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02.electrostatic Potential and Capacitance-F

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Physics Smart Booklet

2.Electrostatic Potential
and Capacitance

Physics Smart Booklet

Theory + NCERT MCQs + Topic Wise Practice

Physics Smart Booklet

Physics Smart Booklet

Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance

Electrostatic Potential
It is the potential energy possessed by a unit positive charge at the given point in an electric field and is measured
by the amount of work done in moving a unit positive charge from infinity to the given point against the field. It is
a scalar quantity and is measured in volt.
r r
V = −  dW = −  E.dr
 

1 q 
The electric potential (V) at a distance r from a charge q is given by V = .
40  r 
If U is the change in potential energy of a system on a charge q move through a distance the against an electric field
E, then U = −qEd .
Electrostatic potential at a point is V =
The potential energy per unit positive charge at a point in an electric field is called
the electric potential at that point.
1 q
Potential due to a point charge =
4 0 r
Potential due to a charged spherical conductor is =
4 0 x Potential due to a charged
spherical conductor
where x is distance of the point from the center of charged sphere.
For points on the surface or inside the conductor the potential is
40 r

• The work done in moving a charged particle from one point to another in an electrostatic
field depends only on the initial and final points, but not on the path between the two points.
In figure the work done per unit charge in moving from A to B along all the paths 1, 2, 3
and 4 are equal. i.e., W1 = W2 = W3 = W4 = W (say). The work done W = VA ~ VB.
• Work done in moving a charge over a closed path in an electric field is zero. Electric field Path independence
of work done
is a conservative field.
• The electric potential at a point due to positive charges is positive and due to negative charges is negative. The net
potential at a point is the algebraic sum of the potentials due to different charges. Electric potential is scalar
additive. Only the potential difference between two points
VA ~ VB has a definite value. But, the absolute values of VA and VB are arbitrary and they have no physical
significance. Only potential difference between two points is physically meaningful.
• The potential difference between two points is the work done in moving one coulomb of positive charge from one
point to the other. It is measured in volt.
q(2a)cos  pr
• Electric potential at a point due to a short dipole is given by V = = ,
40 r 2
40 r 2
where p = electric dipole moment.

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• Potential at a point due to a dipole on the axial line is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the
1 1
dipole. At large distances, V  2 , whereas, for a point charge, V  .
r r
➢ Potential is maximum ( = 0 or  and cos  =  1), along the axis of the dipole.
➢ At any point on the equatorial line, potential is zero (Thus, equatorial line of a dipole is equipotential).
1 qi
• Electric potential due to a system of charges is given by V =
 ri

• For a continuous distribution of charge, V = 
40 r
➢ dQ =  d l , for linear distribution of charge.
➢ dQ = dS , for surface distribution of charge.
➢ dQ = dv , for volume distribution of charge.

Equipotential surface
An equipotential surface is a surface passing through points at the same electric potential.
➢ Equipotential surfaces around a point charge are concentric spherical surfaces.
➢ Equipotential surfaces around a charged cylinder or line of charge are concentric cylindrical surfaces.
➢ Equipotential surfaces due to a large charged plane are planes parallel to the surface.
➢ For a uniform spherical distribution of charges (like a spherical shell or a sphere), the equipotential outside the spheres
are concentric spheres around the centre of distribution of charges.
➢ All the lines in a plane passing through the centre of a dipole and perpendicular to the axis of the dipole lie on an
equipotential surface of zero potential. If the dipole lies along x-axis, the y-z plane (x = 0) is an equipotential surface
with V = 0.
➢ Electric field lines are perpendicular to an equipotential surface and hence work done in moving a charge on an
equipotential surface is zero.

Potential energy
1 q1q 2
• Potential energy of a system of two charges is given by U =
40 r12

 1   q1q 2 q 2q 3 q 3q1 
• Potential energy of a system of three charges is given by U =   + +
 4 0   r12 r23 r31 

 1   qiq j 
• Energy of a system of several point charges is given by U =  Uij =    
i j i  j  4 0   rij 

When a conductor is charged, the charge spreads on its surface. If the conductor is smooth, it retains the charge for
considerable time. Thus, a conductor can be used to store charge. The ability of a conductor to store charge is called
its capacitance.

The capacitance of a conductor is defined as its ability to store charge and is measured by the ratio of the charge
added to the conductor to the rise in its potential.

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i e., C =
The unit of capacitance in SI is farad (F). One farad is the capacitance of a conductor if its potential rises by 1 volt
when a charge of 1 coulomb is added to it.

Capacitance of a Spherical Conductor

Consider a spherical conductor of radius r. Its capacitance, C = 40 r .
If the capacitor is filled with a dielectric of relative permittivity  r ,C = 40 r r .

 When C = 1 F, r = 9  109, m = 9  106 km, i.e. the size of conductor needed to have a conductor of capacitance of 1 C is
9  106 km.

Principle of a capacitor
An earthed conductor kept close to a charged conductor decreases the potential of the charged conductor. Hence for
a given Q, the corresponding V is small; hence the ratio C = is large. i.e., the capacitance of the conductor

It is an arrangement of two conductors separated by a dielectric. One important use of a capacitor is to store charge.

Capacitance of some simple capacitors

(a) Spherical capacitor
R = n1/3r , where  r is the relative permittivity of the medium between the outer sphere of radius b and inner sphere
of radius a.

 C can be increased by
▪ decreasing (b − a) i.e., by bringing the spheres as close as possible, introducing a medium of higher r.

(b) Parallel plate capacitor

C = 0 r , where  r is the relative permittivity of the medium between two parallel plates of area A and separated
by a distance d.
20 r L
(c)Cylindrical capacitor: C = , where L is the length, b is the radius of the outer cylinder and a is the
2.303 log10
radius of the inner cylinder.

• Suppose there are n charged drops, each of capacitance C, charged to potential V with charge q, surface density 
and potential energy U coalesce to form a single drop. For such a drop,
• Total charge = n q
 •

Total capacitance = n1/3 C
Potential = n2/3V
• Surface density of charge = n1/3 , and
• Total potential energy = n2/3 U.

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• Capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with a dielectric slab of thickness t is given by: E ' =
• For a conducting slab, K =   Q' = Q
• If dielectric slab fills the entire space between the plates (instead of filling it partially), then
t = d. In that case,
K +1
• Clearly, capacitance increase on introducing a conducting slab as well as dielectric slab between the plates of an
air capacitor.
• The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor having a number of slabs of thickness t1, t2, t3, … and dielectric
0 A
constants K1, K2, K3, … respectively in between the plates is C =
 t1 t t 
 + 2 + 3 + .....
 K1 K 2 K 3 
• Obviously, distance between the plates in this case is d = t1 + t2 + t3 + …
• When a number of dielectric slabs of same thickness (d) and different areas of cross-section A1, A2, A3, … having
dielectric constants K1, K2, K3, … respectively are placed between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor, its
 0 (K1A1 + K 2 A 2 + K 3A 3 + .....)
capacitance is given by C =

Effect of introducing a metal plate

If a metal plate of thickness ‘t’ is held parallel in between the plates of a parallel plate
capacitor, the electric field inside the metal will be zero. Work done in moving a unit
charge from negative to positive plate is V = E(d − t). The distance between the plates
effectively decreases. Hence the potential difference decreases and capacitance increases.
Since E = , potential difference, V = (d − t) .
A 0 A0
Q A
Hence, C = = 0
V d−t

Series combination
A number of capacitors connected end to end such that each capacitor acquires the same charge is called a series
combination. If C is the equivalent capacitance,
1 1 1 1 1 1
= + + ............. or =  and V = V1 + V2 + V3 + + Vn
C C1 C2 C3 C Cn

▪ For a series combination of two capacitors C =
C1 + C2

 ▪ If C1 = C2, then C =
C1 C 2
▪ The equivalent capacitance of n number of identical capacitors, each of capacitance C, in series
is equal to (C/n).

Parallel combination
A number of capacitors are said to be in parallel if they are connected between two points such that the potential
difference between each of them is the same.
In such a case C = C1 + C2 + C3 and Cp =  Cn

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Also Q = Q1 + Q2 + Q3 +

 The equivalent capacitance of n number of identical capacitors, each of capacitance C, in parallel is

equal to nC.

Energy stored in a capacitor

Work done in charging a capacitor is stored in it in the form of electrostatic energy, given by
1 1 1 Q2
E = CV 2 = QV = when Q is in coulomb, V is in volt and C is in farad, energy E is in joule.
2 2 2 C
When two capacitors charged to different potentials are connected by a conducting wire, charge flows from the one
at higher potential to the other at lower potential till their potentials become equal. The equal potential is called
total charge q + q 2 C1V1 + C2 V2
common potential (V), where V = = 1 =
total capacitance C1 + C2 C1 + C2

C1C 2 (V1 − V2 ) 2
Loss in energy due to sharing of charges is given by E1 − E 2 = .
2(C1 + C 2 )
Dielectrics are of two types: non polar and polar. The non polar dielectrics (like N2, O2, benzene, methane) etc., are
made up of non polar atoms/molecules, in which the centre of mass of positive charge coincides with the centre of
mass of positive charge. And for polar molecules, the centre of mass of positive charge does not coincide with the
centre of mass of negative charge of the atom/molecule.

Dielectric constant and capacitance

Consider two identical capacitors A and B. A has a medium of relative permittivity r and B has air or vacuum in
between the plates. CA and CB are the capacitances. Then  r = A

▪ It can be shown that the ratio of the fields (E B / E A ) = r or E B = (E A / r ) .

0 A
Since C = (K1 + K 2 ) i.e., the dielectric medium decreases the field and hence, the potential of a
capacitor also decreases.
▪ A non polar dielectric can be polarized by applying an external electric field on the dielectric.
The effective electric field (E) in a polarized dielectric is given by E = E0 - E p where E 0 is strength
of external field applied and E p is intensity of induced electric field set up due to polarization.

 ▪
It is equal to surface density of induced charge. The ratio (E 0 / E) = K, dielectric constant.
When a dielectric slab is placed in between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor, the charge
(K − 1)
induced on its sides due to polarization of dielectric is q i = q .
▪ When an insulating slab of dielectric constant K is introduced between the plates of a parallel
plate capacitor and
(a) the charging battery is on:
(i) potential difference V remains constant
(ii) electric field E remains constant,

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(iii) capacitance C becomes K times
(iv) potential energy U becomes K times
(v) charge q becomes K times
(vi) surface density of charge  becomes K times.
(b) the charging battery is disconnected:
(i) capacitance C becomes K times
(ii) charge q remains constant
(iii)  remains constant
(iv) V becomes 1/K times
(v) E becomes 1/K times
(vi) potential energy becomes 1/K times.

Types of capacitors in use

Type Application
Variable air core capacitor Tuning circuits
Mica capacitors High frequency circuits
Paper capacitors General purpose
Ceramic capacitors General purpose
Electrolytic capacitors Rectifier circuits

Van De Graff generator

It is an electrostatic machine used to produce very high potential of the order of few million volts. It is based on the
following principles:
(a) discharge action at sharp points
(b) charges given to the inner surface of a sphere move to the outer surface and the field inside
is always zero.
(c) for a given sphere, increase of charges increases the potential.


1. A proton moves in the direction of the electric field. Let U represent the change in its potential energy and W
represent the work done by the electric field. Then
(A) both U and W are positive (B) both U and W are negative
(C) U is negative but W is positive (D) U is positive but W is negative
Ans (C)
As the proton moves in the direction of the electric field, both its displacement and the electric force acting on it are
in the same direction. Hence, W is positive. Since U = −W, its potential energy decreases. Hence, U is negative.
2. Suppose the electric potential outside a living cell is higher than that inside by 0.05 V. The work done by the electric
force when a sodium ion moves from outside to inside is
(A) +8 10−20 J (B) −8 10−20 J (C) +8 10−19 J (D) −8 10−19 J
Ans (A)
Sodium ion has a positive charge, q = 1.6 10−19 C
Work done by the electric force is given by, dW = qdV
dW = 1.6 10−19  0.05 = 8 10−20 J

3. The number of electrons passing through a 40 W bulb which is connected to a 24 V car battery in one hour is

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(A) 4.75 1013 (B) 1.75 1023 (C) 2.75 1023 (D) 3.75 1023
Ans (D)
Energy = power  time = 40  60  60 J.
U 40  60  60
Charge passing through the bulb, q = =
V 24
q 40  60  60
The number of electrons passing through the bulb, n = = = 3.75 1023
e 24  1.6  10 −19

4. A proton, a deuteron and an -particle are accelerated through the same potential. The ratio of their velocities will
(A) 1: 2 :1 (B) 2 :1: 2 (C) 2 :1:1 (D) 1:1: 2
Ans (C)
The kinetic energy gained by a charged particle is equal to the potential energy lost by the charged particle. 
mv 2 = qV
2qV q
 v= ; v
m m
q q 2q 1 1
 vp : vd : v = : : = 1: : = 2 :1:1
m 2m 4m 2 2

5. The electric potential decreases uniformly from 150 V to 50 V as one moves along the x-axis from a point at x = − 1
cm to x = 1 cm. The electric field at the origin.
(A) is greater than 50 V cm−1 (B) is less than 50 V cm−1
(C) is equal to 50 V cm−1 (D) is equal to greater than 50 V cm−1
Ans (D)
V 50 − 150 100
Ex = − =− = = 50V cm −1
x 1 − (−1) 2
As Ey and Ez are not known, E at the origin can be either equal to or greater than 50 V cm −1.

6. Three charges each of magnitude 1 C are placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle of side 10 cm. The electric
potential at the centre O of the triangle is
(A) 27 3 10+4 V (B) 27 3 10+5 V (C) 5.4 105 V (D) zero
Ans (A)
Since each charge is at the same distance from the centre O of the triangle, the net potential at O is the three times
the potential due to each charge.
 1 q
V0 = 3  ,
 4 0 r 
5 10−2 10 10−2
since r cos30 = 5 10−2 , r = =
cos30 3
 110−6  3  +4
 V0 = 3  9 109  −2  = 27 3 10 V
 10 10 

7. In infinite number of charges each equal to q are placed on the x-axis of a coordinate system at
x = 1 m, x = 2 m, x = 4 m, x = 8 m ….. and so on. The potential at the origin due to the infinite set of charges is

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q 2q 3q
(A) (B) (C) (D) infinite
4 0 4 0 4 0
Ans (B)
Potential at the origin is the sum of potentials due to each charge.
1 q q q 
V= + + + ........
40  1 2 4 
q  1 1 1 
1 + + + + ......
40  2 4 8 
q  1  2q
=   =
4 0 1 − 1 4 0
 
 2

8. An amount of charge Q is distributed uniformly along an insulating ring of radius R. The electric potential on the
axis of the ring at a distance r from the centre of the ring is
1 Qr 1 Q
(A) (B)
40 ( R 2 + r 2 ) 3/2
40 ( R 2 + r 2 )3/2
1 Q 1 Q
(C) (D)
40 ( R 2 + r 2 )1/2 40 ( R 2 + r 2 )
Ans (C)
Consider an element of charge dQ. The potential due to this charge at P is given by
1 dQ 1 dQ
dV = =
4 0 d 4 0 ( R 2 + r 2 )
The potential at P due to the entire ring is given by
1 Q
V =  dV =
2 
dQ =
40 R + r2
40 R 2 + r 2

9. Two point charges 4q and 16q are placed at a distance r apart. Suppose a third charge −q is placed in between, on the
line joining 4q and 16q, so that the electric potential energy of the system of charges is minimum. The position of
the third charge is
r r 2r 2r
(A) from 4q (B) from 16q (C) from 4q (D) from 16q
3 3 3 3
Ans (A)
Let the charge −q be placed at a distance x from the charge 4q as shown in the figure. The potential energy of the
system of charges is given by
1  ( 4q )(16q ) ( 4q )( −q ) (16q )( −q ) 
U= + +
4 0  r x r − x 
dU d  4 16 
For U to be minimum, =0 + =0
dx dx  x r − x 
4 16 4 16 2 2
i.e., − 2 + =0 2 =  =
x (r − x) 2
x r−x x r−x
 x=
Note: The system will have minimum potential energy when the third charge is placed at the neutral point produced
by the other two charges.

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10. Let q1 and −q2 are two charges separated by a distance d apart. Let A and B be two points
at distances r1 and r2 from the charge q1 where the net electric potential due to the two
charges is zero as shown in the figure. Then
 q1   q2   q2   q2 
(A) r1 =   d; r2 =  q + q  d (B) r1 =   d; r2 =  q + q  d
q +
 1 2q  1 2 q +
 1 2q  1 2
 q1   q2   q1   q1 
(C) r1 =   d; r2 =  d (D) r1 =   d; r2 =  d
 q1 + q 2   q1 − q 2   q1 − q 2   q1 + q 2 
Ans (C)
For the potential at A to be zero,
1 q1 1 ( −q 2 )
+ =0
4 0 r1 4 0 ( d − r1 )
q1 q  q1 
i.e., = 2  r1 =  d
r1 d − r1  q1 + q 2 
For the potential at B to be zero.
1 q1 1 ( −q 2 )
+ =0
4 0 r2 4 0 ( r2 − d )
q1 q  q1 
i.e., = 2  r2 =  d
r2 r2 − d  q1 − q 2 
11. A metallic sphere of radius R1 is charged to a potential V. If it is enclosed by a spherical conducting shell of radius
R2 and connected to it, its new potential will be
R  R   R1 
(A) zero (B) V  1  (C) V  2  (D) V  
 R2   R1   R1 + R 2 
Ans (B)
1 Q
If Q is the charge on the metallic sphere, its potential is given by V = . When it is surrounded by a spherical
40 R1
conducting shell of radius R2 and connected to it, the charge on the sphere is completely transferred to the spherical
 Q
shell. The potential of the spherical shell is given by V ' = . All points inside the spherical shell will be at
40 R 2
this potential. Hence, the new potential of the metallic sphere will also be V.
V ' R1 R 
 = V ' = V  1 
V R2  R2 

12. Three concentric metallic spherical shells A, B and C of radii a, b and c with a < b < c, have surface charge densities
, − and  respectively. The potential of the spherical shell A is
   
(A) (a − b + c) (B) ( a + b + c ) (C) ( b − a + c ) (D) ( c − b + a )
0 0 0 0
Ans (A)
The potential at any point inside a spherical shell is the same as that on its surface. Since the shell A is enclosed
within the shells B and C, its potential is the sum of its own potential and the potentials due to B and C.
1 QA 1 QB 1 QC
Hence VA = + +
40 a 40 b 40 c
1   ( 4a 2 )  ( 4b 2 )  ( 4c2 ) 
=  − + 
40  a b c 

= (a − b + c)

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13. Of the following graphs the variation of electric potential (V) due to a hollow charged conducting sphere of radius R
with distance r from its centre is represented in

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Ans (C)
The potential inside a charged hollow conducting sphere is a constant which is equal to the potential on the surface.
The potential outside the charged sphere varies inversely as the distance from the centre of the sphere.
14. Two metal spheres A and B of radii 1 mm and 2 mm are initially charged with 20 nC and 10 nC respectively. They
are brought in contact and then moved back to their initial positions. The common potential is
(A) 112.5 kV (B) 180 kV (C) 45 kV (D) 90 kV
Ans (D)
When two charged metal bodies (spheres) are brought in contact, charge flows from one to the other until the two
conductors acquire the same potential.
1 q1 1 q2
Since, V1 = V2 , =
40 r1 40 r2
where q1 and q2 are charges on the metal spheres after distribution of charges.
q r 110−3 1
 1 = 1= =
q2 r2 2 10−3 2
 q 2' = 2q1'
q1' + q 2' = q1 + q 2 = 20 nC + 10 nC
q1' + 2q1' = 30nC  q1' = 10nC, q 2' = 20 nC
1 q' 10 10−9
V'1 = = 9 109 = 90 kV
40 r1 110−3
V'1 is also 90 kV. Thus the correct choice is (D)

15. A small metal sphere is attached to a wooden handle. Holding the wooden handle the metal sphere is introduced into
the space between two oppositely charged metal plate of a capacitor. Then
(A) The metal spheres acquires a net positive charge when held closer to the + ve plate and retains when brought out
the region.
(B) The metal acquires a net negative charge when held closer to the + ve plate and retains when brought out the
(C) The two hemispherical surfaces of the metal sphere will have been oppositely charged when placed between the
metal plates but no net charge on being taken out.
(D) The sphere will have no net charge when placed in between the plates but acquires a net charge on being taken
out of the electric field.
Ans (C)
Due to induction, the surface of the conducting sphere closer to the positive plate becomes negatively charged while
the opposite hemisphere acquires positive charged. However the net charge on the sphere is zero both when put in
between the plates or outside the two plates.

16. A parallel plate air capacitor has a capacitance of 1.3 pF. The separation between the plates is doubled and wax fills
the space between them. The new capacitance is 2.6 pF. The dielectric constant of wax used is

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(A) 3.5 (B) 7 (C) 4 (D) 5
Ans (C)
The situations arising in the problem is introduction of a dielectric. On introducing a dielectric of relative permittivity
r (or dielectric constant K), C increases.
The capacitance C1 of the parallel plate capacitor of area of cross-section A and separation distance d is, C1 = 0 .
 0 KA
If the separation distance is doubled and the space is filled by wax, the new capacitance is C 2 = where K is
the dielectric constant of wax.
C2 K C 
So = or K = 2  2 
C1 2  C1 
 2.6 pF 
i.e., K = 2   i.e., K = 4.
 1.3 pF 

17. When a metal plate is introduced between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor its capacitance increases to 4.5 times
the initial value. If d is the separation between the two plates of the capacitor, the thickness of the metal plate
introduced is
(A) d/3 (B) 5d/9 (C) 7d/9 (D) d
Ans (C)
Initial capacitance C = 0 .
When a metal plate of thickness t is introduced, the new capacitance C = 0 .
(d − t)
A A 7d
Given C = 4.5 C  0 = 4.5 0 Solving, we get t =
(d − t) d 9

18. A capacitor of capacitance C is charged to a potential V and then disconnected from the battery. The air in between
the plates of the capacitor is replaced by a dielectric constant K. The fractional decrease in the energy of the capacitor
1 1 1
(A) (B) K (C) 1 − (D)
K K K2
Ans (C)
On introducing a dielectric slab between the plates of a capacitor which is already charged Q remains unaltered while
 1 
V and C change. Thus, expressions containing both V and C should be avoided namely  U = CV 2  .
 2 
1 Q
Before the dielectric is introduced, Energy stored, Ui = .
2 Cair
After the introduction of the dielectric, with the battery disconnected,
1 Q2 1 Q2
Energy stored, U f = . = . Fractional decrease in energy
2 Cdiel 2 KCair
Ui − U f U 1
= = 1− f = 1− .
Ui Ui K
U = QV

Physics Smart Booklet
1 1
QVi − QVf
Ui − Uf 2 2 V − Vf
= = i
Ui 1 Vi
Vi U − U f Vi − (Vi / K) 1
But Vf =  f = = 1−
K Ui Vi K

19. Two parallel plate capacitors of capacitance C and 2 C are connected in parallel and charged to a potential difference
V. The battery is then disconnected and the space between the plates of capacitance C is completely filled with a
material of dielectric constant K. The potential difference across the capacitors now becomes
V 2V 3V 3V
(A) (B) (C) (D)
K +1 K+2 K+2 K+3
Ans (C)
When the capacitors are in parallel the pd across both capacitors are equal. On introducing a dielectric (dielectric
constant K) the capacitance of the capacitor increases to K times.
Initial charge on the system is Q = CV + (2C)V = 3CV . On introducing a dielectric slab into the smaller (first)
capacitor its new capacitance is KC.
Thus, Ceff = KC + 2C = (+2)C
Q remains constant.
Qin = Qfin ; 3CV = Ceff Veff ; 3CV = (K + 2)C Veff ;  Veff =
C1V1 + C2 V2 CV + 2CV 3V
Veff = = ; Veff =
C1 + C2 (KC + 2C) K+2
20. A parallel plate air capacitor is charged to a potential difference V. After disconnecting the battery, the distance
between the plates of the capacitor is increased using an insulating handle. As a result, the potential difference
between the plates,
(A) does not change (B) becomes zero (C) increases (D) decreases
Ans (C)
0A Q
c= . On increasing d, c decreases. In the given problem, V is fixed. Thus in the expression V = , Q remain
d C
unaltered and C decreases. Thus, V increases.

21. When a capacitor remains connected to a battery, a dielectric slab is introduced between the plates. Then,
(A) potential difference between the plates increases
(B) energy stored in the capacitor increases
(C) electric field between the plates decreases
(D) charge on the plates decreases
Ans (B)
When a dielectric slab is introduced with the battery still connected, we know that V remains constant. Vair = Vdiel =
E air  d = E diel  d
where d = separation between the plates of the capacitor.
 E air = E diel
From this it is clear that charges (A) and (C) are wrong.

Physics Smart Booklet
U i (1/ 2)Cair V 2 Cair 1
= = =
U f (1/ 2)Cdiel V 2 Cdie K
 Uf = KUi . K being always > 1, U f  ii and hence the choice (B).
Also U = QV since Uf  Ui and V is constant Qf  Qi and choice (D) is also wrong.

22. Two identical capacitors 1 and 2 are connected in series to a battery as

shown in figure. Capacitor 2 contains a dielectric slab of dielectric 1 2

constant K as shown. If Q1 is the charge on each capacitor before

removing the slab and Q2 is the charge on each capacitor after removing E
the slab, then the correct relation between Q1 and Q2.
Q K Q K +1 Q 2K Q1 K + 1
(A) 1 = (B) 1 = (C) 1 = (D) =
Q2 K + 1 Q2 K Q2 K + 1 Q2 2K
Ans (C)
Since the two capacitors are in series both have equal charges. Let Q1 be the charge on the system.
Then charge on the system is
 C  KC   K  Q1 (K + 1)
Q1 =   V1 =   CV1  V1 = …(1)
 C + KC   K +1  KC
On removing the dielectric slab the charge on the system is
 CC  CV2 2Q 2
Q2 =   V2 =  V2 = …(2)
 C + C  2 C
Q1 2K
The battery being the same V1 = V2 from Eqs. (1) and (2) we get =
Q2 K + 1

23. A parallel plate capacitor has two layers of dielectric as shown in the figure. This
K1 = 2 K2 = 6
capacitor is connected across a battery. The ratio of potential difference across the
dielectric layers (order K1 and K2) is d 2d

(A) 2/3 (B) 3/2 (C) 4 (D) 1/4

Ans (B)
0 r A 2 A 6 A
We have, C = C1 = 0 C 2 = 0
d d 2d
Thus, since the capacitors are in series the charge q on each capacitor is the same.
q q
V1 = and V2 =
C1 C2

V1 C2 60 A d V1 3
 = =   =
V2 C1 2d 20 A V2 2

24. A parallel plate capacitor of area A is filled with two dielectrics of dielectric constants K1 and K2 as shown in figure.
The equivalent capacitance is
0 A  K1K 2  0 A A/2 A/2
(A) C =   (B) C = (K1 + K 2 )
d  K1 + K 2  d d

 0 A  K1 + K 2   0 A  K1  K1 K2
(C) C =   (D) C =  
d  2  d  2 

Physics Smart Booklet
Ans (C)
When two dielectric slabs are placed as shown in the figure, we can imagine a metal plate of negligible thickness
separating the two dielectrics. Then, the system is equidistant to two capacitors C1 and C2 in series.
The given figure can be redrawn as follows.

A/2 A/2 A/2 A/2

K1 K2 K1 K2

The capacitor system with two dielectric slabs placed side by side as shown is equivalent to two capacitors of
capacitances C1 and C2 in parallel.
Thus, the effective capacitance C = C1 + C2 .
 K (A / 2)  K (A / 2)
But, C1 = 0 1 and C 2 = 0 2
d d
  ( A / 2 )   0 ( A / 2 )   A  K + K2 
C= 0 K1  +  K 2  or C = 0  1 .
 d   d  d  2 

25. A parallel plate capacitor has two layers of dielectrics as shown in the figure. Then the ratio of potential differences
across the dielectric layers when connected to a battery is a b
K1 K1a
(A) (B)
K2 K 2b
K b Ka K1 K2
(C) 2 (D) 2
K1a K1b
Ans (D)
The arrangement is equivalent to two capacitors in series.
 Ratio of potential differences = inverse ratio of capacitances
K A KA V K a
i.e., V1 :V2 = C2 :C1 = 0 2 : 0 1  1 = 2
b a V2 K1b
26. The equivalent capacitance of the given circuit is A
18 5
(A) F (B) F 6F
6 6
5 18 3F
(C) 15 F (D) F
15 B 6
Ans (C)
Q  6 F 9 F  15 F


27. Three capacitors, each of capacitance C = 3 F, are connected as shown in figure. The equivalent capacitance between
points P and S is
(A) 1 F
(B) 3 F C Q C C S
(C) 6 F P

(D) 9 F

Physics Smart Booklet
Ans (D)
The given circuit can be redrawn as shown.

C C R C Q, S P, R S P


So the capacitance across P and S is C + C + C = 3 C = 3 (3 F) = 9 F

28. In the network shown, C1 = 6 F and C = 9 F. The C

equivalent capacitance between points P and Q is P
(A) 3 F
C1 C1 C
(B) 6 F C1

(C) 9 F Q
(D) 12 F
Ans (A)
The last three capacitors on the right, each of capacitance C = 9 F, are in series, and are equivalent to a capacitance
c 9
C given by C = = = 3 F .
n 3
Since C is in parallel with C1, the equivalent capacitance of the last part of the network is
C = C + C1 = 3 + 6 = 9 F.
Continuing this process of calculation towards the left, we notice that we are finally left with the combination whose
equivalent capacitance is 3 F.
29. Five capacitors are connected to each other as shown. What is 1 3
2 4
the potential drop and charge across 4 F capacitor? 18F 6F 4F 8F 18F
(A) 3 V, 10 C (B) 10 V, 30 C
(C) 3 V, 20 C (D) 10 V, 40 C
Ans (D)
Capacitors 6 F, 4 F and 8 F are in parallel and their effective capacitance 6 + 4 + 8 = 18 C. Across the power
supply we have three capacitors 18 F each in series. The voltage is divides equally across the three 18 F. Hence,
 30 
voltage across each unit in series is   = 10V
 3  C
 charge an 4 F = 10 V  4 F = 40 C C C
30. The effective capacitance between A and B is C C
(A) C (B) C/2
(C) 3C (D) 4C
Ans (C)
The capacitor network enclosed by the dotted loop is a balanced Wheatstone net of equivalent capacitance C.
 Ceff = C + C + C = 3 C
31. The equivalent capacitance between A and B in the given diagram is
A A
(A) 2 0 (B) 0
d d A B
0 A 3 0 A
(C) (D)
2d d

Physics Smart Booklet
Ans (A)
The arrangement can be analysed as shown in the given figure.
1 2
2 C
A B  A B
3 C A 2C B
4 3
C12 = C43 = C
0 A
CP = C + C = 2C = 2

32. F
10 b
In the circuit shown in figure, the equivalent capacitance between a and 10 F

(A) 20 F (B) 40 F 10 F
10 F
(C) 10 F (D) 5 F
Ans (C)
The circuit given in the figure can be redrawn as
10 F 10 F 10 F 10 F

a b a b

10 F 10 F 10 F 10 F

Fig 2
Fig 1

20 F 10 F
a 20 F b
a b

Fig 4
Fig 3

33. Figure shows a part of an electrical circuit with two capacitors of capacitances C 1 and C2.
The points A and B are at potentials V1 and V2 respectively. The potential at the point D will be
1 C V + C2 V2
(A) (V1 + V2 ) (B) 1 1 C1 C2
2 C1 + C2 A B
C1V2 + C2 V1 C2 V1 − C1V2 V1 D V2
(C) (D)
C1 + C2 C1 + C2
Ans (B)
Let q be the charge on each capacitor. If V is the potential at point D, then,
V1 − V = q/C1 ... (1)
and V − V2 = q/C2 ... (2)
Dividing Eqn. (1) by Eqn. (2), we get
V1 − V C2
( C V + C2V2 )1
or V = 1 1
V − V2 C1 ( C1 + C2 )
3 F 6 F
34. In the circuit shown, the potential difference across the 3 F capacitor is V and the
2 F
equivalent capacitance between A and B is CAB. Then
(A) CAB = 4 F, V = 40 V (B) CAB = 8 F, V = 80 V A B
60 V
(C) CAB = 8 F, V = 40 V (D) CAB = 4 F, V = 80 V
Ans (A)
3 F and 6 F are in series and their equivalent capacitor is in parallel with 2 F.
3 6 60
CAB = + 2 = 4μ F ; Potential difference across 3 F is V =  2 = 40 V
3+ 6 3

Physics Smart Booklet
35. A capacitor has a capacitance C1 = 1.0 F. It can withstand a maximum voltage of V1 = 6.0 kV. A second capacitor
of capacitance C2 = 2.0 F can withstand a maximum voltage of V2 = 4.0 kV. If the capacitors are connected in series,
the combination can withstand a maximum voltage of
(A) 10 kV (B) 9 kV (C) 8 kV (D) 6 kV
Ans (B)
The maximum charge the first capacitor can hold is Q1 = C1 V1 = 1  10−6  6000 = 6  10−3 C
The maximum charge that the second capacitor can hold is Q2 = C2V2 = 2  10−6  4000 = 8  10−3 C
We know that in a series combination, the charge on each capacitor is the same. Now the first capacitor cannot hold
a charge of 8  10−3 C; it can hold a maximum charge of 6  10−3 C. Therefore, the charge on the second capacitor
6 10−3 C
must also be 6  10−3 C. Hence, the voltage across the second capacitor is V2 = = 3000 volt = 3 kV.
2 10−6 F
Thus, the maximum voltage the system can withstand = V1 + V2 = 6 kV + 3 kV = 9 kV.
36. A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance C is charged to a potential difference V by connecting it to a battery. Another
capacitor of capacitance 2C is similarly charged to a potential difference 2V. The charging battery is then
disconnected and the capacitors are connected in parallel to each other in such a way that the positive terminal of one
is connected to the negative terminal of the other. The final energy of the configuration is
3 25 9
(A) zero (B) CV 2 (C) CV 2 (D) CV 2
2 6 2
Ans (B)
Q1 = CV and Q2 = (2C)  (2V) = 4CV. Since the capacitors are connected in parallel such that the plates of opposite
polarities are connected together, the common potential is
Q − Q1 4CV − CV
V = 2 = =V
C1 + C2 C + 2C
Equivalent capacitance C = C + 2C = 3C. Therefore, the final energy of the configuration is
1 1 3
U = CV2 =  3C  V 2 = CV 2 .
2 2 2
37. The additional energy required to increase the charge from 5 C to 10 C of a 20 pF capacitor is
(A) 2.5 J (B) 0.625 J (C) 1.875 J (D) −0.625 J
Ans (C)
1 Q2
The potential energy of 20 pF when its charge is 5 C is found using U =
2 C
 1  (5 C)
1 (5 10−6 C) 2
i.e., U1 =   = −12
= 0.625 J.
 2  (20 pF) 2 (20 10 F)
The potential energy of 20 pF capacitor when the charge is 10 C is
 1  (10 C)
1  (10 10−6 C) 2 
U2 =   =  −12  = 2.5 J.
 2  (20 pF) 2  (20 10 F) 
So the additional energy required is U2 – U1 = 2.5 J – 0.625 J = 1.875 J
38. Two capacitors C1 and C2 are charged to potentials 300 V and 100 V and then they are connected in parallel. The
potential difference of the parallel combination is 250 V. The ratio of C 2 to C1 is
(A) C2 : C1 = 1 : 3 (B) C2 : C1 = 3 : 1 (C) C2 : C1 = 1: 3 (D) C2 : C1 = 3 :1
Ans (A)
If capacitors C1 and C2 are charged to potentials V1 and V2, and then they are connected in parallel, the common
C V + C2 V2
potential Vcom is given by Vcom = 1 1
C1 + C2
V1 + ( C 2 / C1 ) V2
Dividing the numerator and the denominator of the RHS by C1 we get Vcom =
1 + ( C 2 / C1 )

Physics Smart Booklet
Letting Vcomm = 250 V, V1 = 300 V and V2 = 100 V
(300 V) + ( C 2 / C1 ) (100 V) C C 1
250 V = ; Simplifying for 2 , 2 = or C2 : C1 = 1: 3
1 + ( C 2 / C1 ) C1 C1 3
39. A parallel plate air filled capacitor has a capacitance of 2 F. It is half filled with a dielectric with K = 3. Its
capacitance is,
(A) 4 F (B) 3 F d Air d
(C) 1.5 F (D) 0.5 F
(1) (2)
Ans (A)
If A is the area of each plate, the capacitance of the air-filled capacitor shown in figure (1) is
C 0 = 0 where C0 = 2 F (given).
 A / 2 0 A C0
The capacitance of air capacitor in figure (2) is C1 = 0 = =
d 2d 2
k A / 2 k 0 A kC 0
The capacitance of dielectric filled capacitor in figure (2) is C 2 = 0 = =
d 2d 2
Since C1 and C2 are in parallel, the capacitance C of the capacitor shown in figure (2) is
C KC0 C0 2F
C = C1 + C 2 = 0 + = (1 + K) = (1 + 3) = 4 F.
2 2 2 2

40. A capacitor has a capacitance 2 F. It is initially charged to a potential difference of 5 V, and the battery is
disconnected. If a dielectric slab of dielectric constant K = 6 is inserted completely between the plates what is the
final electrostatic potential energy?
(A) 4.17 J (B) 3.17 J (C) 2.17 J (D) 1.17 J
Ans (A)
The initial charge on the capacitor will be Q0 = C0V0 = (2 F) (5 V) = 10 C.
After the dielectric slab is introduced between the plates, the capacitance becomes K times the original value.
 The new capacitance is, C = C0K = (2 F) 6 = 12 F
Since, the battery is disconnected, the charge on the capacitor plates will remain the same.
1 Q0 2 1 (10 C) 2
 Electrostatic potential energy is U = = = 4.17 J
2 C 2 (12 F)
41. Four identical capacitors are connected in series with a battery of 16 V between 16 V A and B
+ –
as shown in figure. If the point P is earthed, then the potential at A and B is
(A) 16 V, 0 (B) 12 V, –12 V P
(C) 12 V, –4 V (D) 8 V, –8 V C C C C

Ans (C)
The potential difference across each capacitor is 4 V. Since, there are three capacitors between the point A and the
ground, the potential difference between A and ground is = 12 V, the potential difference between ground and the
point B is 0 − 4 = −4 V
 The potential at A is 12 V and that at B is −4 V
42. In the figure shown, each capacitor is of capacitance 4 F. The equivalent
capacitance between A and B is
(A) 1 F (B) 2.4 F
(C) 2 F (D) 4 F
Ans (B) B

Physics Smart Booklet
The given circuit can be rewritten as shown in the figure.
Let C be the capacitance of each part of the network
C 3
covered under the dotted lines C = C + = C
2 2
C =  4 F = 6 F
The circuit can be rewritten as shown in the figure
1 1 1 1 1 A A
4 F 4 F
= + + + C
CS 4 4 6 6 C C
6 F 6 F
CS =
F 6 F 6 F 
5 C C
1 1 6 4 F 4 F
=2 = 2  F  C AB = 2.4 F B B
CAB Cs 5

43. Nine metallic plates are arranged so as to get the maximum capacitance. The separation between the adjacent plates
is such that the maximum value of capacitance is 8 F. The capacitance of capacitor formed by the adjacent plates is
(A) 2 F (B) 4 F (C) 1 F (D) 0.5 F
Ans (C)
In order to get maximum capacitance, the capacitors must be connected in parallel. For this, the alternate plates must
be connected together. If n plates are connected in the above said manner, then the effective capacitance becomes (n
− 1) C, where C is the capacitance between the adjacent plates.
In the given problem, nine plates are connected to get maximum capacitance. Therefore, the effective capacitance C
= (n − 1) C = 8C.
But, C = 8 F  C = 1 F.
44. Five identical capacitors connected in series have a equivalent capacitance of 4 F. The total energy stored in them
when they are connected in parallel and charged to 400 V is
(A) 10 J (B) 8 J (C) 4 J (D) 21 J
Ans (B)
The equivalent capacitance of the series combination CS = C/5 = 4 F where C is the capacitance of each capacitor.
When these capacitors are connected in parallel, the effective capacitance becomes
C p = 5  C = 100 F. The energy stored by the combination,
1 1
E= Cp V2 =  100 10−6  (400) 2 = 8 J
2 2
45. n identical charged water drops, combine to form a big single drop. If energy of each drop is E, then the energy of
the combined drop is
1 5
(A) n 2 E (B) n 3 E (C) n 3 E (D) nE
Ans (C)
1 q2
The energy of a charged drop E = where C is the capacitance of each drop. Let C / be the capacitance of the
2 C
1 (nq) 2
big drop. The energy stored in the big drop E / = .
2 C/
E/ C 4 π 0  r E/ r
= n2  / = n2   = n2 
E C 4 π  0  R E R
Volume of the big drop = n  volume of one drop
4 4
 R 3 = n   r 3  R = n1/3 r
3 3

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E/ r
 = n 2  1/3  E / = n 5/3 E
E n r
46. Two electrons each moving with a velocity of 106 ms−1 are released towards each other. The distance of closest
approach will be
1  1 e2 9 109  2.56 10−38
2  mV 2  = = 9 10−31 1012 =
2  40 r0 r0
 r0 = 2.56  10−10 m
 r0 = 2.56 Å
47. Two point charges  3.2  10−19 C are at 2.4 Å and are situated in uniform electric field of 4  105 Vm−1. The work
done in rotating this dipole from stable equilibrium to unstable equilibrium is
For stable equilibrium, 1 = 0° and for unstable equilibrium, 2 = 180°
W = PE [cos 1 − cos 2]
= 3.2  10−19  2.4  10−10  4 105 [cos 0° − cos 180°]
= 2  3.2  2.4  4  10−24
= 61.4  10−24 J
48. The potential difference between the points A and B is
Solution A 12 V
q q
+ = 24 − 12
4 2 + –
2 F 4 F
3q – +
= 12  q = 16 C
q 16 10−6 B
VAB = = −6
= 8 Volt 24 V
2 2 10
49. In the given circuit, if potential at ‘A’ is 10 V higher than at ‘B’ then potential and charge of each capacitor are

1 F 2 F
Solution q
C1 C2
10 V
q q
According to KVL, VA − −6
+ 10 − − VB = 0
1 10 2 10 −6
q  1 40
 20 = −6 1 +   q = C , charge on each capacitor.
10  2  3
q 40
 V1 = = volt
C1 3
q 20
V2 = = Volt
C2 3

Physics Smart Booklet


1. An electric point charge q = 6  C is placed at origin of x - y Co-ordinate axis. Calculate electric
potential due to the charge at point P(12m, 16m) in free space.
[NCERT Pg. 54]
(a) 1.2 kV (b) 2.3 kV (c) 3.7 kV (d) 2.7 kV
2. The comparative graph of potential and electric field due to a point charge at a distance r from
it is best shown by graph. [NCERT Pg. 55)

3. A point charge Q = 4  10 −7 C is placed at a point in free space. How much work is required to
bring a charge 2nC from infinity to a point 9cm from charge Q ? [NCERT Pg. 55)
−4 −5 −5 −5
a) 3 10 J b) 8 10 J c) 2 10 J d) 5 10 J
4. Which among the following statements is an incorrect statement ? [NCERT Pg. 57)
(a) The electric dipole potential falls off, at large distance, as 1/r 1

(b) The electric potential due to dipole in the equatorial position is zero
(c) The electric potential due to dipole has axial symmetry about dipole moment vector p
(d) Electric potential on dipole axis is maximum.
5. Two charges 6 nC and -4 nC are located 15 cm apart. At what point on line joining two charges
is electric potential zero? [NCERT Pg. 58]
(a) 6 cm from 6 nC charge (b) 45 cm from 6 nC charge
(c) 38 cm from 6 nC charge (d) 9 cm from -4 nC charge
6. The incorrect statement regarding equipotential surface is [NCERT Pg. 60]
(a) Equipotential surface through a point is normal to electric field at that point
(b) An equipotential surface is a surface with a constant value of potential at all points on the
(c) Equipotential surfaces of a single point charge are concentric spherical surfaces centred at the
(d) For uniform electric field along x-axis, equipotential surfaces are planes parallel x - y plane

Physics Smart Booklet
7. Work done by external agent in assembling three identical charges from infinity to given
locations is [NCERT Pg. 62]

5 q2  5 q2  5 q2 3q 2
a) b)   c) d)
80 r  80 r  20 r 80 r
8. Two point charges 7 C and –2 C are placed at position (–9cm, 0) and (9cm, 0) respectively.
How much work is required to separate two charges infinitely away from each other ?
[NCERT Pg. 66]
a) 0.2 J b) 0.5 J c) 0.6 J d) 0.7 J
9. A dipole with dipole moment 310 C m is placed in external uniform field of E = 4 105 N C-1 .

Calculate amount of work done by field in rotating the dipole from  = 60° to 0°. (  is angle
between electric field E and dipole moment vector) [NCERT Pg. 66]
(a) 200  J (b) 600  J (c) 300  J (d) 90  J
10. When a conductor is placed inside uniform electric field. Then [NCERT Pg. 68]
(a) At the surface of conductor, electrostatic field is normal to the surface at every point.
(b) Inside the conductor, electrostatic field is zero.
(c) The electrostatic potential is constant throughout the volume of conductor and has the same
value on its surface
(d) All of above are correct
11. Two conductors are separated by distance of 1 cm in air. The dielectric strength of air is
about 3106 Vm–l. What maximum safe potential difference can be applied across conductors?
[NCERT Pg. 68]
(a) 3 10 V
(b) 6 10 V
(c) 3 10 V
(d) 1.5 10 V

12. A slab of material having dielectric constant K = 1.5 has the same area as of a plates of
parallel plate capacitor but has thickness of plate separation is introduced between the plates
of the capacitor having capacitance C. On introducing slab, capacity becomes factor of
[NCERT Pg. 78]
12 5 6 4
a) C b) C c) C d) C
7 7 7 3
13. A network of four capacitors each 10 F are connected as shown with 500V supply. Calculate
the ratio of charges stored on C4 and C2 [NCERT Pg. 80]

1 1
(a) 1 (b) (c) (d) 3
2 3

Physics Smart Booklet
14. A 900 pF parallel plate capacitor is charged by 100 V ideal battery. The space between
the plates is 1cm. How much electrostatic energy is stored per unit volume of empty
space of capacitor? [NCERT Pg. 82]
−4 −3 −6 −3
(a) 4.42 10 Jm (b) 8.85 10 Jm
−7 −3
(c) 2.2110 Jm (d) 6.2 10−6 Jm−3
15. A 90 pF capacitor is charged by a 10 V battery. The capacitor is then disconnected from battery
and connected to another charged 90 pF capacitor. Final electrostatic energy stored by the system
is [NCERT Pg. 82]

(a) 225 pJ (b) 2.25 nJ (c) 4.5 pJ (d) 4.5 nJ

16. A parallel plate capacitor is charged by a battery. Now battery is removed and medium between
the plates of the capacitor is filled with an insulating material of dielectric constant K, then
[NCERT Pg. 85)
(a) Electric field due to charged plates induces a net dipole moment in the dielectric (insulating
(b) Net potential difference between the plates is reduced
(c) Capacitance C decreases from initial value Co to (Co/K)
(d) Both (a) and (b) are correct
17. A parallel plate capacitor with each plate of area 6 10−3 m 2 has plate separation of 3 mm. A 3
mm thick mica sheet of dielectric constant K = 6 was inserted between the plates. If this capacitor
is connected to 100 volt supply, what is charge on positive plate of capacitor?
(NCERT Pg. 87]
−9 −8
(a) 1.92 10 C (b) 1.06 10 C
(c) 4.2 10 C (d) 4.36 10−7 C
18. Equivalent capacitance of the network across points A and B is [NCERT Pg. 90]

(a) 200pF (b) l50pF (c) 100 pF (d) 700 pF

19. A spherical capacitor consists of two concentric spherical conductors held in position by filling
insulating material of dielectric constant 6. The inner sphere has radius of 10 cm and outer has
40 cm. The capacitance of spherical capacitor is [NCERT Pg. 91]
(a) 100 pF (b) 108 pF (c) 88.8 pF (d) 73.3 pF
20. A parallel plate capacitor is to be designed with a voltage rating of 2 kV, using a material of
dielectric constant 3 and dielectric strength about 12 x 106 Vm–1, for safety we should like the
field never exceed 20% of dielectric strength. What minimum area of plate is required to have
capacitance of 60 pF? [NCERT Pg. 91]

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(a) 1.2 10−6 m2 (b) 4.75 10−4 m 2 (c) 1.88 10−3 m 2 (d) 5.65 10−3 m 2
21. The electric potential inside a conducting sphere
(a) increases from centre to surface
(b) decreases from centre to surface
(c) remains constant from centre to surface
(d) is zero at every point inside
22. It becomes possible to define potential at a point in an electric field because electric field
(a) is a conservative field
(b) is a non-conservative field
(c) is a vector field
(d) obeys principle of superposition
23. Which of the following about potential at a point due to a given point charge is true ?
The potential at a point P due to a given point charge
(a) is a function of distance from the point charge.
(b) varies inversely as the square of distance from the point charge.
(c) is a vector quantity.
(d) is directly proportional to the square of distance from the point charge.
24. Which of the following quantities do not depend on the choice of zero potential or zero
potential energy?
(a) Potential at a point
(b) Potential difference between two points
(c) Potential energy of a two-charge system
(d) None of these
25. A cube of a metal is given a positive charge Q. For this system, which of the following
statements is true?
(a) Electric potential at the surface of the cube is zero
(b) Electric potential within the cube is zero
(c) Electric field is normal to the surface of the cube
(d) Electric field varies within the cube
26. A unit charge moves on an equipotential surface from a point A to point B, then
(a) VA – VB = + ve (b) VA – VB = 0
(c) VA – VB = – ve (d) it is stationary
27. The electric potential at a point on the equatorial line of an electric dipole is
(a) directly proportional to distance
(b) inversely proportional to distance
(c) inversely proportional to square of the distance
(d) None of these
28. The potential energy of a system of two charges is negative when
(a) both the charges are positive
(b) both the charges are negative
(c) one charge is positive and other is negative
(d) both the charges are separated by infinite distance
29. An electric dipole of moment p is placed normal to the lines of force of electric intensity , E then
the work done in deflecting it through an angle of 180° is
(a) pE (b) +2pE (c) –2pE (d) zero

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30. Which of the following about potential difference between any two points is true?
I. It depends only on the initial and final position.
II. It is the work done per unit positive charge in moving from one point to other.
III. It is more for a positive charge of two units as compared to a positive charge of one unit.
(a) I only (b) II only
(c) I and II (d) I, II and III
31. An electric dipole of moment p is placed in a uniform electric field E . Then which of the
following is/are correct?
I. The torque on the dipole is p  E
II. The potential energy of the system is p.E
III. The resultant force on the dipole is zero.
(a) I, II and II (b) I and III
32. Match the entries of Column I and Column II
Column I Column II
(A) Inside a conductor (1) Potential energy = 0
placed in an external
electric field.
(B) At the centre of a dipole (2) Electric field = 0
(C) Dipole in stable (3) Electric potential = 0
(D) Electric dipole (4) Torque = 0
perpendicular to
uniform electric field.
(a) (A) → (2); (B) → (4); (C) → (3); (D) → (1)
(b) (A) → (2); (B) → (3); (C) → (4); (D) → (1)
(c) (A) → (2); (B) → (3); (C) → (1); (D) → (4)
(d) (A) → (1); (B) → (3); (C) → (4); (D) → (2)
33. If a unit positive charge is taken from one point to another over an equipotential surface, then
(a) work is done on the charge (b) work is done by the charge
(c) work done is constant (d) no work is done
34. On decreasing the distance between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor, its capacitance
(a) remains unaffected (b) decreases
(c) first increases then decreases. (d) increases
35. Energy is stored in a capacitor in the form of
(a) electrostatic energy (b) magnetic energy
(c) light energy (d) heat energy
36. If in a parallel plate capacitor, which is connected to a battery, we fill dielectrics in whole space
of its plates, then which of the following increases?
(a) Q and V (b) V and E (c) E and C (d) Q and C
37. When air in a capacitor is replaced by a medium of dielectric constant K, the capacity
(a) decreases K times (b) increases K times
(c) increases K2 times (d) remains constant
38. A conductor carries a certain charge. When it is connected to another uncharged conductor of
finite capacity, then the energy of the combined system is
(a) more than that of the first conductor
(b) less than that of the first conductor
(c) equal to that of the first conductor
(d) uncertain

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Topic 1: Electrostatic Potential and Equipotential Surfaces
1. The electric potential inside a conducting sphere
(a) increases from centre to surface (b) decreases from centre to surface
(c) remains constant from centre to surface (d) is zero at every point inside
2. A unit charge moves on an equipotential surface from a point A to point B, then
(a) VA – VB = + ve (b) VA – VB = 0 (c) VA – VB = – ve (d) it is stationary
3. Consider a finite insulated, uncharged conductor placed near a finite positively charged conductor. The
uncharged body must have a potential :
(a) less than the charged conductor and more than at infinity.
(b) more than the charged conductor and less than at infinity.
(c) more than the charged conductor and more than at infinity.
(d) less than the charged conductor and less than at infinity.
4. Two concentric spheres of radii R and r have similar charges with equal surface charge densities (  ). What
is the electric potential at their common centre?
 
(a)  / 0 (b) ( R − r ) (c) (R + r) (d) None of these
0 0
5. From a point charge, there is a fixed point A. At A, there is an electric field of 500 V/m and potential
difference of 3000 V. Distance between point charge and A will be
(a) 6 m (b) 12 m (c) 16 m (d) 24 m
6. Four points a, b, c and d are set at equal distance from the centre of a dipole as shown in a figure. The
electrostatic potential Va, Vb, Vc, and Vd would satisfy the following relation:

(a) Va > Vb > Vc > Vd (b) Va > Vb = Vd > Vc (c) Va > Vc = Vb = Vd (d) Vb = Vd > Va > Vc
7. Charges are placed on the vertices of a square as shown. Let E be the electric field and V the potential at
the centre. If the charges on A and B are interchanged with those on D and C respectively, then

(a) E changes, V remains unchanged (b) E remains unchanged, V changes

(c) both E and V change (d) E and V remain unchanged
8. Two metal pieces having a potential difference of 800 V are 0.02 m apart horizontally. A particle of mass
1.96 × 10–15 kg is suspended in equilibrium between the plates. If e is the elementary charge, then charge
on the particle is
(a) 8 (b) 6 (c) 0.1 (d) 3

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9. The electric potential V (in Volt) varies with x (in metres) according to the relation V = (5 + 4x2). The force
experienced by a negative charge of 2 × 10–6 C located at x = 0.5 m is
(a) 2 × 10–6 N (b) 4 × 10–6 N (c) 6 × 10–6 N (d) 8 × 10–6 N
10. The 1000 small droplets of water each of radius r and charge Q, make a big drop of spherical shape. The
potential of big drop is how many times the potential of one small droplet?
(a) 1 (b) 10 (c) 100 (d) 1000

11. Which of the following figure shows the correct equipotential surfaces of a system of two positive charges?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

12. Four charges q1= 2 × 10 C, q2= -2× 10 C, q3 = -3× 10 C, and q4 = 6× 10–8 C are placed at four corners
–8 –8 –8

of a square of side 2 m. What is the potential at the centre of the square?

(a) 270 V (b) 300 V (c) Zero (d) 100 V
13. The electric potential at point A is 1V and at another point B is 5V. A charge 3 μC is released from B. What
will be the kinetic energy of the charge as it passes through A?
(a) 8 × 10–6 J (b) 12 × 10–6 J (c) 12 × 10–9 J (d) 4 × 10–6 J
14. A thin spherical conducting shell of radius R has a charge q. Another charge Q is placed at the centre of the
shell. The electrostatic potential at a point P, a distance R/2 from the centre of the shell is
(q + Q)
2Q 2Q 2Q 2Q q
(a) (b) − (c) + (d)
4 0 R 40 R 4 0 R 40 R 4 0 R 4 0 R
15. A large insulated sphere of radius r charged with Q units of electricity is placed in contact with a small
insulated uncharged sphere of radius r' and is then separated. The charge on the smaller sphere will now be
Q ( r| + r ) Q ( r| + r ) Qr Qr |
(a) (b) (c) (d)
r| r r +r
r| + r
16. Electrical field intensity is given as E = ( 2x + 1) yiˆ + x ( x + 1) ˆj .The potential of a point (1, 2) if potential at
origin is 2 volt is,
(a) 2 V (b) 4 V (c) – 2 V (d) 0 V
17. The electric potential due to a small electric dipole at a large distance r from the centre of the dipole is
proportional to
(a) r (b) 1/r (c) 1/r2 (d) 1/r3
18. Two small identical metal balls of radius r are at a distance a from each other and are charged, one with a
potential V1 and the other with a potential V2. The charges on the balls are :
(a) q1 = V1a, q2 = V2 a
(b) q1 = V1r , q2 = V2 r
 V +V   V +V 
(c) q1 =  1 2  a, q2 =  1 2  r
 2   2 
r r
(d) q1 = − ( rV2 − aV1 ) , q2 = − ( rV1 − aV2 )
a a
19. Choose the wrong statement about equipotential surfaces.
(a) It is a surface over which the potential is constant
(b) The electric field is parallel to the equipotential surface

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(c) The electric field is perpendicular to the equipotential surface
(d) The electric field is in the direction of steepest decrease of potential

Topic 2: Electrostatic Potential Energy and Work Done in Carrying a Charge

20. When a positive charge q is taken from lower potential to a higher potential point, then its potential energy
(a) increase (b) decrease (c) remain unchanged (d) become zero
21. A square of side ‘a’ has charge Q at its centre and charge ‘q’ at one of the corners. The work required to be
done in moving the charge ‘q’ from the corner to the diagonally opposite corner is
Qq Qq 2 Qq
(a) zero (b) (c) (d)
4 0 a 4 0 a 2 0 a
22. An alpha particle is accelerated through a potential difference of 106 volt. Its kinetic energy will be
(a) 1 MeV (b) 2 MeV (c) 4 MeV (d) 8 MeV
23. A and B are two points in an electric field. If the work done in carrying 4.0C of electric charge from A to
B is 16.0 J, the potential difference between A and B is
(a) zero (b) 2.0 V (c) 4.0 V (d) 16.0 V
24. A conductor carries a certain charge. When it is connected to another uncharged conductor of finite
capacity, then the energy of the combined system is
(a) more than that of the first conductor (b) less than that of the first conductor
(c) equal to that of the first conductor (d) uncertain
25. If a unit charge is taken from one point to another over an equipotential surface, then
(a) work is done on the charge (b) work is done by the charge
(c) work done on the charge is constant (d) no work is done
26. A ball of mass 1 g carrying a charge 10 C moves from a point A at potential 600 V to a point B at zero
potential. The change in its K.E. is
(a) – 6 × 10–6 erg (b) – 6 × 10–6 J (c) 6 × 10–6 J (d) 6 × 10–6 erg
27. A positive point charge q is carried from a point B to a point A in the electric field of a point charge + Q at
O. If the permittivity of free space is e0, the work done in the process is given by
qQ  1 1  qQ  1 1  qQ  1 1  qQ  1 1 
(a)  +  (b)  −  (c)  2 − 2  (d)  + 
40  a b  40  a b  4 0  a b  4 0  a 2 b 2 
28. There exists a uniform electric field E = 4 × 105 Vm–1 directed along negative x-axis such that electric
potential at origin is zero. A charge of – 200 μC is placed at origin, and a charge of + 200 μC is placed at
(3m, 0). The electrostatic potential energy of the system is
(a) 120 J (b) – 120 J (c) – 240 J (d) zero
29. Two insulating plates are both uniformly charged in such a way that the potential difference between them
is V2 – V1 = 20 V. (i.e., plate 2 is at a higher potential). The plates are separated by d = 0.1 m and can be
treated as infinitely large. An electron is released from rest on the inner surface of plate 1. What is its speed
when it hits plate 2? (e = 1.6 × 10–19 C, me = 9.11 × 10–31 kg)

(a) 2.65 × 10 m/s (b) 7.02 × 1012 m/s (c) 1.87 × 106 m/s (d) 32 × 10–19 m/s

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30. Two positive charges of magnitude ‘q’ are placed, at the ends of a side (side 1) of a square of side ‘2a’.
Two negative charges of the same magnitude are kept at the other corners. Starting from rest, if a charge Q
moves from the middle of side 1 to the centre of square, its kinetic energy at the centre of square is
1 2qQ  1  1 2qQ  2  1 2qQ  1 
(a) zero (b)  1+  (c)  1−  (d)  1− 
4 0 a  5 4 0 a  5 4 0 a  5
31. Two points P and Q are maintained at the potentials of 10 V and – 4 V, respectively. The work done in
moving 100 electrons from P to Q is:
(a) 9.60 × 10–17J (b) –2.24 × 10–16 J (c) 2.24 × 10–16 J (d) –9.60× 10–17 J
32. Two identical thin rings each of radius R meters are coaxially placed at a distance R meters apart. If Q1
coulomb and Q2 coulomb are respectively the charges uniformly spread on the two rings, the work done in
moving a charge q from the centre of one ring to that of other is

(a) zero (b)

q ( Q1 − Q2 ) ( )
2 −1
q 2 ( Q1 + Q2 )
q ( Q1 + Q2 ) ( )
2 +1
2.4 0 R 4 0 R 2.4 0 R

Topic 3: Charge and Capacitance of a Capacitor

33. The capacity of parallel plate capacitor depends on
(a) metal used to make plates (b) thickness of plate
(c) potential applied across the plate (d) area of plate
34. We increase the charge on the plates of a capacitor, it means,
(a) increasing the capacitance (b) increasing P.D. between plates
(c) decreasing P.D. between plates (d) no change in field between plates
35. If in a parallel plate capacitor, which is connected to a battery, we fill dielectrics in whole space of its plates,
then which of the following increases?
(a) Q and V (b) V and E (c) E and C (d) Q and C
36. A dielectric slab is inserted between the plates of an isolated charged capacitor. Which of the following
quantities remain unchanged ?
(a) The charge on the capacitor (b) The stored energy in the Capacitor
(c) The potential difference between the plates (d) The electric field in the capacitor
37. A cylindrical capacitor has charge Q and length L. If both the charge and length of the capacitors are
doubled by keeping other parameters fixed, the energy stored in the capacitor:
(a) remains same (b) increases two times (c) decreases two times (d) increases four times
38. To establish an instantaneous current of 2 A through a 1 mF capacitor ; the potential difference across the
capacitor plates should be charged at the rate of :
(a) 2 × 104 V/s (b) 4 × 106 V/s (c) 2 × 106 V/s (d) 4 × 104 V/s
39. Two identical metal plates are given positive charges Q1 and Q2 (< Q1) respectively. If they are now brought
close together to form a parallel plate capacitor with capacitance C, the potential difference between them
Q + Q2 Q + Q2 Q − Q2 Q − Q2
(a) 1 (b) 1 (c) 1 (d) 1
2C C C 2C
40. A parallel plate capacitor with air between the plates has a capacitance of 8 pF. Calculate the capacitance
if the distance between the plates is reduced by half and the space between them is filled with a substance
of dielectric constant. (  r = 6)
(a) 72 pF (b) 81 pF (c) 84 pF (d) 96 pF

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41. A parallel plate air capacitor has a capacitance of 100 mF. The plates are at a distance d apart. If a slab of
thickness t (t < d) and dielectric constant 5 is introduced between the parallel plates, then the capacitance
will be
(a) 50 mF (b) 100 mF (c) 200 mF (d) 500 mF
42. A uniform electric field E exists between the plates of a charged condenser. A charged particle enters the
space between the plates and perpendicular to E . The path of the particle between the plates is a :
(a) straight line (b) hyperbola (c) parabola (d) circle
43. Force between two plates of a capacitor is
Q Q2 Q2
(a) (b) (c) (d) None of these
0 A 2 0 A 0 A
44. An air capacitor of capacity C = 10 mF is connected to a constant voltage battery of 12 volt. Now the space
between the plates is filled with a liquid of dielectric constant 5. The (additional) charge that flows now
from battery to the capacitor is
(a) 120  C (b) 600  C (c) 480  C (d) 24  C
45. A parallel plate capacitor with air between the plates is charged to a potential difference of 500V and then
insulated. A plastic plate is inserted between the plates filling the whole gap. The potential difference
between the plates now becomes 75V. The dielectric constant of plastic is
(a) 10/3 (b) 5 (c) 20/3 (d) 10
46. The gap between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor of area A and distance between plates d, is filled
with a dielectric whose permittivity varies linearly from 1 at one plate to2 at the other. The capacitance
of capacitor is:
(a) 0 (1 + 2 ) A / d (b) 0 (2 + 1 ) A / 2d
(c) 0 A / d ln (2 / 1 )  (d) 0 (2 − 1 ) A / d ln (2 / 1 ) 
47. The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor is Ca (Fig. a). A dielectric of dielectric constant K is inserted
as shown in fig (b) and (c). If Cb and Cc denote the capacitances in fig (b) and (c), then

(a) both Cb, Cc > Ca (b) Cc > Ca while Cb > Ca (c) both Cb, Cc < Ca (d) Ca = Cb = Cc
48. A parallel plate air capacitor is charged to a potential difference of V volts. After disconnecting the charging
battery the distance between the plates of the capacitor is increased using an insulating handle. As a result
the potential difference between the plates
(a) does not change (b) becomes zero (c) increases (d) decreases
49. 'n' identical drops, each of capacitance C and charged to a potential V, coalesce to form a bigger drop. Then
the ratio of the energy stored in the big drop to that in each small drop is
(a) n5/3 :1 (b) n4/3 :1 (c) n : 1 (d) n3 : 1
50. When a dielectric is introduced between the plates of a condenser, the capacity of condenser
(a) increases (b) decreases (c) remains same (d) None of these
51. An unchanged parallel plate capacitor filled with a dielectric constant K is connected to an air filled identical
parallel capacitor charged to potential V1. If the common potential is V2, the value of K is
V − V2 V1 V2 V − V2
(a) 1 (b) (c) (d) 1
V1 V1 − V2 V1 − V2 V2

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Topic 4: Grouping of Capacitors and Energy Stored in a Capacitor
52. If there are n capacitors in parallel connected to V volt source, then the energy stored is equal to
1 1
(a) CV (b) nCV 2 (c) CV 2 (d) CV 2
2 2n
53. A sheet of aluminium foil of negligible thickness is introduced between the plates of a capacitor. The
capacitance of the capacitor
(a) decreases (b) remains unchanged (c) becomes infinite (d) increases
54. The work done in placing a charge of 8  10 coulomb on a condenser of capacity 100 micro-farad is

(a) 16  10-32 joule (b) 3.1  10-26 joule (c) 4  10-10 joule (d) 32  10-32 joule
55. Two capacitors of capacitances C1 and C2 are connected in parallel across a battery. If Q1 and Q2
respectively be the charges on the capacitors, then 1 will be equal to
C2 C1 C12 C 22
(a) (b) (c) (d)
C1 C2 C 22 C12
56. In the given figure, the charge on 3 μF capacitor is

(a) 10 μC (b) 15 μC (c) 30 μC (d) 5 μC

57. For the circuit shown in figure, which of the following statements is true?

(a) With S1 closed V1 = 15V, V2 = 20V (b) With S3 closed V1 = V2 = 25 V

(c) With S1 and S2 closed V1 = V2 = 0 (d) With S1 and S3 closed, V1 = 30 V, V2 = 20 V

58. The equivalent capacitance of the combination of the capacitors is

(a) 3.20μF (b) 7.80μF (c) 3.90μF (d) 2.16μF

59. A capacitor has two circular plates whose radius are 8cm and distance between them is 1mm. When mica
(dielectric constant = 6) is placed between the plates, the capacitance of this capacitor and the energy stored
when it is given potential of 150 volt respectively are
(a) 1.06  10-5F, 1.2  10-9 J (b) 1.068  10-9F, 1.2  10-5 J
(c) 1.2  10-9F, 1.068  10-5 J (d) 1.6  10-9F, 1.208  10-5 J
60. In a charged capacitor, the energy is stored in
(a) the negative charges (b) the positive charges

Physics Smart Booklet
(c) the field between the plates (d) both ‘a’ and ‘b’
61. Three capacitors C1, C2 and C3 are connected to a battery as shown in the figure. The three capacitors have
equal capacitances. Which capacitor stores the most energy?

(a) C2 or C3 as they store the same amount of energy (b) C2

(c) C1 (d) All three capacitors store the same amount of energy
62. Seven capacitors each of capacitance 2  F are to be connected in a configuration to obtain an effective
 10 
capacitance of   F . Which of the combination (s) shown in figure will achieve the desired result?
 11 

(a) (b) (c) (d)

63. A capacitor of capacitance C1 = 1  F can withstand maximum voltage V1 = 6kV (kilo-volt) and another
capacitor of capacitance C2 = 3  F can withstand maximum voltage V2 = 4kV. When the two capacitors
are connected in series, the combined system can withstand a maximum voltage of
(a) 4kV (b) 6kV (c) 8kV (d) 10kV
64. In the given network of capacitors as shown in Fig. given that C1 = C2 = C3 = 400 pF and C4 = C5 = C6 =
200 pF. The effective capacitance of the circuit between X and Y is

(a) 810 pF (b) 205 pF (c) 600 pF (d) 410 pF

65. Three capacitors connected in series have an effective capacitance of 4μF. If one of the capacitance is
removed, the net capacitance of the capacitor increases to 6 μF. The removed capacitor has a capacitance
of :
(a) 2 μF (b) 4 μF (c) 10 μF (d) 12 μF


1. The electrostatic force between the metal plates of an isolated parallel plate capacitor C having a charge Q
and area A, is [2018]
(a) independent of the distance between the plates
(b) linearly proportional to the distance between the plates
(c) inversely proportional to the distance between the plates
(d) proportional to the square root of the distance between the plates

Physics Smart Booklet
2. The diagrams below show regions of equipotential. [2017]

(a) (b) (c) (d)

A positive charge is moved from A to B in each diagram.
(a) In all the four cases the work done is the same
(b) Minimum work is required to move q in figure (a)
(c) Maximum work is required to move q in figure (b)
(d) Maximum work is required to move q in figure (c)
3. A capacitor is charged by a battery. The battery is removed and another identical uncharged capacitor is
connected in parallel. The total electrostatic energy of resulting system: [2017]
(a) decreases by a factor of 2 (b) remains the same
(c) increases by a factor of 2 (d) increases by a factor of 4
4. A capacitor of 2  F is charged as shown in the diagram. When the switch S is turned to position 2, the
percentage of its stored energy dissipated is : [2016]

(a) 0% (b) 20% (c) 75% (d) 80%

5. A parallel plate air capacitor has capacity 'C' distance of separation between plates is 'd' and potential
difference 'V' is applied between the plates. Force of attraction between the plates of the parallel plate air
capacitor is : [2015]
2 2 2 2 2 2
(a) (b) (c) 2
2d d 2d d2
6. If potential (in volts) in a region is expressed as V(x, y, z) = 6 xy – y + 2yz, the electric field (in N/C) at
point (1, 1, 0) is: [2015]
( ˆ ˆ
(a) − 6i + 5j + 2k )
ˆ ( ˆ ˆ ˆ
(b) − 2i + 3j + k) ( ˆ ˆ ˆ
(c) − 6i + 9j + k) ( ˆ ˆ ˆ
(d) − 3i + 5j + 3k )
7. A parallel plate air capacitor of capacitance C is connected to a cell of emf V and then disconnected from
it. A dielectric slab of dielectric constant K, which can just fill the air gap of the capacitor, is now inserted
in it. Which of the following is incorrect ? [2015]
(a) The energy stored in the capacitor decreases K times.
1 1 
(b) The chance in energy stored is CV 2  − 1
2 K 
(c) The charge on the capacitor is not conserved.
(d) The potential difference between the plates decreases K times.
8. In a region, the potential is represented by V(x, y, z) = 6x – 8xy – 8y + 6yz, where V is in volts and x, y, z
are in metres. The electric force experienced by a charge of 2 coulomb situated at point (1, 1, 1) is: [2014]
(a) 6 5 N (b) 30 N (c) 24 N (d) 4 35 N
9. A conducting sphere of radius R is given a charge Q. The electric potential and the electric field at the
centre of the sphere respectively are: [2014]
(a) Zero and (b) and Zero (c) and (d) Both are zero
4 0 R 2
4 0 R 4 0 R 4 0 R 2

Physics Smart Booklet
10. Two thin dielectric slabs of dielectric constants K1 and K2 (K1 < K2) are inserted between plates of a parallel
plate capacitor, as shown in the figure. The variation of electric field ‘E’ between the plates with distance
‘d’ as measured from plate P is correctly shown by : [2014]

(a) (b) (c) (d)

11. Two identical capacitors C1 and C2 of equal capacitance are connected as shown in the circuit. Terminals
a and b of the key k are connected to charge capacitor C1 using battery of emf V volt. Now disconnecting
a and b the terminals b and c are connected. Due to this, what will be the percentage loss of energy ?
[NEET – 2019 (ODISSA)]

(1) 75% (2) 0% 3) 50% (4) 25%

12. The variation of electrostatic potential with radial distance r from the centre of a positively charged
metallic thin shell of radius R is given by the graph [NEET – 2020 (Covid-19)]

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

13. A parallel plate capacitor having cross-sectional area A and separation d has air in between the plates.
Now an insulating slab of same area but thickness d/2 is inserted between the plates as shown in figure
having dielectric constant K(= 4). The ratio of new capacitance to its original capacitance will be,
[NEET – 2020 (Covid-19)]

(1) 2 : 1 (2) 8 : 5 (3) 6 : 5 (4) 4 : 1

Physics Smart Booklet
14. A short electric dipole has a dipole moment of 16 10−9 Cm . The electric potential due to the dipole at a
point at a distance of 0.6m from the centre of the dipole situated on a line making an angle of 600 with the
 1 
dipole axis is  = 9 109 Nm 2 / c 2  [NEET – 2020]
 4 0 
1) zero 2) 50 V 3) 200 V 4) 400 V
15. In a certain region of space with volume 0.2 m the electric potential is found to be 5V throughout. The
magnitude of electric field in this region is [NEET – 2020]
1) 5 N/C 2) zero 3) 0.5 N/C 4) 1 N/C
16. The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with air as medium is 6F . With the introduction of a
dielectric medium, the capacitance becomes 30F . The permittivity of the medium is
( = 8.85 10
C2 N −1m −2 ) [NEET– 2020]
1) 5.00 C 2 N −1m −2 2) 0.44 10−13 C2 N −1m −2 3) 1.77 10−12 C 2 N −1m −2 4) 0.44 10−10 C2 N −1m −2
17. Polar molecules are the molecules: [NEET-2021]
1) acquire a dipole moment only in the presence of electric field due to displacement of charges.
2) acquire a dipole moment only when magnetic field is absent.
3) having a permanent electric dipole moment 4) having zero dipole moment.
18. Two charged spherical conductors of radius R1 and R2 are connected by a wire. Then the ratio of surface
charge densities of the spheres ( 1 / 2 ) is [NEET-2021]

R2  R2  R 12 R
1) 
2)  3) 2
4) 1
R1  R1  R2 R2
19. A dipole is placed in an electric field as shown. In which direction will it move? [NEET-2021]

1)towards the right as its potential energy will decreases

2)towards the left as its potential energy will decrease
3)towards the right as its potential energy will increase
4) towards the left as its potential energy will increase
20. A parallel plate capacitor has a uniform electric field ‘ E ’ in the space between the plates. If the distance
between the plates is ‘d’ and the area of each plate is ‘A’ the energy stored in the capacitor is: (  0 =
permittivity of free space) [NEET-2021]
1 E Ad 1
1)  0 EAd 2)  0 E 2 Ad 3) 4)  0 E 2
2 0 2
21. The equivalent capacitance of the combination shown in the figure is : [NEET-2021]

1. 2C 2. C / 2 3. 3C / 2 4. 3C
22. Twenty seven drops of same size are charged at 220 V each. They combine to form a bigger drop.
Calculate the potential of the bigger drop [NEET-2021]
1) 1320 V 2) 1520 V 3) 1980 V 4) 660 V

Physics Smart Booklet
23. Two hollow conducting spheres of radii R1 and R2 ( R1  R2 ) have equal charges. The potential would
be [NEET-2022]
1) more on bigger sphere 2) more on smaller sphere
3) equal on both the spheres 4) dependent on the material property of the sphere
V is more for smaller sphere
24. The peak voltage of the ac source is equal to: [NEET-2022]
1) The value of voltage supplied to the circuit 2) The rms value of the ac source
3) 2 time the rms value of the ac source 4) 1/ 2 times the rms value of the ac source
25. The angle between the electric lines of force and the equipotential surface is: [NEET-2022]
0 0 0 0
1) 0 2) 45 3) 90 4) 180
26. A capacitor of capacitance C = 900 pF is charged fully by 100 V battery B as shown in figure (a). Then it
is disconnected from the battery and connected to another uncharged capacitor of capacitance C = 900 pF
as shown in figure (b). The electrostatic energy stored by the system (b) is : [NEET-2022]

1) 4.5 10−6 J 2) 3.25 10−6 J 3) 2.25 10−6 J 4) 1.5 10−6 J

Physics Smart Booklet
1) d 2) d 3) b 4) d 5) b 6) d 7) b 8) d 9) b 10) d
11) a 12) d 13) d 14) a 15) b 16) d 17) b 18) c 19) c 20) c
21) c 22) a 23) a 24) b 25) d 26) b 27) d 28) c 29) d 30) c
31) b 32) b 33) d 34) d 35) a 36) d 37) b 38) b
1) 3 2) 2 3) 1 4) 3 5) 1 6) 2 7) 1 8) 4 9) 4 10) 3
11) 3 12) 1 13) 2 14) 3 15) 4 16) 3 17) 3 18) 4 19) 2 20) 1
21) 1 22) 2 23) 3 24) 2 25) 4 26) 3 27) 2 28) 1 29) 1 30) 4
31) 3 32) 2 33) 4 34) 2 35) 4 36) 1 37) 4 38) 3 39) 4 40) 4
41) 3 42) 3 43) 2 44) 3 45) 3 46) 4 47) 1 48) 3 49) 1 50) 1
51) 4 52) 2 53) 2 54) 4 55) 2 56) 1 57) 4 58) 1 59) 2 60) 3
61) 3 62) 1 63) 3 64) 4 65) 4


1) 1 2) 1 3) 1 4) 4 5) 1 6) 1 7) 3 8) 4 9) 2 10) 3
11) 3 12) 4 13) 2 14) 3 15) 2 16) 4 17) 3 18) 1 19) 1 20) 2
21) 1 22) 3 23) 2 24) 3 25) 3 26) 3


1. (c) Electric potential inside a conductor is constant and it is equal to that on the surface of conductor.
2. (b) At. equipotential surface, the potential is same at any point i.e., VA = VB as shown in figure. Hence no
work is required to move unit charge from one point to another i.e.,
VA − VB = =0 W =0
unit ch arg e
3. (a) The potential of uncharged body is less than that of the charged conductor and more than at infinity.
4. (c) Charge on the outer sphere = q1 = 4R 2
Charge on the inner sphere = q 2 = 4r 2
1 q1 1 q2
v= +
4 0 R 4 0 r

1  4R 2  4r 2   4 

=  +  = (R + r) = (R + r)
4 0  R r  4 0 0
5. (a) E = 500 V/m V = 3000 V.
V 3000
We know that electric field (E) = 500 = or d = = 6m
d 500

Physics Smart Booklet
6. (b) Here distance between a and +q= distance between C and −q=y1 (say);
distance between a and −q= distance between C and +q=y2
similarly , d(+q)=d(−q)=b(−q)=b(+q)=r (say)

Since y2 > y1, Va is positive Vc is negative.

Thus Va>Vb=Vd>Vc
7. (a) Let d- distance between any vertex and the center.
The potential at center before and after the charges are interchanged =
1 q 1 q 1 −q
+ +
4 d 4 d 4 d
1 q  
Field initially at center = 4 cos   from A to C
4 d 2
1 q  
Field at center after interchanging the charges = 4 cos   from C to A
4 d 2
The direction of field has changed
8. (d) In equilibrium, F = qE = ( ne ) = mg
mgd 1.96 10  9.8  0.02
n= = =3
eV 1.6 10−19  800
9. (d) V = 5 + 4x 2  = 8x --------(1)
Force on a charge is
 dV 
F = qE = q  −  = q ( −8x )
 dx 
= −2 10−6  ( −8  0.5) = 8 10−6 N
10. (c) Vsmall = k
If the radius of big drop is R,
4 4
 R3 = 1000  r 3  R = 10r
3 3
and charge of big drop, Q = 1000 q
Q 1000q q
Now Vbig = k = k = 100k = 100Vsmall
R 10r r
11. (c) Equipotential surfaces are normal to the electric field lines. The following figure
shows the equipotential surfaces along with electric field lines for a system of two positive charges.

Physics Smart Booklet
12. (a) Conceptual
13. (b) When the charge is released to move freely, the work done by electric field is equal to change in kinetic
 WEF = KE −qV = KE
KE = – 3 × 10–6 (1 – 5) = 12 × 10–6 J
14. (c) Electric potential due to charge Q placed at the centre of the spherical shell at point P is
1 Q 1 2Q
V1 = =
4 0 R / 2 4 0 R

Electric potential due to charge q on the surface of the spherical shell at any point inside the shell is
1 q
V2 =
4 0 R
 The net electric potential at point P is
1 2Q 1 q
V = V1 + V2 = +
4 0 R 4 0 R
15. (d) Let the charge on the smaller sphere be q. As the potential of both will be the same finally,
q Q−q Qr |
= or q =
r| r r + r|
16. (c)

17. (c) Due to small dipole V 
1  q1 q2  1  q2 q1 
18. (d) V1 =  r + a  and V2 = 4   r + a 
4 0 0

After solving above equations, and neglecting r2 in comparison to a, we get

r r
q1 = − ( rV2 − aV1 ) and q2 = − ( rV1 − aV2 )
a a
19. (b) Electric lines of force are always perpendicular to an equipotential surface.
20. (a) Because work is to be done by an external agent in moving a positive charge from low potential to high
potential and this work gets stored in the form of potential energy of the system. Hence, it increases.
21. (a) Here,
Hence, VA – VB = 0

Work done, W = q(VA – VB) = 0

22. (b) Charge on a particle, q = 2 e.
K.E. = work done = q × V = 2e × 106 V = 2 MeV.

Physics Smart Booklet
23. (c) Since WA →B = q(VB –VA)  VB – VA = = 4V
24. (b) Energy will be lost during transfer of charge (heating effect).
25. (d) Since the potential at each point of an equipotential surface is the same, the potential does not change
while we move a unit positive charge from one point to another. Therefore work done in the process is
26. (c) As work is done by the field, K.E. of the body increases by
K.E. = W = q(VA - VB) =10-8 (600 - 0) = 6  10-6 J
27. (b) WBA = q (VA -VB)
 Q Q  qQ  1 1 
=q − =  − 
 40 a 40 b  40  a b 
28. (a) Potential energy of the system
1 q1q 2
U = q1V1 + q 2 V2 +
4 0 r2
Now, V1 [electric potential at origin] = 0
V2 [electric potential at (3m, 0)] = 4 × 105 × 3 = 12 × 105
 U = (+200) × 10–6 × 12 × 105 + 9 × 109

( ) (
200 10−6  −200 10−6 )
= 240 − 120 = 120J
1 2eV 2 1.6 10−19  20
29. (a) eV = mv 2  v = = = 2.65 106 m / s
2 m 9.110−31
2kqQ 2k ( −q ) Q 1 2qQ  1 
30. (d) U i = + = 1− , Uf =0
a 5a 4 0 a  5
By conservation of energy
Gain in KE= loss in PE
1 2qQ  1 
K= 1− 
4 0 a  5
31. (c) potential difference=V=−4−10=−14V
Charge=q=100e =−1.6×10−17C
Now, potential difference, q
32. (b) Work done W21 = ( V1 − V2 ) q
1  Q1 Q2  1  Q2 Q 
V=  +  and V2 =  + 1 
40  R 2R  40  R 2R 

Thus, W21 =
q ( Q1 − Q 2 ) ( 2 −1)
2.4 0 R
33. (d)

34. (b) qV for q = CV

 as charge on capacitor increases means P.D. between plates increases.

Physics Smart Booklet
35. (d) Since battery remains connected so P.D. between the plates is constant. But as we introduce the
dielectric, the capacitance increases and hence charge increases.
36. (a) Due to insertion of a dielectric slab capacitance increase by K times. The potential difference, the electric
field and the stored energy decreases by 1/K times.
37. (d) increases four times
Q It V I 2
38. (c) As C = =  = = −6
= 2 106 V / s
V V t C 110
39. (d) The potential difference between the two identical metal plates is given as
 A
C= 0
Let the surface charge density is given as
1 =  2 =
The net electric field is
 −2
Enet = 1
2 0
We know the potential difference is given as
Q − Q2
By substituting the above values we get V = 1
40. (d) Capacity of parallel plate capacitor
C= r 0 (For air  r = i )
So, 0 = 8 10−12
If d → and  r → 6 then new capacitance
A A
C| = 6  0 = 12 0 = 12  8pF = 96pF
d/2 d
41. (c) Capacitance will increase but not 5 times (because dielectric is not filled completely). Hence, new
capacitance may be 200 mF.
42. (c) When charged particle enters perpendicularly in an electric field, it describes a parabolic path
1  QE  x 
y=   
2  m  4 

This is the equation of parabola.

43. (b) The magnitude of electric field by any one plate is

 Q
2 0 2A 0
Now force magnitude is Q E i.e. F =
44. (c) q1 = C1V = 10  12 = 120mC

Physics Smart Booklet
q2 = C2V = KC1  V = 5  10  12 = 600  C
Additional charge that flows = q2 - q1 = 600 -120 = 480  C.
q q V C0 C 500 20
45. (c) V0 = V=  =  0 = =
C0 C V0 C C 75 3
C = kC0  k = By definition,
46. (d) As the permittivity of dielectric varies linearly from ε1at one plate to ε2at the other, it is governed by
  − 
equation, k =  2 1  x + 1 consider a small element of thickness dx at a distance x from plate. Then
 d 
dV = 0 dx
V d  1
0 dV = 0  0 =   2 − 1  dx
  x + 1
 d 
d  
V= ln  2 
 0 (  2 − 1 )  1 
Q A  0 (  2 − 1 ) A
Q = CV  C = = =
V d    
ln  2  d ln  2 
 0 (  2 − 1 )  1   1 
47. (a)
0 A  A 2 0 A (1 + K )
Ca = and Cb = 0 =
d d d d
2 2K
0 0 K  A
Cc = 2 + 2 = 0 (1 + K ) or C = 0 A 2 (1 + K )  C or C = 0 A 1 + K  C
b a c a
d d 2d d d 2
 C b and Cc  Ca

48. (c) If we increase the distance between the plates its capacity decreases resulting in higher potential as we
know Q = CV. Since Q is constant (battery has been disconnected), on decreasing C, V will increase.
49. (a) Volume of big drop =n× volume of small drop
4 4
 R3 − n   r 3
3 3
Capacitance of small drop, C=4πε0r
Capacitance of big drop, C=4πε0R=4πε0n1/3r ; C=n1/3C
The potential of small drop V=q/C= 4 0 r
The potential of big drop V= ( 4 0 r ) n1/3r ; V=n2/3V
∴ Energy of small drop = 2 CV2

Physics Smart Booklet
1 1 1
Energy of big drop = 2 CV2= 2 n1/3C(n2/3V)2=n5/3 2 CV2
Energy(big drop ) n5/3
 =
Energy( small drop ) 1
K0 A
50. (a) Increase, because C =
51. (d) As we know,
Total ch arg e
Common potential =
Total capacity
C V +0 V
Q1 = C0 V1 , Q 2 = 0 , therefore V2 = 0 1 = 1
C0 + kC0 1 + k
V V V − V2
1 + k = 1 or k = 1 − 1 = 1
V2 V2 V2
52. (b) The equivalent capacitance of n identical capacitors of capacitance C is equal to nC. Energy stored in
this capacitor
1 1
E = ( nC ) V 2 = nCV 2
2 2

53. (b) The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor in which a metal plate of thickness t is inserted is given by
A A
C = 0 . Here t → 0  C = 0
d−t d
54. (d) The work done is stored as the potential energy. The potential energy stored in a capacitor is given by
1 Q 2 1 ( 8 10 )
−18 2

U= =  = 32 10−32 J
2 C 2 100 10−6
55. (b) In parallel, potential is same, say V
Q1 C1V C1
= =
Q2 C2 V C2
56. (a) C = equivalent capacitance
1 1 1 1
 = + +  C = 1F
C 2 3 6
Charge in series circuit will be same.
 q = CV = (1  10-6)  10 = 10  C
 Charge across ‘3μF’ capacitor will be 10μC.
57. (d) Initial charge on capacitors C1 and C2 is given by,
q1 = C1V1 = 60 pC q2 = C2V2 = 60pC
When S1 and S3 are closed, capacitors C1 and C2 get connected in series. As a result charge on them should
be same and so the charge do not redistribute on them. So potential on them remains same.

Physics Smart Booklet
58. (a) Equivalent capacitance of two parallel capacitors 10μF and 6μF=(10+6)μF=16μF This 16μF capacitor
is in series combination with 4μF capacitor,
16  4 64
= = = 3.2 F
∴ Equivalent capacitance of the entire combination = 16 + 4 20
1 1
59. (b) Energy stored = CV 2 = 1.068 10−9 1502 = 1.2 10−5 J
2 2
  8   2

6   
KA   100   0
C= =  
 110 −3

64 8.85 10−12
C = 6   −3
= ( 6    64  8.85) 10−12−4+3
101 10
= 10676.38 10 = 1.0676 10−9
60. (c) Electrostatic energy of a condenser lies in the field in between the plates of the condenser.
61. (c) Potential drop across C1 is maximum. Hence, energy stored in C1 is maximum as energy  (potential
62. (a) The equivalent capacitance

1 1 1 1 11 10
= + + =  Ceq = F
Ceq 2 2 2  5 10 11
63. (c) As Q = CV, (Q1)max = 10 × 6 × 103 = 6mC
While (Q2)max = 3 × 10–6 × 4 × 103 = 12mC
However in series charge is same so maximum charge on C2 will also be 6 mC (and not 12 mC) and potential
difference across it V2 = 6mC/3  F = 2kV and as in
series V = V1 + V2 so Vmax = 6kV + 2kV = 8kV
64. (d) Start with C2 and C4 in parallel, then C2 in series, then C5 in parallel, then C1 in series and finally C6 in
65. (d) Let there are three capacitors with capacitances C1, C2, C3 respectively and C1 is removed.
1 1 1 1
In first case, = + + -----------(1)
Ceq1 C1 C2 C3
1 1 1
= +
Ceq 2 C2 C3
In second case, ------(2)
1 1 1
= +
Ceq1 C1 Ceq 2
From (1) and (2),
1 1 1
= +
or 4 C1 6 or C1 = 12  F


1. (a) Electrostatic force between the metal plates

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Fplate =
2 A 0
For isolated capacitor Q = constant
Clearly, F is independent of the distance between plates.
2. (a) As the regions are of equipotential, so Work done W = qV
 V is same in all the cases hence work - done will also be same in all the cases.
3. (a) When battery is replaced by another uncharged capacitor
As uncharged capacitor is connected parallel
q +q q+0 V
So, C| = 2C and Vc = 1 2 ; Vc =  Vc =
C1 + C2 C+C 2

Initial Energy of system, Ui = CV 2 ---------(i)
1 V
Final energy of system, U f = ( 2C )   -------(i)
2 2
1 1 1
= CV 2   ; From equation (i) and (ii), U f = U i
2 2 2
i.e., Total electrostatic energy of resulting system decreases by a factor of 2
4. (d) When S and 1 are connected
The 2  F capacitor gets charged. The potential difference across its plates will be V.
The potential energy stored in 2  F capacitor
1 1
Ui = CV 2 =  2  V 2 = V 2
2 2
When S and 2 are connected
The 8  F capacitor also gets charged. During this charging process current flows in the wire and some
amount of energy is dissipated as heat. The energy loss is
1 C1C 2
U = ( V1 − V2 )

2 C1 + C 2
Here, C1 = 2F, C 2 = 8F, V1 = V, V2 = 0
1 28 4
U =  ( V − 0) = V2

2 2+8 5
4 2
U 5
The percentage of the energy dissipated = 100 = 2 100 = 80%
Ui V
5. (a) Force of attraction between the plates, F = qE
 q q2 c 2 v 2 cv 2
= q =q = = =
2 0 2A 0  0 A  2cd 2d
2 d
 d 
 A
Here, c = 0 , q = cv, A = area
6. (a) Potential in a region
V = 6xy – y + 2yz

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As we know the relation between electric potential and
electric field is E =
 V ˆ V ˆ V ˆ 
E= i+ j+ k
 x y z 
( )
E =  6yiˆ + ( 6x − 1 + 2z ) ˆj + ( 2y ) kˆ 
 
( ˆ ˆ )
E (1,1,0 ) = − 6i + 5j + 2k ˆ
7. (c) Capacitance of the capacitor, C =
After inserting the dielectric, new capacitance C| =
New potential difference
V| =
1 Q2
u i = cv 2 = ( Q = cV )
2 2C
Q 2 Q 2 C2 V 2  u i 
uf = = = = 
2f 2kc 2KC  k 
1 1 
u = u f − u i = cv 2  − 1
2 k 
As the capacitor is isolated, so change will remain conserved p.d. between two plates of the capacitor
L= =
V ˆ V ˆ V ˆ
8 (d) E = − i− j− j
x y z
= − ( 6 − 8y ) ˆi + ( −8x − 8 + 6z ) ˆj + ( 6y ) kˆ 
 
At (1, 1, 1) E = 2iˆ + 10jˆ − 6kˆ
( )
 E = 22 + 102 + 62 = 140 = 2 35
 F = qE = 2  2 35 = 4 35
9. (b) Due to conducting sphere
At centre, electric field E = 0
And electric potential V =
4 0 R
10. (c) Electric field, E 
As K1 < K2 so E1 > E2
Hence graph (c) correctly dipicts the variation of electric field E with distance d.
11. U initial = CV 2
C.C 1
Loss = (V − 0 ) = CV 2

2 (C + C ) 4

Physics Smart Booklet
CV 2
% Loss = 4 100 = 50%
1 2
12. Vin = VS = and Vout = (r  R )
R r

0 A
13. CO =
0 A 0 A 8 0 A 8
CK = = = = CO
t d d 5 d 5
d−t+ d− +
k 2 8
KP cos  9 109 16 109  cos 600
14. V= ; V =
( 0.6 )

 = 600
9 16 
V= 2 ; V = 72 ; V = 200V
0.36 0.36

15. Through out the volume electric potential is constant

V = constant  dV = 0
E = =0
0 A
= 6 F …. (1)
16. d
= 30 F ….. (2)
( 2) =  = 5 = 5 0
(1) 0
= 5  8.85 10−12 = 44.25 1012  0.44 10−10 C 2 N −1m−2
17. having a permanent electric dipole moment

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q1 R1
18. For same potential =
q2 R2
 1 q1 R22 R2
= . =
 2 q2 R12 R1
19. u = −PE cos = PE
1 1 0 A 2 2 1
V 2  .E d = 0 E 2 Ad
20. 2 ; 2 d 2
21. 3rd capacitor is short circuited ; Ceq=2C
22. Electric potential due to a charged sphere =
k = 9 × 109 N–m2/C2
Q : charge on sphere
R : Radius of sphere
Let charge and radius of smaller drop is q and r respectively
For smaller drop, V = = 220V
Let R be radius of bigger drop,
4  4
As volume remains the same   r 3   27 =  R 3  R = 3 27r = 3r
3  3
Now, using charge conservation,
 Q = 27q
kQ k ( 27q )  kq 
Vbig drop = = = 9   = 9  200 = 1980V
R 3r  r 
23. V
24. Vrms = 0
V0 = 2 Vrms
25. Electric lines of force are perpendicular to equipotential surface
 = 900
26. Common potential (V ')
CV + 0 V 100
V '= = = = 50V
2C 2 2
Energy stored in the system
CV 2 900 10  (100 )
−12 2
1 1 2
CV1  2 =  CV1   2 =
= = 2.25 10−6 J
2 2  4 4


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