, yet individuals
have free will. Glen reasons that if Garou can fall, Mockeries
can rise. Therefore, he searches for Mockery Breed individuals
willing to discuss his ideas and perhaps join his meditation class.
By turning them towards Gaia, he turns the Wyrm’s work against
itself. Even if the seeds he plants won’t sprout until after the
Apocalypse, he must try.
• Riverina Protectorate: The Crow-Biting-Ferals share the
Riverina Protectorate in southern New South Wales, Australia,
Things soured when Neuro-Dynamic Laboratories kidnapped with two other packs. Duke Phillip Battenburg is an aging Silver
his cousin Karlos. The Crow-Biting-Ferals rescued the young man Fang who rules with a tolerant, if doddering, paw which affords
easily enough, but discovered the facility held other children and the pack great leeway in finding innovative solutions to fighting
animals — abused and screaming in naked fury at the pack. Team the Wyrm.
CBF burned the place down, but the harrowing vision lodged within • Blue Retreat: Glen’s austere wooden monastery in the Blue
Glen’s mind and his usual meditation techniques couldn’t shift them. Mountains from where he runs occasional expensive month-long
Stolen lab data indicated the lab was part of a larger effort boutique retreats and monthly free weekend meditation workshops.
to create new kinds of shapeshifters. This idea fascinated him — Nestled among the mountain eucalypts, it’s almost entirely isolat-
surely only Gaia could create new Breeds? So, what were these? ed from modern telecommunications. Here at the Protectorate’s
Glen’s curiosity led to months of research, interviews, travel, and eastern border, Glen now lives in silent introspection.
Umbral quests. He became Australia’s foremost expert on these Kinfolk, Packmates, and Enemies
so-called Mockery Breeds. • Crow-Biting-Ferals: Glen’s packmates are diverse and
Unfortunately, Glen’s relationship with his pack deteriorated technologically savvy cliaths and fosterns. Despite the current
after a disastrous trip to Mozambique. Instead of meeting their falling out between Glen and Spears-the-Web, the pack haven’t
Kerasi target, Glen watched in horror as the Mockery butchered formally replaced him, yet. Matt Low-Bar and Lisa Twigg-Snapper
a local Glass Walker pack. Worse, he restrained Ben Spears-the- think the anger will pass soon enough. Only Kat Among-the-Sick
Web from joining the fray, too. The Ragabash still questions his is concerned for Glen’s mental health — if he doesn’t respond to
decision to hide. Team CBF were horrified when they discovered her text messages and emails within a day, she frets.
his inaction, and Ben remains furious. • Adrian Carver and the Free-X: The Ferectoi Adrian Carver
Miserable, Glen withdrew to allow his pack space to heal. created Project Theogony to ride the tsunami of superhero power
Visiting his Kinfolk, he discovered his niece, Jasmine, had joined fantasy media popularity, teaching young and impressionable
a cult-like fomori “superhero” team called the “Free-X”. His rescue recruits (“X-Ceptionals”) their Bane-given abilities are superpow-
backfired when Jasmine released a terrified, frenzy-inducing scream. ers. Mr. Carver seduces the innocent and idealistic to join his
Within minutes the entire family was dead. In the aftermath Glen team, the Free-X, alongside the bitter, vengeful, and angry, taking
was inconsolable. He rejected his pack’s support and left them to special delight in corrupting young Kinfolk when identified.
mourn in solitude. He desperately needs to re-center himself — his He indoctrinates recruits with revelations of real and imagined
grief is overwhelming, and he no longer smiles. conspiracies and secrets, focusing their hate and paranoia upon
Glen’s priority is to avoid Harano. Mindful meditation is the shapeshifters permeating society and monsters lurking in
failing him, and he feels too ostracized to ask his pack or sept for the wilderness. Plentiful drug cocktails control the undesirable
help. In his lonely depression he’s incrementally self-medicating to side-effects of Bane possession and boost the X-Ceptionals’ combat
“kickstart emptiness”. He’s seriously considering undertaking the performance. The Free-X operates out of See-Dream World Studios
long journey north chasing a rumor that the Daintree Gumagan on the tourist-swarming Queensland Gold Coast. Satellite studios
will cure Harano for a price. exist around Australia, providing ready access to candidates sla-
Secondly, he desperately wants redemption. With a victory vering over Wyrm-tainted merch, and permits occasional publicly
over the Wyrm’s forces — whether Free-X or some polluting visible incidents the cover of “movie magic SFX”. Carver knows
until the great Apocalyptic battles. If he can save more caerns than
he hurts, save more woods than he destroys, keep Kinfolk from
dying, he can sleep at night.
• The Caern of the Hallowed Tree: White-Eye’s home, and
the place he fights for. He has not seen it in years, though Dasos
keeps a live satellite feed, so he knows their side of the deal is held
up. He still wishes to return once he is free and believes it would
be only right and proper to bare his throat and confess his betrayal
and sins to his sept and let them judge or kill him as they decide.
• The Habitat: Pentex keeps a habitat for White-Eye to spend
his time between missions in one of their many bases of operations.
No bigger or more natural than a zoo exhibit, it is nevertheless
the most nature White-Eye gets to spend for any amount of time.
It is his home for now.
Kinfolk, Packmates, and Enemies
• Dasos Logging: A minor Pentex subsidiary claiming to be
dedicated to sustainable logging practices, while being anything
but. Dasos has grown considerably in Pentex’s esteem since co-
ercing White-Eye into its service. Dasos has also grown slightly
lax, starting to treat the Garou more as an employee and less as
them. Dasos couldn’t let him return to their embrace. He was a slave. White-Eye is disgusted by this but is smart enough to
shipped out to other locations and subcontracted to other arms take advantage of the situation and learn more that he can use
of Pentex to do what human-hating Garou do best. White-Eye against the Wyrm.
massacred rival logging companies so Dasos could destroy them • The Hallowed Tree Pack: White-Eye’s old pack only knows
and take their business. He put down environmentalist protests that White-Eye disappeared and assume him dead. The Red Talons
at sites, and even fought the occasional Garou who caused too of this pack don’t have much contact with other packs, but if they
much trouble for the company. caught word from other Garou about the actions of a werewolf
Some within other Pentex subsidiaries wonder how Dasos matching White-Eye’s appearance, they’d start to question. From
managed to obtain such perfect control over one of Gaia’s warriors. here, it would only be a matter of time before the pack hunted
Rumors and speculations circulate about bomb collars, implanted their former packmate. Whether they’d free him or simply kill him
control microchips, addiction to some substance that only Dasos would depend entirely on what he is doing when they find him.
can provide, and even darker, mystical bindings. In truth, White-
Eye could leave any time. The only thing keeping him back is a live
satellite feed he can access any time showing his sept and readouts • Bane Immune: Some wonder at how after so long doing
of the environmentally devastating overkill weaponry targeted at Pentex’s bidding that White-Eye doesn’t carry Wyrm-scent.
the site, and no idea who has their finger on the button. Whispered rumors say that White-Eye possesses some immunity
White-Eye isn’t idle in his servitude. He listens; he learns. to corruption. Those who believe such things are concerned
His knack for understanding human concepts, languages, and about the long-term implications of allowing a beacon of purity
structures hasn’t diminished. Dasos — and Pentex — think they to continue within their midst.
have him under control, but they don’t realize how much of their • More than Blackmail: Many believe that White-Eye’s
secrets their “tame dog” has put together. White-Eye hasn’t figured stories of blackmail and deals with Pentex are fiction, or greatly
out how to most effectively use what he knows yet, but he’s certain exaggerated. That, as much as he would have you believe otherwise,
that when he acts, it will be devastating for Dasos, and he may he happily serves Pentex and has become truly domesticated by
even be able to strike a fatal blow against Pentex itself. them as a willing servant. These people often believe the only
reason he does not become a Black Spiral Dancer is some twisted
Plots and Ambitions pride in serving the Wyrm while fully outside its forced control.
• Escape Human Control: White-Eye hates how he’s stuck,
unable to act as a Red Talon should. He cannot escape until his
home is safe, but he can learn and plan. Discover Pentex’s weak- • In his natural Lupus form White-Eye is a lithe wolf, with
nesses, gain their trust, make them think he’s domesticated. When light brown fur that’s marked by a white patch of fur on the face,
they least suspect it, proud and haughty, bite and run. over the left muzzle and eye. In Homid form, White-Eye appears
• Minimize Damage: White-Eye justifies his actions to himself as a relatively short man of average build, with dark black messy
as slowing the human destruction of Garou land, and that he is hair, with a spot of hypopigmentation over his left cheek and eye.
facilitating more damage between humans and Wyrm-minions In this form he often wears a black-and-white suit carrying the
than to werewolves. He is saving lives and keeping fighters safe Dasos logo. In all forms he’s required to wear a non-dedicated
elastic GPS wristband, so the company can track his location.
Nation’s loss; the sept has welcomed these visitors if they mind strong and fast and finds it hard to say no to a fight, though Sayo
their manners. Sayo tolerates no false tales of fighting the Wyrm or often helps him to set a better example for the cubs. He frequently
winning the Apocalypse and firmly but politely asks such impolite travels with Sayo when she leaves the island, as despite her dedi-
guests to leave. So far, all have done so without further incident. cation to peace, he’s seen the look in the eyes of visiting outsiders
Plots and Ambitions and knows something violent is coming.
• Fostering the Future: Sayo’s driving goal is rescuing as many Whispers
cubs as possible before they’re wrapped up by delusional septs and • A Metis in The Making: The relationship between Jin and
indoctrinated into continuing to fight a lost war. According to Sayo is no secret in the sept, and despite Hermit’s gentle warnings
Hermit’s teachings — now Sayo’s as well — the Apocalypse is long he’s afraid they’re not taking proper precautions. Despite Sayo’s
since lost and the cubs are the first generation in the post-Apoc- mothering of the cubs brought to the island, they’ve mostly been
alyptic world. Fighting didn’t work, and new ways are needed to homids with a few lupus among them. She’s never had to deal
resuscitate Gaia, assuming it’s not already too late. with the tragedy and difficulty of the Crinos-born, and Hermit
• Resurrect the World: The Apocalypse came and went, the worries that the reality of that may severely damage Sayo and Jin’s
Wyrm won, the Garou lost. These are simple truths, and falling relationship and the security of their island home.
into Harano over them isn’t going to help anyone. The post-Apoc- • Lost Potential: Many packs across the world have arrived to
alyptic world has global warming, loss of livable land, devastation collect a newly Changed cub only to find them gone. As word of
of plant and animal species, and pandemics infecting everyone. Sayo’s strange island sept spreads, these packs are figuring out what
These are the challenges to combat, and they’re not going to be occurred. The envoys to the sept see so many young Garou who
defeated through tooth and claw. Sayo’s not satisfied with mere could be fighting rather than surrendering, and although they’re
survival; the Garou of the post-Apocalypse need to heal the world aware that assaulting the island poses considerable challenges,
rather than fight over it. the time is inevitably coming when someone will try and extract
Territory cubs from Sayo’s care. Winning the Apocalypse is too important
to not take the risk.
• Jurong, Singapore: Jurong is located at the south-west-
ernmost point of the West Region of Singapore, covering several Image
offshore islands as well. Sayo and her growing sept make their • Sayo has long, straight, jet-black hair that almost seems blue
home on one of these islands. Though much of Singapore’s land in the right light. She’s a deceptively petite woman of Singaporean
is consumed by development and construction, Sayo’s island is descent, and her features tend to favor her mother’s side of the
mostly wilderness with a few homes and some cleared land for family. She carries herself as if she’s constantly on a mission, and
simple farming. The island holds heavy spiritual wards and has for those that know her, she usually is. Sayo’s dark hair translates
several powerful defensive spirits standing guard over its protection to her fur in Crinos and Hispo form, with little other color to mark
and discovery. Through these, the island is largely lost to normal her fur. When she’s in Lupus, her fur shines almost blue in color.
human detection despite being situated near such heavily populated Attributes: Strength 1 (3/5/4/2), Dexterity 3 (3/4/5/5), Stamina
human cities. The island is even somewhat obscured from other 2 (4/5/5/4); Charisma 4, Manipulation 3 (1/0/0/0), Ap-
Garou, with the constant heavy feeling of the wards helping to pearance 3 (2/0/3/3); Perception 2, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
keep them from becoming impolite.
Abilities: Alertness 1, Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Empathy 2, Primal
Kinfolk, Packmates, and Enemies Urge 2; Animal Ken 2, Crafts (Jewelry) 4, Etiquette 2, Survival
• Hermit: His real name is Cameron Ward, but he’s happy (Tracking) 3; Enigmas 2, Investigation 3
as “Hermit”. Hermit avoids the rare outsider Garou who visit Backgrounds: Allies 5, Ancestors 2, Fate 2, Mentor 5, Resources 2
and is content for Sayo to lead the sept. In truth, Hermit is a Gifts: (1) Brother’s Scent, Mother’s Touch, Persuasion, Scent of
Legendary Child of Gaia Theurge who brokered peace deals and Running Water, (2) Blissful Ignorance, Calm, Jam Technology,
truces amongst tribes and septs who had feuded for centuries. (3) Lover’s Touch, Pathfinder
Hermit thought he had earned his rest from Gaia’s needs until
Rank: 3
the day a young cub underwent her First Change just down the
road from his house. His view that the Apocalypse has come and Rage: 3
gone and the Wyrm won isn’t simply deluded rhetoric; it’s derived Gnosis: 2
from long, hard experience. He firmly believes that teaching cubs Willpower: 5
a better way and avoiding everything that came before with the
Glory: 4
Garou Nation is now the only path of rescuing Gaia from her
death spiral. Hermit’s the source of the island’s wards and spiritual Honor: 6
defenses, and while he’s loathe to turn to violence, he’s more than Wisdom: 5
a match for what other tribe’s may send against his sept. Rites: None
• Jin Singh: Sayo’s first find and now lover, Jin helps Sayo Fetishes: None
train the new Garou they find in the ways of the Ahroun. He’s
choices are as infallible as many Garou believe, or if the goddess refuse to speak with packs until long after Dina has moved on.
is capable of mistakes. In any other tribe Dina’s questions would • The Corrupted: The sept didn’t find the bodies of all
be blasphemous and possibly lead to punishment or ostracism. Dina’s fallen pack after the disastrous Rite of Passage. Many
• Enlighten Others: Dina doesn’t stick to her caern and believe some were taken alive and whisked from the city, subject
sept and meditate on the nature of existence. Her quest is active; to horrific tortures or degradations. A Black Spiral Dancer who
she moves across the world, exploring what her present auspice occasionally terrorizes Alexandria bears a resemblance to one
means to other tribes and philosophies. Her experience in multi- of the fallen cubs. Worse, captured vampires have spoken of a
ple auspices gives her unique insight which is often viewed with werewolf-vampire hybrid — an Abomination — taken from the city
suspicion from more traditionally minded Garou, but attracts after her Embrace to be trained to return and destroy all traces
many questions and thoughtfulness from younger werewolves. of her former allies.
Territory Image
• Sept of the Bloodied Stair: The sept where Dina was born • Dina is a short Garou, standing just shy of five feet tall in
and raised, located in the catacombs beneath the city of Alexandria. Homid form, with broad shoulders and a muscular frame. She
This sept is primarily composed of Black Furies and isn’t overly wears functional, comfortable clothes, often muddied and stained
welcoming to outsiders. Dina spends little time here — most sept from her travels. She keeps her hair cropped close to her scalp and
members regard her with barely concealed displeasure — but she appears perpetually interested in other people’s ideas and views.
feels a connection to her birthplace and hopes when her journey Dina’s Lupus form is a contrast with that of her Homid shape.
is complete, she will again be accepted. She is a long and slender wolf with short black hair and white
• Open Sky Sept: Stargazers almost exclusively make up mem- freckling throughout. She lacks a tail — the mark of her birth.
bership of this sept, although it is technically open to all. Hidden Attributes: Strength 4 (6/8/7/5), Dexterity 4 (4/5/6/6), Stamina
among dense jungle high in Indonesia’s Barisan Mountains, the 2 (4/5/5/4); Charisma 3, Manipulation 3 (1/0/0/0), Ap-
easiest and most commonly used way to enter or leave the sept’s pearance 2 (1/0/2/2); Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
caern is via moon bridge. The werewolves who make the Open Abilities: Alertness 3, Athletics 4, Brawl 3, Empathy 4, Intimi-
Sky caern their home spend much of their time in contemplation dation 1, Primal Urge 2, Streetwise 4, Subterfuge 2; Drive
about Gaia and Garou nature but don’t remove themselves entirely 1, Etiquette 3, Firearms 1, Larceny 2, Melee 3, Stealth 3,
from the world; they maintain radio and satellite phone commu- Survival 3; Enigmas 4, Investigation 4, Medicine 2, Occult 3
nication with Kinfolk scattered throughout Asia and respond to
Backgrounds: Allies 3, Contacts 3, Rites 3, Totem 5
request for aid whenever they can.
Gifts: (1) Blur of the Milky Eye, Channeling, Iron Resolve, Fall-
Kinfolk, Packmates, and Enemies ing Touch, Open Seal, Persuasion, Sense Wyrm, Truth of
• Hadem Twice-Changed: Hadem supports but worries for Gaia, (2) Burrow, Inner Light, Strength of Purpose, Surface
Dina. He understands the feeling of needing to correct Luna’s Attunement; (3) Clarity, Shell
selection but worries that Traces-the-Circle is going too far and
Rank: 1
angers the moon goddess. Despite this, Twice-Changed trusts
in Chimera’s wisdom over his own and does whatever he can to Rage: 5
assist Dina on her self-discovery. Gnosis: 5
• Aya “Marks-the-Prey” Saeed: The sept Leader of the Willpower: 7
Bloodied Stair, Aya is a Black Fury Elder and Dina’s mother. Glory: 1
Despite the dishonor she feels at her child’s birth and actions,
Honor: 1
Aya can’t bring herself to abandon her motherly concern and has
kept the gates of the sept open despite widespread disapproval Wisdom: 1
from other members. Rites: (1) Rite of Renunciation, Rite of Talisman Dedication
• Chimera: She of Many Faces understands self-discovery Fetishes: None
through change. Dina’s journey is a difficult one that may never be
completed — the Apocalypse draws closer, the Wyrm’s forces grow
ever stronger, and the Garou Nation itself regards those who defy
Luna’s choices poorly. Nonetheless, Chimera has made it known
The Judges
Standing between the light and the darkness, the Philodox
among Stargazers that they brook no hostility or impediment to sees both sides and chooses which is preferred in the situation.
Dina and ensures a constant entourage of Chimerlings follows When the situation calls for it, the Half Moon tells the Ahroun
closely enough to observe, report, and intervene if necessary. to stay their claws, the Galliard to be quiet, the Theurge to ignore
Whispers spirits, and the Ragabash to cease their questions and follow
• Luna’s Wrath: Some believe Dina’s path goes too far. Luna the pack. Garou who truly seek to win or avert the Apocalypse
can accept an ignorant cub changing the gift she has bestowed on know that when the Philodox acts, it’s rarely without considering
them once, but doing so over and over is an affront to having an alternatives, and even their unorthodox approaches may prove
auspice at all. They say Lunes already shun Dina’s presence and the path to victory.
Kinfolk, Packmates, and Enemies Abilities: Alertness 2, Athletics (Running) 4, Brawl 2, Empathy
1, Leadership 1, Primal Urge 1, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge
• Outer Florida Colony: Though his travels rarely allow him
(Feigned Innocence) 5; Drive 1, Firearms (Rifles) 4, Larceny
the opportunity to return home, the Mennonite Colony where
3, Stealth (Shadowing) 5, Survival 3; Investigation 3, Medicine
James was born is filled with at least two dozen Kinfolk, most of
1, Occult 1, Rituals 1
whom James has known his entire life. To the community at large,
James is a missionary serving Jesus far from home. Backgrounds: Contacts 4, Fetish 3, Kinfolk 3, Rites 1
• Vagabonds of Glory: Brought together by Elders of the Sept Gifts: (1) Apecraft’s Blessing, Brother’s Scent, Fangs of Judgment,
of Unquiet Dreams several years ago, the Vagabonds have grown Scent of the True Form; (2) Luna’s Armor, Speech of the
close and grown strong. The other members of the pack are Manu World, Strength of Purpose
Baez, a homid Ragabash Bone Gnawer; Cecilia Gomez, a homid Rank: 2
Children of Gaia Theurge; and Two-Throats, a metis Galliard
Rage: 3
of the Children of Gaia born to a Black Fury and a Fianna. All
members of the Vagabonds are fostern. Gnosis: 2
• Victims: Notable victims of James include Pedro “Pusher” Willpower: 6
Franco, a Glass Walker in Asunción who was keeping vampires as Glory: 1
livestock to sell their blood; Noemi Cabrera, a Shadow Lord from Honor: 4
Brazil who was conspiring with Pentex; and Rage-of-the-Lost, an
Wisdom: 2
Uktena lupus who had begun slaking his anger on humans. Many
have friends and family still searching for answers. Rites: (1) Rite of the Questing Stone, Rite of Talisman Dedication
Whispers Fetishes: Chameleon Skin, Nyx’s Bangle
• Dead Man’s Hand: As several of James’s victims were
assassinated with gunfire at a distance, sometimes with silver,
and others with just a torrent of bullets, these murders are often
Celine Kelsoe
Howl: Embracing new ways
attributed to human werewolf hunters. Attacks-at-Midnight, a
Glass Walker Ahroun and former mercenary thinks the most Quote: “The Impergium failed. The Garou Nation has squandered
likely group to carry this out is the Dead Man’s Hand. eons battling humanity when we should have been teaching them. There’s
no more time for petty violence. Now’s the time to teach them our ways,
• Murder Hobos: A few cunning Garou have noticed that,
teach them to respect Gaia. It’s her only hope.”
when the Vagabonds of Glory travel to a sept, it has often coincided
with a death of a Garou. Now, Garou dying violently is the rule Breed: Homid
and not the exception, but eventually even the least wise among Auspice: Philodox
the Nation can recognize patterns. A Get Ahroun and veteran of Tribe: Ronin (formerly Fianna)
the Amazon War who excels in tracking Black Spiral Packs thinks Ronin by Choice, Outcast in Protest
he may have found one that got far closer than anyone can realize
Celine was a Fianna, raised by Kinfolk. The trauma of her
and is now tracking the young pack.
First Change was blunted with comfort and wisdom of a close-knit
• Skin in the Game: Perhaps the most depraved step James family who had been living with the possibility of a Garou birth
has taken to hide his tracks is to take the skins of the occasional for generations. She knew the Litany back to front and could sing
victim. As a Child of Gaia, he is aware of the notorious Samuel several songs of Fianna deeds before the Change came. While
“Skinner” Haight, a former Kinfolk of his tribe. Though long her family assumed she would embrace the Gibbous Moon, she
thought dead, his technique of taking the skins of Garou survives. changed under the Philodox auspice, which shocked everyone —
Why should anyone suspect a Garou of stealing skins to become most of all Celine.
Prior to the First Change, Celine thought that the stories and
Image songs of the Fianna were fables steeped in metaphor. Fairytales
• In Homid form, James is a tall and sturdily built Caucasian meant to illustrate responsibilities that the people had to protect
man with short cut brown hair and a cleanly shaven face. His skin the land and combat evil and corruption. It didn’t take long living
is a deep tan from spending years outside, both as a child and a among the Garou for her to realize just how literal — if occasion-
Garou. He tends to dress in durable, plain clothes. When on the ally embellished — those tales truly were. The violence of Garou
hunt, however, he often adopts different guises to deceive anyone society bothered Celine deeply, and though she survived her Rite
looking into his kills. Sometimes this means blending in with an- of Passage and went on to a modest increase in Rank, she was
other subculture, others it could be actual camouflage. His Lupus disconcerted by the beliefs of her Garou brethren.
form is lean, with a light-brown coat and the same green eyes. Shortly after she attained the rank of foster, Celine first ran afoul
Attributes: Strength 2 (4/6/5/3), Dexterity 3 (3/4/5/5), Stamina of her elders. An avid social media creator and climate activist even
(Tireless) 4 (6/7/7/6); Charisma 2, Manipulation (Forked before her change, Celine refused to cast aside her various profiles
Tongue) 4 (2/1/1/1), Appearance 2 (1/0/2/2); Perception despite her pack’s insistence. She reasoned that the information she
3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3 was sharing was crucial to reach out to humans and educate them
about the ongoing climate crisis. When she refused to relent, even
Celine frequently reminds Kira that the Garou have spirits and Abilities: Alertness 2, Brawl 1, Empathy 2, Expression (Social
magic and millennia of cultural history as hunters. Despite the Media) 4, Leadership 3, Primal Urge 2, Subterfuge 1; Animal
danger, Kira refuses to abandon Celine. Ken 2, Drive 1, Melee 2, Performance (Oration) 3, Stealth 2,
• Fan Community: Celine’s fan community is massive. Like Survival 2; Academics (Ethics) 2, Computer 2, Enigmas 3,
any community of its size, there are exceptionally kind and helpful Law 2, Medicine 3, Occult (Garou Lore) 4, Rituals (Mystic)
members rubbing shoulders with toxic individuals who bring 4, Science (Climate Science) 4, Technology 2
nothing but trouble everywhere they pop up. A small but growing Backgrounds: Allies 1, Contacts 1, Resources 2, Rites 3, Totem
number of her fellow Ronin are putting together exactly who she 5 (Bear, Personal Totem)
is and what she stands for. As her influence on social media grows, Gifts: (1) Master of Fire, Mother’s Touch, Persuasion, Truth of
she reaches more Ronin. This could lead to the largest network of Gaia, Two Tongues; (2) Glib Tongue, Staredown, Strength
Ronin working together for common cause — if Celine survives of Purpose
that long. In addition to the Ronin, some spirits of the Weaver and
denizens of the Digital Web have taken note of Celine’s activities. Rank: 0
A few have even gone so far as to interfere with the efforts of Garou Rage: 4
to track her location or otherwise intervene on her behalf. Gnosis: 4
• Bear: After parting ways with the Garou Nation, Celine Willpower: 8
sought out the spirit of Bear to serve as her totem. When she ex-
Glory: 0
plained her reason for leaving the Garou and her mission to heal
Gaia, Bear gladly accepted her. The increase in healing knowledge Honor: 0
Celine gained from her pact with Bear inspired her to become more Wisdom: 0
involved as an action medic when she attends protests. Though Rites: (1) Rite of Binding, Rite of Cleansing, Rite of Talisman
she has yet to use the hibernation ability her patron grants, she Dedication
thinks the ability to lie extremely low for months at a time may Fetishes: None
come in handy should she gather too much heat from the Garou.
• Corrupted by the Wyrm: Celine’s former septmates and
Hestia “Arm-of-the-Erinyes”
family believe she is corrupted by the Wyrm. That much like the
Wyrm, an outside influence has driven her to madness. Some
whisper that the emphasis she’s given the Weaver in her life has Howl: Storyteller of Dionysus
caused this fracture in her mind. Quote: “Rage. Sing to me O Muse of the Rage of Gaia. Mother
• Litany Breaker: Perhaps one of the more insidious rumors of all, massacred, defiled, tainted, and through her rage let us plunder
about Celine among the Garou is a rumor of omission. Those who the hallowed fortress of man.”
speak of her often say that she’s been known to habitually break Breed: Homid
the Litany, yet the specific violations aren’t spoken of. As is often Auspice: Philodox
the case with rumors, this one is frequently shared in the most Tribe: Black Furies
scandalous and accusatory tone, inviting the listener to invent all
manner of foul behavior while filling in the gaps for themselves.
The Legacy of the Garou
Hestia did not have a normal childhood, even by the stan-
dards of the Garou. Her parents, old-fashioned even by the views
• In her Homid form, Celine is muscular and tall with green of Kinfolk, raised her isolated from most, with the same views of
eyes. Her Garou physiology combined with intense and frequent the world as the angriest of lupus. She learned that humans are
workout routines have given her a statuesque frame. Though she naturally destructive, that cities and towns are abominations in
often wears multicolored wigs on camera, her hair is auburn and the eyes of Gaia, that it is man who is the root of all evil.
kept in a textured, shaggy bob. She leans into current E-Girl fash- So it was, growing to become a misanthrope and cruel woman,
ion trends when creating scripted content, though opts for more that Hestia underwent her First Change upon seeing a male Garou
functional clothing when in the field at protests. Her mixture of at the local sept threatening a Kinfolk woman. When Hestia awoke,
relatability, curated screen presence, and her gift for conveying blood was on her tongue, and she had been led to a cabin far off
complex topics in simple language ensure her followers are well in the woods to run out her transformation. Knowing that she was
informed about the climate crisis and constantly exposed to new not even Kinfolk only helped to make her feel more disconnected
actionable plans for turning the tide. In Lupus form, Celine is a from her humanity; she craved further disconnection and to find
shaggy wolf with a brown and gray coat, giving her an appearance somewhere without humans.
like a Labrador wolf. Her eyes retain their green color in Lupus
Hestia felt her connection to humanity wane, spending more
form, offering the hint of something supernatural.
time in her Lupus form. She even took on a new name separate
Attributes: Strength (Steely Grip) 4 (6/8/7/5), Dexterity 3 from her human one, and even tried joining the Red Talons but
(3/4/5/5), Stamina 3 (5/6/6/5); Charisma (Captivating) 5, was rejected as her nature was indelibly stained by her homid
Manipulation (Unswerving Logic) 4 (2/1/1/1), Appearance 3 origins. Eventually, after a long Rite of Passage, she joined the
(2/0/3/3); Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits (Cool-Headed) 4
• Self-Destructive Garou: Hestia is perhaps the most tragic
extension of what can happen when a human is raised in the Tuteesh Dei Yik
mindset of a Garou, and some believe her behavior to be every Howl: Fierce protector of the people
bit self-destructive as it is meant to be a crusade for Gaia. Those Quote: “You sing of the Apocalypse as if it started yesterday,
who believe this think Hestia’s crusade is about the fact she was Wyrmbringer, but the Three Brothers have survived the Apocalypse you
never allowed to love her own people, even as a human raised brought with you for generations, and we have thrived. Now, while you
among humans, and she wishes to make up for some sin she sob for your losses, we sharpen our knives, and our brethren, both of blood
perceives her birth to be. and spirit, rise to war with us.”
• Gaia’s Rebirth: Rumors among the Erinyes say that Hestia Breed: Homid
has either been given or is looking for the mythic Red Talon rite
Auspice: Philodox
known as Gaia’s Rebirth. Legend holds the rite can reclaim even
Tribe: Wendigo
the most Weaver tainted of cities for the Wyld within minutes
of casting. Those who believe this often whisper Hestia plans to Disciple of the Apocalypse
use it in one city or another and use it as the start of a long-term Born in Wéinaa, British Columbia, Tuteesh Dei Yik was
plan to tear down the Weaver across the world. raised in a family of Kinfolk who were aware of their bloodline
Image and prepared her for the potential for First Change. She first
learned the importance of her tribe and tribal histories while
• In Homid form, Hestia appears as an older woman ap-
learning craft skills like cedar weaving and woodcarving; she also
pearing to be in her early 50s, despite being in her late 70s. Tall
learned about atrocities and injustices, both historical and present,
and strong, age has not yet taken its toll on Hestia, and she often
suffered by her family.
still carries herself as any warrior of the Garou should. Hestia
has cast off much of her humanity and often wears clothes she When her First Change occurred, her family sent Tuteesh
has fashioned herself out of leathers and furs, when needing to Dei Yik to the Sept of the Drowned Wolf at Koma Kulshan in
travel as a Homid among fellow Garou. If forced to travel among Washington State, where she learned at the foot of her uncle
human territories she often steals some clothes, rather than keep Ch’éenx’ée’l’, legendary Theurge of Younger Brother. Despite his
her own on hand. Hestia generally keeps her thinning and gray reputation for being cruel with every Garou who came to him,
hair cut at chin length, and usually cuts it herself while isolating relative or not, she cherished the wisdom her elder was willing to
among lupus. In Lupus form, Hestia appears as a large black and share and took even harsh criticisms with serious consideration.
gray timber wolf, whose fur is heavily patched and scarred from Tuteesh Dei Yik was heavily involved in much of the revital-
years in the form. This is generally Hestia’s more natural form ization of the Sept of the Drowned Wolf. She originally earned
the last several years, and so long as she can choose her form, she Honor from performing simple duties such as Guardianship, and
will use this one. a brief foray as Keeper of the Land, and eventually Truthcatcher.
Attributes: Strength 3 (5/7/6/4), Dexterity 5 (5/6/7/7), Stamina She grew lax in her duties as Truthcatcher as her pack roamed
4 (6/7/6/6); Charisma 2, Manipulation 5 (3/2/2/2), Ap- in search of the enemy targeting Indigenous peoples and lands.
pearance 2 (1/0/2/2); Perception 3, Intelligence 1, Wits 2 After a serious falling out with her uncle, Tuteesh Dei Yik resigned
from her official position.
Abilities: Alertness 1, Athletics 2, Brawl 5, Expression 3, Intimi-
Years went by before they reconciled, but when both experi-
dation 2, Leadership 4, Primal Urge 3, Subterfuge 2; Animal
enced visions of Turtle — he through his relationship with Crane,
Ken 3, Etiquette 1, Larceny 1, Melee 2, Stealth 2, Survival 4;
a spirit of Visions, and she through the songs and memories of her
Academics 1, Investigation 1, Medicine 2, Occult 3, Rituals 4
Ancestors — they came together to discuss the message. Together
Backgrounds: Ancestors 1, Pure Breed 3 they concluded that spreading the message of Turtle’s presence
Gifts: (1) Fangs of Judgment, Heightened Senses, Master of Fire, was necessary in the final days of the Apocalypse, because the
Persuasion, Resist Pain, Sense Wyrm,; (2) Call to Duty, Kali’s only way the Garou could survive — even Wyrmcomers — was
Tongue, King of the Beasts, Pulse of the Prey; (3) Coup De under Turtle’s spiritual protection. Ch’éenx’ée’l’ could spread
Grace, Cowing the Bullet, Disquiet; (4) Body Wrack, Roll Over the message within the protectorate of the Sept of the Drowned
Rank: 4 Wolf, but to bring more Garou in the service of Sacred Turtle,
Tuteesh Dei Yik would need to continue her ranging to share
Rage: 5
the visions and memories while still taking teeth and claws to the
Gnosis: 1 servants of the Wyrm.
Willpower: 5 Today, many have heard Tuteesh Dei Yik’s message, and some
Glory: 5 have claimed to have had visions of Sacred Turtle themselves. Tu-
Honor: 8 teesh Dei Yik dreams the dreams of her forebears and, putting them
together, believes that Turtle is awake. Tuteesh Dei Yik chooses to
Wisdom: 4
walk to war knowing that her pack — and others who have devoted
Rites: (1) Moot Rite, Ride of the Jackdaw, Rite of the Opened themselves to Turtle’s awakening — enjoys her protection at their
Caern; (2) Voice of the Jackdaw; (3) Rite of the Glorious Past, backs. Her Turtle stories and visions are spreading throughout the
The Hunt; (4) Enchant the Forest Pure Tribes, and the believers are becoming more outspoken and
Fetishes: None undaunted in their efforts. Several packs have formed devoted to
Image and children, so she wasn’t alone in her experience. Yet rather
than bond over the shared abuse, his families competed for his
• Tuteesh Dei Yik is a Tlingit woman in her early thirties with
cold acknowledgement — not love, never love.
her hair cropped into a short military cut. She tends toward outdoor
casual, often wearing worn-out jeans, hiking boots, sweat-wicking Her yearned-for First Change arrived unexpectedly during a
t-shirts, and flannels (or appropriate weather gear). She also wears high school exam. While an afternoon thunderstorm raged, furred
a woven cedar headband hand-crafted by her uncle, the only fury trashed the class between flickering thunderclap booms. The
known living Legend of her tribe. The headband is not a fetish; media reported it as a terrorist attack, but Viola knew the truth. She
it is merely a symbol which communicates her heritage to other awoke in a ditch covered in the blood of her teachers and peers.
members of Younger Brother. Her Lupus form resembles the gray A werewolf stood over her, growling in the flashing storm. This
wolf Kinfolk of her tribe, with more white than usual and most was the first time she saw her father smile. It wasn’t comforting.
of the gray running a stripe along her back. Long, vicious-looking As the first Garou among his many children, Vlad doted on
scars cover her forelegs, not usually visible while in Homid form. Viola — though he remained cruel and demanding. Viola enjoyed
Attributes: Strength 3 (5/7/6/4), Dexterity 3 (3/4/5/5), Stamina more freedom than ever before. Only a few months later another
(Relentless) 5 (7/8/8/7); Charisma (Forceful) 5, Manipulation of Vlad’s children changed — suddenly he had a new favorite. To
3 (1/0/0/0), Appearance 3 (2/0/3/3); Perception (Farsighted) Viola, Nada was weak, clumsy, and cruel. To Vlad, Nada was his
5, Intelligence 3, Wits 3 boy. Her freedom was over — Viola once again had to compete for
every scrap of recognition.
Abilities: Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Empathy 2, Expression 2, Leader-
Vlad took them to Europe for their Rites of Passage — delaying
ship (Inspiring Speeches) 4, Intimidation (Implied Threats)
his daughter’s rite so Nada could undergo his at the same time.
4, Primal Urge 3; Animal Ken 3, Crafts (Woodworking) 4,
He proudly displayed his children to their Kinfolk from Istanbul
Melee (Knives) 4, Performance 2, Stealth 3, Survival (Boreal)
to Budapest. Then, once they’d passed their initiations, he left
4; Enigmas (Ancient Mysteries) 4, Investigation 3, Law 3,
them in Margrave Konietzko’s care. In truth the Margrave had no
Occult 2, Rituals (Punishment) 4, Technology 1
time for coddling the Volaschky children and swiftly passed them
Backgrounds: Ancestors 5, Fate 2, Fetish 3, Kinfolk 4, Mentor to Ekatarina Sun-Hider to train and temper. Viola despised her
5, Pure Breed 4, Rites 5, Totem 2 father for leaving her but soon respected the European Shadow
Gifts: (1) Beat of the Heart-Drum, Fangs of Judgment, Master of Lords she now lived among.
Fire, Smell of Man; (2) Call to Duty, Claws of Frozen Death, Sun-Hider found a use for each of them. Viola was Konietz-
Command the Gathering, Mark of the Wolf, Speak with the ko’s envoy, traveling from sept to sept across Europe, delivering
Wind Spirits; (3) Blood of the North, Calm the Savage Beast, messages, arbitrating disputes on the tribe’s behalf, and spying.
Wisdom of the Ancient Ways; (4) Bury the Wolf, Chill of She learned much from this experience — apart from the finer
Early Frost, Hero’s Stand, Scent of Beyond points of Litany law and diplomacy, she discovered a knack for
Rank: 4 getting strangers to talk and developed keen observation skills.
Rage: 8 She investigated rumors, unraveled plots, and uncovered secrets
within every sept and tribe.
Gnosis: 5
Ekatarina and the Margrave were pleased with her achieve-
Willpower: 9 ments. The tribes and septs she investigated less so, after Nada
Glory: 7 leaked Viola’s exploits to them. When Viola complained, Sun-Hider
Honor: 8 laughed — Viola should’ve known he was a liability, so the failure
Wisdom: 6 was hers. She should’ve disposed of Nada, allied with him, or used
him as a tool in her arsenal. Furious, humiliated, and unable to
Rites: (1) Gathering for the Departed, Rite of Cleansing; (2) Rite remain in Europe with septs howling for revenge, Viola returned
of the Omega Wolf, Rite of Ostracism, Rite of the Winter to Australia.
Winds; (3) Rite of the Loyal Pack
Vlad was displeased at his daughter’s unexpected return —
Fetishes: Pain Dagger but what else could be expected of a girl? For her part, Viola kept
discussion of Europe to a minimum. Her father employed her
Viola the Knife as his emissary to familiarize herself with — as he put it — their
enemies on the Jindabyne Council. Viola readily remembered
Howl: Emissary of Discord the Council’s names, faces, habits, and flaws, and she noted her
Quote: “Remember: a knife may kill, cut, or heal.” father’s interest when she returned to Tasmania with her insights.
Breed: Homid Yet Viola had learned Ekatarina’s lessons. With every report
Auspice: Philodox to her father, she stroked his ego. With every business trip to the
Tribe: Shadow Lords Council, she hinted at lurking dangers drawing near, stoking select
Councilors’ worries into fears, then into political unrest. When
Sparking Animosity she had enough support, she sprung her trap.
Viola Volaschky grew up fearing her distantly cruel father, Viola encouraged her father to attend the Jindabyne Sept’s
Vlad. His stern-faced discipline extended to all his wives, mistresses, Grand Moot. Upon arrival the Council laid forth dozens of
Kin Foe is a Grand Klaive unlike others. Instead of binding a second spirit alongside the war spirit within its blade, the
dark metal of this sword contains a void that traps the spirit or soul of its victims. When the blade contains a spirit or soul,
it inflicts an additional 3 dice of aggravated damage to spirits of the same type or, for living creatures, blood relations of the
victim. Kin Foe also allows the wielder to question the imprisoned spirit. The spirit must truthfully answer one question
per dot of its Gnosis when trapped. Once the questions are expended, the spirit is freed and discorporates. The wielder can
also release a trapped spirit to whatever comes next as desired.
Viola learned of Kin Foe’s feature before laying her trap for Vlad and captured her father’s soul within. She has used
his counsel and knowledge to cement her position and has dwindled her control down to a final question. Vlad’s spirit
mocks her each time she wields the blade, tempting her to ask the final question and destroy his soul. She fights the urge
for now, as having Kin Foe at her command is useful should Nada ever decide to physically challenge her.