Research Proposal On Fire Detection and Control System

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Fire Detection and Control System




This project "automatic fire control system" was developed using micro controller ".fire control
system is a system that used to identify a developing fire emergency in a timely manner and also
provides a convenient solution to avoid frequent fire accident. First set detector to maximum
value then feed the output signal from the detector to micro controller, it changes this signal
analog to digital display on the LCD. we use automatically fire detection and manual fire
detection gives an initiating signal to the micro controller in the form of smoke and heat then the
micro controller further translate and transmit the signal to notification appliance and for the heat
detector we used LM35 temperature sensor and for smoke detector we used variable resistor.
GSM phones make use of a SIM card to identify the users account .The use of the SIM card
allows GSM network users to quickly move their phone number from one GSM phone to another
by simply the SIM card.

1.1 Objectives
1.1.1 Main objective
The main objective of the project is to identify a developing fire emergency control in a timely

1.1.2 Specific objective

This project aims to achieve the following objectives.
 To design a low cost microcontroller based fire alarm system.

 To develop the prototype of the fire alarm control system using heat and smoke detector.

 To develop the monitoring system to protect the user and their belongings.

Fire Detection and Control System

1.2 Project scope

In a way to achieve the above objectives, this project needs to be implemented as follow.
 The microcontroller is used as the heart of this fire alarm control system that controls the
entire operations involved.

 The fire alarm control system is capable to locate and identified the place where the fire
develop on LCD.

 Capable to send text message using GSM module.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

Fire control system is a system that used to identify a developing fire emergency in a timely
manner. And also to provides a convenient solution to avoid frequent fire accident. The main
purposes of designing and implementing a fire control system device are identifying the
developing fire and also shut down special process system.
In worldwide, even in our country, this system is practicable in different international hotels,
international meeting halls, in guest houses and resorts. Because of the cost and complex
installation of imported devices of fire control systems; this system is not found in many places,
like in our campus, school, and in house application.

Limitation of the project

The limitation of our project is not control the fire after flame occurred. The limitation we get during our
work is there is no internet access, not give enough time for this project.

Research question
 How to control fire accident using microcontroller system?
 Why fire occurs in at home?
 How to identify a developing fire emergency in a timely manner?

Fire Detection and Control System
Qualitative Research
The fire alarm control system is divided into two main parts. These are the hardware and
software parts. They play an important role to make the system work properly and effectively in
a timely manner.

This system involves detection component and microcontroller. First set detectors to maximum
value. Feed the output signal from the detector to microcontroller, it changes this signal (analog)
to digital. When the detectors read value beyond the maximum it activates all the system.

Data collection
Secondary data collection methods are used in this study. Some of them are like
 Journal articles that comment on or analyses research.
 Textbooks.
 Dictionaries and encyclopedias.
 Books that interpret analyses.
 Political commentary.
 Biographies.
 Dissertations.
 Newspaper editorial/opinion pieces.

Data Analysis
This system involves detection component and microcontroller. Feed the output signal from the
detector to microcontroller, it changes this signal (analog) to digital. Secondary data collection
methods are used in this study. This fire alarm control system is split into two parts. This is the
hardware and software. They play an important role in ensuring that the system functions
properly and effectively.

Fire Detection and Control System



2.1 Fire Alarm system

A key aspect of fire protection is to identify a developing fire emergency in a timely manner, and
to alert the building's occupants. First, they provide a means to identify a developing fire through
either manual or automatic methods. Second, they alert building occupants to a fire condition and
the need to evacuate. Another common function is the transmission of an alarm notification
signal to the fire department or other emergency response organization. They may also shut
down electrical, air handling equipment or special process operations, and they may be used to
initiate automatic suppression systems.

2.2 Conventional System Architecture ban

The philosophy of a conventional system revolves around dividing the building into a number of
areas where the devices locate. The detectors and call points within each area are then wired on
dedicated circuits. In the event of a detector or call point being triggered, the panel is able to
identify which circuit contains the triggered device and thereby indicate which location the fire
alarm has come from. It is then necessary to manually search the indicated location to pinpoint
the exact cause of the fire alarm. Unwanted Alarms because most conventional detectors are
simple two state devices they can only be in either a normal or fire condition. Although modern
components and good system design can go some way to reducing potential problems, it is not
uncommon for conventional systems to generate unwanted alarms due to certain operating
conditions or transient environmental conditions such as the presence of steam near to a smoke
detector. A key development aimed at reducing such unwanted alarms has been the multi-criteria
detector. Traditionally, detectors were designed to respond to particular fire phenomena such as
heat or the presence of smoke. For sounder circuit continuity monitoring to function effectively,
sounder circuits have to be wired in a single radial circuit, spurs and tees are not permitted.

Fire Detection and Control System

Figure 1 Typical system Architecture

2.3 Hardware component

To create more efficient fire control system we have Initiating device circuits signaling line
circuits Notification appliance circuits

2.3.1 Initiating device circuits

Fire detectors are designed to respond at an early stage to one more of the four major
characteristics of combustion, heat, smoke, flame or gas. No single type of detector is suitable
for all types of premises or fires. Detectors should be chosen for the best response to the effects
of fires, as well the need to minimize unwanted false alarm activations.
Manual Fire Detection - Pull Stations
The general design philosophy is to place stations within reach along paths of escape. It is for
this reason that they can usually be found near exit doors in corridors and large rooms. The
advantage of manual alarm stations is that, upon discovering the fire, they provide occupants
with a readily identifiable means to activate the building fire alarm system.

Fire Detection and Control System
MQ-2 Semiconductor Sensor
Sensitive material of MQ-2 gas sensor is SnO2, which with lower conductivity in clean air.
When the target combustible gas or smoke exist, the sensor’s conductivity is higher along with
the gas or smoke concentration rising. It uses simple electro circuit to convert change of
conductivity to corresponding output signal of gas concentration. MQ-2 gas sensor has high
sensitivity to LPG, Propane and Hydrogen, smoke also could be used to Methane and other
combustible steam, it is with low cost and suitable for different application .

Automatic Detectors – Heat/Thermal

Heat detectors are the oldest type of automatic fire detection device. They began development of
automatic sprinklers in the 1860s and have continued to the present with proliferation of various
types of devices.

Heat detectors that only initiate an alarm and have no extinguishing function are still in use.
Although they have the lowest false alarm rate of all automatic fire detector devices, they also
the slowest in fire detecting. A heat detector is best situated for fire detection in a small confined
space where rapidly building high-output fires are expected, in areas where ambient conditions
would not allow the use of other fire detection devices, or when speed of detection is not a prime

Figure 2 MQ-2 Semiconductor Sensor

Heat detectors are generally located on or near the ceiling and respond to the convicted thermal
energy of a fire. They respond either when the detecting element reaches a predetermined fixed

Fire Detection and Control System
temperature or to a specified rate of temperature change. In general, heat detectors are designed
to operate when heat causes a prescribed change in a physical or electrical property of a material
or gas. Heat Detector is a fire detector that detects either abnormally high temperature, or rate of
temperature rise, or both. Heat detectors can be sub-divided by their operating principles:

1. Fixed Temp

Fixed-temperature heat detectors are designed to alarm when the temperature of the operating
elements reaches a specific point. The air temperature at the time of alarm is usually
considerably higher than the rated temperature because it takes time for the air to raise the
temperature of the operating element to its set point. This condition is called thermal lag. Fixed-
temperature heat detectors are available to cover a wide range of operating temperatures - from
about 135'F (57'C) and higher. Higher temperatures detectors are also necessary so that detection
can be provided in areas normally subject to high ambient temperatures, or in areas zoned so that
only detectors in the immediate fire area operate.

2. Rate-of-Rise
One effect that flaming fire has on the surrounding area is to rapidly increase air temperature in
the space above the fire. Fixed-temperature heat detectors will not initiate an alarm until the air
temperature near the ceiling exceeds the design operating point
3. Combination
Combination detectors contain more than one element which responds to fire. These detectors
may be designed to respond from either element, or from the combined partial or complete
response of both elements. An example of the former is a heat detector that Operates on both the
rate-of-raise and fixed-temperature principles.
4. Flame
A flame detector responds either to radiant energy visible to the human eye (approx. 4000 to
7700 A) or outside the range of human vision. Similar to the human eye, flame detectors have a
'cone of vision', or viewing angle, that defines the effective detection capability of the detector.
With this constraint, the sensitivity increases as the angle of incidence decreases. Such a detector
is sensitive to glowing embers, coals, or flames which radiate energy of sufficient intensity and
spectral quality to actuate the alarm. Each type of fuel, when burning, produces a flame with

Fire Detection and Control System
specific radiation characteristics. A flame detection system must be chosen for the type of fire
that is probable.

LM35 Precision centigrade Temperature Sensor

The LM35 series are precision integrated-circuit temperature sensors, whose output voltage is
linearly proportional to the Celsius (Centigrade) temperature. The LM35 thus has an advantage
over linear temperature sensors calibrated in 0Kelvin, as the user is not required to subtract a
large constant voltage from its output to obtain convenient Centigrade scaling. The LM35 does
not require any external calibration or trimming.

Low cost is assured by trimming and calibration at the wafer level. The LM35's low output
impedance, linear output, and precise inherent calibration make interfacing to readout or control
circuitry especially easy.

2.3.2 Signaling line circuits

GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications)

GSM is a TDMA (Time Division Multiple access) based wireless network technology developed
in Europe that is used throughout most of the world. GSM phones make use of a SIM card to
identify the user's account. The use of the SIM card allows GSM network users to quickly move
their phone number from one GSM phone to another by simply moving the SIM card

DC Motor and Motor drives

Direct-current motors are extensively used in variable speed drives and position-control systems
where good dynamic response and steady-state performance are required. Examples are in
robotic drives, printers, machine tools, process rolling mill, paper and textile industries, and
many others. Control of a dc motor, especially of the separately excited type, is very straight
forward, mainly because of the incorporation of the commentator with in the motor. Series or
parallel combinations of more than one motor are used when dc motors are applied in
applications that handle larger loads.

Fire Detection and Control System
2.3.3 Arduino
Arduino is a tool for making computers that can sense and control more of the physical world
than our computer. It's an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple
microcontroller board, and a development environment for writing software for the board.
Arduino can be used to develop interactive objects, taking inputs from a variety of switches or
sensors, and controlling a variety of lights, motors, and other physical outputs. Arduino projects
can be stand-alone, or they can communicate with software running on our computer.

2.3.4 Arduino Uno

The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board is based on the ATmega328 (datasheet). It has 14
digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz
crystal oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It
contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with
a USB cable or power it with AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started.

Figure 3 Arduino Uno R3 Pin Diagram


Fire Detection and Control System


This fire alarm control system is divided into two main parts. These are the hardware and
software parts. They play an important role to make the system work properly and effectively.
The first step in methodology was the systems literature studies, research and analysis. It
includes problem identification and determining the system objective. During this period the
system requirement is determined which is hardware, software and interface involved in the
system development.
The second step is designing the system. The main activity is transforming the analysis and
requirement obtained from step one into design specification for constructing and system
implementation. This step divided into two designing the detection system and monitoring
Designing detection system
This system involves detection component and microcontroller. First set detectors to maximum
value then feed the output signal from the detector to microcontroller, it changes this signal
(analog) to digital and display on the LCD. Then take this digital value as a control method for
the detectors. When the detectors read value beyond the maximum it activates all the system.
Designing monitoring system
This monitoring device Arduino involves controlling the entire system. It is designed in a way to
control the system using microcontroller on it. All the mechanism to monitor the system written
on the code then load this code on the Arduino according to the loaded code the microcontroller
controls the entire system.

3.1 Fire control system

This project typically made up of initiating device circuits, signaling line circuits and notification
appliance circuits. The block diagram below gives an overview about our entire project. Each
section in the block diagram comprises different device with different functionality. For
example, smoke detector, heat detectors are used to sense the smoke and heat above the stated
value. LCD and LED used to display the result, at this condition the exhaust fan start work to
reduce smoke and heat. The firing occurred over, the buzzer call in order to the operator heard.

Fire Detection and Control System

Figure 4 system network

3.2 Initiating devices technique

Initiating devices are two type automatically fire detection and manually fire detection device.
This is the device where the whole system depend up on .It gives an initiating signal to the
microcontroller in the form of smoke and heat then the microcontroller further translate and
transmit the signal to notification appliance . Automatically operating device includes smoke
sensor and heat sensor. And the other is manual fire detection, it is a manually operated device
used to initiate an alarm signal.

3.2.1 Detection
A basic necessity of Fire control system is the detection of fire conditions as early as possible, so
as to provide enough time for Automated Systems/ Fire workers for effective counter actions. It
is extremely essential that addressable microprocessors based devices be used, so that the
locations of fire may be easily located. These devices (Detectors) are provided all over the power
plant for detection of fire as early as possible.
Fire detectors are designed to detect one or more characteristics of fire, i.e. smoke, heat or flame.
Any single type of detector is not suitable for all applications and the final choice will depend on
the individual circumstances. Usually combined use of different types of detectors is made to
achieve appropriate standard of protection. The detectors working on different principles of
Fire Detection and Control System
operation will respond differently to a given fire situation. Also, a particular type of detector
cannot detect a fire equally efficiently in all situations. Detectors are classified into the following
 Smoke Detectors

 Heat Detectors

 Flame Detectors

 Linear Heat Sensing Cables

3.2.2 Automatically fire detection

In the project for automatically detection we used smoke and heat sensors. For better accuracy
we put the heat detector in the kitchen because there are a lot of smokes in the kitchen which
lead the sensor to false alarm. And the two smoke detector in the bed room and living room. For
the heat detector we used LM35 temperature sensor as shown in the figure below and for smoke
detector we used variable resistor.

Figure 5 Variable resistor (for smoke sensor)

The LM35 we used is precision integrated-circuit temperature sensor, with an output voltage
linearly proportional to the Centigrade temperature and its performance characteristic is
described in the figure bellow. To match the output voltage from LM35 with the microcontroller
operational voltage range we used signal conditioning.
Fire Detection and Control System
MQ2 sensor
The test circuit of the sensor need to be put to two voltages, heater voltage (VH) and test voltage
(VC) used to detect voltage (VRL) on load resistance (RL) whom is in series with sensor. The
sensor has light polarity, Vc need DC power. VC and VH could use same power circuit with
precondition to assure performance of sensor. In order to make the sensor with better
performance, suitable RL value is needed: power of sensitivity body (Ps)

Sensitivity Characteristics

The figure below shows the typical sensitivity characteristics of the MQ-2, ordinate means
resistance ratio of the sensor (Rs/Ro), abscissa is concentration of gases. Rs means resistance in
different gases, Ro means resistance of sensor in 1000ppm Hydrogen. All tests are under
standard test conditions.

3.2.3 Signal conditioning

When the heat detector detects a temperature beyond its maximum temperature the heat detector
transmit analog signal to the microcontroller and the microcontroller convert the analog signal to
a digital using its integrated ADC convertor for the next step which is for notification appliance.
But the output voltage from the heat detector is 10.0mV/C which is much less than the operating
voltage range of the microcontroller, so the MCU is not respond until it get voltage within its
range. There for we used operational amplifier to amplify the output signal from heat detector
Non-inverting amplifier
In a non- inverting amplifier, the output voltage change in the same direction as the input
voltage. The gain equation for the op-amp is:
Vout = AOL(V+ - V-)
However in this circuit V_ is a function of Vout because of the negative feedback through the Rg
Rf network. R1 and R2 from a voltage divider, and as V- is high-impedance input, it does not
load it appreciably. Consequently:

V- = β . Vout where β = Rg / Rg+Rf

Fire Detection and Control System

Substituting this in to the gain equation we obtain:

Vout = AOL( Vin - β. Vout )

Solving for Vout:

Vout = Vin (1 / β + 1/ AOL)

If AOL is very large, this simplifies to

Vout ͌ Vin / β = Vin / (Rg /Rg + Rg) = Vin( 1 + Rf / Rg)

Note that the non-inverting input of the operational amplifier will need a path for DC to ground;
if the signal source might not give this, or if that source requires a given load impedance, the
circuit will require another resistor from input to ground. In either case, the ideal value for the
feedback resistors (to give minimum offset voltage) will be such that the two resistances in
parallel roughly equal the resistance to ground at the non-inverting input pin.

Figure 6 An op amp connected in non- inverting configuration

3.2.4 Notification appliance technique

Notification appliance includes LCD Display, LED, Buzzer, Cell phone and motor to regulate
the exhaust and supply fan. The LCD displays three string based on the output drawn from
initiating device to the microcontroller, when the LM35 read a temperature beyond its maximum
level the LCD displays fire in the kitchen then the led and buzzer will be on, the motor start run
and the microcontroller send text to the user.

Fire Detection and Control System
3.2.5 Manually fire detection
Manual pull stations are the devices that are located on the wall. While there are different
designs, generally they are activated by pulling on hand. As with all parts of a fire alarm system
pull stations should only be activated when there is a true emergency.

3.2.6 A Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP)

A Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP), or Fire Alarm Control Unit (FACU), is the controlling
component of a fire alarm System. The panel receives information from initiating devices
(sensors) designed to detect changes associated with fire, monitors their operational integrity and
provides for automatic control of equipment, and transmission of information necessary to
prepare the facility for fire based on a predetermined sequence. In our project the Fire Alarm
Panel consists of a Monitoring station, a Master CPU, Loop Cards & Supervisory Control
Our control panel does the following tasks:--
 Detect fire quickly enough to fulfill its intended functions.

 Transmit the detection signal.

 Translate the detection signal into a clear alarm indication that will attract the attention
of the user in an immediate and unmistakable way and indicate the location of fire and
initiate operation of supplementary service, such as fire extinguishing system, etc.

 Remain insensitive to phenomena other than those which its function is to detect.

 Signal immediately and clearly and supervised fault that might put in danger the correct
performance of the system.
These all devices are controlled by the Atmega32 microcontroller, which is inside the control


1. Menvier Fire Systems; COOPER Safety Fire system (The Company’s product manual books).

2. Atmega32Datasheet and LM35 Datasheet.

Fire Detection and Control System
3. C Programming for Microcontrollers Joe Pardue.

4. Fire Detection and Alarm System Basics

(Hochiki America Corporation)


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