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Anual: Movifit Function Level "System"

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Gearmotors \ Industrial Gear Units \ Drive Electronics \ Drive Automation \ Services


Function Level "System"

Edition 06/2006
11459816 / EN Manual
SEW-EURODRIVE – Driving the world

1 Important Notes................................................................................................. 4

2 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 6
2.1 MOVIFIT® function level ........................................................................... 6
2.2 Function level System with MOVIVISION® ............................................... 7

3 Startup................................................................................................................ 8
3.1 Startup procedure for MOVIFIT®-MC........................................................ 8
3.2 Startup procedure for MOVIFIT®-SC and -FC .......................................... 9
3.3 Preliminary work...................................................................................... 10
3.4 Motor startup with MOVIFIT®-SC............................................................ 11
3.5 Motor startup with MOVIFIT®-FC............................................................ 13
3.6 MOVIVISION® configuration and diagnostics tool .................................. 15

4 Configuration and Diagnostics ...................................................................... 21

4.1 MOVIFIT® ............................................................................................... 21
4.2 Drives ...................................................................................................... 28
4.3 Axes ........................................................................................................ 35
4.4 Axis family ERB (one-drive roller conveyor)............................................ 40
4.5 Axis family 2POS (move to two positions) .............................................. 53
4.6 Axis family 3POS (move to three positions)............................................ 59

5 PROFIBUS-DP.................................................................................................. 65
5.1 Installing the GSD file ............................................................................. 65
5.2 Defining the I/O range ............................................................................. 67

6 Process Data Description............................................................................... 71

6.1 Status information ................................................................................... 71
6.2 Commands.............................................................................................. 76

7 Technical Data ................................................................................................. 80

7.1 PROFIBUS specifications ....................................................................... 80

8 Index ................................................................................................................. 81

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 3

Important Notes

1 Important Notes

• This manual does not replace the detailed operating instructions.

• Only qualified personnel observing all applicable accident prevention guide-
lines and the MOVIFIT®-MC, MOVIFIT®-SC or MOVIFIT®-FC (depending on the
MOVIFIT® version in use) operating instructions may install and take these
units into operation.

Documentation • Read through this manual carefully before you commence installation and startup of
• This manual assumes that the user has access to and is familiar with the MOVIMOT®
and MOVIFIT® documentation. As a prerequisite for fault-free operation and fulfill-
ment of warranty claims, you must adhere to the information in the documentation.
• As a prerequesite for fault-free operation and fulfillment of warranty claims, you must
adhere to the information in the documentation.

General safety You are now in possession of a communication system that lets you adapt MOVIMOT®
notes on bus and MOVIFIT® frequency inverters and MOVIFIT® motor starters to the particulars of
systems your system. As with all bus systems, there is a danger of invisible, external (as far as
the inverter/motor starter is concerned) modifications to the parameters which give rise
to changes in the inverter/motor starter behavior. This may result in unexpected (not
uncontrolled) system behavior.

• Hoist applications cannot be implemented with MOVIFIT®-FC in conjunction
with the function level "System."
• Non-SEW motors cannot be controlled with MOVIFIT®-FC in conjunction with
the function level "System."

4 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Important Notes

Explanation of Always observe the safety and warning information in this documentation.
the icons

Electrical hazard
Possible consequences: Severe or fatal injuries.

Possible consequences: Severe or fatal injuries.

Hazardous situation
Possible consequences: Slight or minor injuries.

Harmful situation
Possible consequences: Damage to the unit and the environment.

Tips and useful information.

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 5

2 MOVIFIT® function level

2 Introduction
2.1 MOVIFIT® function level
The function level describes the functions included in the software for MOVIFIT® units
regarding operation, system control and diagnostics.
The following figure gives an overview of the MOVIFIT® function levels:

Classic Technology System

Simple functionality Open programming Configurable industry solution

Multi-level library concept Target industry: conveyor


Central data storage for

Target industry: machine
decentralized units

Client/server architecture
Configurable function
Control as fieldbus gateway Configuration and
via MOVILINK® diagnostics system
Programming to IEC 61131
(e.g. in LD, FBD, IL, ST,
Simple handling, compar- Drive-oriented, conveyor
able, e.g. with control of functions
SEW field distributors
(Z.3, Z.6 etc.) Reusability of functions

Classic Technology System

Function level

This manual describes the MOVIFIT® function level "System." For information on the
other MOVIFIT® function levels, refer to the MOVIFIT® system description and the
appropriate manuals.

6 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Function level System with MOVIVISION®

2.2 Function level System with MOVIVISION®

Central data man- MOVIVISION® is a central data management concept for the latest generation of decen-
agement concept tralized units from SEW-EURODRIVE. MOVIVISION® was designed specifically with
for decentralized the materials handling industry in mind.
installation MOVIVISION® offers an easy-to-use interface with functions that reduce the workload
for configuration, startup and maintenance considerably.

Why choose MOVIVISION® offers customers a central place for performing parameter settings, diag-
MOVIVISION®? nostics, startup and updates for their decentralized units. There is no need for program-
ming with the easy-to-use MOVIVISION® concept; all aspects are covered by setting
parameters for the ready-made drive functions.
These functions are based on the years of experience SEW-EURODRIVE has in the
materials handling industry; they make for cost-reducing standardization of the conveyor
functions in the system.
MOVIVISION® is a configuration and diagnostics system with a central database based
on a client/server architecture.


DI13/D 0
DI14/D 1









MOVIFIT® Data management

DI13/D 0
DI14/D 1








Client C
Client B
Client A

DI13/D 0
DI14/D 1








Client C
Client B
Internet Explorer -
Client A


Advantages of • Simple and standardized project planning, parameter setting, configuration and star-
MOVIVISION® tup of a system without programming
• Considerable time-saving factor during startup
• Catalog of conveyor functions for reuse
• Standardization of conveyor functions
• Use of existing conveyor functions (e.g. elevating table, rotary table, trolley, points
etc.) with corresponding parameter setting

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 7

I Startup
3 Startup procedure for MOVIFIT®-MC

3 Startup
This document describes the parameter settings and fieldbus configuration required for
MOVIFIT® in connection with the function level "System."

3.1 Startup procedure for MOVIFIT®-MC

The following table gives an overview of the MOVIFIT®-MC startup procedure and lists
other application documentation:

MOVIMOT® MOVIFIT®-MC Parameter setting Fieldbus configuration

1. 2. 3. 4.

Function 1. 2. 3. 4.
level Startup Startup Parameter setting Fieldbus
MOVIMOT® MOVIFIT®-MC configuration
PROFIBUS operating operating instruc- "MOVIVISION® see page 65
instructions tions Configuration and • Process data
• MOVIMOT® Diagnostic Tool" description, see
operating • Configuration and page 71
instructions diagnostics, see
page 21

8 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Startup I
Startup procedure for MOVIFIT®-SC and -FC

3.2 Startup procedure for MOVIFIT®-SC and -FC

The following table gives an overview of the MOVIFIT®-SC/FC startup procedure and
lists other applicable documentation:

Motor MOVIFIT®-SC/-FC Parameter settings Fieldbus configuration

1. 2. 3. 4.

Function 1. 2. 3. 4.
level Startup Startup Parameter setting Fieldbus
Motor MOVIFIT®-SC/-FC configuration
System "AC Motors • MOVIFIT®-SC • Manual • PROFIBUS-DP,
PROFIBUS DR/DV/DT/DTE/DVE, operating "MOVIVISION® see page 65
asynchronous Servo- instructions Configuration • Process data
motors CT/CV" oper- • MOVIFIT®-FC and Diagnostic description, see
ating instructions operating Tool" page 71
instructions • Configuration
and diagnos-
tics, see page

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 9

I Startup
3 Preliminary work

3.3 Preliminary work

1. Install the current software version of the MOVIVISION® configuration and diagnostic
tool on your PC.
2. For MOVIFIT®-SC and MOVIFIT®-FC: Make sure that the DIP switch S10/1 is set to
"ON" (activate "Expert mode").

S10 ON

1 2


3. Connect MOVIFIT® to PC or laptop using option USB11A or UWS21B:


















RS-232 RS485


4. Option USB11A or UWS21B can be connected to MOVIFIT® using the diagnostics

socket X50. The diagnostics socket is located under the cable gland shown in the fol-
lowing illustration:


10 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Startup I
Motor startup with MOVIFIT®-SC

3.4 Motor startup with MOVIFIT®-SC

You must set the following parameters to ensure successful motor startup:
• [1] Operating mode
• [2] Rated supply voltage

For a description of these parameters, see the section "Description of the MOVIFIT®-SC
motor parameters."
For information on how to set drive parameters in MOVIVISION®, see the section "Con-
figuration and Diagnostics" / "Drives."




Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 11

I Startup
3 Motor startup with MOVIFIT®-SC

Description of the [1] Operating mode

MOVIFIT®-SC • Selection field "Single-motor operation": Selects single-motor operation
motor parameters
• Selection field "Dual-motor operation": Selects dual-motor operation
• Important: In the starter operating mode "Single-motor operation," only con-
nect one drive/brake to the unit. A connection can only be made at the termi-
nals provided for drive 1.
• Read the startup information in the MOVIFIT®-SC operating instructions care-

[2] Rated supply voltage

• 400 V: Selects rated supply voltage 400 V
Choose this setting when the supply system supplies the voltage 3 x 380 VAC,
3 x 400 VAC or 3 x 415 VAC.
• 500 V: Selects rated supply voltage 500 V
Choose this setting when the supply system supplies the voltage 3 x 460 VAC,
3 x 480 VAC or 3 x 500 VAC.

12 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Startup I
Motor startup with MOVIFIT®-FC

3.5 Motor startup with MOVIFIT®-FC

The following SEW motors can be controlled with MOVIFIT®-FC in conjunction with the
function level "System":
MOVIFIT® Assigned motor
Motor power adjusted Lower motor power rating
댴 쑶 댴 쑶
MTF03 DT71D4 DR63L4 DR63L4 –
MTF05 DT80K4 DT71D4 DT71D4 DR63L4
MTF07 DT80N4 DT80K4 DT80K4 DT71D4
MTF11 DT90S4 DT80N4 DT80N4 DT80K4
MTF15 DT90L4 DT90S4 DT90S4 DT80N4
MTF22 DV100M4 DT90L4 DT90L4 DT90S4
MTF30 DV100L4 DV100M4 DV100M4 DT90L4
MTF40 DV112M4 DV100L4 DV100L4 DV100M4

Set the following parameters to ensure that startup is performed successfully for these
• [1] Operating mode
• [2] Motor type
• [3] Connection type
• [4] Motor power
For a description of these parameters, see the section "Description of the MOVIFIT®-FC
motor parameters."
For information on how to set drive parameters in MOVIVISION®, see the section "Con-
figuration and Diagnostics" / "Drives."

[1] [3]
[2] [4]


• Hoist applications cannot be implemented with MOVIFIT®-FC in conjunction
with the function level "System."
• Non-SEW motors cannot be controlled with MOVIFIT®-FC in conjunction with
the function level "System."

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 13

I Startup
3 Motor startup with MOVIFIT®-FC

Description of the [1] Operating mode

MOVIFIT®-FC • VFC: VFC operation for 4-pole motors
motor parameters
• U/f: U/f operation for other motors

[2] Motor type

• IEC/NEMA: IEC and NEMA motors
• DZ: DZ motors with rated voltages 220/380V, 60Hz
(only available in Brazil)

[3] Motor connection type

• Star: Choose this setting when you want to operate the motor in
a star connection.
• Delta: Choose this setting when you want to operate the motor in
a delta connection.

[4] Motor power

• Adjusted: Motors in the column "Motor power adjusted"
are assigned using the table below.
• Lower motor power rating:
– When activated, this setting enables MOVIFIT® to be assigned to a motor with a
lower power rating (see following table). The rated unit power is not affected.
– When a motor with a lower power rating is used, the overload capacity of the drive
can be increased because, from the perspective of the motor, MOVIFIT® is one
power rating too big. A higher current can be provided briefly, leading to higher
torque ratings.
– The aim of this setting is to achieve short-term utilization of the motor’s peak
torque. The unit’s current level remains the same regardless of the switch setting.
Blocking protection for the motor is adjusted depending on the switch position.
– When this setting is activated, the motor cannot be operated with stall protection.
MOVIFIT® Assigned motor
Motor power adjusted Lower motor power rating
댴 쑶 댴 쑶
MTF03 DT71D4 DR63L4 DR63L4 –
MTF05 DT80K4 DT71D4 DT71D4 DR63L4
MTF07 DT80N4 DT80K4 DT80K4 DT71D4
MTF11 DT90S4 DT80N4 DT80N4 DT80K4
MTF15 DT90L4 DT90S4 DT90S4 DT80N4
MTF22 DV100M4 DT90L4 DT90L4 DT90S4
MTF30 DV100L4 DV100M4 DV100M4 DT90L4
MTF40 DV112M4 DV100L4 DV100L4 DV100M4

14 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Startup I
MOVIVISION® configuration and diagnostics tool

3.6 MOVIVISION® configuration and diagnostics tool

The following section gives a brief introduction to the MOVIVISION® concept. For
detailed information, refer to the "MOVIVISION® Configuration and Diagnostics Tool"

3.6.1 Introduction
The MOVIVISION® system essentially comprises decentralized SEW units and
centralized configuration and diagnostics software.
The "MOVIVISION® Software Interface" manual describes the interface between the
decentralized unit and the higher-level controller (PLC). The required settings are made
using the MOVIVISION® configuration and diagnostics tool.
The following figure is a graphical representation of the MOVIVISION® software


[5] [9]

[3] [5]


[7] [4] [10]



[1] Higher-level PLC

[2] Fieldbus
[3] MOVIVISION® software interface
[4] Drive level
[5] Axis level
[7] Speed
[8] Time
[9] Sensors
[10] Drives

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 15

I Startup
3 MOVIVISION® configuration and diagnostics tool

The MOVIVISION® unit software includes different types of status and commands:
Those that apply to the unit itself and those that apply to the connected drives.
Intelligent functions (axes) can be configured in the MOVIVISION® configuration and
diagnostics tool for each drive, which enables the decentralized units to be positioned
individually using I/Os, sensors, etc.

A connected drive can be controlled by:

• Specifying the setpoint speed (drive level) OR
• Specifying a target position or a function (axis level)

16 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Startup I
MOVIVISION® configuration and diagnostics tool

3.6.2 Structure of MOVIVISION®

MOVIVISION® is a distributed application with remote access to a server application via
TCP/IP. The server can be operated on your local computer or on a remote computer.
A client establishes connection with the server via TCP/IP.

Server The MOVIVISION® server makes data in the database available to the clients. The
server establishes a connection between the configuration and diagnostics tool and the
connected, decentralized control components. Data exchange between the server and
the decentralized control components takes place via fieldbus or service interfaces.
MOVIVISION® is not required for the actual operation of the system but serves for set-
ting parameters and diagnosing the system.
The server administers all data in a central database. The data is separated according
to the following areas:
• Units
• Catalog
• User

Client The MOVIVISION® client visualizes data from the decentralized control components in
a user interface. The data for every unit is visualized separately for parameters and
online data. The two nodes are subdivided into the following levels:
• "Drive" level
• "Axis" level
The displayed data is parameter and diagnostic data. The decentralized control compo-
nents are configured using the client. The unit data is displayed via standard unit func-
tions (D-DLLs).
These drive-oriented functions are based on the years of experience
SEW-EURODRIVE has in the materials handling industry; they are developed and
tested in-house. These functions are based on small conveyor units. Parameter setting
is flexible and customers can adjust the functions to meet their specific requirements.

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 17

I Startup
3 MOVIVISION® configuration and diagnostics tool

Example: "Rotary table function"

The following example shows the distribution of the function levels:

[1] [2]


[4] [5]


[7] [8] [9]


[1] Status
[2] Command
[3] Axis function: roller rotary table
[4] Encoder sensors
[5] Drive actuators
[6] Periphery/fieldbus controller
[7] Sensors
[8] Drive 1
[9] Drive 2

18 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Startup I
MOVIVISION® configuration and diagnostics tool

3.6.3 Database
All data is stored centrally in a database on the MOVIVISION® server. The database is
divided into the following areas:
• Plant data
The plant database contains all data of the plant, such as the various fieldbus types
and connected devices. The database also stores all parameter data of the individual
devices. The devices are technologically divided into function groups.
• Catalog data
The catalog database contains components of the plant, such as devices that were
configured optionally. If such devices are to be reintegrated into the plant, the data
can be retrieved directly from the catalog database. This eliminates the need to reset
the parameters.
• User data
The user database contains users that can log on to the MOVIVISION® server via a
MOVISION® client. Users are assigned to user groups. Each user group can be
assigned different access rights to system components.

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 19

I Startup
3 MOVIVISION® configuration and diagnostics tool

3.6.4 Structure and design

Drives Each unit consists of one or more defined drives. There are three types of drives:
The functions of identical drives are the same both in the "Parameter" node and in the
"Online" node. The individual drives are selected from tab pages.
The three drives types are described in the section "Configuration and Diagnostics."

Axes Different combinations of axes are available depending on the drive type.
These are:
For drive type MM (MOVIFIT®-MC):
• 2POS01
• 3POS01
• ERB01
• ERB02
For drive type MTS (MOVIFIT®-SC):
• 2POS01
• 3POS01
• ERB01
• ERB02
For drive type MTF (MOVIFIT®-FC):
• 2POS01
• 3POS01
• ERB01
• ERB02
The four axis types are described in the section "Configuration and Diagnostics." This
documentation does not give details on the various axis combinations.

20 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Configuration and Diagnostics

4 Configuration and Diagnostics

4.1.1 General
The MOVIVISION® configuration and diagnostics tool lets you configure all connected
units individually. The following section explains how to use the tool.

Fault-free operation of MOVIVISION® can only be ensured when each existing unit is
entered (= parameter set) in MOVIVISION®.

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 21

Configuration and Diagnostics

4.1.2 Use
Click the node of a unit [1] in the left part of the window to open the following window:





[1] "Device" node

[2] "Database" group box
[3] "Device" group box
[4] "Plug-ins" group box

The properties of the device are displayed in these three groups as they are stored in
the plant database:
[2] "Database" group box
• Device name
Name of the currently selected device.
• Bus address
Address of the device in the MOVIVISION® server
• Catalog type

[3] "Device information" group

• Part number
• Firmware version
• SEW-OS version

[4] "Plug-ins" group box

• Device plug-in
Version of the device DLL (T-DLL)

22 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Configuration and Diagnostics

Click the "Parameter" node in the left part of the window [1] to open the following







[1] Left part of the window [5] [Custom download] button

[2] Right part of the window [6] [Upload] button
[3] "Identification" group box [7] [Upload all] button
[4] [Download] button

The right part of the window [2] provides the following options:
[3] Identification Click the [Change] button. The following window opens:



Here you can determine the unique identification [1] of the PROFIBUS device. You can-
not change the bus address [2] here. The data is sent to the ID module of the device
once you click [Change]. If you do not want to save your entry, click [Cancel].

If the incorrect bus address (0 > 125) is set, address 125 is set automatically.

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 23

Configuration and Diagnostics

[4] Download The modified data in the database is downloaded to the device. The following window
is displayed:


If you want to perform the "Download" now, click [Yes], otherwise click [No].

[5] Custom down- You can use this special expert download function to specify individual parameters to be
load downloaded to the device. The following window is displayed:



In this area [1], you can download specific device parameters and/or internal inverter pa-
rameters to the unit.

24 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Configuration and Diagnostics

The following window is displayed:


If you want to perform the "Download" now, click [Yes], otherwise click [No].

The device is not ready for operation during the download process.

[6] Upload This function is used to load the device parameters from the device to the database. The
following window is displayed:


If you want to perform the "Upload" now, click [Yes], otherwise click [No].

The device is not ready for operation during the "upload" process.

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 25

Configuration and Diagnostics

[7] Upload all Here, you can upload preset device parameters, including internal inverter parameters.
The following window is displayed:


If you want to perform the "Upload" now, click [Yes], otherwise click [No].

The unit is not ready for operation during the "Upload all" process.
"Upload all" [7] takes considerably more time than "Upload" [6].

26 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Configuration and Diagnostics

4.1.3 Diagnostics for MOVIFIT®

Select the "Online" node. The following window is displayed:





[1] "Error list" list

[2] "Device information: Status" group box
[3] "Device information: Command" group box
[4] "Device information: Local I/O" group box

[1] "Error list" list

Displays the error that has occurred in plain text. An existing error is displayed with a red
background; an acknowledged error is displayed with a gray background.

[2] - [4] "Device information" group box

Device states and device commands are displayed in this group box.

[2] "Device information: Status" group box

This group box displays the device status (see section "Process Data Description" /
"General status information").

[3] "Device information: Command" group box

This group box displays the device commands (see section "Process Data Description"
/ "General command information").

[4] "Device information: Local I/O" group box

The status of connected inputs and outputs is displayed in this group box.
• Green LED = input active
• Gray LED = input inactive
• Red LED = short circuit
(see the section "Process Data Description" / "Local inputs and local outputs").

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 27

Configuration and Diagnostics
4 P60. Drives

4.2 Drives
Each unit contains a defined number of drives selected individually using tab pages [1].




The structure of the tab pages is identical for the same drive types.

4.2.1 Parameters for drive MM (MOVIMOT®/MOVIFIT®-MC)

Click the button [Edit parameters], see [2] in the figure above. The following window is






[1] "Activate drive" checkbox

[2] "Fixed speeds" group box
[3] "Convert" group box
[4] "Ramp" group box
[5] "Options" group box

28 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Configuration and Diagnostics
Drives P60. 4

[1] "Activate drive" checkbox

A connected drive is activated or deactivated by selecting/deselecting this checkbox.

[2] "Fixed speeds" group box

You can define up to six different velocities V1 to V6 in this group box. These values are
also stored as specifications for the axis parameters. The permitted input range is be-
tween 0 and 6,000 rpm.

[3] "Convert" group box

You can define an individual conversion factor and an alternative unit in this group box.
The result is displayed as C1 to C6 in the "Fixed speeds" group box [2].

[4] "Ramp" group box

You can define up to four ramp sets R0 to R3 in this group box. These values are also
stored as specifications for the axis parameters. The permitted input range is between
0 and 64.9 sec.

[5] "Options" group box

You can invert the direction of rotation of the drive and assign a unique name to the
drive. This name will appear on the tab page headers.

Once you have entered all the parameters, click on the [Update database] button to save
your entries. If you do not want to save the changes, click the [Cancel] button.

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 29

Configuration and Diagnostics
4 P60. Drives

4.2.2 Parameters for drive MTS (MOVIFIT®-SC)

Click the [Edit parameters] button.



[1] [Edit parameters] button

The following window is displayed:





[1] "Operating mode" group box

[2] "Drive 1" group box
[3] "Drive 2" group box

30 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Configuration and Diagnostics
Drives P60. 4

[1] "Operating mode" group box

In this group box you select the "single-motor operation" or "dual-motor operation" func-
tion. You can also adjust the rated supply voltage.

[2] "Drive 1" group box

The checkboxes have the following functions:
• Activate drive: Activates or deactivates the connected drive.
• Change in direction of rotation
• Release the brake without drive enable

[3] "Drive 2" group box (dual-motor operation only)

This group box has the same functions as "Drive 1."

• If you have selected "single-motor operation" in the "MOVIFIT®-SC" group box, the
"Drive 2" group box will not be displayed.
• See the section "Motor startup with MOVIFIT®-SC".

Once you have entered all the parameters, click on the [Update database] button to save
your entries. If you do not want to save the changes, click the [Cancel] button.

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 31

Configuration and Diagnostics
4 P60. Drives

4.2.3 Parameters for drive MTF (MOVIFIT®-FC)

Click the [Edit parameters] button.



[1] [Edit parameters] button

The following window is displayed:







[1] "Activate drive" checkbox

[2] "Fixed speeds" group box
[3] "Ramp" group box
[4] "Conversion" group box
[5] "Options" group box
[6] "Inverter parameters" group box

32 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Configuration and Diagnostics
Drives P60. 4

[1] "Activate drive" checkbox

A connected drive is activated or deactivated by selecting/deselecting this checkbox.

[2] "Fixed speeds" group box

You can define up to six different velocities V1 to V6 in this group box. These values are
also stored as specifications for the axis parameters. The permitted input range is
between 0 and 6,000 rpm.

[3] "Ramp" group box

You can define up to four ramp sets R0 to R3 in this group box. These values are also
stored as specifications for the axis parameters. The permitted input range is between
0 and 64.9 sec.

[4] "Convert" group box

You can define an individual conversion factor and an alternative unit in this group box.
The result is displayed as C1 to C6 in the "Fixed speeds" group box [2].

[5] "Options" group box

You can invert the direction of rotation of the drive and assign a unique name to the
drive. This name will appear on the tab page headers.

[6] "Inverter parameters" group box

In this group box you can adjust the inverter parameters to suit the connected drive.
See the section "Motor startup with MOVIFIT®-FC".

Once you have entered all the parameters, click on the [Update database] button to save
your entries. If you do not want to save the changes, click the [Cancel] button.

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 33

Configuration and Diagnostics
4 P60. Drives

4.2.4 Drive diagnostics

Select the "OnlineDrives" node. The following window is displayed:






[1] "Error list" list

[2] "Status" group box
[3] "Command" group box
[4] "Device data" group box

[1] "Error list" list

Displays the error that has occurred in plain text. An existing error is displayed with a red
background; an acknowledged error is displayed with a gray background.

[2] "Status" group box

The drive status (see section "Process Data Description" / "Drive status") is displayed in
this group box. The status information is indicated as LED. The following information is
also provided:
• Current speed in [1/min]
• Current frequency in [Hz]
• Actual current in [A]
• Current DC link voltage in [V]
• Current heat sink temperature in [°C]
• Current PMW frequency in [kHz]

[3] "Command" group box

The drive commands (see section "Process Data Description" / "Drive commands") and
setpoint specifications (see section "Process Data Description" / "Drive setpoint specifi-
cation") are displayed in this group box.

[4] "Device data" group box

The device data is displayed in this group.

34 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Configuration and Diagnostics
Axes P60. 4

4.3 Axes
4.3.1 General information
At the command of a higher-level master, the axis controller takes over the task of
moving to positions. Depending on the hardware used, the axis controller evaluates
different sensors, such as
• Light barriers
• Inductive proximity switches (24 V inputs)
• Encoders
• Laser distance measuring devices

The following monitoring functions can also be activated:

• Run time monitoring
• Sequence control
• Sensor function check

Nomenclature for axis control

This section refers to the axis status. The following abbreviations apply:
• P In position
• Z+ Intermediate position +
• Z- Intermediate position -

The following figure demonstrates the axis positions:

[1] [1]
[4] [5]

[6] [7] [8]


[1] Direction of travel [4] 3Z- [6] Position 2

[2] 3P [5] 3Z+ [7] Position 3
[3] Track [8] Position 4

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 35

Configuration and Diagnostics
4 P60. Axes

4.3.2 General settings

The following functions are set for axis configuration:
• Initiators
• Run times
• Fixed speeds
The configuration of these functions can be adapted to suit the application in question.

Initiator settings The following settings can be made for each encoder:
Function Values Description
Source E 0 ... E 15 Local input 0...15
Edge pos/neg Indicates whether a response should occur for a
positive or negative edge.
Activation delay 1 ... 100 (x 10 ms) If the selected edge occurs, the activation time is
delayed internally by the value set here.

Activation/deacti- The following figure shows the activation/deactivation:

vation delay



tv tv tv tv t


The system responds to the input signal S1 by changing to S1v only after the activation
delay tv has taken place. The system also responds if the signal is no longer applied
when tv has expired. However, the signal is then extended to include the delay time.
The activation delay is used, for example for "true" movement to an initiator, alignment
via an initiator, etc.

36 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Configuration and Diagnostics
Axes P60. 4

Debouncing The following figure demonstrates the debouncing delay:




te te te t


The system responds to the input signal S1 by changing to S1e only after debouncing tv
has taken place. The system does not respond if the signal is no longer applied at the
time when te has expired.
Debouncing delay is used to filter out short spurious pulses. These spurious pulses
should not trigger the function for which the initiator is configured.

An activation or a debouncing delay can be defined for a maximum of 16 sensors.

The signals of the I/Os sent to the higher-level master and the representation in the
higher-level PC application are always displayed without an activation delay.

Monitoring Various axis modules can be used to monitor a number of different functions.
functions These include, for example,
• Run times
• Sequence controls
• Item controls, even in idle state.
These monitoring functions can be deactivated using the parameter settings.

If monitoring functions, such as
• Run time monitoring
• Sequence control
• Sensor function check
are deactivated, the axis controller will not respond to an incorrect input signal from
MOVIFIT®. In this case, the error response must be executed by the higher-level

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 37

Configuration and Diagnostics
4 P60. Axes

General Select the "OnlineAxes" node. The following window is displayed:






[1] "Error list" list

[2] "Status" group box
[3] "Command" group box

[1] "Error list" list

Displays the error that has occurred in plain text. An existing error is displayed with a red
background; an acknowledged error is displayed with a gray background.

[2] "Status" group box

Displays the unit status as follows:
Status Explanation
Axis is not active A red LED indicates that the drive has been deactivated
Ready A green LED indicates that the unit is ready for operation.
Error A red LED indicates that the unit signals an error
Referencing required A green LED indicates that the axis needs to be referenced.
Referencing active A green LED indicates that referencing has been activated.
In intermediate position F/B A green LED indicates that the axis is in an intermediate position.
In position A green LED and current position number indicate that the axis has
reached a defined position.

38 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Configuration and Diagnostics
Axes P60. 4

[3] "Command" group box

The commands issued to the unit are displayed as follows:
Command Explanation
Move to position The move to position 1, 2, … command is displayed.
Reference travel enable Reference travel is activated.
Teach mode F Teach mode operation forwards activated.
Teach mode B Teach mode operation backwards activated.

[4] "Special online information" group box

Displays specific axis information depending on the axis type.

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 39

Configuration and Diagnostics
4 P60. Axis family ERB (one-drive roller conveyor)

4.4 Axis family ERB (one-drive roller conveyor)

The ERB axis family includes axis types that are designed to pick up pallets etc.

4.4.1 Axis type ERB01: Two speeds, two directions of rotation

Applications Roller conveyors, chains etc. with light barriers or inductive proximity switches.
Fast/slow changeover, pick up in both directions.
Sensors for fast/slow changeover and item control (IC) are optional. The same applies
for picking up backwards.

Theory of ERB01 can be operated at two speeds in two directions of rotation.

operation If parameters have been set for an item control initiator, the roller conveyor automatically
detects the state changes "load" or "unload" and stops the drive.
If an item control initiator is not used, the roller conveyor will only detect the "load" con-
dition. For unloading, the roller conveyor must receive a stop command from the higher-
level PLC to indicate the "unload" condition.
This is also necessary if the unit has been de-energized, which means the roller convey-
or cannot clearly identify its status.

The following figure demonstrates the theory of operation of ERB01:

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

[8] [9]


[12] [11]


[6] [7]

[1] Forwards (back- [5] Stop (item control) [8] Unload F [11] Pick up B
wards) [6] Backwards [9] Release F [12] Release B
[2] Item control (stop) [7] Forwards [10] Travel through F [13] Travel through B
[3] - (SL)
[4] SL (-)

As the unit has two speeds, the drive moves at the fast speed until a fast/slow initiator
is activated. The drive then moves at slow speed until the stop initiator is activated. The
drive is then stopped and the message "In position" is issued.
If a fast/slow initiator is not used, the speed can be changed to the slow speed using a
The fact that the unit has two directions of rotation means that it can pick up and release
items while moving both forwards and backwards.

40 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Configuration and Diagnostics
Axis family ERB (one-drive roller conveyor) P60. 4

Commands The commands are defined in the same way as the axis commands in the section "Pro-
cess Data Description." Target positions can be entered in the axis commands. Their
functions are shown here.
Pos. Function Description
0 STOP Stop axis or no command active.
1 Pick up F Item to be transported is picked up in forwards mode.
2 Release F Item to be transported is released in forwards mode.
3 Travel through F Item to be transported is moved through in forwards mode.
4 Pick up B Item to be transported is picked up in backwards mode.
5 Release B Item to be transported is released in backwards mode.
6 Travel through B Item to be transported is moved through in backwards mode.

Status (feedback) The axis status is set in the same way as the axis status described in the section "Pro-
cess Data Description." The axis status contains the status of the current position. The
definitions of the positions are shown here.
Pos. Status Description
1P Picked up Item to be transported is in position.
2P Empty The unit is empty and ready for operation – as long as there is not a
fault in the system.
1 Z- Pick up F The item is being picked up forwards and has not yet reached its tar-
get position.
1 Z+ Release F The item is being released forwards and has not yet left the unit.
4 Z+ Pick up B The item is being picked up backwards and has not yet reached its tar-
get position.
4 Z- Release B The item is being released backwards and has not yet left the unit.

P in Position (status axis bit 6); Z+ / Z-: In intermediate position forwards (+ / status axis
bit 4) or backwards (- / status axis bit 5).

Run time The following run times can be configured:

Run time Description
Run time IC Run time to IC (item control). This run time is optional and is only
used when the input is configured for the IC initiator. Once the "Load"
command has been started, the item being transported must have
activated the IC initiator within the time set here. The "Pick up run
time" is then started automatically.
Pick up / release run time The item must be in position before this run time ends.
This run time is started with the travel commands "Pick up" and
Fast/slow changeover Run time at which the speed is to be changed from fast to slow
(optional). This function is only used when a fast/slow initiator has
not been defined for the direction of transportation and the timer has
been activated by the user.

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 41

Configuration and Diagnostics
4 P60. Axis family ERB (one-drive roller conveyor)

Sequence control Sequence control only takes effect for loading. Only those initiators required for the
travel command are checked for sequence. This means they have to be activated in the
correct sequence.
This check is not performed during unloading. The function only checks whether all
initiators are inactive before the "unload" condition is set.

Travel through The "travel through" travel command can only be executed when the roller conveyor is
empty. If the roller conveyor is already loaded, the "travel through" command is not
executed and the error "Invalid travel command" is issued.

Parameters In the MOVIVISION® configuration and diagnostics tool, choose the node "Parameter-
Axes." The following window is displayed:



Displays the parameters available for the ERB01 axis type [1].

42 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Configuration and Diagnostics
Axis family ERB (one-drive roller conveyor) P60. 4

To change a parameter, click [Edit parameter.]

The following window is displayed:






[1] "Axis type" group box

[2] "Digital settings" group box
[3] "Monitoring" group box
[4] "Velocities" group box
[5] "Run time" group box

[1] "Axis type" group box

You can choose the axis type here.

[2] "Digital settings" group box

Here you define the digital inputs and the associated evaluation of the inputs.

An input must be selected in order to configure the evaluations.

You can now select the local input for each function from the "Input" selection list. The
following settings are available:
• "---" (no selection)
• "Local I/O 0"
• ...
• "Local I/O 15"

The "edge evaluation" selection list lets you choose between

• "pos." (evaluation when changing from 0 to 1)
• "neg." (evaluation when changing from 1 to 0)

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 43

Configuration and Diagnostics
4 P60. Axis family ERB (one-drive roller conveyor)

The "Type of timeout" selection list lets you choose between

• "---" (no selection)
• "delayed"
• "debounced"
Enter the associated time in seconds. The permitted value range is 0 to 2.00 seconds.

[3] "Monitoring" group box

Here you can enable or disable "Sequence check" and/or "Item control" by selecting the

[4] "Velocities" group box

For the speeds
• Vs = F fast
• Vl = F slow
• Ve = F teach mode
the "Velocity" selection list lets you choose between
• "---" (no selection)
• "V1"
• ...
• "V6".
The velocity values are set by default and can be changed in the "ParameterDrives"

For the speeds

• Vs = F fast
• Vl = F slow
• Ve = F teach mode
the "Ramp set" selection list lets you choose between
• "Ramp set 0"
• ...
• "Ramp set 3"
The values of the ramp sets are set by default and can be changed in the "Parameter-
Drives" node.

[5] "Run time" group box

Here you define the time in seconds for the functions item control, stop and virtual F/S
(timer changeover between fast/slow). The permitted value range is 0 to 99.9 seconds.
You activate the entered time by clicking the boxes.

Once you have entered all the parameters, click on the [Update database] button to save
your entries. If you do not want to save the changes, click the [Cancel] button.

44 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Configuration and Diagnostics
Axis family ERB (one-drive roller conveyor) P60. 4

Diagnostics Select the "OnlineAxes" node. Select the "OnlineAxes" node. If the axis is activated by
the PLC, the following window is displayed:






[1] "Error list" list

[2] "Status" group box
[3] "Command" group box
[4] Display of "Item control - F/S - STOP"
[5] Axis display
[6] Display of "virtual F/S"
[7] "Velocity" display
[8] "Run time" display

[1] "Error list" list, [2] "Status" group box, [3] "Command" group box
See the section "Axes" / "General diagnostics".

[4] Display of "Item control - F/S - STOP"

The inputs are displayed as follows:
Representation Explanation
Input state green Assigned
Input state gray Not assigned

Inputs are only displayed if an input has been selected in the associated parameter set-

[5] Axis display

This display represents material to be conveyed with the following information:
Representation Explanation
Green square Drive ON
Gray square Drive OFF
Arrow to the right (-->) Conveying direction F
Arrow to the left (<--) Conveying direction B

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 45

Configuration and Diagnostics
4 P60. Axis family ERB (one-drive roller conveyor)

[6] Display of "virtual F/S"

Displays the current time of the virtual fast/slow changeover.

[7] "Velocity" display

Displays the current velocity as well as the associated ramp set.

[8] "Run time" display

Displays the current actual run time value.

4.4.2 Axis type ERB02: One speed, two directions of rotation

Applications Roller conveyors, chains etc. with light barriers or inductive proximity switches. (Skid)
pallets can be picked up in both directions of travel.

Theory of ERB02 can be operated at one speed in two directions of rotation.

operation The following figure demonstrates the theory of operation of ERB02:

[1] [2] [3]

[6] [7]


[10] [9]


[4] [5]

[1] Gap control 1 [4] Backwards [6] Pick up F [9] Pick up B

[2] Stop [5] Forwards [7] Release F [10] Release B
[3] Gap control 2 [8] Travel through F [11] Travel through B

As the unit has one speed, the drive moves quickly until a stop initiator is activated. The
drive is then stopped and the message "In position" is issued.

46 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Configuration and Diagnostics
Axis family ERB (one-drive roller conveyor) P60. 4

The fact that the unit has two directions of rotation means that it can pick up and release
items while moving both forwards and backwards.


[1] [2]

[4] [5]

[1] Backwards [4] Gap control 1

[2] Forwards [5] Gap control 2
[3] Stop

Commands The commands are defined in the same way as the axis commands in the section "Pro-
cess Data Description." Target positions can be entered in the axis commands. Their
functions are shown here.
Pos. Function Description
0 STOP Stop axis or no command active.
1 Pick up F Item to be transported is picked up in forwards mode.
2 Release F Item to be transported is released in forwards mode.
3 Travel through F Item to be transported is moved through in forwards mode.
4 Pick up B Item to be transported is picked up in backwards mode.
5 Release B Item to be transported is released in backwards mode.
6 Travel through B Item to be transported is moved through in backwards mode.

Status (feedback) The axis status is set in the same way as the axis status described in the section "Pro-
cess Data Description." The axis status contains the status of the current position. The
definitions of the positions are shown here.
Pos. Status Description
1P Picked up Item to be transported is in position.
2P Empty The unit is empty and ready for operation – as long as there is not a
fault in the system.
1 Z- Pick up F The item is being picked up forwards and has not yet reached its tar-
get position.
1 Z+ Release F The item is being released forwards and has not yet left the unit.
4 Z+ Pick up B The item is being picked up backwards and has not yet reached its tar-
get position.
4 Z- Release B The item is being released backwards and has not yet left the unit.

P in Position (status axis bit 6); Z+ / Z-: In intermediate position forwards (+ / status axis
bit 4) or backwards (- / status axis bit 5).

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 47

Configuration and Diagnostics
4 P60. Axis family ERB (one-drive roller conveyor)

Run time The following run time can be configured:

Run time Description
Pick up / release run time The item must be in position or have left the position before this run
time ends. This run time is started using the command "Load" or

Sequence control The sequence of all the initiators activated for this function is checked during both pick
up and release. This means they must be activated in the correct order.

Travel through The travel command "Travel through" can only be executed when the roller conveyor is
either empty or partially full (initiator gap control 1 or 2 is activated).
If the roller conveyor is already loaded, the 'travel through' command is not executed and
the error "Invalid travel command" is issued.

Parameters In the MOVIVISION® configuration and diagnostics tool, choose the node "Parameter-
Axes." The following window is displayed:



Displays the available parameters for the axis type ERB02 [1].

48 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Configuration and Diagnostics
Axis family ERB (one-drive roller conveyor) P60. 4

To change a parameter, click [Edit parameter]. The following window is displayed:






[1] "Axis type" group box [3] "Monitoring" group box

[2] "Digital [4] "Velocities" group box
settings" group box [5] "Run time" group box

[1] "Axis type" group box

You can choose the axis type here.

[2] "Digital settings" group box

Here you define the digital inputs and the associated evaluation of the inputs.

An input must be selected in order to configure the evaluations.

You can now select the local input for each function from the "Input" selection list. The
following settings are available:
• "---" (no selection)
• "Local I/O 0"
• ...
• "Local I/O 15"

The "edge evaluation" selection list lets you choose between

• "pos." (evaluation when changing from 0 to 1)
• "neg." (evaluation when changing from 1 to 0)

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 49

Configuration and Diagnostics
4 P60. Axis family ERB (one-drive roller conveyor)

The "Type of timeout" selection list lets you choose between

• "---" (no selection)
• "delayed"
• "debounced"
Enter the associated time in seconds. The permitted value range is 0 to 2.00 seconds.

[3] "Monitoring" group box

Here you can enable or disable "Sequence check" and/or "Item control" by selecting the

[4] "Velocities" group box

For the speeds
• Vs = F fast
• Vl = F slow
• Ve = F teach mode
the "Velocities" selection list lets you choose between:
• "---" (no selection)
• "V1"
• ...
• "V6".
The velocity values are set by default and can be changed in the "ParameterDrives"

For the speeds

• Vs = F fast
• Vl = F slow
• Ve = F teach mode
the "Ramp set" selection list lets you choose between:
• "Ramp set 0"
• ...
• "Ramp set 3"
The values of the ramp sets are set by default and can be changed in the "Parameter-
Drives" node.

[5] "Run time" group box

Here you define the time in seconds for the "Stop" function. The permitted value range
is 0 to 99.9 seconds. You activate the entered time by clicking the checkbox.

Once you have entered all the parameters, click on the [Update database] button to save
your entries. If you do not want to save the changes, click the [Cancel] button.

50 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Configuration and Diagnostics
Axis family ERB (one-drive roller conveyor) P60. 4

Diagnostics Select the "OnlineAxes" node. The following window is displayed:







[1] "Error list" list

[2] "Status" group box
[3] "Command" group box
[4] "B - STOP - F" display
[5] Axis display
[6] "Velocity" display
[7] "Run time" display

[1] "Error list" list, [2] "Status" group box, [3] "Command" group box
See the section "Axes" / "General diagnostics".

[4] "B - STOP - F" display

The inputs are displayed as follows:
Representation Explanation
Input state green Assigned
Input state gray Not assigned

Inputs are only displayed if an input has been selected in the associated parameter set-

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 51

Configuration and Diagnostics
4 P60. Axis family ERB (one-drive roller conveyor)

[5] Axis display

This square represents material to be conveyed with the following information:
Representation Explanation
Green square Drive ON
Gray square Drive OFF
Arrow to the right (-->) Conveying direction F
Arrow to the left (<--) Conveying direction B

[6] "Velocity" display

Displays the current velocity as well as the associated ramp set.

[7] "Run time" display

Displays the current actual run time value.

52 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Configuration and Diagnostics
Axis family 2POS (move to two positions) P60. 4

4.5 Axis family 2POS (move to two positions)

The axis family 2POS includes axis types that are designed, for example, for simple
turntables, simple hoist movements or carriages.

4.5.1 Axis type 2POS01: Two speeds, two directions of rotation

Applications Simple turntables, simple hoist movements or carriages etc. with light barriers or induc-
tive proximity switches. Fast/slow changeover, moving forwards (F) and backwards (B)
to positions.
Sensors for fast/slow changeover are optional.

Principle of 2POS01 can be operated at two speeds in two directions of rotation. The following figure
operation demonstrates the theory of operation of 2POS01:

[1] [2] [3] [4]



[5] [6]

[1] STOP B [4] STOP F [7] Move to position B (1)

[2] F/S B [5] Backwards [8] Move to position F (2)
[3] F/S F [6] Forwards

As the unit has two speeds, the drive moves at the fast speed until a fast/slow initiator
is activated. The drive then moves at slow speed until the stop initiator is activated. The
drive is then stopped and the message "In position" is issued.
The fact that the unit has two directions of rotation means that it can pick up and release
items while moving both forwards and backwards.
If a fast/slow initiator is not configured in the higher-level PC application, the drive al-
ways moves quickly until the stop initiator is activated.

Commands The commands are defined in the same way as the axis commands in the section "Pro-
cess Data Description." Target positions can be entered in the axis commands. Their
functions are shown here.
Pos. Function Description
0 STOP Stop axis or no command active.
1 Move to position B The unit moves backwards to position (position 1).
2 Move to position F The unit moves forwards to position (position 2).

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 53

Configuration and Diagnostics
4 P60. Axis family 2POS (move to two positions)

Status (feedback) The axis status is set in the same way as the axis status described in the section "Pro-
cess Data Description." The axis status contains the status of the current position. The
definitions of the positions are shown here.
Pos. Status Description
1P In position B The unit is in the backwards position (position 1).
2P In position F The unit is in the forwards position (position 2).
1 Z+ Intermediate position The unit is between positions B and F.

P in Position (status axis bit 6); Z+ In intermediate position forwards (+ / status axis bit

Run time moni- The following run times can be configured:

Run time Description
Total run time Time it takes to move from one position to another.

Sequence control Only those initiators are checked for sequence that are required for the travel command.
This means they have to be activated in the proper sequence.
For example, only the F/S forwards and stop forward initiators are checked for sequence
when moving to the "forwards" position. The F/S backwards initiators and stop back-
wards are ignored. Moving to the position "backwards" means that only the F/S back-
wards and stop backwards initiators are being checked.

Parameters In the MOVIVISION® configuration and diagnostics tool, choose the node "Parameter-
Axes." The following window is displayed:



Displays the available parameters for the 2POS01 axis type [1].

54 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Configuration and Diagnostics
Axis family 2POS (move to two positions) P60. 4

To change a parameter, click [Edit parameter]. The following window is displayed:





[1] "Axis type" group box [3] "Monitoring" group box

[2] "Digital settings" group box [4] "Velocities" group box
[5] "Run time" group box

[1] "Axis type" group box

You can choose the axis type here.

[2] "Digital settings" group box

Here you define the digital inputs and the associated evaluation of the inputs.

An input must be selected in order to configure the evaluations.

You can now select the local input for each function from the "Input" selection list. The
following settings are available:
• "---" (no selection)
• "Local I/O 0"
• ...
• "Local I/O 15"

The "edge evaluation" selection list lets you choose between

• "pos." (evaluation when changing from 0 to 1)
• "neg." (evaluation when changing from 1 to 0)

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 55

Configuration and Diagnostics
4 P60. Axis family 2POS (move to two positions)

The "Type of timeout" selection list lets you choose between

• "---" (no selection)
• "delayed"
• "debounced"
Enter the associated time in seconds. The permitted value range is 0 to 2.00 seconds.

[3] "Monitoring" group box

Here you can enable or disable "Sequence check" and/or "Item control" by selecting the

[4] "Velocities" group box

For the speeds
• Vs = F fast
• Vl = F slow
• Ve = F teach mode
the "Velocities" selection list lets you choose between:
• "---" (no selection)
• "V1"
• ...
• "V6".
The velocity values are set by default and can be changed in the "ParameterDrives"

For the speeds

• Vs = F fast
• Vl = F slow
• Ve = F teach mode
the "Ramp set" selection list lets you choose between:
• "Ramp set 0"
• ...
• "Ramp set 3"
The values of the ramp sets are set by default and can be changed in the "Parameter-
Drives" node.

[5] "Run time" group box

Here you define the time in seconds for the "Stop" function. The permitted value range
is 0 to 99.9 seconds. You activate the entered time by clicking the checkbox.

Once you have entered all the parameters, click on the [Update database] button to save
your entries. If you do not want to save the changes, click the [Cancel] button.

56 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Configuration and Diagnostics
Axis family 2POS (move to two positions) P60. 4

Diagnostics Select the "OnlineAxes" node. The following window is displayed:






[1] "Error list" list [5] Axis display

[2] "Status" group box [6] "Velocity" display
[3] "Command" group box [7] "Run time" display
[4] "B - F/S - F" display

[1] "Error list" list, [2] "Status" group box, [3] "Command" group box
See the section "Axes" / "General diagnostics".

[4] "B - F/S - F" display

The inputs are displayed as follows:
Representation Explanation
Input state green Assigned
Input state gray Not assigned

Inputs are only displayed if an input has been selected in the associated parameter set-

[5] Axis display

This square represents material to be conveyed with the following information:
Representation Explanation
Green square Drive ON
Gray square Drive OFF
Arrow to the right (-->) Conveying direction F
Arrow to the left (<--) Conveying direction B

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 57

Configuration and Diagnostics
4 P60. Axis family 2POS (move to two positions)

[6] "Velocity" display

Displays the current velocity as well as the associated ramp set.

[7] "Run time" display

Displays the current actual run time value.

58 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Configuration and Diagnostics
Axis family 3POS (move to three positions) P60. 4

4.6 Axis family 3POS (move to three positions)

The axis family 3POS contains axis types that are designed, for example, for simple
hoist movements (eccentric hoist).

4.6.1 Axis type 3POS01: One speed, one direction of rotation

Applications For example, simple eccentric hoists with inductive proximity switches. In this case, the
drive always moves in one direction. The table can move to the following positions
• Bottom
• Middle (optional)
• Top

Theory of opera- 3POS01 is moved at one speed in one direction of rotation. It can move to three posi-
tion tions.
The following figure demonstrates the theory of operation of 3POS01:

[4] [6]




[1] Ini 1 [4] Move to bottom position

[2] Ini 2 [5] Move to middle position
[3] Ini 3 [6] Move to top position

Run time and sequence are checked. The axis is in position when the initiator is activat-
ed. Therefore, configure the signal contact so that is activated for the entire stop ramp
until the drive comes to a stop.

Commands The commands are defined in the same way as the axis commands in the section "Pro-
cess Data Description." Target positions can be entered in the axis commands. Their
functions are shown here.
Pos. Function Description
0 STOP Stop axis or no command active.
1 Move to bottom position The unit moves to the bottom position (position 1).
2 Move to middle position The unit moves to the middle position (position 2).
3 Move to top position The unit moves to the top position (position 3).
64 Move to the next position The unit moves to the next position. To move to the position following
on from this one, delete the command and set it again.

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 59

Configuration and Diagnostics
4 P60. Axis family 3POS (move to three positions)

Status (feedback) The axis status is set in the same way as the axis status described in the section "Pro-
cess Data Description." The axis status contains the status of the current position. The
definitions of the positions are shown here.
Pos. Status Description
0 Invalid position The position has not been detected because no initiator is activated.
However, the axis can be moved to a position and – as long as there is
no other fault – is ready for operation.
1P In Bottom position The unit is in the bottom position (position 1).
2P In Middle position The unit is in the middle position (position 2).
3P In Top position The unit is in the top position (position 3).
1 Z+ Intermediate position bot- The unit is between the bottom and middle positions. If a middle posi-
tom / middle (bottom / tion has not been defined, the unit is between the bottom and top posi-
top) tions.
2 Z+ Intermediate position The unit is between the middle and top positions.
middle / top
3 Z+ Intermediate position top The unit is between the top and bottom positions.
/ bottom

P in Position (status axis bit 6); Z+ In intermediate position forwards (+ / status axis bit

Run time moni- The following run times can be configured:

Run time Description
Top -> middle Time it takes to move from the bottom position to the middle position.
(bottom -> top) If a middle position has not been set, the run time is the time it takes to
move from the bottom position to the top position,
Middle -> top Time it takes to move from the middle position to the top position
Top -> bottom Time it takes to move from the top position to the bottom position.

Sequence control The sequence of all activated initiators is checked. They must be activated in the correct

60 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Configuration and Diagnostics
Axis family 3POS (move to three positions) P60. 4

Parameters In the MOVIVISION® configuration and diagnostics tool, choose the node "Parameter-
Axes." The following window is displayed:



Displays the parameters available for the 3POS01 axis type [1].

To change a parameter, click [Edit parameter.] The following window is displayed:







[1] "Axis type" group box [3] "Monitoring" group box

[2] "Digital settings" group box [4] "Velocity" group
[5] "Run time" group box

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 61

Configuration and Diagnostics
4 P60. Axis family 3POS (move to three positions)

[1] "Axis type" group box

You can choose the axis type here.

[2] "Digital settings" group box

Here you define the digital inputs and the associated evaluation of the inputs.

An input must be selected in order to configure the evaluations.

You can now select the local input for each function from the "Input" selection list. The
following settings are available:
• "---" (no selection)
• "Local I/O 0"
• ...
• "Local I/O 15"

The "edge evaluation" selection list lets you choose between

• "pos." (evaluation when changing from 0 to 1)
• "neg." (evaluation when changing from 1 to 0)

The "Type of timeout" selection list lets you choose between

• "---" (no selection)
• "delayed"
• "debounced"
Enter the associated time in seconds. The permitted value range is 0 to 2.00 seconds.

[3] "Monitoring" group box

Here you can enable or disable "Sequence check" and/or "Item control" by selecting the

[4] "Velocity" group

For the speeds
• Vs = F fast
• Vl = F slow
• Ve = F teach mode
the "Velocities" selection list lets you choose between:
• "---" (no selection)
• "V1"
• ...
• "V6".
The velocity values are set by default and can be changed in the "Parameter Drives"

62 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Configuration and Diagnostics
Axis family 3POS (move to three positions) P60. 4

For the speeds

• Vs = F fast
• Vl = F slow
• Ve = F teach mode
the "Ramp set" selection list lets you choose between:
• "Ramp set 0"
• ...
• "Ramp set 3"
The values of the ramp sets are set by default and can be changed in the "Parameter-
Drives" node.

[5] "Run time" group box

Here you define the time in seconds for the three run time functions. The permitted value
range is 0 to 99.9 seconds. You activate the entered time by clicking the checkbox.

Once you have entered all the parameters, click on the [Update database] button to save
your entries. If you do not want to save the changes, click the [Cancel] button.

Diagnostics Select the "OnlineAxes" node. The following window is displayed:









[1] "Error list" list [5] Axis display

[2] "Status" group box [6] "Velocity" display
[3] "Command" group box [7] "Run time" display
[4] Display "Pos.1 - Pos.2 - Pos.3"

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 63

Configuration and Diagnostics
4 P60. Axis family 3POS (move to three positions)

[1] "Error list" list, [2] "Status" group box, [3] "Command" group box
See the section "Axes" / "General diagnostics".

[4] Display "Pos.1 - Pos.2 - Pos.3"

The inputs are displayed as follows:
Representation Explanation
Input state green Assigned
Input state gray Not assigned

Inputs are only displayed if an input has been selected in the associated parameter set-

[5] Axis display

This square represents material to be conveyed with the following information:
Representation Explanation
Green square Drive ON
Gray square Drive OFF
Upward arrow Conveying direction F
Downward arrow Conveying direction B

[6] "Velocity" display

Displays the current velocity as well as the associated ramp set.

[7] "Run time" display

Displays the current actual run time value.

64 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Installing the GSD file

The unit has a PROFIBUS DPV1 interface. It includes PROFIBUS DP (defined in
EN 50170) for fast, cyclical data exchange. It also includes acyclical services, such as
"Read data record" or "Write data record."
The unit is controlled with a PLC via PROFIBUS DP; the DPV1 services are only used
by the MOVIVISION® configuration and diagnostics tool. To allow parallel access from
the PLC and the PC, the PLC must support the multi-master mode.

5.1 Installing the GSD file

The GSD file provided is valid for all MOVIFIT® and MOVIPRO® units. However,
only the modules described in this document can be used for MOVIFIT®.

To be able to configure the unit in the DP master, the GSD file (GSD = device database
file) SEW_077A.gsd that is supplied must first be installed. This file contains all the
information required to configure a corresponding slave in the DP master. The bus
parameters supported by the unit are stored there. However, the I/O range offered by
the unit is the most important aspect for the user.

Close all open projects before installing the GSD file.

To install the GSD file, proceed as follows in the hardware configuration of SIMATIC S7:
From the "Extras" pulldown menu, choose "Install GSD files...".


Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 65

5 Installing the GSD file

The following window opens:


Click the "Browse" button and choose the directory where the GSD files are located.

The following window opens:


Select the SEW_077A.GSD file and click the "Install" button.

66 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Defining the I/O range

The following message appears once the installation has been completed successfully:


5.2 Defining the I/O range

The unit offers users the option of defining the I/O range for controlling the slave. This
makes it possible to adjust the cyclical data exchange from the PLC and the
decentralized unit to suit each application.
During the unit configuration, the slave provides a catalog containing I/O modules that
the user can use to define an I/O range using the drag and drop function. The modules
available are listed in the following table.

Integrating the You have to define an S/-CPU and a PROFIBUS DP interface first before integrating the
unit in the HW MOVIFIT® unit in the HW Config of the hardware manager.
Config Under PROFIBUS-DP/Other FIELD UNITS/General/Movipro, select the corre-
sponding unit and insert it in the PROFIBUS line.


Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 67

5 Defining the I/O range

Your screen should look as follows:


To define the process data configuration, select the individual I/O modules and insert

The illustrations below show two configuration examples.

Configuration example 1:


68 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Defining the I/O range

Configuration example 2:


For PROFIBUS DP, the inputs and outputs are always defined from the point of view of
the PLC.

For communication via PROFIBUS DP, the modules "General status information" and
"General command" must be configured first in the input or output range.

Inputs (unit →
Module Size Described in section
General status information Byte Process data description "General status informa-
General error Byte Process data description "General error"
Control level status Byte Process data description "Control level status"
Axis status 1...6 Word Process data description "Axis status"
Axis error 1...6 Byte Process data description "Axis error"
Drive status 1..0.6 Byte Process data description "Drive status"
Drive error 1..0.6 Byte Process data description "Drive error"
Local inputs 1...2 Byte Process data description "Local inputs"

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 69

5 Defining the I/O range

Outputs (control-
ler → unit)
Module Size Described in section
General command Byte Process data description "General command"
Control level command Byte Process data description "Control level command"
Axis command 1...6 Word Process data description "Axis command"
Drive command 1..0.6 Byte Process data description "Drive command"
Local outputs Byte Process data description "Local outputs"
Drive setpoint selection 1..0.6 Word Process data description "Drive setpoint selection"

Adjusting At present, the unit does not support any modules that permit module-specific
module-specific configuration.
Adjusting The following values are set in the current version for slave-specific parameters:
Byte Parameters Value range
0 DPV_1_Status_1 128d (80hex)
1 DPV_1_Status_2 0
2 DPV_1_Status_3 0

Do not change slave-specific parameters.

70 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Process Data Description
Status information

6 Process Data Description

6.1 Status information
Status information is data that the decentralized unit sends to a central controller.
The general status registers of the
• unit
• axes
• and of the drives
are all handled according to the same schema.

• If the "Ready" bit is not set in the "Status" register, check the "Error" bit.
• If this bit is set it means there is an error, which must be repaired.
• If this bit is deleted it means that there was an error, which must be acknowledged.
When an error occurs, information on the error is stored in the corresponding error reg-
ister. Once the error has been acknowledged, the "Ready" bit is set and the entry in the
error register is deleted.
When an error occurs, the entire unit switches to the state 'error' or 'stop.' If, for example,
an axis module reports an error, the system stops all other axes and drives, even if they
do not report an error.

6.1.1 General status information

All general status information on the unit status is entered in this byte.
Bit Name Description
0 Ready for operation 0: The unit is not ready for operation
1: Unit is ready for operation
1 Error 0: No error
1: Error
2 Manual / automatic operation 0: Manual operation
1: Automatic operation
3 Reserved 0
4 Parameters have to be downloaded 0: Parameters do not have to be downloaded
1: Parameters have to be downloaded
5 Control priority 0: PLC has control priority
1: PC application (MOVIVISION®) has control priority
6 Enable 0: Unit inhibited
1: Unit enabled
7 Ready Response
is set to the same value specified in the "General com-
mand“ byte by the master

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 71

Process Data Description
6 Status information

6.1.2 General error

This word stores information on the error that occurred most recently. If several errors
are active at the same time, the error with the highest priority is displayed.
Bit Name Description
0...7 Most recent error Value 0: No error
Value 1: Repair switch off
Value 2: Switched 24 V not available
Value 3: Reserved
Value 4: Reserved
Value 5: Error "Axis"
Value 6: Error "Drive"
Value 7: Error "Local bus"
Value 8: Reserved
Value 9: Error "Fieldbus offline"
Value 10: Reserved
Value 11: Error "Parameter download required"
Value 12: Error "Download active"
Value 13: Reserved
Value 14: "24V supply" error
Value 15: Short-circuit digital I/Os
Value 16-254: Reserved
Value 255: Other error

6.1.3 Control level status

This byte stores information on the level at which the drives are controlled.
Bit Name Description
0 Drive 1 axis level 0: Drive 1 is not controlled at the axis level
1: Drive 1 is controlled at the axis level
1 Drive 2 axis level 0: Drive 2 is not controlled at the axis level
1: Drive 2 is controlled at the axis level
2 Drive 3 axis level 0: Drive 3 is not controlled at the axis level
1: Drive 3 is controlled at the axis level
3 Drive 4 axis level 0: Drive 4 is not controlled at the axis level
1: Drive 4 is controlled at the axis level
4 Drive 5 axis level 0: Drive 5 is not controlled at the axis level
1: Drive 5 is controlled at the axis level
5 Drive 6 axis level 0: Drive 6 is not controlled at the axis level
1: Drive 6 is controlled at the axis level
6 Reserved 0
7 Reserved 0

72 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Process Data Description
Status information

6.1.4 Axis status

This word contains status information on each axis.
Bit Name Description
0 Ready for operation 0: The axis is not ready for operation
1: The axis is ready for operation
1 Error 0: No error
1: Error
2 Reference travel required 0: No reference travel required
1: Reference travel required
3 Reference travel is active 0: Reference travel is not active
1: Reference travel is active
4 In intermediate position + 0: No intermediate position
1: In intermediate position +
For a more detailed definition: See section "Axes."
5 In intermediate position - 0: No intermediate position
1: In intermediate position -
For a more detailed definition: See section "Axes."
6 In position 0: No position
1: In position
7 Axis is not active 0: Axis is active
1: Axis is not active
8...15 Current position 0: Not in a valid position
1: In position 1
255: In position 255
For a more detailed definition: See section "Axes."

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 73

Process Data Description
6 Status information

6.1.5 Axis error

This word stores information on the error that occurred most recently. If several errors
are active at the same time, the error with the highest priority is displayed.
Bit Name Description
0...7 Most recent error Value 0: No error
Value 1: Error "Sequence control"
Value 2: Error "Run time check"
Value 3: Error "Drive beyond position"
Value 4: Error "Position left without command"
Value 5: Error "Invalid axis command"
Value 6: Error "Current position invalid"
Value 7: Error "Encoder"
Value 8: Error "Software limit switch"
Value 9: "Axis blocked" error
Value 10: "Axis not initialized" error
Value 11-254: Reserved
Value 255: Other error

The status of the axis are only used when the corresponding drive is controlled at the
axis level.

6.1.6 Drive status

This byte contains status information on each drive
Bit Name Description
0 Ready for operation 0: The drive is not ready for operation
1: The drive is ready for operation
1 Error 0: No error
1: Error
2 Motor is running 0: Motor frequency = 0
1: Motor frequency <> 0
3 Frequency setpoint 0: Frequency setpoint has not been reached
reached 1: Frequency setpoint has been reached
4 Brake released 0: Brake applied
1: Brake released
5 Controller enabled 0: Controller inhibited
1: Controller enabled
6 Reserved 0
7 Drive not active 0: Drive active
1: Drive not active

74 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Process Data Description
Status information

6.1.7 Drive error

This word stores information on the error that occurred most recently. If several errors
are active at the same time, the error with the highest priority is displayed.
Bit Name Description
0...7 Most recent error Value 0: No error
Value 1: Error "Invalid command"
Value 2: Error "Overcurrent"
Value 3: Error "Overtemperature"
Value 4: Error "Frequency inverter offline"
Value 5: Error "Invalid potentiometer setting Fmax"
Value 6: Error "Invalid assignment at terminal f1/f2"
Value 7: Error "No supply voltage"
Value 8: Error "Internal inverter error"
Value 9: Error "Initialization"
Value 10: Error "Left limit switch"
Value 11: Error "Right switch right"
Value 12: Error "brake chopper"
Value 13: Error "Overvoltage"
Value 14: Error "N-monitoring"
Value 15: Error "TF trigger"
Value 16: Error "Lag error"
Value 17: Error "Output open"
Value 18: Error "Motor protection"
Value 19: Error "Flying start"
Value 20: Error "Phase failure"
Value 21: Error "Unit utilization"
Value 22: Error "Short circuit output"
Value 23: Error "Thermal overload in brake"
Value 10-254: Reserved
Value 255: Other error

6.1.8 Local inputs

Status of the inputs connected locally to the unit. This is transferred in two bytes
(PROFIBUS) depending on the fieldbus connection.
Bit Name Description
0...7 Inputs 0...7 0: The input is not set
1: The input is set
8...15 Inputs 8...15

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 75

Process Data Description
6 Commands

6.2 Commands
Commands are information transferred from the higher-level controller to the unit.

6.2.1 General command

This byte contains general command bits for controlling the decentralized unit.
Bit Name Description
0 Acknowledge error 0: No acknowledgement
1: The most recent error is acknowledged
1 Reserved 0
2 Manual/automatic opera- 0: Manual operation
tion (for control via axis 1: Automatic operation
3 Reserved 0
4 Reserved 0
5 Control priority 0: Control priority cannot be changed
1: Control priority can be changed
6 Enable 0: Inhibit unit
1: Enable unit
7 Ready Request; master specifies a value that the controller enters in the
'General status information' bit.

6.2.2 Control level command

This byte defines the level at which the drives are controlled.
Bit Name Description
0 Axis level drive 1 0: Drive 1 is not controlled at the axis level
1: Drive 1 is controlled at the axis level
1 Axis level drive 2 0: Drive 2 is not controlled at the axis level
1: Drive 2 is controlled at the axis level
2 Axis level drive 3 0: Drive 3 is not controlled at the axis level
1: Drive 3 is controlled at the axis level
3 Axis level drive 4 0: Drive 4 is not controlled at the axis level
1: Drive 4 is controlled at the axis level
4 Axis level drive 5 0: Drive 5 is not controlled at the axis level
1: Drive 5 is controlled at the axis level
5 Axis level drive 6 0: Drive 6 is not controlled at the axis level
1: Drive 6 is controlled at the axis level
6 Reserved 0
7 Reserved 0

Reserved bits must be assigned the value "0".

76 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Process Data Description

6.2.3 Axis command

This byte contains general command bits for controlling axes 1...n.

Manual operation
Bit Name Description
0 Enable reference travel 0: Reference travel inhibited
(only XPOS axis) 1: Reference travel enabled
1 Teach mode F 0: No teach mode operation forwards
1: Teach mode operation forwards
2 Teach mode B 0: No teach mode operation backwards
1: Teach mode operation backwards

Bit Name Description
3 Fast/slow velocity range 0: Fast/slow velocity range activated
(only XPOS02 axis) 1: Fast/slow velocity range deactivated
4...7 Reserved

Bit Name Description
8...15 Move to position 1...255 0: Do not move to position
1: Move to position 1
2: Move to position 2
255: Move to position 255
For a more detailed definition:
See section "Axes."

The axis command is only evaluated when the corresponding drive is controlled at the
axis level.

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 77

Process Data Description
6 Commands

6.2.4 Drive command

This byte contains general command bits for controlling drives 1...n.
Bit Name Description
0...3 Command 0: STOP
1: Move at fixed speed 1
2: Move at fixed speed 2
3: Move at fixed speed 3
4: Move at fixed speed 4
5: Move at fixed speed 5
6: Move at fixed speed 6
7: Move using setpoint selection (bipolar)
8: Release brake
9 -14: Reserved
15: Move out of safety end position
4...5 ramp set 0: Ramp set 0 / Rapid stop ramp
1: Ramp set 1
2: Ramp set 2
3: Ramp set 3
6 Direction of rotation 0: Forwards
(only for fixed setpoints) 1: Backwards
7 Parameter set 0: Parameter set 1
1: Parameter set 2

The drive command is only evaluated when the corresponding drive is controlled at the
drive level.

6.2.5 Local outputs

This byte is used for the local outputs of the unit.
Bit Name Description
0...3 Outputs 0..0.3 0: Reset output
1: Set output
4...7 Reserved

The outputs can be read back in via local inputs 0...3. If an output is set and is not sent
back as an input, there is a short circuit in the system.

78 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Process Data Description

6.2.6 Drive setpoint selection

If a drive is moved using setpoint selection, the system has to set the following com-
• Setpoint selection in the corresponding output word
• Command "Travel using setpoint selection"
• Specification of direction of rotation and ramp set
The value to be entered as setpoint corresponds to speed in 0.2 rpm.

Example Setpoint selection: Conversion: Output word setpoint selection:

1,500 rpm 1,500/0.2 7,500 dec

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 79

kVA n Technical Data
7 f
PROFIBUS specifications
P Hz

7 Technical Data
7.1 PROFIBUS specifications
The following table shows the PROFIBUS specification for the function level "System":
PROFIBUS interface
Function level System
Supported baud rates 9,6 kBaud ... 1.5 MBaud / 3 ... 12 MBaud (with automatic detection)
Bus terminator integrated, can be activated via switch according to IEC 61158
Permitted cable length for • 9.6 kBaud: 1200 m
PROFIBUS • 19.2 kBaud: 1200 m
• 93.75 kBaud: 1200 m
• 187.5 kBaud: 1000 m
• 500 kBaud: 400 m
• 1.5 MBaud: 200 m
• 12 MBaud: 100 m
To extend the length, several segments can be coupled via repeater.
The max. expansion/cascading depth can be found in the manuals for
the DP Master or the repeater modules.
Address setting Addresses 1..125 can be set using DIP switches in the connection box
DP ident. number System
077A hex (1914 dec)
Length of diagnostics data 6 bytes standard DP diagnostics
Name of the GSD file SEW_077A.GSD

80 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"


8 Index
Axes ....................................................................35 Diagnostics
Activation/deactivation delay ........................36 Drive ............................................................ 34
Debouncing delay .........................................37 MOVIFIT® .................................................... 27
General diagnostics ......................................38
General information ......................................35
General settings ...........................................36 Important notes
Initiator settings ............................................36 Documentation ............................................... 4
Explanation of the icons ................................. 5
Monitoring functions .....................................37
General safety notes on bus systems ............ 4
Axis family
Introduction .......................................................... 6
2POS (move to two positions) ......................53
Function level System with MOVIVISION® .... 7
ERB (one-drive roller conveyor) ...................40
MOVIFIT® function level ................................ 6
Axis family 3POS (move to three positions) ........59
Axis type 2POS01 M
Applications ..................................................53 MOVIVISION® configuration and diagnostics tool .
Commands ...................................................53 15
Diagnostics ...................................................57 Database ..................................................... 19
Parameters ...................................................54 Introduction .................................................. 15
Run time monitoring .....................................54 MOVIVISION® configuration and diagnostics tools
Sequence control ..........................................54 Structure and design .................................... 20
Status (feedback) .........................................54 Structure of MOVIVISION® .......................... 17
Two speeds, two directions of rotation .........53 Client ..................................................... 17
Axis type 3POS01 Server .................................................... 17
Applications ..................................................59
Commands ...................................................59
Diagnostics ...................................................63 Nomenclature for axis control ............................ 35
One speed, one direction of rotation ............59 P
Parameters ...................................................61 Parameters ......................................................... 21
Run time monitoring .....................................60 Drive MM ..................................................... 28
Sequence control ..........................................60 Drive MTF - MOVIFIT®-FC .......................... 32
Status (feedback) .........................................60 Drive MTS - MOVIFIT®SC ........................... 30
Theory of operation ......................................59 Drives ........................................................... 28
Axis type ERB01 General information ..................................... 21
Applications ..................................................40 Using MOVISION® ...................................... 22
Commands ...................................................41 Process data description .................................... 71
Diagnostics ...................................................44 Axis command ............................................. 77
Parameters ...................................................42 Axis error ..................................................... 74
Run time monitoring .....................................41 Axis status ................................................... 73
Sequence control ..........................................42 Commands .................................................. 76
Status (feedback) .........................................41 Control level command ................................ 76
Theory of operation ......................................40 Control level status ...................................... 72
Travel through ..............................................42 Drive command ............................................ 78
Two speeds, two directions of rotation .........40 Drive error .................................................... 75
Axis type ERB02 Drive setpoint selection ................................ 79
Applications ..................................................46 Drive status .................................................. 74
Commands ...................................................47 General command ....................................... 76
Diagnostics ...................................................51 General error ............................................... 72
One speed, two directions of rotation ...........46 General status information ........................... 71
Parameters ...................................................48 Local inputs .................................................. 75
Run time monitoring .....................................48 Local outputs ............................................... 78
Sequence control ..........................................48 Status information ........................................ 71
Status (feedback) .........................................47 PROFIBUS ......................................................... 65
Theory of operation ......................................46 Adjusting module-specific parameters ......... 70
Travel through ..............................................48 Defining the I/O range .................................. 67

Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System" 81

8 Index

Inputs (unit -> controller) ..............................69

Installing the GSD file ...................................65
Integrating the unit in the HW Config ............67
Outputs (controller -> unit) ............................70
Motor startup with MOVIFIT®-FC .................13
Motor startup with MOVIFIT®-SC .................11
Preliminary work ...........................................10
Startup procedure for MOVIFIT®-MC .............8
Startup procedure for
MOVIFIT®-SC and -FC ......................9

82 Manual – MOVIFIT® Function Level "System"

Address List

Address List
Headquarters Bruchsal SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 7251 75-0
Production Ernst-Blickle-Straße 42 Fax +49 7251 75-1970
Sales D-76646 Bruchsal http://www.sew-eurodrive.de
P.O. Box [email protected]
Postfach 3023 • D-76642 Bruchsal
Service Central SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 7251 75-1710
Competence Center Gear units / Ernst-Blickle-Straße 1 Fax +49 7251 75-1711
Motors D-76676 Graben-Neudorf [email protected]
Central SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 7251 75-1780
Electronics Ernst-Blickle-Straße 42 Fax +49 7251 75-1769
D-76646 Bruchsal [email protected]
North SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 5137 8798-30
Alte Ricklinger Straße 40-42 Fax +49 5137 8798-55
D-30823 Garbsen (near Hannover) [email protected]
East SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 3764 7606-0
Dänkritzer Weg 1 Fax +49 3764 7606-30
D-08393 Meerane (near Zwickau) [email protected]
South SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 89 909552-10
Domagkstraße 5 Fax +49 89 909552-50
D-85551 Kirchheim (near München) [email protected]
West SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 2173 8507-30
Siemensstraße 1 Fax +49 2173 8507-55
D-40764 Langenfeld (near Düsseldorf) [email protected]
Drive Service Hotline / 24 Hour Service +49 180 5 SEWHELP
+49 180 5 7394357
Additional addresses for service in Germany provided on request!

Production Haguenau SEW-USOCOME Tel. +33 3 88 73 67 00
Sales 48-54, route de Soufflenheim Fax +33 3 88 73 66 00
Service B. P. 20185 http://www.usocome.com
F-67506 Haguenau Cedex [email protected]
Assembly Bordeaux SEW-USOCOME Tel. +33 5 57 26 39 00
Sales Parc d'activités de Magellan Fax +33 5 57 26 39 09
Service 62, avenue de Magellan - B. P. 182
F-33607 Pessac Cedex
Lyon SEW-USOCOME Tel. +33 4 72 15 37 00
Parc d'Affaires Roosevelt Fax +33 4 72 15 37 15
Rue Jacques Tati
F-69120 Vaulx en Velin
Paris SEW-USOCOME Tel. +33 1 64 42 40 80
Zone industrielle Fax +33 1 64 42 40 88
2, rue Denis Papin
F-77390 Verneuil I'Etang
Additional addresses for service in France provided on request!

Sales Alger Réducom Tel. +213 21 8222-84
16, rue des Frères Zaghnoun Fax +213 21 8222-84
Bellevue El-Harrach
16200 Alger

Assembly Buenos Aires SEW EURODRIVE ARGENTINA S.A. Tel. +54 3327 4572-84
Sales Centro Industrial Garin, Lote 35 Fax +54 3327 4572-21
Service Ruta Panamericana Km 37,5 [email protected]
1619 Garin

Address List

Assembly Melbourne SEW-EURODRIVE PTY. LTD. Tel. +61 3 9933-1000
Sales 27 Beverage Drive Fax +61 3 9933-1003
Service Tullamarine, Victoria 3043 http://www.sew-eurodrive.com.au
[email protected]
Sydney SEW-EURODRIVE PTY. LTD. Tel. +61 2 9725-9900
9, Sleigh Place, Wetherill Park Fax +61 2 9725-9905
New South Wales, 2164 [email protected]
Townsville SEW-EURODRIVE PTY. LTD. Tel. +61 7 4779 4333
12 Leyland Street Fax +61 7 4779 5333
Garbutt, QLD 4814 [email protected]

Assembly Wien SEW-EURODRIVE Ges.m.b.H. Tel. +43 1 617 55 00-0
Sales Richard-Strauss-Strasse 24 Fax +43 1 617 55 00-30
Service A-1230 Wien http://sew-eurodrive.at
[email protected]

Assembly Brüssel SEW Caron-Vector S.A. Tel. +32 10 231-311
Sales Avenue Eiffel 5 Fax +32 10 231-336
Service B-1300 Wavre http://www.caron-vector.be
[email protected]

Production Sao Paulo SEW-EURODRIVE Brasil Ltda. Tel. +55 11 6489-9133
Sales Avenida Amâncio Gaiolli, 50 Fax +55 11 6480-3328
Service Caixa Postal: 201-07111-970 http://www.sew.com.br
Guarulhos/SP - Cep.: 07251-250 [email protected]
Additional addresses for service in Brazil provided on request!

Sales Sofia BEVER-DRIVE GmbH Tel. +359 2 9151160
Bogdanovetz Str.1 Fax +359 2 9151166
BG-1606 Sofia [email protected]

Sales Douala Electro-Services Tel. +237 4322-99
Rue Drouot Akwa Fax +237 4277-03
B.P. 2024

Assembly Toronto SEW-EURODRIVE CO. OF CANADA LTD. Tel. +1 905 791-1553
Sales 210 Walker Drive Fax +1 905 791-2999
Service Bramalea, Ontario L6T3W1 http://www.sew-eurodrive.ca
[email protected]
Vancouver SEW-EURODRIVE CO. OF CANADA LTD. Tel. +1 604 946-5535
7188 Honeyman Street Fax +1 604 946-2513
Delta. B.C. V4G 1 E2 [email protected]
Montreal SEW-EURODRIVE CO. OF CANADA LTD. Tel. +1 514 367-1124
2555 Rue Leger Street Fax +1 514 367-3677
LaSalle, Quebec H8N 2V9 [email protected]
Additional addresses for service in Canada provided on request!

Assembly Santiago de SEW-EURODRIVE CHILE LTDA. Tel. +56 2 75770-00
Sales Chile Las Encinas 1295 Fax +56 2 75770-01
Service Parque Industrial Valle Grande www.sew-eurodrive.cl
LAMPA [email protected]
RCH-Santiago de Chile
P.O. Box
Casilla 23 Correo Quilicura - Santiago - Chile

Address List

Production Tianjin SEW-EURODRIVE (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. Tel. +86 22 25322612
Assembly No. 46, 7th Avenue, TEDA Fax +86 22 25322611
Sales Tianjin 300457 [email protected]
Service http://www.sew-eurodrive.com.cn
Assembly Suzhou SEW-EURODRIVE (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Tel. +86 512 62581781
Sales 333, Suhong Middle Road Fax +86 512 62581783
Service Suzhou Industrial Park [email protected]
Jiangsu Province, 215021
P. R. China
Additional addresses for service in China provided on request!

Assembly Bogotá SEW-EURODRIVE COLOMBIA LTDA. Tel. +57 1 54750-50
Sales Calle 22 No. 132-60 Fax +57 1 54750-44
Service Bodega 6, Manzana B http://www.sew-eurodrive.com.co
Santafé de Bogotá [email protected]

Sales Zagreb KOMPEKS d. o. o. Tel. +385 1 4613-158
Service PIT Erdödy 4 II Fax +385 1 4613-158
HR 10 000 Zagreb [email protected]

Czech Republic
Sales Praha SEW-EURODRIVE CZ S.R.O. Tel. +420 220121234
Business Centrum Praha Fax +420 220121237
Luzna 591 http://www.sew-eurodrive.cz
CZ-16000 Praha 6 - Vokovice [email protected]

Assembly Kopenhagen SEW-EURODRIVEA/S Tel. +45 43 9585-00
Sales Geminivej 28-30, P.O. Box 100 Fax +45 43 9585-09
Service DK-2670 Greve http://www.sew-eurodrive.dk
[email protected]

Sales Tallin ALAS-KUUL AS Tel. +372 6593230
Mustamäe tee 24 Fax +372 6593231
EE-10620Tallin [email protected]

Assembly Lahti SEW-EURODRIVE OY Tel. +358 201 589-300
Sales Vesimäentie 4 Fax +358 3 780-6211
Service FIN-15860 Hollola 2 [email protected]

Sales Libreville Electro-Services Tel. +241 7340-11
B.P. 1889 Fax +241 7340-12

Great Britain
Assembly Normanton SEW-EURODRIVE Ltd. Tel. +44 1924 893-855
Sales Beckbridge Industrial Estate Fax +44 1924 893-702
Service P.O. Box No.1 http://www.sew-eurodrive.co.uk
GB-Normanton, West- Yorkshire WF6 1QR [email protected]

Sales Athen Christ. Boznos & Son S.A. Tel. +30 2 1042 251-34
Service 12, Mavromichali Street Fax +30 2 1042 251-59
P.O. Box 80136, GR-18545 Piraeus http://www.boznos.gr
[email protected]

Address List

Hong Kong
Assembly Hong Kong SEW-EURODRIVE LTD. Tel. +852 2 7960477 + 79604654
Sales Unit No. 801-806, 8th Floor Fax +852 2 7959129
Service Hong Leong Industrial Complex [email protected]
No. 4, Wang Kwong Road
Kowloon, Hong Kong

Sales Budapest SEW-EURODRIVE Kft. Tel. +36 1 437 06-58
Service H-1037 Budapest Fax +36 1 437 06-50
Kunigunda u. 18 [email protected]

Assembly Baroda SEW-EURODRIVE India Pvt. Ltd. Tel. +91 265 2831086
Sales Plot No. 4, Gidc Fax +91 265 2831087
Service Por Ramangamdi • Baroda - 391 243 http://www.seweurodriveindia.com
Gujarat [email protected]
Technical Offices Bangalore SEW-EURODRIVE India Private Limited Tel. +91 80 22266565
308, Prestige Centre Point Fax +91 80 22266569
7, Edward Road [email protected]

Sales Dublin Alperton Engineering Ltd. Tel. +353 1 830-6277
Service 48 Moyle Road Fax +353 1 830-6458
Dublin Industrial Estate
Glasnevin, Dublin 11

Sales Tel-Aviv Liraz Handasa Ltd. Tel. +972 3 5599511
Ahofer Str 34B / 228 Fax +972 3 5599512
58858 Holon [email protected]

Assembly Milano SEW-EURODRIVE di R. Blickle & Co.s.a.s. Tel. +39 02 96 9801
Sales Via Bernini,14 Fax +39 02 96 799781
Service I-20020 Solaro (Milano) http://www.sew-eurodrive.it
[email protected]

Ivory Coast
Sales Abidjan SICA Tel. +225 2579-44
Ste industrielle et commerciale pour l'Afrique Fax +225 2584-36
165, Bld de Marseille
B.P. 2323, Abidjan 08

Assembly Toyoda-cho SEW-EURODRIVE JAPAN CO., LTD Tel. +81 538 373811
Sales 250-1, Shimoman-no, Fax +81 538 373814
Service Iwata [email protected]
Shizuoka 438-0818

Assembly Ansan-City SEW-EURODRIVE KOREA CO., LTD. Tel. +82 31 492-8051
Sales B 601-4, Banweol Industrial Estate Fax +82 31 492-8056
Service Unit 1048-4, Shingil-Dong http://www.sew-korea.co.kr
Ansan 425-120 [email protected]

Sales Riga SIA Alas-Kuul Tel. +371 7139253
Katlakalna 11C Fax +371 7139386
LV-1073 Riga http://www.alas-kuul.com
[email protected]

Address List

Sales Beirut Gabriel Acar & Fils sarl Tel. +961 1 4947-86
B. P. 80484 +961 1 4982-72
Bourj Hammoud, Beirut +961 3 2745-39
Fax +961 1 4949-71
[email protected]

Sales Alytus UAB Irseva Tel. +370 315 79204
Naujoji 19 Fax +370 315 56175
LT-62175 Alytus [email protected]

Assembly Brüssel CARON-VECTOR S.A. Tel. +32 10 231-311
Sales Avenue Eiffel 5 Fax +32 10 231-336
Service B-1300 Wavre http://www.caron-vector.be
[email protected]

Assembly Johore SEW-EURODRIVE SDN BHD Tel. +60 7 3549409
Sales No. 95, Jalan Seroja 39, Taman Johor Jaya Fax +60 7 3541404
Service 81000 Johor Bahru, Johor [email protected]
West Malaysia

Assembly Queretaro SEW-EURODRIVE MEXIKO SA DE CV Tel. +52 442 1030-300
Sales SEM-981118-M93 Fax +52 442 1030-301
Service Tequisquiapan No. 102 http://www.sew-eurodrive.com.mx
Parque Industrail Queretaro [email protected]
C.P. 76220
Queretaro, Mexico

Sales Casablanca Afit Tel. +212 22618372
5, rue Emir Abdelkader Fax +212 22618351
MA 20300 Casablanca [email protected]

Assembly Rotterdam VECTOR Aandrijftechniek B.V. Tel. +31 10 4463-700
Sales Industrieweg 175 Fax +31 10 4155-552
Service NL-3044 AS Rotterdam http://www.vector.nu
Postbus 10085 [email protected]
NL-3004 AB Rotterdam

New Zealand
Assembly Auckland SEW-EURODRIVE NEW ZEALAND LTD. Tel. +64 9 2745627
Sales P.O. Box 58-428 Fax +64 9 2740165
Service 82 Greenmount drive http://www.sew-eurodrive.co.nz
East Tamaki Auckland [email protected]
Christchurch SEW-EURODRIVE NEW ZEALAND LTD. Tel. +64 3 384-6251
10 Settlers Crescent, Ferrymead Fax +64 3 384-6455
Christchurch [email protected]

Assembly Moss SEW-EURODRIVE A/S Tel. +47 69 241-020
Sales Solgaard skog 71 Fax +47 69 241-040
Service N-1599 Moss http://www.sew-eurodrive.no
[email protected]

Assembly Lima SEW DEL PERU MOTORES REDUCTORES Tel. +51 1 3495280
Sales S.A.C. Fax +51 1 3493002
Service Los Calderos, 120-124 http://www.sew-eurodrive.com.pe
Urbanizacion Industrial Vulcano, ATE, Lima [email protected]

Address List

Assembly Lodz SEW-EURODRIVE Polska Sp.z.o.o. Tel. +48 42 67710-90
Sales ul. Techniczna 5 Fax +48 42 67710-99
Service PL-92-518 Lodz http://www.sew-eurodrive.pl
[email protected]

Assembly Coimbra SEW-EURODRIVE, LDA. Tel. +351 231 20 9670
Sales Apartado 15 Fax +351 231 20 3685
Service P-3050-901 Mealhada http://www.sew-eurodrive.pt
[email protected]

Sales Bucuresti Sialco Trading SRL Tel. +40 21 230-1328
Service str. Madrid nr.4 Fax +40 21 230-7170
011785 Bucuresti [email protected]

Assembly St. Petersburg ZAO SEW-EURODRIVE Tel. +7 812 3332522 +7 812 5357142
Sales P.O. Box 36 Fax +7 812 3332523
Service 195220 St. Petersburg Russia http://www.sew-eurodrive.ru
[email protected]

Sales Dakar SENEMECA Tel. +221 849 47-70
Mécanique Générale Fax +221 849 47-71
Km 8, Route de Rufisque [email protected]
B.P. 3251, Dakar

Serbia and Montenegro

Sales Beograd DIPAR d.o.o. Tel. +381 11 347 3244 / +381 11 288
Ustanicka 128a 0393
PC Košum, IV floor Fax +381 11 347 1337
SCG-11000 Beograd [email protected]

Assembly Singapore SEW-EURODRIVE PTE. LTD. Tel. +65 68621701
Sales No 9, Tuas Drive 2 Fax +65 68612827
Service Jurong Industrial Estate http://www.sew-eurodrive.com.sg
Singapore 638644 [email protected]

Sales Bratislava SEW-Eurodrive SK s.r.o. Tel. +421 2 49595201
Rybnicna 40 Fax +421 2 49595200
SK-83107 Bratislava http://www.sew.sk
[email protected]
Zilina SEW-Eurodrive SK s.r.o. Tel. +421 41 700 2513
ul. Vojtecha Spanyola 33 Fax +421 41 700 2514
SK-010 01 Zilina [email protected]
Banská Bystrica SEW-Eurodrive SK s.r.o. Tel. +421 48 414 6564
Rudlovská cesta 85 Fax +421 48 414 6566
SK-97411 Banská Bystrica [email protected]

Sales Celje Pakman - Pogonska Tehnika d.o.o. Tel. +386 3 490 83-20
Service UI. XIV. divizije 14 Fax +386 3 490 83-21
SLO - 3000 Celje [email protected]

South Africa
Assembly Johannesburg SEW-EURODRIVE (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED Tel. +27 11 248-7000
Sales Eurodrive House Fax +27 11 494-3104
Service Cnr. Adcock Ingram and Aerodrome Roads http://www.sew.co.za
Aeroton Ext. 2 [email protected]
Johannesburg 2013
P.O.Box 90004
Bertsham 2013

Address List

South Africa
Capetown SEW-EURODRIVE (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED Tel. +27 21 552-9820
Rainbow Park Fax +27 21 552-9830
Cnr. Racecourse & Omuramba Road Telex 576 062
Montague Gardens [email protected]
Cape Town
P.O.Box 36556
Chempet 7442
Cape Town
2 Monaceo Place Fax +27 31 700-3847
Pinetown [email protected]
P.O. Box 10433, Ashwood 3605

Assembly Bilbao SEW-EURODRIVE ESPAÑA, S.L. Tel. +34 9 4431 84-70
Sales Parque Tecnológico, Edificio, 302 Fax +34 9 4431 84-71
Service E-48170 Zamudio (Vizcaya) http://www.sew-eurodrive.es
[email protected]

Assembly Jönköping SEW-EURODRIVE AB Tel. +46 36 3442-00
Sales Gnejsvägen 6-8 Fax +46 36 3442-80
Service S-55303 Jönköping http://www.sew-eurodrive.se
Box 3100 S-55003 Jönköping [email protected]

Assembly Basel Alfred lmhof A.G. Tel. +41 61 417 1717
Sales Jurastrasse 10 Fax +41 61 417 1700
Service CH-4142 Münchenstein bei Basel http://www.imhof-sew.ch
[email protected]

Assembly Chon Buri SEW-EURODRIVE (Thailand) Ltd. Tel. +66 38 454281
Sales Bangpakong Industrial Park 2 Fax +66 38 454288
Service 700/456, Moo.7, Tambol Donhuaroh [email protected]
Muang District
Chon Buri 20000

Sales Tunis T. M.S. Technic Marketing Service Tel. +216 1 4340-64 + 1 4320-29
7, rue Ibn EI Heithem Fax +216 1 4329-76
Z.I. SMMT [email protected]
2014 Mégrine Erriadh

Assembly Istanbul SEW-EURODRIVE Tel. +90 216 4419163 / 164 3838014/15
Sales Hareket Sistemleri San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. Fax +90 216 3055867
Service Bagdat Cad. Koruma Cikmazi No. 3 [email protected]
TR-34846 Maltepe ISTANBUL

Sales Dnepropetrovsk SEW-EURODRIVE Tel. +380 56 370 3211
Service Str. Rabochaja 23-B, Office 409 Fax +380 56 372 2078
49008 Dnepropetrovsk http://www.sew-eurodrive.ua
[email protected]

Production Greenville SEW-EURODRIVE INC. Tel. +1 864 439-7537
Assembly 1295 Old Spartanburg Highway Fax Sales +1 864 439-7830
Sales P.O. Box 518 Fax Manuf. +1 864 439-9948
Service Lyman, S.C. 29365 Fax Ass. +1 864 439-0566
Telex 805 550
[email protected]

Address List

Assembly San Francisco SEW-EURODRIVE INC. Tel. +1 510 487-3560
Sales 30599 San Antonio St. Fax +1 510 487-6381
Service Hayward, California 94544-7101 [email protected]
Philadelphia/PA SEW-EURODRIVE INC. Tel. +1 856 467-2277
Pureland Ind. Complex Fax +1 856 845-3179
2107 High Hill Road, P.O. Box 481 [email protected]
Bridgeport, New Jersey 08014
Dayton SEW-EURODRIVE INC. Tel. +1 937 335-0036
2001 West Main Street Fax +1 937 440-3799
Troy, Ohio 45373 [email protected]
Dallas SEW-EURODRIVE INC. Tel. +1 214 330-4824
3950 Platinum Way Fax +1 214 330-4724
Dallas, Texas 75237 [email protected]
Additional addresses for service in the USA provided on request!

Assembly Valencia SEW-EURODRIVE Venezuela S.A. Tel. +58 241 832-9804
Sales Av. Norte Sur No. 3, Galpon 84-319 Fax +58 241 838-6275
Service Zona Industrial Municipal Norte http://www.sew-eurodrive.com.ve
Valencia, Estado Carabobo [email protected]
[email protected]

SEW-EURODRIVE – Driving the world
Gearmotors \ Industrial Gear Units \ Drive Electronics \ Drive Automation \ Services

How we’re driving the world

With people who With comprehensive With uncompromising

think fast and With a worldwide With drives and controls knowledge in virtually quality that reduces the
develop the service network that is that automatically every branch of cost and complexity of
future with you. always close at hand. improve your productivity. industry today. daily operations.

Driving the world

With a global presence With innovative With online information

that offers responsive technology that solves and software updates,
and reliable solutions. tomorrow’s problems via the Internet, available
Anywhere. today. around the clock.


P.O. Box 3023 · D-76642 Bruchsal / Germany
Phone +49 7251 75-0 · Fax +49 7251 75-1970
[email protected]

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