Ramalho Lipid Nano Revised3
Ramalho Lipid Nano Revised3
Ramalho Lipid Nano Revised3
dynamics simulations
Departamento de Química, Universidade de Évora, R. Romão Ramalho, 59, 7000-
671 Évora,
School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh.
email: [email protected]
accepted if required according to the journal that you are submitting your paper
Current address: Biomedical Research Foundation Academy of Athens 4, Soranou
Ephessiou, 115 27 Athens
In this article we investigate fluid-gel transformations of a DPPC lipid bilayer in the
the core of the bilayer and a 6nm charged nanoparticle located at the interface
between the bilayer and water phase. Both negatively and positively charged
presence of all types of nanoparticles induces disorder effects in the structure of the
lipid bilayer. These effects are characterized using computer visualization of the gel
parameters. The 3nm hydrophobic nanoparticle immersed in the bilayer core and the
I. Introduction
nanoparticles from a variety of starting materials and with a well controlled geometry,
size distribution and surface chemistry opened new and unprecedented opportunities
in using these nanoparticles for drug delivery, imaging and as antimicrobial agents.
the morphology of nanoparticles (size, shape), surface chemistry and charge as well as
the characteristics of the environment, including type of the cell membrane, pH, and
interaction with other biological entities present in the system. For example, in an
intriguing study of Verma and co-workers, it was demonstrated that the internalization
nanoparticles with the surface featuring ordered hydrophobic and hydrophilic stripes
were able to translocate through the cell membrane via some direct mechanism,
molecular level and precisely how it is initiated by the regular surface patterns remain
was shown that hydrophobic nanoparticles tend to accumulate inside lipid bilayers,
and, if present in sufficient concentrations (more than 15:1 w/w DPPC/nanoparticle
ratios), lead to a lowered melting temperature of the gel phase. In another example,
have been investigated by Wang and co-workers3. Their results suggest, that charged
charged nanoparticles inducing local gelation in the fluid bilayers, whereas positively
charged nanoparticles cause local fluidization (disordering) in the gel phase. The
Roiter et al., using AFM measurements4. It was shown that silica nanoparticles in a
particular size range (between 1.2nm and 22nm) can cause formation of holes and
model lipid bilayer patches with which they interact. Depending on the size, these
patches should contain between a hundred and several thousands of lipid molecules.
With a typical hydration regime of about 30-50 water molecules per lipid, the model
should thus include between thousands and tens of thousands of water molecules.
Routine exploration of the systems of this size is impracticable within fully atomistic
interactions with a lipid membrane have been proposed over the years, including
those based on the Helfrich Hamiltonian and mean field theories 5-11. However, these
methods often omit important finer details on the structure of the membrane, solvent
and other properties. Alternatively, coarse-grained (CG) models have recently been
these models several atoms are represented as a single interaction site, and both
implicit and explicit solvent models have been developed. The models have been
vesicles and micelles, as well as interaction of these entities with other species such as
cholesterol, peptides and proteins13,14. Recently, several studies have emerged with a
particular focus on bilayer and vesicle interaction with nanotubes, fullerenes and other
structure of lipid bilayers and pathways of gel phase formation in the presence of
core of a lipid bilayer and a charged nanoparticle at the surface of the bilayer. To
investigate the kinetics of fluid-gel phase transformations 24-27 and, at the same time,
has been also recently applied to study behavior of the DPPC bilayers in the presence
of several types of nanoparticles18,21,22, and thus seems to provide a unified framework
Before we formulate the objectives of this study and the anticipated outcomes,
phenomena in lipid bilayers and key observations that have emerged from the studies
MARTINI forcefield and single component DPPC bilayers as an exemplary and most
the disordered fluid phase Lα. Upon cooling, this phase undergoes a phase transition to
a gel phase Lβ, characterized, among several other available properties, by an ordered
(but not crystalline) structure, substantially lower area per lipid compared to the fluid
phase, and at the same time still substantial lateral mobility of the lipids compared to
the proper crystalline phase. Several variants of the gel phase L β have been observed
with either perpendicular average orientation of the lipid molecules to the plane of the
bilayer (Lβ) or oriented at a tilt angle (L β’). For DPPC, the fluid-gel transition
fluid to gel phase takes place may deviate from the equilibrium phase transition
the nucleation theory approach, requires formation of a gel domain of a critical size.
Within the kinetic theory formalism it is possible to show that the lower the
temperature of the system is (compared to the transition temperature), the smaller the
size of the critical domain. The time required for the formation of the critical domain
(or nucleus) also decreases with the increasing degree of subcooling. In the opposite
process, melting of a gel occurs through the formation and development of defects,
which according to some theoretical considerations may also involve formation of an
As a result, the phase transformation from fluid to gel and from gel to fluid
they depend on a number of parameters of the system, including heating and cooling
regimes, with the system often trapped in various types of metastable states,
of the CG model of DPPC bilayer, Marrink and co-workers observed that the
temperature at which phase transformation takes place depends on the system size and
the simulation time25. It is lower than the true phase transition temperature for
higher than the phase transition temperature for the cases where the system is heated
to undergo melting; but in both cases the transformation temperature approaches the
actual bulk phase coexistence temperature (which is estimated to be 295K for DPPC
within the employed coarse-grained model25) as the system size and simulation time
are increased.
fluid-gel transformation rather than attempt to identify the location of the true phase
of the new phase and this is what we explore, along with the structural characteristics
II. Methodology
All species in this study are described using the coarse-grained model of lipids and
this forcefield every four heavy atoms (i.e. not hydrogens) are represented by one
effective bead of 0.47nm in diameter (with an exception made for the ring structures).
There are four primary types of beads representing different levels of interaction,
specifically polar (P), apolar (C), nonpolar (N), and charged (Q). Within each primary
type, several subtypes are available to describe more accurately the overall chemical
and different levels of polarity. Within this description, polar particles are attracted to
each other more strongly than to hydrophobic particles and this captures the effect of
using particles of type Q bearing an appropriate charge. Full details of the forcefield
along with the validation case studies are available in the original publications26, 27.
Using this model we consider a system of 4096 DPPC lipid molecules, about
120000 water molecules (with the exact number depending on the system) and either
one, or no nanoparticles (for the bulk lipid bilayer systems). Two types of
type beads (in the MARTINI notation representing the lowest level of polarity) placed
on the surface of a 3nm (in diameter) hollow sphere (making the collision diameter of
the nanoparticle about 3.47nm). Details of the nanoparticle construction protocol can
be found in the Supplemental Information file. The rigidity of the nanoparticle and the
arrangement of the beads on the surface are maintained via a system of bonds and
distance restraints between the beads. The second type is a charged nanoparticle made
of 1108 coarse-grained beads placed on the surface of a 6nm (in diameter) hollow
sphere (making the collision diameter of the nanoparticle about 6.47nm). The
negatively charged nanoparticle has 995 C1 beads and the rest of the beads are
randomly distributed Q0 beads with -1e charge, which corresponds to the surface
charge density of -1.0 e/nm2 (comparable to the charge density of -0.91 e/nm 2,
change the charge of Q0 beads to +1e, giving the same surface charge density.
Coarse-grained models of the DPPC lipid, the 3nm nanoparticle and negatively
charged 6nm nanoparticle are shown in Figure 1 to illustrate the relative sizes of these
In this work, all simulations are performed with the GROMACS simulation
package, version 3.3.3 and 429, 30. The simulations are carried out under the periodic
system is maintained using the Berendsen thermostat with a relaxation time of 1ps 31.
The pressure of the system is maintained at 1 bar using the Berendsen barostat with a
conditions31. The non-bonded potential energy functions are cut off and shifted at
12Å, with forces smoothly decaying between 9Å and 12Å for the van der Waals
forces and from 0Å to 12Å for the electrostatic forces. The simulations are performed
using a 25fs integration time step. The effective dynamics appear to be faster in the
equivalent in the fully atomistic simulations (i.e. 1fs in the coarse-grained model
corresponds to 4fs in atomistic simulations)24,25. We do not apply this scaling and all
the values presented here for the simulation time (including the reference studies) are
consider the nanoparticle located in the core of the bilayer as shown in Figure 2, left
silver nanoparticles, embedded in the DPPC lipid bilayers 2. During all the simulations
that followed, the hydrophobic nanoparticle remained in the core of the bilayer. In the
second setup, the 6nm charged nanoparticle is placed in the bulk water phase. During
the preliminary equilibration run the nanoparticle positions itself at the bilayer
interface causing the distortion of the bilayer as shown in Figure 2, right panel.
Similar behavior is also observed for the positively charged nanoparticle (see the
Several properties are considered for the structural characterization of the lipid
alignment of lipid molecules with the bilayer normal. Here, θ is the angle between the
direction of the bond formed by two coarse-grained beads and the bilayer normal,
bilayer normal. To characterize the gel phase and to detect its formation and
Specifically, we focus on the hydrophobic beads of the lipid tails in the position
marked by the red rectangle for the DPPC molecule in Figure 1. Counted from the
lipid head, this is the second hydrophobic C-type bead in each lipid tail in the lipid
molecule and so for future reference throughout the article we call them C 2 beads. For
each leaflet of the bilayer, positions of these beads are projected on the plane. A bead
is considered to belong to the gel phase if it has exactly six neighbors and at least five
of them are within a 0.75nm distance, corresponding to the first minimum in the pair
distribution functions for these beads in the gel phase. Several clusters of the gel
phase may occur or coexist at the same time. Two beads that have been identified as
belonging to the gel phase also belong to the same cluster if they are within 0.55nm
(0.51nm in the work of Marrink and co-workers 25) distance from each other, slightly
further than the first maximum in the radial pair distribution function. In this article
we explore these properties in the bulk lipid bilayer systems and in the presence of
nanoparticles, using computer visualizations of the lipid phases, two dimensional (2D)
radial distribution functions for C2 beads of the lipid tails and order parameters.
III. Results
systems we use the following protocol. The starting configuration of the system
simulation is run for 200ns. If the phase transformation is detected during this
simulation (via monitoring of various properties of the system, such as the surface
area per lipid), the simulation continues until the formation of the gel phase is
completed. Figure 3 compares the surface area of the lipid bilayer per lipid molecule
at different temperatures for all systems considered in this study. Let us first focus on
the bulk case shown in Figure 3 as red circles. At 290K and above, the DPPC lipid
bilayer remains in the fluid phase, with the surface area per lipid linearly increasing
with temperature. As has been shown in the previous studies, the forcefield of
Marrink and co-workers adequately reproduces many properties of the lipid bilayers
(for example, for DPPC, the surface area per lipid at 323K S=0.64nm 2 obtained from
Within the employed forcefield the fluid-gel coexistence temperature has been
estimated at 295K for DPPC24. In the original study of Marrink and co-workers, the
authors noted that the temperatures of the phase transformations approach the true
transition temperature as the system size and the simulation time increase, with the
largest investigated system of 2048 lipids going from fluid to gel phase at about 285K
under 25ns of simulation time (they also looked at an even larger system of 8192
lipids, but for a specific purpose to investigate gel domains) 25. Here we consider a
system twice the size (4096 lipids), simulated on substantially longer timescales
(200ns) and this seems to bring the phase transformation temperature closer to the
phase coexistence point. The formed gel phase is characterized by the lower surface
area per lipid and higher order of the molecules as observed from the radial
distribution function g(r) for C2 beads and the structure order parameter P2 (Figure 4
In Figure 6 we visualize the structure of the fluid and gel phases using the Voronoi
analysis. The cyan color corresponds to the C 2 beads of a single lipid bilayer leaflet
that have exactly six neighbors and are in the gel phase formation, whereas other
colors correspond to C2 beads having five, seven and occasionally other number of
neighbors. The disordered structure of the fluid phase is contrasted by the ordered gel
phase, forming a single percolating cluster with only few defects (the two dislocations
Similar analysis is applied to the behavior of DPPC lipid bilayers in the presence of
nanoparticles (we predominantly focus on the 3nm hydrophobic nanoparticle and 6nm
negatively charged nanoparticle to illustrate the point). We begin with the computer
visualization of the gel phases at 278K. In the case of the hydrophobic nanoparticle,
some local disorder is induced in the direct vicinity of the nanoparticle, and the
remaining structure is similar to that of the bulk bilayer at the same temperature.
Image on the right in Figure 7 shows a computer visualization of the gel phase in the
presence of the negatively charged nanoparticle at the surface of the bilayer. Again,
beads in the gel formation are cyan and disordered arrangements of particles use other
colors, depending on the number of neighbors for each bead. Although, this leaflet is
the one that is further away from the nanoparticle (i.e. not the one the nanoparticle
actually touches), it is clear that the presence of the nanoparticle induces disorder in
its vicinity and throughout the bilayer. Radial distribution functions provide an
alternative way to examine the local disorder effects caused by the presence of
nanoparticles. This analysis is presented in Figure 8. The black lines in both left and
right panels of the figure correspond to the 2D radial distribution function for C 2
beads in the pure lipid bilayer at 278K. The red lines correspond to the same functions
within a 6nm by 6nm patch around (in the case of the embedded nanoparticle) or
under the nanoparticle (if it is at the surface) whereas the blue lines are the radial
nanoparticle. From this figure, the radial distribution functions reflect disorder in the
direct vicinity of a nanoparticle compared to the pure bilayer. With a larger portion of
the system included in the analysis, this function approaches the pure bilayer values.
From the first maximum of the blue line, it is also evident that this trend is somewhat
We focus on just three order parameters, between the choline group and the
phosphate group (NC3-PO4) and for the two last bonds of one of the lipid tail chains
(C2A-C3A and C3A-C4A bonds), averaged over multiple system realizations. This
analysis is shown in Figure 9. In this figure, zero value of x-axis corresponds to the
projection of the center of mass of the nanoparticle on the plane of the bilayer. This
figure shows that right under the nanoparticle or in its direct vicinity the values of the
selected order parameters deviate significantly from the bulk reference values and
approach zero, indicating complete disorder of the structure. The most significant
deviations from the bulk values are observed on the length scale comparable to the
size of the nanoparticle (3-4nm in the figure). Again, these effects seem to be
somewhat more pronounced for the larger nanoparticle at the surface of the bilayer
(right panel in Figure 9), compared to the smaller nanoparticle in the core of the
bilayer (left panel in Figure 9). In both cases, the order parameters for C 2A-C3A and
C3A-C4A never fully reach the bulk values. This is associated with the defects present
in the system.
We also briefly explore the effect of the nanoparticle presence on the fluid-gel
gel phase cluster as a function of time at 284K. Large oscillations of the cluster size
which can be observed, for example, towards the end of the simulation with the 6nm
negatively charged nanoparticle, are associated with the fluctuations in the system
volume and the percolated cluster being temporarily split by the periodic boundary. If
we focus on the time elapsed between 10 and 50ns, one may notice that the rate of the
gel phase growth (the slope of the line) is higher for the bulk lipid bilayer case,
compared to that in the presence of nanoparticles. This effect is rather small for the
pronounced for the negatively charged nanoparticle at the bilayer surface (red line in
Figure 10). Computer visualizations of the various states of the system on its way to
the gel phase formation may also provide some useful insights on the details of this
process. These are shown in Figure 11 for the bulk system, and for the systems with
the 3nm nanoparticle in the bilayer core and 6nm negatively charged nanoparticle at
the bilayer surface. At 14ns, all three systems feature a broad distribution of clusters.
In case of the bulk system, the critical nucleus seems to have already formed (in the
lower right region of the system) and is growing. At 110ns and beyond all three
systems are predominantly in the gel phase forming a percolated cluster with several
defects still present. As has been noted before, complete elimination of these defects
may take an extremely long simulation time 32. Presence of these defects explains
some variation in the surface area values for the gel phase in different systems
considered here (Figure 3). At 70ns one may notice that when the nanoparticles are
present, the defects in the structure are grouped around and emanating from the
Finally, we return to Figure 3, which summarizes the behavior of the lipid bilayer
surface area per lipid molecule as a function of temperature for all systems. From this
nanoparticle at the bilayer surface does not significantly impact the fluid-gel
transformation and it takes place at 288K, the same temperature as for the bulk bilayer
the bilayer, however, delays formation of the gel phase, shifting the location of the
fluid-gel transformation to a lower temperature of 284K (under the given protocol).
This is consistent with the slower growth of the gel phase in the presence of the
negatively charged nanoparticle presented in Figure 10. The question arises whether
cooling process, or they reflect some general tendencies. To address this issue, we
consider four additional cooling runs for each system (giving total of five independent
realizations of the process) at 280, 284 and 288K. To present our observations in a
based on the outcome of five independent 200ns runs (i.e. P tr is the number of runs
that led to the formation of the gel phase divided by the total number of runs), with
summarized in Figure 12. At 280K and 284K all simulations for the bulk bilayer and
nanoparticle at the surface, lead to the formation of the gel phase (P tr=1). At 288K,
most of the simulations for these three systems lead to the formation of the gel phase
(with some variation between the systems). Interestingly, the behavior of the DPPC
consistently different. First of all, at 288K none of the runs leads to the formation of
the gel phase (Ptr=0). Even at lower temperatures (284K and 280K), in one out of five
runs the system remains in the fluid phase. This trend is discussed in more detail in
IV. Discussion
simulations based on the MARTINI coarse-grained forcefield and explored
the core of the bilayer and 6nm charged hydrophobic nanoparticles located at the
bilayer interface. Our conclusions are as follows. We established that the presence of
the nanoparticle either in the core of the bilayer or at the surface leads to the
disordered local structure of the lipid bilayer. This effect is particularly evident from
the second-rank order parameter analysis. For both 3nm hydrophobic nanoparticle
located in the core of the bilayer and 6nm positively charged nanoparticle at the
surface of the bilayer no significant effect on the location of the fluid-gel phase
transformation was detected compared to the bulk bilayer case. For the hydrophobic
nanoparticle in the bilayer core, this is consistent with the earlier experimental
this regime no detectable change in the phase behavior can be observed according to
the bilayer surface. The formation of the gel phase was systematically delayed,
between the particle and the positively charged amine groups of the lipid molecules,
leading to a denser packing and higher order of lipids in the vicinity of the
nanoparticle. This in turn should serve as an initial nucleus for the gel phase and
promote, rather than delay, gel phase formation. It is worthwhile to mention here that
in a recent study Li and Gu also investigated charged nanoparticles at the surface of
the bilayer using the same forcefield and observed a significant wrapping of the
bilayer around the nanoparticle with almost complete endosome formation 22. The
density of the bilayer also seems to be higher under the negatively charged particle.
We note, however, that their particles were predominantly composed of polar beads
and featured an average surface charge up to 12 times higher than the one considered
Initially, we proposed the following explanation for this result. The considered
negatively charged nanoparticle causes partial curving of the bilayer around itself.
The surface charges also do not allow a fully hydrophobic nanoparticle to translocate
into the interior of the bilayer. Within our model, however, the density of the negative
charge is not high enough to initiate ordering of the lipid bilayers. As a result, the key
impact of the nanoparticle on the bilayer would be the distortion of the bilayer
surface. The reported effect of the lipid curvature on the fluid-gel transition would
correlate nicely with an earlier observation of Marrink and co-workers, who showed
lower temperatures compared to planar systems 32. However, lack of these effects for
the positively charged nanoparticle, where a similar distortion of the bilayer was also
The nature of this mechanism, through which the negatively charged nanoparticle at
the surface of the bilayer affects the fluid-gel transformation, has not been yet
elucidated. One possible investigation route is associated with the details of our model
experimental system and alternative designs with the same surface charge are possible
that the very disorder in the arrangement of the charges in our model is linked to the
disorder induced by the nanoparticle in the underlying lipid bilayer structure, and thus
to the phase behavior of the system. To further probe this hypothesis, the behavior of
the positively charged nanoparticle must be explained from the same perspective.
This, as well fluid-gel transformations as a function of the charge model and surface
J.P.P.R. acknowledges the financial support from the “Fundação para a Ciencia e
would like to thank Mr. Alex Harrison for diligent proofreading and useful
suggestions. This work has made use of the resources provided by the Edinburgh
protocol, examples of the simulation run parameters, additional data on the lipid
surface area per lipid molecule for various realizations of the cooling process,
Figure 1: Computer visualization of the coarse-grained DPPC molecule (left,
about 2.5nm in size), fully hydrophobic 3nm nanoparticle (center) and negatively
charged 6nm nanoparticle (right), with negative beads bearing -1e charge shown
in red. The red frame in the visualization of the DPPC molecule shows the
(T=323K). On the left side of the figure, the 3nm hydrophobic nanoparticle is
immersed in the core of the DPPC bilayer (side and top views are provided,
respectively); on the right side of the figure, a system containing the 6nm
surface of the bilayer, causing partial wrapping of the bilayer (side and top views
are provided, respectively). Similar behavior is also observed for the positively
the bilayer patch are about 30nm by 40nm, depending on the system and
T(K) for the bulk DPPC bilayer (red circles and solid black line) and in the
negatively charged nanoparticle (black triangles and dashed line) and the 6nm
Figure 4: 2D radial distribution function g(r) calculated for C 2 beads of the lipid
tails as a function of the distance r[nm]. The fluid phase at 323K is shown on the
Figure 5: Order parameter P2 for the bonds in the lipid molecule. Location of the
various beads within the DPPC molecule is shown on the left. Closed symbols
correspond to the fluid phase at 323K and open symbols correspond to the gel
Cyan color corresponds to C2 beads with exactly six neighbors and in the gel
formation, whereas other colors depict various other situations. A typical fluid
phase configuration at 323K is shown on the left, and a gel phase configuration
at 278K is shown on the right. The lipid patch dimensions are about 30nm by
the presence of the 3nm hydrophobic nanoparticle (left, the position of the
the position of the nanoparticle is shown by the red circle) at 278K. Cyan color
corresponds to C2 beads in the gel phase, with other colors marking disordered
Figure 8: 2D radial distribution function g(r) calculated for C 2 beads of the lipid
tails as a function of the distance r[nm] in the presence of the 3nm nanoparticle
in the bilayer core (left) and 6nm negatively charged nanoparticle at the bilayer
surface (right). Black lines correspond to the bulk reference case at 278K, red
lines correspond to the 6nm by 6nm area in the vicinity of the nanoparticle, and
Figure 9: Order parameter P 2 for NC3-PO4 bond (black line), C 2A-C3A bond
(blue line) and C3A-C4A bond (red line) as a function of the distance r[nm] from
the location of the 3nm hydrophobic nanoparticle (left) and 6nm negatively
charged nanoparticle on the surface of the bilayer (right) at 278K. r=0 in this
Bulk values of these order parameters are shown as dashed lines of the
corresponding colors. Vertical black dashed line in the left graph marks the
Figure 10: Maximum cluster size of C2 beads in the gel phase as a function of
simulation time (log scale) for the bulk system (black line), systems with the 3nm
hydrophobic nanoparticle in the bilayer core (blue line), 6nm negatively charged
nanoparticle (red line) and 6nm positively charged nanoparticle (green line) at
Figure 11: Computer visualizations of the gel phase development in the bulk
system (top three graphs), and in the presence of the 3nm nanoparticle (3 graphs
in the middle) and 6nm negatively charged nanoparticle, captured at 14, 70 and
110ns at 284K. The gel cluster of the largest size is shown in cyan color, with the
clusters of other sizes assigned colors at random (beads in fluid phase are not
Figure 12: Estimated probability (based on five 200ns runs) P tr of the lipid
bilayer transformation to the gel phase as a function of temperature T(K) for the
bulk DPPC bilayer (red circles and solid black line) and in the presence of the
3nm hydrophobic nanoparticle (white circles and dotted line), 6nm negatively
charged nanoparticle (black triangles and dashed line) and 6nm positively
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Figure 1: Computer visualization of the coarse-grained DPPC molecule (left,
about 2.5nm in size), fully hydrophobic 3nm nanoparticle (center) and negatively
charged 6nm nanoparticle (right), with negative beads bearing -1e charge shown
in red. The red frame in the visualization of the DPPC molecule shows the
Figure 2: Typical configurations of the systems containing nanoparticles
(T=323K). On the left side of the figure, the 3nm hydrophobic nanoparticle is
immersed in the core of the DPPC bilayer (side and top views are provided,
respectively); on the right side of the figure, a system containing the 6nm
surface of the bilayer, causing partial wrapping of the bilayer (side and top views
are provided, respectively). Similar behavior is also observed for the positively
the bilayer patch are about 30nm by 40nm, depending on the system and
Figure 3: Surface area S(nm2) per lipid molecule as a function of temperature
T(K) for the bulk DPPC bilayer (red circles and solid black line) and in the
negatively charged nanoparticle (black triangles and dashed line) and the 6nm
Figure 4: 2D radial distribution function g(r) calculated for C 2 beads of the lipid
tails as a function of the distance r[nm]. The fluid phase at 323K is shown on the
Figure 5: Order parameter P2 for the bonds in the lipid molecule. Location of the
various beads within the DPPC molecule is shown on the left. Closed symbols
correspond to the fluid phase at 323K and open symbols correspond to the gel
Figure 6: Computer visualization of C 2 beads in a single lipid bilayer leaflet.
Cyan color corresponds to C2 beads with exactly six neighbors and in the gel
formation, whereas other colors depict various other situations. A typical fluid
phase configuration at 323K is shown on the left, and a gel phase configuration
at 278K is shown on the right. The lipid patch dimensions are about 30nm by
Figure 7: Computer visualization of C 2 beads in a single lipid bilayer leaflet in
the presence of the 3nm hydrophobic nanoparticle (left, the position of the
the position of the nanoparticle is shown by the red circle) at 278K. Cyan color
corresponds to C2 beads in the gel phase, with other colors marking disordered
Figure 8: 2D radial distribution function g(r) calculated for C 2 beads of the lipid
tails as a function of the distance r[nm] in the presence of the 3nm nanoparticle
in the bilayer core (left) and 6nm negatively charged nanoparticle at the bilayer
surface (right). Black lines correspond to the bulk reference case at 278K, red
lines correspond to the 6nm by 6nm area in the vicinity of the nanoparticle, and
Figure 9: Order parameter P 2 for NC3-PO4 bond (black line), C 2A-C3A bond
(blue line) and C3A-C4A bond (red line) as a function of the distance r[nm] from
the location of the 3nm hydrophobic nanoparticle (left) and 6nm negatively
charged nanoparticle on the surface of the bilayer (right) at 278K. r=0 in this
Bulk values of these order parameters are shown as dashed lines of the
corresponding colors. Vertical black dashed line in the left graph marks the
Figure 10: Maximum cluster size of C2 beads in the gel phase as a function of
simulation time (log scale) for the bulk system (black line), systems with the 3nm
hydrophobic nanoparticle in the bilayer core (blue line), 6nm negatively charged
nanoparticle (red line) and 6nm positively charged nanoparticle (green line) at
Figure 11: Computer visualizations of the gel phase development in the bulk
system (top three graphs), and in the presence of the 3nm nanoparticle (3 graphs
in the middle) and 6nm negatively charged nanoparticle, captured at 14, 70 and
110ns at 284K. The gel cluster of the largest size is shown in cyan color, with the
clusters of other sizes assigned colors at random (beads in fluid phase are not
Figure 12: Estimated probability (based on five 200ns runs) P tr of the lipid
bilayer transformation to the gel phase as a function of temperature T(K) for the
bulk DPPC bilayer (red circles and solid black line) and in the presence of the
3nm hydrophobic nanoparticle (white circles and dotted line), 6nm negatively
charged nanoparticle (black triangles and dashed line) and 6nm positively