The Annotated Art of War
The Annotated Art of War
The Annotated Art of War
Sun Tzu was a Chinese General around 500 BC who wrote a short treatise on warfare, called The Art of War. Across the years it has been highly
influential and there are few military strategist now who have not studied it.
The pages below cover a set of related parts of each chapter, giving them a collective name. It is based on the 1910 translation by Lionel Giles and adds
a commentary on it, including notes about business application and the underlying psychology and leadership principles.
Chapter 5. Energy
Parts 5.12: Large and Small
Parts 5.36: Direct and Indirect
Parts 5.711: Combination
Parts 5.1215: Decision
Parts 5.1618: Apparent Disorder
Parts 5.1920: Deceit
Parts 5.2123: Combined Energy
See also
The 36 Stratagems, in Detail, The Six Secret Teachings
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