APP Ashx
APP Ashx
APP Ashx
1. Personal Information:
Mobile: 9510276939
Email: [email protected]
3. Educational Qualification:
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Place of
Designation From Date Employer's Details
Associated Engineering
Area of Specialization
7. Declaration:
1. After having fully understood the Information and instruction as given in the Annexure, I hereby apply for election as a
Member of the Institution of Engineers (India) in accordance with the Charter of Incorporation and the Bye-Laws as
they now are at IEI website or as they may be legally altered hereafter.
I further declare that before exercising the option to apply for Membership, I have fully and carefully perused and
acquainted myself with, all the clauses and contents of the Royal Charter, Bye Laws and Regulations of the Institution
(available on the Website i.e. Accordingly, while applying for Membership, I also voluntarily agree and
give my free consent to allocate all one time Life Compounding Fees, Composite Subscription and Journal Fees, to be
paid by me, as part of Permanent Reserve Fund (Corpus Fund) of The Institution of Engineers (India), provided in
Clause 108 of the Bye Laws.
2. I also do hereby undertake that in the event of my election as a Member, I will be governed by the Bye-Laws and the
Regulations of the Institution as they now are or they may hereafter be legally altered and that I will accept as final and
binding the decisions of the Council in all matters dealt with by them in accordance with the provisions of the Charter,
Bye-Laws and Regulations, and will forthwith cease to describe myself as a Member or to designate myself as belonging
to the Institution in any other form, on receipt of a notice from the Secretary and Director General that acting under the
powers conferred upon them by the Bye-Laws and Regulations the Council have declared myself to be no longer as a
Member of the Institution. I further undertake that I will promote the objects of the Institution, as far as may be in my
power, provided that whenever I shall signify in writing to the Secretary and Director General that I am desirous of
withdrawing from the Institution, I shall after the payment of any arrears which may be due by me at that period be
free from this obligation.
3. I have noted that the decision of the Council of the Institution shall be final in granting the Membership and the District
Court at Alipore, 24 Parganas (South) shall have the exclusive jurisdiction in settlement of the dispute, if any, arising out
of this Membership.
4. I, solemnly declare that the documents presented for application towards membership of the Institution are authentic
and the information given by me above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. If the information submitted by
me are found to be fake or information furnished by me are false, I am solely responsible for the same and my
application/membership may be rejected/ceased without assigning any reason. I hereby give my full consent to include
my name and contact information as they are now or may be altered hereafter in all the directories/lists of members as
deemed fit by the Institution. I also undertake to abide by Professional Conduct rules and/or Code of Ethics that the
Council may frame from time to time.
Yours faithfully
Signature of Applicant
**Information for Applicant:
IEI has the right to change the informations given in this application during the scrutiny of the application
and decision of IEI is this regard is final.
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Service Description
Note: Payments details mentioned above are subject to the realization of Amount from Bank.
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