Topic 4
Topic 4
Topic 4
Risk pricing
A good risk and return model should…
1. It should come up with a measure of risk that applies to all
assets and not be asset-specific.
2. It should clearly delineate what types of risk are rewarded
and what are not, and provide a rationale for the
3. It should come up with standardized risk measures, i.e., an
investor presented with a risk measure for an individual
asset should be able to draw conclusions about whether the
asset is above-average or below-average risk.
4. It should translate the measure of risk into a rate of return
that the investor should demand as compensation for
bearing the risk.
5. It should work well not only at explaining past returns, but3
also in predicting future expected returns.
The Capital Asset Pricing Model
Investors who buy an asset expect to earn returns over the time horizon
that they hold the asset. Their actual returns over this holding period
may be very different from the expected returns, and it is this difference
between actual and expected returns that is a source of risk.
=>For example, expected returns of T-bills
An investor buys the stocks of HPG. This investor, having done his
research, may conclude that he can make an expected return of 15%
over one-year holding period. The actual return over this period will
almost certainly not be equal to 15%; it might be much greater or much
Calculating risk and return using probabilities
Stock A Stock B
PA RA(%) PB RB(%)
0.05 10 0.08 12
0.25 15 0.24 18
0.4 22 0.45 28
0.25 25 0.18 32
0.05 30 0.05 38
Calculating risk and return using probabilities
σ= Pi (R i −μ)2
The Mean-Variance Framework
Expected Return
How risky is HAX? A look at the past…
Mar-17 Jun-17 Sep-17 Dec-17 Apr-18 Jul-18 Oct-18 Feb-19 May-19 Aug-19
Calculating risk and return using historical data
Jan-18 11.32% -23.20%
Feb-18 -5.15% 2.67%
Mar-18 -3.36% 1.82%
Apr-18 -31.62% -2.05%
May-18 -13.78% -0.78%
Jun-18 7.48% -3.55%
Calculating risk and return using historical data
σni=1(𝑅𝑖 −μ)2
The Effects of Diversification
The Effects of Diversification
The Effects of Diversification
The Effects of Diversification
The Effects of Diversification
Year S T
2016 6.6% 24.5%
2017 5.6% -5.9%
2018 -9% 19.9%
2019 12.6% -7.8%
2020 14% 14.8%
Aswath Damodaran 19
Mean-Variance Models Measuring Market Risk
The CAPM model
In the CAPM world, where all investors hold the market portfolio, the
risk to an investor of an individual asset will be the risk that this asset
adds to the market portfolio.
Intuitively, if an asset moves independently of the market portfolio, it
will not add much risk to the market portfolio. In other words, most of
the risk in this asset is firm-specific and can be diversified away.
In contrast, if the correlation coefficient between this asset and the
market portfolio is 1, it will add risk to the market portfolio. This asset
has more market risk and less firm-specific risk. Statistically, this
added risk is measured by the covariance of the asset with the market
Mean-Variance Models Measuring Market Risk
The CAPM model
Aswath Damodaran 24
Why the CAPM persists…
The CAPM, notwithstanding its many critics and limitations, has survived as
the default model for risk in equity valuation and corporate finance. The
alternative models that have been presented as better models (APM,
Multifactor model..) have made inroads in performance evaluation but not in
prospective analysis because:
• The alternative models (which are richer) do a much better job than the CAPM in
explaining past return, but their effectiveness drops off when it comes to
estimating expected future returns (because the models tend to shift and change).
• The alternative models are more complicated and require more information than
the CAPM.
• For most companies, the expected returns you get with the the alternative models
is not different enough to be worth the extra trouble of estimating four additional
Aswath Damodaran 25
Regression Estimates of Betas
Aswath Damodaran 26