HIT HITARTH Jayesh Project

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 CErtIfICatE
 aCkNowlEDgEmENt
 INtroDuCtIoN
 aCtIoN plaN
 tourISm IN INDIa
 tYpE of tourISm IN INDIa
 tourISm DEVElopmENt IN INDIa
 aDVaNtagE of tourISm IN INDIa
 DISaDVaNtagES of tourISm IN INDIa
 promotINg tourISm IN INDIa
 famouS pEoplE INtErVIEwS
 CoNCluSIoN
 group rEflECtIoN
 BIBlIograpHY
This is to certify that the students Thakkar Hitarth, Thakkar
Hit, Modi Jayesh, Chaudhary Pelabhai of Class 12th Science
of School Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Banaskantha has
successfully completed and submitted project entitled
‘Current Geographical Issues and Development of Tourism
in India’under the guidance of Mr. Nikhil Chaudhari (PGT
English) during the academic year 2023-24 according to latest
guideline by CBSE, New Delhi.
This project is genuine and helpful for the students.
The reference of different sources taken in making this
project has been declared at the end of this project.

Subject Teacher Principal

Vice Principal
1. What are the current geographical issues faced by India in the
development of tourism?
2. How do these issues impact the growth of tourism in India?
3. What initiatives have been carried out by the Indian
government to address these issues?
4. What are some popular tourist destinations in India?
5. What is the importance of sustainable tourism in India?
6. What are the advantages of tourism in India?
7. What are the disadvantages of tourism in India?
8. What is the importance of promoting sustainable tourism in
9. What are some of the challenges faced by the Indian tourism

10.What is the impact of tourism on the Indian economy?

11. What are the social and cultural impacts of tourism in India?

12.What are the environmental impacts of tourism in India?

13.How can sustainable tourism be promoted in India?

aCtIoN plaN
We gathered information from website
India is a country with diverse geographical features and a
rich cultural heritage. However, it faces several challenges in
the development of its tourism industry. Some of the
current geographical issues that affect tourism in India are:
 Climate change: It has led to changes in weather
patterns and has caused extreme weather events such as
floods, droughts, and heatwaves.

 Pollution: Air pollution, water pollution, and noise

pollution are some of the major environmental issues
that affect tourism in India.

 Natural disasters: India is prone to natural disasters

such as earthquakes, landslides, and cyclones, which can
cause significant damage to the tourism industry.

 Infrastructure: Lack of proper infrastructure such as

roads, airports, and hotels can hinder the growth of
tourism in India.
To address these issues, Some of the
action plans that can be implemented
 Sustainable tourism: Encouraging sustainable tourism
practices such as eco-tourism, responsible tourism, and
community-based tourism can help in preserving the
environment and promoting local culture.

 Infrastructure development: Developing proper

infrastructure such as roads, airports, and hotels can help
in attracting more tourists to the country.

 Marketing and promotion: Promoting India’s tourism

potential through various marketing and promotional
activities can help in attracting more tourists to the

 Disaster management: Developing a robust disaster

management system can help in mitigating the impact of
natural disasters on the tourism industry.
tYpES of tourISm IN INDIa:
tYpES of tourISm IN INDIa: In India, many types of tourism play
major economic importance for rapid development. The types of tourism
in India are as follows: -

1.aDVENturE tourISm - Adventure tourism has recently

grown in India. This involves exploration of remote areas and
locales and engaging in various activities like trekking, paragliding,
bungee jumping, etc.

2.wIlDlIfE tourISm - India has a rich forest cover which has

some beautiful species of wildlife, some of which are even
endangered and very rare. These places are also the best tourist
spots for birdwatching.

3.wEllNESS tourISm - India is one of the top places in the

world known for wellness. Yoga, Meditation and Ayurveda are the
oldest and most effective ways of treatment. Both domestic and
international tourists explore those methods

4.Dark tourISm - India's many travelling spots are included in

the category of dark tourism. Dark tourism is connected with places
that have experienced death, pain and mystery. It is popular for
those who are interested in history and want to discover dark untold
past stories.
India is a country with a great potential for tourism. Bounded
by the Himalayan ranges in the north and surrounded by the
Arabian sea, Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean, India offers a
wide array of places to see and things to do. India serves as
the hub of different cultures and languages within it and has
always attracted domestic and international tourists.

Things have now started looking bright for the Indian tourism
industry. However, the Indian tourism industry has been hit
by pollution. The condition of many of our monuments is
deteriorating due to the negligence of the concerned
authorities. The natural environment and heritage sites
remain a source of attraction as long as these are not damaged
beyond control from their degradation or pollution.

Tourism has played a very vital role in reviving India's art and
culture. According to the latest estimates of the world travel
and tourism council, this industry is expected to generate
about 6 percent of India's total employment. Tourists from
foreign countries show a keen interest in the rich culture and
heritage of India and this boosts the morale of the small
artisans and adds to their novelty.
group rEflECtIoN
Our group was tasked with researching the development of tourism
in India. We found that India has a rich cultural heritage and
diverse geography, which makes it an attractive destination for
tourists. However, we also discovered that there are several
challenges that need to be addressed to ensure sustainable tourism
development in the country.
One of the main challenges is the lack of infrastructure in many
parts of the country. This includes inadequate transportation, poor
sanitation facilities, and limited access to clean water. These issues
can make it difficult for tourists to travel around the country and
can negatively impact their experience.
Another challenge is the negative impact of tourism on the
environment. Many popular tourist destinations in India are facing
issues such as pollution, deforestation, and loss of biodiversity. This
can have long-term consequences for the environment and the local
communities that depend on it.
Despite these challenges, we believe that there are several
opportunities for sustainable tourism development in India. For
example, the government can invest in infrastructure development
to improve transportation and sanitation facilities. Additionally,
there is a need for greater awareness and education about
sustainable tourism practices among tourists and local
Overall, our group found that the development of tourism in India
is a complex issue that requires a multi-faceted approach. By
addressing the challenges and opportunities, we believe that India
can achieve sustainable tourism development that benefits both
tourists and local communities.

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