Research Chapter 1 3 1
Research Chapter 1 3 1
Research Chapter 1 3 1
in the Philippines
Purposive Communication
Jerome Bautista
Kobe Bonotan
Jobel Derije
Lyka Digap
Daisy Donato
The internet has evolved from being almost non-existent in the last 20 years into the
largest, most open knowledge database ever developed. The way individuals have changed.
Online schooling is transforming the face of traditional classrooms and making education more
available than ever before, something more than just a modern take on distance learning. Online
education is a type of education where students use the internet to use their home computers.
This research is entitled “challenges facing by CATMAN students in the new normal
education system in the Philippines. In this pandemic there are many changes happened to our
life. Covid-19 affect our ways to live and it affect the education of every students that cause of
many challenges facing by many students. Many scholars have shared their findings on teaching
and learning in various ways in the short time after the COVID-19 epidemic. Face-to-face
instruction has been phased out in a number of schools, colleges, and universities. There is
concern that the 2020 academic year, or maybe more, will be lost in the near future. The
necessity of the hour is for alternative educational systems and evaluation methodologies to be
innovated and implemented. The COVID-19 pandemic has provided us with a chance to pave the
route for the use of digital learning. But first, what exactly is the new normal education system?
What is the importance of new normal education system?
New Normal Education System that was introduced to the Philippines is a type of
educational system which replaces traditional schooling with home schooling, placing emphasis
on building self-directed learners who have the skills and knowledge to make their own way in
society. The New Normal Learning Model has been endorsed by UNICEF, UNESCO and other
international organizations as a proven solution for developing countries. New normal education
system is a school system based on the new technology that has created many changes in
education processes. It aims to produce individuals who are capable of learning from their own
experiences and adapting accordingly without being limited by standardized curriculum or
teachers. New Normal Education System will be a unique public and private educational system
that will provide quality education to all students, regardless of background, location or gender.
New Normal Education System is a broad-based educational reform project with the goal of
developing and implementing an inclusive, high quality public and private education system for
the whole of society. In this new normal education system, there are many changes and
challenges that comes that affect many students. Some of these challenges are adaptability
struggles, time management, and technical issues. Some of the students face challenges in
adapting new normal education system, from the traditional classroom and face to face classes to
online learning. Some of them are difficult to adjusting in continuing their education through
online, because most students do not know how to use some of the online flatforms that will be
needed in their studies. Most of them are not very good at using Microsoft word, PowerPoint,
google classroom, and other online education flatforms.
This study aims to identify the challenges facing by students in new normal education
system. To identify the positive effect of the new normal education system to the students. The
researches will conduct a survey to identify all the answer to all questions that have this study.
Also, to help many students to understand easily the content of this study. The researchers
choose this topic because all of the students experience new normal education system and the
researchers want to know the challenges facing by students in new normal education system.
Research Objectives
2. To describe the challenges facing by CATMAN students in the new normal education system.
3. To identify the positive effects of new normal education system to the CATMAN students.
Statement of Problem
This study aimed to identify the Challenges Facing by students of Colleges of Advance
Technology and Management of the Philippines in Guimba, Nueva Ecija. Specifically, it sought
to answer the following question:
1. How may the demographic profile of the respondents be describe in terms of:
1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
2. What are the challenges facing by CATMAN students in new normal education system?
3. What are the positive effect of new normal education system to the CATMAN students?
Theoretical Framework
Holmberg’s Theory Holmberg believes that by promoting empathy between learning and
tutoring parties through appropriate one- and two-way interactions, learners are motivated and
encouraged to participate personally in their studies. Distance education as the conversational
interaction between the student on the one hand and the tutor/adviser of the host organization.
The central concepts of his theory are motivation, empathy, non-contiguous communication,
learner autonomy and interpersonal communication. The aim of his theory is therefore to support
individualized learning. This theory serves as guide in the research study also putting the learner
and the communication with the instructor at the center of the process of teaching and learning in
distance education. Communication is an essential cornerstone of the theory of distance
education, a concept that often is neglected when information technologies are used to bypass or
circumvent instructor-learner communication through guided didactic conversation.
Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework of this study used the IPO model or the input, process, and
output model, designed by. In the input include the demographic profile of the respondents, the
challenges facing by CATMAN students in new normal education system as well as the positive
effect of new normal education system. The process reveals the procedures that the researchers
undertook in the conduct of the study such as the use of questionnaire and survey. In the output,
the researchers illustrated the outcome of the study which is the challenges facing by CATMAN
students in new normal education system.
A. Demographic
profile of the
B. Challenges facing
by CATMAN students
in new normal Questionnaires The Challenges Facing
education system. in New Normal
Survey Education System
C. Positive effect of
new normal education
system to the
CATMAN students.
Significance of the study
The study intended to find out The Challenges Facing by students of Colleges of
Advance Technology and Management of the Philippines (CATMAN) in Guimba, Nueva Ecija.
The result of the study may be beneficial to the following individuals or groups:
Students- This study will give them some insight about different challenges that can face by
students in new normal education system. Also, the result of this study will give them reference
if they are going to conduct similar study.
Teacher- This study will provide teacher some insight about the challenges faced by students.
Parents- The results of this study will help them to become aware about the challenges faced by
their children in their study and give their children time to help them.
Future Researcher- The result of this study will also serve as a basis in conducting similar
studies areas that will give them the opportunity to find lapses that could be used to enhance the
Administrator- The result of the study will also benefit the administrator to know and see the
challenges faced by the students of their schools.
Scope and Limitation
This study focused on the challenges facing among students of Colleges of Advance
Technology and Management of the Phil. (CATMAN) Inc., in new normal education system,
particularly the college students. It will tackle topics on the challenges facing by CATMAN
students in new normal education system, positive effect of new normal education system to the
CATMAN students.
This chapter presented the review of related literature and studies gathered by the
researchers from various sources of knowledge.
Foreign Literature
Distance education provides students with educational contexts that are independent of
traditional classroom settings. time and space with the use of evolving web-based platforms and
technology (Bilgiç & Tüzün, 2015). Institutions select distant education for a variety of reasons,
including gaining access to learning and education, upgrading skill development, and boosting
cost efficiency strengthening the capability of the educational system, raising the quality of the
educational structure education, addressing imbalances across age groups, offering education to
certain target groups organizations, offering emergency case training to target groups, and
increasing the capacity of instruction in new subject areas, combining job and family life with
schooling, and adding an international dimension to education (Moore & Kearsley, 2012).
Institutions, however, In the process of integrating technology, you may come into several
roadblocks and issues. Ertmer recognized first-order (external) and second-order (internal)
technology integration hurdles. First-order hurdles include equipment, education, access, time,
and technical assistance, whereas second-order barriers (unique to instructors) include pedagogy,
belief, and personal preferences.
According to Davis, Gough, and Taylor (2019), student hurdles to online learning may
include misreading of expectations, time management, and interpersonal communication,
whereas teacher difficulties may include identifying expectations, delivering feedback, and
interpersonal connections. According to O'Doherty, Dromey, Lougheed, Hannigan, Last, and
McGrath (2018)'s research based on the literature, barriers to online learning in medical training
may include time constraints, inadequate infrastructure, a lack of institutional strategies and
support, and negative attitudes of everyone involved. Burns (2011) identified three challenges to
the deployment of web-based distant education in teacher education: a lack of high-speed
internet and long-lasting technology, a lack of trainer and student skills, and a lack of support
Based on the research, (Irawan et al., 2020; Lestiyanawati & Widyantoro, 2020;
Wargadinata et al., 2020), the impact of students on online learning during the COVID-19
pandemic, namely (1) Students are bored with online learning after the first two weeks of
learning from home, (2) Considerable anxiety on research subjects whose parents have low
income, because they have to buy a quota to be able to take part in online learning, and (3)
Emotional disturbances are indicated by changes in mood or mood caused by too many
assignments that are considered ineffective by students. (4) The availability of Wifi and data
pulse quota packages is a determining factor for the continuity of online learning. However, in
practice, it is also found that there is limited internet access for each student either due to
geographical location that is difficult to reach internet signals or also financially for purchasing
quota packages. (5) The inadequate school facilities in supporting e-learning. The difficulties of
teachers in explaining the material also appeared as the impact of e-learning.
The World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 as a global public health
emergency of international concern on 30th January 2020 as well as a pandemic on 11th March
2020. In response to the COVID-19, Pakistani authorities stopped all educational institutions on
March 13, 2020. (Ali, 2020). Online education is a type of education in which students learn on
their own computers over the internet, rather than in traditional classrooms. Having no other
options for imparting education to the pupils in the class, online teaching learning has recently
become a buzzword in the world of education. The development of the COVID-19 pandemic has
resulted in a massive death toll, as well as widespread dread and confusion throughout the world.
Countries throughout the world are attempting to close the gap and reduce the number of pupils
affected by the current epidemic as much as possible. However, the outcomes of online
education are not always a blessing to the learners' community, as a number of pitfalls to the
context of online teaching and learning have been revealed, resulting in widespread concerns
about the controversial issue of teaching learning online education during COVID -19. Taking
into account the fact that the current study attempts to show the problems and opportunities of
nations that are not as technologically sophisticated as those gifted with superior technology.
The unanticipated shift to online learning became a gauge of organizational agility (Wu,
2020), with numerous academic institutions focusing on the transfer of educational content to the
digital environment rather than on online teaching and delivery techniques particularly.
Nonetheless, it served as a reminder of the scarcity of resources in academic institutions as well
as the social marginalization of students due to poor access to and availability of the internet and
a lack of cutting-edge technology had an impact on organizational responsiveness and students'
ability to participate in digital learning (Karademir et al., 2020; Zhong, 2020). Another big issue
with online learning is a lack of sufficient connection with teachers. Moreover, concerns about
any online course content are normally handled with the appropriate course teacher by e-mail,
which necessitates a response time (Zhong, 2020). Students who are tactile learners will not be
interested in virtual classes. Another significant absence in online learning is traditional
classroom socializing. Students only connect with their peers online and never see them in
person, therefore real-time exchange of ideas, knowledge, and information is limited in the
digital learning world.
For students, moving from conventional classroom and face-to-face teacher training to
computer-based training in a virtual classroom makes the learning process radically different.
Many students may not have access to the high bandwidth or strong internet connection required
for online courses, and as a result, they fall behind in their virtual lessons. In today's
environment, a fundamental concern is a lack of computer knowledge. Time management is a
difficult task since online courses need a significant amount of time and effort. Self-motivation is
a key condition for eLearning; unfortunately, many online learners, to their surprise, lack it.
Sometimes there are compatibility issues (with operating systems, browsers, or cellphones), and
the courses never get off the ground, or the student is unsure how to proceed. Often, versatility
results in inaction. Time passes and the student still has not accessed or completed the course on
the training platform. Owing to the lack of human interaction, the absence of a teacher and an
inability to discuss it with their peers, students may often get upset. This part is ignored by many
online courses and focuses primarily on theoretical material and external lessons. After
conventional classroom learning, students find it hard to adapt to an online learning world
immediately. They are unable to adapt to commuter-based learning due to the sudden transition.
Once they encounter difficulties in online learning, students start losing hope.
The literature study revealed a research gap in comprehending the academics' point of
view. Many aspects within this perspective are reason for worry; they have been categorized as
difficulties facing higher education institutions. Learning style and cultural problems,
pedagogical e-learning issues, technology challenges, technical training challenges, and time
management challenges are the five major categories. These obstacles are critical for any
institution seeking a good e-learning outcome. For a favorable learning outcome, instructors
must be well-versed in technology and have a positive attitude toward e-learning. This means
that appropriate raining must be passed on to all academics in for an institution to be effective in
meeting its higher academic objectives. Academics should not provide technical help to students;
rather, they should be schooled in technology so that meaningful postings, videos, and tutorials
may be used successfully.
The training should not be an overview, but rather practical and hands-on until academics
feel competent in using the existing systems. Student attitude and experience are vital, as is the
correct training to utilize technology for learning. If students do not have the right training and
assistance, academics will be the first point of contact to assist with technological difficulties. All
of the obstacles appear to have a permanent relationship with one another; if one of the
challenges is not met effectively or deficiently, the whole delivery and learning will suffer. For
example, if appropriate training is not provided, academics may squander more time than
required, or academics may struggle to assess student requirements. Academics may become
frustrated and irritated if the e-learning system is unstable, prone to downtime, sluggish,
persistent glitches, and technological flaws. Middlesex University must consider these obstacles
and provide high-quality assistance, advice, and clear policy to ensure a successful e-learning
This new way of life is very different to what we were used to. Every aspect of our lives
has changed and still it is very dynamic. Most experts and academicians feel this change is
permanent and perhaps many of the things which we were used to are all the thing of the past.
While there have been unprecedented loss of life and livelihood due to the crisis, it has also made
us adopt many new ways which are for the better. Education also has undergone a massive
change. Even a few months ago, traditional teaching (Classroom based Teacher Student
Learning) was normal and Online classes was known to a very few and used by even lesser
students/teachers. With the world going into lockdown due to the COVID-19 crisis, every
institution turned towards online education. From play schools to large universities, everybody
went online. So much so, that few thinkers have started calling it the future of teaching-learning.
Universities, Tech giants and governments have started to think of ways to make online
education more seamless, far reaching and weed out issues that are still persistent. In the last
couple of months. Blending learning ensures that the student is always engaged and in control of
their own individual learning experience in their own pace. Blended learning is much more
interactive than conventional learning. As this is simply not just learning by listening but also
mixes traditional classroom training with online sessions, many more senses and skills are
engaged in the process. A student may first do self-studies or pre-learning, followed by Face-to-
face interactions, or vice versa.
This way of learning adopts the benefits of both the modes by optimizing and reinforcing
the different techniques. Knowledge gained in the classroom, digitally allows students to develop
their critical thinking, logical reasoning and problem-solving skills in the specialized subject.
Adopting multiple learning channels and ICT allow students to access large amounts of
information in a variety of ways, such as videos, podcasts, and they can improve their technical
skills and they can go deep into any topic or review it as per their choice and convenience.
Knowledge retention is significantly improved with a variety of interactive elements in the
learning process, built-in assessment and feedback, and real-world implementation. The blended
learning approach delivers a much richer training experience and helps you to immediately begin
to use what you have learned in the sessions while receiving valuable feedback from an expert
instructor so that you can focus on improvement in your weaker areas. Blended learning has a lot
of advantages and helps teachers to retain the attention of students longer. It introduces
flexibility in learning along with putting the learner in charge of his own learning. Blended
learning as a concept was always prevalent, with student using libraries for additional learning,
institutes conducting seminars and workshops for additional learning. With the emergence of
technology and internet, the options are far more and possibilities endless. This new way of life
is very different to what we were used to. Every aspect of our lives has changed and still it is
very dynamic. Most experts and academicians feel this change is permanent and perhaps many
of the things which we were used to are all the thing of the past.
Local Literature
Pandemic through the Lens of Education in the Philippines: The New Normal
The current COVID-19 epidemic has posed significant obstacles and has impacted
educational institutions, and no one knows when it will cease. Every country is currently putting
in place plans and processes to contain the virus, but the number of illnesses continues to rise. In
the educational context, the new normal should be considered in the formulation and execution
of the new normal educational policy; in order to maintain and offer excellent education despite
lockdown and community quarantine. Due to the lockdown, we are all currently confined to our
homes. The government has implemented a policy. Learning, on the other hand, should not be
taken lightly halt. Various responses have been introduced in various countries throughout the
world to continue the educational process during the pandemic - Distance learning is introduced.
These are platforms for online learning. Google, television broadcasts, guidelines, resources,
video lectures, and so on. The introduction of online channels (UNESCO, 2020). With schools
set to reopen for the next school year, it’s critical to consider how schools will be able to carry
out their objective of providing high-quality education to all students because school is a public
space where crowds are unavoidable and children are vulnerable, there is a need to enhance
policy in terms of instruction delivery - to make online learning platforms more accessible. The
circumstance poses a particular difficulty within the new normal. To the decision-making
process of every educational leader as a result, in order to maintain. How to give high-quality
instruction to every school chance for dealing with current challenges, difficulties, and
tendencies as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, new problems have arisen and will continue
to occur in the future. The author is fascinated by present and future trends in the new media
education in the traditional sense. The COVID19 epidemic has had a significant impact on the
education sector. In the Philippines, where the population is still increasing, in a school setting,
this is a typical situation. However, some questions were asked. while offering alternative
solutions to the problems and concerns that arose the new normal approaches as a result, all
levels of education must work together. address these problems and evaluate plans and
procedures on a regular basis the transition to the new normal. In these trying times, the most
important thing is to work together. We should assist in the formation of post-COVID-19
education and the transition to the new normal. The writer, as a result, it is recommended that the
opportunity and challenges given be taken advantage of should be grasped and treated with
seriousness. The question here is how to produce and deliver quality education in the face of
adversity, such as the COVID-19 epide mic, and to what extent will we be prepared if similar
crisis arises in the future.
Online classes, handouts, and lessons via television and social media platforms are all
examples. Despite the fact that many students and professors prefer face-to-face classes, they
must adjust to online education as an alternate mode of instruction. As long as schools are close
together, online classes will continue. Some of these new learning tools, however, require
internet access. They offer K-12, vocational colleges, and life-long education programs to
individuals and schools. As a result of the aforementioned trend, some students and even their
parents are questioning whether online education will continue to be used post-pandemic. Many
universities and colleges have implemented flexible learning methods under the Commission on
Higher Education (CHED). Significant changes in the learning environment during and after the
epidemic are taken into account in such systems. Students can choose from three different
learning modes: 1) online, which uses available online classrooms to offer instruction; 2) offline,
which uses printed modules or digital media stored on storage devices; and 3) blended, which
mixes online and offline modes. In the Philippines, children in vulnerable groups have no access
to quality education. They also struggle to find distance learning opportunities.
learning solutions as part of alternative education modules to ensure that street children and
young beneficiaries can continue learning throughout the epidemic and return to school.
Teachers are taught to provide interactive sessions in distant setups as a result of the online
availability of classes. After each session, focus group talks are held via an online group video
conference to get insights and improve a child’s perception. Students will be encouraged to
engage, and their learning materials will be improved as a result. Because the coronavirus is
always changing, online learning is the only method for kids to save their valuable school and
college years. This type of online learning has become the standard. The traditional educational
system has radically changed. Students now learn in the comfort of their own homes rather than
in classrooms. Technology’s use has been steadily rising and benefiting a wide range of
industries, but since the year 2020, improved technology has proven to be a lifesaver. As a result
of online education, there has been a growth in the number of online learning platforms. Parents
attention was drawn to online platforms such as Byjus, Unacademy, and others. In these difficult
times, it became difficult for parents to send their children to tuition or supplementary classes,
especially when they were already juggling job and household responsibilities. These online
platforms served as supplemental classes by offering classes in a variety of areas while keeping
the timing consistent with the schools online classes. These online learning platforms give all of
the content and assist students in making studying as simple as possible. Making movies on
subject issues, administering quizzes or tests, assisting students in studying without placing
undue pressure on them. The education system was not at all prepared for online learning. The
schools and teachers had numerous difficulties in running all of these online programs. Online
learning was a lifesaver, but it came with a slew of drawbacks.
Consider what rural are going through if schools and institutions in urban areas are
having trouble balancing coursework. How will a person be able to establish a safe internet
connection in locations where even energy is scarce? The pandemic had a significant impact on
school systems all across the world. Although online learning existed prior to the pandemic, it
grew in prominence and popularity throughout the epidemic. Students were able to complete
their school years with the support of online learning. The pupils would have suffered a great
deal of academic loss if it had not been for it. Furthermore, many people would have been
jobless if not for online schooling. Online learning has become the new normal, and it will
continue to do so once everything is open. There are numerous obstacles to conducting classes
online, but if the government and other organizations ensure that every student has adequate
resources, this educational system will actually benefit all students.
Students are then free to work at their own speed as they advance through the course. For
some, synchronous sessions are entirely up to the instructor, who may make it voluntary for
students to participate or conduct none at all. As a result, absences do not occur in online
classrooms unless the teacher compels the students to attend any online sessions. Disadvantages
of online education is that students may not be able to connect or relate to their classmates, as
opposed to in the classroom, when students may ask their colleagues or professors for rapid
explanation. This might lead to stress and other mental health issues among the lonely students.
Another disadvantage for pupils is that they may lose interest in the subject matter, making them
less efficient learners. Due of the a synchronicity, it is sometimes difficult to gain rapid response
or other relevant problems from teachers. There are also some students who claim that they do
not have the luxury of private spaces for them to have a conducive place for learning, which may
affect their motivation and attitude towards keeping up with the class.
This study contains the research methodology, research design, research participants,
research instrument, statistical treatment of data and data gathering procedure. This Chapter is
the necessary data from the respondents.
Research Methodology
The research methodology that the researchers will use is quantitative research, which
focused on various modes of classification and explanations of phenomena through numeric
variables. Quantitative research uses several kinds of computational and statistical methods of
Research Design
This research study will use descriptive method to describe the condition of our research.
The purpose of descriptive method is to describe the phenomena as the study takes place. The
researchers will use this kind of research to acquire the first hand data from our participants.
Research Participants
The participants to this study will be the college students of Colleges of Advance
Technology and Management of the Phil. (CATMAN) Inc., from Bachelors of Science in Office
Administration Program. The participants composed of 30 students from 2nd Year BSOA.
Table 1
Distribution of Respondents
Year Level Gender No. of Respondents
Male Female
2nd Year 15 15 30
Research Instrument
This research study will utilize questionnaire and consisted of the following parts. The
first part which is the identification of the demographic profile of the respondents. The use of
the five-point Liker scale will employe to determine the level of agreement of the respondents on
the challenges facing by CATMAN students in new normal education system, the positive effect
of new normal education system to the CATMAN students. The scale for level of agreement are
as follows: 5 which is interpreted as Strongly Agree; 4 interpreted as Agree; 3 for Moderately
Agree; 2 interpreted as Disagree; and 1 as Strongly Disagree.
The research study will use quantitative research. The study will also use the probability
sampling which is the simple random sampling. This is a method of selecting a simple size (n)
from a population (N) such that each of the following members of the population has an equal
chance of being included in the sample.
The researchers will only study the sample instead of the population because it reduces
cost, greater efficiency and accuracy, greater spread, greater scope, and convenience that will
help researchers to conduct a study easier.
The following procedures will undertake in the course of this research study. First, the
researchers will create a series of questionnaires related to the study. Then, the researchers will
write a letter of approval from the School Director with the recommendation of our course
teacher. After the letter and the questionnaires were approved, the floating of survey
questionnaires will distribute among our participants with the supervision of the researchers and
class adviser of our participants. When the questionnaires were all collected, the researchers will
code, tabulate and tally the responses for analysis.
This statistical treatment of data represented the following scales with the corresponding
numerical equivalents. The items in the questionnaire will be carefully tally and categorize by
using the table together the information derive from research questionnaire and survey. The
frequency counts and percentage will use to analyze the demographic profile of the participants
while weighted mean will utilize on the part of the determining the challenges facing by
CATMAN students in new normal education system and positive effect of new normal education
The data on the questionnaire checklist that deals with the socio-demographic and profile
of the respondents will use the frequency and percentage distribution of responses.
----- x 100 = %
f = Frequency
n = Number of Respondents
% = Percentage of Frequency
The data on the questionnaire checklist that deals with the challenges facing by
CATMAN students in new normal education system, and the positive effect of new normal
education system to the CATMAN students. The weighted frequency and weighted mean will be
computed in order to evaluate the response.
x = -----
x= Mean
Statistical Tool
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The Challenges Facing by CATMAN Students
in the Philippines
A. Demographic Profile
Name (Optional): _____________________________________________
Age: ____
Gender: Male Female
Directions: Read every statement carefully. Once you have identified which option is most
appropriate, put ONLY CHECK in a box in each item. Please rate every number honestly.
5- Strongly Agree
4- Agree
3- Moderately Agree
2- Disagree
1- Strongly Disagree
B. Challenges in new normal education system
STATEMENT 5 4 3 2 1
1. Lack of high-speed internet
(Burns (2011) identified three challenges to
the deployment of web-based distant
education in teacher education: a lack of
high-speed internet and long-lasting
2. Lack of sufficient connection with
(Another big issue with online learning is a
lack of sufficient connection with teachers.
Zhong, 2020)
3. Students get bored in study
(the impact of students on online learning
during the COVID-19 pandemic, namely
Students are bored with online learning after
the first two weeks of learning from home)
4. Emotional disturbance
(Emotional disturbances are indicated by
changes in mood or mood caused by too
many assignments that are considered
ineffective by students.)
5. Time management
(student hurdles to online learning may
include misreading of expectations, time
management, and interpersonal
(allow students to access large amounts of
information in a variety of ways, such as
videos, podcasts, and more)
5. Improve their technical skills
(allow students to access large amounts of
information in a variety of ways, such as
videos, podcasts, and they can improve their
technical skills and they can go deep into
any topic or review it as per their choice and