It is sold with a
load of 6%. What is the offering price?
The offering price includes a 6% front-end load, or sales commission, meaning
that every dollar paid results in only $0.94 going toward purchase of shares.
NAV $ 10 . 70
Offering price = 1−load 1−0 . 06 = $11.38
2. If the offering price of an open-end fund is $12.30 per share and the fund is
sold with
a front-end load of 5%, what is its net asset value?
NAV = offering price (1 – load) = $12.30 .95 = $11.69
Pr ice−NAV $ 36−$ 39 . 40
NAV $ 39. 40
b. Premium (or discount) = = = –0.086 = -8.6%
The fund sells at an 8.6% discount from NAV
2. The following table lists 12 monthly stock returns (in percent) of a mutual
(r ft) (r mt ) (r pt ) (t)
Based on the information given in the table, answer the following questions:
Table 2:
Dependent Variable: RP-RF
Method: Least Squares
Date: 12/26/17 Time: 01:24
Sample: 2011M01 2011M12
Included observations: 12
Table 3:
Dependent Variable: RP-RF
Method: Least Squares
Date: 12/26/17 Time: 01:35
Sample: 2011M01 2011M12
Included observations: 12
(a) A fund manager’s selection ability is judged by the intercept term of the following
r pt −r ft =α p+ β p ( r mt −r ft ) +ε pt
By estimating the preceding index model, we obtain the estimates of the slope and
^β =0.881
α^ p=( r p−r f )− β^ p ( r m −r f )
Note that this estimation can be done by using Excel spreadsheet or any statistical
software package.
Because the Jensen alpha, α^ p, is positive but statistically insignificant, we say that
>> There are other important measures of performance that can also be extracted
from Table 1. These statistics can be used to infer whether the fund is actively or
passively managed. The tracking error measures the performance of the fund
compared to the underlying index. The R2 can be used loosely to indicate how
closely the fund mimics the performance of its underlying index. In our case
R =0.42 which is very low indicating that the fund is actively managed. The
residuals from the CAPM. The Tracking error can be extracted from Table 1 as it
is the S.E. of regression which is equal to 3.41. also the information ration and the
r pt −r ft =α p+ β p ( r mt −r ft ) +γ p ( r mt−r ft ) + ε pt
the coefficients:
insignificant. Thus, we may say that the fund manager does NOT have
insignificant, we cannot reject the null that the fund manager do not have
b G= ∑ X i b i