NTI OLYMPIAD Science Class 2
NTI OLYMPIAD Science Class 2
NTI OLYMPIAD Science Class 2
Pa ern and Marking Scheme
Grade Topic/Sec on No. of Ques ons Marks per Ques on Total Marks
Grade 2 Prac cal Science 30 1 30
Achiever's Sec on 10 2 20
Grand Total 40 50
The total dura on of the exam is 60 minutes.
Prac cal Science (Each Ques on is 1 Mark)
1. Which of the following living thing(s) cannot move from one place to another by itself ?
2. Which of the following things cannot grow, become old and then die ?
8. Which of the among these are flightless bird ?
I am a complete food.
I makes your bones strong.
A newborn baby drinks only
Who am I ?
(a) Water (b) Juice (c) Milk (d) Soup
15. Which one among the following is the healthy food ?
19. The main aim of giving first aid is to
(a) save lives
(b) keep the person comfortable ll medical help arrives
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
20. In which of the following ac vi es children are following safety rules ?
26. Who will used to following tools ?
The shadow is formed is every me zone. At what me, the shadow will be longest ?
(a) At noon (b) During morning
(c) During evening (d) Both during morning and evening
29. Earth is also known as 'Blue planet" because of
(a) air (b) water
(c) land (d) gas
30. Which statement is wrong about Sun and Star ?
(a) They both are star (b) They have their own light
(c) They differ in shape (d) All statements are wrong
Iden fy P and Q.
(a) Moon Earth
(b) Star Moon
(c) Earth Moon
(d) Moon Star
32. Match the following columns.
Column I Column II
A. Gorilla Cave
B. Snake Den
C. Tiger Hole
D. Bear Open places
(a) 4 3 1 2 (b) 2 1 3 4
(c) 1 3 2 4 (d) 4 3 2 1
33. Study the give Venn diagram and select the correct op on regarding it.
(a) T-shirt (b) Floor map
(b) Raincoat (d) None of these
(36) Which of the following is not a milk product ?