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Vitamins: structures and

Lecture contents

1) Introduction to vitamins
2) Composition of vitamins
3) Classification of vitamins
4) Fat-soluble vitamins: structure and functions
5) Water-soluble vitamins and functions
6) Coenzymes and functions
7) Minerals and functions

Introduction to vitamins

1) Vitamins are organic compounds required by the body in small amounts

for metabolism, protection, maintenance of health, and proper growth
2) They cannot be synthesized by the body. Must be obtained by outside
sources like diet, rumen of bacteria & sun.
3) Vitamins also assist in the formation of hormones, blood vessels, nervous
system chemicals and genetic materials
4) They generally act as catalysts, combining with proteins to create
metabolically active enzymes that are essential for life reactions
5) Without enzymes, many of the reactions essential to life would slow down
Composition Of Vitamins
Vitamins are of different chemical nature. These are alcohols,
aldehydes, organic acids, their derivatives, and nucleotide derivatives.

Classification Of Vitamins
1) Vitamins are classified according to their ability to be absorbed in fat
or water
1. Fat Soluble Vitamins: these are oily and hydrophobic compounds,
they are stored in the liver and not excreted out of the body. Bile salts
and fats are needed for their absorption. Vitamins A,D,E and K are fat
2. Water Soluble Vitamins: Vitamin B complex and Vitamin C are water
soluble. They are not stored in the body and, therefore are required
daily in small amounts.

Classification Of Vitamins

Fat Soluble Vitamins: Water Soluble Vitamins:

stored in tissues not stored in tissues, must have constant
Examples supply
D Examples
E B, B1, B2, B6 & B12
A Niacin
K Folic Acid
Fat-soluble Vitamins
1) Vitamin A
Vitamin A is a pale yellow primary
alcohol derived from carotene.
It include Retinol (alcoholic form),
Retinal (aldehyde form) and
Retinoic acid ( acidic form) ‫ يجي‬A ‫مصدر لفاينت‬ ‫اهم‬
Sources: leafy green vegetables, carrots,
orange and yellow vegetables, tomato
products, fruits, and some vegetable
deficiency: inflamed skin, night
blindness, infertility, delayed growth and
respiratory infections

2) Vitamin D (Calciferol)
This comprises a group of fat soluble
sterol found naturally in few foods. The
two major physiologically relevant
forms of vitamin D are D2
(ergocalciferol) and D3 (cholecalciferol)
•Sources: Vitamin D production in the Deficiency: Getting illnesses or infections
skin is the primary natural source of more often.
Feeling tired or fatigued.
vitamin D, but many people have Hair loss.
insufficient levels because they live in Muscle pain.
places where sunlight is limited. Lower back pain.
Sources: oily fish, including salmon, Feelings of depression or low mood.
mackerel, and sardines, egg. Wounds that heal slowly following
surgery, infection or injury.
3) Vitamin K
Also called phylloquinone or anti-
hemorrhagic vitamin or coagulation
vitamin. Vitamin K is a complex
unsaturated hydrocarbon found in two
forms, vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) and
vitamin K2 (Menaquinone)
Sources: green leafy vegetables, such as
broccoli and spinach, vegetable oils,
Cereal grains.
Deficiency: bruises easily, gets small blood clots
underneath their nails.
bleeds in mucous membranes that line areas
inside the body.
produces stool that looks dark black (almost
like tar) and contains some blood.

Water Soluble Vitamins

1) These include the B-vitamins and vitamin C

2) They are soluble in water and can therefore be excreted in the urine
3) They share few common properties besides their solubility
4) Most of these vitamins act as coenzymes
Water Soluble Vitamins
1) Vitamin B1(thiamine)
It is a colorless and crystalline substance
Addition of a pyrophosphate(ppi) from
ATP converts it to thiamine
pyrophosphate (TPP), the coenzyme for
all decarboxylation of alpha ketoacids.
Source: Fortified breakfast cereals Pork,
Fish, Beans, lentils, Green peas.
Enriched cereals, breads, noodles, rice.
Sunflower seeds.
deficiency: fatigue, irritability, poor
memory, loss of appetite, sleep
disturbances, abdominal discomfort, and
weight loss. ‫سندرومدكتورة ومهمم‬
‫اكو مرض هنا داخل راح دزه‬
‫بري بري‬

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

It is mainly used in energy metabolism of

sugars and lipids.
Source: Eggs, organ meats, Fortified
cereals, bread, and grain products
Deficiency: fatigue, swollen throat,
blurred vision, and depression.
Pantothenic acid (Vit.B5)

Also called coenzyme, pantothenic acid is a

vitamin that forms an essential part of acyl
groups in general, including the acetyl group
derived from pyruvate
Fortified cereals.
Sources: Organ meats (liver, kidney) Beef,
Chicken breast, Mushrooms, Avocados, Nuts,
seeds, Dairy milk.
Vitamin B5 deficiency: is rare, but may
include symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia,
depression, irritability, vomiting, stomach
pains, burning feet, and upper respiratory

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)

Vit.B6 exists in three forms:

Pyridoxine, Pyridoxal and
Pyridoxamine and their
corresponding phosphates
Source: Beef liver, Tuna, Salmon, Fortified cereals.
Vitamin B6 deficiency is associated with
microcytic anemia, electroencephalographic
abnormalities, dermatitis with cheilosis
(scaling on the lips and cracks at the corners of
the mouth) and glossitis (swollen tongue),
depression and confusion, and weakened
immune function.
Vitamin B7 (Biotin)

Biotin is a vitamin and a

coenzyme commonly associated with enzyme
Performing carboxylation reactions ‫تجيب الشكل وتريد‬
Biotin is also known as “anti-egg white injury
factor” or as H-factor.
Source: walnuts, peanuts, cereals, milk, and egg
Biotin deficiency is rare in humans because
biotin is widely available in foods, and the
“good” gut bacteria can usually synthesize
more biotin than the body needs. Signs of
deficiency include hair loss or alopecia. a scaly,
red rash around the eyes, nose, mouth, and

VITAMIN B9 or M or Bc
(Folic acid) defiency: megaloblastic anemia (a condition
arising from a lack of folate in the diet or
The active form of acid is poor absorption that produces less red
tetrahydrofolate (THF), which is a Coenzymes blood cells, and larger in size than normal);
derived from the vitamin folic acid participates weakness, fatigue; irregular heartbeat;
in the generation and utilization of single- shortness of breath; difficulty concentrating;
carbon functional groups, methyl, methylene, hair loss; pale skin; mouth sores.
and formyl. ‫الحوامل ليش يزداد عدها‬
‫الن الحوامل تحتاج الفولك األسد بكميات اكبر‬
Source: Dark green leafy vegetables (turnip ‫لتكوين خاليا جديدة‬
‫معلومة مهمة جايه‬
greens, spinach, romaine lettuce, asparagus, ‫باالمتحان‬

Brussels sprouts, broccoli), Beans, Peanuts,

Sunflower seeds., Fresh fruits, fruit juices.
Whole grains, Liver, Aquatic foods.
Vitamin B12

The metal cobalt in vitamin B12 is coordinated with a

tetrapyrole ring system, called a corin ring, which is
similar to the porphyrin Ring of heme compounds.
B12 requiring reactions involve methyl group
transfer and adenosylcobalamindependent
Sources: meat, fish, milk, Cheese, eggs, some fortified
breakfast cereals.
Deficiency: neurological symptoms),
including: numbness, muscle
weakness. psychological problems, which can
range from mild depression or anxiety, to
confusion and dementia.

Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)

It is a water-soluble Vitamin, It is essential for

the hydroxylation of proline and lysine in the
formation of Collagen. Collagen is a fibrous
protein with myriad connective and supportive
Source: Citrus fruits, tomatoes or tomato juice,
and potatoes are major contributors of vitamin
C. Other good food sources include red and
green peppers and kiwifruit.
A major vitamin C deficiency (consuming less
than 7mg per day, which equates to around one
segment of orange, for more than 4 weeks) can
result in scurvy. This condition involves bone
and blood vessel disease, bleeding in the hands
and feet, and in extreme cases, death.

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