3 Paper
3 Paper
3 Paper
E-ISSN: 2278-4136
P-ISSN: 2349-8234
www.phytojournal.com In vitro antimicrobial activity and preliminary
JPP 2020; 9(2): 1649-1653
Received: 25-01-2020 phytochemical screening of some plant extracts
Accepted: 27-02-2020
Keywords: Phytochemical, antimicrobial, plant extracts, Xanthium strumarium, Vitex negundo, Tagetes
erecta, ciprofloxacin, fluconazole, etc.
Bioactive compounds from vegetal sources are potential source of natural antifungic [1]. Many
plants have great potential to produce new drugs which can be useful for human. Plants used in
traditional medicine contain a vast array of substances that can be used to treat chronic and
even infectious diseases [2]. From ancient times, plants have provided tremendous support in
traditional medicine systems as well as for the development of new potential drugs in modern
pharmaceutical industries. Pathogenic bacteria have always been considered as a major cause
of morbidity and mortality in humans. Though the pharmaceutical companies have produced a
number of new antibacterials in the last few years, resistance to these drugs has increased and
it has now become a global concern [3]. Due to the increase of resistance to antibiotics, the
developments of new and innovative antimicrobial agents are utmost needed. Plants have long
been investigated for the potential sources of new agents. Because, they contain many
bioactive secondary metabolites that can be of interest in therapeutic [4]. To consider the
immense importance of medicinal plants for therapeutic target, intensive studies have been
performed on different plant extracts to isolate biologically active compounds [5].
Phytochemicals are non-nutritive plant chemical that have protective or diseases preventive
properties. Plant produces these chemicals to protect itself, but recent research demonstrates
that many phytochemicals in leaves and seeds works differently to protect humans against
diseases [6].
Vitex negundo (Family: Verbenaceae) commonly known as Nirgudi, is an aromatic large shrub
almost found throughout India is traditionally used for the treatment of skin-ulcers, as an
insecticidal, antibacterial, antifungal, for rheumatoid arthritis, gonorrhea, bronchitis,
inflammation, leucoderma, enlargement of the spleen, tumors and related diseases. Scientist
from different areas has studied the significant biological activities of V. negundo plant and
they evaluated its antibacterial [7-12], antifungal [8, 12-13] and cytotoxic activity [6].
Corresponding Author:
Xanthium strumarium L. is an annual plant belonging to the family Asteraceae generally
Nilesh Jawalkar known as common cocklebur is available generally in between October and June in India.
Department of Zoology, Various parts of this plant species were found to possess useful medicinal properties such as
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar anthelmintic [14], antifungal [15], anti-ulcerogenic [16], and anti-inflammatory [17-18] activities; it is
Marathwada University, also known to inhibit proliferation of human cancer cells in vitro [19]. [20] Srinivas et al., (2011),
Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India
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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry http://www.phytojournal.com
reported high levels of bioactive compound group’s viz., Preliminary Phytochemical Screening
alkaloids, phenolic acids and diterpenes and significant The major secondary metabolites like alkaloids, flavonoids,
concentrations of saponins, glycosides, fixed oils, and saponins, phenols, terpenoids, anthraquinone, proteins and
phytosterols in X. strumarium. Tagetes erecta commonly amino acids, carbohydrates and glycosides etc. were assessed
known as marigold is a common ornamental herbaceous shrub according to the standard procedure described by Harborne,
belonging to Asteraceae family with long history of (1998) [32].
traditional medicinal use in many countries. It is used widely
in our Traditional System of Medicine for curing various Antibacterial Screening
diseases [21]. Since ancient time parts of this plant has been Test organisms: A panel of bacterial strains including
used for medicinal purposes and for the skin wash and yellow Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi, Shigella flexneri (gram -
dye used as by Cherokee [22]. Marigold is commonly used in ve) and Staphylococcus aureus (gram +ve) were used for
food additives as a coloring agent and as animal food in antibacterial activity. Standard strains were obtained from
fodder (dried flower meal and extract used as supplement for NCL (National Chemical Laboratory), Pune, India. The
poultry feed), also in tannin or dye industry [23]. It is also used microorganisms were maintained at 4 0C on Mueller Hinton
in medicine (folklore) and as a poison for non vertebrates and Agar (HIMEDIA) slants.
in plant pest control [24].
Caesalpinia bonduc is an Indian medicinal herb belonging to Antifungal Screening
Caesalpiniaceae family, found throughout India and other Test organisms: A panel of fungal species including
tropical countries of the World [25-26]. C. bonduc seed are Alternaria alternata, Penicillium notatum, Aspergillus niger,
traditionally used in the treatment of intermittent fever, Penicillium digitatum were used for antifungal activity.
asthma, colic, antiperiodic, in dyspepsia, dentrifice and Standard strains obtained from Mycology laboratory of
filariasis. Seed kernel is used in the treatment of orchitis, Department of Botany, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
ovaritis, scrofula, useful for dispersing swellings, restraining Marathwada University, Aurangabad (MS), India. The
hemorrhage in hydrocele leprosy and keeping off infectious microorganisms were maintained at 4 0C on Sabouraud
diseases [27-29]. Dextrose Agar (HIMEDIA) plates.
Mucuna pruriens (Family: Fabaceae), commonly called the
velvet bean is a popular Indian medicinal plant, which is used Preparation of the Test Solutions and Antimicrobial Assay
in traditional Ayurvedic Indian medicine, for diseases Using Agar Disc Diffusion Methods
including Parkinsonism and widespread in tropical and sub- Antimicrobial activity was carried out according to the
tropical regions of the world. All parts of M. pruriens possess method of Bauer et al., (1966) [33]. Stock cultures were
valuable medicinal properties and it has been investigated in maintained at 4 0C on slope of Mueller Hinton Agar for
various contexts, including for its anti-diabetic, aphrodisiac, bacteria and plates of Sabouraud Dextrose Agar for fungi. 200
anti-neoplastic, anti-epileptic, and anti-microbial activities [30]. μl of standardized cell suspensions were spread on a Mueller
This plant is widely used in Ayurveda, which is an ancient Hinton Agar. Extracts of all five plants (leaves and seeds)
traditional medical science that has been practiced in India were dissolved in respective solvents and aliquot 10 μl of
since the Vedic times 1500–1000 BC [31]. extracts. The samples were applied to disc paper and air dried.
The air dried discs, with extract were inoculated on agar plate
Material and Methods against selected microorganisms. After 24 hrs of incubation
Collection and Identification of Plant Material the results were recorded in different time interval. The
Fresh Vitex negundo leaves, Xanthium strumarium seeds, effects of plant extracts were compared with Ciprofloxacin
Caesalpinia bonduc seeds, Mucuna pruriens seeds and and Fluconazole as a standard for bacteria as well as fungi
Tagetes erecta petals were collected from local, rural areas of respectively at 1 mg/ml concentration. The results obtained by
Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India. The taxonomic measuring diameters of the zone of inhibition in millimeter
identification of these plants was confirmed from Department (mm) are represented as, +++ = Maximum
of Botany, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, antibacterial/antifungal activity, ++ = Average
Aurangabad. The plant material was washed under running antibacterial/antifungal activity and + = Minimum
tap water, air dried for 2-3 weeks at room temperature (37 0C antibacterial/antifungal activity. The data obtained was
– 40 0C) and pulverized in an electric grinder and stored in tabularized and the necessary statistical applications were
airtight bottles. made.
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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry http://www.phytojournal.com
The antifungal potential of V. negundo leaves, X. strumarium Rose and Cathrine (2011) [36], reported E. coli and
seeds and T. erecta petals was very strong against A. Streptococcus mutans were resistant to three different solvent
alternata. Subsequently, all the five plant extracts in different extracts of V. negundo leaves viz., petroleum ether,
solvents showed their highest antifungal activity against P. dichloromethane and ethanol. They also reported that
notatum. The extracts of V. negundo leaves, C. bonduc seeds Klebsiela pneumoniae, Vibrio cholerae, Streptococcus
shows very less antifungal activity against A. niger and there mutans, Eschericia coli have inhibitory activity next only to
is no any effect of X. strumarium, M. pruriens seeds and T. the Salmonella paratyphi. Lolge et al., (2016) [37], in three C.
erecta petals in all solvent extracts against it. The antifungal auriculata, A. mexicana, S. trifoliatus plant extracts in four
activity of different solvent extracts of screened plants such as different solvents; acetone, methanol, ethanol and chloroform
X. strumarium, C. bonduc seeds, T. erecta petals shows showed their antibacterial activity against E. coli and S.
minimum activity as compared to V. negundo leaves against aureus. Islam et al., (2013) [38], studied; Leaf extract of V.
P. digitatum. There is no any effect of M. pruriens seed negundo in methanol at 10 mg/ml exhibited a variable growth
extracts in all the five solvents against P. digitatum. inhibition capacity against all bacterial species viz., Bacillus
Table No. 2 summarize the microbial growth of different subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
solvent extracts of screened plants against gram –ve bacteria Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhi. Devkota and Das
viz., E. coli, S. typhi, S. flexneri and gram +ve bacteria such as (2015) [39], showed the methanolic extract of X. strumarium
Staphylococcus aureus respectively. Table No. 3 summarize shows zone of inhibition with K. pneumoniae, E. faecalis, B.
the fungicidal effect of different solvent extracts of screened subtilis, P .mirabilis, S. aureus but it was ineffective against
plants. E. coli. Similarly, distilled water extract of X. strumarium
There are many differences in the antibacterial as we as showed zone of inhibition with E. faecalis, B. subtilis, P.
antifungal effects of plant species, due to the phytochemical mirabilis, S. aureus and it was incapable with E. coli and K.
properties and differences among microbes. It may quite pneumonia. The leaf extract of X. strumarium in aqueous,
possible that, some of the plants were ineffective in the ethanol and n-hexane solvents, inhibited S. aureus and not E.
present study do not possess antibiotic properties or the plant coli, K. pneumoniae and B. subtilis [40], but in the present
extracts may have contained antibacterial and antifungal study only n-Hexane extract of X. strumarium showed
constituents insufficient concentrations. The drying process antibacterial effects against S. aureus. The extract of
may have caused conformational changes to occur in some of chloroform of X. strumarium inhibited S. aureus, B. subtilis,
the chemical constituents found in these plants species. E. coli and ethyl acetate extract inhibited S. aureus [41], but no
The secondary metabolites like tannins, flavonoids, steroids, inhibition of any bacterial growth was observed by aqueous
saponins, alkaloids phenols, terpenoids, anthraquinone, extract however we haven’t found any activity of chloroform
proteins and amino acids present in trace amount in some of extract of X. strumarium seed against S. aureus and E. coli.
the plants are showed in Table No. 1. These differences in result may be due to the difference in
time of collection of plant material, difference of solvent,
Discussion dose and habitat of plant material. Verma and Verma (2012)
Each of the extract tested in the present study displayed , studied the antibacterial potential of ethanolic extracts
antibacterial as well as antifungal activity on at least 2-4 from leaves, flower, stem and root of plant T. erecta and
bacterial and 2-4 fungal strains tested. However, differences reported that S. lutea, B. circulence, B. subtilis were most
were observed between antibacterial and antifungal activities sensitive to the leaf extract while E. coli and S. aureus were
of the extracts. These differences may be due to change in the least sensitive to the ethanolic extract. Flower extract showed
chemical composition of these extracts as the bioactive significant antibacterial activity against S. lutea, E. coli, B.
compounds from plants have many effects including circulence.
antibacterial and antiviral properties [34-35].
Table 2: Antibacterial activity of different solvent extracts of screened plants against Gram –ve and Gram +ve bacteria.
Sr. No. Plant Species Plant Part Bacterium Control (Ciprofloxacin) Ethanol Methanol Chloroform Acetone n-Hexane
E. coli (Gram -ve) +++ +++ +++ ++ +++ +
S. typhi (Gram -ve) +++ ++ ++ + ++ -
1. Vitex negundo Leaves
S. flexneri (Gram -ve) +++ ++ ++ - ++ ++
S. aureus (Gram +ve) +++ +++ +++ ++ +++ -
E. coli (Gram -ve) +++ - - - - -
S. typhi (Gram -ve) +++ - + - + +
2. Xanthium strumarium Seed
S. flexneri (Gram -ve) +++ - - - - -
S. aureus (Gram +ve) +++ - - - - +
E. coli (Gram -ve) +++ - - - - -
Caesalpinia S. typhi (Gram -ve) +++ + + ++ + -
3. Seed
bonduc S. flexneri (Gram -ve) +++ + + ++ + -
S. aureus (Gram +ve) +++ + - + + -
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Table 3: Antifungal activity of different solvent extracts of screened plants against four fungal strains.
Sr. No. Plant Species Plant PartFungal Strain Control (Fluconazole) Ethanol Methanol Chloroform Acetone n-Hexane
Alternaria alternata +++ ++ ++ ++ + -
Penicillium notatum +++ ++ + +++ ++ -
1. Vitex negundo Leaves
Aspergillus niger +++ ++ + + + +
Penicillium digitatum +++ - - - - ++
Alternaria alternata +++ + ++ +++ + ++
Penicillium notatum +++ + + ++ + ++
2. Xanthium strumarium Seed
Aspergillus niger +++ - - - - -
Penicillium digitatum +++ +++ + + + -
Alternaria alternata +++ - - ++ ++ -
Caesalpinia Penicillium notatum +++ ++ + + - ++
3. Seed
bonduc Aspergillus niger +++ - - +++ + +
Penicillium digitatum +++ + + ++ + -
Alternaria alternata +++ - - - - -
Mucuna Penicillium notatum +++ + + ++ ++ +
4. Seed
pruriens Aspergillus niger +++ - - - - -
Penicillium digitatum +++ - - - - -
Alternaria alternata +++ ++ + ++ + -
Tagetes Penicillium notatum +++ +++ +++ ++ +++ -
5. Petals
erecta Aspergillus niger +++ - - - - -
Penicillium digitatum +++ ++ + + - +
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